North Mac Middle School 8th Grade American History Instructor: Mr. Fred Mulacek 2012-13

Text The American Journey Glencoe McGraw-Hill 2002 ISBN 0-07-825875-8 Unit 4: The New Republic (1789 to 1825) Pacing Assessments: Concept Tests, Knowledge Surveys, Oral Presentations, Peer Review, Technology Projects August Concepts Essential Questions People, Places, Events, Terms Standards Precedent 1. Determine the actions taken by Washington in his first term that set a precedent for V. President (Adams) 14.A.3 National Debt future presidents. Cabinet 14.B Speculation 2. What was the importance of the Judiciary Act of 1789? Secretary of State (Jefferson) 14D Constitutional 3. Analyze the causes, compromises, and effects of actions taken to improve the Secretary of the Treasury (Hamilton) 14.D.3 Unconstitutional economy in the Washington administration. Secretary of War (Knox) 14.E Compromise Judiciary Act of 1789 14.E.3 John Jay 15A National debt 15.B.3b Washington, D.C. 15.D.3a Pierre Charles L’enfant 16A Benjamin Banneker 16.B.3a 16.B.3c Rebellion 4. Assess the causes of the Whiskey rebellion and judge the precedents set by Whisky Rebellion 16E Neutrality Washington’s actions for all other presidents in the future. Jay’s Treaty 16.E.3a Secession of Power 5. Evaluate the positive impact of Washington’s decision to remain neutral in foreign Proclamation of Neutrality 17A Public Virtue affairs? Washington’s Farewell Address 17.A.3b Political Factions 6. Analyze the impact of the Jefferson-Hamilton debates on the decisions of President Cinncinatus 17.C.3a Term Limits - President Washington and the future path of the country (economics, foreign policy). 17D 7. Analyze the advice given to the nation by Washington in his farewell address 17.D.3a (morality, neutrality, and avoidance of political factions as necessary to the survival of the republic) then infer the precedent set by his departure.

Political Parties 8. Contrast the Federalists and Democrat-Republican ideologies regarding the role of Federalist Partisanship the central government, the economy, and foreign policy. Democrat-Republican Implied Powers 9. Evaluate President Adams’ foreign policy with France and its effects on national John Adams Enumerated Powers politics. Alexander Hamilton Loose Interpretation 10. Critique the Alien & Sedition Acts and judge the validity of the argument made by Thomas Jefferson Strict Interpretation the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions. French Revolution Foreign Affairs XYZ Affair Nullify Quasi War (vs France) States Rights Alien & Sedition Acts Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions Unit 5: The Growing Nation (1820-1860) Pacing Assessments: Concept Tests, Knowledge Surveys, Oral Presentations, Peer Review, Technology Projects August/Sept Concepts Essential Questions People, Places, Events, Terms Standards Deadlock 1. Investigate the presidential politics of the Election of 1800, from the views of each John Adams 14C Laissez-faire candidate to the breaking of the deadlock in the election. Thomas Jefferson 14E Judicial Review 2. Examine the precedents set under the Marshall court. Election of 1800 14.E.3 Laissez-faire 14F Judiciary Act of 1789 15A Judiciary Act of 1801 15.A.3a Supreme Court 15B John Marshall 15C Marbury v. Madison 15.C.3 McCulloch v. Maryland 15D Gibbons v. Ogden 15.D.3c 15E Expansion 3. Explain the events related to the Louisiana Purchase and judge the importance of Western Territory 16A Secede purchase to the future of the United States. Napoleon Bonaparte 16.A.3b 4. Determine the political consequences of the Louisiana Purchase, from its impact on Louisiana Purchase 16C the two party system to the conflict for Jefferson regarding his own political ideology. Pike’s Expedition 16.C.3b 5. Describe the Lewis & Clark expedition and evaluate the importance of information and 16E gathered by the expedition. Conestoga Wagon 16.E.3b , York 16.E.3c Aaron Burr 17A Alexander Hamilton 17.A.3b 17.C.3a Impressment 6. Trace the events that led the United States to war with Great Britain in 1812. Embargo Act 17.C.3c Neutral Rights 7. Determine the significance of the battle for Baltimore. Non-intercourse Act 17.D.3a War Hawk 8. Analyze the lyrics to the “Star Spangled Banner” and its future adoption as the U.S. James Madison 17.D.3b National Anthem national anthem. Frigate , Privateer 18.A.3 Patriotism 9. What was accomplished by the United States by fighting the War of 1812, both Oliver Hazard Perry 18B Nationalism directly as a result of the Treaty of Ghent and indirectly in our future foreign policy? Attack on Washington, D.C. 18.B.3a 10. Analyze the effect of the War of 1812 on national politics. Fort McHenry 18.B.3b Francis Scott Key 18C “Star Spangled Banner” 18.C.3a 18.C.3b Treaty of Ghent Uncle Sam Democrat-Republicans Federalists Hartford Convention Republicans Industrial 11. Explain how the industrial revolution began in the United States? Samuel Slater Revolution 12. Explain how did the cotton gin affected cotton production and the economies of Textiles Capitalism both the northern and the southern regions of the United States? The Lowell Girls Westward 13. Evaluate the effects of westward expansion on improvements in technology in the Eli Whitney Expansion United States. Patent Interchangeable parts Census Turnpikes Canal locks Robert Fulton Internal Improvements

Unity 14. Analyze the factors that created an “Era of Good Feelings.” James Monroe Sectionalism 15. Diagnose the factors that created sectional differences in the 1820s. Missouri Compromise State Sovereignty 16. Explain the Missouri Compromise and support or defend the compromise as a long Tariff of 1816 Compromise term solution for keeping domestic tranquility and unity in the United States. Daniel Webster American System 17. Evaluate the judicial precedents that united the nation by the McCulloch v. Henry Clay Disarmament Maryland and Gibbons v. Ogden decisions. John Marshall Demilitarization McCulloch v. Maryland Treaty Gibbons v. Ogden John Quincy Adams

Disarmament 18. Trace the causes and course of events of the 1st War and the role of Andrew Eastern Florida, Western Florida Demilitarization Jackson (including the call for his court-martial). General Andrew Jackson Joint Occupation 19. Compare the progress made in foreign affairs during the “Era of Good Feelings” with 1st Seminole War Treaty Great Britain and Spain, explaining how the United States became more secure as a Micanopy Annexation nation. Oregon Country Treaty 20. What areas did the United States obtain from Spain in the Adams-Onis Treaty? Adams-Onis Treaty U.S. Territory 21. Explain the Monroe Doctrine foreign policy and predict the effect the new policy Temporary & Territorial Governors Doctrine would have on the future role of the United States in the Western Hemisphere. William P. Duval John Quincy Adams Rush-Bagot Treaty Convention Of 1818 Monroe Doctrine Favorite Son 22. Compare and contrast the 1824 presidential candidates Jackson and Adams both in Andrew Jackson Majority their political views and their supporters. John Quincy Adams Plurality 23. Assess the function of the 12th Amendment relative to the events of the 1824 Henry Clay State’s Rights presidential election. 12th Amendment Mudslinging 24. Justify or criticize Jackson’s claim of a “corrupt bargain” when speaking of the “Corrupt Bargain” Landslide Adam’s presidency? Democrat-Republicans Suffrage 25. Compare and contrast the 1828 presidential candidates Jackson and Adams both in National Republicans Caucus their political beliefs and the tactics used by each to win the election. National Party Convention Nominating 26. Summarize democratic participation increased during the Age of Jackson and analyze Convention the extent to which Jackson was responsible for this increase. Bureaucracy 27. In the spirit of democracy, evaluate the ways Jackson set new precedents for the Spoils System executive branch in dealing with corruption and bureaucracy.

Tarrif 28. What ways did the new tariff of 1828 divide the nation by region? Webster-Hayne Debate Nullify 29. Assess the actions of Andrew Jackson in handling the nullification crisis over tariffs. John C. Calhoun Secede How did the crisis foreshadow a future civil war? Nullification Crisis/ Act Relocation 30. After analyzing the Supreme Court ruling in Worcester v Georgia, evaluate Andrew Force Bill Reservation Jackson’s response to the ruling. 5 Civilized Tribes Guerilla Tactics 31. Compare the response to the Indian Removal Act by the Florida and the Indian Removal Act Indian Territories Cherokees. Were there other native groups who acted similarly to the Seminoles? Cherokee Nation Charter 32. Identify the location of the Indian Territories of Oklahoma and Florida, and the Worchester v. Georgia Deposits corresponding forced migration routes. Trail Of Tears Laissez-Faire 33. Explain why Andrew Jackson was against a National Bank and the Maysville Road Chief Black Hawk Depression/Panic Bill and how he succeeded in defeating his opponents (e.g. ending the bank’s charter)? Seminole Indians 34. In what ways would the actions of Jackson ending the National Bank prove Chief Osceola, Chief Micanopy problematic for the next president? 2nd Seminole War McCullough v. Maryland National Bank, State Banks Maysville Road Bill Martin Van Buren Panic Of 1837

Manifest Destiny 35. Evaluate John Quincy Adams’s statement that American expansion to the John Quincy Adams Migration Pacific was a “law of nature,” and the origins and meaning of the term Manifest John O’ Sullivan Joint Occupation Destiny. Oregon Country Annexation 36. How did help Americans justify their desire to extend the Mountain Man U.S. to the Pacific? Rendezvous 37. Trace the life of the first Americans to reach the Oregon Country, from the South Pass reasons for migration to their impact on future settlement. Whitman Mission 38. Evaluate the phrase “Fifty-Four Forty or Fight” and its impact on both Emigrant domestic and foreign affairs. Prairie Schooner “Fifty-Four Forty or Fight”

Treaty 39. Describe the Adams-Onis Treaty and its impact over the region of . Adam’s Onis Treaty Decree 40. Trace the problems that arose between the U.S. settlers and Mexico in Texas, Davey Crockett Reconciliation from the causes that changed the population in the region to the actions of Tejanos Annex Mexico that would lead U.S. settlers to armed conflict. Empresarios 41. Describe the events of the Alamo and explain how the fall of the Alamo Stephen F. Austin helped the cause of Texas Independence even though it was a defeat for the General Santa Anna Texans. 42. Analyze the causes of the United States failure to annex Texas, and The Alamo subsequent meaning of the name ‘Lone Star Republic’. Sam Houston Andrew Jackson Lone Star Republic John Tyler James K. Polk

Cede/ Cession 43. Illustrate the causes of U.S. settlement in the Southwest and from 1820-1845, as well as the conflicts with Mexico caused by settlement. 44. Describe the causes and effects of the United States’ war with Mexico. John C. Freemont 45. Trace the events of the Mexican-American War and illustrate the territory Ranchos, Rancheros gained by the United States. General Zachary Taylor Bear Flag Republic Mexican Cession Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Gadsden Purchase

Gold Rush/Gold Fever 46. Illustrate how the hope of getting rich drew thousands of people to settle in Nat Love Migration California after the Mexican American War and the types of towns the settlers Forty-Niners created. Boomtown 47. Explain how the search for religious freedom led to the settlement of Utah Vigilantes and the reasons for successful settlement in the desert. President Zachary Taylor Levi Strauss, Jacob Davis Mormons, Joseph Smith Unit 5 (Cont.) Pacing Assessments: Concept Tests, Knowledge Surveys, Oral Presentations, Peer Review, Technology Projects October Concepts Essential Questions People, Places, Events, Terms Standards Industrialization 1. Illustrate how the advances in technology, transportation, and communication Clipper Ship 14C Invention shaped the economy of the north. Robert Fulton 14E Strike 2. Describe how the working conditions changed in the north over the first half of Lowell Girls 14.E.3 Immigration the 19th century. Telegraph 14F Nativism 3. Describe the treatment of men and women, immigrants and Morse code 15A Famine in Northern factories. Trade Union 15.A.3a Prejudice 4. Evaluate the changes in immigration patterns of the north during Nativist 15B Discrimination industrialization and its impact the cultural and political life in the North? “Real” American 15C American (Know-Nothing) Party 15.C.3 15D Settlement 5. Describe the changes in settlement in the South caused by growth. Upper South 15.D.3c Export 6. After describing the invention of the cotton gin and analyze its effect on the Deep South 15E Economic Growth South’s economy. Eli Whitney 16A Capital 7. Compare and contrast industrialization in the North and South, identifying the Cotton Gin 16.A.3b Tennant Farming barriers that inhibited the South from industrializing like the North. Yeoman 16C Plantation Farming 8. Categorize the different classes of people that made up the South’s culture. Tennant Farmer 16.C.3b Slave Codes 9. Investigate life on a plantation farm, from the economic goals of the business Overseer 16E operation, to daily life for the owners, workers, and slaves. Black Church, Spirituals 16.E.3b 10. Despite their life under slavery, how did African Americans slaves maintain Nat Turner (rebellion) 16.E.3c strong family and cultural ties with one another? Underground Railroad 17A 11. Contrast the developing resistance to slavery that was developed in the South Harriet Tubman 17.A.3b and southern reaction (slave codes). Frederick Douglass 17.C.3a Religious Revival 12. Examine how religious ideas inspired various social reform movements during 2nd Great Awakening 17.C.3c Reform the early 1800s? Charles Finney, Lyman Beecher 17.D.3a Temperance 13. Analyze the impact of the following reform movements on American society in Temperance Movement, Frances Willard 17.D.3b ‘Public’ School the 19th century: temperance, abolition, women’s rights, education, and the William Lloyd Garrison, The Liberator 18.A.3 Abolition movement to help the mentally ill and handicapped. Frederick Douglass, Sojourner Truth 18B Suffrage 14. How did the American spirit of reform influence transcendentalists? Harriet Tubman, Underground Railroad 18.B.3a Equality 15. Account for the fact that women initiated and made up a majority of the numbers American Colonization Society 18.B.3b Transcendentalism of social reformers? Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton 18C Civil Disobedience Seneca Fall Convention 18.C.3a Horace Mann, Normal School 18.C.3b Dorothea Dix, Samuel Gridley Howe Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson Susan B. Anthony, Grimke Sisters Unit 6: The Civil War and Reconstruction Pacing Assessments: Concept Tests, Knowledge Surveys, Oral Presentations, Peer Review, Technology Projects October Concepts Essential Questions People, Places, Events, Terms Standards Sectionalism 1. Evaluate how the North and the South compare in terms of population, economy, and resources Missouri Compromise 14.C.3 Secede and predict how these factors could help cause a future Civil War. Free Soil Party 14.D.3 2. Trace the changes in the debate over slavery and admission of new states, from the Missouri California, 15B Compromise to the Compromise of 1850 (and the significance of the Fugitive Slave Act). Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun 17A 3. Explaining the events that led to civil conflict in Kansas and determine if the concept of ‘popular Wilmot Proviso 17.A.3b sovereignty’ outlined by Congress in the Kansas-Nebraska Act was the cause of ‘Bleeding Kansas” Zachary Taylor 17.C.3a and later violence in the Senate. Daniel Webster 17D Millard Fillmore 18.A.3 Stephen Douglass 18.B.3a Compromise of 1850 18.C.3a Slave Code, Fugitive Slave Act 18.C.3b Border Ruffians Kansas-Nebraska Act John Brown, Bleeding Kansas State’s Rights 4. How did writings such as Uncle Tom’s Cabin affect the conflict over slavery in national politics? Republican Party Popular Sovereignty 5. Why was the Republican Party formed and what did the presidential election of 1856 reveal Harriet Beecher Stowe Unconstitutional regarding sectionalism in the nation? Uncle Tom’s Cabin Martyr 6. Review the facts of the Dred Scott case, analyze the written decision by Roger Taney and Dred Scott, Roger B. Taney determine its impact on creating conflict in the nation. Abraham Lincoln 7. In what ways did the Lincoln Douglass Debates of 1858 and John Brown’s raid at Harper’s Stephen Douglas Ferry motivate proslavery southerners and also antislavery southerners, subsequently Freeport Doctrine making a national compromise less likely? John Brown Arsenal, Harper’s Ferry Majority 8. Explain the way in which the Election of 1860 clearly divided the nation along sectional lines, both Abraham Lincoln Electoral Map the electoral results and the immediate response in the South. Election of 1860 State’s Rights 9. Trace the events of secession and explain the Confederate States’ justification for breaking from the Secede Secession Union; how effective were Buchanan’s and Lincoln’s immediate responses in trying to keep the Fort Sumter Border State nation together? Abraham Lincoln Civil War 10. Sequence the events of the attack at Fort Sumter and explain Lincoln’s subsequent response/actions Confederate States of America War Between the States to the attack. Jefferson Davis Offensive 11. Explain the importance of the Border States and how they impacted Lincoln’s decisions. Rebel Blockade 12. Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of the North and South going into the Civil Yankee War (people, industry, resources, terrain) 13. What were the war aims and strategies of the Union and the Confederacy entering the war? Unit 6: The Civil War and Reconstruction (Cont.) Pacing Assessments: Concept Tests, Knowledge Surveys, Oral Presentations, Peer Review, Technology Projects November Concepts Essential Questions People, Places, Events, Terms Standards Civil War 1. Describe the average age and background of soldiers fighting in the Civil War. Rebels, Yankees 14.C.3 Volunteer 2. How did the lives of civilians change because of the war? Spies 14.D.3 Draft 3. Describe the medical treatment provided to soldiers during the Civil War. American Red Cross 15B Habeas 4. Describe the role of women and African Americans during the Civil War. Clara Barton, Rose Greenhow 17A Corpus 5. How did the war affect the economies of the North and the South? Belle Boyd, Dorothea Dix 17.A.3b Blockade Sally Tompkins 17.C.3a Inflation Contrabands 17D 54th Massachusetts 18.A.3 18.B.3a Victory 6. Trace the successes and failures of the North and the South during the early years of the 1st Battle Of Bull Run 18.C.3a Defeat war, from the 1st Battle of Bull Run to the Battle of Antietam. Gen. Robert E. Lee 18.C.3b Casualties 7. Explain the purpose of the Emancipation Proclamation and analyze what it Gen. “Stonewall” Jackson Blockade accomplished. Blockade Runners , Ironclad Emancipate 8. Trace the tide of war turning in 1863, from the Southern victories at Fredericksburg to Gen. George B. McClellan the Union victory at Gettysburg. Army Of The Potomac 9. Analyze Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address and its future impact. Monitor Vs. Merrimack 10. Why was the Victory at Vicksburg so important to the Union? Battle Of Shiloh, Battle Of Antietam Emancipation Proclamation Battle Of Gettysburg Gen. George Pickett Gen. George Meade Gettysburg Address General Ulysses S. Grant

Total War 11. Trace Sherman’s March to the Sea; analyze how it was an example of ‘total war’ and Gen. Tecumseh Sherman how it contributed to the defeat of the Confederacy. Sherman’s March To The Sea 12. What were the “costs of war” (human and economic)? Appomattox Court House

Radical 13. Compare and Contrast Abraham Lincoln’s 10% Plan with the Radical Republicans Wade-Davis Bill Reconstruction Plan for Reconstruction. Freedmen’s Bureau 14. Describe the events surrounding Lincoln’s assassination and how his assassination Ford’s Theater, John Wilkes Booth affected southern reconstruction. Amnesty 15. Evaluate Johnson’s presidency and decide if his impeachment was just. Andrew Johnson 16. How was the southern economy affected by the war? Restoration Plan 17. How did Florida’s Government Change during Reconstruction? Sharecropping Impeachment 18. Compare Abraham Lincoln’s 10% Plan with the Radical Republicans Plan for 13th, 14th , 15th Amendments Civil Rights Reconstruction. Reconstruction Acts Of 1867 Segregation 19. How did some Southerners deprive freed people of their rights and how did Congress Scalawag, Carpetbagger Sharecropping respond? Black Codes 20. Describe how the Constitutional amendments of the period affected African Freedmen’s Bureau Americans. Civil Rights Act Of 1866 21. How did Southern life change during Reconstruction? Hiram Revels, Blanche Bruce 22. Explain the following quote as it applies to Reconstruction: “The slave went free; stood Jonathan Gibbs a brief moment in the sun, then moved back again toward slavery.” Ku Klux Klan 23. What effect did the Compromise of 1877 have on Reconstruction? Lynching 24. Evaluate the overall success of Reconstruction. Poll Tax 25. Some historians refer to the Civil War as “The Second American Revolution.” Assess Literacy Test the validity of this title in terms of the effects of the war on the United States (consider Grandfather Clause liberty, labor, federal power, and American unity). Plessy v Ferguson W.E.B. Dubois Compromise of 1877 Unit 7: Reshaping the Nation (1858-1914) Pacing Assessments: Concept Tests, Knowledge Surveys, Oral Presentations, Peer Review, Technology Projects December Concepts Essential Questions People, Places, Events, Terms Standards Role of Government 1. What are the causes and effects of scarcity? Teddy Roosevelt 15A Scandals and Corruption 2. How did the U.S. economic system respond to the 3 basic economic questions Pullman Strike 15.A.3a Machine Politics in the late 1800's? Taft 15C Transportation Networks W. Wilson 15.E.3a Mass Production 16A Finance, Corporations 16.B.3c Regulation of Business 16.D.3a Urbanization 16E Industrialization 17A Civil rights 17.A.3b Working conditions 17.C.3a Attempts to form unions 17.C.3b Government suppression 17.C.3c Grange, Populists 17D 17.D.3a 17.D.3b 18A 18.C.3b Unit 8: Reform, Expansion, and War (1865-1920) Pacing Assessments: Concept Tests, Knowledge Surveys, Oral Presentations, Peer Review, Technology Projects January Concepts Essential Questions People, Places, Events, Terms Standards th Temperance 1. What specific social, economic, and political problems required reform in the late 19 century? Muckraker 14D Government Reform 2. How can individuals help to bring about change in society? NAACP 14.D.3 Progressivism 3. What is the amendment process? LaFollette 14.E.3 Socialist Party 4. How did the federal government help the reform effort through legislation, amendments, and regulation? Roosevelt, Taft 15.A.3b Economic Reform 5. Do any of the problems of the Progressive Era still exist today? To what extent? Wilson, E.V. Debs 15.A.3c th th Labor legislation 6. What were the major domestic and foreign policy issues of the late 19 and early 20 centuries? Sherman Anti-Trust Act 15.E.3a Railroad regulation 7. What factors contributed to the U.S. adoption of a policy of imperialism? Clayton Act 16A th th th Nationalism 8. How did the U.S. policy toward latin American nations change in the late 19 and early 20 centuries? Direct election of Senators – 17 amendment 16.A.3b th Manifest Destiny 9. What are the costs and benefits of neutrality and of intervention? Womens’ Suffrage – the 19 amendment 16.C.3c Scarcity Roosevelt Corollary 16E Imperialism Dollar Diplomacy 16.E.3c Spanish-Am. War Versailles Treaty 17A th Foreign Policy Income Tax – 16 Amend. 17.A.3b Isolationism Federal Reserve Act 1913 17.C.3c Interdependence The Panama Canal 18.A.3 Unit 9: Turbulent Decades (1919-1945) Pacing Assessments: Concept Tests, Knowledge Surveys, Oral Presentations, Peer Review, Technology Projects February Concepts Essential Questions People, Places, Events, Terms Standards Roaring 20's 1. What were the economic, political, and social changes of the 1920s? Great Depression 14.E.3 2. How was Prohibition an outgrowth the earlier temperance movement? Prohibition 15.A.3a 3. How did the role of government change from the 1920s to the 1930s? New Deal 15.A.3b 4. Why did the crash of the market affect those who did not own stock? FDR 15.D.3c 5. How did the concept of checks and balances relate to the New Deal? 16A 6. How was New York a model for federal programs? 16.A.3b 7. What parts of the New Deal legislation are still in effect today? 16.A.3c 17.A.3b 17.C.3c 18A 18.B.3b 18.C.3a Unit 10 Turning Points (1945-1975) Pacing Assessments: Concept Tests, Knowledge Surveys, Oral Presentations, Peer Review, Technology Projects March Concepts Essential Questions People, Places, Events, Terms Standards Cold War 1.How did the Versailles Treaty lead to World War II? Korean War 14.E.3 Communism 2.How could the use of the first atomic bomb be considered a turning point in United States history? Vietnam 15A Civil Rights 3.Why is World War II considered a "total war" affecting all aspects of American life? John F Kennedy 15.A.3b Red Scare 4. How did the Cold War affect the lives of people in the United States? MLK 15.A.3c 5. How did the United States deal with the assassination of one president and the resignation of another? Eisenhower 15.A.3d 6. How has the fall of communism changed the balance of power in the world? 15.B.3a st 7. What will be the role of the United States in the 21 century? 15.E.3b 8. How were World War II and the Vietnam War different? 16.B.3c 9. How were the Vietnam War and the Gulf War different? 16.B.3d 10. How has our relationship with Latin America changed? 16C 16.C.3c 16.E.3b 16.E.3c 17A 17.A.3b 17B 17.B.3b 17.C.3a 17D 18.A.3 18C Unit 11 Modern America (1968-Present) Pacing Assessments: Concept Tests, Knowledge Surveys, Oral Presentations, Peer Review, Technology Projects April/May Concepts Essential Questions People, Places, Events, Terms Standards Cold War 1. How did the Cold War affect the lives of people in the United States? Richard Nixon 14.C.3 Reaganomics 2. How did the United States deal with the assassination of one President and the resignation of another? Jimmy Carter 14.e.3 3. How has the fall of communism changed the balance of power in the world? Bill Clinton 15B st 4. What will be the role of the United States in the 21 century? 15.B.3b 5. What social problems have existed for a long time in the United States, and still exist today? 15.D.3b st 6. Will the United States foreign policy of the 21 century tend toward isolation or engagement in world 16.A.3c affairs? 17A 7. What are the effects of diversity on American society and culture? 17.A.3b 17.B.3b 17.C.3b 18.B.3a 18.C.3a