Edible Fynbos Plants: a Soil Types and Irrigation Regime Investigation on Tetragonia Decumbens and Mesembryanthemum Crystallinum

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Edible Fynbos Plants: a Soil Types and Irrigation Regime Investigation on Tetragonia Decumbens and Mesembryanthemum Crystallinum Edible Fynbos Plants: A Soil Types and Irrigation Regime Investigation on Tetragonia decumbens and Mesembryanthemum crystallinum by Chimwemwe Tembo-Phiri Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Sustainable Agriculture in the Faculty of AgriSciences at Stellenbosch University Supervisor: Ms Rhoda Malgas Co-supervisors: Dr Ethel E. Phiri Ms Loubie C. Rusch April 2019 Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za Declaration By submitting this thesis electronically, I declare that the entirety of the work contained therein is my own, original work, that I am the sole author thereof (save to the extent explicitly oth- erwise stated), that reproduction and publication thereof by Stellenbosch University will not infringe any third party rights and that I have not previously in its entirety or in part submitted it for obtaining any qualification. Date: . .April . .2019 . Copyright c 2019 Stellenbosch University All rights reserved. i Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za Abstract Fynbos’ rich biodiversity has been a source of much economic activity with its beautiful wild flowers and world-famous Proteas. Additionally, the medicinal and health benefits of rooibos and honey bush have enormous market value all over the world. Despite the importance of Fynbos as a biome, the value of its edible species as agronomic resources has been neglected. A two-part study having an agronomic and social component was conducted at the Welgevallen Experimental Farm (WEF, Stellenbosch University) and the Sustainability Institute (SI, Lyn- doch, Stellenbosch), respectively. The aim of the agronomic study was to determine the perfor- mance of Tetragonia decumbens (dune spinach) and Mesembryanthemum crystallinum (sout slaai) in relation to soil type and watering regime trials. A completely randomised design was used for the water trial having four treatments (no watering as a control, 25 %, 50 % and 80 % pot water holding capacity) and the soil trial having three treatments (dune sand from Kommetjie beach as a control, sandy soil from the SI, and loamy soil from WEF). Though the water treat- ments had no significant effect (p > 0.05) on the agronomic performance of dune spinach and sout slaai, the results suggested that the 25 % and 50 % water treatment levels are sufficient for growth of dune spinach and sout slaai when grown in the soil in which they naturally occur. Results from the soil regime trial indicated significant increases in agronomic performance of dune spinach and sout slaai among soil treatments, except the number of dune spinach run- ners and sout slaai leaf pairs. It was concluded that agronomic performance can be improved significantly when dune spinach and sout slaai are planted in more fertile sandy soils and well aerated loamy soils. For the social study, an indigenous food tasting event was organised at which a survey was administered to 24 respondents that primarily assessed their acceptance of the two edible fynbos species as alternative vegetables and nutrition sources. A cooked and raw version of each vegetable was tasted by each participant. The cooked version (smoortjie) of dune spinach, elicited a statistically significant median increase in acceptability compared to the, dune spinach salsa, exact p = 0.035. The sout slaai smoortjie did not generate a statistically significant median increase in acceptability compared to the sout slaai salsa, exact p = 0.092. It was found that the ‘overall acceptance of dune spinach vegetable’ was positively correlated to the ‘overall acceptance of sout slaai vegetable’, r(23) = 0.504, p = 0.01. There was no as- sociation between consumption intent and overall acceptance of the two indigenous vegeta- bles, r(23) = 0.362, p = 0.082. However, there was a strong positive association between the respondent’s overall acceptance of the two indigenous vegetables and their purchasing inten- tion, r(23) = 0.698, p < 0.001. The most important reason for purchasing these indigenous vegetables that emerged was the frequency of general vegetable shopping and desire to eat the vegetables. These reasons were closely followed by the availability on the market and price of the dune spinach and sout slaai. ii Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za Opsomming Fynbos se ryk biodiversiteit is ’n bron van baie ekonomiese aktiwiteite met sy pragtige veld- blomme en wêreldbekende Proteas. Daarbenewens het die medisinale en gesondheidsvoordele van rooibos en heuningbos geweldige markwaarde oor die hele wêreld heen. Ten spyte van die belangrikheid van Fynbos as ’n bioom, is die waarde van sy eetbare spesies as agronomiese hulpbronne verwaarloos. ’n Tweeledige studie met beide ’n agronomiese en gemeenskap kom- ponent is onderskeidelik by die Welgevallen proefplaas (WPP, Stellenbosch Universiteit) en die Volhoubaarheidsinstituut (VI, Lynedoch, Stellenbosch) gedoen. Die doel van die agronomiese studie was om die agronomiese prestasie van Tetragonia decumbens (duinspinasie) en Mesem- bryanthemum crystallinum (soutslaai) te bepaal tydens proewe met verskillende tipes grond and hoeveelhede water. ’n Ten volle lukrake ontwerp met drie behandelings en ’n kontrole is ge- bruik vir die waterproef; geen water as kontrole, en 25 %, 50 % en 80 % van die potgrond se waterhoudingskapasiteit. Die grondtipe proef het twee behandelings en een kontrole gehad: kus (duin) sand van Kommetjie-strand as kontrole, sandgrond van die VI en leemgrond van WPP. Alhoewel die waterbehandelings geen beduidende effek (p > 0.05) gehad het op die agronomiese prestasie van duinspinasie en soutslaai nie, het die resultate aangedui dat die 25 % en 50 % waterhoudingskapasiteit voldoende is vir die groei van duinspinasie en soutslaai in die grond waarop hulle natuurlik voorkom. Die grondtipe proef het ’n aansienlike toename in agronomiese prestasie van duinspinasie en soutslaai gewys. Grondanalise het aangedui dat beide spesies die vermoë het om marginale grond te verbeter. Daar is bevind dat agronomiese prestasie aansienlik verbeter kan word wanneer duinspinasie en soutslaai in meer vrugbare sanderige grond geplant word. Wat die gemeenskapstudie betref, is ’n inheemse-kos proe- geleentheid gereël waar 24 respondente aan ’n opname deelgeneem het wat hoofsaaklik hul aanvaarding van die twee eetbare Fynbossoorte as alternatiewe groentes en voedingbronne beoordeel het. ’n Gekookte (smoortjie) en rou (salsa) weergawe van elke groente is geproe. Die duinspinasie smoortjie het ’n statisties beduidende mediane toename in aanvaarbaarheid in vergelyking met die duinspinasie salsa verkry, presiese p = 0, 035. Die soutslaai smoortjie het nie ’n statisties-betekenisvolle mediane verhoging in aanvaarbaarheid in vergelyking met die soutslaai salsa genereer nie, presiese p = 0, 092. Daar is bevind dat die ‘algehele aanvaarding van duin-spinasiegroente’ positief gekorreleer is met die ‘algehele aanvaarding van soutslaai groente’, r(23) = 0.504, p = 0.01. Daar was geen verband tussen verbruiksvoorneme en al- gehele aanvaarding van die twee inheemse groente nie, r(23) = 0.362, p = 0.082. Daar was egter ’n sterk positiewe verband tussen die respondent se algehele aanvaarding van die twee inheemse groente en hul aankoopvoorneme, r(23) = 0.698, p < 0.001. Die belangrikste rede vir die aankoop van hierdie inheemse groente wat na vore gekom het, was die gereëldheid van algemene groente aankope en behoefte om die groente te eet. Hierdie redes is gevolg deur die beskikbaarheid op die mark en prys van die duinspinasie en soutslaai. iii Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za Acknowledgements I wish to express my gratitude and sincere thanks to my supervisors Ms. Rhoda Malgas, Ms. Loubie Rusch and Dr. Ethel E. Phiri for their guidance, knowledge and constructive criticism always bestowed with grace. I thank them for being wonderful role models and for setting good examples of hard work and dedication to their professions. I thank all who have con- tributed to the success of the Sustainable Agriculture South Africa (SASA) course offered at Stellenbosch University. Special thanks to Ms. Julia Harper for her friendship, comfort and advice. I wish to express my sincerest thanks to my financial sponsors, the Association of Common- wealth Universities (ACU). Many thanks to my course mates Charissa, Aviwe, Jackie and Trust for their encouragement and friendship during the course. To my husband, Dr. Temwani J. Phiri, I convey my heartfelt thanks for his love, sacrifice and unyielding support to ensure my success. To my parents and siblings, I wish to express many thanks for always having my back and for constantly praying for me. Finally, and most of all, I thank my Lord and God, the Father of Lights who does not change like shifting shadows and from whom all good things flow. To Him be all glory, honour and praise! iv Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS v The financial assistance of the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) towards this research is hereby acknowledged. Thanks to the Welgevallen Experimental Farm (WEF) for hosting my experiment. The partnership and support of the Sustainability Institute (SI) is greatly appreciated. Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za Dedicated to the sweetest, kindest and most thoughtful young man I will ever meet, my friend and baby brother, Tulombe. “Whatever happens to me, know that God is sovereign and is in control.” Till we meet again. Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za Contents Declaration i Abstract ii Opsomming iii Acknowledgements iv Contents vii List of Figures xi List of Tables xiii Nomenclature xv 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Overview . 1 1.2 The Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Agrobiodiversity . 1 1.3 The Role of Indigenous Vegetables in Addressing Food Security . 3 1.4 Statement of the Problem . 5 1.5 Justification . 7 1.6 Aims and Objectives . 8 1.7 Research Questions . 8 1.8 Conclusion . 8 1.9 Bibliography . 9 2 Literature Review 15 2.1 Overview . 15 2.2 Background to Edible Fynbos Species . 16 2.3 Cape Wild Foods . 18 2.3.1 Tetragonia decumbens Mill (Dune Spinach) . 19 2.3.2 Mesembryanthemum crystallinum (SoutSlaai).................. 21 2.3.3 Palatability and Nutrition .
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