Guide to the Microfilm Edition of the Mission Biographical Reference Files 1880- 1969

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Guide to the Microfilm Edition of the Mission Biographical Reference Files 1880- 1969 Guide to the Microfilm Edition of the Mission Biographical Reference Files 1880- 1969 General Commission on Archives and History of the United Methodist Church P.O. Box 127, Madison, NJ 07940 August 7, 2013 Guide to the Microfilm Edition of the Mission Biographical Reference Files Microfilm Edition of the Mission Biographical Reference Files 1880- 1969 35 cubic feet gcah.rg.4642 History Note The Board of Missions continued the work begun in the predecessor denominations of the Methodist Episcopal, Methodist Episcopal, South and Methodist Protestant churches. The agency combined both domestic and international work, and the work, both domestic and international started by predecessor women's groups. The agency was divided into three primary groups: Foreign, Domestic and Women. For more detailed information please refer to the mission agency history. Scope Note The biographical reference file collection was created by the former Board of Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church and the Methodist Church. The purpose of the reference files was to provide information quickly about either a person related to Methodism, or of interest to Methodism, or about a Methodist bishop or missionary. The missionary reference files often contain genealogical information as well as information about the person's appointment and interests. It appears that the missionary reference files could be used to inform interested parties about a particular missionary. This collection does not contain a file on all bishops or on all missionaries. It is not clear what the selection criteria was. While the files contain information into the 1960s, the bulk of the collection covers the time period 1880- 1930. Arrangement Material has been arranged in the following manner. The collection has been arranged into two series. The first is biographical information on Methodist bishops, and the second series is biographical information on missionaries. Preferred Citation Microfilm Edition of the Mission Biographical Reference files, 1880s-1969 Subject Terms Additional Creators - Corporate Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Board of Missions. Methodist Episcopal Church. Board of Foreign Missions Subject Topics Bishops Missionaries. Subject Geographic Africa Asia China Europe. India Latin America Genre General Commisson on Archives and History Page 1 Madison, New Jersey Guide to the Microfilm Edition of the Mission Biographical Reference Files Biographies. Functions Missions. General Commisson on Archives and History Page 2 Madison, New Jersey Guide to the Microfilm Edition of the Mission Biographical Reference Files Container List Bishops - Biographical Call Number Folder Title Date(s) Mission Bio Reel Ainsworth, Bishop William N. undated #1:3 Mission Bio Reel Akazawa, Bishop Motozo undated #1:4 Mission Bio Reel Ames, Bishop Edward R. undated #1:5 Mission Bio Reel Anderson, Bishop Leonard P. undated #1:7 Mission Bio Reel Anderson, Bishop William undated #1:8 Mission Bio Reel Andrew, Bishop James O. undated #1:6 Mission Bio Reel Andrews, Bishop E. G. undated #1:9 Mission Bio Reel Arvidson, Bishop Theodor August undated #1:10 Mission Bio Reel Asbury, Bishop Francis undated #1:11 Mission Bio Reel Badley, Bishop And Mrs. Brenton T. undated #1:13 Mission Bio Reel Badley, Bishop And Mrs. Brenton T. Obituaries, Photographs undated #1:12 Mission Bio Reel Badley, Bishop And Mrs. Brenton T. Writings undated #2:15 Mission Bio Reel Baker, Bishop James C. undated #2:16 Mission Bio Reel Baker, Bishop Osmon C. undated #2:17 Mission Bio Reel Balaram, Bishop P. C. Benjamin undated #2:18 Mission Bio Reel Bashford, Bishop James W. undated #3:22 Mission Bio Reel Bashford, Bishop James W. Mss undated #2:21 Mission Bio Reel Bashford, Bishop James W. (Pictures) undated #2:19 Mission Bio Reel Bashford, Bishop James W. - Published Writings undated #2:20 Mission Bio Reel Bast, Bishop Anton undated #3:23 Mission Bio Reel Bast, Bishop Anton (Pictures And Central Mission) And Articles In Swedish undated #4:24 Mission Bio Reel Baxter, Bishop Bruce R. undated #4:25 Mission Bio Reel Berry, Bishop Joseph undated #4:26 Mission Bio Reel Bickley, Bishop George H. undated #4:27 Mission Bio Reel Birney, Bishop Lauress J. undated #4:29 Mission Bio Reel Bishop Thoburn: An Autobiography undated #15:228 Mission Bio Reel Blake, Bishop Edgar undated #4:28 General Commisson on Archives and History Page 3 Madison, New Jersey Guide to the Microfilm Edition of the Mission Biographical Reference Files Call Number Folder Title Date(s) Mission Bio Reel Boaz, Bishop Hiram A. undated #4:30 Mission Bio Reel Booth, Bishop Newell S. undated #4:31 Mission Bio Reel Booth, Bishop Newell S. Photographs undated #4:32 Mission Bio Reel Booth, Bishop Newell S. Writings undated #4:33 Mission Bio Reel Bowen, Bishop John W. E. undated #4:34 Mission Bio Reel Bowman, Bishop Thomas undated #5:35 Mission Bio Reel Branscomb, Bishop John undated #5:36 Mission Bio Reel Bristol, Bishop Frank M. undated #5:37 Mission Bio Reel Brooks, Bishop Robert N. undated #5:38 Mission Bio Reel Broomfield, Bishop John C. undated #5:39 Mission Bio Reel Brown, Bishop Wallace E. undated #5:40 Mission Bio Reel Burns, Bishop Chas. W. undated #5:41 Mission Bio Reel Burns, Bishop Francis undated #5:42 Mission Bio Reel Burt, Bishop William undated #5:43 Mission Bio Reel Burt, Bishop William Photographs undated #5:44 Mission Bio Reel Camphor, Bishop A. P. undated #5:45 Mission Bio Reel Candler, Bishop Warren A. undated #5:46 Mission Bio Reel Cannon, Bishop James, Jr. undated #5:47 Mission Bio Reel Carroll, Bishop Henry K. undated #5:48 Mission Bio Reel Carter, Bishop T. C. undated #5:49 Mission Bio Reel Chen, Bishop W. Y. undated #5:50 Mission Bio Reel Chitambar, Bishop Jashwant Rao And Mrs. Chitambar undated #6:51 Mission Bio Reel Chung, Bishop Chun-So undated #6:52 Mission Bio Reel Clark, Bishop Davis Wasgatt And Mrs. undated #6:53 Mission Bio Reel Coke, Bishop Thomas undated #6:54 Mission Bio Reel Cooke, Bishop Richard J. undated #6:55 Mission Bio Reel Coors, Bishop D. Stanley undated #6:56 Mission Bio Reel Cranston, Bishop Earl And Mrs. Cranston undated #6:58 Mission Bio Reel Cushman, Bishop Ralph S. undated #6:59 General Commisson on Archives and History Page 4 Madison, New Jersey Guide to the Microfilm Edition of the Mission Biographical Reference Files Call Number Folder Title Date(s) Mission Bio Reel Dacorso, Bishop Cesar undated #6:60 Mission Bio Reel Darlington, Bishop U. V. W. undated #6:61 Mission Bio Reel Dawsey, Bishop Cyrus, B., Sr. And Ethel Sanders Dawsey And Lillian Knobles undated #6:62 Dawsey Mission Bio Reel Dawson, Bishop Dana undated #6:63 Mission Bio Reel Denny, Bishop Collins undated #6:64 Mission Bio Reel Denny, Bishop Collins Trip Around The World 1886 - 1887 undated #6:65 Mission Bio Reel Dickey, Bishop James E. undated #7:66 Mission Bio Reel Dobbs, Bishop Hoyt Mc. D. undated #7:67 Mission Bio Reel Dobbs, Bishop Hoyt Mcwhartor D. undated #6:57 Mission Bio Reel Du Bose, Bishop Horace M. undated #7:68 Mission Bio Reel Early, Bishop John undated #7:69 Mission Bio Reel Elphick, Bishop Roberto undated #73:2511 Mission Bio Reel Ensley, Bishop F. Gerald undated #73:2515 Mission Bio Reel Envelope: Bishop William Taylor Re Missionary Bishops undated #14:223 Mission Bio Reel Eveland, Bishop Wm. P. undated #7:70 Mission Bio Reel Fisher, Bishop Fred B. (Dr.) And Edith Jackson Fisher undated #7:71 Mission Bio Reel Fisher, Bishop Fred B. (Dr.) Articles By, Interviews With, Photographs undated #7:72 Mission Bio Reel Fitzgerald, Bishop James N. undated #7:73 Mission Bio Reel Flint, Bishop Charles Wesley undated #7:74 Mission Bio Reel Foss, Bishop Cyrus D. And Mrs. Foss undated #7:75 Mission Bio Reel Foster, Bishop Randolph S. undated #7:76 Mission Bio Reel Fowler, Bishop Chas, And Mrs. Fowler undated #7:77 Mission Bio Reel Garber, Bishop Paul Neff undated #7:78 Mission Bio Reel Garth, Bishop Schuyler And Mrs. Garth undated #7:79 Mission Bio Reel Gattinoni, Bishop John Ermette undated #7:80 Mission Bio Reel Goodsell, Bishop Daniel A. undated #7:81 Mission Bio Reel Gowdy, Bishop John And Mrs. Gowdy (Elizabeth Thompson) undated #7:82 Mission Bio Reel Grant, Bishop A. Raymond undated #7:83 Mission Bio Reel Grose, Bishop George R. undated #7:84 General Commisson on Archives and History Page 5 Madison, New Jersey Guide to the Microfilm Edition of the Mission Biographical Reference Files Call Number Folder Title Date(s) Mission Bio Reel Guansing, Bishop Benjamin I. undated #7:85 Mission Bio Reel Guerra, Bishop Eleazar undated #7:86 Mission Bio Reel Gum, Bishop Walter Clarke undated #7:87 Mission Bio Reel Hagen, Bishop Odd undated #7:88 Mission Bio Reel Hamilton, Bishop Franklin E. E. undated #7:89 Mission Bio Reel Hamilton, Bishop John W. And Mrs. Hamilton undated #7:90 Mission Bio Reel Hammaker, Bishop Wilbur C. undated #7:91 Mission Bio Reel Harris, Bishop Marquis Lafayette undated #8:93 Mission Bio Reel Harris, Bishop Merriman Colbert And Mrs. Harris undated #8:92 Mission Bio Reel Harris, Bishop William L. undated #8:94 Mission Bio Reel Hartman, Bishop Lewis W. undated #8:95 Mission Bio Reel Hartzell, Bishop Joseph C. undated #8:97 Mission Bio Reel Hartzell, Bishop Joseph C. - Death Of Family undated #8:98 Mission Bio Reel Hartzell, Bishop Joseph C. Letters (Methodist Publishing House) undated #8:99 Mission Bio Reel Hartzell, Bishop Joseph C. - Writings undated #8:100 Mission Bio Reel Hay, Bishop Samuel Ross undated #8:101 Mission Bio Reel Haygood, Bishop Atticus G. undated #8:102 Mission Bio Reel Henderson, Bishop Theodore S. undated #8:103 Mission Bio Reel Hendrix, Bishop E. R. undated #8:104 Mission Bio Reel Hiraiwa, Bishop Yoshiyasu undated #8:105 Mission Bio Reel Hodge, Bishop Bachman G.
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