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IDENTIFICATION OF MAJOR REFERENCES As mentioned in the Preface, the narrative of this work is based on events that I myself have experienced, things I have personally heard and seen. Consequently, this work is written primarily from the first person point of view. Beside the scattered materi als that I have collected, which are not listed here, the following are the major references I have used. Mongolian Nanjing Office of the Mongolian League and Banner Delegates, ed. Mongghol-un khural jublel-dur joblen tasulaghsan kereg (Resolutions passed by the Mongolian Confer ence), 2 vols., Nanjing, 1930. Mongolian-Tibetan Affairs Commission, ed. Mongghol-un khural jubel-un neilegulun jokiyaghsan bichig (Complete record of the Mongolian Conference), 2 vols., Nanjing, 1930. English Rupen, Robert A. Mongols of the Twentieth Century. 2 vols. Bloomington: Indiana Uni versity Press, 1964. Chinese Dewang zai Alashan ZE it ^ (Prince De in Alashan), Literal^ and Historical Materials of Alashan League, No. 5. Alashan: The Research Committee for Alashan League's Literary and Historical Materials, 1988. Hao Weimin g , ed. Nei-Menggu zizhiqu shi, 1947-1987 F*i) ^ ^ § '(n ® 5^ • Hohhot: The Inner Mongolian University Press, 1991. He Yangling M M W.- Cha Sui Mengmin jingji de jiepou ^ IS ^ S S pO (An analysis of the economy of the Mongols in Chahar and Suiyuan). Shanghai: Commercial Press, 1935. Jagchid, Sechin. Menggu zhi jinxi ^ ^ ^ "a (Mongolia then and now). Taipei, 1955. Legislative Yuan Border Government Committee, ed. Bianzheng fagui huibian iBC }4: H ^ (Compendium of Laws and Regulations of Border Government). Taipei, 1952. Lu, Minghui. Menggu "zizhi yundong” shimo ^ § (n jM it) ^Ip ^ • Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1980.
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