1812; the War, and Its Moral : a Canadian Chronicle
J^ ^>,W^% s^/^j&vm ^ y :'^'^^k^\' v;>. ,^^ ->^^* -\'^ ^ <f: o -^^0^ .•^q <<> ''>^ '>#&;/ ^^o' 'S. ^"^ ,, ^ .s^^ - •/..••<% -^_ .0' ^' ^^^ ?^'- ^^ 0^ r-^^. ^^ . \ 0° .'.:^:;'< °o .^^. •^AO^ '(^v- ?>^'^^, w*^ Xl. ' \. >^ *»-o' ^V °^ .'\' ^^" : -:C .<^' .^' . '. % a: ^^-V- '^\ %,^ .^J^;^ ^.^ ^1 '^O' I '• "''^ A^" -V^%^/^:h 'V ..'b^ ^ ^.. ^-^"^ />?/^^^ \s "-o •V •,^ /•/« 1^ M THE WAE, AND ITS MOEAL: CANADIAN CHRONICLE. BT WILLIAM P. COFFIN, Esquire, FOSMERLT SHEBIPF OF THE DISXEICT OP MOOTEEAL, LIEUT-COLONET, stap. OBDNAWCB BSTATB8, OAKADA. PRINTED BY JOHN LOYELL, ST." NICHOLAS STREET. 1864. Parliament, in the year Entered, according to the Act of the Provincial William F. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, by Province of Canada. Coffin, in the Office of the Registrar of the 4^. ^0 tl^e i^igi^t J^ottourable ^ir €bmuii:ir ®alkr ^tab, '§nxontt, Hi lllaJEstg's posi '§ommnbk Iribg Council, IntJ late ffiobemor ©cncral anti CommantJcrnn^CTIjicf 'of Britislj Wortfj America, ©his (filHttiwtiM (!i;itV0tttd« 0t i)xt %^M at I8I2 Es respcctfullp Brticatrt, fig Ijis faitfjful anU grateful Strfaant, WILLIAM F. COFFIN. Ottawa, 2nd January, 1864, TO THE RIGHT. HONORABLE SIR EDMUND WALKER HEAD, BARONET. My dear Sir,—I venture to appeal to your respected name as the best introduction for the little work which I do myself the honour to dedicate to you. To you, indeed, it owes its existence. You conferred upon me the appointment I have the honour to hold under the Crown in Canada, and that appointment has given life to an idea, long cherished in embryo. The management of the Ordnance Lands in this Province has thrown me upon the scenes of the most notable events of the late war.
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