CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E25 HON
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January 21, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E25 was an encouraging year for the Sikh free- turbans helped to liberate France so that Nicholas Mavroules, a dedicated public serv- dom struggle. Sikhs openly held seminars in France could enjoy freedom. ant, leader, and family man. Khalsa Ji, let’s pray to Guru for freedom, Punjab on the subject of Khalistan. This is a At the funeral service for Congressman very good sign and we salute the people who unity, sovereignty, prosperity, and happiness participated in these seminars. They are for the Sikh Nation around the world and for Mavroules on December 30, 2003, at St. keeping the flame of freedom lit. Now I urge everyone. The Khalsa Panth is determined to Vasilios Greek Orthodox Church in Peabody, Sikhs to unite and take action to liberate establish Khalsa Raj, as the events of this Massachusetts, Mr. deLeon delivered an elo- our homeland, Punjab, Khalistan. It is time past year show. quent tribute to Congressman Mavroules that to start a Shantmai Morcha to liberate India is not one country. It has 18 official touched me and all others who were present. Khalistan from Indian occupation. languages. Soon Kashmir will be free from Indian occupation. Now America is involved He described the lifelong dedication that Con- Never forget that the Akal Takht Sahib gressman Mavroules gave to his beloved fam- and Darbar Sahib are under the control of in it. As L.K. Advani predicted, ‘‘When Kash- the Indian government, the same Indian gov- mir goes, India goes.’’ We agree with him. ily, friends, colleagues, and constituents in ernment that has murdered over a quarter of When I met President Bush on December 5, Massachusetts, and his devoted service to this a million Sikhs in the past twenty years. he personally told me, ‘‘I am aware of the country. Sikh and Kashmiri problem and we stopped The Jathedar of the Akal Takht and the Rudy deLeon’s touching eulogy to Con- India and Pakistan from going to nuclear head granthi of Darbar Sahib toe the line war.’’ The Sikh diaspora has a moral respon- gressman Mavroules should be of interest to that the Indian government tells them. They sibility to help the Sikh Nation to achieve all of us. I ask that it be submitted to the are not appointed by the Khalsa Panth. The its sovereignty by freeing Khalistan from In- RECORD. SGPC, which appoints them, does not rep- dian occupation. His Eminence, Metropolitan Methodios; resent the Sikh Nation anymore. They have As President of the Council of Khalistan, I Current and former Members of the Massa- become the puppets of the Indian govern- wish everybody a 2004 that brings freedom, chusetts Congressional Delegation: Congress- ment and have lost credibility with the Sikh prosperity, and happiness to you and to the man Tierney, Congressman Neal, Congress- Nation. Otherwise they would behave like a Khalsa Panth. A free Khalistan is a must for man Meehan, former Congressman Har- real Jathedar, Jathedar Gurdev Singh the survival of the Sikh nation and will pro- rington—Then as now, one of the most capa- Kaunke, rather than like Indian government vide an optimal environment for the Sikh ble delegations in the Congress. puppet Jathedar Aroor Singh, who gave a Nation to progress to its optimum potential On behalf of the family of Nicholas Mav- Siropa to General Dyer for the massacre at politically, religiously, and economically. roules—his wife of 53 years, Mary—his Jalianawa Bagh. These institutions will re- Panth Da Sewadar, daughters Debbie, Gail and Brenda and their main under the control of the Indian regime DR. GURMIT SINGH AULAKH, families—and the other family, friends, col- until we free the Sikh homeland, Punjab, President, Council of Khalistan. leagues and constituents—I would like to Khalistan, from Indian occupation and op- f thank you for remembering and honoring a pression and sever our relations with the remarkable man. A man of family; a man of New Delhi government. HONORING WILLIAM J. ANDERSON community; and, a man of public service. The Sikh Nation is a nation of martyrs. It Nick began his political career in the late is encouraging that the SGPC and the Akal 1950’s, and I once asked—did you ever meet Takht honored the Sikh martyrs S. Satwant HON. GINNY BROWN-WAITE John F. Kennedy. Singh, S. Beant Singh, and S. Kehar Singh. OF FLORIDA He responded, ‘‘yes, Senator John F. Ken- Recent initiatives by the Khalsa Panchayat IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nedy.’’ to bring the Sikh tradition and glory to the Wednesday, January 21, 2004 His daughter—very young daughter Gail— Khalsa Panth are highly appreciated. This is was with him. Her response, ‘‘Dad, that man a good start to establishing Khalsa Raj as Ms. GINNY BROWN-WAITE of Florida. Mr. should run for Mayor of Peabody.’’ the Akali movement in the 1920s freed the Speaker, I rise today to honor William J. An- In 1978, Nick Mavroules would be elected to Sikh Gurdwaras from the Mahants who were derson, a resident of my Fifth Congressional the U.S. House of Representatives, serving puppets of the Indian government. Today, District of Florida and a man who has become the 6th Congressional District of Massachu- the Akali leaders are the new Mahants. something very few of us ever will. William An- setts for 14 years. The Akali Dal conspired with the Indian derson is a centenarian and at 101 years old government in 1984 to invade the Golden But it was in the 1980’s, serving on the Temple to murder Sant Bhindranwale and he is a father to one child, a grandfather to Armed Services Committee, where Nick 20,000 other Sikh during June 1984 in Punjab. four grandchildren and a great-grandfather to would have his greatest impact. If Sikhs will not even protect the sanctity of three great-grandchildren! The decade began with the inauguration of the Golden Temple, how can the Sikh Nation Mr. Anderson was born in Boston but went Ronald Reagan as the 40th President of the survive as a nation? to school in Wellesley, Massachusetts. Fol- United States. It ended when the Berlin Wall The Akali Dal has lost all its credibility. lowing school, he became a teacher. He de- came down in 1989, followed by the dissolu- The Badal government was so corrupt openly tion of the Soviet Union in 1991—ending com- scribes his happiest moment as the birth of his munist rule in Russia. and no Akali leader would come forward and son and most fondly remembers his childhood tell Badal and his wife to stop this In between was one incredible debate—and, summers in Prince Edward Island. of course—Nick Mavroules was right in the unparalelled corruption. That is why the After 101 years, Mr. Anderson says if he Akali Dal was defeated in the elections by center. Along the way there were discussions the Congress Party. had it all to do over again, he’d like to work of human rights in Central America, nuclear Chief Minister Amarinder Singh has done for the government—maybe even the IRS! disarmament, Pentagon accountability, and one good thing for which we must appreciate When asked what advice he’d give to young the morale and welfare of U.S. troops. him. He is prosecuting Badal, his son, and people he said he’d tell them to work hard, In the course of his service, he would join his wife for their corruption during their five stay out of trouble and drive safely. He says and lead the debate—both in the Nation’s years in power, 1997–2002. How could a Chief the best thing about growing older is the free- Capital and on the North Shore—about the direction and course of our nation. The de- Minister of modest means amass over Rs4300 dom to do what you want to and the time to crore? He should pay the taxes on this bate would take Nick to many places: travel. 1981: Visit with U.S. forces in Germany. wealth and account to the Sikh Nation Mr. Speaker, and my Colleagues, I ask that where he got it. This ill-gotten wealth 1982: Northern Ireland. should be confiscated. you join me in honoring William Anderson 1983: Two trips to Beirut, Lebanon. The Badal has destroyed the moral fabric of the today. I hope we all have the good fortune to first to spend July 4th with the troops; the Sikh religion. What happened to the concept live as long as he has. He is truly a great man second to lead an Armed Services Committee of fairness and honesty? Because Sikhs are and someone with an appreciation for the im- investigative team after 283 U.S. Marines slaves in India, there is nobody to defend the portance of happiness and freedom. were killed in a terrorist bombing during a Sikh interests internationally. Recently, an peacekeeping mission at the Beirut Inter- f issue came up of the French banning the national Airport. In the Committee’s final wearing of turbans in school. If Khalistan RUDY DELEON’S ELOQUENT TRIB- report of December 1983, Nick would write, were free, the Sikh Nation could call the UTE TO FORMER CONGRESSMAN ‘‘A war of terrorism has begun and is likely French Ambassador and tell him to stop this NICHOLAS MAVROULES to continue for the foreseeable future.’’ harassment of Sikhs. Our Ambassador to 1985: A session with U.S. negotiators in Ge- France would tell the French government neva—center of talks with the Soviet Union the same thing: the turban is part of the HON.