Page 2 October 1992 SLUG bullshit.Therearektsofgaypeople who do not blame the world for their problems and do not think Dear Dickheads, male members, I have yet to see they are owed something because Douglas Spotted Eagle????? one with a feminle who can't pull they are gay1 Get a life and write Are you going to do Lawrence her weight as a musician. For in- about real gay issues. Welk after that? Personally, I have stance, the bands My Sister Jane, Secondly, just because you- nothing against either one of them, Godthing, Mouthbreather, Play- been to Seattle or you used to live but they aren't exactly alternative. ground, Doghouse, Stone Monkey, there, does not make you cool. I mean, doesn't Spotted Eagle do Ratchet, and Commonplace all Seattle, Seattle, Seattle, Blah, Blah, Muzak-type cover tunes or some- have at least one female member, Blah! If the "Seattle Scene" had thing. I know the guy has to make and are all incredibly talented any balls it would be in San Fran- a living, but I don't want to listen to bands. cisco. Where did the "dress-like- that kind of stuff. In Robert's attempts to give an-idiot" style thing come from - I think you should cover un- Athletes Butt a good review, he cut anyway? Wash your hair! Give dergroundacts, and leave Douglas on all the other female musicians those flannel plaid shirts to Good- Btaae Kambrski Spotted Eagle to Utah Holiday or in SLC who are already wading will! There's a big difference be- something. through sexism and stereotypes tween playing 'Mr. Hippie Love- 1 CONTRIBUTNG . -4kk Angry to be taken seriously and appre- Peace" because it'sthething to&, WRITERS ciated as good musicians. 1 am not and actually having those beliefs Ed. Note: Sorry Diibut1 couldn't afeminist man-hater, but Iam sick and holding true to them in your UmrWM-QrlrlY, resist. Usually Iwould throw these and tired of women being judged lie. letters away because they are so and having to prove themselves So, shut thefuck upand lien -hmmmT* fucking narrow minded and re- before they're given a chance and to some old Steely Dan and throw m-mm dundant, but since I feel it epito- really listened to. that Nirvana CD in the trash where mizes Salt Lake's "alternative" Yes, Robert, there really are it belongs! -=4 / minded so well, it had to go in. I very few SLC bands with female Finally (thank God), where COPY B)lTOR: know you hadn't read the story on members, but contrary to your are the rights of the single hetro JO Yrn Douglas Spotted Eagle because opinion, just about of these fe- male. It seems that if you are PHOTOGRAPHS: ' your letter came in before that is- males do 'both write and perform straight and male you get shiifrom sue. Your letter just came in too very well." everyone (especially from the late. Iguess you are right, Ichecked Signed, feminist insecure population) for my Cap'n Crunch Punks-meter Stlli Wading wanting to have regular sex, or and Doug's music isn't punk So, I should Isay sex regularly? Sorry, guess he better get some grungy Ed. Note: Good point, but first of but I had no childhood traumas guitars and Sub Pop hair and then all the story that Robert wrote was that fucked me up for life, I don't he can be alternative too. Catch a almost completely re-writtenwhen resent my parents, the only 'bones" clue, open up your mind, and wake it came in. Iwrote that in there and in my closet is mine when I'm in up. There is more to a musical believe me, 4 have a kt of respect there masturbating. Guess ImW scene than 'underground" bands. for the female musicians in this out on all that happy homehit town. That story was written .at therapy. Dear Dlckheada, 5:00 am and was never proofed by Thndtkily Yowr, This letter is for Robert any of pur editors (all women). So Mr. I.don't-rpeIkny+mm DeBerry who wrote SLUG'S Sep- I guess the answer to your ques- ~nny-to-be-d~ tembercoverstoryonAthletesButt. tion is E: The editor of. the Sep- I enjoy Athletes Butt as much as tember SLUG Is an idiot. My the next guy, but in the article he apologies to anyone offended. It said that Athletes "is one of the was a qrammatical error and a bii very few (bands) in Salt Lake Cily mistake. Thankyou forwriting, your Pkaso Send to: that actually has female members opinion was helpful. who both write and perform very P.O. BOX 1081 1 well." Reading this, Icame to four Dear Frustrated & Deprived different conclusions. Either; C/O Didcheada at SLUG, SALT LAKE CtTY, UTAH ..A. Robert DeBerry is a sexist Waaah-fuckinl-Waaah! ' 841 10-1 081 fuck. Love & Cuddles, B. Robert does not go see Julle or call many bandswithfemalemembers. 4874742 C. Unbeknownsttousall,there Dear Penal Heads, is a vast number of terrible under- Ihave been reading your mag ground female bands that only for the last couple of months and I Robert knows of, or: must say you are doing a great job1 D. Robert DeBerry is a sexist But (and that's a big but), I have a fuck. ' few bitches to vent. Your positively The fact is, although, there queer article, while being a good really are few SLC bands with fe- idea. is lame, weak, contrived, and IORRY, SUBSCRIPTIONS NO LONGER AVAILABLE

Page 4 October 1992 SLUG

mmnmks fiecords 's , is the latest release from SKY Records. Jarboe is the keyboard player and second vocalist for the SWANS. The music on Thirteen Masks refledsJaboe's background. She has been a petformance artist and body buiklerbndo boxer. She is also a mNESDA7, OCFOBW I4 . student of religion, mystery, ritual and ceremony. She sang in tent revival RAPTURE and RUST meetingsandplayed apumporganin a dirt-floored church as a child. The someone else lived before, and a first song, "Listen," is hauntingly deadly gameof solitaire. "I Got AGun" beautiful. Jarboe chants-sings over returnsustotheindustrial noisearena only chimes. Jarboe will keep us from entering her & SLUGDEPLOW "Red" has been released as a house with a gun. CD single. A combination of heavy "Of Ancient Memory (The with IdsRATCHET metal, industrial noise and hip hop Oblivion Seekers)" has Jarboe with "Redn is a standout cut. Jarboe raps Annie Lennox's rich deep wice and about every conceivable thought that Laurie Anderson's vocal distortion comes to mind with the color red. combined with suneal imagery and "A Man of Hate" is a dark hymn thecobrblue.Silentcokl~sending PRIDAY, OCroBW I6 with attendant organ music. "The poison, black seas, red mountains Believers" reminds me of Danielle and burning dead. Two lovers drink HELLBENDER Dax's work Jarboe doesn't stickwith the waters of delight. SllllMW, K'l'OBW I7 this one style. The song concerns a "A Man 01 Hate" is reprisedwith ritual with believers worshipping their acoustic guitar replacing the organ. FATAL CAUSE priestess. No longer the dark hymn, it is now KAOTlC CONTORTION Jarboe again shows herversatil- almost a folk song. ityon'7heLonelyVoyeur."Comprised "Freedom" is prefaced bylYo,"a STONEFACE of acoustic guitar and Jarboe's sing- spoken, "He who sulfers shall not be ing the song contains more religious pitied.""Freedom" is anotherindustrial imagery. "...of the sign, of the sign of song. Jarboe seems to address a co- the don't walk this red red dependent lover. "I don't want your MAY, n river drink the bbod from the cup." love, I don't want yourpity, ldon't want anam BAD YODELERS With "The Never Deserting your body, I don't want your mouth, I mAY; mn24 Shadow" Jarboe retumsto a Danielle don't want your violence ...freedom, OUTSPOKEN Dax style. "Wooden Idols" returns us my freedom." to church. The song has a gospel The CD ends with "Cries (For flavor combined with rhythm and Spider)." Here we get the concepl of blues. Religious images are again the CD. The masks everyone lii contained inthe lyrics. "...she wasthe behind. devil'sdaughterbut now shecarriesa Do the songs on the CD de- cross." scribe the masks Jarboe puts on to "In An Open Sea"describestwo face the day? Buy it and decide for hearts inseparable, despite the con- yourself. The poetry on the CD is stant assault of lie. Snakes, black dark, surreal, filled with colors, vivid crows, the mad moon, and an angel images and religious references. beneath the ocean waters are some The CD has been a repeated images Jarboe uses describing the visitor to my stereo. The music is so two inseparable hearts and minds. varied, so haunting, so disquieting "Shotgun Road (Redemption)" that I nevertireof listening toit. Jarboe opens with the sound of rain and brings a feeling of unease with her simple repetitivekeyboard.Almost an voice and lyrics combined wlh plea- FORMERLY THE COYCADOUR acappellasongsimilarto the opening sure at the beauty of her recording, "~isten."~urre~isticimageryofmirro6Thirteen Masks." 740 SOUTI 300 WBST 359=1323 shattering, the feeling of living a life -William Athey ART n9ACE ...

TI" "6 c"P*Pr Ahme R@-= On The Road... ments and hit the road. Ifor one am sicktofuckindmth of all the raveaboutthekillerUgrunge" HOME! spne in the Godlands of the Pacific I have been mixed up in the Northwest, so being there was not mueic business about as bng as I that cool. The area is nice but every care to remember in one way or time you walk into any record store, another, but this month Iwentontour head shop, or twhirt shop you get krthe fiml time. Iwas never able to Sub Pcp shoved right up your ass. keep a band bgether bng enough to The worst of it was the first night we go myself, so when Commonplace were in Portland. Commonplacewge dfwedtotakemewiththern,ljumped playing a place called the Bone Club atthechance. Ihadn't had avacadion (coincidentally, the same night ldaho h a long time and Iwas due. Hey, I Syndrome played The Satyricon down. lfelt likeaboredsevenyearold wed. wasgdngtosee6ckineightdays about8kb~a~lay)whichadUally at the bank with hi mom. Iwas so Road life can either make or and a#tmUngexpense8 were paid. turned outto beoneofthe beltergis bored, I wanted to lay down on the break a band, I know from wwking Hdl, what would I do here besides on the tour. The band was sumxed Roor andthrow aftitwasabsolutely with a bt of bands that have traveled watch MTV and drink myself stu- to play in the middle of the ekning, picturesque. Regardless, Iwill never pid. but got bumped backby a band from see the movie "Singles" and I hope ldon'tkrrcrwthatwhathappetied Arizona I'm not going to mywho the you do the same. night and see some no name band onthetowwaswpdallyinteresting band was because if Ihadseenthem The rest of the gigs on the tour from somewhere else play. Most b people here, but seeing things in anywhereelseI pmbablywould haw were medkcrebecausetheywereall bands that tour have something go- athercilies made me appreciate Salt thought they were okay. Here I am, set up at the last minute. Ispent the ingforthemortheywouldn't beonthe Lske a bit more. Don't get me wrong, standing in a club in Portland, rest of thetime making surethe band id. he notionthat only good bands lam not going to get all self-righteous watching the epitome of all super was never louder than the jukebox, areon majorlabelsandget radiiplay rboutSaltLake,butitisanokay duper grunge bands. Cut off Levis, and tfying to convince the club own- is bogus.The best bands Ihave seen place lyou know your way around. bng bbnde curly hair, detuned gui- ersthattheslightestdiiuntonbeer aren't and may never be on any label Wdlwebadeduptherig, loaded* tarsandboy, theyeven hadthemoves for the band wouldn't put them out of at all, buttheyyegood. As ridiwkus business. as Ithink the whole grunge scene is 1 couldn't have chosen seven now, it all Wedwith a suppoth bettertravelingcompanionsbecause community that supported it and the whole trip, we were either laugh- helpedthe bands get where they am ing at each others terrible sarcastic today. Salt Lake isn't nearly as big a humor or getting or having good con- city as the ones that grow up north, . versatian about politics to the valii butthebands are just as talented and of Madonna inthe music business. If have justas muchtooffer, butthecily , you think the dubs around here are hastosupportthem. Get dyourlazy lame to bands, hi the fudcin road. asses and do something...8upport Very few bWtravel through thii your local musicians. Who know town without agig, and whilethey are maybe one d them will make it big here they are treated well In most and people will pay attention to I other towns the bands are treated us...God forbid we could use some ' with vety lirespect and are lucky if good publiiin thii town. they ewn get to play, let abne get 4essNasaman

BUY ON CD AT REGULAR 3 PRICE AND GET THE NEXTONEFOR 3 m $20° OFF 1 WGOctober 1992 Pane 7 1 CARTOON FUN I0 ADVANCED, (n him, Ronald Reagan ignored you &IT'S PRE-HYSTERICAL!- 8 FY~~WY~for ,M years. 1 I'm not saying vote Democrat, mm. vote for Clinton. there are other I? ALL NEW! 1 candidatesoutthere-ROSS Perot, Bo Grii, and a few other indepen- dent, populist and libertarian party One evening this past summer candidates you won't even recog- Ifound myself arguing the power of nize, but they'll beonthe ballot. Hell voting with a member of Live, an wriie in your own name for all Icare American band, over a plate of about your actualchoice,just VOTEI vegetarian lasagna. This Lie-guy No matter how much you think felt people shouldn't vote because your one rile vote doesn't coupt, it doesn't do any good anyway, and the fact of the matter isvoting is the besides, if you just live your life way changes are made in this doing what's right and humane, life country. Even if one-man, one-vote will be good to you regardlessof the isn't the way you want things done reigning administration's political in America, you're still going to have philosophy. to vote to change it. I beg to differ. Bush can deny a recession Not voting is exactlywhatthose exists, shun America's growing in power want you to do. Why do homeless population while sending you think it's difficutt to register? billions to other countries, but he Why do you think Bush vetoed the can't ignore election returns. mdor-voter bill? Because if regis- This year the general election tering to vote was as easy as get- falls on Tuesday November 3. You ting your driver license, you might still havo time to register to vote, aetually saunter into the polls and which will not only allow you to vote vote against the establishment. forthe presidentialcandidateof your Getting you to stay away from choice, but Utah's next governor, the pollstranslates into votesforthe senators, and congressmen and ausquo. It's always much easier women. to maintain the status quo than it is In order to vote in Utah, you tochange it. Change scares people. must register by Odober 29. Sim- Bill Clinton has recognizedthe ply call (801) 538-1502 for instruc- power of the disenfranchised"MTV tions on how to register in your gemration," as the 18-34 "demo- neighborhood. graphiiNisreferred to. George Bush You can protest all you want, is terrified of it. He's been ignoring but the American public has the youas bng as possible. And before final VOTE.


I uon't miss commonplace live opening for Monks of Doom Fiday, October 16 at Span ky's Pool (Pete's) Thursday, October 29th W Bar & Grill "22 \3 FILM FOR THOUGHT $:cia' km--g- ,orme, 876 East 900 South Salt Lake City, Utah Guests members ol 01 NElGMN$ 359-9234 Page 8 Odober 1992 SLUG

15 at Gar& Grill and Starrz and you EONCERT REVIEWS... I shouldn't ought ta miss em. Oh yeah, bring earplugs. --Chopper

ATHLETES BUTT Sapt 18 - gar Q 6rill Fast, hard and loud. Those are the words that describe OR- GANIZED CONFUSION'S sound. Pun rock! One of the things about Organized Confusion's music is their overlying political messages, however, I won't go into that. You really ought to do yourself a favor and go see them sometime. ATHLETES BUTT were next on stage. And, take the stage they did. Their antics on stage are en- down but the show was still good. tertaining ,and their music is great. that evening. They have gotten Hopefully though, shows like this Ian doesn'tfuckaround at all as he SUIDGEPUIW much fighter since Isaw them last. can happen more often. jumps right into the crowd to make However, I believe they have bro- MOUTHBREATHERisagreat sure you hear what he has to say. 60DMUU6 ken up so if you missedthem, your band. have said it before and Iwill Even though they had some music I out of luck. say it again. They sing songsabout problems, all went well. Right upfo MOUTHBREllirHW From there, things just get drugs, sex, and killing, and that's theorgasmicdimax by Jamiewhich louder, better and harder with right up my alley. You don't nec- Sept 10- club starrz (as always) is a crowd pleaser. MOUTHBREATHERup next. This essarily have to be into all of it, but -R. M. D. Thursday, September iOth band could only be classified as some experience makes their ...Whatthefuck? Why don't people hardcoregrungepunk. This is a music good. come out to shows anymore? Do band that everybody should check N.S.C. started their set with you not like the venue? I must out. The female vocalist is killer one of their best songs, I didn't admit that Club Starrz is a change and their lyrics are totally in your catch the name of it but I soon from the old, but it's a fucking hall. face with music that's even better. noticed thatthesongs that followed It's a place to see great bands for a The band graciously passed out were also good. Political and Re- few bucks. lyric sheets before the. show, I ligious satire ...killer1 The political I'm kinda sad because there guess, in hopes for some sort of stands of this band are by far the was literally no one there. All the sick and twisted Karaoki hoote- best part of their total punk sound. bands played loud and hardfor the nanny sing-a-long. Complete with costumes, masks, 10 or so people there. MOUTHBREATHER's most and other paraphrenalia. Their GODTHlNGopenedthe show memorable song they played (and music only stopped long enough Iamsureitwill becomeatrademark to change a string. for the band) was 'Dear God:" Headlining was CHUMBA "Dear God, thanks for pussy, WUMBAfrom the U.K. They were Dear God, thanks for pussy, Dear much different from the two open- God, thanks for drugs." Now hon- ing bands in style but similar on estly isn't thatwhat everyonewants political awareness. They sound to hear screamed through over like a folksy, modern, industrial amplification? Now don't you wish thing that is kind of hard to describe you would have come tothe show? but it all mixes together quite well. SLUDGEPLOW (from) Iowa They really entertained the City came on next. Iwas really into crowd... dressing up; dressing down theseguys. They are a mix between CHUMBA WUMBA and at one ~ointIthink Isaw Jesus. Melvins, Godflesh and Jesus Liz- I missed the last part of the show ard. They're slow loud and grindy. N.S.C. but I bought a record and 1 like it. It made you feel likegrunge-fuckin' Shhhhhh. your Gramma's poodle. MOUTH------Chopper Iguess I am not surprised at a lot of you for stayin' home, Holly- Sapt 24 - b Starm wood 9021 0 was on and you can't Wow, people actually showed miss that. All I can say is up this time. Unfortunately, the SLUDGEPLOW will be back Oct Nazi's and the usual bullshii went SLUG Obober 1992 Page 9


DOWNTOWN 322-FREE In The ZEPHYR CLUB 301 S 1 SCREW THEM! pmn nnunune Ann I mitmentto pubilsMng movie-related C ----- REVIEWS... , material, writer Tom Veitch and art- Uke Qrendel, NEXUS began ist Cam Kennedy have crafted l ll- WllllY WVR IIIYY-Ur ll- as a series In the 1080's for a STAR WARS: DARK EMPIRE.

C McEown's previous work was fea- lot his spaceship (with wife and 'Dark Side" prove too tempting... ? Created by wnderklnd Matt tured on some Alrcel titles and the unborn child aboard) into a black Scripter Tom Veitch previwrly ZWagner in the 1980's, GRENDAL pencils on WAR CHlLD show re- hole. However, the ship winds up did uninspired work on D.C.'s Anl. continues in the 10-part WAR markable growth and maturity. onthe mysterious planet Ylum. and ma1 Man, but has created a sur- 5CHILD mini series. Wagner's scripts leave the artwork things get weird... prisingly thoughtful and excltlng WAR CHlLD Is Wagnkr's to carry much of the tale, and Further plot revelations 1'11 tale. Better yet, Veitch manager to .. 'wan song" with the QRENDAL McEown easily runs with the notion. leave to the comlc. However. it capture the spirit of the movier a: mythos (except for special projects) But, the coloring, done anlmation- should be noted that while NEXUS admlrably. indeed, the wrltlng ::and Wagner is ending on a high cel style, makes the artwork stun- is a superhero title, it features su- makes one wistful and nostalgic. point. ning. Kudos must go to Mireauit per-heroics with content. Nexus, Veitch is well abetted by srtlrt For those unfamiliar with the (best known for his fabulous Jam you see, is driven by nightmares to Cam Kennedy, who combines pen- - characters and situations, the series) and Delaney. seek vengeance on mass murder. cil and ink drawings with paintod GRENDEL storyline stretchesfrom Rounding out the totgi pack- ers. color. Kennedy draws great space :the present-time to the distant fu- age is cover artist Simon Bisiey. Writer Baron throws ridiculous scenes but also shows wonderful : ture. In the span, a force known who turns In his usual stunning elements together with some strong skill in likeness. The mood and : only as Grendei has grown from an work. science fiction postulation and scope of the tales are deplctedwdl. i Inhlbiting spirit to a way of life. in Yes, youcouldtermthis a'rave (gasp!) mid philosophy. Baron's Yes, your reviewer is the future, a man known as the review." After seeing two issues of strength lies incharacterization and gushing... an admitted Star Wan . (kendal-Khan, Orion Assante, be- this series, one is almost saddened great dialogue. The angst and dra- fan. Luckily. DarkEmpire avoidsthe : came the ruler of a united North at the thought of author Wagner matics in the story never over- pitfalls of Marvel's awful STAR ' America and started an almost leaving the story behind, but the whelm, but underscore the heady WARS series, blending great story feudal system inspired by the future promises more GRENDEL themes. with powerful art. Dark Empire. I8 samurai-like Gendal clans. spedal projects and GRENDEL But... the primary allure to the only slated for six issues, but, Dark As WAR CHILD begins, Orion TALES (a title featuring clans as story lies with renderer Rude. Ac- Horse is promising that Veitch and I Ihas died, leaving the ruling of the done by a rotating stable of artists tion,drama, facial expressions, fluid Kennedy will return in 1993 with Grendel Empire to his heir, Jupiter, and writers.) Rush out and buy this depiction odd scenes ... Rude ac- more STAR WARS material. The and his stepmother Laurel Assante. series1 Color $2.50) complishes all these with aplomb. anticipation is delicious. (Color Laurel has proved a tyrant with Rude's Klrby-esque style manages 52.95) to make the tale vivid. Plus, he also draws some of the niftiest aliens to Besides the above titles, there be seen in comics. are some other comics worth Luckily, Baron and Rude will checking out lately. Dark Horse becontlnuing with NEXUS material continues the DEADFACE saga next year. But for now, NEXUS: with the EARTH, WATER, AIR, AND THE ORIGIN is evidence that not FIRE mini-series, Fantagraphico all super-hero comics are crap. in- has published1 OYEARS OF LOVE deed, they can even AND ROCKETS (which is the per- be ...entertaining?! (Color $3.95) fect beginning point for those in- terested in picking up LOVE & ROCKETS), and Evan Dorkin's STAR WARS: MILK & CHEESE'S THIRD NUM- BER ONE continues the mayhem. DARK EMPIRE Happy Reading. I A ROCKIN' LI'L ROADHOUSE I Continuing Dark Horse's com- --Scott vice T - -,' *.'I' - SUlG October 1992 Page 11


HIGH ENERGY WORK vi\J#iXl~~ SPEAKS FOR ITSELF ,Q,Gq,q- @T'..? lQ.jiiJ~i~ ~rl~j;$: u LJ L u9.-


L3 SO. STATE STREET 11 =8863 k3 WISE1 AVE. 13 OCTOBER 1992

- THURS -0- zz I 60 EAST I



THURS THE 8 wzz -CI- a~ MOUTHBREATHEF Four guys, one band, with the music may*sound, it can hard driving, trllthflll rnklnf always, hs improyedyThis level 45 Waterfront ha qf, thrnking will WEST BROADWAY Ii been togethc keep the band's -THURS THE 15 for a year and soundjmproving 359-1200 half. The ban and keep the was formed du band together LOCATED IN SPANKY'S to vocalist, Ar and 015 the right thony Davit track. As fortheir LIVE MUSIC GNOME need to d live perfor- something othe mances, they I than sit on hi rock, and they I SLUDGEPLOW ass. The band also -I t fuck around. consists of Tai Lee ,,,,r music istight and : & OmnUTY (guitar), Dan Davis ,owerful, with a capi- THURSTHE 22 (bass guitar) and tol "P." Chris Bowers With dozens of 10 u. (drums). Chris and live shows throughtout Dan were previously Utah and a pending with the local band touron the West Coast itlasrawn. Sadhana. These four (starting in Berkley members have cre- November) they are a 18-14 sm~lltb ated a sound that band certain to be no- flows together into a ticed. First impression ImWlJBI melodic fury. of the band off stage is SUPERSUCKERS Waterfront quiet and sub- 1s #IWIUSE: sounds as dued, but if you - though it has have ever seen CRACKERBASH beer! influenced "--m live, you will Ill r-"'8 OF DOON by the D.C. ,w differently. Dischord style. 9nthony pre- withem -THURS THE 2E Their lyrics deal I~ISto spend his with everyday time on stage not COMMONPLACE life situations preaching, but and feelings. sharing his ex- 1: The bands appc ances. His blank 21 lB4 SWING BIKE has increased over a and lyrics give the 'past little while,r 1111lea demanding especially since the .,resence that people : zt-tamm release of their 7" notice. the members Confusing The Truth. lgree since the music - ?~,FC..~,~ They will also be fea- scene in Salt Lake has tured with other es- changed for the worse ti;iigi&cGrna teemed locals on a and this has only made compilation from Salt heir music more in- q Lake's own Flatline e. records as well as Waterfront live t8r' another track on an- by only three rules 1)

other compilation - Stay out of politics, 2) tlea~nnanr from Salt Flat Records au -J never compete with other out in November. bands for shows and 3) live The long term plans for the ar at live. This is quite. ap- lllw~pnkhk band consist mainly of leaving parent in their attitude that has 1 60 EAST 800 SOUTH . an impression on people wher- and will keep the band working m#PP9ert ever they go. Their philosophy for a good purpose. on music is no matter how good 91 arrr 1 A PRIVATE CLUB @I FOR MEMBERS I 1 CELEBRATING THE SPlRlT OF THE EARTH


I PACK OF INCENSE .A* rr .. r...r. 7. . ---.--v,.. -v - .- w Page14 October 1992 SLUG can't blame him for trying if he actually backin?Probably. A lot of people planto did pull strings. vote for him without the slightest idea Pot smoking. Now, Idon't partake about what he wants to do with our of this drug, but if Bush did, maybe he counby. I have seen rough drafts and it It happens every four years and that child. Forcingyou into pwerty if you wouldn't be such an asshole. Recre- is scary. DN~testing, boys and girls. no, it isn't the Olympics. The telecast is were not there already. A much kinder, ational use shouldn't be held against This election is not about voting in free. Ys the presidential election. Not gentler nation. anyone to that fact alone. Especially if it the right person. It is about keeping the only is it election year, it is election Govemor Clinton is harder to pin happened a long time ago, Ican think of wrong person out. We know how Bush month. What a fitting time for an article down because we haven't lived with his many other past deeds thatwould sway runs the country, and it sucks. Clinton like this. policies yet. He already has two strikes my vote a lot more than pot smoking. and Perot have neither proven or If you own a television, you have against him in my eyes. First of all, he's Maybe like Iran-contra's? disproven themseives. Giveoneof them probably noticed how hard it is to find a politician. That in itself is bad enough. The Bush campaign has also tried a chance. Then in another four years if refuge from the deluge of election year infomercials. Twenty seconds to cut down the competition and to sell you 4,1 something you don't need for way too Just like we much money. Do we need a president? should do to Bush Well, strictly speaking, no. But the fact this year. Yes, itis is, we are going to get one anyway, so unfortunate that we might as well inform ourselves to our this is the way it choices. hastobe.Ifpeople President Bush, the man behind would get off their our kinder, gentler nation whose thou- asses and speak sand points of light took a year to stop Secondly, the wife of his running mate, to make Hilary Clinton into a political out, things would change. Our elected buming in Kuwait. The man whose fam- the infamous Tipper Gore of the Paren- liability. All I can say is that she probably leaders will only do what they think will ily values have forced women's rights tal Music Resource Committee has better ideas than Bush. I don't see keep them in power. By abstaining our groups on to the defensive and has put (P.M.R.C.). The vice presidenrs wife astrong minded wifeas adrawback. His voteweare saying yes tothe statusqw. children in the jail of poverty. He would doesn'ttraditioblly domuch, but I would attacks only reinforce the fact that he I really don't care who you vote for like to force all babies to be born and hate to see her with more power than does not agree thatwomen should hold as long as it is against Bush. We won't then he strikes down a bill that would she already has. Now let's look at Bush positions of authority, unless of course have a decent choice until we pull our have guaranteed an unpaid work leave on. she was a 'yes' woman. vote out. They don't care about us if we to a newly made mother. Soon ladies, Draft Dodging; well if someone I hate todiicount anyone, butthere won't vote them out. A vote for Clinton, you will not be able to get an abortion doesn't want to go to war, that is his or is Perot. Personally, I think he is a rat Perot, Jello Biaha, or Mickey Mouseisa unless okayed by your neighborhood her right. It is unfair that one who is not fink, as bad as Bush. He successfully vote against the establishment of today. bishop, then you run the risk of losing privileged enough to have strings to pull escaped election year mud slinging by Remember folks, Silence = Death. vour iob while vou are forced to have has to leave the counbv or ao to iail. I dro~~inaout of the race. Will he iumo