Strengthening Democracy Through Partnership CEPPS Quarterly Report: Sierra Leone USAID Associate Cooperative Agreement No. 72063
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CEPPS Quarterly Report: Sierra Leone USAID Associate Cooperative Agreement No. 72063618LA00001 Leader Cooperative Agreement No. AID-OAA-L-15-00007 Reporting period: October 01 to December 31, 2018 If available, add an image or graphic from the quarter. This table should not exceed one page. Total report (excluding annexes) should not exceed 20 pages. CEPPS Program Summary – Sierra Leone Program SIERRA LEONE ELECTIONS DIALOGUE SERIES (SLEDS) Title Program December 18, 2017 - June 17, 2019. Dates Program Briefly describe the program theory of change. What will change look like, and which main actors theory of will bring about this change? change This section should generally not change from quarter to quarter. The exception is when there is a major scope of work change. SLEDS will address two major challenges of this elections cycle: 1) promoting an issue-based public discourse and issue-based campaigns while enhancing citizens’ participation in debates and dialogues during the said cycle, and 2) increase the professionalism of Sierra Leone’s media and journalists. CEPPS’ theory of change is as follows: If citizens, including disadvantaged groups, have the then candidates will be better informed opportunity to share their views, needs, and expectations about citizen priorities when setting their through dialogues and debates in the lead-up to the policy agendas. elections If electoral stakeholders – such as political parties and then electoral stakeholders will be able candidates– are accurately informed of voter electoral to develop political platforms that concerns and priorities, address them. If the NEC and the Political Party Registration then the public will be better informed Commission (PPRC) increase interaction with and about the elections, and the dissemination of information to the public through media, transparency of the process strengthened. If presidential candidates participate in well-organized then voters can choose candidates based debates with questions based on key issues identified on policy positions rather than on ethnic by citizens, including marginalized groups, and/or regional affiliations. If voters choose candidates based on policy positions, as then elected candidates will be more likely articulated in debates and through the media, and civil to create policies that are in line with all society tracks adherence to policy positions post-election, citizens’ priorities, political agendas will be influenced by citizens’ real needs, the temptation for politician to popularity will decrease Strengthening Democracy through Partnership use divisive, ethnic- and identity-based discourses to gain then voters will be better positioned to Additionally, if professional and citizen . influence policy agendas and make journalists are capable of conducting investigative informed decisions during elections research and producing and disseminating high quality, objective content reflecting citizens’ social and economic priorities; and if media professionals agree on a common strategy to analyze and broadcast important political, social, and economic issues that drive political party platforms, Program Contributing to Global EPT Objectives 1 (Promoting meaningful participation of all citizens in their objectives political systems, including women, youth and other traditionally marginalized groups) and 2 (Incorporating the comparative advantages of media and technology to promote citizen understanding, engagement, and transparent political competition). The goal of this action is to support free and fair elections and peaceful political transition in the March 2018 presidential, parliamentary and local government elections in Sierra Leone through enhancing the public’s understanding of key national political, economic and social issues that are directly relevant to democratic governance and the electoral process. To achieve this goal, CEPPS will pursue the following two objectives: Objective 1: To increase the participation of women and disadvantaged groups in debates and dialogue sessions relating to the March 2018 general elections; Objective 2: To support increased professionalism of Sierra Leone's press and mass media coverage of March 2018 general elections. CEPPS Quarterly Program Snapshot Key Summarize key activities undertaken during the quarter, using brief, clear and targeted bullets Activities (Max. 1-2 bullet points per Partner) this Quarter ● District-level Policy Priority meetings: CEPPS/Search in collaboration with Parliament, Constituency stakeholders, Local Councils, chiefdom authorities, women, youth and PWD groups conducted 4 constituency-level policy priority meetings (13th November - 15th December 2018) for citizens to interact with their newly elected officials, including Members of Parliament and for elected officials to provide an update on how citizen demands are being implemented. The total number of attendees was 215 (Male 132 and Female 83) ● Chiefdom-Level Public Issues Discussions: CEPPS/Search conducted 5 chiefdom-level public issues discussions (13th November - 15th December 2018) and convened 278 persons (Male 171 and female 107) including paramount chiefs, section chiefs, local Strengthening Democracy through Partnership councilors, women, youth and PWD groups, local journalists, and local CSOs to discuss issues related to democratic participation, development and service provision. ● Violence mitigation Engagements: CEPPS/Search in collaboration with security sector institutions, political parties, district stakeholders, women and youth groups, the media, local CSOs organized 4 violence mitigation engagements (13th November - 15th December 2018) to discuss past experiences of the elections, promote peacebuilding and build a cohesive community. The total attendance was 207 (Male 121 and female 86) Key Summarize and highlight key results achieved during the quarter, using brief, clear and Results this targeted bullets (Max. 1-2 bullet points per Partner). Remember to highlight inclusion and Quarter capacity building results. • In 4 constituencies, 215 citizens (38% female, 12% youth, 9% PwD) gathered to engage elected officials, including MPs, for update on their campaign promises and action taken to address citizens demands. These meetings increased citizens understanding of Parliamentary processes and they contributed to the development of Constituency Action Plans (CAPs) for action by elected officials • 278 persons (37% female, 14% youth, PwD 8%) participated in 5 chiefdom-level public issues discussion where citizens openly discussed issues related to mining, access to land, chieftaincy succession which were hitherto forbidden to discuss in public. In four districts, 207 persons (41% female, 25% youth, PwD 8%) participated in violence mitigation meetings which contributed to reducing the influence and effectiveness of groups perpetuating violence and encouraged political parties, youth groups to engage in non-violent ways. Key Highlight key challenges faced in program implementation this quarter using brief, clear, and Challenges targeted bullets (1-2 bullets max per partner). Remember to focus on any inclusion and capacity and building issues in particular. Constraints this • Lengthy delay from the donor to approve new activities affected project implementation. Quarter CEPPS/Search waited for six months to receive approval although its local networks mobilized communities within very short notice to implement activities • Willingness of elected officials to participate in post-election townhall meetings where there is greater possibility to respond to questions on campaign promises, including those from the losing candidates, proved a challenge. The culture of deserting voters after elections was bridged through Search-led community platforms of engagements. This process effectively increased citizens understanding of democratic processes and increased their voices to demand accountability and better service provision Strengthening Democracy through Partnership I. POLITICAL UPDATE RELEVANT TO PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION The post-elections environment in Sierra Leone presents a weak and fragile democracy that critically challenge the gains of the elections and the post-conflict era. The winner-takes-all culture has persisted. Political appointments, award of contracts and other favors have been awarded along ethno-regional and political party considerations. Sympathizers and supporters of the main opposition All Peoples Congress Party (APC)` have been unduly relieved of their duties, demoted or asked to proceed on untimely leave. This situation has virtually frozen out the opposition in governance leaving them with the painful wait for the next round of voting The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has mounted a crusade to prosecute all those persons (mostly from the losing APC) perceived or alleged to be involved in corrupt practice spanning 2007-2018. Although many people laud their efforts, others, especially the APC, feel haunted, targeted, harassed and molested by the way the ACC conduct its business. Recently, a senior member of the APC party and former Minister of Defense was incarcerated, dragged to court and released under stiff conditions. Many other political figures who have been subjected to such treatment although they have agreed to repay the misappropriated funds in an out of court settlement. A long list of offenders is in public circulation although most of them have fled the country. The ACC has presented a cheque of 7.5 billion Leones (US$876,000) to the President