13 - 19 Sept, 2006 111 13 - 19 SEPT, 2006, GANGTOK
[email protected] VOLUME 1 NO. 2. Rs. 10 GANGTOK: Given the hype and the COME SEPTEMBER 30 AND historic significance of the historic THE FIRST PHASE OF TRADE trading links with Tibet, expectations were high when Nathula finally opened OVER THE NATHULA WILL for trade on June 6. But three months CLOSE FOR THIS YEAR. THE later trading has not really taken place NATHULA in the scale that was planned. Trading INITIAL EUPHORIA in the first month itself witnessed SURROUNDING THE several impediments. The first hurdle was the Import-Export Code for RESUMPTION OF TRADE required for the traders. When the HAS GIVEN WAY TO A MORE trading began, the traders were then told REALISTIC ASSESSMENT. that they needed the IEC for international trade. And for that, one SARIKAH ATREYA REVIEWS had to furnish his Personal Account THE FIRST THREE MONTHS Number (PAN), which is not issued to the Sikkim residents as there are not OF TRADING AND LOOKS AT Central Direct Taxes extended in the THE LOOPHOLES AND State. With no IEC, trading was stalled. BOTTLENECKS THAT The Sikkim Chamber of Commerce approached both the Sikkim as well as CONTINUE TO DETER Photo: PEMA L. SHANGDERPA the Central Government on the issue of TRADE. IEC clearance and after much persuasion, the Centre decided to temporarily waive the IEC requirement for trade over Nathula, which took CONT’D ON Page 7 HYPE vs REALITY K Y M C DELIMITATION DRAMA PLAYS OUT Opposition harps on non reservation for Limboo-Tamangs by PEMA L.