Energy Release Through Internal Wave Breaking

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Energy Release Through Internal Wave Breaking

Special Issue On Internal Energy Release Through Internal Breaking

By Hans van Haren and Louis Gostiaux

ABSTRACT. The sun inputs huge amounts of heat to the , heat that would stay ABOVE | A large backward-breaking near the ocean’s surface if it were not mechanically mixed into the deep. Warm water is depicted in this time-depth image whose axes are 14 minutes horizontally and 50 m vertically. is less dense than cold water, so that heated surface waters “float” on top of the cold This wave was observed using 101 high-sampling- deep waters. Only active mechanical turbulent mixing can pump the heat downward. rate sensors between 0.5 and 50 m above the bottom at 550 m depth near the top of Such mixing requires remarkably little energy, about one-thousandth of the heat Great Meteor , North Atlantic Ocean. stored, but it is crucial for ocean life and for nutrient and sediment transport. Several Temperature ranges from 12.3°C (blue) to 14.1°C mechanisms for ocean mixing have been studied in the past. The dominant mixing (red); contour intervals are every 0.1°C (black). mechanism seems to be breaking of internal waves above underwater topography. Here, we quantify the details of how internal waves transition to strong turbulent mixing by using high-sampling-rate temperature sensors. The sensors were moored above the sloping bottom of a large (flat-topped ) in the Canary Basin, North Atlantic Ocean. Over a tidal period, most mixing occurs in two periods of less than half an hour each. This “boundary mixing” dominates sediment resuspension and is 100 times more turbulent than open ocean mixing. Extrapolating, the mixing may be sufficiently effective to maintain the ocean’s density .

124 | Vol. 25, No. 2 INTRODUCTION they reach strong states above density contrast between different water Internal waves are ubiquitous around underwater topography (Thorpe, 1987a). layers generates weaker restoring . the globe in , , and , The turbulence is visible as closed loops These internal waves have periods vary- causing their interiors to be in constant of a wide range of sizes. These loops can ing from one day, depending on Earth’s motion. They exist because these waters transport material and affect stratifica- rotation, down to several minutes, all have stable density stratification from tion. Quantification of such mixing pro- depending on stratification. surface to bottom. Ocean water density cesses thus requires detailed observations Low-frequency, long-period near- is mainly determined by temperature using a high sampling rate (once per sec- inertial internal wave motions have and salinity variations (Box 1). Vertical ond) and precise instrumentation. relatively small vertical wave lengths of density differences (“stratification”) create There are two dominant internal wave 10–100 m in the open ocean (1–10 m in a restoring for wave motions in sources near the lowest internal wave fre- shallow seas). These small length scales the interior (“internal waves”). High- quency: “inertial” motions, which result cause the inertial currents to vary rapidly resolution temperature measurements from an adjustment to large-scale dis- in the vertical, creating large vertical cur- show the omnipresence of internal waves turbances such as fronts or atmospheric rent differences (termed shear or internal near and at great depths, with storms in combination with Earth’s rota- friction). The resulting shear-induced similar features persisting at a wide vari- tion, and internal , which result from turbulent mixing occurs infrequently ety of scales, thus resembling a fractal the interaction of surface or “barotropic” in the open ocean, creating about one- world (Figure 1; note the 100–1,000 times tidal motions with topography. Whereas quarter to one-third (Gregg, 1989) of the different depth-time ranges and the fac- inertial motions can be observed domi- global, ocean-wide vertical turbulent dif- tor of 1,000 smaller temperature range in nantly near the ocean’s surface or in fusivity (a measure for vertical exchange –4 2 –1 panel d). Such features include overturn- closed seas like the Mediterranean with units of Kz = 10 m s ; Munk, ing of occasionally large 50 m high fronts (Figure 1d), internal tides are dominant 1966) needed to maintain deep-ocean (image on opposite page) followed by a in the open ocean (Figure 1a). Compared (heat) stratification. Hence, another trail of turbulent high-frequency internal to surface waves that are generated energy sink should exist, and much waves. The ocean interior’s 10–100 m through the much larger density dif- additional energy is lost near under- high weakly turbulent internal waves can ference between air and water, internal water topography such as thus mix and transport material when waves travel slowly because the lower and continental slopes.


The dynamics of vertically varying ocean motions depend on are the easiest to observe. Salinity is measured indirectly, using a variations in density. Though ocean density variations cannot be combination of temperature and conductivity sensors. Temperature measured directly, density is mainly (more than 99.99%) determined observations alone can be used at a particular known by variations in temperature, salinity, and pressure. A vertically (depth) as a replacement (proxy) for density variations, provided stable is composed of warm, fresh water over cold, the density-temperature relationship is well known (tight). This salty water. Warmer water is less dense than colder water when relationship can be established by repeatedly lowering a shipborne salinity is 23 or more parts per thousand (ppt). An average ocean conductivity-temperature-pressure package at the site of interest. value is 35 ppt. Freshwater is less dense than salty water. Roughly 4°C If the vertical density variations are very small, about in temperature and 1 ppt in salinity each contribute to ±1 kg m–3 in 0.001 kg m–3 per 100 m, high-precision sensors can observe tem- density variations. Although the static pressure increases by 1 bar perature to increase with pressure (depth) while density remains (atmosphere) every 10 m vertically in the ocean, it is the small (1%) stable. The limit of this increase is the adiabatic lapse rate of about compressibility of water that affects density variations. 1.7 × 10–4 °C m–1, which is due to the compressibility of water. It can In terms of observational techniques, temperature and pressure be easily corrected for when pressure (depth) is known.

Oceanography | June 2012 125 Because the interaction of horizontal However, it is unclear how energy trans- deforms the internal waves and makes motion with sloping underwater topog- fers from the internal wave source to them overturn. Another possible expla- raphy generates internal tides (part of its turbulence loss, but it is probably via nation is that high-frequency internal the low-frequency internal waves), it is small-scale internal waves. waves deform to linear or nonlinear conjectured that most mixing also occurs At the high-frequency end of the internal tides and then disintegrate into along the ocean’s sloping boundaries internal wave spectrum, short-period high-frequency solitary waves (Gerkema, rather than in its interior (Munk, 1966; waves near frequency N are 1996; Farmer et al., 2011). Despite their Armi, 1978; Thorpe, 1987b; Garrett, the natural motions following stratifi- name, such high-frequency nonlinear 1990, 1991). The of inter- cation disturbance (Groen, 1948). N 2 waves generally do not occur alone, but nal tidal energy may cause enhanced is proportional to the vertical density instead commonly occur in groups of wave breaking and mixing. Internal stratification and the acceleration of four to ten waves (Helfrich and Melville, waves constitute a partial (20%) sink gravity. These waves are close to turbu- 2006). When such solitary wave groups, for tidal energy, or about 0.6 TW glob- lence in frequency (D’Asaro and Lien, carried by the internal tidal wave, col- ally (Munk and Wunsch, 1998). If the 2000). One possible explanation for how lide with underwater topography, they boundary mixing described is efficient high-frequency internal waves transi- transform (Orr and Mignerey, 2003), NIOZ High Sampling Rate Thermistors enough, it should account for mean tion to turbulence is through interaction and the leading one sharpens into an energy loss (dissipation) of 1.5 mW m–2. with near-inertial or tidal shear, which upslope frontal bore (Vlasenko and Hutter, 2002; Klymak and Moum, 2003). a T (°C) b T (°C) Such a bore dominates sediment resus- −1400 10,000 s 6.7 100 s −0.8 18.2 6.6 pension (Hosegood et al., 2004; Bonnin 18.1 −1420 6.5 −1.0 et al., 2006), which resembles an atmo- 6.4 18.0 −1440 6.3 −1.2 17.9 spheric dust storm. 6.2

z (m ) −1460 z (m ) −1.4 6.1 17.8 Here, we present detailed observa- −1480 6.0 −1.6 17.7 5.9 tions demonstrating that internal wave −1500 5.8 −1.8 17.6 5.7 motions above sloping topography are −2.0 17.5 −1520 212.8 213.0 213.2 213.4 213.6 180.334 180.335 180.336 t (yearday) t (yearday) indeed quite different from those in the ocean’s interior. High-resolution moored c T (°C) d ∆T (0.001°C) −500 1,000 s 14.0 −3980 100,000 s temperature sensors (Box 2) offer the −505 −3990 0.3 13.8 −510 −4000 0.2 best way to study the process of internal 13.6 −515 −4010 13.4 0.1 wave-turbulence dynamics. The sen- −520 −4020 13.2 0.0 z (m ) −525 z (m ) −4030 sors must be used in areas where tem- 13.0 −530 −4040 −0.1 perature has a known relationship with −535 12.8 −4050 −0.2 −540 12.6 −4060 density variations. The moored sensors −0.3 −545 −4070 12.4 are used to quantify several turbulence 147.59 147.6 84.5 85.0 85.5 86.0 t (yearday) t (yearday) parameters, following a method estab- Figure 1. Examples of time-depth internal wave– lished from shipborne conductivity- turbulence temperature observations obtained in widely varying ocean environments (see lower left temperature-depth (CTD) and micro- NIOZ High Sampling Rate Thermistors panel) using moored NIOZ-HST high-sampling-rate structure profiler data. temperature sensors. (a) One-day section showing smooth tidal and higher-frequency internal waves with 130 m amplitude, from the Canary Basin, Northeast OBSERVATIONS FROM Atlantic Ocean (van Haren and Gostiaux, 2009). (b) Six-minute section showing a 1.75 m high front THE OCEAN INTERIOR a T (°C) b T (°C) and turbulent wave motions, using data gathered from instruments on a pole at Texel in the −1400 10,000 s 6.7 100 s The stratified interiors of the open ocean Netherlands (van Haren−0.8 et al., 2012). (c) A 2,500 second section showing a 50 m18.2 high breaking wave 6.6 and trailing high-frequency internal waves and turbulence above a slope of Great18.1 Meteor Seamount, and shallow seas are permanently in −1420 6.5 −1.0 Northeast Atlantic Ocean (van Haren, 2005; van Haren and Gostiaux, 2012). (d) A 1.5 day section in 6.4 18.0 motion between surface and bottom, −1440 the Ionian , 6.eastern3 Mediterranean,−1.2 showing 100 m high inertial waves (period = 20.06 hrs) and 17.9 turbulent overturning6.2 observed relative to the adiabatic lapse rate (Box 1), thereby reaching the with typical ocean amplitudes reaching z (m ) −1460 z (m ) −1.4 limits of the high-precision6.1 sensors (van Haren and Gostiaux, 2011). 17.8 several tens of meters. This stratification −1480 6.0 −1.6 17.7 5.9 −1500 5.8 −1.8 17.6 5.7 126 | Vol.−2.0 25, No. 2 17.5 −1520 Oceanography 212.8 213.0 213.2 213.4 213.6 180.334 180.335 180.336 t (yearday) t (yearday) c T (°C) d ∆T (0.001°C) −500 1,000 s 14.0 −3980 100,000 s −505 −3990 0.3 13.8 −510 −4000 0.2 13.6 −515 −4010 13.4 0.1 −520 −4020 13.2 0.0 z (m ) −525 z (m ) −4030 −530 13.0 −4040 −0.1 −535 12.8 −4050 −0.2 −540 12.6 −4060 −0.3 −545 12.4 −4070

147.59 147.6 84.5 85.0 85.5 86.0 t (yearday) t (yearday) is visible in a one-day example com- These motions are found throughout limited conventional CTD measure- posite of 54 NIOZ (Royal Netherlands the 1.5-year record, but amplitudes vary ments at stations nearby, which provide –5 2 –1 Institute for Sea Research) tempera- continuously per frequency band. The typical values of Kz = 2–3 × 10 m s ture sensors that sampled stratifica- stratification is also subject to substan- and ε = 10–9 W kg–1 over the range of tion around 1,450 m at 33°00.010'N, tial variation. The thickness of strongly the temperature sensors. These values 22°04.841'W (5,274 m water depth) in stratified layers drops below sensor are in the same range as previously the Canary Basin, Northeast Atlantic separation, in this case 2.5 m, while the estimated from upper (< 2,000 m) open- Ocean (Figure 1a). Although these thickness of weakly stratified layers can ocean microstructure observations particular open- are exceed 50 m. Overturns are few and far (e.g., Gregg, 1989). less than ideal because of the influence apart despite the 1 Hz sampling, but due of warm, salty Mediterranean outflow to the ill-defined density-temperature WHEN A WAVE MEETS waters between 1,000 and 1,500 m depth relation in these variable water masses A SEAMOUNT that regularly appear as apparent inver- under intermediate Mediterranean Near a large guyot like Great Meteor sion layers, the observations are use- Sea influence, quantification of turbu- Seamount, an internal tidal wave moves ful for studying internal wave motion lence parameters (Box 2) is difficult. In warm water down during one tidal phase variability. The motions are smooth, addition, a small portion of the larger although not perfectly sinusoidal in overturn scales is resolved by the 2.5 m Hans van Haren (hans.van.haren@ shape, and have relatively large vertical vertical sensor separation, as compared is Senior Scientist, NIOZ Royal coherent scales with near-zero phase to the mean Ozmidov scale LO = 0.5 m. Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, difference over the 130 m range of tem- This scale represents the largest verti- Den Burg, the Netherlands. Louis Gostiaux perature sensors at both tidal and near- cal turbulence scales under stratified is CNRS Scientist, INP/UJF-Grenoble 1, buoyancy frequencies. Peak-to-trough conditions. Turbulence parameter Laboratoire des Ecoulements Géophysiques wave heights are several tens of meters. estimates are made, in this case, using et Industriels, Grenoble, France.


Modern electronics allow the manufacture of once per second (warmer) water during brief moments. This phenomenon is clearly (1 Hz) high-sampling-rate temperature sensors (HST) at NIOZ. observed when a large breaking wave passes the sensors (see figure These NIOZ-HST offer precision better than 0.001°C and a very low on page 126). Quantification of mixing is done by re-enacting the noise level of 6 × 10–5 °C. They can be used down to 6,000 m and turbulence of each 1 Hz vertical temperature profile: all unstable have the potential of one-year uninterrupted stand-alone opera- portions are computationally sorted (reordered) to their stably tion running on a single small battery (van Haren et al., 2009). They stratified positions in a monotonic profile without overturns have been developed specifically for use in a vertical array of many (Thorpe, 1977). The reordering vertical displacementsd ( ) are a sensors (about 100) to study dynamic processes such as fronts and measure of the turbulence following empirical relations, which have

internal waves in shallow seas and the deep ocean. A key element a constant mixing efficiency of 0.2 (Osborn, 1980) and d = 1.25 LO

is their synchronization in time, which is enforced through electro- (Dillon, 1982). LO represents the Ozmidov scale for large overturns in magnetic induction. At a preset interval of less than a day, all clocks stratified fluids. The constant values still seem to hold today, specifi- are synchronized to a single standard. The clock synchronization cally for the ocean, which is nearly always turbulent. The Reynolds is better than 0.1 s, permanently during deployments of up to two numbers are high, between one thousand and one million. Such years. Under conditions of sufficient vertical spatial resolution and values are especially found above sloping topography, where ocean of temperature acting as a proper tracer for density variations, these turbulence can be very high, but stratification is also constantly moored sensors are excellent for quantifying turbulent mixing in restored, mainly in thin layers (van Haren, 2005). When stratification great detail that is generated by the dynamic processes described is restored, mixing is efficient. This efficient mixing, estimated from above (van Haren and Gostiaux, 2012). the larger, energetic turbulent overturns, is expressed in its main

Turbulence makes a vertically stable water column locally parameters’ turbulent exchange rate or diffusivityK z and turbulence unstable by overturning denser (colder) water above less-dense energy loss or dissipation rate ε.

Oceanography | June 2012 127 and cold water up along the sloping bot- can reach dissipation rate values of to the passage of the front. Reordering tom during the next phase (Figure 2a). 1 W m–2 integrated over the 50 m range displacements (Figure 3d) delineates the These observations are made using of observations during a few minutes. turbulent patches or overturns, as well 101 temperature sensors spaced every Viewed in more detail, Figure 3 as overturns within overturns, down 0.5 m between 0.5 and 50 m above the shows the vigorous turbulence of a large to about the scale of vertical resolu- bottom at 30°00.052'N, 28°18.802'W overturning internal tidal wave. The tion. Typical patches have sizes of 10 m in 549 m water depth. This depth is sudden change from a warming to a in the vertical and 300 s in time, but about 200 m below the summit of the cooling tidal phase is associated with an smaller and also larger ones occur, even 4,000 m high guyot. The local bottom upslope-moving frontal bore that occurs exceeding the 50 m range of sensors slope is supercritical for internal tides once or twice every tidal period. When (e.g., around day 146.57). The average

(van Haren and Gostiaux, 2012). Here, we compare the raw data (Figure 3a) 20 m LO is well resolved by the 0.5 m dis- in contrast to rather smooth open-ocean with the stably stratified reordered data tance between sensors. tidal fluctuations, the tidal fluctuations (Figure 3b; see Box 2 for method), we see Such large displacements result become rugged and steep above sloping that part of the turbulence is associated in local turbulent diffusivity up to 2 –1 topography. This translates into a quasi- with the large backward-breaking wave. Kz = 0.1–1 m s (Figure 3e). Large Kz permanent state of turbulent overturning The raw data provide an image with values are generally estimated within lay- in the lower 50 m above a seamount’s lighting that appears three-dimensional ers of less-stable stratification, with the slope. This turbulence varies by nearly (like seventeenth-century Dutch paint- exception of high values in thin, strongly four orders of magnitude (Figure 2b). ings), while the image of reordered data stratified layers such as those forcing a Smaller turbulence peaks are associ- has a flat two-dimensional appearance. big front or nonlinear bore. The front ated with 5 to 10 m high overturns of The reordering clearly straightens the stands out more clearly in the dissipation 30 to 300 s duration some distance off large front that was originally curved. rate image, extending along its entire the bottom (van Haren and Gostiaux, Within a meter of the seafloor, the length ε = 10–5–10–4 W kg–1 in Figure 3f. 2010). Largest peaks are associated with reordered stable stratification (Figure 3c) In this image, it is clear that the front big overturns during the upslope phase appears very thin (down to the lowest is the only turbulent overturn extend- (van Haren and Gostiaux, 2012). They vertical resolution of 0.5 m) just prior ing from the bottom upward, which is important for sediment resuspension. All other larger and smaller overturns θ (°C) are located within the turbulent water

−500 a F3, 4 14.0 column away from the bottom. −510 13.5 Tidal up- and down-slope motion −520 13.0 powers the general pattern of the tur-

z (m) 12.5 −530 bulence dissipation rate, but, in part, 12.0 −540 the shortest freely propagating internal 11.5 waves near the buoyancy frequency


–2 0 b power smaller-scale turbulent patches. In the hour around the frontal bore −2 (roughly the period of Figures 3 and 4), (ρhε) (W m −4 we observe high-frequency internal log 146.6 146.7 146.8 146.9 147.0 waves near the local thin-layer buoyancy Yearday frequency up to N = 0.01 s–1, resulting in Figure 2. One tidal period of temperature observations using 101 temperature sensors above Great Meteor Seamount, sampled at 1 Hz. (a). The time-depth image shows a buoyancy periods just over 10 minutes. tidal wave well beyond the 50 m range of the sensors. Smaller/shorter-scale waves are These motions become more intense and also visible. The white bar indicates the period of Figures 3 and 4. (b). Time series of tur- of shorter duration just prior to arrival of bulence dissipation rate ε, inferred from the data in (a), times density ρ and integrated over the vertical range of the sensors, h = 50 m (log scale). Most turbulence occurs in the front, thereby depressing the strati- brief periods of fewer than 10 minutes during the upslope (cooling) phase of the . fication to within a few meters of the

128 Oceanography | Vol. 25, No. 2 bottom. After the steep frontal passage, related backscatter increases by a factor used for conversion in the vicinity of the apparent wave period is elongated, of 1,000 (Figure 4a). Great Meteor Seamount (Gerkema at about the same pace as turbulent The large vertical internal wave cur- and van Haren, 2007). mixing reduces stratification, and it is rents, occurring more or less every tidal shortened again upon restratification period, may in turn generate internal DISCUSSION (day 146.95–146.97 in Figure 2). tidal waves that are modulated by the Integrated over the 50 m range of the 10% variation in time of arrival of the sensors, the three-minute frontal pas- ASSOCIATED CURRENTS frontal bore (van Haren, 2006). In sage dissipates an average of 1.5 W m–2, Typical internal-tide-generating, large- spite of their short duration of only equivalent to peak values observed in scale barotropic horizontal currents Tw /2 = 3 mins (half period), they com- the South China Sea, where one of the flow at 0.1 m –1s over the top of the pete for generation with the world’s largest internal tides occurs seamount (Mohn and Beckmann, 2002; large-scale (barotropic) vertical (St. Laurent et al., 2011). When estab- confirmed by TXPO Topex Poseidon WSD over semidiurnal tidal period TSD, lishing a cumulative sum of energy dis- satellite data on surface elevation) and which is commonly used in internal tide sipation over the Figure 2 tidal period, only 0.02 m s–1 in the ocean interior models. Averaged over a tidal period, this three-minute frontal “sediment –1 (Gerkema and van Haren, 2007). Nash w × Tw /TSD = 0.0012 m s , which is resuspension power” contributes 21% –1 et al. (2007) observed similar, relatively comparable with WSD = 0.002 m s to the average energy dissipation rate of small internal-tide-generating currents over the Oregon continental slope. Nevertheless, these weak currents can −500 a 1000 s 14 have spectacular impacts when they pro- −520 13. 5 θ (°C) z (m) 13 duce internal waves breaking in the near −540 12. 5 interior. As Figure 4 shows, large over- −500 b 14 turns away from the bottom just prior to −520 13. 5 z (m) arrival of the frontal bore are associated θ (°C) 13 −540 12. 5 with relatively large downward motions −500 c ) originating from above the sensors (the –1 −2.5 −520 −3

negative/blue vertical current). This z (m)

−540 log(N) (s −3.5 downdraft is caused by intensification −500 of the high-frequency internal waves d 20 −520 around the turbulent bore. The front is 0 d (m) z (m) sharpened when interior overturns that −540 −20

−500 ) precede the bore are large and intense. e –1 −1 s

(yearday) 2 During the three-minute passage of the −520 −2 ) (m z

z (m) −3 bore, cross-slope current changes from −540 −4 –1 –1 log( K 0.2 m s downslope to 0.4 m s upslope −500 ) f –1 −5 −6 (Figure 4c), and the along-slope cur- −520 −7 rent changes sign (Figure 4d). Upward z (m) −8 −540 −9 vertical currents reach w = 0.15 m s­–1 log(ε) (W kg 146.56 146.57 146.58 146.59 (Figure 4b), and the front dominates Yearday sediment resuspension, moving sedi- Figure 3. Time-depth images of temperature and quantified turbulence during the 4,500 s period indicated at upper left in Figure 2a prior to and into an upslope moving, cooling ment more than 50 m up from the tidal phase. (a) after pressure-corrected calibration. (b) Reordered bottom. This sediment resuspension is potential temperature profiles every 1 Hz time step (see Box 2 for method). (c) Stable inferred from sediment trap and acous- density stratification computed from (b) using a tight temperature-density relationship from CTD observations near the . (d) Reordering displacements following com- tic backscatter data (Hosegood et al., parison of (a) and (b). (e) Turbulent diffusivity. (f) Turbulence dissipation rate. In (e) and 2004). Here, such sediment resuspension (f), dark blue also indicates below threshold (after van Haren and Gostiaux, 2012).

Oceanography | June 2012 129 9.5 mW m–2. About 65% of this aver- dissipation rate is 75 MW. This figure Garrett, 1990) for the importance of age occurs in the 75 minutes shown in is one-quarter of the estimated conver- sloping boundary mixing, provided the Figures 3 and 4, and another 10% occurs sion into internal tidal energy by Great above extrapolation is valid for all sloping during the 10-minute collapse of a sec- Meteor Seamount (Gerkema and van topography. Many more future observa- ond front around day 146.67 (Figure 2). Haren, 2007). We note that the present tions are needed to verify the validity of Like the main frontal bore, this second- dissipation rate estimate is for the 50 m this extrapolation hypothesis, but recent front turbulence also reaches the bottom, vertical range of sensor observations, ones point in the same direction. but from above. Similar values are found but because at least 30% of the high/low Previous of Biscay (van Haren, in every tidal period over the 18-day values are found right near the upper 2006), Hawaiian Ridge (Aucan et al., record (van Haren and Gostiaux, 2012). edge of observations (Figure 3d,e around 2006; Klymak et al., 2006), Oregon con- Eighteen days of observations yielded day 146.57), we estimate our values to be tinental slope (Nash et al., 2007), South 2 –1 the mean [Kz] = 0.003 ± 0.001 m s and higher. A rough estimate would be about China Sea (St. Laurent et al., 2011), and the mean [ε] = 1.5 ± 0.7 × 10–7 W kg–1, a factor of two larger, or a turbulent present (Great Meteor Seamount) data which give 7.5 mW m–2 for the 50 m ver- boundary layer of 100 m. suggest that such bore-like mixing is tical range of observations. These values If we hypothetically extrapolate further quite universal. It seems to be indepen- are comparable to values from (micro- and use previous estimates (Armi, 1978, dent of slope or forcing mechanism/ structure) profiler data over the Hawaiian 1979; Garrett, 1990, 1991) that about 3% frequency. Tides are not the only forcing Ridge (Aucan et al., 2006; Klymak et al., of the ocean is occupied by 100 m high mechanism for turbulence in the ocean 2006) and above the Oregon continental turbulent boundary layers above sloping interior, as turbulent overturns are also slope (Nash et al., 2007). The average topography, we find a mean ocean-basin observed in seas that are dominated by –4 2 –1 dissipation rate is set by nonlinear wave interior Kz of 10 m s , which is the near-inertial (e.g., Figure 1d; van Haren breaking rather than by bottom friction. value needed to maintain the overall and Gostiaux, 2011) or subinertial When extrapolated to the entire area density stratification (Munk and Wunsch, (Hosegood et al., 2004) motions rather around Great Meteor Seamount (about 1998). This value supports earlier con- than tides. This suggests that bottom 100 × 100 km2), the tidally averaged jectures (e.g., Munk, 1966; Armi, 1978; slopes do not need to critically match an internal wave slope of particu- lar frequency for ultimate nonlinear −500 20 a 1000 s frontal steepening. Vigorous bore-like −520 (dB) 0 1 motions and/or enhanced near-bottom z (m) dI −540 −20 turbulence have also been observed

−500 0.1 at a variety of (tidally) noncritical b ) −520 –1 0 slopes (e.g., Klymak and Moum, 2003; z (m) −540 w (m s −0.1 Hosegood et al., 2004; van Haren, 2006;

−500 c Bonnin et al., 2006; Nash et al., 2007). ) 0.2 −520 –1 Despite all the turbulent power of 0 z (m ) −540 u (m s −0.2 50 m breaking waves above topogra-

−500 phy, very little is sensed at the surface. d ) 0.2

–1 Therefore, in order to learn more about −520 0

z (m ) intrinsic interaction processes, it is man- −540 v (m s −0.2 datory to continue studying internal 146.56 146.57 146.58 146.59 Yearday wave-turbulence characteristics in the Figure 4. Time-depth images of acoustic Doppler current profiler observations from the ocean interior and above underwater same period as Figure 3. (a) Acoustic backscatter relative to time mean, in logarithmic topography. For a leap forward, develop- dB scale (20 dB is a factor of 100 in variance change). (b) Vertical current, positive (red) is ment of future instrumentation should upward. (c) Cross-slope current, negative (blue) is upslope. (d) Along-slope current. All current data (panels b–d) are 30 s smoothed. Note that some depth levels show reflec- be directed to a truly four-dimensional tance at temperature sensors. (three-dimensional spatial plus

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