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Submissions Register.Xlsx Appendix A Submissions register April 2014 Volume 2 Appendix A Submissions register (Proponent) NGBR - EIS Submission Issues Register Sub. No. Submitter Submitter Type Issue No. Issue - Topic Issue - Details Submitter Recommendations / Suggested Mitigation Proponent response 1 Submitter 1 Individual 1 a MNES Great Barrier Reef The beauty of the Great Barrier Reef should be preserved. Send coal and other products south below the Great Sandy Island Noted. (below Rainbow Beach) to act as a buffer to save the Great Barrier Reef. The rail feed could start from Maryborough and run south via Tuan. 1 Submitter 1 Individual 1 b MNES Great Barrier Reef Reference to spoils - from dredging? Dump dredging material on land in leach proof area until the sun Noted. does its job. 2 Powerlink Queensland Organisation 2 a Land use and tenure Existing and proposed Protection of Powerlink's rights under the easement terms and conditions. Any development activity within the corridor would need to be The NGBR Project final rail corridor is planned to intersect two Powerlink Assets. Please refer attachments: infrastructure undertaken in accordance with the terms and conditions of the - Submission 2a response attachment_301001-01735-CI-DSK-0119_B - Powerlink Crossing - CH 89.126 easement dealing (registered in DERM) relevant to each of the - Submission 2a response attachment_301001-01735-CI-DSK-0120_B - Powerlink Crossing - CH 94.765 subject properties. Copies of these dealings can be obtained from During detail design, interface agreements shall be negotiated between Adani and Powerlink in light of Powerlink's co-use guidelines. DERM. Such interface agreements will ensure the required accessibility to Powerlink's existing assets is appropriately provided for and maintained. Powerlink requires ongoing and unfettered access to its easements In the interim, the following findings are to be noted: during the development, operational and decommissioning phases of Rail Easement @ 94.765 km is more than 20m from the Powerlink HV Tower. Therefore, no change is required. the railroad. This aspect needs to be addressed during the planning Rail Easement @ 89.126km is within 20m of Powerlink HV Tower. This however, is based on a 100m wide corridor. Since the railway is in a shallow cutting @ 89.126km, as well as tower is on for all of these phases to avoid the need for lengthy inductions to gain east side of corridor (where less clearance is required), the corridor can be narrowed to meet Powerlink's 20m minimum clearance. This should not impact current rail centreline which is still access, e.g. placement of security gates, secure work areas etc. so approximately 49m from the HV Tower. as not to restrict Powerlink access. Refinement of corridor over Powerlink easements shall be undertaken in next stage of design. These access requirements can be found in the attached annotated drawings 301001-01735-CI-DSK-0119 & 0120. 2 Powerlink Queensland Organisation 2 b Legislation and approvals Other applicable legislation The applicant will need to ensure compliance with the Electrical Safety Act 2002 Noted. Adani will continue consultations with Powerlink during the design and development of the Project to ensure appropriate legislative compliance. (including any Code of Practice under the Act) and the Electrical Safety Guideline 2002 (including any safety exclusion zones defined in the Regulation). 2 Powerlink Queensland Organisation 2 c Land use and tenure Working on and around Powerlink easements is subject to Powerlink Guidelines. Powerlink's Annexure A of the Management of Co-Use Requests Noted. Adani will continue consultations with Powerlink during the design and development of the Project. Specific activities and/or installations would be subject to formal application, assessment Guideline is enclosed. Your company will need to provide the and approval (or otherwise) prior to commencement of any works within the corridor. necessary spatial engineering design documentation in hardcopy and electronic format (3D DXF or equivalent of final design RL's AHD and MGA GDA94 in applicable zone) where applicable. 2 Powerlink Queensland Organisation 2 d Land use and tenure Existing and proposed The catenary of high-voltage transmission lines have "sag and swing" characteristics - Powerlink has enclosed a copy of the Conductor Survey Guidelines to Noted. Adani will continue consultations with Powerlink during the design and development of the Project. infrastructure the nature and extent of which can vary significantly depending upon load and climatic provide guidance on the manner in which conductor surveys should factors. In certain cases it may be necessary for the applicant to survey the conductors be completed. to confirm that statutory clearances to any proposed works would be achieved under all Powerlink will need to work with the proponent to ensure all the operating conditions. potential issues are addressed in the design. General issues with the co-existence of railroad within a corridor include: vertical clearances from rail and other structures (e.g. gantries, signals and overhead wires); horizontal off-set from Powerlink structures of the closest railway corridor boundary, rail line and associated trackside services; electrical induction potential and mitigation thereof; and access to Powerlink structures. 2 Powerlink Queensland Organisation 2 e Land use and tenure Existing and proposed Rail easement is within 20m of outside of tower footings. Powerlink requires the rail Re-design rail easement per attached, annotated drawings (301001- The NGBR Project final rail corridor is planned to intersect two Powerlink Assets. Please refer attachments: infrastructure easement to be 20m outside the tower footing, as outlined in the attached management 01735-CI-DSK-0119 & 0120). - Submission 2a response attachment_301001-01735-CI-DSK-0119_B - Powerlink Crossing - CH 89.126 of co-use guidelines. - Submission 2a response attachment_301001-01735-CI-DSK-0120_B - Powerlink Crossing - CH 94.765 During detail design, interface agreement shall be negotiated in light of Powerlink co-use guidelines. See also response to submission item 2a. 3 DSDIP Agency 3 a Legislation and approvals Regional planning This project (NGBR) is located within the Central West and MIW regions and does not No further action required Noted. appear to present any regional planning issues other than the need to recognise the potential impact of the Regional Planning Interests Bill on the project. Updated approvals material is provided in Volume 2 App J Revised legislation and approvals 3 DSDIP Agency 3 a Legislation and approvals Strategic Cropping Land The Regional Planning Interests Bill (RPI Bill) proposes to repeal the Strategic Cropping The project may need to consider assessment against these The assessment against SCL Act 2011 was current at the time of publishing the EIS. Land Act 2011 and require resource activities authorised under resource Acts to align provisions rather than the existing SCL Act 2011 (as discussed in the with the regional land use policies of regional plans as well as other areas of regional EIS) which is to be repealed by the RPI Bill. interest prescribed in the Bill, including SCL. As the NGBR is not a resource activity authorised under resource Acts it will be subject to approvals under the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 (SPA) (amongst other Acts) and State Planning Policy which provides for protection of Class A and B agricultural land. 4 DSDIP Agency 4 a Legislation and approvals Legislation reference The draft EIS makes reference to lapsed State Planning Policies. The single State Update to reflect single State Planning Policy. The EIS referenced policies which were in effect at the time of writing. It is noted that some changes have come into effect since publication. These changes will be reflected in future Planning Policy came into effect in on 2 December 2013. development applications. Updated approvals material is provided in Volume 2 App J Revised legislation and approvals 4 DSDIP Agency 4 a Legislation and approvals Legislation reference This section makes reference to the Coastal SPRP which lapsed when the single State Remove reference to lapsed Coastal SPRP and refer to coastal The EIS referenced policies which were in effect at the time of writing. It is noted that some changes have come into effect since publication. These changes will be reflected in future Planning Policy came into effect on 2 December 2013. provisions of the single State Planning Policy. development applications. Updated approvals material is provided in Volume 2 App J Revised legislation and approvals 4 DSDIP Agency 4 a Legislation and approvals Legislation reference The Regional Planning Interests Bill 2013 was introduced in Parliament on 20 November Refer to the Regional Planning Interests Bill 2013. The assessment against SCL Act 2011 was current at the time of publishing the EIS. 2013. The bill integrates the policy objectives of the Strategic Cropping Land Act 2011 by identifying strategic cropping land as areas of regional interest. The commencement Updated approvals material is provided in Volume 2 App J Revised legislation and approvals of the bill will repeal of the Strategic Cropping Land Act 2011. 5 Submitter 5 Individual 5 a Cultural heritage Dust and vibration impacts There is a Registered Rock art site near Mt Roundback within the 1 km corridor. The Realign rail corridor from current position from Splitters Creek In accordance with the provisions of the Juru – Adani NGBR Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP), a survey was undertaken from Abbot Point to Splitters Creek, including Mt section of rail in this area if built will greatly impact on this sacred ground and subject the through to Battery Creek to new location that avoids this area. Roundback. Following that survey, the Juru-appointed Archaeologist provided Adani with the a survey report entitled Cultural Heritage Progress Report - Adani North Galilee Basin Rail Project rock art to acidic sulphurs in coal dust that will blow off the trains moving past. Ground Option 1: Juru Section – Stage 1 of Cultural Heritage Investigation – Splitters Creek to Abbot Point – September 2013.
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