Inuinnaupluta Maligaliuqnikkut Ayuqhautautqiyauvaktuq Ilitquhivut Amiqnaqhuni Ilitquhiqatigiingna- Hivunianit Inuit Uqauhiit

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Inuinnaupluta Maligaliuqnikkut Ayuqhautautqiyauvaktuq Ilitquhivut Amiqnaqhuni Ilitquhiqatigiingna- Hivunianit Inuit Uqauhiit Hivuliuyut Ihumaalugiyavut: Inuit Ukautait Nunavumi ᐊᓈᓇᐊᓂᑯᓗᒃᐊᖓᐊᒃᑲᒃᐃᑦᑐᖅᓇᔭᑯᓗᒃ ᐊᖓᔪᐊᔭ ᓂᖏᐅᖅᐊᑖᑕᑦᓯᐊᖅᐊᓈᓇᑦᓯᐊᖅᓄᑲᖅ ᐊᑦᓴᐊᕐᓇᖃᑎᒃᐊᑖᑕᐃᓪᓗᐊᕐᔪᒃᐃᓪᓗᖅ 2009/10 UKEOTOAGAAGAN UNIIPKAK Kanogilivaleanigagun Inoen Ilitkuhen Inuyuhelo Hivuliuyut Ihumaalugiyavut: Inuit Ukautait Nunavumi 2009/2010 Ukeotoagaagan Uniipkak Kanogilivaleanigagun Inoen Ilitkuhen Inuyuhelo Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. P.O. Box 638 Iqaluit, NU X0A 0H0 Tel: (867)975-4900 Fax: (867)975-4949 Toll-Free: 1-888-646-0006 ISBN 978-09784035-9-1 Iluani Ukautait 09/10 01 Aulapkaiyit Naunaitkutait 03 Ilittuqhautit 08 Ilanga 1: Ilumuuqtauyut Atuqtauyullu 33 Ilangat 2: Ilittuqhaqtait, Hakugighaqniq Iniqpallianiqlu 46 Ilangat 3: Hivuniptingnut Tautuktut 49 Iniqtirutait 52 Iniktigutait Ukautait Tuniyauhimayut Piqqusilirivvik Inuit Pitquhiliqiyit Ilihaqvianit Piqqusilirivvingmi ilihaqtut niriyut talvani Kangiqtualuk, Kangiqtuapik haniani, April-mi, 2010 09/10 Iniqtauhimayuq Emily Joanasie-mit Simon Aittauq Qamanittuaqmiutaq mumiqtuq angmaqtirutaanit Piqqusilirivvik Inuit Pitquhiliqiyit Ilihaqviat. May-ngutillugu, 2011. Titigaq Aulaqtitjut 09/10 Nanngariyauyuq Hivuliqti Eva Aariak Kavamatkut Nunavunmi Nanngariyauyuq Minista John Duncan Nunaqaqqaaqhimayunut Ikayuqtit Ukiuqtaqtumilu Pivalliayut Kavamatuqait Kanatami Sept. 15, 2011 Halu Hivuliqti Eva Aariak Ministalu John Duncan, Ilanga 32-mi talvani Nunavunmi Nunataarutinut Angirutinit titiraqhimayuq taimaa aulapkainiqmik Nunavunmi Inuuhiliqiniqmut Katimayinik. Ilanga 32.3.4-mi pitquhimayuq taimaa: “Titiraqlutik tunihiyughat naunaitkutanik ukiumut Inuit ilitquhiinik inuuhiiniklu Nunavunmi Nunataaqtunit talvunga Hivuliqtimut Aviktuqhimayumi Kavamanut ihivriuqtaghaat Maligaliuqvingmi, talvungalu Ministamut Itqiliit Ikayuqtiinut Ukiuqtaqtumilu Pivalliayunut ihivriuqtaghaat Maligaliuqvikyuami.” Havaaghavut ahiagut titiraqhimayut talvani Nunavunmi Nunataarutinut Angirutinit, katimayiit, talvuuna Nunavut Tunngavikkut, ihuaqhaihimmaarumayut inuuhiinik Inuit Nunavunmi, inuuhiita ilitquhiitalu ihumagiplugit Inuit. Itqaumagiplugu Ilanga 32.3.4, ihumagiplugitlu Inuit inuuhiit ilitquhiitalu, una naunaitkutaq tuniyaami quviahuktugut Ukiuq Nunngutaanut Naunaitkutat Inuit Ilitquhiinut Inuuhiinutlu, atilik imaa Ihumaalugilluaqtavut: Inuit Uqauhiit Nunavunmi. Una naunaitkutauyuq ukiumut 2009/10-mut. Talvauvuhi, Katimayinit Nunavut Tunngavikkut Timingat Nunavunmi Inuuhiliqiniqmut Katimayiit Katimayiit 09/10 Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. Cathy Towtongie James Eetoolook Jack Anawak Angayukaak Angayukaap Tuklia Angayukaap Tuklia Nunavut Tunngavik Nunavut Tunngavik Timinga Nunavut Tunngavik Timinga Timinga Charlie Evalik Joe Allen Evyagotailak Joe Kaludjak Angayukaak Angayukaap Tuklia Angayukaangulaktuk Kitikmeot Inuit Kitikmeot Inuit Kivalliq Inuit Katutjikatingit Katutjikatingit Katutjikatingit Stanley Adjuk Okalik Eegeesiak George Eckalook Aipaa Katimayi Angayukaak Angayukaap Tuklia Kivalliq Inuit Katutjikatingit Qikiqtani Inuit Qikiqtani Inuit Katutjikatingit Katutjikatingit Tuniyauhimayut Piqqusilirivvik Inuit Pitquhiliqiyit Ilihaqvianit NTI 2 colour logo PMS 541 Blue PMS 124 Yellow Piqqusilirivvingmit hivuliqti ilihaqtinit Elijah Paliituq ikkuaqtuiyuq ilihaqtumik talvunga Aarruja Qinngua iqalughiuqvighaanut. Aulapkaiyit Naunaitkutait 09/10 Ihumagiyaulluaqtuqanngittuq ahiagut inuuhivut nunaqatigiingniqlu imainmat, taapkua Inuit uqauhiit Nunavunmi imaalu “Naunaitkutauyuq ‘aimayugut’ inuinnaupluta maligaliuqnikkut ayuqhautautqiyauvaktuq ilitquhivut amiqnaqhuni ilitquhiqatigiingna- hivunianit Inuit uqauhiit. Naahurivaghutiklu huaqhutik.”4 Qitqanillu naunaitkutariyaqqut Inuit taimaa Nunavut hanayaungmat 1999-mi ilitquhinullu hanalrutaupluni inungnit, taimaa nutaanik atuqtaghaningniaqturiyut atuqpalli- inuit, “Atavaktut aallanut, unipkaaqhugit atjutighat munaqhitjutighatlu Inuit uqauhiinik ilitturiliqtaptingnit, aulatillugulu, ilitquhiillu puiguqtailiyauquplugu. Munariyumaplugit nanminirilugit aulapkaitillugit nunainik.”5 uqauhiit ilitquhiitlu tunngaviuyut Kanatami aviktuqhimayumilu maligaliuqniqmut Nunavunmi, Inuktitut Inuinnaqtullu aulapkaiplutik. “Katimaqatigiinngitkupta iharianaqtut qatanngutainik ilittuqhipkai- uvaptingnit,” Noah Qumak naunaiqhitivak- yaami Inuit qauhimayatuqainik, ingilraaqnitat tuq katimaqqaaqhimagamik Inuit Tapirisat unipkaallu, imaalu uqauhirituarigamitku Kanatami (ITC) 1971-mi, “pitquhivut, Iniqnirit. Uqauhituanguplunilu aimavingnit, inuuhivut, ilitquhivut uqauhivullu tam- Inuit uqauhiit uqauhiulluaqtuq amihunut maqpallianiaqtut ayuqhautiginiaqhugulu Nunavunmiunit imaalu ihuatqiyauniaqtuq qakugunnuaq.”1 ilihaivalirumik uqauhiptingnik. Inuit uqauhiit naunaitkutauyut ihumainik Inuit inuuhiiniklu: Nunavunmik tunngaviliuqtut nutaamik atuqpauhiat ilittuqhitjutauyuq ihumainik aviktuqhimayumik itqaumagilluaqhugit inuuhiptingnit taimaa talvuuna, hakugighau- Nunaqaqqaaqhimayut nunataarahuaqhutik tauyuq ilitquhiptingnik, nunaptingnik, in- taimaalu munaqtiuplutik uqauhiptingnik uuhiptingniklu ilavullu ahiittuupluta. ilitquhiptingniklu ayuqhaqtitauplutik. “Talvuuna nunataarumayut hivuani, Titiqqatigut hapkuninnga naunaiqhiti- uqauhivut atuqtauvalliahuiqmat,” yumayugut havaaptingnik qanuqlu Angayuqqaanguhimayuq Nunavut tigumiaqtit iniqhiyughat qakugunnuaq Inuit Tunngavikkut Timinganut (NTI) titiraqtuihima- uqauhiit aulaniaqqata nutaannguqpal- yuqlu Nunavunmi Nunataarutinik Angirutinik lialuni ikayuqtiqarumik tamangnik inungnit. (NLCA) Paul Quassa uqaqhimayuq 2003-mi. Ihumagiyauyut Inuit uqauhiit mighaagut “Ihumayunga taimaa nunataarahuaqtunut taimaa uqauhiqaqnikkut malrungnik imaalu aulatjutigiyaat. Uqauhiit aulapkaigungni hapkuttailinahuaqhugu titiraqhimayut ilitquhiit hakugingniaqtut.”2 October 2008-mi hapkunani naunaitkutani nutaannguqtaqtunik niruaqtauyumapluni Iqaluit Kivallighianik uqauhilgit ihuaqnighakkut uplumi atuqtau- Kivgaqtuqlugit Maligaliuqtiuyumayuq (MLA), vaktunik ayuqnaiyaqhugit: inuuhiriliqtapt- tajja Hivuliqtiuyuq Eva Aariak aajjikkutavy- ingnit uqauhiit Inuit nutaannguqtaqtuq, aanik uqaqhimayuq. “Uqauhiit ilitquhiitlu “Atuqtauvaktunit, ayuqnaqtunik ilihaqnikkut, anniqnaqtut uvaptingnut,” uqaqhimayuq qanuqlu uqauhiit atuqtauvaktut ilihaqnikkut, katimatillugit Iqalungni. “Talvuuna taimaa tuhaqtittiyinit, ihumaliuttiaqhimayuniklu Nunavut hanayauyuq. Ilaani puiguqpaktugut inungnik ikayuutighat maligaliuqhimayut.”6 huuq Nunavut hanayauhimayuq.”3 Pingahut ayuqhautauvaktut ilitturiyauhimayut ihuaqhaqtauyughat inirumaguptigit hapkua. Uqauhiagut taaffuma maligaliqiniqmik Hammauvut: qauyihaiyi William Safram, uqauhiit anniqnaqtut munarinahuaqhugu 1 1. Hakugigharahuaqlugu Inuit uqauhiit Hapkua akihaqtuqnaqtut ayuqhautiqaramik inuuhiptingnit ihumaitigut Nunavunmiut ilihainiqmik iliurainahuaqhutiklu uqauhiqaqniq 09/10 qakugunnuaq, inulrammiit ikayurumaplugit. atauhiunngittumik, hapkua aulavaktut huli pihimanahuaqhugit imaaluuniit atauttikkut 2. Atuqtittivallialugit uqauhiqnik ilihaqtillugit uqqariktunik ilihaqtighaliurahuaqhuta Inuit uqauhirilugulu aimavingnit. uqauhiinik uqauhiqaqtunik himmautighait Qaplunaatuinnaq uqauhilgit ilihaqtit 3. Ilihaitjutighaliuqlutik uqauhiqarlutik titiraqtillu. malrungnik ilihainnginnariaqaqlutik angayughinik ilihariaffaaqtunik. Inuit uqauhiit uqauhiulluaqhuni Nunavunmi, atuqtauvalliahuiqtuq Tuhaqtittinahuaqniq Inuit uqauhiinik aimavingnit. Havaaghariaghutik in- inulramminut iliharuminaqtutut ayuqnaitq- iqtauyumapluni munaqtauyumaplunilu iyauyuq atuqtittiniqmut tuhaqtittiniq- titiraqhimayutut talvani 2008-mi Inuit mutlu. Uqauhivut naammagiyaunngitpat Uqauhiinik Munaqhinahuaqniqmut – uqauhiinnakkut, naammaktuq – Qaplunaat Maligaqni, Ilihainiqmut Maligaqni, talvanilu uqauhiit hakugitqiyauniaqtut Inuktitunmit Atuqtaulluaqtut Uqauhiit Maligaqni Inuinnaqtunmiklu uqauhituangugumi ikayuutighait inuit nanminilgitlu Inuit uqauhiit pitquhiqnut, hakugingniqnut pivighanullu. mighaagut. Taapkua nutaat pitquyauhimayut Inuktitut uqauhiit Inuinnaqtullu uqauhiit atuqtautinnagit, nunallaani atuqtauyughanik uqauhituanguniarumik aimavingnit, ilittuqhiyughauyugut ilihaitjutighat qatanngu- ilihaqvingnit, havakvingnilu, uqauhiqattiaq- tigiingnit aulapkainahuaruptitku Inuktitut, tunik ikayuqtighat, makpiraaliuqhimayunik, atuqpallianahuaqlugulu Inuinnaqtun, tuhaqvighaniklu hunanik aghut havaklu- tunngaviqaliqtughaq nanminiriyauluni nun- angnaqniaqtuq kiinauyaniklu atuqluaqnaq- aqatigiingnit. Havauhighanik ilitturihimaliqtut niaq. Angayuqqaat ikayuqpalliayughat naunaiqhimaliqtait talvanngat inuuhiliqin- hapkuninnga uqauhinik uqauhirivallialugu iqmut ilihainiqmullu maligainit imaalu aallatq- aimavingnit. Ilitturiyauhimayunaqhiyuq iingnirinit hakugingniinik uqauhiit nunallaanit. taimaa uqauhivut Inungnut ilitquhiptingnut Pitquyauhimayunit ihumaliuquiyut ilittuqhautauniaqtuq atuqtauvalliagumi ihumagiplugit kitut ihuaqutauyut kitullu nunallaanit, ikayuqpalliagumik Kavamatkut aulayut huli Inungnut ahiniklu Inungnik Nunavunmi (GN) Inuitlu katimaqatigiingit Nunaqaqqaaqhimayut. nakurutauniaqtuq uqauhiptingnik uqa- qpallialirumik ilihaqnikkut ihumagiplugit ikayuutighaat Inuit uqauhiqarumik malrungnik, pivighaqaqlutiklu makpiraaliuqhi- mayunik, unniutivaklugitlu uuktuqtaghainik angayuqqaat hivuliqtillu nunallaanit. Ilihaqhimagumik uqauhituangunngit- tumik, nutarannuutillugit ilihaqtitaugumik talvunga angayughiit ilihaqvianut, aghut uqauhiqnik tuhaqtittivallialiqtughat, uqauhinik atuqpallialutik, uqauhiniklu atuqpauhianik aimavingnit, qauhimayatuqaqnitlu ilittuqhi- nahuaqlutik tunngavighat atuqpallianiarumik Inuit uqauhiinik atuttiaqhugu upluq tamaat. NTI 2 colour logo PMS 541
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