Central African Republic: Crisis Snapshot (As of 06 Feb
Central African Republic: Crisis snapshot (as of 06 Feb. 2013) More than 780,000 people, roughly 17% of the country’s population are living Population living in affected areas (in Thousands) in areas controlled by Séléka (“alliance”) such as, Bamingui, Batangafo, 6.7 15.3 21.1 35.9 36.5 39.8 40.3 42.3 63 65.3 70 70.6 96.6 117.2 Bambari, Basse Kotto, Bria, Ippy, Kabo, Kaga Bandoro, Kouango and Sibut. Sibut Ippy Bria Ndele Kabo Kaga Mbres Dekoa Needs analysis Ouadda Alindao Bamingui Kouango Bandoro Bambari Preliminary results from assessments reveal women and children in urgent need of assistance especially in the Batangafo area of food security, health, nutrition, protection and education. 104 RRA questionnaires conducted in 31 towns, in 15 sub-prefectures, across 9 prefectures revealed: SUDAN BiraoP 85 per cent of questionnaires noted that children are not going to school due to the crisis. CHAD 65 per cent of questionnaires noted an increase in Gender-Based Violence (GBV). 1,275 cases of unaccompanied children were reported in Nana-Gribizi, Kemo and Ouham. 237 deaths and 371 injured reported in the 104 questionnaires. 65,364 62 per cent of questionnaires noted shortages of medicines while 45 per cent noted an interruption ! SOUTH- P Ndele Sam of health services, with a higher frequency in Nana-Gribizi and Kemo. ! Ouandja SUDAN 45 per cent of questionnaires noted lack of access to water and 29 per cent showed insufficient !Kabo Ouadda ! quantity of potable water available. 85,092 Batangafo! Kaga- Bamingui Bandoro Across the prefectures, loss of harvest, seeds and cattle have been reported resulting in rising P Bria Bossangoa ! Mbres 1,143 food prices.
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