IRON COUNTY NEWS. HURLEY, W 1 2. PITCHER DAVIS BREAKS STRENGTH MARK TEAM Or VETERAN PLAYERS' Not Difficult to Pick Aggregation Out Wisconsin News of Old-Timers Capable cf Hold- Tersely Told ing Its Own. Although but 25 of the 330 ball players who figured in the American Beloit.—Fire supposedly started by end races of 1902, the the small son of John Bass caused $2,- last year of the base- 000 damage on the Bass farm, six war, still remain in the big arena, miles from Beloit a team composed of these veterans, I.a Crosse— Edward Fitzpatrick, all of whom have been in the game Lafayette, met aged fifty, a farmer of lor upward of 14 seasons, would be death when his coat caught in a circu- capable of holding its own with any lar saw that might be selected today. All of DeMott, Marinette.—Jack ’an aged these players are far above the aver- was in his recluse of Araberg, found age in intelligence, which accounts off by a bed with half his head blown for their remaining in the game so shotgun and with Iris finger still on long, are excellent fielders, great bats- She trigger, men, and, with one or two exceptions, plan- Oshkosh.—Elks of this city are grand base runners. This all-star vet- ning to make the state convention here eran team would line up as follows: re- June 1 and 2 an event long to be Mathewson, Plank and Hess, pitch- membered Frank A. Fuller has been ers. appointed chairman of committees. Bresnahan and Dooin, catchers. Wausau. The board of di- Lajoie, first base. rtw-'ors of the Wausau Advancement Evers, second base. Mtse,, as president, Banish foot association have elected Wagner, . bones, corns, bunions, ingrown nails, flat foot, G. I). Jones; vine-president, M. C. Wallace, third base. Mueller, ills by the pinching pres- Ewing; treasurer, Otto and Callahan, left field. BENTand all foot are caused secretary and , W. R Chellls. Leach, center field. sure of pointed shoes. In Ashland The "dry” forces Ash- Crawford, right field. Go “near-barefooted,"—which means: wear working up a land have been The manager for this team could Educator Shoes. And Nature will relieve or free great deal of enthusiasm in their be selected from among John McGraw, your feet from all these blemishes. Educators will campaign this year. It is the first Fielder Jones, Clarke Griffith, Hugh prevent your children from ever having them. serious attempt the “drys” have made Jennings, Wilbur Robinson and “Whoa Get the whole family into good-looking, wear-resisting Educator* Ashland EDUCATOR is branded on to vote down the saloons of Bill" Phillips, as all of these former today. $1.35 to $5.50. See that Oconto.- A touring car, going at the sole. It guarantees the comet orthopedic shape. stars were in the game in 1902, Griffith High a fast rate of speed, capsized Rice fic Hutchins, Inc., 15 St., Boston. Maker* All- and McGraw being pilots as now. America and Signet Shoe* for Men; for Women. from Herb Tel- Mayfair three miles here. SOLD BY MANY COOD'DEALERS EVERYWHERE ford's shoulder was fractured, Mrs. PRAISE FOR STROUD Retailers can be at wholesale from stock on oar Boor. 1 Telford and Mrs. F Nerenhausen RALPH supplied are still unconscious and Agnes Tel- & Will to R H Chicago Cos., 231 W. Monroe St., Chicago, 111. ford was slightly Injured. Pacific Coast Recruit Endeavor Show Manager Jennings He Made Manitowoc Officers of the Citizens' RICE & HUTCHINS association are considering the advis- Big Mistake. ability of making the organization a of Boston Braves. stock company. It is planned to Is- New blood is the cry in the National 1,000 at each pro- league Despite the fact that the sue shares $lO to If 1,437 points, representing ail that material at the time than he needed. mote commercial ac- clubs have been ordered to reduce to Industrial and muscle bone in Har- Manager Stallings picked up, tivity and stands for him but 21 players by May 1, every club has a vard college, can be of any use In a early in the season he was overlooked, Educator Beloit.—Alvan Grossman of Sho bunch of vacancies to be filled. Mc- pennant race the Boston Braves should and when Tyler, James and Rudolph boys stranger whom he befriended. Meet- Graw plays no favorites, and the walk home with the Hag this year. began to mow down the opposition ptere was robbed of sllß by a who can show the stuff will win the aarorr. These fourteen hundred-odd points there was no chance for the young col- lng a man on the road who wanted prizes. Shoe® were hung up at Harvard by George legian. Then came a day of a double- Ralph try to a ride, Mr, listened to a tale Pitcher Stroud will Grossman A. I>avis, student in the law school, header, and after the Phillies had mas- of woe from the stranger and took show McGraw that Mac’s old Balti- RATHER ROUGH ON FATHER Teeth for Special Occasions. and incidentally a member of the sacred the climbing Braves In the first a big “Those Bullions simply roll ia him In and during the night was In more pal, , made Braves' pitching staff. It sets a rec- game Davis was shunted to the mound wealth." turn taken In. mistake when he decided that little Daughter’s Remark Might Have Been : ord for Harvafd strong men, breaking in the second. He made good with a enough “Don't they—and say, did you ever Crosse.—Declaring that eight Ralph was not clever to de- Construed Unkindly by the lai the best previous mark of 1,381, set vengeance, standing Tincup, Rixey see Mrs. Bullion’s set of state teetn.' of the 45 dairies In the county ceive major league batsmen. Stroud has Casual Listener. by Huntington R. (Tack) Hardwick, and Oeschger of the Philly twirling good seasoning “State teeth?” are a insanitary condition, had some In the Coast In grossly last fall’s all-American football star. staff on their heads in the 7 to 0 duel. "Yes—the ones she wears at recep- Dr. M. Furstrßan, city Since Fred had become a sopho- .1. health com- two Davis before, They're made of campaign This makes records for He had shown wildness but in more, was college tions and dinners. missioner, has opened a for and therefore a rubies, and every wearer of the Crimson is this game the balls cut the corners. “man," given patron- diamonds, pearls, sapphires and clean milk In the city by getting out he had himself Why, now boosting for a third. Last fall Davis came originally from Wil- izing May. emeralds in succession. one of a warrant the arrest of one dairy- airs toward Sister who for Davis came Into the spotlight by shut- liams college, where he was a star on her smiles la worth sßß.ooo.”—New In the town of Shelby, had been his guide, philosopher and man ting out the Philadelphia Nationals the ball team. After leaving college York World. Madison Inspired by an orches- friend during boyhood. Vexed by his without a hit or a run. Only two men in 1913 he signed with the Boston unmercifully tra of blind young men and wom- haughtiness, she was reached first base In that memorable Braves, but was sent to the Interna- evening If you have lost your job don't be en, persons quizzing him the other at hundreds of in the game which was played In Boston Sep- tional league for more seasoning. discouraged. Adam also lost his, and assembly chamber sang "On Wiscon- dinner. tember 9. Great things are expected of him this “Has our ‘man’ up his mind,” see how celebrated he is today as the sin." The concert given by a class made Davis drank a cup of coffee with the year, and as one of the marvelous trio inquired, to profession result. of pupils from the state school for she “as what Yankees early in the spring, but was of last year is likely to crack Davis a blind in Janesville filled the assembly be will honor after while?” turned loose without a serious trial, may get a chance to show how strong one,” re- chamber with townspeople, members “Why, yes, little Fred as Manager Chance had more pitching he is in the box. sponded, aggravating of the legislature and state officers. with his most Up? smile. ”1 have made up my mind to Feel All Used Sheboygan Jacob Laufer of the Does your back ache constantly? Do be a doctor, like grandfather and fa- town of Trenton, Washington coun- you have sharp twinges when stooping WILTSE IS GENEROUS PLAYER ther.” ty, was arrested by Deputy Game or lifting? Do you feel all used up “You % doctor!” May sniffed scorn- go no further? Henry C. Gruehner on as if you could just Warden the Veteran Pitcher, Whom Giants Re- fully. Kidney weakness brings great discom- charge of operating a fish trap in NOTTS backache, headache, leased, for Success MAIL get Gives Credit “I’d like to know why not —if I fort. What with Green lake Laufer was taken before to Catcher Warner. my diploma?" asked Fred, still annoy- dizziness and urinary disturbances it is Justice Ernest W Wittig at Eillmore It is quite possible that McGraw re- no one feels alt used ingly calm. wonder up. and costs and grets that he ever permitted Heine Kidney Pills have cured thou- and was fined $25 the ‘‘fans'’ and players all over “Well, you'll never a gTeat sur- Doan’s destroyed Groh go be just such cases. It's the best fish trap was country regret to to Cincinnati. geon, sands of the will that the en- * * • like tether,” May insisted. Forty recommended special kidney remedy. Beloit. students of Beloit forcement of the 21 player limit rule “Again, why not?” Fred smiled, college R. W. Delahunty, a semi-pro, pitcher who have lived in Wis- necessitated the release by the Giants condescendingly. A Wisconsin Case one of Elgin, 111., has signed with the consin year amt In their precinct of George Wiltse, the veteran leii. “You a surgeon like father!” May ••ew’Tfw, A. Bloomington I. I. league. Mrs. Arthur ten days will vote next Tuesday in handed pitcher, he is of the club of the I. cried, vehemently. “Why, you big Peters. 1350 E. Pay- for one • • • Madison, the "wet" or “dry" "dry" a fly!” i'll TO tun St., election, most popular players who ever trod a softy, you couldn’t even kill tr-ixi. I kAyfr XVis., says: "An ruling Nebraska workers stated, in spite of the The Colilmbus club of the Nobody father caught the sig- EBEgBk'Y sMr/7 \ Injury weakened diamond. He probably has more real but JT against student voters by the attor- State league has made Pitcher Mose nificance of the remark, and somehow U 1 my kidneys and for friends than any one else connected coming sea- —jyjMßF I suffered ney-general Saloon workers nssert Justus manager for the mention backaches I with the game. His quiet, unassum- son. he didn't it. -SS- that they have a machine that will for top ing manner has won him the • • • and felt tire