Prendergast School Hilly Fields Adelaide Avenue
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- 22 - Committee PLANNING COMMITTEE ( A) Item No . 5 Report Title PRENDERGAST SCHOOL, HILLY FIELDS SE4 1LE Ward Ladywell Contributors Jan Mondrzejewski Class PART 1 Date : 8 JULY 20 10 Reg. No . DC/ 10 /74021 Application dated 13 April 20 10 Applicant Savills on behalf of Lewisham Schools for the Future Local Education Partnership Ltd Proposal The construction of a two storey temporary building to provide additional classrooms and staff accommodation at Prendergast , Hilly Fields, Adelaide Avenue SE4. Applicant's Plan No s. PHF -HKR -S-EO -PLAN -00310 REV. 02 , 00311, 00312, 00314, 00315 REV. 02 & PHF -HKR -A- D&A -REP -00320 (Design & Access Statement ) . Background Papers (1) Case File - DE/ 110 /E/TP (2) Adopted Unitary Development Plan (July 2004) (3) The London Plan (February 2008) Consolidated with Alterations Since 2004 (3) Brockley Conservation Area Character Appraisal Zoning Adopted UDP - Existing Use , Public Open Space, Brockley Article 4 Direction PTAL 2 Site of Nature Conservation Importance Brockley Conservation Area HB Grade 2 1.0 Property/Site Description 1.1 The application site is located in Hilly Fields Park, which is shown on the UDP Proposals Map as Public Open Space and Site of Nature Conservation Importance. It is als o located within the Brockley Conservation Area. Prendergast School is partly located in premises in the park surrounded by open space and partly in modern accommodation in nearby Adelaide Avenue, just outside the boundary of the Conservation Area. The s chool building in the Park and was designated a listed building in 1992 (Grade II*). Originally built in 1884/5 as the West Kent Grammar School and extended in 1914 -18 and 1921 as Brockley County Secondary School. The interior contains murals of the 1930 s which are regarded as 'some of the most important ach ieve ments of 20th Century mural painting' (English Heritage List Description. Prendergast School moved to the site from their original premises in Catford in the 1990s. 1.2 Hilly Fields Park was far mland up until the 1890s when it was purchased by public subs cription for the formation of a public open space. The Metropolitan Borough of - 23 - Deptford (formed in 1899) took over responsibility for the Park and this in turn transferred to the London Borough of Lewisham in 1965 when the Metropolitan Boroughs of Lewisham and Deptford were amalgamated. The open space occupies an elevated area commanding good views of London and contains a large number of mature trees of significant amenity value. 1.3 The nea rest residential properties to the application site are some 100 metres away in Eastern Road. 2.0 Planning History 2.1 In December 2004 planning permission and listed building consent was granted for the demolition of the lavatory block to the front of Prendergast School, Hilly Fields, and the construction of a two storey music school building. 2.2 In February 2007 planning permission and listed building consent was granted for the erection of replacement fencing and gates around approximately three q uarters of the school site. This comprised replac ing existing fences, which were a combination of wire mesh, chain link , wooden boards and concrete posts , with new bow top railings . The height approved was 1.8 metre high around the side of the site and 1.5 metres at the front. 2.3 Listed Building Consent was granted in December 2007 for the installation of replacement European prime oak flooring in the assembly hall of Prendergast School. 2.4 Applications have now been submitted for major rebuilding of the school site in Adelaide Avenue and more limited refurbishment work of the grade II* listed Hilly Fields building . These comprise: - a) Planning Permission for the demolition of school buildings at Adelaide Avenue Site, but with retention of and alter ations to existing sports hall and construction of a two to four storey building with associated facilities, together with refurbishment works to the Hillyfields building. b) Listed Building Consent for refurbishment works to the Hillyfields building and demolition of an existing outbuilding thereto. 3.0 Present Application 3.1 The current application is for the construction of a two storey temporary building to provide additional classrooms and staff accommodation for Prendergast School on land adjo ining the existing school site in Hilly Fields Park. The building is required in order to provide temporary accommodation while the School's Adelaide Avenue site is redeveloped. An application has now been submitted for the redevelopment of this site to provide improved facilit ies for the school. There is also more limited refurbishment work required at the Hilly Fields park site and planning and listed building applications have been submitted for these works. 3.2 A two year period has been requested f or the temporary building and the applicants intend to restore the site to it's former condition on removal of the structure. The location has been selected to minimise impact on the activities of the park and to minimise damage to the park. Although two category B trees of the species ‘Fastigiate Carpius’ will have to be removed, the applicant states that e ven if it does not become a planning condition, they will reinstate 2 trees of the same species in this area in accordance with the recommendations co ntained in the Arboricultural Method Statement. - 24 - 3.3 Although the temporary buildings come with toilet accommodation, these are not required and no drainage works are needed. Pupils and staff will use facilities available in the main school building. 3.4 As a response to a num ber of matters raised by responde nts to the applications several changes have been made to the scheme. These are detailed in points 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 16 of section 7 of this report. 4.0 Consultations Neighbours and Local Amenity Societies 4.1 Letters of consultati on were sent to The Brockley Society and 17 properties in Eastern Road, these being the closest properties to the application site , together with notices displayed in the local press, at the site and at all entrances to the park . Ward Councillors were also notified . Brockley Society 4.2 No Reply . 4.3 Four replies have been received from the occupiers of Nos . 117 Tressillian Road, 41 Chalsey Road, 32 Vicars Hill and Friends of Hilly Fields, objecting to the developmen t for the following reasons: - (1) The approx. 3m of planting along the school boundary includes a hawthorn which should not be disturbed. (2) Two trees (sycamores) which appear on drawing PHF -HKR -S-E0 -PLAN -00313 Rev 02 on the first floor plan only but not on the ground floor plan could be removed and replaced by a different species, however the small hawthorn (not shown) in this area should be retained. (3) Existing shrubs on the bank to the eastern road, including a large Viburnum, are shown as remove d. (4) The opening for the entrance seems large with a double gate compared to the existing timber bollards and there is an implication of vehicle access to the paving area in front of the building. There is an objection to this being used as access for vehicles because of safety and the additional build -up of the path for the increased weight of the vehicle. (5) The two trees that are proposed to be felled are category B ‘Fastigiate Carpius’ and seem to sit outside the foot print of the proposed tempora ry accommodation. Why are these being removed? (6) It is queried why the bank with the Oak tree and shrub planting is within the tree line. (7) Can we have the dimension of the building and the boundary to determine what area will be lost during the work? (8) What type of foundations will be used for the temporary building and fence posts? (9) What type of boundary fence will be used? (10) What sort of shade will it (the fence and the building) cast on the boundary planting? - 25 - (11) How will the building be b rought to the site? (12) What will happen if the work over runs and the temporary accommodation is required for longer than the two year period requested ? (13) How can we be assured that the lost trees will be reinstated? (14) The building will have a DD A compatible ramp, can we see how the access from the road onto the grass site will be achieved. (15) There seems to be an oak canopy close to the temporary accommodation which may affect the cran age of the modules into position. (16) The plans shows the hard landscaping up to the boundary with two small trees missing from the ground floor of the plan. Will the paving be permeable or where will it drain to. (17) Will construction traffic use the eastern road for access? If so will any damage caused be rec tified? (18) Will the upper site take an additional 120 pupils and will there be an upgrade to the already congested paths in the park that are used by the school? (19) Has consideration been given to siting the building within the school ground and borro wing the park for lost playground? (20) One resident has asked how the toilets with in the temporary accommodation will be connected to the mains (waste and supply) and whether these will need to be buried? (21) Consultation should have embraced all park users rather than just the occupiers of properties in Eastern Avenue. (Letters are available to Members ). Amenity Society Panel 4.4 No objection subject to conditions requiring removal of the temporary building after 2 years and full reinstatement of the site.