
Created by Prodigious jumpchain Welcome to the world of heroes. Despite what the title may suggest, there's no running around in tights and capes. What they do have a lot of is powers. Besides these few powered families, the world functions more or less as normal. This can be attributed to 'The Company'. A department dedicated to making sure the existence of these people isn't discovered. Even if it requires a little memory wiping.

Save the cheerleader, save the world.

You are given +1000CP Location Roll a D8 for location or pay 100CP to choose

1. Odessa, Texas: Home of the Bennets and Primatech, your generic paper Company.

2. New York City: The big apple. Home to the Petrelli family.

3. Tokyo: The starting place of Hiro and Ando. Yamagato Industries is based here.

4. Santo Domingo: Home of Maya and Alejandro Herrera.

5. Madras, India: The former home of DrSuresh, and current home of Sanjog Lyer.

6. New Orleans: Home of the Dawsons, family to the Sanders.

7. Port-au-Prince, Haiti: Home of, you gussed it, the . 8. Free pick: Anywhere on earth. Background Age is 2D8+10 Gender is the same as before Pick both for 100CP

Drop in - Free You find yourself taking a leisurely walk in whatever location you selected. You can't remember starting the walk, or where you were heading. You should probably look for somewhere to stay. + No memories besides your own - Nothing in this world to help you

Citizen - 100 You're an average citizen of your starting area. Well average besides your powers. You better make sure no one finds out about that, or you could end up in a little trouble. + A decent life already set up with a home, job, and memories - You might want to check your neck for a strange symbol The company - 100 So you work for the company? One of us and one of them. That would make you the 'one of them'. Your job is to check out any known people with abilities and make sure that they cause no harm to anyone. If they're too much trouble, bag and tag. + If you work for the company, you aren't running from the company + Pretty cool job - May be forced to adopted a regenerator

The circus - 200 Sometimes it's best to hide in plain site. On a stage, more specifically. If you're someone who wants a large 'family', or to tour America showing off your power stage tricks, this is for you. This may also be the only place to show off your powers among other powered. + Powers are better with friends - You may be being used to increase another persons power +/- You're a circus performer Powers

Lie detection - 100 (Free drop in) Whenever someone lies you feel a distinct tingling sensation. Never be caught out again.

Future painting - 100 (Free civilian) Fall into a deep trance with art supplies in hand, wake up with the future on the canvas. The pictures will be vague, but I'm sure you'll work it out. Does not include any art skills.

Disintegration - 100 (Free The Company) By pointing your hand at a small object, and willing your power into the object, you can cause it to shatter. Don't expect this to work on anything too big or too durable. Your generic window breaking option.

Fire breathing - 100 (Free circus) With this ability you can transform into a dragon form. No not really, but you can still breathe fire. Alchemy - 200 (Discount drop in) Simply put, the power to turn other metals into gold. Just don't lower the value of gold too much.

Psychometrics - 200 (Discount civilian) Have you ever wondered about the past of an object? Now, by touching it, you can see the scenes it has witnessed. Just be careful not to touch your parents bed.

Microwave emissions - 200 (Discount The Company) Do not try to cook your food with this power. Objects will react to this power as they would should you stick them in a high powered microwave. Some stuff melts, some stuff burns.

Desire sensing - 200 (Discount Circus) See what people need. By kissing a person you can find out their deepest desire, whatever they may want the most. This can also work with skin to skin contact, but would take a lot longer. Body insertion - 600 (Discount drop in) Grab your friend and stick them in your other friend. Wait no, not like that. This ability will allow you to hide a person in another person, and have them control that person until you remove them again.

Clairvoyant dream manipulation - 600 (Discount civilian) Ever wondered what your family dream of. Well this power won't let you find out. What it will do is take you on a sort of spiritual journey with them, whilst they sleep. Show them what they need to see to move on in life.

Vortex creation - 600 (Discount The Company) Where it goes, nobody knows. At will, summon a miniature floaty vortex. This is about as dangerous as it sounds, sucking in everything around it. For the sake of surviving, it won't suck you in.

Adoptive muscle memory - 600 (Discount Circus) By watching someone perform a physical act, you can then perfectly mimic it. That's definitely the reason you were watching those gymnasts. Memory manipulation - 800 (Discount drop in) Remove the memory of an event from a person. Doesn't let you alter memories, just remove them. Using this ability too many times on a person can cause brain damage. Just don't kill the village.

Person finding - 800 (Discount civilian) They can run, but they can't hide. As long as you know the name and face of a person you can find them. Just hold a pin over a map and think of them, then slam down your hand. It will, quite literally, pin point their location.

Liquifying - 800 (Discount The Company) Any object you touch will be liquidized, so long as it isn't too big. It won't ever become solid, and won't gain the heat normally required to melt said object. How secure is that vault door now? Enhanced synesthesia - 800 (Discount Circus) Don't shout so brightly. You gain the ability to see sounds. Not only that, but you can also use a siren song. By playing any instrument, people who can hear it will stop what they're doing to come find you. As you play, they are unable to do anything but listen. To top it off, the music you play can form telekinetic blasts.

Gear and vechiles Options can be taken multiple times

Pistol - 100 A Strayer Voigt Infinity 1911 .45

Taser - 100 Sometime people don't need a hole in them

Kukri - 50 Like a mini machete

Sniper rifle - 150 If they can throw fire, it's best to keep a distance

A4 skyhawk - 400 A very big plane

Nisson cube - 150 Avoid superpowered babies

Sedatives - 100 Five syringes filled with sedative. Will never kill a target from overdose. Restores weekly.

Super formula - 500 Label the powers 1 to 16, then roll for a power. Whoever is injected will get said power. Drawbacks Can only take up to 600CP worth unless taking 'Powers Everywhere'

Eclipse - 100 The solar eclipse is what give people their powers. Sadly for you, the first eclipse isn't until six months after you get here. Enjoy spending the first six months as a regular human.

Criminal scum - 100 Your favorite companion is trapped in the body of Jesse Murphy. They lack all abilities accept his and are currently being held at Level-5 in The Company's building. If you don't have this companion near you when the jump ends, they will be trapped there.

Brain power - 200 It seems that wants access to your multiple abilities. Better hope you can hold him off. No matter your regenerative abilities, once he removes that part of your brain you're dead.

Company man - 200 (Cannot be taken with 'The Company' origin) The company have you down as a dangerous criminal of incredible power. They will send every powered individual they have after you. Being in range of The Haitian will block all your powers/abilities.

In universe - 300 You only have access to the abilities you gained in this jump. No warehouse either. Better hope you can survive without your tools. Haitianed - 500 If you want to play the convincing part, wipe all memories besides those gained by your origin. If you're a drop in, best of luck. On second thought, this isn't all that good.

Powers everywhere - 800 So jumper, how many powers do you own? I'm guessing it's somewhere in the hundreds. Now none of them are under your control. Flight could cut out in the sky, your pyrokinesis could light up the nearby woods, you could enter your ultimate form walking past the nearby school. Good luck shaking a persons hand when it could disolve them. I do hope you have no apocalyptic powers. In the end Ten years go fast. Your trial of this universe is over. What now?

Home needs a hero Your jumping days are over. Write Jumpchan a thankyou card, then vaish off back to the land from which you came.

Heroes reborn Super powers are fun. Feel free to stick around in this universe, and see the ending that never came. You will dissapear back home, but the problems you left behind will find themselves sorted.

Complete the chain Say goodbye to Hiro, unless you decide to take him, and carry on with your jumping adventures.