At r.rsT s, loia 10 niiD.w, THE SOUTH BEND NEWS-TIME- S. BOOBS AB10ADBy Goldberg.


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1 THOSE - ! roPLe- - CAJMOM CA llfe- - tf$S JL Tv( TO fee FlKtSHb Looted HAsA AJoTVfe at t ujevi 1 Ger 7 cwrX J IMPRESS ROKe THERE, A BASKET OF ViiSSWVTpALAce



m I f J i ML. W m- M ' ,mmw - X V "V "Nw k'-fc- ' GAMC OF v woMi'rs

- is MOT tAFPC ovJSl. THE- - ... ft . . r , St - - - FOOUSM .OOESTtC5Si)a2.4fiaSia& TVcQ RjSAvoM IS .vJGR-- V CLEAR, VbOa Ho,MMe up YoUt feCTK AfJb COOK

ITS BIKER'S STICK MEN WHOM HAS MADE RICH S.A ME THREE STACK I John McGraw, the Little Napoleon of the National Game, Who Survived the "Good Old OUT ft VICTORY EATS THE ISPS Rowdy Dowdy Days and Has a Large Bale of Kale Salted Away. am SENATORS FIRST ERR CUBS

Men who know "Muggsy" McGraw NINTH 0 0 of the old , scarcely In Four Trips He Gets Two recognize John J. McGraw, boss of Washington Plays Poor Ball Former Dodger Holds Phillies Doubles, a Single and a Pass the New York Giants today. and Many Chicago Players to Four Hits and Chicago As of the Baltimore club, and Crosses the Plate Three McGraw was one of the roughest of Reach First Base on Easiest Takes Opener by a Five to Johnson Pitches Great Ball For that rowdy dowdy crew of wreckers. Times During Game. Today his battle cry is "i?peed" and Kind of Chances. Two Score. Cincinnati But the Reds Lose "Aggressiveness", but he no longer recommends spike-sharpeni- ng to in- When is timidate iniielders. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. S. The McGraw began his baseball career WASHINGTON. Aug. S. Chicago CHICAGO, Aug. 8. Pitcher Ed Called Upon. series between Philadelphia and with the Olean, N. Y., club at the ten- made it three out of four by winning Stack, recently obtained from, Cleveland went to the former, three der age of 2 0. Then ho was a blue-eye- d from Washington Thursday 11 to four Brooklyn in the trade for Ed Ileul-bac- h, game to one, child who gave no warning of game. Washington play- made his debut in a Chicago when Cleveland was future greatness. in a farcial CINCINNATI. C, Auff. S. New defeated here Thursday, 7 to 3. As of the Orioles, ed miserably in the field, live white uniform Thursday and held Philadel- York batted out a victory in the ninth Baker was the principal factor in tho .McGraw became "Muggsy" and a ter- Sox reaching first by errors on easy phia to four hits only two of which inning Thursday thereby taking the home team's scoring. In four trips ror. He grew famous and succeeded chances. Four of these resulted in were bundled and the locals won, 5 as manager of the team. to 2. first Kmo of tho series from Cincin- to the plate he made two doubles and runs. Fournier hit for a homer, Manager Evers' men bunched hits Up a single pass, With the birth of the American nati live to two. to this inning it and drew a scored three league, McGraw and several of his I triplo and a single and was given a behind bases on balls and an error was a hattle between pitchers. runs himself and drove in three more. players Jumped to the Giants, where base no balls out of five trips to the and made their scores. The locals' manager disputed Umpire Emslie'tf I&oth Marquard and Johnson pitch- The visitors took a two-ru- n lead in he was given full authority and a big plate. salary to produce a winner. Engel started for Washington and decision at second base when Knabe ed remarkable ball, tho former hold- the first inning on single, by Leibold, proves did so stole and was ordered to the club Chapman and Johnston, and Bend- History that he this lasted until the third when he retired ing Cincinnati to four hita and two t well that he draws $20,000 a year and in favor of Harper. The latter was house. Catcher Killifer of Philadel- er's error. live-ye- ar phia questioned Umpire O'Day's de- only to a-- pinch last year signed a contract was freely runs and retired allow Baker scored a run for the home wild and hit rather and cisions on balls and strikes and was hitter to bat for him. Fromme, who team In the inning get- at this tigure. errors behind him permitted Chicago second after As the of his success, Mc- pitched put out of the game. finished the game, appeared just as ting a pas., and his double in the result to score almost at will. Gallia .Stewart, recently ob- good as did Graw is on finance's Easy street. Last the last inning and shut out tho Sox. Outfielder inasmuch Cincinnati not third scored Eddie .Murphy and Col- fall, during series, he and tained from the Indianapolis club of obtain a hit off him in tho last two lins, wlio had singled. Baker led off the world's Washington could do nothing with association, reported innings. Ban B. Johnson shook hands, healing Cicotte. After pitching six innings he the American in the sixth with a two bagger and a ever since Thursdav. Johnson was invincible up to on breach that had existed retired in favor of Iienz. who held 2 4 1 the tallied Mclnnis' out and iJtrunk's the Jump from Baltimore to New Philadelphia . .000 100 001 ; eighth but in tru ninth was retired sacriilce ily. Washington scoreless until tho eighth, 10 3 S 2 York. up Chicago 020 002 with nono out to allow "Miner" In the eighth Baker's single scored when he let and allowed five hits. Mayer Killifer, How-le- y: ptavcoff Twice in the last three years Mc- Chicago made no attempt to stop men Beaton. and tHrown to attempt to New Oldrini?, who had singled and pen-an- ts Umpires ; taken to league 'tack and Archer. un-'-equ- Graw has led his team on inning, York's challonpro. Brown vrtna al second on Collins' sacrifice. Baker bases in this permitting the O'Day Emslie. and world's series. Twice he has to run they got and to tho occasion and the visitors stole second and scored on Strunk's highest local men wild when :eoro3 four runs in tho final inning, single. The latter took second on the lost baseball's honors. His on. team was outplayed by the Athletics 11 1 BLUES WIN GAME ON i Gescher opened for Cincinnati in throw In and scored on Orr's single. Chicago 015 020 21011 and outlucked by the lied Sox. This Washington ..000 000 040 4 9 7 (tho flrrt with a triplo and tallied a Bender held the visitors safe after year he is to partici- HALF A DOZEN HITS t almost certain Benz, Schalk; Engel, tmome-n- later on Dovore's sacrifice the first until the eighth inning, when series, and at Cicotte and J Chapman singled, pate in another world's Harper. Gallia and Henry, Ainsmith. fly. Then both pitchers settled down took second on an ho seems to have a Manages to Get and there was no scoring until ine out and tallied on Jackson's single. this distance Umpires Hildebrand and Evans. Louisville Thirteen Barry team capable of beating either the seventh when Groh for Cincinnati was unable to play owing to Athletics or Cleveland, should the Swats But Are Downed by fingled, took second on Hobiitzel'p an Injured shoulder which he sus- in TERRE HAUTE WINS iracrlilce, third cn Tinker's out and tained in a collision in Wednesday's latter team come home in front rive to Three. c:ame. Orr, formerly of Sacramento, the last few Jumps. ON A DOZEN SWATS jecored on Fhockard's single. is a baseball leader S. Niw York did not show until th took Barry's place and put up a McGraw better LOUISVILLE. Ky.. Aug. Kan- splendid game. than many give him credit for. Men sas City Louisville Thursday eighth "when Wilson singled. Grant O'Neill was ordered who follow the game closely know he Cantwell Holds i:ansvIIlo to One Hun defeated iron, for ihirr and McCormlek, batting to the club house by Umpire Fergu- won pennants with one or two o to 2 in the second game of th Marcuarrl, fanned. Hums walked son for disputing a called ball in the has and Five Hits Knoll Scores series. While Powell allowed but six for third inning. stars and a large collection of arms and then Shafer's single scored Grant. and legs, the supply of brains being Uio Only Hun. hits, the visitors made them count jRhafcr iraa caught trying to make Cleveland 200 000 010 3 9 1 concealed about his own chubby for runs. Harter. Covington and ipecond and Fletcher was easy. In the Philadelphia .012 001 03 7 9 1 Vaughn were used by Kansas City. Inlnth Doylo walked, Merkl singled Falkenberg and Carisch; Bender HAUTE. Ind., Aug. 8. Walker's fielding featured. Schang. TERRE 5 R 'and Murray ran for Toyle, afterwards and Umpires Ferguson 12 to tho cause Kansas City ...0 00 102 020 1 THE Sloan contributed hits 0 ?. 4 Tladng left MeJd. Murray ored on and Connolly. NEW MEN HELP of the batting averages of the local Louisville 000 001 02 13 iaIerzog3 single. Bnodgras. gaoritlced YANKS DOWN TIGERS players Thursday and Terre Haute Harter, Covington, Vaughn and land Hartley, who relieved Wilton, TOLEDO POUNDS THE took the second game of the series, O'Connor; Powell and demons. Um- ireached first on lerghammer'B rror. 2 to 1. Cantwell held the visitors at pires Handlboo and Johnone. jFCorlng Merkbx. Brown then relieved ST. PAUL TWIRLERS Two Texas Icague Recruits Pound bay in every inning except the fourth singled, scoring three-bagg- er i:LKS ATTENTION. Johnson. Frommo Ball Hard and Send Over when Knolls' with pic- 3Ier30g and Burns singled, scor!ns Icfty James Shuts Out the Visitors Grefe's long fiy scored. the only Evans-vill- e All members desiring to attend ;IIartiey. Bhaftr "was cosy and Fletch- Several Scores. run. nic at Berrien Spring on Wednesday, er forced Burna. Tliroush the Aid of a Fast Evansville 000 100 0001 0 Aug. in. must notify secretary by S p. ew . COO 000 014 5 2 0 101 00 2 12 0 m. Saturday, Aug. 'J. York ... Double Play. Aug. 8. New illy Terre Haute ..000 1 NEW YORK, York iCLnclirnatl . ..100 000 1002 4 iii kyil Sloan and Stratton; Cantwell and COMMITTEE. MarQuard, Frommo and Wilson, TOLEDO. O., Aug. S. Toledo evened the series with Detroit Thurs- LA Hargrove. Umpire Geisel. Advertisement. 'Hartley; Johnpon, Brown and Kling. pounded both Brandt and Iaroy hard day, winning the last game by a score X'mpiri Klem and Orth. Thursday and won a 7 to 0 game. of 5 to 1. Chance's young lefthander, I.efty James pitched shut-ou- t ball, ! never brine: in the Schulz. outpitched the veteran Lake. t BREWERS GET FIELDER dancer nfter lirst men on 11 inning when a fast double play by Only four reached first HASTINCS, Neb.. Aug. 8. George Brady and Hluhm pulled him out of Jchulz, three on hits and one on a Norton, a 19-year-- pitcher with SEES BRIGHT FUTURE Southpaw I M teller, J)oc AYatson, a a hole. Every man in tho Toledo pass. Detroit scored its only run in the Hastings, Neb., State league team FOR THE RACING GAME In the Deal. lineup hit safely. the first on Bush's single and steal, for the past two months, has been Toledo 000 321 10 7 14 2 an infield out and a wild pitch. sold to the Indianapolis club of the LAI ILL3 St. Paul 000 00 0 0000 6 0 The Yankees used two Texas league American association. Norton is to Ausut Belmont Heturns From Eu- LESS ?t A FONT TU L.C. Wis.. An sr. S. James and Iand; Brandt. Earoy recruits in their lineup and their report at once. rope and Says Horses Will to "Ilappy" Felch. center ileldf-- r oT the and Miller. Umpires Westervelt and work featured the game. Cook, an Up) Fond du Iae, W, I. league team, was O'Brien. outfielder from Austin, made two sin- Shipped Hack, traded Thursday to the Milwaukee gles and a double In four times up. American association club for a cash NEWS-TIME- S Williams, recruit from Galveston, . TRY WANT ADS S. August Bel- consideration and "Ic" Wat.-.m- played a sensational game at first, NEW YORK, Aug. F'Mithpaw jdtcher. Felch joined the twice saving Knight errors by bril- mont, chairman of the board of di- NEWS-TIME- one-hand- ed of high Milwaukee club at Toledo Thursday. TRY S WANT ADS liant catches club, who re- of the fine Bjf rectors of the jockey are many throws. He also hit a long if-oll-Hot into the. left field bleachers. The In- turned Wednesday from Europe de- fusion of new blood seemed to help claring that American racing interests the New York team and chulz was racing ' so satisfied will m - that mm wr - T . M- abruad are Society Brand and I brilliantly supporter, Cree making two wonderful catches. continue under the present modinca-tio- n i !..u.iiit; Detroit 100 000 000 1 3 2 in New York state again next ! I'Ji' New York 002 000 12 5 10 1 ship - McKee; year, that they are planning to Hirsh Wickwire Suits 1 Iake. Hall, Manage and Fchulz and Gosstt. Umpires many famous horses back to this r I O'Loughlin and Sheridan. country in anticipation of the season. we are selling at 31 that 1.1 "I believe that the siort will be thor- RED SOX RECALL THREE oughly next year," said 1 1 M M M Mr. Belmont. "There will be no fall En Infielder Scott of St. Paul Is Amonj c auspices meeting under the of the j - ii the Number. y j..ckev club this year, however, ' H i ft t . i Kaciug is a thing with which you must not surfeit tho public." formerly sold at BOSTON, Mass., Aug. S. The Hus- ton Bed Sox Thursday exercised their i STA HS AHi: DErCATED. right cf option on three players in The St. Casimir's indoor baseball $35 and $30 the American association. Infielder team defeated the East Side Stars Krug cf the Indianapolis team and Thursday sight by the score of 11 to Infielder Scott and Pitcher Brant of Mi 0,' Banacki pitched fine ball and al- St. Paul, recently sold with the right lowed only two hits and struck out of se, were recalled. nine men. The St. Casimirs will play AdlerBroth Michael J. MrNallv. shortston for the Warsaw All Stars Friday night. A N I) W the Utica team of the New York State MICHIGAN ASHI.VCTO.N league, Thursday by was also bought NEWS-TIME- S ADS the Bed Sox. TRY WANT