Government of Sikkim Office of the District Collector South District Namchi

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Government of Sikkim Office of the District Collector South District Namchi GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT COLLECTOR SOUTH DISTRICT NAMCHI COI APPLICATION STATUS AS ON 26-July-2018 ApplicationDate : 28/12/2017 00:00AM COIFormNo Applicant Name Father/Husband Name Block Status Status Date 25969 PRATAP SINGH TAMANG KARNA BAHADUR DOROP Application Received 28/12/2017 TAMANG 25971 PHURBA TAMANG KARNA BAHADUR DOROP Application Received 28/12/2017 TAMANG 25968 SARDA KHANAL RAM PRASAD BRAHMAN NAGI Application Received 28/12/2017 25972 SABNAM SHERPA PREM TSHERING PERBING Application Received 28/12/2017 SHERPA ApplicationDate : 27/12/2017 00:00AM COIFormNo Applicant Name Father/Husband Name Block Status Status Date 25956 REJITA RAI (RAJALIM) KISHOR RAI SALGHARI Application Received 27/12/2017 25955 BISHNU DOLMA TAMANG BUDHA DORJEE DHARGOAN Application Received 27/12/2017 TAMANG 25950 KARMA ONGYAL BHUTIA NORBU TSHERING THANGSING Application Received 27/12/2017 BHUTIA 25959 JIT BAHADUR TAMANG RAN BAHADUR TAMANG DOROP Application Received 27/12/2017 25958 MICKLE TAMANG RAM KUMAR TAMANG DOROP Application Received 27/12/2017 25949 DIVEYA RAI AMBER BAHADUR RAI KAMAREY Application Received 27/12/2017 25961 BIJAY MANGER KAMAL DAS MANGER DHARGOAN Application Received 27/12/2017 25960 NIRMAL TAMANG AMBER BAHADUR DOROP Application Received 27/12/2017 TAMANG 25957 PRALAD TAMANG RAM KUMAR TAMANG DOROP Application Received 27/12/2017 25966 WANGDUP DORJEE RAJEN TAMANG BOOMTAR Application Received 27/12/2017 TAMANG 25948 DAL BAHADUR LIMBOO KHARKA BAHADUR TINGMO Certificate Printed 12/01/2018 LIMBOO COI APPLICATION STATUS AS ON 26-July-2018 25962 BISHAL TIWARI HOM NATH TIWARI LINGI Certificate Printed 12/02/2018 25967 HISSEY TAMANG HARKA BAHADUR BOOMTAR Application Received 27/12/2017 TAMANG ApplicationDate : 21/12/2017 00:00AM COIFormNo Applicant Name Father/Husband Name Block Status Status Date 25947 MARTINA RAI DIL BAHADUR CHETTRI PHONG Application Received 21/12/2017 25946 JEEWAN PRASAD PARSAI BISHNU PRASAD KAREK Application Received 21/12/2017 PARSAI ApplicationDate : 20/12/2017 00:00AM COIFormNo Applicant Name Father/Husband Name Block Status Status Date 25943 DAMBER KUMARI SHARMA UDAI MAN SHARMA RALONG Application Received 20/12/2017 25941 NEETA SHARMA UDAI MAN SHARMA RALONG Application Received 20/12/2017 25942 RAJESH SHARMA UDAI MAN SHARMA RALONG Application Received 20/12/2017 25944 TILA RUPA PARSAI KHARGA PRASAD KAREK Application Received 20/12/2017 PARSAI ApplicationDate : 15/12/2017 00:00AM COIFormNo Applicant Name Father/Husband Name Block Status Status Date 25940 RANJANA RAI MOHAN SINGH RAI POKLOK Application Received 15/12/2017 25933 MON KUMARI CHETTRI MANBIR CHETTRI PHONG Application Received 15/12/2017 25934 LALL BAHADUR CHETTRI MANBIR CHETTRI PHONG Application Received 15/12/2017 25932 DEVI LALL CHHETRI BHAKTA BAHADUR RALONG Application Received 15/12/2017 CHHETRI 25935 KABITA CHETTRI MANBIR CHETTRI PHONG Application Received 15/12/2017 25936 PRITIKA GURUNG BISHAL GURUNG TANGZI Application Received 15/12/2017 25938 MATRIKA MISHRA KAMAL PRASAD MISHRA MANEYDARA Application Received 15/12/2017 25937 PHUCHUNG BHUTIA PASSANG BHUTIA GOM Application Received 15/12/2017 25939 PHODA SINGH CHHETRI MANBIR CHETTRI PHONG Application Received 15/12/2017 25931 ISSAC GURUNG CHANDRA BAHADUR LUNGCHUK Application Received 15/12/2017 GURUNG COI APPLICATION STATUS AS ON 26-July-2018 ApplicationDate : 14/12/2017 00:00AM COIFormNo Applicant Name Father/Husband Name Block Status Status Date 25921 MOHAN KUMAR RAI HARKA BAHADUR RAI RABI KHOLA Application Received 14/12/2017 25922 SURAJ RAI MOHAN KUMAR RAI RABI KHOLA Application Received 14/12/2017 25924 ASHISH NEWAR TEK BAHADUR NEWAR TINIK Application Received 14/12/2017 25930 RANJANA RAI KABI RAI KAMRANG Application Received 14/12/2017 25929 SARAN RAI GANGA BAHADUR RAI KAMRANG Application Received 14/12/2017 25919 LALIT SUBBA JIT BAHADUR SUBBA KABREY Application Received 14/12/2017 (LIMBOO) 25927 SHELINA GURUNG KAMAL PRASAD LUNGCHUK Application Received 14/12/2017 GURUNG 25926 ARIC GURUNG TEK PRASAD GURUNG LUNGCHUK Application Received 14/12/2017 25928 EALIZA GURUNG TEK PRASAD GURUNG LUNGCHUK Application Received 14/12/2017 25920 REKHA PRADHAN PADAM BAHADUR KARTIKEY Application Received 14/12/2017 PRADHAN 25925 RENUKA GURUNG MANJIT RAI DAMTHANG Application Received 14/12/2017 25923 SUMAN TAMANG GYALBO SINGH RATEYPANI Application Received 14/12/2017 TAMANG ApplicationDate : 13/12/2017 00:00AM COIFormNo Applicant Name Father/Husband Name Block Status Status Date 25912 BHIM BAHADUR PRADHAN AMAR BAHADUR SUNTOLEY Certificate Printed 02/01/2018 PRADHAN 25915 LALITA GURUNG ARUN KUMAR GURUNG TANGZI Certificate Printed 12/02/2018 25913 JHARNA SHARMA RAN PRASAD SHARMA PAIYONG Certificate Printed 30/05/2018 25910 SANJOK PRADHAN JIWAN LALL PRADHAN SUNTOLEY Certificate Printed 12/03/2018 25914 KALPANA SHARMA RAN PRASAD SHARMA PAIYONG Certificate Printed 30/05/2018 25911 SAMIRAN PRADHAN JIWAN LALL PRADHAN SUNTOLEY Certificate Printed 12/03/2018 25917 TSHERING PALDEN PHURBA TSHERING BARNYAK Certificate Printed 28/05/2018 LEPCHA LEPCHA 25916 LEENAMIT LEPCHA PHURBA TSHERING BARNYAK Certificate Printed 28/05/2018 LEPCHA 25908 REEMIT LEPCHA DUP TSHERING LEPCHA SUNTOLEY Certificate Printed 28/03/2018 COI APPLICATION STATUS AS ON 26-July-2018 25909 SUMAN TAMANG DURGABIR TAMANG PAMPHOK Application Received 13/12/2017 ApplicationDate : 12/12/2017 00:00AM COIFormNo Applicant Name Father/Husband Name Block Status Status Date 25902 MAHENDRA SUNWAR PRITHI RAJ SUNWAR LINGMOO Application Received 12/12/2017 25905 SWARNA PRAVA GURUNG PADAM SINGH GURUNG CHUBA Certificate Printed 13/12/2017 25907 RUBINA CHETTRI AM KUMAR RAI JAUBARI Sent For Police/IB verification 29/12/2017 25904 SANDIP CHETTRI HASTA BAHADUR RAYONG Certificate Printed 16/03/2018 BASNET CHHETRI 25903 BHAKTA BAHADUR PRITHI RAJ SUNWAR LINGMOO Application Received 12/12/2017 SUNWAR 25906 BABITA GURUNG ABIKESHER RAI JAUBARI Application Received 12/12/2017 ApplicationDate : 11/12/2017 00:00AM COIFormNo Applicant Name Father/Husband Name Block Status Status Date 25898 SAMIR TAMANG SANJEEV TAMANG BARNYAK Application Received 11/12/2017 25900 DORJEE WANGMOO CHEWANG TOPDEN NAMLUNG Certificate Printed 27/12/2017 BHUTIA BHUTIA 25901 SONAM WANGCHUK CHEWANG TOPDEN NAMLUNG Certificate Printed 27/12/2017 BHUTIA BHUTIA 25899 APSANA RASAILY PURNA KUMAR RASAILY MANEYDARA Application Received 11/12/2017 ApplicationDate : 09/12/2017 00:00AM COIFormNo Applicant Name Father/Husband Name Block Status Status Date 25894 NISTHA TAMANG BIDYA CHANDRA PABONG Application Received 09/12/2017 TAMANG 25896 MADAN RAI BISHAN RAI DONAK Application Received 09/12/2017 25897 HARKA BAHADUR MANGER BAL BAHADUR MANGER KAMRANG Application Received 09/12/2017 25895 ASHAN RAI BISHAN RAI DONAK Application Received 09/12/2017 ApplicationDate : 08/12/2017 00:00AM COIFormNo Applicant Name Father/Husband Name Block Status Status Date 25893 SACHINA PRADHAN BALIDASH PRADHAN SUNTOLEY Application Received 08/12/2017 COI APPLICATION STATUS AS ON 26-July-2018 25891 RENUKA RAI SUKRAJ TAMANG TURUK Application Received 08/12/2017 25892 DEEPJOY PRADHAN BALIDASH PRADHAN SUNTOLEY Application Received 08/12/2017 25890 NIMZEY LEPCHA NARCHO LEPCHA KABREY Application Received 08/12/2017 ApplicationDate : 06/12/2017 00:00AM COIFormNo Applicant Name Father/Husband Name Block Status Status Date 25889 SARMILA KAMI CHANDRA BAHADUR BOOMTAR Application Verified 11/12/2017 KAMI 25885 YOURAJ SHARMA TILAK MANI SHARMA PAIYONG Application Received 06/12/2017 25886 SUMAN RAI GAMBIR RAI BOOMTAR Application Received 06/12/2017 25887 SWATI KANT ANUP KUMAR ZIMBA SOROK Application Received 06/12/2017 TAMANG 25888 ABHISHEK RAI MANOJ RAI JAUBARI Application Received 06/12/2017 ApplicationDate : 05/12/2017 00:00AM COIFormNo Applicant Name Father/Husband Name Block Status Status Date 25877 SUJATA CHHETRI DILLI RAM CHETTRI MANGZING Application Received 05/12/2017 25879 BIREN CHETTRI BHUPAL PANDEY SINGITHANG Certificate Printed 04/01/2018 CHETTRI 25883 LAKPA DORJEE SHERPA PHUR TEMBA SHERPA DEU Application Received 05/12/2017 25884 KARMA UDEN SHERPA PHUR TEMBA SHERPA DEU Application Received 05/12/2017 25882 PHUR TEMBA SHERPA NIM DAWA SHERPA DEU Application Received 05/12/2017 25876 SUMIRA LIMBU ASHRAM LIMBOO DARING Application Received 05/12/2017 25878 KAMALA CHHETRI DILLI RAM CHETTRI MANGZING Application Received 05/12/2017 25880 KARNA BAHADUR BASNET JAI KUMAR BASNETT MANGZING Application Received 05/12/2017 CHETTRI CHETTRI 25881 KUMAR BASNETT JAI KUMAR BASNETT MANGZING Application Received 05/12/2017 CHETTRI ApplicationDate : 04/12/2017 00:00AM COIFormNo Applicant Name Father/Husband Name Block Status Status Date 25875 ROHAN DARJEE MESHAK DARJEE CHISOPANI Application Received 04/12/2017 COI APPLICATION STATUS AS ON 26-July-2018 25872 ARATI ADHIKARI GOPI KRISHNA UPPER Application Received 04/12/2017 ADHIKARI PAIYONG 25874 GAYATRI BHATTARAI INDRA PRASAD LOWER Application Received 04/12/2017 BHATTARAI PAIYONG 25873 ONGMU LEPCHA CHHUGEY LEPCHA LOWER Application Received 04/12/2017 PAIYONG ApplicationDate : 02/12/2017 00:00AM COIFormNo Applicant Name Father/Husband Name Block Status Status Date 25869 BIJAY LIMBU BEGMAN LIMBU MAMLEY Application Received 02/12/2017 25871 ISMILE LIMBU KHARKA RAJ LIMBU MAMLEY Application Received 02/12/2017 25867 CHANDRA KALA PRADHAN PURNA BAHADUR PHALIDARA Certificate Printed 04/01/2018 PRADHAN 25868 RABIN PRADHAN PURNA BAHADUR PHALIDARA Certificate Printed 04/01/2018 PRADHAN 25870 KAJAL RAI BAL BAHADUR RAI MAMLEY Certificate Printed 02/12/2017 ApplicationDate : 01/12/2017 00:00AM COIFormNo
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