'Acid Mist' Leak Forces Thousands from Homes
fAGE TWENTY-EIGHT - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn.. Fri.. April 26, 1974 # . I Rockville Discharged Thursday: Goodrich, Enfield; Phyllis Richards Sr., Bolton Rd., Ver George Baker, Regan Rd., Maloon, Buff Cap Rd., Tolland; non. I Hospital Rockville; Jeanette Boccio, James Nolan, Eastview Dr., Births Thursday: A daughter Carriage Dr., Tolland; Susan Rockville; Rose Marie to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Batt, I Notes Christman, Hillside Manor Pelletier, High Manor Park,' Lord Rd,, Rockville; a son to Ave., Vernon; Wendy Gates, Rockville; Robert Raczkowski, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kayan, HanrlirHtrr lEnrning Mrralb Pearl Dr., Vernon; Christine High St., Rockville; Ernest Windsorville Rd., Rockville. Admitted Thursday: Elsie Cummings, Ellington Ave., MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, APRIL 2T;'T974 - VOL. XCIII, No. Manchester—A City of Village Charm Rockville; David Fletcher, Ir FOURTEEN PAGES — TWO MINIS ving St., Manchester; Shirley Grant, Prospect St., Rockville; Barbara Merk, Talcott Ave., Rockville; Albert Parker, Staf ford Springs; Herbert Ray CARPETS mond, Hillcrest Dr., Vernon; Jeanne Salois, Summit Dr., ‘Acid Mist’ Leak Forces Tolland; Louis Scully, Penfield WHOLESALE TO ALL Av., Rockville. FOOD PRICES AT OUR WAREHOUSE GOT YOU DOWN? COME ON DOWN AND SAVEI Thousands from Homes The gas, silicon CHICAGO (UPD-A leak in down the block. People were aid evacuation and to prevent The chemical first was coughing, choking.” Your ALL CARPETS DIRECT FROM a huge South Side chemical tetrachloride, produced a bur looting. But later Friday n i^t, reported leaking at 100 pounds Grow Own ning sensation in the throat and plant sent a cloud of potentially First reports were that it was at the urging of Chicago Mayor per minute, but engineers later Fresh Vegetables eyes and caused nausea and THE STATE OF GEORGIA MILLS ^eroBH -acid mirt” over a not dangerous, but toxicologist Richard J.
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