Biographies of Evaluators
BIOGRAPHIES OF EVALUATORS Dr. Edward C. Creutz Dr. Arthur R. Kantrowitz, Chairman Dr. Joseph E. Lannutti Dr. Hans J. Schneider-Muntau Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg Dr. Frederick Seitz Dr. William B. Thompson EDWARD CHESTER CREUTZ Edward Chester Creutz: Education: B.S. Mathematics and Physics, University of Wisconsin, 1936; Ph.D. Physics, U. of Wisconsin, 1939; Thesis: Resonance Scattering of Protons by Lithium. Professional Experience: 1977-1984, Director, Bishop Museum, Honolulu, HI; 197frI977, Acting Deputy Director, National Science Foundation, Washington, DC; 1975--1977, Assistant Director for Mathematical and Physical Sciences, and Engineering, National Science Foundation; 1970-1975, Assistant Director for Research, National Sci ence Foundation (Presidential appointee); 1955-1970, Vice President, Research and De velopment, General Atomic, San Diego, CA; 1955-1956, Scientist at large, Controlled Thermonuclear Program, Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, DC; 1948-1955, Pro fessor and Head, Department of Physics, and Director, Nuclear Research Center, Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, PA; 194fr1948, Associate Professor of Physics, Carnegie Institute of Technology; 1944-1946, Group Leader, Los Alamos, NM; 1942-1944, Group Leader, Manhattan Project, Chicago, IL; 1939-1942, Instructor of Physics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ. 1945 ff, Consultant to AEC, NASA, Industry. 1960 ff, Editorial Advisory Board: American Nuclear Society, Annual Reviews, Handbuch der Physik, Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. Publications: 65 in fields of Physics, Metallurgy, Mathematics, Botany, and Science Pol icy. Patents: 18 Nuclear Energy Applications. 577 578 Biographies of Evaluaton Honors: Phi Beta Kappa; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; National Science Foundation Distin guished Service Award; University of Wisconsin, College of Engineering, Distinguished Service Citation; American Nuclear Society, Pioneer Award.
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