Volume 7 2016
Volume 7 2016 Editors: Robert T. Burrus, Economics J. Edward Graham, Finance University of North Carolina Wilmington University of North Carolina Wilmington Associate Editors: Doug Berg, Sam Houston State University Clay Moffett, UNC Wilmington Al DePrince, Middle Tennessee State University Robert Moreschi, Virginia Military Institute David Boldt, University of West Georgia Shahdad Naghshpour, Southern Mississippi University Kathleen Henebry, University of Nebraska, Omaha James Payne, Georgia College Lee Hoke, University of Tampa Shane Sanders, Western Illinois University Adam Jones, UNC Wilmington Robert Stretcher, Sam Houston State University Steve Jones, Samford University Mike Toma, Armstrong Atlantic State University David Lange, Auburn University Montgomery Richard Vogel, SUNY Farmington Rick McGrath, Armstrong Atlantic State University Bhavneet Walia, Western Illinois University Aims and Scope of the Academy of Economics and Finance Journal: The Academy of Economics and Finance Journal (AEFJ) is the refereed publication of selected research presented at the annual meetings of the Academy of Economics and Finance. All economics and finance research presented at the meetings is automatically eligible for submission to and consideration by the journal. The journal and the AEF deal with the intersections between economics and finance, but special topics unique to each field are likewise suitable for presentation and later publication. The AEFJ is published annually. The submission of work to the journal will imply that it contains original work, unpublished elsewhere, that is not under review, nor a later candidate for review, at another journal. The submitted paper will become the property of the journal once accepted, and not until the paper has been rejected by the journal will it be available to the authors for submission to another journal.
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