Newsletter: Issue 7 October 2017 Year 7 Residential

Year 7 students have now successfully completed their first residential at . The 3 day trip to Dartmoor Training Centre was both challenging and rewarding.

We encouraged students to step out of their comfort zone and experi- ence learning outside the class room. Students developed the skills required and the expectations at Bideford College. They have also developed positive relationships with other students and staff within their House which will last throughout their time at Bideford College.

Mrs Vowles.

www.facebook.com/bidefordcollege www.bidefordcollege.org 2 Lyndsey Kane - Principal

I cannot believe that we are already at the end of the first half term of the academic year 2017-2018. The 7 weeks have flown by and so very much has been achieved in them. We came back from the summer break celebrating our best ever examination results at both GCSE and A Level at Bideford College. As I said then, in my press release, this was just the “tip of the iceberg” in the future achievements of the staff and students of Bideford College. The term started with a reiteration of the high standards and expectations of all at Bideford College and we have all been working really hard from the very first day – to surpass the wonderful achievements of the students last year and make sure that every young person who attends Bideford College is the very best that they can be. We wel- comed a wonderful group of Year 7 students and I am privileged to spend most days hearing about what they have been up to, as we chat in the corridors. The Year 11s and Year 13s have started this most important year with a positive attitude and are displaying a determination to be successful and do their very best. Revision timetables are being produced as I write this and the revision sessions will commence after half term – so that the students are as well prepared as possible for the exams in the summer term. In addition, students from all year groups are busy rehearsing for the College Production of Beauty and the Beast which takes place on 30th November and 1st Decem- ber – we look forward to welcoming you to this magnificent performance. We would not be able to make the progress we are making at the College without the continued support of par- ents and I would like to reiterate my thanks for this. We will be holding a “Parent Support Evening” shortly for parents of Year 11 students – to give guidance to parents as to how they can support their child with their GCSE exams and preparation. Invitations will go out for this evening soon. Attendance of some students is still a cause for concern sadly, and I would like to strenuously urge parents to en- sure that they make sure their children are in College, unless it is absolutely unavoidable. Mr Bonaparte, our Attendance Officer is working really hard with parents and students to improve attendance so that all students are able to achieve their very best. Please help us to help your child to be the best they can be. I would also like to re- mind parents that no holidays are authorised in term time. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a restful half term and look forward to welcoming all the stu- dents back on Tuesday 31st October. (Note: Monday 30th is an INSET day).


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Residential Day 1

On day one we all met up in the sports hall where we all prepared for the trip there. At 9:30 AM we got on the bus and went to Dartmoor Training Centre. The trip there was really interesting as there was a lot of fascinating scenery such as rock pillars and lovely green hills. Once we got there we put all of our bags in the boot room and then went up for a talk about what we would be doing. We were also told what groups we would be in for all the activities over our time there. After the talks, we had our lunch. After lunch, we had 4 activities to do in our groups that would help us on our walk the next day. The activities consisted of four things; team building exercises, a short walk, a river crossing exercise and map reading skills. The House Captains ran the team building exercises together, we witnessed a lot of great team work and determination in each group. Afterwards, everyone came inside from the rain and had snacks and a drink. We then had short meeting and prepared for the walk the next day.

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On the second day everyone took part in an eight mile walk. The two tutors were split into two groups, each started walking onto Dartmoor at different times in the morning. The weather was dry so that put everybody into a positive mood before we began. The whole idea of the walk was about teamwork and helping each other.

Throughout the day we saw many students help encourage those who were struggling and finding the activity more challenging. This made individuals have more confidence in themselves and to keep going. It was fascinating to see how the children became independent learners and solved problems on their own. As well as on residential, these types of ideas can also be employed within the classroom. Students learnt how to respect one another and that listening to everybody is a key aspect in working as a team, because that way no one feels left out. To add, as house captains it was a pleasant experience to learn about the students and meet new people from our house.

After the walk, on the second day, everyone was exhausted but our spirits were still high. Even though we had been walking all day everyone still had a smile on their face. Also, there was a friendly atmosphere between everyone. As the evening went on the students were finishing off their presentations for the next day where that would be performing then to the rest of their year 7 peers. Additionally, all the year 7s were very helpful and after dinner helped wash up and dry up. Later on, we settled down with a hot chocolate and chatted about the day with each other and got to know each other even better. That night the tutors, heads of house and the house captains got to choose who we wanted to give our awards to.

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Aldi Breakfast Club @ Bideford College Bideford College are delighted to announce that Aldi are now sponsoring a Breakfast Club in the Student Support Centre. Every morning students who, for a range of different reasons, are unable to get a good breakfast inside them at home, are invited to C34 to enjoy a range of breakfast goodies including cereal, toast, crumpets, fruit and yoghurts and a hot drink. Stu- dents are encouraged to sit down together and eat and also to share the washing up! Sam Lindsay, Store Operations area manager for Aldi said “Aldi Bideford are incredibly proud to be sponsoring the Bideford College Breakfast Club; helping students who need it most get their most important meal of the day!” Sam and the Bideford Store Manager Libby came into Bideford College to meet some of the House Captains who would be helping with Breakfast Club and Mr McNulty and Mrs Staddon who manage the Student Support Centre. Mrs Jewell, Assistant Principal at Bideford College (who also has a degree in Nutrition!) said “A good breakfast really does set the students up for a successful day at college. Breakfast restores glucose levels, an essential carbohydrate that is needed for the brain to function. Many studies have shown how eating breakfast can improve memory and concentration levels and it can also make us happier as it can improve mood and lower stress levels. In studies amongst children, breakfast can im- prove attainment, behaviour and has been linked to improved grades. We are committed to doing everything we can to en- sure students at Bideford College are happy, successful and responsible and if providing breakfast for students contributes to achieving this then it is what we will do.”

Why is breakfast so important? Breakfast provides the body and brain with fuel after an overnight fast - that's where its name originates, breaking the fast! Without breakfast you are effectively running on empty, like trying to start the car with no petrol! Apart from providing us with energy, breakfast foods are good sources of important nutrients such as calcium, iron and B vitamins as well as protein and fibre. The body needs these essential nutrients and research shows that if these are missed at breakfast, they are less likely to be compensated for later in the day. Fruit and vegetables are good sources of vitamins and minerals so try to include a portion of your daily five at breakfast, whether that be a banana or glass of fruit juice. Breakfast can be good for waistline too, research shows those who eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight and more likely to be within their ideal weight range compared with breakfast skippers. If you skip breakfast, you're more likely to reach for high sugar and fatty snacks mid-morning.

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Regular attendance at school is vital to help children achieve and get the best possible start in life. Encouraging regular school attendance is one of the most powerful ways you can prepare your child for success—both in school and in life.

Please support the college in its ethos that every lesson counts by ensuring that medical and dental appointments are made outside of school hours where possible and where not provide evidence that students have been attending such appointments. Please remember we will be asking for appointment cards or letters following on from medical appointments for our attendance records.

Also, we ask that whenever possible, known absences are communicated to the college via an absence request form at least two weeks in advance of the absence. These forms can be downloaded from the website or collected from reception.

When students are ill and unable to attend college please ensure that this is reported on the school absence num- ber before 9.30am; and always ask yourself, do you really need the whole day off?

The new Attendance Officer, Mr Roger Bonaparte, has been working with many students to improve their attend- ance over the last half term and there have been many success stories. However, too many students are still ab- sent on too many days and there are a number of students who are identified as persistently absent. There are exceptions where we know and understand the reasons behind the absence but there are many students who do not have good enough reasons for not attending college.

Attendance—100% students!

We’d like to congratulate all students that have maintained a 100% attendance record this half term. Each student will be individually recognised for this and will receive certificates in assembly after half term.

Brunel House - 84 students Hepworth House - 96 students Farwell House - 92 students Arthur - 108 students Coleridge - 84 students

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Year 11 Revision Sessions







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Fantastic Fundraising!

Student fundraisers bake their way to £710 for Macmillan

They’ve done it again!! Ruby and Bo Bennett (Farwell) and Olivia and Mark Vanstone (Arthur) held a Macmillan coffee morning in their home village of Woolsery on Saturday 30 September. Between serving tea/coffee/cake, holding competitions and selling raffle tickets they have so far raised £710. This smashes last years’ fantastic sum of £595!

This is such wonderful news and we are very proud to share their achievement.

L to R:

Ruby Bennett Year 11,

Bo Bennett Year 9,

Mark Vanstone Year 8

Olivia Vanstone Year 11

TJ conquers Snowdon for the Children’s Hospice South West. During the summer, one of our most recent year 7s, TJ McQuillan, from Mrs Harrison’s tutor group, did an extraor- dinary thing for our House charity. TJ went to Wales to climb Mount Snowdon! TJ raised money for the Children’s Hospice South West and they ended up with £1384.63, all because of this one Bideford College student who made the journey to the peak of this mountain. It took him two and a half hours to reach the top, and two hours back down. He got plenty of sponsorship forms and a collection box, which he put in the local village pub. Well done TJ!

www.facebook.com/bidefordcollege www.bidefordcollege.org 9 Young Chef Competition 2017-18

For the last 10 years we have entered into the Young Chef competition which is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Great Britain. Year 9 and 10 students have been involved in the competition this year and we ran the heats during the Food lessons in the summer term. On Tuesday we held the Bideford College School final. The students had to cook 2 courses for less than £8.00 in under 2 hours.

We had a selection of judges from Bideford Rotary Club along with Craig Chant from College, Kelly Stewart and Jess Stanford. We also had the area manager from Aldi who presented each of the top 8 students with a box of luxury biscuits. It was a difficult decision but eventually the judges chose 2 winners and a runner up.

The 2 students going through to the North Final which will be held at Petroc College on Tuesday 14th No- vember are - Millie Dawson and Demi Cartmel. The runner up was Will Murch.

Congratulations to all of the students. They did a fantastic job and they really wowed the judges.

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Arthur House really set the standard last year, winning two out of the three House Cups. In a tense final day of the summer term, Arthur pipped Brunel House by a very small margin. Particularly impressive was that the whole school was in one place to receive the results and the tension was palpable. I would like to play down the rumours of a possible statue being built outside the college of me and confirm that it didn’t get enough support. Assemblies this year have focused on attendance and an initiative I am running with for Arthur House is an attendance competition. With the support of local McDonald’s manager Chris Snookes we have devised a com- petition amongst the tutor groups in Arthur House to reward the tutor group with the best attendance. The reward; a hand delivered McDonalds meal for the whole class. The first competition is running over six weeks and each week the tutor groups play against one another, with the winning tutor groups receiving three points. Competition is fierce and the fact that attendance is re-set each week, means that every student is involved and by attending school they will have an impact on their tutor group attendance for that week, but most im- portantly the ultimate impact will be seen in the classroom, as attainment grades will inevitably rise. The start of this term, as ever, has gone quickly and an important event which took place was the year 7 resi- dential to Dartmoor. It was a jam packed two days, which was about testing the mental resolve and resilience of our young students. It is always fantastic to see our students in a setting away from day to day college life and it is on these occasions that you get to learn so much about them. I would like to thank my year 7 tutors (Miss Mobbs, Mrs Hastings, Miss Luke, Mr Martin), Miss Crook, Miss Lott and my House Captains Lucy and An- drás for the extra time they spent on making this trip such a success. I always believe half terms are vital for students to re-charge their batteries and come back firing on all cylin- ders ready for the run down to Christmas.

Mr Skinner Head of Arthur

After ending the year on a high by winning the house cup, we’ve come back from the summer holidays rested and ready to start the New year. As a House we have voted for a charity that we will support throughout the year. BRACE raises funds and sup- ports dementia research. Dementia is a debilitating disease that impacts the physical and psychological aspects of day to day life. In the past funds raised have helped to create Bristol Brain Centre and establish the South West Dementia Brain Bank. The first official inter-house competition took place on Wednesday 11th of October. In house teams, the year seven, eight and nine completed the cross country race. Although the weather wasn’t at its best, everyone tried their hardest and the drizzle didn’t dampen the house spirit.

Congratulations to everyone that took part!

Lydia Bray-Smith (Arthur House Journalist)

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What a start to a term! Whilst we are sure that only a few of the Brunel students aren't ready for a short break, it is stagger- ing to notice what we have managed to fit into 7 weeks! After a slow start with House points, the Year 7s on residential and our sporting stars started off a quick increase in our collection rate which, with a dramatic rise in House points being achieved in lessons throughout the House, raised us from the bottom of the house point pile to second! With our history in doing well in competitions and some focused work by the House leaders, we are sure this could lead to our first House Cup success at Christmas. The challenge is on! Brunel himself liked a good challenge and actually thrived in those circumstances, and we are showing many qualities to do likewise.

Clearly students need to be in school for many reasons; contributing the winning the house cup being the least of them. If your children are here they will make more progress, achieve more and have more opportunities in the future. Please ensure all students are present whenever possible, that they only stay off school if it is more than a cold and try to schedule appoint- ments out of school hours where this is possible. If you are worried about your child's attendance, please contact Roger Bonaparte (Attendance officer) or one of the Heads of House.

In the summer, we also said goodbye to some of our Year 11 and 13s. Many have achieved brilliant results and have stayed on for 6th form, others achieved their required grades and have moved on to apprenticeships, further education and higher education. We wish them well as our first Brunel leavers. It was fabulous to see that Charlie Woodward (Brunel) achieved the best GCSEs in the College and is now focusing on her 6th form subjects as part of our house.

In our assemblies we have focused on our charity, Edukid, and kindness. As a house we would like to be judged on our ability to be kind to each other, to support our colleagues and to be empathetic to those in need. We have always been good at showing these skills and are working on some ways we can be show these off in our charity efforts this year. All thoughts/ contributions would be gratefully received! Recently we have also thought about hidden disabilities and Do Something Nice day. Our students are all amazing and being supportive friends and classmates is a quality we encourage on a daily basis.

Brunel was notable for his dedication to the tasks ahead and many of our students are really taking this on board. Some of our successes include making up most of the school tennis team, having had a good deal of sporting success both in and out of College and also having a number of students involved in our school production of Beauty and the Beast. There are many others too. We are proud of each and every success, and encourage parents and students to let us know about them all!

Mrs Bourke & Mr Nias Heads of Brunel House

During this term, Brunel has produced some outstanding results.

So I want to celebrate with you the incredible participants who have been involved in sport inside and outside of school this half term and we want to congratulate those amazing individuals for all their hard work.

Therefore Brunel would like to raise a cheer for Flynn Jennings in Year 10, who took part in a cross country run and came 2nd in the South West.

Also a massive well done to people who competed in the Year 9 and 10 tennis regional finals and a few who did a tremendous job were Niamh Ramsay, Gemma Cleave and Molly Watts. Finally a huge well done to Brunel students in the school cross country run this week and it was awesome to see lots of people in Brunel colours doing so well and smiling and trying really hard and doing well for the House as the House representatives and House captains cheering them over the finish.

Yr 7 - Charlie Pilkington came 1st

Yr 8 - Elena Christley also came 1st

Well done Brunel keep it up!

Lolah Olde

www.facebook.com/bidefordcollege www.bidefordcollege.org 12 Coleridge House News

What an amazingly exciting experience it has been for me starting at Bideford College; I have thoroughly enjoyed my first half term here and feel well and truly welcomed – thank you to all! When you start at a new College, you hope you will soon find your feet and begin to make a real difference to young peoples’ lives and I hope that this has been the case. I have worked tirelessly to get to know as many of you as possible and support your learning; I wish to help you all work towards your targets and beyond and I would love to show you the board in the House office with all your pictures on – pop in if you haven’t seen it yet.

I’d like to start by sharing my Christmas list, it’s simple, and I would like just one gift: gold ribbons to be tied onto the House Cup! I have spoken about nothing more since I first stepped foot in the College and I am certainly driven to help the House win such a prestigious trophy. I have no shame in telling you how competitive I am; I think most of you have now realised that Monopoly on Christmas Day is not for ‘fun’ in my House. I have expressed many times, wherever the House finish in the House Cup at Christmas 2017, there will be several success stories for individuals in Coleridge and as long as all students challenge themselves to achieve their best and beyond, then that is what will contribute to the first Coleridge win. With the best attendance in the College currently belonging to 7CS, in addition to the House winning the House points, we are in a good place but should not be complacent!

I often reflect on my time here at College and wonder what people’s first impressions of me are? I hope that the majority feel positive about me taking the reins from Mr Nias and share my ambition and drive to succeed. I should also publically thank Mr Nias for making the transition smooth – I know he still loves Coleridge deep down!

At the time of writing this, I am just about to leave for Paternity leave and I think I have told most of you about my 6 week old baby Barney – a time of many new adventures! I could not be more delighted with how my life has changed over the past 3 months and long may the success and happiness continue for us all.

Think Coleridge – think GOLD!

Mr O’Donoghue.

Coleridge House.

This half term Coleridge held “Coleridge Cakes!” Open to all members of the House. This gave the students the opportunity to join together and share the food that students either made themselves or brought along. The cakes were free and as a House we all made sure that all of the food we were provided with was shared out equally between everyone.

This event enabled all of the Coleridge House to socialise and join together as a community.

Overall the event was very successful causing Coleridge to be closer as a house.

Tamzin White (Coleridge House Journalist)

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Farwell House News

Pictured: Jill & Eddie Farwell and their children It is hard to believe that we are at the first holiday of the academic year – those long summer evenings seem a distant memory already. Our new Year 7 students had a fantastic time on the residential – full details can be seen elsewhere in the newsletter. A big thank you to Josh and Hannah as Farwell leaders. They did a fantastic job of helping students and working with them on their tasks during the stay. Farwell students have been working hard since their return in September. They are all keen to earn House points and be on target in their lessons. As we know, this will help to win back the House Cup again at the end of next term! Attendance for our house so far stands at 92 % - let’s see if we can raise this by Christmas - the expectation is 95% or above. Well done to all students who have managed to attend school every day this academic year. Inter House Cross Country was an opportunity for Year 7 , 8 & 9 students to get involved in one of the first competitions of the year. Despite the weather, Farwell had some excellent results across all three year groups as can be seen later in the newsletter. However, a special well done to Isobelle Beer, Farren Simons , Jack Woollen, Fletcher Powe, James Evans, Jacob Edwards, Elena Christley, Jamie Milsom, Sophie Evans and Lily Dennis. A big thank you also to all of the House Leaders for giving up their time to help organise and run the event. Finally, enjoy a restful half term break. Please encourage all students to take time to relax and prepare themselves for the second half of the first term. Mr Gibbins Head of House

Farwell’s new Year 7s - How do they like Bideford College? We have all seen the new year 7s wandering around the College, but what do they think of our school? I interviewed Mrs Harrison’s tutor group to find out what some of our year 7’s thought of our school. “It’s really fun, the teachers are really engaging, and the lessons are fun.” Another student said, “The teachers get to know you and in les- sons it’s not just writing.”

This tutor group was easy to interview, they were confident and one student, Curtis, had a lot to say! So, thank you Mrs Harrison’s tutor group! Written by Fran Du Cros Farwell House journalist

Mountain Marvel! During the summer, one of our most recent year 7s, TJ McQuillan, from Mrs Harrison’s tutor group, did an extraordinary thing for our charity. TJ went to Wales to climb Mount Snowdon! TJ raised money for the Children’s Hospice and they ended up with £1384.63, all because one of this one Bideford College student who made the journey to the peak of this mountain. It took him two and a half hours to reach the top, and two hours back down. He got plenty of sponsorship forms and a collec- tion box, which he put in the local village pub.

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Hepworth have made a steady start in the House Cup this term, the behaviour data has significantly improved and I thank all parents and tutors for making sure our students are working within all class room expectations. The number of House points is a little off the pace but I think the students within Hepworth are modest and don't push for recognition of the quality of work they produce. This is something we need to work on in the future.

A special mention must go to Keira Connolly who has become a senior student librarian and has worked very hard to get to this level. I am sure her knowledge of the Dewey Decimal System is not to be surpassed!

The Year 7 residential is well documented in another report but I do feel I need to mention how impressed I was with the cohort who went from Hepworth. Already a great camaraderie and team work ethos. I am optimistic that things will be great for this cohort over the next 5 years.

The Inter House Cross Country saw Hepworth do very well with some students doing exceptionally well. The Year 7 Girls Team came first with a 4th place for Cierra Bright and 5th for Lily Ann Syvret. These strong positions meant that the Y7 Girls team came first overall. Other good individual performances by Evan Suggate coming 2nd, Madison Tate 5th and Matt Lew- is 4th. However Charlie Pilkington coming first in the Year 7 Boys is an outstanding performance which has earned him his Hepworth House Colours.

In another sporting success and rise to stardom Amelia Dennis has been selected for the U18 Devon Rugby Team, an out- standing achievement considering the large number of girls who are put forward. Well done Amelia, good luck in the fix- tures from us all.

Year 7, 8 and House Leaders did the first fundraiser for our chosen charity - Cancer Research UK. On Friday the 13th the House Leaders supported the Year 8 students to set up a Ping Pong Ball throw into a Jam Jar and Lucky Dip. A great success with over £15 being made in 20 minutes. The Hepworth Leaders will be running the activity every Friday until Christmas due to the success of the initial game.

We will expand the activity to include Year 7, 8 & 9 from next week. Please bring your 20p for three balls to throw. There is a £10 main prize but I have to say the jar is quite tight! Two of the Caretaking Staff were very keen to see Mr Cope lose £10, but were disappointed only to leave a half penny chew and a swizzle.

Best wishes to all parents and students for the half term break,

Mr Cope Head of Hepworth House

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Sixth Form News

Learn 2 Live

Whether you were blinking at the ceiling, swallowing the lump in your throat or just letting the tears flow, the ‘Learn 2 Live’ presentation hit deep.

On October 10th year 12 students were given the opportunity to watch the presentation about car accidents and safe driving, delivered by people who had unfortunately been personally affected by them. It was a complete eye opener about the small decisions that an individual can make, one as simple as choosing to put on a seat belt, as well as the overwhelming repercussions of not making the right decision. The speeches highlighted that an individ- ual can lose their life in a second but the impact of losing a loved one can stay with family and friends forever. Whilst it wasn't comfortable viewing, it definitely brought home the importance of road safety, especially as this is the year students reach the age where they can learn to drive and enter the age group most likely to be involved in road traffic collisions. Molly Pennington

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Sixth Form News

Macmillan Bake Sale - School Newsletter

At break time on Friday 29th September, a group of Sixth Formers hosted a bake sale as part of the World’s Biggest Coffee Morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. There were some amazing cakes and biscuits on offer. We managed to raise an amazing £137.28 (including Sixth Form donations during lunchtime); it will all go to Macmillan to help provide support for those giving care and those who need it. Thank you to everyone who made and bought cakes.

House Placings 1st – Coleridge – 250 house points 2nd – Arthur – 200 house points 3rd – Hepworth – 150 house points 4th – Farwell – 100 house points 5th – Brunel – 50 house points

Congratulations to Coleridge!

Written by Charlotte Rogers

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Sixth Form News

Bideford College students go international!

For the last year, Bideford College students of a range of ages from year 11 to 13 had been raising money to go on a charity expedition to Ecuador to help local people there. But, during the summer holidays, all their hard work paid off. They drove up to Heathrow via minibus, packed to the brim with all the clothes and necessities they would require for their month spend in both the rainforest and the mountains of this exotic country. Once there, they met up with their guide and group leader for the trip as well as the students from the other schools who would also be part of their expedition group. Then came a gruel- ling 10 hour flight from London to the capital of Ecuador, Bogota. Here, the group were faced with their first hurdle, the hu- midity. Most of us had never been to a country with such a climate, adding another hardship to the first few days of the expe- dition. But we did not have time to grumble as after a day of rest, we boarded a bus and set off to our first camp, camp Donbiki. This was located deep in the Amazon rainforest. We stayed here for 3 days, where we spent time helping to build a new house for the teacher of the small community we were located next to. After these few days, we took a trip through the amazon rainforest in to our next camp, where our main focus was working to refurnish the school there. In both cases, the communities were incredibly welcoming, making sure we were alright at every opportunity and involving us in many cultural activities such as their cultural dances.

The next week had a focus on altitude training, spending it in two camps at high altitude to prepare us for our 5 day trek which was to come the week afterwards. In these two camps, Kurikucho and Cayambe, we not only helped in local build pro- jects such as the road and a communal kitchen, but also took part in a practise hike up the nearby slopes in preparation for the 3 peaks we would be doing on or hike. Once again, the communities in and around these camps were incredibly welcom- ing and fun and even treating us to one of their local delicacies- Guinea pig! As such, we were quite saddened to leave at the end of the week, especially as the hardest part of our expedition was about to begin.

Our trek began with a short (at least compared to the others) trek to our first campsite, located next to and old Aztec ruins. This campsite was very similar to those that we get here, with permanent wooden lodges, toilets and showers as well as being surrounded by incredible views. Unfortunately for us, we only stayed here a night before making out way to our next camp site, the one we would be staying at for the rest of the trip. It was located in the basin of a long inactive volcano where a lake had been created, and surrounded by small (ish) mountains. Each day after arriving then had us ascending one of the peaks around us, always returning to the campsite afterwards to rest and prepare for the next day. At this altitude, we didn’t have to worry about the humidity, but the unpredictability of fog and rain, which can cause a fairly easy climb into a slippery hell. Luckily, no one obtained any injuries except a few bumps and bruises. Even better, everyone managed to complete at least 2 out of the 3 peaks, which was an incredible achievement for everyone.

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Sixth Form News

Our last week in Ecuador had us back in the rainforest, in one of the poorer areas of Ecuador, Esmeraldas. We were all still tired from our trek, but after a day’s rest we were ready to work. The main project here was working on building a medical centre, as the nearest one to the community we stayed near was 2 hours away. In the past this had caused some of the inhab- itants to lose a limb due to not being able to get to a hospital in time. This made us all the more determined to complete this job to the best of our ability, and by the time we got on a bus to go back to Bogota much of it had been completed, thanks to the work of the local mystiros (builders) and us. We were proud of ourselves as we made our way to the hostel we would be staying at before our flight home, but our hearts were heavy. Over the course of the month, the group had become incredibly close despite many of us having never talked before. So, the last night was spent together, celebrating our time together and remembering the good times we had shared on this trip, no-one going to bed early that night. But eventually we all made our way to bed, packing our bags for the next day when we would return back to our normal lives in England. But, we made sure to share our contact details, as we all knew that after a month spending almost every hour of every day together, we were all going to have trouble adjusting.

So, looking back on our trip, I would like to say a big thank you to all those that helped us in our fundraising to go out and do the amazing work we did. I would also like to strongly recommend that any students who get a similar opportunity take it. It may seem daunting at first, but it’s worth it. You get to help people living in real poverty, while exploring wild and exotic coun- tries. It’s an experience you will never forget. At least, I know I never will

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The Tempest

Fantastic homework from Rosie Dennis 7MA

Year 7 have made a dynamic start to their English learning this half term. Students have started their studies exploring Shakespeare's "The Tempest", a challenging text that explores: magic, power and forgiveness.

This blustery tale has generated some excellent pieces of descrip- tive writing of which our students should be extremely proud. Dra- ma has allowed students to explore aspects of plot and character, whilst a focus on language techniques has created a greater under- standing of the writer at work. Some outstanding individual home- work has been produced, reflecting a considerable amount of effort, creativity and attention to detail.

We look forward to witnessing YR7's further progress in the weeks to come.

"O brave new world, That has such people in't. (Miranda, Act 5 Scene 1)"

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English and the Library

The Year 7 Royal Academy Book Group—the winning book is...

L to R: Ethan Sadler,Max Fry,Taormina Plummer,Emily Wilcox,Riley Cadwallader and Erin Cross

Our Year 7 book group have been meeting once a week to read and discuss this year’s Royal Society shortlisted books. They have been assessing the books across five different criteria and awarding marks out of five for each one. On Tuesday 10 Octo- ber the marks were counted and they chose their winner.

It was a very close call between Home Lab which received 19/20 but was pipped at the post by The Awesome Body Book which gained full marks—20/20!

Their winning book title has been sent off to be counted towards the final vote. The winner will be announced nationally in November.

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English and the Library

Accelerated Reader and Big Up a Book Year 7,8 & 9 Student Successes! Accelerated Reader - Word Millionaires Books Read This Year: Kai Connolly– Year 9

A massive congratulations to Kai Connolly in Year 9. In just 6 weeks he has read and passed quizzes on 13 books! 450 Kai is our first word millionaire of this school year with a fantastic 1,338,185 Words Read This Year: words read!

Nearly There Millionaires: 19,020,414 Niamh Ramsay - 870,379 Barney Evans - 641,744 Keira Connolly - 562,516

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The Library

The Books and Bakes Club to launch the Bideford College Book Awards

L to R:

Rebecca Taylor

Caleb Presley

Sophie Jones

Megan Thomas


Sadie Kingston-Ford

Ocean Thompson

Our Thursday lunchtime Books and Bakes Club have been working really hard to pull together their idea of a College Book Award. Everything is in place now and the group will be out and about in House assemblies and tutor groups after half term talking to students across the school about how they can get involved.

Back before the summer holidays the group came up with a long list of books and this has been gradually whittled down to a short list of five. Exact details of how this exciting House competition will run is highly classified until after half term—full de- tails to follow in our Christmas newsletter!

All that can be said is that all of the group have read the short listed books and are excited to share them with everyone. Group chair Ocean Thompson has worked well to steer the group and together they have come up with an exciting diary of events!

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The Library

There’s still time over the half term holiday to write your spooky stories and enter the Library’s 500 word spooky story competition. Closing date for entries is Tuesday 31 October. Get writing and good luck!

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Year 7 and 8

Thursday 3-4pm

Room G13

Come up with an idea.

Carry out the investigations.

Complete a presentation including a display board.

Enter the Competition.

Go to The University of to be judged on your work

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Exeter School of Mathematics

On Wednesday 27th September I had the privilege of going to the opening lecture for the Exeter School of Maths In the lecture they explained to us that over the course of 5 days we would be taking part in activities on par with an A-level Further Maths paper. In the other area of the lecture we were asked questions like, “where do numbers come from, did we make them, or discover them? We also learnt about rational, irrational and imaginary numbers, and when in time they were first used. For example, irrational numbers were first used by Greeks when Hipparchus drew this


1m 1m

1m How long is the line?

It frustrated the Greeks as they believed everything was rational and all they could find was .

This is used to this day, as the piece of paper you are reading off is in the ratio ! Thomas Williams 8JM

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Spanish Student’s exchange visit

For the past three weeks, Year 10 have had the pleasure of welcoming several students from Spain. Although each Spanish student had a specific friend to go around with, quickly friendships were formed and memories were made with other stu- dents from around the college.

A couple of weeks ago, the students first arrived, a little nervous and quite apprehensive about the forthcoming weeks, in a new country and meeting new people. However, they had no need to be nervous as Bideford College students were excep- tionally welcoming. A Spanish student who has been joining our tutor recently said that her favourite thing about her visit had to be: “The people, as they are so friendly and welcoming.” The students have been staying in homes around the local area. They stayed in our lessons until third period at which point they left to explore the area; they have visited Bideford’s Victoria Park, Barnstaple high street, the Big Sheep and much more. Another student commented on how much they en- joyed the lessons: “I found the lessons very interesting and fun. The teachers were welcoming and I even learnt some things!”.

However, the time for the students to leave us has come. I’m sure it will be quite sad for many students, considering the friendships and the strong bonds that have been made over the past few weeks. However, I’m also sure many will stay in touch and some may even go over to Spain to visit their newfound friends. On behalf of many in Year 10, I’d like to send a thankful farewell to the students who visited us at Bideford College. We have had a wonderful time hosting them here and we hope they had as much fun as we did!

Sam Hinson, Year 10

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This cast of this year’s Performing Arts production - Beauty and the Beast

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On 7th October 2017 the Greenpower Team consisting of Jack Branch, Harvey Cottle, Callum Deemer, Harry Dean, Harry Cook and Ben Quance went out to Rockingham race track to enter the final race of the season; The Interna- tional Kit Car race. It was an early start to the day, after a long and cold night. We unloaded the car then took it to scrutineering and passed the safety tests. When arriving in the pit garages the nerves were showing fully when we saw cars we had never seen before. At 9:30am the practice session started and we were soon out on the track. Due to a small con- nection issue we started practice uneasily but we were soon fixed up and back out on the track. Jack took the first lap of practice and then came in when we put our pit stop practice into action and got a 10 second pit. When Har- vey went back out he set the third fastest lap of practice. Not only do we need to race but also agree to interviews that are broadcast across the race track. JRB Racing was chosen for a full race day interview. They had to explain all about the car and how they had been working on it since the last race. The race was quickly upon us and so no time to relax. Our grid position was 16th so there was work to do. The aim of a race is to run the car on one battery for 90 minutes. The winner is the car that goes the furthest in the time. This has to have three drives hence two pit stops. This sounds easy but there are strategies involved in making the car’s battery last. Consistency is the key traveling at 24 miles per hour.

For the first two thirds of the race we were running second. Our hopes of silver were high; the aim was to beat our Newquay success. Unfortunately, in the last 10 minutes of the race our battery began to fail. Harry Dean did a bril- liant job of forcing the car to move, but it gradually slowed and we were passed. Feeling downhearted we headed home BUT we were seventh in the world. An improvement from last year’s tenth place and this was down to clever pit slots, precise pit changes and a well organised team. Every member of the team is to be congratulated because it is the work that goes on every Wednesday evening and all the fundraising that makes this a massive success.

Hot off the press we have just been awarded 3rd at Castlecombe too… so our season is 3rd Newquay, 3rd Castle- combe and now 7th in the world… what a season. Article written by Callum Deemer and Mrs Cook.

Pictured: Jack Branch Harvey Cottle Callum Deemer

Harry Dean Harry Cook

Ben Quance

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Team news Netball League Results

The first North Devon Netball league matches started this week hosted by ourselves at the college. All the teams played really well after only one training session!!!

The results were as follows:

Year 11 beat South Molton and Braunton, lost to Pilton Year 10 beat South Molton and Braunton, Lost to Pilton Year 9 beat South Molton and Pilton lost to Braunton Year 8 beat South Molton, lost to Pilton and Braunton


The Year 9 Rugby team finished runners up at the 10 a- side tournament at Moreton Park. They had very convincing wins against Torrington, Braunton, Ilfracombe, Chulmleigh and Pilton but slipped up against South Molton - 3 tries to 2. The team has now qualified for the county finals.


Congratulations to our Year 9 football team, who have now made it 2 wins and out of 2 this season. They beat Chulmleigh 2-0, however it was not the 'cricket' score that their manager said it would be. We had to work hard for this result as they were well organised and difficult to break down.

Chulmleigh also had pace upfront which prevented our full backs from pushing forward and support attacking play. In the end quality and persistence prevailed, producing two excellent goals for us.

Great team effort but special mention must go to Nathan Colley, who produced some beautiful touches and cute through balls throughout the whole game.

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Year 9 Rugby Result

In the U14 cup, Bideford College beat Shebbear 45-14 in their first game (despite only having 13 players.)

Sam Abbott and Matt Lewis both scored try hat tricks and Jacob Stevenson scored the other try with Adam Leworthy converting 5 in the gale force winds. A great team performance.

Stephen Shield Cross Country Winners

At the Stephen Shield Cross Country at Torrington against the other North Devon schools, we had three winners from four races by the boys! Fletcher Powe won the Year 8 race, Adam Leworthy won the Year 9 race and Flynn Jennings won the Year 10 race.

All of the performances were really strong with Elena Christley 3rd, Jamie Milsom 5th, Charlie Pilkington 6th, Martha An- drews 6th, Isobelle Beer 8th, Caitlin Sargent 14th, Farren Simons 15th, Evan Suggate

Girls’ Rugby Development Festival

All 24 girls above took part in a rugby development festival at Barnstaple Rugby Club with other schools from North Devon.

They completed workshops on passing, running and tackling before taking part in some full contact matches.

They all did tremendously well and girls rugby is really starting to take off at Bideford College.

Girls rugby club starts after half term on the astro. Meet at Kingsley

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ESAA Cross Country Cup First Round Results

The inter boys cross country team travelled 100 miles to their ESAA Cross Country Cup 1st round at Downside School in Somer- set. They ran exceptionally well as 5 of the 6 are a year younger than most of the opposition.

Flynn Jennings lead the 4.5km race all of the way beating all of the Millfield boys but came 2nd on the finish line by centimetres. He lead the team to overall 3rd place and a good chance to get into the next round (1 race off National Finals). Adam Leworthy 9th, Jamie Milsom 17th, Jacob Stevenson 30th, Zach McMurray 41st and Oli McQuillam 42nd are the team members.

From L to R:

Flynn Jennings

Jamie Milsom

Adam Leworthy

Jacob Stevenson

Zach McMurray

Oli McQuillam

Hockey Club

There will be a hockey club starting on Thursday 2nd Novem- ber after school on the astro (please change in Kingsley).

Everyone is welcome but you must have a gum shield and shin pads. The club will be run by a very experienced hockey coach.

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We are delighted to say we will be entering two teams of six Year 10 students into the Ten Tors Challenge 2018.

Organised by the Army from Headquarters South West and assisted by the Navy and the Royal Air force, the Ten Tors Challenge is considered to be the largest and most highly respected outdoor walking event held nationally for young people.

On the weekend after the May bank holiday, 2,400 individuals will set out on this challenging overnight expedition, which many past participants have described as a life changing experience. We will run several Expedition Skills days, Day Walks and Overnight Expeditions over the coming months which will form our selection process for the two Ten Tors teams.

The training will give students the opportunity to devel- Ten Tors Training Program op their navigation, camp craft and team work skills which will be necessary to be successful. During these sessions students will be assessed on their levels of effort, attendance and ability with the final selection of twelve students being made in April 2018

Ten Tors is open to any student in year 10. If you are interested please come and see Miss Hooper in B24 to get the relevant paperwork.

Students learn how to put up a tent.

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