


-, ■

■ A- tusday VOLUMES«, , price ten com



Soul Brands, ic;., announ­ zed by both and white in- ced tills week that the U. vesotrs. Our board of Di­ _ ’S. Patent Office has gran­ rectors is being. expanded ted the company exculsive with the addition, of black use of-the trademark "Soul , and white members. Our- for specific product appli­ executive management team cations in the food, cloth­ is also staffed by both - ing, medical and pharmacue- blacks and whites, Harlem tical drug classifications. House, with gross sales col- sdale, the remains were re­ Soul Brands., tac. plans ume in excess of $i. ^ fhe Rev. John W.West, at 1098 South Wellington and There were two funerals turned to, Memphis for a Monday night wake atUnion. t o enter into licensing a- 000,000,00 annually, actua- ^'described as a fiery gospel Union at 208 Turley, both and two wakes for the well- The closingfuneral was con­ greements with manufactors ly puts Soul Brands in - preacher, died suddenly in Memphis, and Centennial known minister and hund­ ducted Tuesday morning and distributors of these va­ business. We plan to expand ^Tuesday evening, Nov. 18, in Clarksdale, Miss. • reds attended each of these. rious products for the use the balsc proven and pro­ fiat his residence, 1637South : The deceased was buried There was a wake at Cen­ from Greater Mt. Moriah. of its registered trademark fitable concept of the Har- ¡'{Parkway East, He was 61. Tuesday afternoon of this tennial Sunday night and the The funeral at Clarksdale "Soul •’ in these market­ lemHouse food ¡shops through ¿¿The popular Baptist mln- week in New Park with first funeral was held at was conducted by the Rev ing categories and others it_ the addition of company own­ Centennial Monday morning. 1. 1. laws. The Rev. H.H. 'ister pastored three church­ Qualls In charge of arrang­ Continued On Page Two expects to be granted very ed .stbres^arid jheTrahchl- es. Greater Mount Moriah ements After the funeral in Clark- shortly. ' 4 singof outlets to black own-’ Id reiterating the Soul Brands er s..and investors. Follow­ operating' ph’llisophy and ci­ ing the joint black white ting the view of the acqu­ ownership objective onestep isition, of Harlem House,, further,. all present and. fu-.'^ Mr. Moriatry said "Soul- ture employees of Soul Brand ■ > Honor Society B rands will be capital!- and Harlem Houses will be able to participate in the o- ownership of his company lists Members Convention Biz through a stock purchase plans. Newly organized Soul & Majorie Bosley, a soph- Booming In City Brands, Inc,, with head— SEEKING MISS UNCF TITLE—-—These LeMoyne- Owen ' more of 1100 James, has quarters at 3071 South Third College coeds are seeking the campus title of Miss UNCF. 'been elected president of has taken over the chain Funds raised by them will help swell the United Negro Coll- 7 -the' Lemoyne-Owen College Convention business in of 12 Harlem Houses in ege Fund campaign now underway in Memphis. The winner , ' . Honor Society. this Mississippi River me­ Memphis. will be given a trip to Detroit where she will appear In the Other officers forthe 1969 tropolis is during the next The two top officers of National Miss UNCF pageant. Seated, left to right: Sharon L. 70 school year are Arvella five years is going to boom, Soul Brands, are Harold J, Pruitt, sophomore: Christy Faye Clark, senior: and Arvelia Edwards, vice president; according to preditions bas­ Whalum, chairman of the Edwards, junior. Standing Is Beverly Anne Jeffries, fresh- <■£ ■ Mary Baptist; secretary ed on the already signed board, and Herbert B. Mor- man. Mary Price.assistant secre­ sealed and delivered con­ " larty, Jr., president. tary Velma Middleton, trea­ tracts and planning develop­ Mr. Whalum is also pre- surer; Hattie Smith and J oy— ments which wlll_ give impe­ sidnet and a_board member ce Powell, chaplains, and tus to an already important of Union Protective Life In­ Young Urges America Catherine Edwards, pariia- industry. surance Co., a vice presi­ ' mentarian. According to the last ac­ dent bf the Memphis Area A student must maintain counting by the- Memphls- ’ Chamber~o£ Commerce and To Build Open Society a 3-polnt average or better Area Chamber of Commerce first vice Chairman of the to be eligible for member­ Convention & Tourist Bur­ Memphis Urban League. Whitney M. Young, Jr., executive director of the National ship in the Honor Society. eau, 338 major conventions Harlem House;was foun­ Urban League called fora “New American Coalition" of blacks The college Is on a 4-polnt already have been obtained ded in 1946 and operates and whites to build a dynamic open society. grading system. forthe 1970-74 period. They in predominately black busi­ The 46 members of the will bring 329,97.5 people to ness and residential areas Mr. Young Issued his call mericans match their good in­ Honor Society are; tentions and lavish rhetoric, the capitol of the burgeon­ of Memphis Harlem House for . “a coalition that trans­ SOPHOMORES-Alma Bln- ing ■ seven-stated Mid South cends narrow hate andexplol-. ,Xith;deeds.*XU1'uCtOClo - 1 - • ■{£J. —■. , . . Restarurants, Inc., will be , rcglpn^ Hnd thes e visitors operatedas awhoÌiysUb-7. pl ish merits of Ûrbàri League jah ' Bradfield f Edna ,M. will spend an estimated $37. the just, the good in our sldairy òf Soul Brands,, tar society,* at the Urban Lea­ programs in “enabling black Brown/ Robert E. Carpen­ 1-million. gue’s 13th annual Equal Op­ people and other minorities In ter, Vivian Kaye Greene, What is so encouraging, portunity Day Dinner at the the ghettos and poverty pock­ Frankie E. Harris. Mary said James Wood, veteran Hilton Hotel. ets of the nation— the real for Hassell. Priscilla Haynes, head of the Convention &, Former Chief Justice of the gotten Americans—to develop Doris Herring, Barbara— Tourist Bureau, 'fis that Supreme Court Earl Warren the power to exercise the con­ Jean Knight, Velma Lee- we have so many majorcon­ and Maurice Lee, ablackbusi • trol over their Ilves that is the Middleton, Mary K Price, TSU COEDS GRAB A STAR---- When Mission Impossible ventions and trade shows nessman from Boley, Oklaho­ heritage of free men.* But he warned: “If the Lea­ Carolyn Smith, Linda F.. TV star Greg Morris arrived at the Nashville Airport for already signed up. Memphis Launching Drive ma were honored at the dinner Walker Fannie W. Woods a speaking engagement at Tennessee State University, he was is becoming better known Mr. Young stated:*Thefoun gue’s effortsaretobetruly ef­ Coronation Ball dations of such a New Ameri­ and Nettie M. Woody. met by these enthusiastic campus AKAs, left to right: Terr- throughout the industry.*' The Mallory Knights Cha­ fective, we must change the can Coalition must be laid by JUNIORS—Mary Baptist yee Neely of Memphis, J ackolyn Sherrill of Milwaukee, Elea­ _ Changes that are freeing ritable organizations has climate of our times— a launched its -annual—Chris------black_SP.eoplde who insist on climate that threatens-to- be- Patsy Jo Coleman, Arvelia nor Montgomery of Cleveland. Ohio and Carol Chinn of Sp- the individual, and society, Edwards, Catherine Edwa­ k Scheduled tmas Fund Drive to aid the “tbeir equal place in America, come

nois, a non-profit foundpt MYSUBSCRIPTIONTO —¿I ioq: Linda Brpokins Linda Second-class postage paid at Memphis, t—— i is the secretary of the school newspaper, the “Wash­ 3- A- BEAUCHAMP Managing Editor ington,” and holds offices in SUBSCRIPTION RATES: -several, social and academic I Year $5.W—6 Months $2.75—3 Months $L56 (In Advance) clubs at BookerT. Washin­ gton High School. She is For One Year (52 Issue») National Advertising Representative; • ‘the Business of the AMALGAMATED PUBLISHERS, INC. Honor Society. She is very I enclose $5.00 remittance' active in. Girl Scouting in- wL «>< 166 W. Washington St. New York 17. New York Chicago 2, Illinois the community. Linda has The MEMPHIS WORLD is an independent newspaper chosen- nursing as a career, Name ...... non-sectartan and' non-partisan, printing news unbiased and and plans to continue her supporting these things it believes to be of interest to its • education at Vanderbilt Uni­ Street Address readers and opposing those things against the interest of .its readers. • • r versity I ri Nashville; Tenn­ essee. City ...... James White—James is Ji. -I - ’ Rev. J. W. West the State President of the SKTÍO Continued From Page One Tennessee Assocaition of- VICA (Vocational Industrial Harper officiated at Greater . Club- of America). He is Mt. Moriah. president of the senior Class MECHANICS WANTED ■ Rev. Mr. West, who atten­ ded the Greenville (Miss.) .a ..memberi of both social and academic clubs. He is . Gas & Diset Industrial College, hadpast- ■a~'candidate' fdr nomination Permanent position, Group Life ored Greater Mt. Moriah XV11OO luw ivirto. DLAGh UA. ÖTATii U. to the United State Air For­ FRESH and Hospital Benefits, Paid Cas­ 26 years. The "Black Georgia State University" pageantwasheldrecentiy at the school te Attenta, and eation. I/Ocal truck leasing com - He is survived by, his Miss Ann Evans and Mrs. Coreatha Daniels were crowned in the dual coronation. Shown stand­ ce Academy. James ivas se- pany has openings for Mecha. lected ‘"Teenager of the - DAILY widow, Mrs. Clara L. ing and wearing crown is Miss Black Ga. State Univ., Ann Evans, kneeling and being crowned, # nics who want steady employ, is Mrs. Coreatha Daniels, Mrs. Black Ga. State Univ. Assistant to the President, Dr. Jenkins, Month*' (October) by BLB - West, “and seven children ment in_ large, roomy shop. dubbed both participants as‘Queens’ for the occasion? Others seen in background are. mem­ Lowenstein’s Department­ Good working Conditions. CALL John W. West Jr., Denise, GLENN DeWITT at M2.4687. bers of the royal court. (Photo by Williams) store. Evelyn, Jerome, Geraldine, .»■ ■ Darnell Harris—Darnell- . Darlene ’ and Christopher + is an outstanding athletic, Carl Carson¡ Leasing West. . and the captain of the foot­ CITY FISHERIES • Corp. >■.“ j, / , : -. He was the stepfather of Vocational Ed Funds Show Significant Rise ball team,. He is the re­ An Etjüxi Oppsriruiliy Eiapioyvr Willie Andrew Canada and cipient of B. T. Washing­ Buffalo, Catfish, Crappe and Shrimp brother of the Rev. J. H. State expenditures for vo-' matching VEA funds was pro­ wns revised in FY 1968. Two ton’s highest awdrd. the— CORNER PF FLORIDA AND S. PARKWAY West of Delmar, Ark. cational education, including vided for construction of vo­ new - programs - ~ln data pro­ “Golden Shoes” given for PHONE 947-1195 Ample Parking Space federal, state and local funds, cational education facilities. cessing technology were add­ proficiency in football. He ed to the five’ existing two- GOODWILL STORE reached $26,725,949, an ln- During FY 1968. four com­ lis a member of the All- ■.<-%*... crease Of $4,385,091 over the year programs. prehensive high schools were Mid-South Top Twerity-Two IN HALF PRICE 1967 figure of $22,340,858. opened; twelvenewdiversifled Adplt programs were offer­ W. C/ Davis State and local governments cooperative training pro­ ed at all area vocational- Football player/Darnell SEE JACK supplied more; than 71 per grams were established; and technical schools and at many plays basketball and is on SALE cent of those funds, accord­ a pre-vocatlonal occupational high schools tn.the state. the track team. He is a Construction ing to Dr. Grant Venn, U.S. exploration project was ini­ Supervisor and management member of and an officer at Associate Commissioner of tiated. courses were offered at all in several academic and so- Goodwill Store at 2850 La­ Education. Total enrollment tn secon­ schools. cila clubs on the Washing­ mar, across the street the Eleven schools in Georgia dary agriculture Increased A state supervisor of ton campus. He has been an Company street' from Rainbow Lake, received grants for occupat­ significantly over the previous special needs programs was outstanding ROTC cadet, and is conducting a one-half ional facilities under the year as a result of the new employed. Two pilot programs was a member of Washing­ ALG 1936 Chelsea price sale Friday and Sat­ matching provisions of the offerings in agriculturally re­ at the high school level were , ton’s prize winning Drill urday of this week. The store Vocational Education Act of Licensed & Bonded lated occupations, Dr. Grant planned for spec lai needs stu­ Team, Although he is in­ Office ¡Ph. 276-6191— will be open 10;30 a.m. 1963. Venn noted. dents. One is a modified dis­ 445 St. Paul Avenue of $1.150.000 Ln The technical curriculum voiced in numerous activi- Res. 275.7897 through 7:30 p.m. tributive education program. ties. Darnell maintains a LET US REMODEL - average. The students nominated * YOUR HOME Proposes Income Tax Credit for this honor by their school Wc build Dens. Roams, Con­ FOR SALE ■ ' will compete for state andr &■> JÏ . crete Porches. Driveways. Ap. Established,, Profitable. national awards in the Out­. i r ply Alumnium Siding. New ■ j Roofs. Geramis Baths ^ind Bro­ Hardware & Variety For Low Income Families standing Teenagers of Am­ ken Tile. ______erica Program. These stu­ w —Store in? JiSixed ■ H W ADJUSTED •EXCHANGED•REPAIRED Neighborhood dents are automatically in Owned and Operated by Memphians With Memphis Capita! CASH TERMS BY TOM GREENE competition for the Governor REMODELING & REPAIRING ★★CHECK OUR REPUTATION ★★ Investment for f-esê. QiLOn/cc T rophy to be presented to Black cr White .Low income families would January’. The credit for food the top Outstanding Teenager U.S. , get income tax credits for the and drug sales taxes would be of this State. Each of the COLEMAN & Businessman Savings! money they spend on sales given to persons with anad- 50 state winners will com­ TRANSMISSION & MOTOR EXCHANGE taxes for food and drugs un- i Justed gross income of $4,000 pete for one of the Natio­ der a proposal adopted Monday otr.les.s. The credits, accord- , «17-223 Union Ave. H6-71S1 UNITED CABS I nal Outstanding Teejiagers j -•-MSS-Wij-hjray 31 8. 3!>7 Uss _ by the Tax Revision Study ,to. J the,(he, subcommittee,.subcommittee, . of Amenita titfes'smd 4 “ iil VS^Piemphl*.* Tono. Commission. i^oifldWould .average.average abput,$pabout.$8 per .:i■ ,• UnJ'wrpiià'n/l'Htlr Reek. A»k. FAST larship.______■ COURTEOUS In its final meeting Monday, personal exemption. the commission also voted to . Thus a man with a taxable 24-HOUR SERVICE recommend that elderly per­ ¡income of about $4,000 and sons with Incomes under ¡three other dependents would JUST Open Your Eyes ond Look at the many, $4,000 get Income tax credits ¡get a $32 tax credit. Property owners over 65 many Signs around you — No matter where you for a portion of the property taxes they pay. with incomes of $4,000 or less are. To make up for the estimat­ would get an income tax cre- ed $10 million loss in revenue . dlt of up to 50 per cent of the IF you would like to own your own Turn-Key from those cources, the com­ ! state and local property tax­ PHONE: 525-0521 Sigh business making plastic, magnetic mission also voted to extend es to a maximum of $75, and profitable signs needed and wanted by every ¡those who rent their homes UNITED TAXI CO. the sales tax to some services I would be able to charge off a 255 Vangw------< — now exempted, prlnc Ipally for the repair, alteration or up­ I portion of their rent as pro- Radio Dispatched keep of tangible personal pro­ l perty tax. WE put you in business in two weeks, making perty. i The commission, recom­ signs and money" like you wouldn't believe. 'Just mended that any excess cre- two (2) sets of signs per day will Net you more In adopting the proposals, I dlts over taxes due be refund­ ed to those who qualify either than .most bank vice presidents make. the commission rejected an !,earlier vote to exempt food and in cash or by food stamps at MEMORIAL STUDIO : prescription drugs from sales a higher percentage rate than Beautiful, Lasting AN investment of $7500.00 for equipment, sup­ ¡taxes and to Increase sales cash. plies and territory Is guaranteed. Total financing I taxes on other Items by one- Sen. Eugene Holley of Au­ Memorials will be arranged. Perfect for husband and wife half per cent. gusta, one of four commission members to vote against the team. A special subcommittee proposal, said, “It loks like to named to study the various me that the cur,e might be Call or wriie immediately: proposals said the latter re­ ! worse than the disease” be­ commendation would have re­ cause it would give the low KAFKA SIGN MAKERS sulted in a net loss of some income a tax break on one $8 million in revenue. hand and charge them more in The commission’s recom- increased sales taxes for the Box 4933 Memphis 38104 [ mendatlons will be made to services which would be in­ Phqne 278-3178 ! the general assembly next cluded.

OUR NEW LOCATION (Near Calvary Cemetery) This is an Equal Opportunity Co. DAY PHONE: 948-9049 Christmas Toys NIGHTS: BR 4-0344 1470 S. BELLEVUE DAYS ARE GETTING CLOSE BE PREPARED Even the most Innocent-ap­ noii-toxlc paint or with decor­ Especially Good for pearing toys may contain cer­ ations crimped on by machine. tain built-in booby traps and These are fastened so tightly Relief of Draperies—Custom Tailored can turn Christmas cheer and they are nearly impossible to happiness into tragedy among tear off. Also avoid rattles ARTHRITIS TO YOUR EXACTING children, Red Cross First Aid which may crack into 'jagged SPECIFICATIONS Chairman for the Metropolitan pieces and cut a baby.” Atlanta Chapter, Wendell WIDE ASSORTMENT OF Campbell warned. A good rule Is don’t give a PATTERNS i COLORS In urging parents to make toy- or a toy.wlth parts -smal­ Christmas toy selection with ler than your child’s fist. LOWEST PRICES extreme care, emphasized He added that parents should that toys shouldbeorlentedto check the Items' construction EAST T ERMS the age and capabilities of the ~ necessary to keep smal 1 parts child, not the fancy of thebuy- such wheels, bells, knobs, ets SAMPLES SHOWN IN THE er—the parent. in place. Good construction is COMFORT OF YOUR HOME Campbell pointed out that essential since toys get plenty AT YOUR CONVENIENCE some toys on the market can of rough use. The moving WITHOUT OBLIGATION slash, puncture, bum, choke, parts of mechanical toys—cog malm and even kill. A cuddly wheels, gears and chains — teddy bear may have, eye can pinch a child’s finger un­ SLIP COVERS WINDOW prings that when removed con- less well covered and sharp ‘New Mogie Rub Cream’* TREATMENTS ver into mlnature bayonets; metal corners or edges can al­ CUSTOM TAILORED cap pistols have exploded so cause an injury. • Venetian Blinds blinding kindergarten cowboys Statistics reveal that 17 SAMPLES SHOWN • Decorhtive_Sliadiea__ and small-darts have had to be---- million-children were injured • Vertical Blinds removed from youngsters’ test year andl5,000dledfrdm ¡¡fy/c YOUR HOME FROM ». .Austrian Shades lungs when inhaled ranther than accidents. ’A high percentage 100% COTTON • Decorative Wood blown through a blow-gun de­ of the accidents resulted from The Mosi Amozîng New FABRICS bhades vice. ; ... . faulty play equipment. How­ Remedyjn Years for . . . •It’s_no feat for.a_ba.by to ever, the.Natlonal_SafetyCoun_ ÌCWS.MWS »nd S3RE RUSHES eventually pull a part off a toy cll reports that misuse ap­ and put it in his mouth,” said pears to be the greatest acci­ 2 Ounce JAR $1.98 the Red Cross Chairman. dent creating problem where Postage Fal

...... „ ...... SrambHng Football Stars | ten Dawson Overcomes Listed On AH-Loulslana li Grambling, La., ^Louis­ vanaugh, Gaynell Tinsley start against ClnclnnatL A; iana State University, Gram­ Fred Miller, Mike Reed, Max broken foot took him out bling . College and Tulane Fulger,. Y. A. Ylttle. TBIlly i Fürst there was the crack­ University dominated the 22- ed bone in his throwing hand bringing in young Mike Cannon, Jimmy-Taylor-and Livingston. Livingston . went — mah : All-Time Louisiana j ¿red in the last pre-sea­ Steve Van Buren.’. ■ ■ . ’ son (game against Atlanta. the. rest of .the way until Len Collegiate Football . Team ' : Tulane was • represented Dawson was returned, to the • Alcorn A. & M. CoilegeBraves selected as part of the state's Then it was a Jammed fing­ of Lorman, Mississippi, to a by Jerry Dalrymple, Tommy er on- the other hand in the active list in time to spear-: With only ' the post-season observance of the- co lege head a second-half drive over bowl, dish and saucer classics bruising 36-9 triumph over . O’ Boyle Yoney Sardlsco, season opener against San Football Centennial. ’ Richie. Petitbon and Eddie - Diego. Len. Dawson buttoning a stubborn Buffalo club three. , remaining. King Football is . the stunned FAMU Rattlers. ■The teatri 'was a project Western-Olln High School- his shirt in the dressing room weeks ago. '' xbX.'S' preparing to take a respite of the 'Louisiana' Sports In­ Price,___ _L. _L'_ ___In thirteen years in the ’for nine - months.”Hencer the? tutored running back Willie after- a practice the following. Ray also got himself a big formation Directors Asso­ Mlke Reed and Leo San- ' week was an interesting study . pros Dawson has. Imowri h'ls Call of the Hoops is upon ciation, which compiled the ford heade d up the. Louis- in digital manipulation, with share of bumps and bruises us... Coach Harold Boykin’s bite out of the.Rattler’s hides. For th,e benefit of those in­ nominations and conducted ■ ana Tech delegation with; interesting-colors io match. but be has always managed sharpshooting Holy Family Then the to bounce back. He has play- - High School Tornadoes of Ens- terested persons,' although it balloting by members of the Cal Hubbard, Centenary, and may not have had any bearing Louisiana Sports Writers-- quarterback forgot about his ed In’ five AFL All-star ..ley. have already put their Chris Cagle, University of games, has been the league’s on -the results of the 4-A Assocaiti'on. S),.i Southwestern, Rounding out hands for a very good rea­ first basketball victory of .the son. He had something else leading passer four ■ of the new season In the record Playoff Game between Booker Nominations were nestri- the squad. . >.i..’ i. T. Washington. High School to entertain him, an injured eight years he has played with books. Last week, they “in­ cted toplayers cqiripleteing The complete team sele­ knee picked up the following the Chiefs organization. He structed* the Birmingham Yellowjackets .and Jefferson their colleges careers be­ cted by the Louiniana Sports — County’s Berry High School week beating Boston. goes back to a draft for the •University School quintet, 110 fore p965. .. .X Writers Assocaitionfollows: 1957 season in which he was to 82. Charles Tolbert and Bucs, BTW’s mainstay quar­ One orthopedic man sug­ terback Lonnie Broadnax had Louisiana State placed ei­ gested for the • mild tear of picked by Plttsgurgh. In the Ed Feagin, who are expected ght players on the all-time ENDS Bernard Callendar, grab bag' he, Ron Kramer, to; do greater things for Holy- been sidelined for the re­ the medial ligament.* Hank mainder of the season after team, while Grambling and La, Collge; Paul Geisler, Stram, the Chiefs coach, de- Paul Hornung and one of two Family this season as it pro­ Tulane had—five each. Two ’clded they could afford not ; others were selected before . gresses, hit in doublefigures, leading the Montgomerians to Centenary; Jackie Smith— eight straight wins without Louisiana Tech players were Norhtwestern ; Hugh “Bon­ only another opinion but could Cleveland snatched Jim Brown. 31 and 19 points, respective­ : wait for thé doctor. Involved ■ Eventually, it was Cleveland ly ... For the benefit of those a defeat. Broadnax, one of secelted with Centenary and es" Taylor, Northesat. the top signal-barkers in the the University of Southwes­ to return from a medical con­ which gave Dawson the re- . Interested fans throughout the TACKLES—Ernie Baldin, lease he requested in order state this past season, was tern placing one each on the vention to deliver it; The se­ Jefferson County,, the 36th An­ Tuland; Sid Fournet, LSU, cond diagnosis- was that the for him to seek-a career of nual Orange Blossom Classic injured in a game with Blount fream squad. ■ High School of Mobile. He GUARDS—J. W. Goree, L- knee would respond to rest. playing full-time lntheAFL. will be played between the host Grambling.players named Dawson entered the 1969 missed both games against SU Garland Gregory, La., So fen-year veteran Jacky Lee Florida A&M University Included the lengendary half­ A & T Football Star cranked up while Dawson was campaign with 175 touchdown Rattlers and the Grambling Birmingham’s Carver High John "Baby Grand" Scafide Rams and Montgomery’s al­ back "Tank” Younger, tack­ A&T football star Lorenzo Pearson of Winston-Salem shifted to the move list, which passes. Two-hundred seem- —College Tigers Louisiana, les Ernie Ladd and Buck Tulane; Bob Tatum North­ -requires-his absence fbrnot ed a reasonable-target since 8 p.m. Saturday night, Dec. ways toughCarverHighWol­ N. C. (right) receives trophy-‘TfohLClrirenc'e”iye*e7‘PöftsL‘ verines. George Pugh, who Buchanana, end Willie Daivs western. less than two games,mot more he had topped twenty-five In 6, lnthe Orange Bowl Stadium . CENTER LINEBACKERS_ mouth, Va„ a member of the Tidewater Chapter, of the four other seasons. The en­ in Miami, Florida. attempted to deliver BTW a- guard GarlandBoyette. A&T Alumni Association. Pearson was honored for his than five. galnst Berry High, had only Stewart "Smokey" Stover; Lee never finished his first forced layout canceled any A recent wire service re­ Roosevelt Taylor, a star performance in Aggies’ 20-14 victory over Norfolk State. been recently converted to defensive back, earned se­ Northeast; George 'Terrl- such opportunity, however, lease quoted FAMU Rattler quarterback from playing a ble" Tarascovic, LSU. i and after the three he pegged Head Coach A. S. (Jake) cond team honors. tlght-end position all season. mlc* pep rallies in the his­ Sgaver wins Cy Young award ' to Otis Taylor, beating the Gaither as saying that when Ex-Louisiana State stal­ tory of the Atlanta University for pitching. Jets decisively last week. The 18th Street —Branch Porta;—Southeastern!1 ____ FAMU chose the Grambling warts picked were JKen Ka- ¿x-KBrown Alumni Center, announces the Aium- Dawson has seven. He has YMCA Elementary Basketball ey Slaughter. La., Tech. eleven for this year’sOBC ni Association President Yankees send Cox, 5 others also demonstrated an amazing League season began Satur­ BACKS---- Tommy Mas-n . the Rattlers “got a’ Tiger by day, Nov. 22. Their next ses­ James Price. to farm c lub. ability not only to bridgefoot­ the tall.* In their previous • sion of games are set for Sœres Tulane , LSU, To Participate The Alumni Association ball real estate via the air Orange Blossom head-crack­ 8 a.m., Saturday, Nov. 29 at COLLEGE Claude “Monk" Simon, Tu­ gave birth to the idea after it under extreme duress, but to er in 1967, Grambling emerg­ lane; . LSU, noticed the lack of spirit and Cuellar and McLain share in do it to a whole football gen­ Ullman High School gymna­ Cy Young Award. ed the winner with a close sium. Fisk 46 Charlie Tolar, Northwestrrn rivalry exemplified in recent eration as well. Of the quar­ 28-25 decision. They did not Morehouse 42 Bill Banker, Tulane; Doc In "Pep" Rally years leading up to and dur­ terbacks who were around meet in 1968, the year the Fenton, LSU and Roosevelt ing the traditional Thanksgiv­ when Dawson broke in, only Grumbling, Growling Gram­ Albany State 18 Morris Brown College ing Day celebration. p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 26 in , Babe Parllli, bling Tigers invade the West Taylor Grambling (Banker, Alumni association is sche­ Fort Valley 17 Fenton and Taylor tied for All students, alumni and the stadium. Milt Plum, Bart Starr, Johnny Coast and taught a “Southern- duled to join forces with the friends of . Morris Brown are "Lets beat Clark off the Unitas and Earl Morral! re­ sixth backfield positoion.). Flavored Football Lesson”, Southern 21 student body in staging one of urged to attend and partici­ field as well as on,” said main. 34-7, to theSacramento(Cali­ Grambling 17 the ‘largest and most dyna- pate in the activities at 7:30 President Price. fornia) State College eleven I in the Pasadena Bowl Classic. Jackson State 51 Miss. Valley 2 ... Last year, In the Orange A & M Rips Blossom Classic, Bessemer S.c. State 28 Carver High School-trained Savannah State 7 Marvin Weeks passed and Bir­ vtoms twits mingham Carver High School Tennessee State 49 guided flanker Oscar Martin Bishop 14 ran Coach Marine Casern’s BY MARCEL HOPSON I Morgan State 28 Va. State 20 Coach Louis Crews got a big “Pre-Thanksglvlng Gift* N.C. College 28 as his rejuvenated Alabama A N.C. A&T 28 &M University Bulldogs of Fisk Shoots Down Normal slammed Coach Ocle Flarmont 35 Brown’s “cold* Miles College W. Va. State 10 Golden Bears, 20 to 0, in the football season's finale play­ Morehouse, 46-42 ed at Rlckwood Field, Sat- Florida A&M 60 Bethune-Cookman 16 ■ iirday afternoon, Nov. 22. BY JAMES D. HEATH ahead again on Michael j i The win gave the Bulldogs a (WORLD SPORTS STAFF) Gray’s 65-yard runandHar- season’s record of six wins a- i par’s kick for the point after, Arkansas Tech 21 Arkansas AM&N 7 gainst three losses. The re­ Moreshouse College Tigers ■ 42-34 Morehouse. sults also pushed the MUeans opened their season on a los­ Two plays later, Fisk was further down the ladder with a I on the sedreboard again on a Virginia Union 42 ing note and ended It the same Hampton 7 <3-5)slate. way Saturdayafternoon, drop­ ! 61-yard roll out run by Fol- The Normalites registered ping a close homecoming vic­ ' den who hurdled two tackles . their first touchdown in the before scoring. tory to the Fisk U. Bulldogs, HIGH SCHOOL first quarter when quarter - 46-42, Saturday afternoon at It was two minutes left to back Frederick Atkins passed play when Fisk won the game Herndon Memorial Stadium. Dykes 23 yards to Oliver Ross for A crowd estimated at 4000 on James Watkins’ run after i 33 Washington 21 paydirt. The PAT effort mis­ witnessed the see-saw battle ! a short pass from Folden, co- fired. t vering 55 yards. Attempt for that until the final buzzer with Fulton Late in the second quarter the lead changing hands sev­ ' point after failed. 9 Carver 6 Ross romped four yards for eral times during the fourth SCORING A&M’s second touchdown. U- M-Grant (6-yd. run). PAT- period. Savannah rlah Nduka toed the PAT. The defeat marked More­ Harper (kick) 25 Butler 0 Ernest Streeter received a house with a 4-5-0 overall re­ M-Henry (blocks punt in end bad snap ■ from Mlles center cord and Improved Fisk’s zone, recovers). PAT-Har- and had to eat the ball on their per (kick) North Springs 35 standing at 3-6-0 for the year. Westminster 7 14 - yard line. On a second The Tigers Jumped to an F- Coure (14-yd. run). PAT- down play, Willie Darrington Llndsey (pass) early lead, 14-0, on two quick Druid Hills rammed over the one- yard touchdowns by John Grant, who F-Llndsey (16-yd. pass from 13 Decatur 3 stripe for the Bulldogs’ third scored on a 5-yard run and Coure). PAT-No good. THE WENONAH HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL DRAGONS------Fornlss, Edward Lewis, Samuel Smith, Claude Davis, Sidney touchdown. Nkuda converted F-Lumpklns (8 yd. pass from a blocked punt in the end zone Athens Members of the Wenonah High School Dragons football team. Murphy, Phillip Davis, Curtis Moss; third row, Leo Dorsey, the PAT. recovered by lineman Douglas Coure). PAT - Lumpkins 41 Lakeside 28 The Dragons, led by HeadCoachCharlesAcon, closed out the James Harper, Nathaniel Wilson, Joseph Jackson, Lenard Ma­ John Dudley Intercepted Henry, a product of Atlanta’s (pass) 1969 season with a record of (4-4-1). First row, left to right son, Willie Sanders, Richard Coleman, WllHeStenson, statis­ three A&M passes in goodfleld M- Safety (punt blocked In end West Fulton High. Marist 17 are: Carl McGruder, Eddie Browder, Lorenzo Arrington, - tician; Back row, same order: Ronald Green, Wllson Holley, position, but he was never Fisk came right back and zone) St. Joseph 14 Ronnie Jackson, Alphonso Brown, Harold Wright, Robert Wil­ Reginald Miller, Coach Aeon; Carl Bennett. Norman Pickens able to pick by blockers to de­ scored three times before M- Palmer (15-yd. pass to son, Alfred Terry, captain; Donald Reese, Donald Hamilton, Jr., Jerome Pickett, David Craig, Glenord Kelley, Arthur O’ liver him to the goalline. Mll­ Morehouse found more day­ Rowe). PAT- No good Glenn hHill U Kenneth Collie; second row, same order WlUle Ware, Paul Neal, Gregory Miller, Ernest Sykes, ClydeChlldressandSte- es’ would-be down field block­ light. QB Richard Coure, who F- Lumpkins (65-yd. pass Brunswick 12 phen Walker. t ers stood and looked at the ac­ had a great day in the passing from Coure). PAT-NoGood tion like •spectators.’’ Miles M- Grant (95-yd. pass Inter­ department, scored the Bull­ Tucker 34 Fullback Henry Crockett also dogs first TD on a 14-yard ception return). PAT- No Chamblee 21 On Sports ‘ Vt- made several Impressive keeler and passed to Hllls- good. break-throughs in A&M’s de­ man Lindsey for the two-point M- Rush (6 -yd run ). PAT- Lanier 21 fense. However, he, too, was conversion. Harper (kick) Columbus 14 Year-By-Year unable to find the necessary After missing a chance to F- Lindsey (67-yd. pass from downfield blockers to spring score with the ball on More­ Folden). PAT- No good Lakeshore 53 Blossom Classic •him. house’s three, Fisk roared M- Gray (65-yd. run). PAT- Headland 6 Besides Ross, Arlester Me loud with a 16-yard pass to Harper (kick) Turkey Day Bride and Willie DeLoach did Lindsey from Coure for the F. Folden (61-yd. run). PAT- Slated Dec. 6 great Jobs on offense for the second RD. Attempt for point No good. Harper’s point after kick, giv­ Bulldogs. F- Watkins (55-yd. pass from after failed. ing Morehousetheedge, 35-28. • • Grid Scores Folden). PAT- No good. It didn’t last long. Seconds William Plummer, 18,

North American CSoccer League,asaftodate, will operate with eight teams.'namely the Atlanta Chiefs, Dallas Tornadoes, ! Kansas City Spurs, St. Louis Stars, Rochester Landers and , -Washington Darts.,.,,;GateClty sports fans should get money In their pockets for the Dec. 4-6 Georgia Invitational Basket­ ball Tournament, sponsored by the Extra Point Club, at the Samuel H, Archer Health and Physical Education Building.

.THE! COMPETING TEAMS •What professional sport ARE:. Albany State College, hasn’t made mistakes In the (Independent), Albany, Ga.;A- early years? • Professional labama .State College (SIAC), football wasn’t always a piece Montgomery, Ala.; Bethune of cake. 1$ NAMED THE LAPP/ Cookman College, CSIACl •Previously, the emphasis Daytona Beach, Fla.; Clark was directed almost totally to­ College, (SIAC), Atlanta; Fort wards the professional game —----:—:------Valley State, (SIAC), Fort-s -with Indifferent attention paid •WINNERS IN CONTEST* DURING CORONATION-Shown (above) are top winners In the Valley,. Ga.; Morehouse Col­ to the growth of the gam“ as •Queen Contest’ during Homecoming Festivities at Wenonah High School. Left to right are...... lege, (SIAC), Atlanta; Morris a whole. The astronomical Queen Jackson, «Miss Junior* (Class 11-0),Anita Culpepper,'Miss Senior* (Class 12-A); and Brown College, (SIAC), Atlan­ club budgets could only spell Shirley Hooks, ’Miss Sophomore* (Class 10-M). Mrs. Ethel White was general Homecoming ta, andSavannahStateCollege. disaster and there was no jus­ chairman; Mrs. Frankie P. Ware, Coronation Committee chairman; arid Prof. Williams Hawes (SIAC), Atlanta. tification for adopting such an Is principal of the school. . expansive policy.’ PHIL WOOSNAM, executive Relating to the past, he con- , director of the North Ameri­ tlnued, ’Probably 1970 will go can Soccer League, will be down In the record books as happy to learn that the National the year that soccer turned Collegiate Soccer-Champlon- thecornerlntheUnlted States;- shlp.wIIFbeheldatSanJose—" Stat» ¿ònere, San Jose, Cali­ .this have beeen laid In the past fornia, “ \ few months. <■;■■■.- Speaking bn soccer Woos­ “Ultimately, I would expect nam has said of the past, the Esague to expand to 16 • Our Initial approach to the In­ clubs — or maybe 2 divisions troduction of professional of . 16 clubs — but there Is no- "soccer was like a bad dream need to go to that number now. OutflelderRusty---- Staub, —last winter the NASL got We want to know — in fact, we Ladies, we're celebrating an anniveriary! fresh from his best years in a kick in the teeth and wé do know — that we have quali­ During our Anniversary Celebration, we're the majors and recently ac­ woke up. ty in our present clubs. claimed as the Montreal Ex­ offering a free preciaion.electronic analysis. pos’ player of the year for 19 •Soccer has simply been un­ (A regular *4.95 value},'if your car is hard dersold and badly sold. Watch 69, has becometheflrst mem­ its Image begin to improve,’ to start, burning too much gasoline or just ber of the team to sign a 1970 Now, let us have a genuine Woosnam said. not running right, we'll make over 50 contract. Staub's singing was welcome to eight of our small checks with our Dyna Vision equipment announced at a news conferen­ colleges* foremost competi­ On growth he continued, and give you a written report. Free when ced by general manager Jim tors. They will be converging Fanning. In Atlanta, Dec. 4-6. You know “Statistics prove that partici­ you present this ad. We make no repairs pation In soccerhas more than The 25-year-old Staub, who the Extra Point Club’s Georgia without your permission and you are given hit .302 with 29 homersand79 Invitational. doubled since 1966, the year before professional soccer. the exact cost—no estimates before work RBIs In the Expos’ first year The increase in high schools to is done. As a time saving convenience, call signed what Fanning described You know 1 take a great deal 2, 500 and In colleges to 500 ahead for an appointment. as his (Staub's) best ever.’ of pride In knowing Hubert M. is phenomenal. Staub shied away from set- Jackson, president, T.J. Crit­ ding personal goals for 1970 tenden, treasurer, and Ralph •You must appreciate that THE NIGHT OF THE CORONATION—Other charming and talented young ladles made the but told the news conference: A. Long, tournament director. never before has there been Coronation of the Wenonah High School Homecoming Festivities a highly spirited contest. Shown * I will go out and make cer- Through-the years,"the Extra a co-ordinated program to taln I push myself to th. fullest Pointers have come up with promote this sport and yet son, ‘Miss Wenonah*; Diane Hicks, Beverly Banks, attendants to ’Miss Homecoming.* Johnny both physically and mentally. some exception projects and there are well over 200,000 Sue Jones, Class 12-B, gave the’Miss Senior* winner a real run for first place and missed the Nicknames Le Grand Orange this final year of the Sixties boys 7 to 18 years of age play­ title by just a $4.00 margin. The contest was sponsored by the Wenonah High School PTA to after his arrival In Montreal will be no exception. ing In organized soccer.* raise funds to help outfit the Wenonah Marching Band with new uniforms. Each of the 46 home­ in a controversial per-season rooms entered a queen. trade with , he said he hopes to get off to a CORNER FIETH AVENUE & 21st STREET, SOUTH Ph. 254-3673 better start In 1970 than last year. He figures he hit well ACROSS FROM ROEBUCK SHOPPING CUT PhT»33-91l7 on the road In theearly goings of the 1969 season but had trouble adjusting to Mon - What Do Football Scouts treat’s cook early season ell- * mate.

By WENDELL TUCKER (L.A. Rami) jxa iadHsifri riünuD 1969 ALL-JBFFERbüN


such an un-Samsonlan looking î'aHS'à XtAM person as myself could be a And so I Invariably began by School attempting to prove the point' DO YOUR HOLIDAY tie oil Mont^omury wanonrh xlirtu tarry Wenonah SHOPPING EARLY ar. uhony McCain Brighton SHOP YOUR WORLD ADVERTISERS

Irninghf-m Ccrv vyraona uaums


t b ivonalG ¿-ouïe

i-LkïkJNi. OIL.MS

The Rt. Rev. Dillard H. ■Brown, 57-year-old bishop of A c.16 Lilt-Id the Episcopal Church’s Mis­ sionary District in Monrovia, Now...Jim Beam is back Liberia (Afrlcd) since 1964, and Claude Nader, the dis­ inAlabama.tiiepnly trict's • business manager, were shot to death “for no Kentucky Straight apparent reason,* Wednesday as they sat In their office in Bourbon that’s been Monrovia.-- - — James Long, a spokesman a Beam family a^ - j for the Episcopal Churteh Cen­ RQ Leon uno« Brighton ter of New York, said that for 175 years. ' when the shooting took place in Liberia, two other persons Wenonah were also wounded. He also World’s disclosed that. Liberian po-__ lice had taken a suspect into ru. ctnny Acl*rs Westfield finest Bourbon custody. " Canon Charles ■ Judson since 1795 Child, pastor of the Cathe­ L oren za Arri n¿, ton enonoh dral of St. Philip, who was a close friend and who was. Uray with Bishop Brown In Liberia In 1965,—said-the bishop,- a— native of Marietta, Ga., and RH Beri'leX HuDbard a graduate of Morehouse Col­ Four Year Old 90 Proof Kentucky I lege, was ordained In 1941 Straight Bourbon Whiskey Distilled and ’ and went to serve in. Liberia in 1961 as the’-bishop co­ Bottled by the James B. Beam Distilling Co. ^^aiClermont, Beam. Kentucky . ■ adjutor. existence, to say: “Not mine; but’ Thy wUl be done To do so requires great spiritual maturity (spiritual maturity' such as evidenced by Nehemtah and Ezra) ' but only < tnrougto men of such- stature -^will-over­ Uriah’« success rebuilding all reaffirmation camo.. the wall renewed the peoples »AViS JE IAWH» our lesson today strives ■faith In God’s presence and to emphasize thè , faetthat guidance in their lives. spiritual growth < and maturi, (Balancing on the other side ty are ot necessity the; .off­ of the scale was the fact that Patients Visited springs ct an understanding of Ezra was well equipped both the Word, and our own Indi­ spiriutally and educationally, vidual. highly t personal, dedi. tolead the peopleto a deeper catton and . commitment to understanding and acceptance God. ■ ■ ’ : ■ of God's laws. , Continued From Page One THE UNIVERSAL LIFE all...... _ three Managers, As' a result of today’s-stu- But both men& had one thine' Ain.r. «c ’ . * . » —OBSERVES FOUNDERS ^^Other-winners Included ~ ;.,w halum.__ uses incommon ...r their personal- æ X“ and We spent Tuesday evening threwe willsee ttat'-Ood usa. MONTH Mr. Leroy Love, Houston, people from all walks of life. commitment• to• the LwT« Mrs. Anne Collins - of St. with the LEWIS TWlGGS(he Sheraton* Peabody Was- Mr.- Tommie Rush, Alexan­ Just as Nehemtah was a prac-. work, their deep Christian con Andrew, and Mrs. Mattie - my husband's life lorig friend tlcal man, and a leader in cem for .the people they were .Morris of - Providence’ for■*' Headquarters For Out-Of- dria; Mrs. Bertha Mlnnix, overseeing. Although their Beaumont, Mrs. John Kyles,. , who was the mairi man In. his field, so was Ezra a lead, offering his car. . limar ,L Town Company members. dur marriage in Washington er In his field — -tor he was special ttdents lay In differ^ "Thanks to all who par­ Houston; Mr.-S. W. Jones ■CL& COLOR^OcLb'f h scribe and lnterperter of ent directions, they -met and ticipate din this missionary Lake Charles; Mr. C. A. . D.G.). We really went over upheld each other tttr.cptnmon to see Dr. Lewis-H. Twigg, God’s laws. He: senred:’as:-'i' venture, and to 'providence grond ... the restoration of >11 A capacity crowd atten­ Taylor. Memphis; Mr. Ver­ cornerstone for the Israelites for the tasty lunch await­ um* non Jenkins and Mrs. Bar­ Jr. (Tippy) just back from for rebuilding — not orJj the not.only a city.'but of,a na. ded a beautifully planned- ing our return to the church. < Cocktail* Sit-Down Din­ netta Bolden, Ft. Worth; Mr. Vietnam who was off on Wed­ Temple and the walls of Jcru. tldn, in the name of the Lord nesday for a Camp ‘ in the »»lem — bùt their faith. 6o it is that we see clearly ,X; ner Dancing Part in the Sky- J.affua Haley, Compton,cal­ :L - *■* Stages and his prelttv young • -During the period Ct capti­ once.again, that God can use way of the Sheraton Pea­ if; Mr. Benjamin Parker, each and everyone of us in he ■■ -■ ' wife, Merna? ‘ '7 vity (which lasted-about seven UNDERGROUND GARAGE GLENN FORD body Saturday evening when Norfolk; Mr. J. A. Walker, ty years)' the laws of Moses, fulfilling of His over-reaching "Miss Universal Life" was Petersburg; Mr. Charlie,- Arriving in Memphis last MRS. MAXINE T. KEATON the language in which they, plan; for manklncL- ; Kansas-City, Mo.— The < crowned que^n for the Year Norfolk; Mr. J. A. Walker, week were MRS. JOSEPH: were written, and the customs At thispoint in -time,- do we world's largest privately owned I Petersburg; Mr. Claiborne WESTBROOK, SR.,¡.mother Mrs. Maxine T. Keaton of She Jewish race were ap. not-need to .pause“ lof^a; mo­ underground garage is nearly- in the midst of all of the 9 ment ahi ask ourselves —“Am completed here. The garage is I pomp and ceremony. The Ashford, New Orlean; Mrs. of Mr. Joseph Westbrook, l will become the bride of Ran­ parenti; allowed to languish, dolph Johnson Saturday, Dec. at least by the majority. I one of God’s builders?” Whe­ six stories deep, will house! pretty Mrs. Lucille-Jackson Daisy Byrd, Baton Rouge, Jr„ Memphis Board of Ed­ ther It be the rebuilding-of 6, at 3 p.m. The Rev. A. 2,500 cars below the street level] was crowned by her Mana­ Mr. Charlie Kerlegon, Lake ucation Supervisor,,arid Thanks, however, to the efforts the.snlrit of a fellow-man, the of Crown Center, an 85-acre ( ger, Mr._ B. T. Johnson, Charles, Mr. P. Irions, MrS. Mrs. HAS1LEE GREENE,, McEwen William will offic­ of a devout few, they: had rekindling of faith. In one inner;city tract, and Is reported-] M. K. Henry, MrS. Gladys iate. — been preserved, and, with the who walks in'doubt, or — pn District Manager of the Ale­ return of the exiles to their ly a $115-million urban tedev-; RAMAVI StOM Mrs. Joe Westbrook's mo­ She is the daughter of Mrs. a tpore basic and prosaic' level MFTWOCOCOR xander, Virginia District Lee from the Southern Area own land, were brought forth elopment. and coming from the North­ ther who both came in from Lillian M. Dunlap of 594-C ereat period of reafflr< (although nonetheless.’impor. : . 7 7'- Los- Angeles. Mrs^-West- -Handy Mall.- He is the sorr patlon was be^n tant) concrete, material help ♦ Mr. Gerald HowelTare hosts' ern ^Vrea were Mr, G.. E. to-those .more, unfortunate Serving as hosts for the Washington, Mr. W. P.?Tho-" brook, Sr., home-Mrs. Green offtf Mrs.Mpk Estella-JohnsonPerAlla—Jnhncnn rtf?of ';?!? ' —------has been- on the Coast since 1-580 E. McLemore! . ’ Certainly Jerusalem needed than we . . this Is still the annual occasion (that brings mas and Mr. R. E. .Steele work of Gcd, though- the In­ j' spring with her son and his desperately a revival of her more than a hundred Uni­ Mrs. Hallie Collins and Mrs. Miss Eula Birchfield will ^irltusl and religious life I strument of man; it is -an in­ WARREN’S oaism KÔI58 STYLES? family Mr. and Mrs. Paul versal Life Employees to Georgia Howard came from be maid of honor. Brides­ The fast that a multitude ap­ dividual 'reaffirmation of - Êoniplefely Modern and Air-Côhdittâriâd • Memphis (at the company's the Western Area. G reen. maid will be the Misses peared in the public square to God’s ooncern, and a sense of MR. PHIL BOOTH still Theresa Johnson. Shirley- hear Ezra's reading and in. rightness, no • matter what BARBER AND BEAUTY SHOP ------expense) were Mr. A Ma­ All of the winners and form it takes: just -so pong as ceo Walker, Chairman of the their Area NSupervisors were remains in Kennedy General Bryant, Debra Johnson and terpretation of the ' laws of HI-FASH1ON HAIR STYLÉS ; Hospital but his condition Mrs. Julia Bryant. their father? before them, the goal is God’s goal . Board and President of the housed at the Peabody where -would indicate that the peo­ love and justice for each and A Complete Hair, Facial and Manicure Service ~ company founded by his late mos tof the social events has very definately improv­ Willie Thomas will be the every man, and the honest ed. ple are hungry for knowledge, father, Dr., J. E. Walker were held. They remained bes t man. Groosmen will and for a figurehead in Whom earning of the rewards He is FREE PARKING arid the late Mr. A W. Wil­ in Memphis Thursday throu­ Mrs. G. E. Westjr., and be Dennis Johnson, Kenneth they could place their trust. only too anxious to heap up­ Open 6 Days A Week lis, Sr.) and the Director gh Sunday. Mrs. Helen West were hos­ Murray Willie Taylor and How pleased God must havq on us, as a loving Father and WARREN LEWIS — Proprietor been! Mentor. of Agencys, Mr. Gerald -” OFFICIAL WIVES noticed tesses to Eliti Club member James Morris, brother of 887 Thomas Street Pbonri: 5Ü7-8478 Howell who shares the place were Mrs. Maceo Walker, at the Branch Y.W.G.A.last the bride. of Hosts to his assistant the company's “First Lady“ Wednesday. Members wfe Miss Keaton is a graduate Agency Directors and Dis­ looking especially good in enjoyed the well planned of B. T. Washington High trict Managers. Cocktails- an exquisite black jet cock- evening were: Mrs. M. J. School and is imployed at were served from 7 in the taiL-frock....-and of course Owen, Mrs. N. M. Watson., E. H, Crump Insurance Co. LEGAL AID NEWS evening until 8 p.m...... Din­ she was the first lady to Mrs. J. A. Beauchamps., Mr. Johnson is sa graduate JOHNSON PRINTER! ner (a sit down dinner ser­ be 'pfesented...Mrs. Gerald Mrs. T. H. Watson, Mrs. of Hamilton High School and By Charles Jackson, Jr H. A Collins and both hos- is an apprentice to a self- ved in courses with Hugh Howell Who was beautiful Insurance, bank and window card pmntbb Filet Minon) was at 8. af­ in white set off by a an un­ H. A. Watkins. Mrs. Grace employed plumbing contrac­ ter the crowning ceremony, usual hair do...the beauti­ Brandon, Mrs. H. A. Col­ tor. Enough can never be said lins and both hostesse. misrepresentation involved Fine WecP’ng Invitations dancing was in order un­ ful Mrs. B. G. Olive who about the mispracrices of when the client was indu­ til 1 am.. always looks good in blue home Improvement dealers, ced to sign the note. The President. Mr. Wal­ wearing a lovely peau-de who under the guise of brin­ Holiday Cards and Announcements . ker was presented by the soi cocktail suit that feat­ ging a person’s home up In the petition filed on PHONE 525-9453 ures a jeweled collar..... to Atlanta Housing Code M. C. Mr. H. A. Caldwell. behalf of Mrs. Know, Le­ 230 HERNANDO STREET MEMPHIS, THINE55li Director of Education. Mr. Mrs. John Avery Olive pret­ CHURCH NEWS standards, end up taking the gal Aid attorneys are ask­ Walker spoke praising the ty in black....Mrs. Thomas person's home. What hep- ing that the contract be nul­ company members and oi- Wil is who wore an especial­ reap. We want to sow good pens is that the dealer en­ lified. for injunctive relief ly pretty pink cocktail chif­ NEW TYLER A.M.E. tices the homeowner into ficials whom he presented... CHURCH 568 CARPENTER seeds not bad ones. We of the Security Deed, and for HUCKLEBERRY FINN FISH SYSTEM, INC, fon frock....Mrs. R. L. Wynn signing a security deed which and they were Mr. B. G. REVEREND JOHN C. MIL-. should be tahnkful to our money damages for acts of and Mrs, H. B. Chandler he can foreclose on if the 1395 Madison Avenue Olive, Jr.. 1st vice presl- LER, MINISTER. Heavenly Father for all the fraud and for other viola­ home owner gets behind in dent-Secretary....Mc. H.A.- who both looked good in bounty of gatheringin.”This tions of Georgia Law. his payments for alleged, Gilliam. Mr. L. H. Boyce, black. was particularly meaningful Again we warn home­ repairs. In many cases, too, whom he paid a special Some other members of Sunday School 9:30 A.M. with the Thanksgiving sea­ owners: be suspicious of the the pairs are never com­ compiiment as the ofiicial the Universal Family no­ with Brother C. W. Bowen son on us. The men of Pros­ home improvement dealer pleted. Following is a typi­ who taught him the Insur­ ticed were Mr, amd Mrs. superintendent and his ef­ pect are sponsoring a Fel­ Don’t hastily sign anything cal example of how these ance Business....Mr. Tho­ Harold Shaw (she “Pat” the ficient staff in charge. The lowship Breakfast Decem­ he present to you and dealers operate. As you will mas Eillis, Mr. John Avery presidnet’s daughter noti­ message at 11 A.M. will be ber 14 in Fellowship Hall NEVER sign anything you i see, there is nothing inher­ Olive both sons of officials ced in a lovely white cock­ given by the Reverend Loy- from 7 to 9:30 a.m. The men don’t understand. If in doubt ently complicated as to how ....Mr R. L. Wynn and tail coat as they entered... ce Patrick who always gives urge that every family re­ contact a private attorney or No Food Experience Necessary they swindle their custo­ Mrs. H. B. Chandler whose and Mrs. J. W. Kelso (a a challenge to the congre­ presented with attendance in the Atlanta Legal Aid So­ mers. in fact, that is why R. L. Baker Phone 278-6415 uncle. Mr. M. W. Bonner large stock holder) escor­ gation. The music will be this effect. Also, the gene­ ciety, I so many homeowners are and father have been with ted by Mr. Bennie Tate in a furnished by the Childrens’ ral cooperation of the con­ easily taken. The name of the Universal through out smart black frock. choir under the direction of gregation is urged. The pu­ -the client and the dealer the years. Members of the Sub For­ Mrs. Londie Brown, Mrs. blic is invited to join tin in the following episode are Area Supervisors (most­ um Committee who made Edna Goodrich is at the pi­ worship at Prospect United ly-who came from out-oG- all of the plans were that ano and Miss Mattie Holmes Methodist Church. is based on fact. town) were presented by­ vivacious Mrs. Helen H.Bo­ at the organ. A. C. E. Fel­ In fact August last year Mr. Howell under whom they wen where we were seated lowship at 5:30 p.m. with I a salesman from Take-It work and they were Mr. with Mr. Boweri and thier Miss Edna Harris, presi­ ANNUAL FELLOWSHIP i All Construction Company Barry Sims from the Cali­ other guests...Mr. A. 1. _ dent in charge. Miss Har­ DAY TO BE OBSERVED fornia and Texas District BY THE MEMPHIS INTER­ went to the home of Mrs. 0 Richard. Mrs. Mamie Da­ ris encourages not only the I Donna Know and offered came from Los Angeles... vis. Mrs. Anne Prince, Mrs. youth but the entire con­ DENOMINATIONAL FEL­ to make certain repairs and Mr. J. J. Johnson^ Knox­ Thelma Clay, Mrs. Frances gregation to join in this fel­ LOWSHIP improvements on her house. ville...... Mr. J. B. Williams HasseL, Mrs. Claudia 1 odd, lowship. The public is always He induced her to sign for from Richmond. Virginia and Mr? Harold Brooks, Mrs. invited to Avorship at New Mr. E. L. Young, Memphis. T yler The Memphis Inter-Deno­ the repairs on the pretense minational Fellowship In­ that they were necessary Are you Sadie Albert,Mrs. Edward PROSPECT UNITED i WINNERS RECEIVED TAPE Parker and Mr. Johnny Lon­ corporated will observe An­ to bring her home up to RECORDERS AND DESK METHODIST CHURCH Atlanta Housing Code stan­ LECTURE don whose band played who 1297 GL ASCO nual Fellowship Day, Sun­ getting Should SETS isalso a member of the Uni­ i day 7 at Manassas High- dards. REVEREND H. IL JONES About two weeks later the versal Family....and Mrs. MINISTER School at 2:30 p.m. music W inners Presented all re­ Carrie Scott.. will feature the Keel Ave- constructor from Take-It- enough Christianity ceived Tape Recorders and At the 11 A.M. worship nue Baprist church choir, All went to Mrs. Know’s Desk Sets. FIRST PLACE Another spouce looking hour Nov. 23, the Reverend Mr. Pisgah C. M. E. and home and enticed her and out of life? heal today? WINNERS were Mr. James especially good as we glimp­ Jones used as this "'hemef Mt. Pisgah Baptist Choirs her daughter to sign certain Hawkins. Mr, Charles Ker­ sed her tail frock and seat­ "A Pocket Full of Seeds." the scholastic Voices, -- papers and documents - legon. Rev. Theodore Fran­ ed with the Olive eland Mrs. He mentioned that le who christain Women’s Chorus, claiming that they were a klin, Mr. James Kittling. Willard Bell. Standing out sows sparingly reaps spar­ Phi, Rho Sigma Frater— life insurance policy and an instrument in the nature of •’ V' A"- Mr. Wm. Alexander. Mrss. as usual was Mrs. H. T. ingly and he who sows boun­ nity and many Other out stan­ YOB S- Sarah Llyod. Mrs. Gladys Lockard (Ida Mae) escorted tifully will reap bountifully. ding aggregations. All civic, a will. As it turned out, Barrow, Mr. S. W. Jones by her husband, Aty, H. T. "One needs to have a great community and social and Mrs. Know had signed a faith when seeds are planned. all who came from Lake Lockard, Assistant to the church clubs will be feat­ Home Improvement Note, a He needs faith to wa :ch the oflndebtedness, and a Se­ 1 Charles La...... Governor of Tenessee...... ured along with the School Would ■ ; T(T ' W i SECOND PLACE WINNER NSeated close by were Mr. mysteries of God unto d. One Safety women. The public curity. Deed. WHO CAME FROM Rlchmonc and Mrs. Harry Thompson needs a courage to measure is invited to this outstand­ Prior to the company be­ God Va.. were Mr. E. F. Flem­ and Mr. John Parker, along up to the responsibility is ing annual event that is look­ ginning work on her house you like sowing bountifully. If i|ve are ing. Mr. J. T. Jackson. Mrs. with many other officials ed forward to with great and on several occasions faithful to our calling, we afterwards, Mrs. Know de-; Jessie Williams. Mr. Oak­ members of the Universal anticipation. The admission by B'-d can help will plant that others may a fresh ley. Holmes and Mrs. Dell Family that speace will not is free. manded copies of all notes and contracts she had sig­ J ohnson. permit us to name. start? j;. Robert H. ; 1 you. THIRD PLACE WINNERS I was sorry to have mis­ NEW ERA ned. However, Take-It---- - from Alexandria. Virginia sed a PRESS CONFERENCE ' The New Era Baptist All and its financing agent, Mitchell 1 were Mr. B. T. Johnson, for the newly appointed exe­ Church, 79? Laurel St., pas- Continued From Page One GYP-Easy Finance Com­ Mr. Tommie Rush. Mr. Ric­ cutive director of the Mem­ to red by the Rev. Frank pany, refused to deliver co­ hard Brown and Mrs. Pear­ phis Urbal League. Mr. Her­ Briscoe, will observe Home­ Soul Brands, Inc., was- pies to her this was in vio­ lie Simpkins. man Ewing on Wednesday coming Day Sunday,, Nov. formed in 1968 to promote lation of Georgia Law. Co­ STUDENT FOURTH PLACE WINNER November 19 at the Urban 30. and build enterprises at pies were delivered only a were Mr. C, A. Watson, League, Building, where the Sunday School at 9:30 Owen all levels °.f management month later upon demand CENTER I i by the Solicitor General of Mr. O. E. Kemp. Mr. Cla­ Memphis World is privele- Tuggle, supt., will be in I for investment among black the Atlanta . Judicial Dis­ God has rence Roberson. Mr, H. Lig­ ged to have a suite. The charge. and white businessmen. LEMOYNE trict,——— ...... - gins and Mrs. Alfreds Dir. Press Conference was spon­ The 1 l;avm. message will in announcing the acqui­ Presently our client found a good OWENS can who all came from San sored by members of the be delivered by the Rev. sition of Harlem House. that the monthly payments, Antonio. Urban League Board of Di­ Ralph Loften. pastor of Ma­ Whalum and MorlaFty em­ can heal con Baptist Church, Macon which took almost all of COLLEGE WINNER FOR THE rectors of which Dr. Hol­ phasized that no signifl— purpose lis F. Price is Chairman Tenn., cant changes in operating her welfare check, were too 807 Walker MONTH were Mrs. Lucille high. When she was unable you. J ackson from the Alexan- Mr. Ewing was formerly di- The 3 p/m/ message will po.itics or personal were for you. rector of the Urban,League be brought by the "Re.v AC. planned. Mr. Whalum stated to continue making the pay------—dria District- and- who-won— Jointly Sponnorctf by in Little Rock....Where he Jackson pastor of Mt. Pis­ "we feel fortunate in havJf’ menjs, the finance com- the title of "Miss Univer- pany that had acquired all stood out in community af­ gah Baptist Church, Weaver ing~been able' to acquire CHRISTIAN SCIENCE sai....Mrs. Altonette La— notes. contracts and se­ Cour, Los Angeles;.„Mrs. fairs. Road. The public is invit- over 23 years of success­ SOCIETY Voiunteers for Freedom"0f' A. R. Wade is the chair- ful operating experience a-, curity deeds from the ori­ P.M, Vurrell, Roanoke...... ginal holder, proceeded to laiu