Planning Committee Tuesday 6 March 2018 6.00 Pm Ground Floor Meeting Room G02 - 160 Tooley Street, London SE1 2QH
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Open Agenda Planning Committee Tuesday 6 March 2018 6.00 pm Ground Floor Meeting Room G02 - 160 Tooley Street, London SE1 2QH Membership Reserves Councillor Nick Dolezal (Chair) Councillor James Barber Councillor Cleo Soanes (Vice-Chair) Councillor Catherine Dale Councillor Lucas Green Councillor Sarah King Councillor Lorraine Lauder MBE Councillor Jane Lyons Councillor Hamish McCallum Councillor Jamille Mohammed Councillor Darren Merrill Councillor Kieron Williams Councillor Michael Mitchell Councillor Adele Morris INFORMATION FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC Access to information You have the right to request to inspect copies of minutes and reports on this agenda as well as the background documents used in the preparation of these reports. Babysitting/Carers allowances If you are a resident of the borough and have paid someone to look after your children, an elderly dependant or a dependant with disabilities so that you could attend this meeting, you may claim an allowance from the council. Please collect a claim form at the meeting. Access The council is committed to making its meetings accessible. Further details on building access, translation, provision of signers etc for this meeting are on the council’s web site: or please contact the person below. Contact: Gerald Gohler on 020 7525 7420 or email: [email protected] Members of the committee are summoned to attend this meeting Eleanor Kelly Chief Executive Date: 26 February 2018 Planning Committee Tuesday 6 March 2018 6.00 pm Ground Floor Meeting Room G02 - 160 Tooley Street, London SE1 2QH Order of Business Item No. Title Page No. PART A - OPEN BUSINESS 1. APOLOGIES To receive any apologies for absence. 2. CONFIRMATION OF VOTING MEMBERS A representative of each political group will confirm the voting members of the committee. 3. NOTIFICATION OF ANY ITEMS OF BUSINESS WHICH THE CHAIR DEEMS URGENT In special circumstances, an item of business may be added to an agenda within five clear days of the meeting. 4. DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS AND DISPENSATIONS Members to declare any personal interests and dispensation in respect of any item of business to be considered at this meeting. 5. MINUTES 3 - 16 To approve as a correct record the minutes of the open sections of the meetings held on 30 January 2018 and 7 February 2018. 6. ARTICLE 4 DIRECTION TO WITHDRAW THE PERMITTED 17 - 72 DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS FOR A CHANGE OF USE FROM LIGHT INDUSTRIAL TO RESIDENTIAL Item No. Title Page No. 7. THE RELEASE OF £40,000,000 FROM TWO S106 AGREEMENTS TO 73 - 78 DELIVER AFFORDABLE HOUSING To approve the release of £40,000,000 of section 106 funding from the legal agreements detailed in paragraph 16 of the report to deliver affordable housing across Southwark. 8. TO RELEASE £4,748,902.34 FROM THE S106 AGREEMENTS 79 - 91 ASSOCIATED WITH THE BELOW DEVELOPMENTS, FOR THE PURPOSES OF EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING IN THE BOROUGH To approve the release of £4,748,902.34 S106 funding, from the agreements listed in Appendix 1 of the report, in order to deliver employment and training across the borough. 9. DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT 92 - 96 9.1. BELTWOOD HOUSE, 41 SYDENHAM HILL, LONDON SE26 97 - 147 6TH (PLANNING CONSENT) 9.2. BELTWOOD HOUSE, 41 SYDENHAM HILL, LONDON SE26 148 - 171 6TH (LISTED BUILDING CONSENT) ANY OTHER OPEN BUSINESS AS NOTIFIED AT THE START OF THE MEETING AND ACCEPTED BY THE CHAIR AS URGENT. EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC The following motion should be moved, seconded and approved if the committee wishes to exclude the press and public to deal with reports revealing exempt information: “That the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1-7, Access to Information Procedure rules of the Constitution.” PART B - CLOSED BUSINESS ANY OTHER CLOSED BUSINESS AS NOTIFIED AT THE START OF THE MEETING AND ACCEPTED BY THE CHAIR AS URGENT. Date: 26 February 2018 1 Planning Committee Guidance on conduct of business for planning applications, enforcement cases and other planning proposals 1. The reports are taken in the order of business on the agenda. 2. The officers present the report and recommendations and answer points raised by members of the committee. 3. The role of members of the planning committee is to make planning decisions openly, impartially, with sound judgement and for justifiable reasons in accordance with the statutory planning framework. 4. The following may address the committee (if they are present and wish to speak) for not more than 3 minutes each. (a) One representative (spokesperson) for any objectors. If there is more than one objector wishing to speak, the time is then divided within the 3-minute time slot. (b) The applicant or applicant’s agent. (c) One representative for any supporters (who live within 100 metres of the development site). (d) Ward councillor (spokesperson) from where the proposal is located. (e) The members of the committee will then debate the application and consider the recommendation. Note: Members of the committee may question those who speak only on matters relevant to the roles and functions of the planning committee that are outlined in the constitution and in accordance with the statutory planning framework. 5. If there are a number of people who are objecting to, or are in support of, an application or an enforcement of action, you are requested to identify a representative to address the committee. If more than one person wishes to speak, the 3-minute time allowance must be divided amongst those who wish to speak. Where you are unable to decide who is to speak in advance of the meeting, you are advised to meet with other objectors in the foyer of the council offices prior to the start of the meeting to identify a representative. If this is not possible, the chair will ask which objector(s) would like to speak at the point the actual item is being considered. 6. Speakers should lead the committee to subjects on which they would welcome further questioning. 7. Those people nominated to speak on behalf of objectors, supporters or applicants, as well as ward members, should sit on the front row of the public seating area. This is for ease of communication between the committee and the speaker, in case any issues need to be clarified later in the proceedings; it is not an opportunity to take part in the debate of the committee. 2 8. Each speaker should restrict their comments to the planning aspects of the proposal and should avoid repeating what is already in the report. The meeting is not a hearing where all participants present evidence to be examined by other participants. 9. This is a council committee meeting which is open to the public and there should be no interruptions from the audience. 10. No smoking is allowed at committee. 11. Members of the public are welcome to film, audio record, photograph, or tweet the public proceedings of the meeting; please be considerate towards other people in the room and take care not to disturb the proceedings. The arrangements at the meeting may be varied at the discretion of the chair. Contacts: General Enquiries Planning Section, Chief Executive’s Department Tel: 020 7525 5403 Planning Committee Clerk, Constitutional Team Finance and Governance Tel: 020 7525 5485 3 Agenda Item 5 Planning Committee MINUTES of the Planning Committee held on Tuesday 30 January 2018 at 7.00 pm at Ground Floor Meeting Room G02 - 160 Tooley Street, London SE1 2QH PRESENT: Councillor Nick Dolezal (Chair) Councillor Cleo Soanes (Vice-Chair) Councillor Lucas Green Councillor Sarah King (Reserve) Councillor Lorraine Lauder MBE Councillor Hamish McCallum Councillor Michael Mitchell Councillor Adele Morris OTHER MEMBERS Councillor David Noakes PRESENT: OFFICER Simon Bevan (Director of Planning) SUPPORT: Jon Gorst (Legal Officer) Bridin O’Connor (Development Management) Victoria Lewis (Development Management) Yvonne Lewis (Development Management) Daniel Davies (Development Management) Michael Tsoukaris (Design and Conservation) Terence McLellan (Development Management) Michael Glasgow (Development Management) Sally Crew (Transport Policy) Jack Ricketts (Development Management) Naima Ihsan (Transport Planner) Gerald Gohler (Constitutional Officer) 1. APOLOGIES There were apologies for absence from Councillor Darren Merrill. 2. CONFIRMATION OF VOTING MEMBERS The chair invited the legal officer to explain which councillors would be voting on items 7.1 1 Planning Committee - Tuesday 30 January 2018 4 and 7.2. The legal officer explained that as items 7.1 and 7.2 had been deferred from the meeting on 16 January 2018, only councillors who had sat on the committee at that meeting, would be discussing and voting on these items. He went on to clarify that this included Councillor Lorraine Lauder MBE. This was because although she had left the 16 January 2018 meeting at 1am, during the discussion around reasons for refusal, she had heard all the prior discussions. Following this, those members listed as present were confirmed as voting members for the meeting. 3. NOTIFICATION OF ANY ITEMS OF BUSINESS WHICH THE CHAIR DEEMS URGENT The chair informed the meeting that the supplemental agenda No.1 had been circulated before the meeting. This outlined possible reasons for refusal for item 7.1. Two additional documents had been tabled at the meeting: supplemental agenda No.2 and the members’ pack. 4. DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS AND DISPENSATIONS The following councillors declared an interest in the item 7.3 Southwark Fire Station, 94 Southwark Bridge Road, London SE1 0EG; Grotto Place and Grotto Podiums Councillor Adele Morris, non-pecuniary, as she was a ward councillor and had heard from both applicants and residents, but had not expressed a view and approached the application with an open mind.