TIÍEOLOGIGAL -o^pq^>- VOLUME 20 1959 -«τΛκΛτ*- Published by Theological Studies, Inc., for the Theological Faculties of the Society of Jesus in the United States \ THEOLOGICAL VOLUME 20 March 1959 NUMBER 1 Published by Theological Studies, Inc., for the Theological Faculties of the Society of Jesus in the United States WOODSTOCK COLLEGE ST. MARY'S COLLEGE WEST BADEN COLLEGE ST. MARY OF THE LAKE ALMA COLLEGE WESTON COLLEGE © THEOLOGICAL STUDIES, INC. 1959 ΟΛ>«ΑΓ> TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLES Complacency and Concern in the Thought of St. Thomas Frederick E. Crowe, S J 1 Remarks on the Moral Problem of War John Courtney Murray, S J 40 The Ambrosian Origin of St. Augustine's Theology of the Image of God in Man Gerald A. McCool, S J 62 CURRENT THEOLOGY The History of the Church from Pentecost to 604: A Survey of Research, 1954-1958 Martin R. P. McGuire 82 BOOK REVIEWS 108 Introduction à la Bible 1: Introduction générale; Ancien Testament (ed. A. Robert and A. Feuillet) HÖPFL, H., O.S.B.: Introducilo generalis in sacrant scripturam (6th ed.) DRIJVERS, P., O.C.S.O.: Les Psaumes: Genres littéraires et thèmes doctrinaux ZIMMERMANN, F.: The Book of ToUt WTKENHAUSER, Α.: New Testament Introduction (tr. J. Cunningham) CONGAR, Y. M.-J., O.P.: Le mystère du temple ou L'Economie de la présence de Dieu à sa créature de la Genèse à VApocalypse BOISMARD, M.-E., et al.: UEvangüe de Jean: Etudes et problèmes MCAULIFFE, C, S.J.: Sacramental Theology: A Textbook for Advanced Students LOFFELD, E., C.S.SP.: Le problème cardinal de la missiologie et des missions catholiques BOUËSSÉ, H., O.P.: Le sacerdoce chrétien BOUYER, L.: Le trône de la sagesse: Essai sur la signification du culte mariale La maternité spirituelle de la bienheureuse Vierge Marie 1 & 2 LEFHERZ, F.
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