Diana Cooper,Damian Keenan | 144 pages | 01 Sep 2009 | Findhorn Press Ltd. | 9781844091669 | English | Forres, United Kingdom /

Diana CooperDamian Keenan Illustrator. Paperback List Price: The ubiquitous angels of everyday life are introduced in this fully revised and expanded bestseller. Buoyed by the firsthand experiences of regular people who have interacted with angels, the book offers guidance on how to reach out A New Light on Angels the gentle beings who have chosen to serve mankind through help, support, and healing. The identities and purposes of a multitude of angels are explored, from the small angels who care for the slightest daily tasks to the enormous archangels who cast light over great universal projects. By raising consciousness and awareness about these heavenly spirits and the amazing companionship they have to offer, this investigation offers a glimpse into a more evolved world full of peace, light, and joy. Angels can also be called upon to solve practical problems, and there is even an angel of parking spaces! Angels are waiting, ready, willing and able to help. It is our duty to seek them out and collaborate for a A New Light on Angels positive good. A New Light on Angels is a completely revised, updated and expanded edition of the bestselling A Little Light on Angelswith new original color illustrations by Damian Keenan. Diana Cooper is a therapist, healer, author of several books, and the founder of the Diana Cooper Foundation. Her journey started during a time of personal crisis when she received an angel visitation that changed her life. Since then the angels and her guides have taught her about the angelic realms, unicorns, fairies, Atlantis, and Orbs as well as many A New Light on Angels spiritual subjects. Through her workshops and therapy practice she has helped countless people find their life mission, fulfill their potential, and empower their lives. Founding partner in Design Factory, Dublin from to Damian Keenan subsequently relocated to Germany and is currently based in Heidelberg. Buy at Local Store Enter your zip code below to purchase from an indie close to you. [Reviews] New Books, By Lidija Haas | Harper's Magazine

Angels of Light is the songwriting project I started immediately after terminating Swans The first album, New Mother, was released in Next came How I Loved You, released in was released in August I write the songs on acoustic guitar, then gather musicians and friends, and build up the orchestrations with them in the studio and in live A New Light on Angels. I guide the process, but solicit their creative contributions actively. Each recording contains the contributions of an ever-changing plethora of amazing musicians, whom I thank here heartily! After many years too many to comfortably contemplate! I view the arrangements as little films created to make a context for the words and voice, so that one can drift off into the world the music creates. I produce the Angels recordings, and the production of the recordings is as important to me as the songs themselves. Most of the instruments used in the recordings are acoustic, but not all. Electric guitars, bass and drums etc. On the other hand, just sitting around my house, writing these things, and finally coming up with a statement that I think makes sense, I want to bring them to life as much as possible, in new and challenging ways for both myself and you, so I always strive to present them in a fresh and interesting context. The new works represent 24 years and 28 recordings of stubborn musical and artistic resilience to present vital and more often than not, unrepresented music, as well as, to a lesser degree, a means of fiscal survival within the clutches of a record industry that has undergone what is essentially a revolution thanks or not to the Internet as far as how listeners preview and buy A New Light on Angels music that interests them. It was always meant to be a group of revolving, changing personnel. The songs say what they have to say, then end. Many are entirely acoustic. I set a limitation before recording: there would be no drums one A New Light on Angels contains about ten seconds of drums, but otherwise, nothing —double bass or bass guitar is used instead as the rhythmic base. This had the effect of opening up a lot of space, as well necessarily forcing the songs into focus. They all play about 20 instruments with varying degrees of skill, and their approach was often the exact opposite of what I would have initially thought. Of course, in some cases, they did exactly as I said, and shut the hell up about it—ha- ha! But the best thing for me was the surprise of hearing the songs in a new light… I had a great time making this record. They certainly did just that, but they did it by retreating into a tiny Brooklyn apartment, where they made their own world instead, in complete and stubborn isolation. They proceeded to make several albums worth of recordings on crude home equipment—the material compulsively A New Light on Angels, spliced, and orchestrated A New Light on Angels fractal jewels of song and schismatically opposed atmospheres. Along the way they sent me the increasingly compelling results. Aside from the sprawling and weird arrangements of the music, the vocals were stunning. A few of those are included here with varying amounts of further orchestration. So there was a great deal of work there, before even going into the studio. Then, I helped with the basic sounds of course, and made suggestions about further orchestration. Too many! Like kids in a candy store. So another role of mine, having been in the studio for many years, was to keep looking ominously at my watch! The stage has exceptionally warm and inviting acoustics, the perfect setting for a solo Gira and his acoustic guitar; his presence and semi-formal dress is reminiscent of a backwoods minister, his very countenance and smoldering eyes suggesting that he has walked into the very mouth of Hell and has lived to tell the story He introduces himself with a wry wit, opening the show with self-deprecatory comments about his poor guitar skills Michael GiraFollowing the performance at the Ministry, Michael Gira continues with the role of backwoods minister, personally greeting the outpouring audience in the church foyer and hawking his own merchandise; his energy is not unlike a loving pastor who has just delivered the sermon of his career. Choice is a key concept in relation to attempting to better understand Gira; his personal freedom is perhaps the core, the very foundation of a musical odyssey that has lasted nearly a quarter of a century and shows no signs of slowing or mellowing by any interpretation. The man says and does exactly what he chooses to do, woeful to the point of insolent at any forces outside of his choosing that might attempt to control or carve out his destiny. Out of this resistance to anybody or any institution that might exercise authority or control over his person or his thoughts, one could argue that Gira has forged a meaningful career. That is not A New Light on Angels say that Gira is a closed or obviously temperamental personality these days, though he would be the first to admit that his unpredictable and often caustic behavior A New Light on Angels as a distancing A New Light on Angels early in his career with SWANS; on the contrary, he is capable of demonstrating a very keen sense of humor and is self-deprecating to a fault. I love making music, singing, shaping sound. I am not only trying to make music, but also run a record company, and service merchandise from our website, and other tasks. My supreme goal A New Light on Angels to clear up busy work here, stuff that HAS to be done to keep YGR afloat, so that I can again pick up my guitar, and also deal with aspects of my own career My priority is to first clear up this mountain of nagging junk on my desk and screaming unanswered e-mails in my inbox, which often reaches about e-mails I need to answer I have to clear up basic exigencies first At one point he was jailed for several weeks as a minor for vagrancy, abandoned by his father in hopes of teaching the young boy a lesson. After a stint at a tool factory in Germany which he A New Light on Angels over a prestigious school in the Swiss Alps, Gira ran away, hitch-hiking through Greece and Yugoslavia until arriving in at the age of 15, selling hash first on a collective farm, or kibbutz, and later after a near-bust a hostel, where he was finally taken into custody A New Light on Angels Israeli police. Gira was incarcerated for a month and a half in without formal charges before a civil rights lawyer found out about his case. Released without bail, he hung out in Jerusalem, mostly panhandling or selling his blood before his trial, in which he was sentenced to another two months in an adult prison, where he depended heavily on his luck and quickly acquired shrewdness to avoid being gang-raped. He tried his hand at working at a plastics factory, roofing, and plumbing before jumping back into formal education. It was also around this time that Michael Gira became highly influenced by the DIY ethic of the burgeoning Punk rock scene. I was attending art school in LA, and was having qualms about the art world per se, the increasing irrelevance of it, the academic elitism and cloistered quality of it. So I was inspired to think that I could make something happen, even with my extremely limited musical means. It took several years to find my way, though. Following the release of two e. The core of the band was made complete by with the induction of , who had made a pilgrimage in to meet Gira from way down in , Georgia, based on the impact that FILTH had made on her. While Gira admits in interviews on his web site that he felt an immediate connection to Jarboe, she did spend her share of time schlepping band equipment before she was officially asked to join in A New Light on Angels sing A New Light on Angels play keyboards. So I forced myself, and the music, into unfamiliar territory. I tried not to mock the religious impulse, which would have been a typical thing to do at the time, but instead to get inside it. Everyone wants to lose themselves in something bigger than they are. Out of the ashes of the old SWANS rose a new direction that included the once forbidden notion of traditional song structure, actual melodies as well as complex harmonic parts, and greater senses of collaboration with Jarboe, whose background came from a strong choral tradition and formal song structure. But of course it was painful-like giving birth, finally, to a child which came out retarded, wrinkled, old, and ugly I have other ideas I want to do. I just want to write good words, with simple accompaniment, and try to deliver the words convincingly. I want something simple these days" I wish Jarboe all the good things in her life and work I tried in the early days. Of course I was always pounding away. She knows a good thing when she hears it. It was obvious that he was and is very, very special. He then moved here to NYC from L. He was so innocent. He had almost no professional experience at all. A New Light on Angels also tried to emphasize the importance of just rehearsing the hell out of the songs too, running through the live set at home endlessly, so that it could become second nature when performing live. In retrospect though, none of this was necessary at all, and I was probably a little intrusive on my part, against his nature, and I think he disregarded most of it anyway! But Devendra has this quality, where A New Light on Angels you meet him, you just instantly want to help him, take him in, protect him. He A New Light on Angels the set with his acoustic guitar, then instantly thought better of it, put it down, and just belted out an amazing, sort of psycho-gospel version of one of his songs a cappella. It was riveting. The crowd went nuts, and he was on his way. This is actually fine with us, a good thing! I have no a priori dislike of commercial music per se—my childhood heroes, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, etc. Sadly, the situation has changed, of course, and almost anything on that scale these days is mind-numbingly awful and repellant. But, as I say, I think Devendra has a rare quality that could reach pretty great heights, and he deserves it. I hope his new record company sees that too. I suppose the biggest change is that people actually listen now, and pay attention to what we release in the initial stages. Gira has never been a stranger to hard work, A New Light on Angels maybe it represents his earthly purgatory for being such an evil child. At any rate, his hard work has won him the right to make his own decisions in his career, without kissing one ounce of corporate ass or depending on the fashion whims of the money-grubbing record industry. The resulting recordings are some of the most honest and heartfelt music being independently produced today-fragile yet crushing, cathartic and probing, without sacrificing the momentum or passion of his pioneering work with SWANS. Nearly all of the vocals are farther stretches of anywhere Gira has been in past recordings. Sometimes I like them, sometimes not. I wish someone A New Light on Angels could make my music for me! Craft seems like a lofty term when applied to me. I still have zero conventional skills. I just go where my imagination leads me. My approach now is to try to challenge myself, to make an uncomfortable or unfamiliar moment in time happen. Maybe I even crave the worst that could happen! There were over people there to see me perform with my little useless acoustic guitar, ha-ha! They had to turn people away. I think I did a good job of hooting and hollering my songs, and the response was like Tartars rampaging through the tundra. Pretty gratifying. A New Light on Angels

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to A New Light on Angels saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating A New Light on Angels. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks A New Light on Angels telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Provides guidance on how to call on angels for help and companionship in our lives. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. Published January 1st by Findhorn Press first published More Details Original Title. Other Editions 4. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about A Little Light on Angelsplease sign up. Be the first to ask a question about A Little Light on Angels. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. A New Light on Angels details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of A Little Light on Angels. It is printed on glossy paper and contains lovely angel pictures. The chapters are short and the book is intensely readable. Diana Cooper must be regarded as the foremost expert on angels in the world. She has a unique contact with them and has written numerous other angel books. I am not sure if there is any difference between angels and devas, perhaps not. The author does not go into this. If I have practical problems in my home, mostly in the kitchen, I ask my household deva to help me solve the situation, and it invariably does, often in a seemingly miraculous way. Similarly, if I have problems with my computer, I ask various computer devas to come to my A New Light on Angels, and once I experienced an absolute miracle of computer repair of something that had been bothering me for years. We learn about interdimensional portals, such as Stonehenge, Macchu Pichu and one at the Great Zimbabwe. There are millions of archangels, but only a few work with humans, though new archangels are now being assigned to do so. The Archangels we know generally have a masculine energy, but each masculine archangel has a twin flame with a feminine energy; thus, Faith is the twin flame of Michael, Hope the twin flame of Gabriel, Mary the twin flame of Raphael, and so on. The book also presents information about the various orders of angels: seraphim, cherubim, cherubs, thrones, dominions, virtues, powers, principalities. There is an interesting chapter on the dark angels, which also have their purpose. A useful, final chapter includes several delightful exercises, such as one by which to meet your guardian angel, one to help you cleanse and heal your heart, A New Light on Angels to meet the lords of karma, and so on. This book provided me with much new information. I A New Light on Angels recommend that you read it. Sep 28, Chris Ak rated it really liked it Recommends it for: bagus sekali. Buku yang membuka tabir rahasia tentang Malaikat, apakah mereka ada ataukah hanya khayalan belaka.?? Silahkan Anda membaca untuk perkembangan spiritual Anda. Sep 19, Jo-jo rated it it was amazing Shelves: spiritual. My first angel book. Aug 14, Melanie Moxon rated it really liked it Shelves: angels. My favourite angel book. First book ever that introduced me into the angelic realm in the mid 90s. Have read this over a dozen times! Awesome book,easy to understand and read. Navanath Sriyuksiri rated it it was amazing Jan 03, Naragon rated it it was amazing Aug 01, MizzSandie rated it liked it Feb 04, Judy Beyer rated it liked it Nov 01, Patrycja Lech rated it it was amazing Jan 20, Valerie rated it it was amazing May 06, Orna rated it it was amazing Jul 23, Iv rated it really liked it Jan 13, Nadine rated it really liked it Jan 14, Lucinda rated it really liked it Apr 02, Maike rated it it was ok Jan A New Light on Angels, Muhammad Haris rated it it was amazing Feb 22, Amanda Fisher rated it it was amazing Jan 22, Helga-Johanna Kuusler rated it it was amazing Mar 02, Liam McLeod rated it really liked it Sep 29, Claire Bester rated it really liked it Apr 07, Catherine rated it really liked it Feb 05, Heidi C Morrison rated it it was amazing Dec 27, Maudy rated it liked it Dec 04, Carol rated it it was amazing Jul 06, Anya rated it it was amazing Oct 25, Lina rated it really liked it Jun 08, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Readers also enjoyed. About Diana Cooper. Diana Cooper. Diana Cooper has written books about angels, Archangels, unicorns, all elementals including fairies and Ascended Masters. Her Spirit guide Kumeka, who A New Light on Angels given her information about the orbs, Atlantis, the Spiritual Laws, ascension and enlightenment. Books by Diana Cooper. Escape the Present with These 24 Historical Romances. You know the saying: There's no time like the present In that case, we can't Read more Trivia About A Little Light on No trivia or quizzes yet. Welcome back. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account.