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Contents Thank you for downloading! ...... 3 1. Valentine Smitten ...... 5 2. Knitted Cupcake Egg Cosy ...... 7 3. Cupcake Tea Cozy ...... 9 4. Shawl - How to Make a Capalet ...... 11 5. Shawl Knitting Pattern - How to Make a Shimmery Shawl ...... 13 6. Shawl Knitting Pattern - How to Make a Basic Shawl ...... 15 7. Shawl Knitting Pattern - How to Make a Wonderful Triangular Shawl ...... 17 8. Knit Hat Patterns - How to Make a Basic Brim Hat ...... 19 9. Shawl Knitting Pattern - How to Make a Bodywarmer ...... 21 10. Christmas Robin Tea Cosy Knitting Pattern ...... 23

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Thank you for downloading!

I’m Sarah, the creator of www.KnittingWomen.com and I wanted to take a quick moment to personally thank you for signing up to our newsletter to receive this FREE ebook: 10 Free Knitting Patterns.

In the ebook you will find various patterns to knit different types of scarves, fun tea cozies, basic hats and more!

So make sure you save this ebook to you computer so you can access it over and over... or you can print it to easily reference it during your next knitting project.

Make sure you check your email in the coming days as well as I will be sharing with you much, much more including more free knitting patterns and practical knitting tips.

I will leave you to dig into the ebook and enjoy the free patterns!


Sarah www.KnittingWomen.com

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Do you want to become a knitting SUPERSTAR?

Then check out...

The Ultimate Video Knitting Course created by the web’s premier knitting & video instructor Liat Gat

It’s often said that the best way to learn how to knit is to watch an expert knitting! This video course is the closest you can get to having your own expert to learn from, in the comfort of your own home!

Click here to check it out for yourself!

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1. Valentine Smitten by S. Roberts

Knitting Pattern for a Valentine Smitten - The Glove for Couples to Wear Together.

Tired of struggling with holding hands while wearing gloves? The Smitten is the Glove for Two, which allows you to actually hold hands while your hands are snug and warm inside the smitten.

A "must have" for couples and Valentine Love Birds.

To Knit the Valentine Smitten a glove made for two you will need...

: 50g Double Knitting Wool  Needles: 4 double-ended needles sized - Metric 3mm, UK 11 and US 2  Finished Sized: 20cm from top of the smitten tot he bottom and 17cm wide.

The Smitten Cuffs

Cast on 44 stitches evenly on the 3 needles and rib (knit a stitch, purl a stitch) 20 rounds.

Next Round: *K3, Inc in next stitch* to end Knit 4 rounds straight

Next Round: Cast off the first 13 stitches, and knit the remaining stitches and leave on spare needles. (42 Stitches) Knit another cuff in the same way but do not put it onto spear needles instead continue as so...

The Smitten

Knit across the stitches on the spare needle so that the two cast on edges are together (84 Stitches) Divide the stitches across the 3 needles evenly so that there are 28 stitches on each needle. Knit 24 rounds straight.

Decreasing the Smitten

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Next Round: sl1, k1, psso knit to last 2 stitches on that needle K2 tog - repeat on each of the 3 needles in the round.

Next and every alternate round - Knit Repeat the decreasing rounds until there are 42 stitches remaining ending with a Knit round.

Shaping the Bottom of the Smitten 1 Round: *K2, K2 tog* to last 2 stitches, K2 Next and every alternate round - Knit 3 Round: *K1, K2 tog* to last 2 stitches, K2 5 Round: *K2 tog* to End

Thread the end of the yarn through the remaining stitches and through the loop of the yarn itself and draw up the knitting tightly and finish off.

Sew wool ends in, and sew the cast on edges together and turn the smitten right sides out. The smitten is now ready for wearing. The smitten can also be worn alone as a muff. To keep your hands that are not inside the smitten warm you need to also knit a conventional pair of mittens or gloves.

For More valentines craft ideas visit, http://www.perfectvalentines.co.uk to post a message to your Valentine visit http://www.perfectvalentines.co.uk/post-a-valentines-message.shtml.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?Valentine-Smitten-Knitting-Pattern&id=3741203

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2. Knitted Cupcake Egg Cosy by Louise Foppoli

The kids seem to love lifting an egg cosy to find a hard-boiled egg underneath. I used a fluffy "sugar wisp" wool in the cream and brown cosy and my daughter refers to it as "the wild one".

This is just a fun little knitting exercise that only takes minutes to make.


 St(s) = stitches  K = knit  P = purl  Inc = knit (or purl) twice into stitch  K2tog (or p2tog) = work next two sts together

You will need:

 Scraps of wool in two colours (for base and cake)for cupcake and red if you wish to add a cherry on top!  4mm knitting needles  Beads (if desired)

Cast on 24 stitches with 4mm needles in base colour.

Row 1-6: *K1, P1*, repeat from * to *.

Change to cake colour.

Row 7-16: Continue in stocking stitch. Row 17: *K1, K2 tog* until end (16 sts) Row 18: Purl Row 19: K2 together until end (8 sts)

Break yarn and thread through remaining stitches pulling tightly.

Sew up side of cosy and attach cherry on top. Decorate with beads if desired.

Cherry Cast on 6 stitches. Knit six rows stocking stitch.

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Cast off.

Sew running stitch around outside edges and tightly.

This pattern uses leftover scraps of wool and is fun to make. You can make a set of egg cosies with the same colour combination or you can make a different one for each member of the family. The children usually love choosing their colours and their beads. We now have a collection of egg cosies and the children choose according to their moods on the day. Makes for a fun breakfast!

Louise F is a busy Mum and a webmaster of a website featuring cupcake recipes and crafts. You can find more recipes and craft ideas at http://www.all-about-cupcakes.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?Knitted-Cupcake-Egg-Cosy---Knitting-Pattern&id=1868037

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3. Cupcake Tea Cozy by Louise Foppoli

This tea cozy will look great but it also has a useful function - it keeps your teapot and its contents nice and warm.

Instructions for knitting a two-colour tea cozy.


 St(s) = stitches  K = knit  P = purl  Inc = increase knit (or purl) twice into stitch  K2tog (or p2tog) = work next two sts together

You will need:

 4mm knitting needles  8 ply wool in two colours (base and icing)  Beads (if desired)

Cast on 53 stitches with 4mm needles in base colour.

Row 1: *K1, P1, repeat from * to last stitch, K1. Row 2: * K2, P1, repeat from * to last two stitches, K2. Row 3-20: Repeat rows 1 and 2 alternately.

Change to cake colour.

Row 21: Knit, inc 3 sts evenly along row (56 sts). Row 22-24: Knit

Continue in stocking stitch until 16 rows in base colour have been knitted, or until desired length has been reached.

Begin shaping as follows:

Row 37: (K6,K2tog) to end. Row 39: (K5, K2tog) to end.

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Row 40: Purl Row 41: (K4, K2tog) to end. Row 42: Purl Row 43: (K3, K2tog) to end. Row 44: Purl Row 45: (K2, K2tog) to end. Row 46: Purl Row 47: (K1, K2tog) to end. Row 48: Purl Row 49: (K2tog) to end Row 50: Purl (7 sts remaining)

Break yarn and thread through remaining stitches pulling tightly.

Work another piece exactly the same.

Sew two pieces together, leaving openings for the spout and handle. Attach cherry to top. Sew beads randomly to represent sprinkles on the cupcake.


Cast on 8 stitches. Knit eight rows stocking stitch.

Cast off.

Sew running stitch around outside edges and gather tightly.

Fill and boil the kettle. Make a pot of tea and enjoy with a cupcake!

Louise is a busy Mum and a webmaster of a website featuring cupcake recipes and crafts. You can find more recipes and craft ideas at http://www.all-about-cupcakes.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?Cupcake-Tea-Cozy---Knitting-Pattern&id=1322378

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4. Shawl Knitting Pattern - How to Make a Capalet by Marjory Richmond

This shawl knitting pattern is quick and easy to knit. Combine a bulky and cozy yarn and big needles, and you get a lovely knitted piece that can be made in a jiffy. A capalet is wonderful piece that looks relatively small but does wonders for keeping you warm. This is a simple pattern done on huge needles that complements the yarn's texture nicely and is meant to be holey, chunky and open.

You'll need:

 Approximately 77 yards of any thick wool blend  A pair of size 50 needles  Tapestry needle or crochet hook   Ribbon (this is optional)


The knitting needles are quite big that you will most likely get around 2 stitches an inch regardless of the type of yarn you use.


The end product is approximately 32 inches long and 12 inches wide, but the fabric is stretchy.

Let's start!

1. Begin by 15 stitches in the long tail-cast on method. If you prefer to use the yarn as a tie for your capalet, leave a tail of about 7 inches.

2. In garter stitch (done by knitting every row), work to your desired length or until you are almost out of yarn. Should you decide to use the yarn as a tie, don't forget to bind off the piece.

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3. Bind off loosely and trim yarn if needed. If you do not want to use the yarn as a tie, weave in both ends.

4. You can choose to attach ribbons to keep the capalet closed in place of the yarn.

Marjory Richmond is a knitting expert. She spends her time consulting on knotty knitting problems and teaching others how to become proficient at knitting with remarkable speed. To learn more about shawl knitting pattern http://www.theknitdoctor.com/ and her finishing techniques for flawless products click here http://www.theknitdoctor.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?Shawl-Knitting-Pattern---How-to-Make-a-Capalet&id=4410081

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5. Shawl Knitting Pattern - How to Make a Shimmery Shawl by Marjory Richmond

This shawl knitting pattern is a simple, triangular shaped piece knit in stockinette stitch that has increases on both sides every other row. The fringe and shimmery yarn makes this wrap a big statement. It's perfect for cold evenings and adds a distinctive glimmer to the most basic outfit.

You'll need:

 Approximately 560 yards of any medium weight glistening yarn  A pair of size 8 US knitting needles ( you can also use a circular needle)  Yarn needle  Scissors  Ruler  Crochet hook


24 rows for every 4 inches and 18 stitches in stockinette stitch.


33 inches long and 40 inches wide at the bound off edge

Let's start!

1. Begin by casting on 3 stitches.

2. Purl row 1, knit row 2. Increase by knitting into the front and back of the first and last stitch.

3. Purl the next row. Continue doing this - working straight on purl rows and increasing the knit row until the project is about 40 inches wide.

4. Bind off, cut the yarn and finally, weave in ends.

5. By now, you should have an additional ball of yarn left.

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6. Cut the left over yarn into 6 inch pieces. Use this to create a fringe on the sides of the piece.

Finishing Tip: you can hold two pieces together by using a crochet hook. This is useful for looping all the pieces through the project, similar to making tassels. Tassels are a nice addition to scarves, home decor items, belts or anything else that needs a distinct twist.

Marjory Richmond is a knitting expert. She spends her time consulting on knotty knitting problems and teaching others how to become proficient at knitting with remarkable speed. To learn more about shawl knitting pattern http://www.theknitdoctor.com/?p=99 and her finishing techniques for flawless products Click here http://www.theknitdoctor.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?Shawl-Knitting-Pattern---How-to-Make-a-Shimmery-Shawl&id=4403305

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6. Shawl Knitting Pattern - How to Make a Basic Shawl by Marjory Richmond

If you are looking for a basic shawl that is simple to make but nice enough to be worn anytime you feel like dressing up, this basic shawl knitting pattern fits the bill. It's a good project that will give you lots of practice decreasing and increasing.

You'll need:

 Approximately 30 yards of fuzzy and medium weight yarn  Size 7 straight needles  Sewing needle or crochet hook


This pattern makes a piece that is roughly 52 inches long and 14 inches wide. If you want a longer shawl, simply use more yarn, or you can increase more to get a wider shawl.

Let's start!

1. Begin by casting on 3 stitches.

2. Knit row 1, purl row 2.

3. Increase by knitting into the front and back on the first and last stitch; then knit other stitches.

4. Purl row 4.

5. Repeat this pattern while purl rows and increasing on both ends of the knit rows; for approximately 12 inches.

6. Purl and knit straight until the shawl measures approximately 45 inches.

7. Continue this pattern, only this time, on the last and first stitch of the knit rows by k2tog on each end.

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Finishing tip: Bind off and weave the ends once you get down to the last 3 stitches. A wonderful way to wear this piece is by draping it over your shoulders and holding it in place with a nice pin. You can also use a or a fancy chopstick to hold it together.

Marjory Richmond is a knitting expert. She spends her time consulting on knotty knitting problems and teaching others how to become proficient at knitting with remarkable speed. To learn more about shawl knitting pattern http://www.theknitdoctor.com/?p=97 and her finishing techniques for flawless products Click here http://www.theknitdoctor.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?Shawl-Knitting-Pattern---How-to-Make-a-Basic-Shawl&id=4403296

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7. Shawl Knitting Pattern - How to Make a Wonderful Triangular Shawl by Marjory Richmond

This shawl knitting pattern is triangular, simple and uses yarn overs. The basic shape is easy to work and the fact that it uses yarn overs adds even more interest to the beautiful yarn. You can choose to make it using a nice skein or some hand dyed yarn for a wonderful, artistic effect. When you use a gorgeous yarn, using a simple knitting pattern like the one I'm about to give is sometimes best.

For this project, I recommend using a single skein. However, if you don't have a big skein available it can also be a great project for a special yarn that you don't know how to use.

You'll need:

 Approximately 550 yards of wool blend yarn, light weight wool or any yarn of your choice.  A set of size 6 US needles  Yarn needle and scissors  2 pieces stitch markers


27 rows for every 4 stitches and 20 stitches in stockinette stitch.


The end product is 31 inches long at the center and 57 inches wide at the top.

Let's start!

1. Begin by casting on three stitches.

2. Knit one, (a great way to increase stitches), place marker, knit one, place marker, yarn over, knit one.

3. Knit two, yarn over, slip marker, knit one, slip marker, yarn over, knit two.

4. For the next row: knit three, purl one, knit three.

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5. Keep on increasing each side of the center stitch on the right while keeping the first and last three stitches in garter stitch on every side, until such time you have approximately 150 stitches on the needle.

6. For the right side row, make one increase on every end before and after the garter stitch border. (this is in addition to the yo).

7. Once you feel yourself getting worried that you might run out of yarn, work in garter stitch three rows.

8. Bind off the piece and cut the yarn.

9. Don't forget to weave in ends and block your project so that the piece will open up the yarn overs and the edges will lie flat.

Marjory Richmond is a knitting expert. She spends her time consulting on knotty knitting problems and teaching others how to become proficient at knitting with remarkable speed. To learn more about shawl knitting pattern http://www.theknitdoctor.com/?p=110 and her finishing techniques for flawless products Click here http://www.theknitdoctor.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?Shawl-Knitting-Pattern---How-to-Make-a-Wonderful-Triangular- Shawl&id=4433396

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8. Knit Hat Patterns - How to Make a Basic Brim Hat by Marjory Richmond

There are lots of knit hat patterns that are simple to make but very versatile. Make a basic brim hat with chunky and multicolored yarn to keep you warm in the winter and at the same time, uplift your spirits. It's easy to make and is not time consuming. Make one for yourself or knit one as a special and personal holiday gift to someone you love.

You'll need:

 88 yards of nice chunky and multicolor wool  One #10.5 US circular needle, one set of 10.5 US double-pointed needles and a 16 inch cable.  Yarn needle and scissors


20 rows every 4 inches and 14 stitches (3.5 stitches and 5 rows for every inch) in stockinette stitch for the round.

Let's start!

1. Begin by casting on 76 stitches. Join in round.

2. For 9 inches, work in stockinette stitch.

3. For the next round: *knit two, knit two together. Repeat from *around.

4. Work straight for two round. If needed, switch to double pointed needles.

5. For the next round: *knit one, knit two together. Repeat from *around.

6. Work one round straight.

7. For the next round: *knit two together. Repeat from *around.

8. Work one round straight.

9. *Knit two together. Repeat from *, ending knit one.

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10. Cut the yarn while leaving a long tail. Thread the tail against the yarn needle.

11. Slip the stitches onto the needle and be sure to pull the yarn tightly to secure the top of the hat.

12. Weave in ends.

Marjory Richmond is a knitting expert. She spends her time consulting on knotty knitting problems and teaching others how to become proficient at knitting with remarkable speed. To learn more about knit hat patterns http://www.theknitdoctor.com/?p=93 and her finishing techniques for flawless products Click here http://www.theknitdoctor.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?Knit-Hat-Patterns---How-to-Make-a-Basic-Brim-Hat&id=4398473

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9. Shawl Knitting Pattern - How to Make a Bodywarmer by Marjory Richmond

This is a shawl knitting pattern that you can use in a thousand different ways. You can choose to wear it as a scarf, drape it around your head and over your head, or simply wrap it around your shoulders. This scarf is warm and stretchy and you'll discover that you'll want to wear it all the time. Because of the stretch, it can be a great gift for a person whose size you're unsure of.

You'll need:

 200 yards of 2 bulky and textured (or you can go for 2 various medium weight yarns)  Size 15 and 40 inch circular needles  Tapestry needle or crochet hook  Scissors


12 rows and 12 stitches to make a 4 and a half inch square


The finished piece is about 9 inches long and 44 inches around. The material has a lot of stretch and can work for most people. This is a simple pattern that can easily be altered in terms of size.

Let's start!

1. Begin by casting on 116 stitches using the long tail cast on stitch. Do this while holding both yarn strands together. The long tail cast on stitch will make your stitch stretchy yet structured looking.

2. Join in round (circular knitting). Make sure not to twist the stitches.

3. Knit in knit two, purl two for pattern.

4. Continue working in this pattern for 9 inches or until you achieve your desired length.

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5. Bind off loosely.

6. Cut the yarn while leaving a few inches for tail.

7. With a crochet hook, weave in ends.

Marjory Richmond is a knitting expert. She spends her time consulting on knotty knitting problems and teaching others how to become proficient at knitting with remarkable speed. To learn more about shawl knitting pattern http://www.theknitdoctor.com/?p=105 and her finishing techniques for flawless products Click here http://www.theknitdoctor.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?Shawl-Knitting-Pattern---How-to-Make-a-Bodywarmer&id=4417501

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10. Christmas Robin Tea Cosy Knitting Pattern by S. Roberts

The cheery Christmas robin is no stranger to cold bleak winters. He knows how to keep warm and he will keep the teapot warm too. The festive robin novelty Tea Cosy is quick and easy to make and adds Christmas cheer to the kitchen or breakfast table, he also makes for a very unusual gift.

To make the Christmas Robin tea cosy you will need...

 5.5 mm, UK size 5 or US size 9 knitting needles,  50g Brown double knitting wool,  50g Red double knitting wool,  25g White double knitting wool  And scraps of felt for the eyes and beak.

Divide all of the balls of wool into two balls so that the yarn can be used in double thickness but knitted up as a single strand.

The Back

Using double thickness brown yarn cast on 28 stitches and work 38 rows in straight garter stitch (Knit each row)

Leave the stitches on a spare needle until later.

The Front

Using double thickness brown wool, cast on 28 stitches and work 4 rows in garter stitch.

Break the yarn and change to white (again double yarn) Work another 4 rows.

Row 9: Knit 6 stitches with white, Join Red (double yarn) knit in red to last 6 stitches. Knit 6 with white.

Don't carry the yarn behind the work, instead use separate balls of wool and twist the yarns together when changing colours to avoid leaving holes.

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Row 10: K6 white, K16 red, K6 white. Row 11: K4 white, K20 red, K4 white. Repeat the last row 21 more times. Row 33: K5 white, K8 red, K2 white, K8 red, K5 white. Repeat this row again. Row 35: K6 White, K6 red, K4 white, K6 red, K6 white. Repeat this row again.

Work two rows in white.

The Tea Cosy Top

Using brown double yarn proceed to knit across the tea cosy front and then tea cosy back as follows...

Shaping the top Row 1: *K5, K2 tog* repeat to end

Next and every alternate row Knit.

Row 3: *K4, K2 tog* repeat to end. Row 5: *K3, K2 tog* repeat to end. Row 7: *K2, K2 tog* repeat to end. Row 9: *K1, K2 tog* repeat to end. Row 11: *K2 tog* repeat to end.

Thread the end of the yarn through the remaining stitches and through the loop of the yarn itself and draw up the knitting tightly and Finnish off.

With the front and back right sides together, sew about 9.5cm from the finishing off point down the side seam towards the cast on edge.

At the bottom of each side seam, sew about 3cm upwards. The holes are left for the teapot handle and spout.

From felt cut out two eyes (Approximately 4cm in diameter) and sew into position.

Cut a 5cm long kite shape from black felt and fold the fabric in half along the long edge and over-sew this edge with small stitches. With the seam at the bottom, flatten out to form a slender pointed beak. Sew into place.

Now the rosy robin can keep your rosy lee piping hot all winter.

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This novelty Christmas robin tea cosy fits teapots up to 47cm round and up to 17cm high, a medium sized teapot.

For tea cosy photograph visit http://www.santaspostbag.co.uk/.

S. Roberts writes for http://www.santaspostbag.co.uk a popular Christmas educational resource packed with creative things to do over the festive period including traditional, religious and 21st Century activities. For information about the Christmas Robin visit http://www.santaspostbag.co.uk/.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?Christmas-Robin-Tea-Cosy-Knitting-Pattern&id=586900

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Do you want to become a knitting SUPERSTAR?

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It’s often said that the best way to learn how to knit is to watch an expert knitting! This video course is the closest you can get to having your own expert to learn from, in the comfort of your own home!

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