^,-ì .4 -T -, ■ ■ A- tusday VOLUMES«, , price ten com A"1?: C Soul Brands, ic;., announ­ zed by both and white in- ced tills week that the U. vesotrs. Our board of Di­ _ ’S. Patent Office has gran­ rectors is being. expanded ted the company exculsive with the addition, of black use of-the trademark "Soul , and white members. Our- for specific product appli­ executive management team cations in the food, cloth­ is also staffed by both - ing, medical and pharmacue- blacks and whites, Harlem tical drug classifications. House, with gross sales col- sdale, the remains were re­ Soul Brands., tac. plans ume in excess of $i. ^ fhe Rev. John W.West, at 1098 South Wellington and There were two funerals turned to, Memphis for a Monday night wake atUnion. t o enter into licensing a- 000,000,00 annually, actua- ^'described as a fiery gospel Union at 208 Turley, both and two wakes for the well- The closingfuneral was con­ greements with manufactors ly puts Soul Brands in - preacher, died suddenly in Memphis, and Centennial known minister and hund­ ducted Tuesday morning and distributors of these va­ business. We plan to expand ^Tuesday evening, Nov. 18, in Clarksdale, Miss. • reds attended each of these. rious products for the use the balsc proven and pro­ fiat his residence, 1637South : The deceased was buried There was a wake at Cen­ from Greater Mt. Moriah. of its registered trademark fitable concept of the Har- ¡'{Parkway East, He was 61. Tuesday afternoon of this tennial Sunday night and the The funeral at Clarksdale "Soul •’ in these market­ lemHouse food ¡shops through ¿¿The popular Baptist mln- week in New Park with first funeral was held at was conducted by the Rev ing categories and others it_ the addition of company own­ 'ister pastored three church­ Qualls In charge of arrang­ Centennial Monday morning. 1. 1. laws. The Rev. H.H. Continued On Page Two expects to be granted very ed .stbres^arid jheTrahchl- es. Greater Mount Moriah ements After the funeral in Clark- shortly. ' 4 singof outlets to black own-’ Id reiterating the Soul Brands er s..and investors. Follow­ operating' ph’llisophy and ci­ ing the joint black white ting the view of the acqu­ ownership objective onestep isition, of Harlem House,, further,. all present and. fu-.'^ Mr. Moriatry said "Soul- ture employees of Soul Brand ■ > Honor Society B rands will be capital!- and Harlem Houses will be able to participate in the o- ownership of his company lists Members Convention Biz through a stock purchase plans. Newly organized Soul & Majorie Bosley, a soph- Booming In City Brands, Inc,, with head— SEEKING MISS UNCF TITLE—-—These LeMoyne- Owen ' more of 1100 James, has quarters at 3071 South Third College coeds are seeking the campus title of Miss UNCF. 'been elected president of has taken over the chain Funds raised by them will help swell the United Negro Coll- 7 -the' Lemoyne-Owen College Convention business in of 12 Harlem Houses in ege Fund campaign now underway in Memphis. The winner , ' . Honor Society. this Mississippi River me­ Memphis. will be given a trip to Detroit where she will appear In the Other officers forthe 1969 tropolis is during the next The two top officers of National Miss UNCF pageant. Seated, left to right: Sharon L. 70 school year are Arvella five years is going to boom, Soul Brands, are Harold J, Pruitt, sophomore: Christy Faye Clark, senior: and Arvelia Edwards, vice president; according to preditions bas­ Whalum, chairman of the Edwards, junior. Standing Is Beverly Anne Jeffries, fresh- <■£ ■ Mary Baptist; secretary ed on the already signed board, and Herbert B. Mor- man. Mary Price.assistant secre­ sealed and delivered con­ " larty, Jr., president. tary Velma Middleton, trea­ tracts and planning develop­ Mr. Whalum is also pre- surer; Hattie Smith and J oy— ments which wlll_ give impe­ sidnet and a_board member ce Powell, chaplains, and tus to an already important of Union Protective Life In­ Young Urges America Catherine Edwards, pariia- industry. surance Co., a vice presi­ ' mentarian. According to the last ac­ dent bf the Memphis Area A student must maintain counting by the- Memphls- ’ Chamber~o£ Commerce and To Build Open Society a 3-polnt average or better Area Chamber of Commerce first vice Chairman of the to be eligible for member­ Convention & Tourist Bur­ Memphis Urban League. Whitney M. Young, Jr., executive director of the National ship in the Honor Society. eau, 338 major conventions Harlem House;was foun­ Urban League called fora “New American Coalition" of blacks The college Is on a 4-polnt already have been obtained ded in 1946 and operates and whites to build a dynamic open society. grading system. forthe 1970-74 period. They in predominately black busi­ The 46 members of the will bring 329,97.5 people to ness and residential areas Mr. Young Issued his call mericans match their good in­ Honor Society are; tentions and lavish rhetoric, the capitol of the burgeon­ of Memphis Harlem House for . “a coalition that trans­ SOPHOMORES-Alma Bln- ing ■ seven-stated Mid South cends narrow hate andexplol-. ,Xith;deeds.*XU1'uCtOClo - 1 - • ■{£J. —■. , . Restarurants, Inc., will be , rcglpn^ Hnd thes e visitors operatedas awhoÌiysUb-7. pl ish merits of Ûrbàri League jah ' Bradfield f Edna ,M. will spend an estimated $37. the just, the good in our sldairy òf Soul Brands,, tar society,* at the Urban Lea­ programs in “enabling black Brown/ Robert E. Carpen­ 1-million. gue’s 13th annual Equal Op­ people and other minorities In ter, Vivian Kaye Greene, What is so encouraging, portunity Day Dinner at the the ghettos and poverty pock­ Frankie E. Harris. Mary said James Wood, veteran Hilton Hotel. ets of the nation— the real for Hassell. Priscilla Haynes, head of the Convention &, Former Chief Justice of the gotten Americans—to develop Doris Herring, Barbara— Tourist Bureau, 'fis that Supreme Court Earl Warren the power to exercise the con­ Jean Knight, Velma Lee- we have so many majorcon­ and Maurice Lee, ablackbusi • trol over their Ilves that is the Middleton, Mary K Price, TSU COEDS GRAB A STAR---- When Mission Impossible ventions and trade shows nessman from Boley, Oklaho­ heritage of free men.* But he warned: “If the Lea­ Carolyn Smith, Linda F.. TV star Greg Morris arrived at the Nashville Airport for already signed up. Memphis Launching Drive ma were honored at the dinner Walker Fannie W. Woods a speaking engagement at Tennessee State University, he was is becoming better known Mr. Young stated:*Thefoun gue’s effortsaretobetruly ef­ Coronation Ball dations of such a New Ameri­ and Nettie M. Woody. met by these enthusiastic campus AKAs, left to right: Terr- throughout the industry.*' The Mallory Knights Cha­ fective, we must change the can Coalition must be laid by JUNIORS—Mary Baptist yee Neely of Memphis, J ackolyn Sherrill of Milwaukee, Elea­ _ Changes that are freeing ritable organizations has climate of our times— a launched its -annual—Chris------ black_SP.eoplde who insist on climate that threatens-to- be- Patsy Jo Coleman, Arvelia nor Montgomery of Cleveland. Ohio and Carol Chinn of Sp- the individual, and society, Edwards, Catherine Edwa­ k Scheduled tmas Fund Drive to aid the “tbeir equal place in America, come<more oppresive, more ringfield, Tenn. Morris* Dialogues with Students ontheTSU "indicate a tremendous and rds,Michael Exum.Justln A. needy citizens of Memphis and by concerned white people campus was sponsored by Xerox of Rochester, N.Y. The Student Government bénéficient power for good Reed. Cassie Y. Smith, - and Shelby County. who will join us In working to­ removed from the needs and of LeMoyne Owen College propelling us forward, " ex­ wards the goal of anopen,de­ interests of all the people.* This year is aimed at Hattie Pearl Smith Shirley has scheduled its annual co- plains Robert H. Mitchell, mocratic society based on e- He likened the present per­ attracting contributions Jean Stewart, Lois Wllliam- C. S. B„ of Edinburgh, quallty for all.* iod to (he era of repression and and Gerald Eugene Young. from all segments of the TV Producers ronation Ball for the night Scotland. He said that such a coalition racism that characterized the SENIORS—Ethel Adams- Memphis community. Even could succeed “if White A- of Dec. 18 in the Chisca- Mr. Mitchell a member lillie M. Bowens though tbe organizations Barbara Plaza Ballrooms. of the Christian Science - post-Reconstruction period in Ann Cohn, Betty Foster,- is predominately black. Its our history roughly from Meets In N. Y. Deadline for sophomore Board of Lectureship, will Brenda J. Foster, Deborah contributions and aid ex­ 1876 to the early years of this juniors and seniors to qual­ speak Sunday Nov. 30 at Harmon, Mary D. Hassell, tends to all ethnic groups. century. ify as contesntants in the 3pm.. Nancy Wilson Acla W. Jackson, Joy W. Through out the year the IN WASHINGTON, D.C....... Miss LeMoyne-Owen con­ His lecture titled "Are McPherson, Dayton Pe---- Last week, a group of black Mallory Knights with Its test is Nov. 28. you Receptive to Changes?" Drawing parallels between gues, Joyce Ann Powell,, television producers and as­ meager funds and limited The winner, to be crown­ will be given In the stu­ Tops Big Revue that period and the present Charlene Robinson, Ellen- sociates, tentatively entitled staff extended the arm of time, Mr. Young said that the ed at the ball, will be cho­ dent Center at Lemoyne- Marie Webb and Vivian Ma­ "The Association of Afro- A— charity Into many areas. failure of “public opinion and sen by popular vote She Owen College.
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