Hon. Harry F. Byrd, Jr
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29n8 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS September 15, 1978 vided no Senator or Senators at that time METZENBAUM and other Senators to re- The following Army National Guard of the are debating or wish to debate the nat- commit the conference report with in- United States ofñcer for appointment in the report or any motion structions. Did I say there will be a roll- Adjutant General's Corps, Reserve of the ural gas conference Army, in relation thereto and with the further call vote? There will be, no question under provisions of tltle 10, United understanding, which is in accordance about that. States Code, sections 593(a) and 3392: with the agreement, that even though May I say one further thing: This does To be major general the Nuclear Regulatory Commission bill not rule out rollcall votes before 3 p.m. Brig. Gen, Edward Clarence Binder, XXX-X... XX... is called up, that at any time if any Sena- on Tuesday. There may be rollcall votes ask for the regular order the on amendments to instructions as set -The following-named Army Medical De- tor wishes to partment officer ror temporary appointment tory Commission bill forth in Mr. METzENBAuM's motion. There Nuclear Regula in the Army of the United States, to the would be temporarily set aside and the may be rollcall votes on other matters if, grade indicated, under the provistons of Senate again would be on the conference in accordance with the agreement in the title 10, United States Code, section 3442 and report on natural gas pricing. conference report matter, other matters 3447. The PRESIDING OFFICER. lIs there may be called up. To be brigadier general, Medical Corps ction? obje Col. Andre John Ognibene, XXX-XX-XXXX , Mr. STEVENS. Reserving the right to RECESS UNTIL MONDAY Medical Corps, U.S. Army. object, and I shall not object, I assume The following-named SEPTEMBER 18, 1978 Army National the majority leader's request is totally Guard of the United States omcer for ap- consistent with the dialog and agree- Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. Presi- polntment to the grade of brigadler gen- ment that was entered into in connection dent, if there be no further business to eral as a Reserve commissioned oíñcer of the Army and with the energy bill. I am sure that in come before the Senate I move, in ac- to the grade of brlgadier gen- his intent; is that correct? cordance with the order previously en- eral, Army of the United States, under the provisions of title 10, United States Code, Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Yes, indeed, tered, that the Senate stand in recess section 593a, 3385, 3442, and 3447: I believe under the agreement any and until 12 o'clock noon on Monday next. To be brigadier generai Senator can enforce that order simply by The motion was agreed to; and, at Col. Herbert R. Te mple, asking for the regular order. 5: 16 p.m., the Senate recessed until Mon- Jr., X X X -X X - X X X X . The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- day, September 18, 1978, at 12 noon. IN THE NAVY The following-named officer having been ator is correct. - desig I do not object, and I nated for commands and other duties Mr. STEVENS. of great importan leader. CONFIRMATIONS ce and responsibility in thank the majority the grade of vice admiral withi The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without n the con- Executive nominations confirmed by templatlon of title 10, United States Code, objection, it is so ordered. the Senate September 15, 1978: section 5231, for appointment while so serv- Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD ing as follows: May I say for the information of Sen- Jr., of Maryland, to be To be vice admira¿ ators the Nuclear Regulatory Commis- Howard Jenkins, a member of the National Labor Relations Rear Adm. David F. Emerson, U.S. Navy. sion bill is under a time agreement. That Board for the term explring August 27, 1983. IN THEAIR FoncE time agreement is printed on pages 2 and FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM 3 of the calendar of business today, Fri- Alr Force nominations beginning Robert L. Engla day, September 15, and Senators may be Nancy Hays Teeters, of Indiana, to be a nd, to be lieutenant colonel, and member of the Board of Governors of the ending Hyman H. Album, to be major. (See informed therefrom as to the time agree- Federal Reserve System for the unexpired Executive Journal proceedings of August 14, ment. term of 14 years from February 1, 1970. 1978, for complete list.) The above nominations were approved Rollcall votes will occur on Monday in IN THE ARMY relation to amendments to the subject to the nominees' commitments to instruc- Army nominations beginning Jack B. tions in Mr. METZENBAUM'S motion to re- respond to requests to appear and testify before any duly constituted committee of Abraham, to be colonel, and ending Don A. commit. They could occur in relation to the Senate. Gross, to be lieutenant colonel, which noml- the Nuclear Regulatory nations were receive Commission bill, IN THE ARMY d by the Senate and ap- and they could in relation to any other peared in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD On AU- The following-named officer to be placed matter that is cleared for action on Mon- gust 14, 1978. on the retired list in grade indicated under IN THE NAVY day in accordance with the unanimous- the provisions of title 10, United States consent agreement covering the natural Code, section 3962: Navy nominations beginning Michael W. Daßose, to be ensign, and ending Aaron S. gas conference report. To be general Wolkoff, to be commander, which nomlna- So perhaps, I should simply remind all Gen. Sam Sims Walker, XXX-XX-XXXX , (age tions were received by the Senate and ap- Senators that on Tuesday a rollcall will 52), Army of the United States (major gen- peared in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD On occur at 3 p.m. on the motion by Mr. eral, U.S. Army). August 14, 1978. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS CREATING A "STATE" In the September 8 edition of the order at this proposal to treat the Dlstrlct Richmond Times-Dispatch, there ap- "as though it were a state." peared an excellent editorial on this sub- The very wording of the proposed amend- HON. HARRY F. BYRD, JR. ject, entitled "Creating a 'State, '" which ment points up its basic weakness. The Dls- OF VIRGINIA trict of Columbia is not state, sets forth clearly the major reasons why a and to treat IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES it as one is at variance with the intent of full voting representation in the Con- the framers of the Constitution. FridaV. September 15,1978 gress for the District is not warranted. The editor of the editori Article I of the Constitution says Congress 0 Mr. HARRY F. BYRD, JR. Mr. Presl- al page of the shall have the power: Times-Dispatch is Mr. Edward Grimsley. dent, the "To exercise exclusive legislation in Congress recently submitted to I ask that all the States for ratification an amendment the editorial be printed in cases whatsoever over such district (not ex- the Extensions of Rema to the Constitution providing full voting rks. ceeding 10 miles square) as may be, by ces- The editorial follows: slon of particular representation in the House of Repre- states and the acceptance CREATING A "STATE" 7 of Congress, become the seat of the govern- sentatives and the Senate for the District ment of the United States. ." of Columbia. The proposed constitutional amendment to give the District of Columbia voting rep- It is quite clear that the framers of the I opposed this amendment, believing resentation in Congress was commented on Constitution put the seat of government in that the District has none of the crucial in a recent editorial on this page. Because an entirely different category from the states characteristics of a State and should not adoption of the amendment would so dlrectly and that when they said each state should be so treated. affect all Americans, a further look is in have two representatives in the Senate, they Statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor will be identiñed by the use of a "bullet" symbol, i,e,, 0 September 15, 1978 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 29719 did not mean to include what later became cifically Executive Order 12072. This is granted, they must be very rare and the District of Columbia. involving Federal space management di granted only for truly important reasons. It ls true, of course, that the Constitution recting that Federal buildings be located I feel that Katharine is to be com ca.n be changed, but changes should be made mended for her energy, enthusiasm, and only when there are sound reasons, and in urban areas. such reasons are lacking in the case of the A constituent of mine was approached leadership in collecting these signatures. proposed amendment. by the Fish and Wildlife Service in order I salute the strength of her convictions The District of Columbia cannot in fact to secure rental space in his building. in this controversial area. be made a state by calling it one. Unlike They had wanted to relocate from an I want to call the attention of all my the others, it is all urban, and its one over urban area with high rent to a less ex colleagues to this effort by Katharine. riding interest is the federal government. If pensive and more desirable location. The There are a large numtier of people in it had voting representation in Congress, the Service does not have a walk-in clientele this country who believe in the original representatives in effect would be represent and the clients are more likely to be lo purpose of the Endangered Species Act ing the federal government.