Collaborative Studies in Tropical Asian Dendrochronology: Addressing Challenges in Climatology and Forest Ecology
AAAsssiiiaaa‐‐‐PPPaaaccciiifffiiiccc NNNeeetttwwwooorrrkkk fffooorrr GGGlllooobbbaaalll CCChhhaaannngggeee RRReeessseeeaaarrrccchhh CCoollllaabboorraattiivvee SSttuuddiieess iinn TTrrooppiiccaall AAssiiaann DDeennddrroocchhrroonnoollooggyy:: AAddddrreessssiinngg CChhaalllleennggeess iinn CClliimmaattoollooggyy aanndd FFoorreesstt EEccoollooggyy Final report for APN project: ARCP2008-03CMY-Baguinon The following collaborators worked on this project: Dr. Nestor T. Baguinon, University of the Philippines Los Baños, Philippines, Dr. Hemant Borgaonkar, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, India, Dr. Nimal Gunatilleke, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, Dr. Kushan Tenakoon, Dr. Khwanchai Duangsathaporn, Kasetsart University, Thailand, Dr. Brendan M. Buckley, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO) of Columbia University (CU), New York, U.S.A., Dr. William E. Wright, LDEO of CU, NY, U.S.A., Eng. Mandy Maid, University of Malaysia Sabah, Sabah, Malaysia, UPLB SESAM COLLABORATIVE STUDIES IN TROPICAL ASIAN DENDROCHRONOLOGY: ADDRESSING CHALLENGES IN CLIMATOLOGY AND FOREST ECOLOGY CFNR FBS LOGOS OF COLLABORATING INSTITUTIONS UPLB, Philippines KUFF, Bangkok, Thailand PU, Kandy, Sri Lanka IITM, Pune, India UMS, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia LDEO of Columbia University, NY, USA Project Reference Number: ARCP2008-03CMY-Baguinon Final Report submitted to APN 2 Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research ©Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research 3 Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research Overview of project work and outcomes Non-technical summary Dendrochronology was temperate-oriented (Worbes, M. 2004). Asian tropical trees with distinct growth rings should exist as in tropical America (Worbes, M. 1999). If true, then Asian dendrochronology would go beyond pine-teak locations.
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