SESSION OF 2001 185TH OF THE ASSEMBLY No. 62 7 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES JOURNAL APPROVAL POSTPONED The House convened at 1 p.m., e.s.t. The SPEAKER. Without objection, approval of the Journal of Tuesday, October 30, 2001, will be postponed until printed. THE SPEAKER (MATTHEW J. RYAN) The Chair hears no objection. PRESIDING JOURNAL APPROVED PRAYER The SPEAKER. Without objection, the Journal for Thursday, REV. THOMAS J. ROZMAN, Chaplain of the House of June 21, 2001, will stand approved. The Chair hears no Representatives and priest of the Diocese of Hamsburg, objection. Director of Vocations,-. vastor of Our Lady of Good Counsel, Marysville, Pennsylvania, and pastor Lf St. ~ernadette; Duncannon, Pennsylvania, offered the following prayer: HOUSE BILLS INTRODUCED AND REFERRED Let us pray: God our creator and sustainer, You guide the events of our No. 2095 By Representatives GORDNER, ADOLPH, lives, and You guide all human works that have a good purpose. BARD, BASTIAN, BROWNE, COLEMAN, CORRIGAN, Prompt all those who believe in You to praise and worship You CREIGHTON, DeLUCA, DiGIROLAMO, J. EVANS, with our hearts and voices. FRANKEL, GODSHALL, HERSHEY, HORSEY, MARSICO, You are the source and origin of every blessing. Strengthen PALLONE, PICKETT, RUFFING, SATHER, SCHRODER, and bless all the citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. SHANER, B. SMITH, STEELMAN, STERN, E. Z. TAYLOR, Bless all those whom we have elected to lead us in government. THOMAS, TIGUE, TURZAI, WASHINGTON, WATERS, We believe that in all things we must seek Your help. Be with WATSON, WOJNAROSKI, G. WRIGHT, YOUNGBLOOD, us so that we may have comulete reliance on You. YUDICHAK, PISTELLA, HENNESSEY and McGILL We ask YO& blessing cpon the House of Representatives An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania today. Strengthen them to be the good stewards of the gifts that Consolidated Statutes, further providing for restraint systems. You have given them. As they continue to guide and lead the people of our Commonwealth, give them the gifts of courage Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION, and understanding, the gifts of counsel and fortitude, the gifts of October 3 1,2001. knowledge and piety, and the gift of the fear of the Lord. Guide all of their deliberations and discussions. Guide their No. 2096 By Representatives JOSEPHS, BEBKO-JONES, hearts and their minds in seeking the common good. Give to BISHOP, CASORIO, COLAFELLA, DALEY, FREEMAN, them prudence and wisdom. Give them a sense of joy and the GEORGE, I-IARHAI, LAUGHLIN, McCALL, MUNDY, knowledge of Your peace. PISTELLA, ROONEY, SCRIMENTI, STETLER, THOMAS, Heavenly God, we invoke Your name this day. We ask You TRELLO, WALKO, WASHINGTON, C.WILLIAMS, to bless all those gathered here. We ask You to bless the WOJNAROSKI, FRANKEL, CURRY, DeWEESE, GEIST, proceedings that will take place this day. GRUCELA, JAMES, MANN, MELIO, PETRARCA, We honor, glorify, and praise You, for You are God, forever ROBERTS, SAMUELSON, SOLOBAY, STURLA, and ever. Amen. TRAVAGLIO, TRICH, WANSACZ, WATERS, J. WILLIAMS, YOUNGBLOOD and PALLONE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE An Act requiring the Committee on Management Operations of the The SPEAKER. In the pledging of 'allegiance today, look to Senate and the Bipartisan Management Committee of the House of Representatives to form a task force on security; and providing for the the rear of the House. The American flag that is usually up here development of a security plan. is not here today. Referred to Committee on RULES, October 3 1,2001. (The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by members and visitors.) 6 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL--HOUSE NOVEMBER 13

No. 2097 By Representatives LYNCH, BARD, BARRAR, An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the CAPPELLI, CLARK, COLEMAN, CREIGHTON, GABIG, Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, defining "public service recipient"; and further providing for dissemination of criminal record GEIST, GODSHALL, GRUCELA, HERSHEY, JAMES, LEH, information. MELIO, PETRARCA, ROHRER, SAINATO, SEMMEL, SHANER, STABACK, STEELMAN, E. Z. TAYLOR, TIGUE, Referred to Committee on JUDICIARY, October 3 1,2001. TRELLO, WILT and WOJNAROSKI No.2102 By Representatives L. I. COHEN, An Act establishing a select committee to study and report the ramifications of repealing The Local Tax Enabling Act and BEBKO-JONES, BROWNE, BUNT, CREIGHTON, taxation provisions of local government codes; and authorizing FREEMAN, HORSEY, JAMES, LEDERER, R. MILLER, local government units to devise their own systems of taxation. PALLONE, SCRIMENTI, SHANER, SOLOBAY, STEELMAN, J. TAYLOR, THOMAS, TIGUE, WALKO, Referred to Committee on RULES, October 31,2001. WANSACZ, WASHINGTON, WATSON, YOUNGBLOOD, G. WRIGHT and HARPER No. 2098 By Representatives COLAFELLA, WON, M. COHEN, BELARDI, D. EVANS, CURRY, GRUCELA, An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of KREBS, MUNDY, McILHATTAN, NAILOR, ROEBUCK, the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for death action. STEELMAN, T. STEVENSON, ADOLPH, ALLEN, BEBKO-JONES, BELFANTI, BISHOP, BROWNE, Referred to Committee on JUDICIARY, October 3 1,200 1. CAPPELLI, L. I. COHEN, CORRIGAN, COSTA, CREIGHTON, DAILEY, DALEY, DALLY, DONATUCCI, No. 2103 By Representatives L. I. COHEN, FREEMAN, GEORGE, GORDNER, HALUSKA, HARHAI, BEBKO-JONES, BUNT, CAPPELLI, CLARK, CREIGHTON, HERSHEY, JAMES, JOSEPHS, KAISER, KENNEY, DeWEESE, DIVEN, FAIRCHILD, FEESE, FLICK, LaGROTTA, LAUGHLIN, LEWIS, MANDERINO, MANN, GRUCELA, HARHAI, HORSEY, JAMES, KAISER, MARKOSEK, MELIO, MICOZZIE, MYERS, OLIVER, MARKOSEK, McILHATTAN, PETRARCA, SCHRODER, PERZEL, PETRARCA, PIPPY, PRESTON, RAYMOND, SHANER, STABACK, STEELMAN, THOMAS, TRELLO, READSHAW, RUBLEY, SAINATO, SAMUELSON, WOJNAROSKI, YOUNGBLOOD, McGILL and J. TAYLOR SHANER, STABACK, STEIL, R. STEVENSON, TANGRETTI, E. Z. TAYLOR, J. TAYLOR, THOMAS, An Act amending Title 24 (Education) of the Pennsylvania TIGUE, TRAVAGLIO, TRELLO, TRICH, WALKO, Consolidated Statutes, further providing for creditable nonschool WANSACZ, WATERS, WATSON, J.WILLIAMS, service and for creditable work experience. WOJNAROSKI, YOUNGBLOOD, YUDICHAK, TULLI, ROBINSON and STURLA Referred to Committee on EDUCATION, October 3 1,2001.

An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), No. 2104 By Representatives C. WILLIAMS, known as the Public School Code of 1949, further providing for financial program. BEBKO-JONES, BROWNE, CORRIGAN, CRUZ, D. EVANS, FRANKEL, HENNESSEY, HORSEY, MANN, MELIO, PALLONE, SHANER, STEELMAN, E. Z. TAYLOR, Referred to Committee on EDUCATION, October 3 1,2001. WASHINGTON, WATSON, J. WILLIAMS, G. WRIGHT and YOUNGBLOOD No. 2099 By Representatives SCHRODER, ADOLPH, ARMSTRONG, BARD, BASTIAN, BENNINGHOFF, An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania BIRMELIN, CLARK, CLYMER, L. I. COHEN, COLEMAN, Consolidated Statutes, further providing for restraint systems and DAILEY, DALEY, EGOLF, FAIRCHILD, FLICK, FORCER, points for violations. GABIG, HARPER, HERSHEY, LEH, MAITLAND, MARSICO, METCALFE, R. MILLER, NAILOR, ROHRER, Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION, ROSS, RUBLEY, SATHER, SAYLOR, SCI-IULER, October 3 1,200 1. SCRIMENTI, STEIL, T. STEVENSON, E. Z. TAYLOR, VANCE, WILT and ZUG No. 2105 By Representatives CALTAGIRONE, FREEMAN, LAWLESS, GRUCELA, LAUGHLIN, An Act providing for voluntary payroll deduction for political LEVDANSKY, SAINATO, DeLUCA, JAMES, HALUSKA, contributions, for regulation of labor organization political contributions, for enforcement and for penalties; and imposing powers MELIO and WASHINGTON and duties on the Department of State. An Act establishing a procedure for the award of community revitalization program grants. Referred to Committee on LABOR RELATIONS, October 3 1,200 1. Referred to Committee on LOCAL GOVERNMENT, October 31,2001. No. 2101 By Representatives L. I. COHEN, CREIGHTON, CURRY, FRANKEL, GEORGE, HARHAI, HORSEY, JAMES, MELIO, READSHAW, STABACK, THOMAS, No. 2106 By Representatives CALTAGIRONE, MANN, TIGUE, TRELLO, YOUNGBLOOD and G. WRIGHT SHANER, STABACK, EACHUS, SOLOBAY, HORSEY, JAMES, G. WRIGHT, COLEMAN, TRELLO and PALLONE LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL--HOUSE 1973

An Act amending the act of June 23, 1931 (P.L.932, No.317), BEBKO-JONES, WANSACZ, YOUNGBLOOD, GEORGE, known as The Third Class City Code, providing for labor contract MARKOSEK, FREEMAN, McCALL, WOJNAROSKI, negotiations. GRUCELA, JOSEPHS, HORSEY, BELFANTI, SOLOBAY, TRELLO, DeLUCA, STEELMAN, JAMES and G. WRIGHT Referred to Committee on URBAN AFFAIRS, October 3 1, 200 1. An Act establishing the Office of Pennsylvania Advocacy and Liaison in the Department of Labor and Industry; providing for its No. 2107 By Representatives PIPPY, BARRAR, purpose, duties and administration; and making an appropriation. BENNINGHOFF, CAPPELLI, CLARK., CREIGHTON, DeWEESE, DiGIROLAMO, FLEAGLE, GEIST, GEORGE, Referred to Committee on LABOR RELATIONS, HALUSKA, HARHAI, HENNESSEY, HERSHEY, MAHER, October 3 1,200 1. McCALL, McILHATTAN, METCALFE, PALLONE, ROHRER, ROSS, SAINATO, SAYLOR, SHANER, STERN and T. STEVENSON No. 2112 By Representatives ROSS, E. Z. TAYLOR, BARD, BEBKO-JONES, BELFANTI, BROWNE, BUNT, An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of CAPPELLI, CLYMER, L. I. COHEN, COY, CREIGHTON, the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for qualification of jurors. CURRY, DALEY, DiGIROLAMO, FAIRCHILD, FLICK, GEIST, GEORGE, HARHAI, HARHART, HASAY, HERSHEY, HORSEY, JAMES, JOSEPHS, LAUGHLIN, Referred to Committee on JUDICIARY, October 3 1,2001. LEDERER. MAITLAND. McCALL. S. MILLER, NAILOR. PHILLIPS, 'READSHAW, SATHER; SAYLOR; No. 2108 By Representatives PIPPY, SOLOBAY, PETRARCA, SCHRODER, SEMMEL, SHANER, STEELMAN, STERN, MAYERNIK, CLYMER, COSTA, DERMODY, J. EVANS, STETLER, SURRA, TRELLO, WASHINGTON, WATSON, GEORGE, HARHAI, HORSEY, JOSEPHS, KELLER, ROSS, WOGAN, G. WRIGHT, YOUNGBLOOD, HENNESSEY, SHANER, WASHINGTON, YOUNGBLOOD, YUDICHAK, HARPER and McGILL COLEMAN, HENNESSEY and McGILL An Act providing for Lyme disease research and prevention; and An Act amending Titles 66 (Public Utilities) and making an appropriation. 74 (Transportation) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, regulating limousine service in counties of the second class. Referred to Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN Referred to Committee on CONSUMER AFFAIRS, SERVICES, November 13,2001. October 3 1,2001.

No. 2109 By Representatives GABIG, M. BAKER, No. 2113 By Representatives STERN, THOMAS, TRICH, CAPPELLI, CLARK, COLEMAN, CREIGHTON, EGOLF, CALTAGIRONE, SHANER, WOJNAROSKI, SOLOBAY, GODSHALL, LEDERER, LYNCH, McCALL, METCALFE, GODSHALL, GRUCELA, HUTCHINSON, SAINATO, R. MILLER, ROHRER, SAYLOR, E. Z. TAYLOR and CAPPELLI, M. BAKER, BEBKO-JONES, E. Z. TAYLOR, WOGAN HESS, BASTIAN, CREIGHTON, HARHAI, HENNESSEY, WATERS, L. I. COHEN, LESCOVITZ, YOUNGBLOOD, An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of HORSEY, WASHINGTON, ZIMMERMAN, STEELMAN, the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for liability for DIVEN and COLAFELLA violations of general and specific criminal statutes and for merger of sentences. An Act amending Title 71 (State Government) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for the purchase of retirement credit Referred to Committee on JUDICIARY, October 3 1,2001. for service in a state government other than the Commonwealth.

No.2110 By Representatives DALEY, DeWEESE, Referred to Committee on STATE GOVERNMENT, HALUSKA, THOMAS, HASAY, SHANER, STABACK, November 13,2001. CLARK, MANN, HARHAI, WALKO, TRAVAGLIO, YOUNGBLOOD, CORRIGAN, HORSEY, LEVDANSKY, STEELMAN, J. WILLIAMS, ROONEY and PETRARCA 1 No. 2114 By Representatives LEDERER, SCHULER, McGEEHAN, ROONEY, TURZAI, CRUZ, YUDICHAK, An Act amending the act of December 7, 1982 (P.L.784, No.225), CAPPELLI, CORRIGAN, READSHAW, DALEY, WATSON, known as the Dog Law, further providing for public safety and penalties related to dangerous dogs; and providing for potentially WOJNAROSKI, HORSEY, BELFANTI, PISTELLA, dangerous dogs. HARHAI, TRELLO, YOUNGBLOOD, GEORGE, WASHINGTON, KELLER, OLIVER, COLAFELLA, Referred to Committee on AGRICULTURE AND RURAL PALLONE, HENNESSEY and PETRONE AFFAIRS, October 3 1,200 1. An Act amending the act of March 4, 197 1 (P.L.6, NO.^), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, excluding certain estates from No. 211 1 By Representatives VEON, LAUGHLIN, personal income taxation. SANTONI, READSHAW, MELIO, YUDICHAK, ROONEY, STABACK, WALKO, McGEEHAN, BELARDI, Referred to Committee on FINANCE, November 13,2001. 1974 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL--HOUSE NOVEMBER 13


Referred to Committee on TOURISM An Act amending the act of December 31, 1965 (P.L.1257, RECREATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, November 13,2001. N0.51 I), known as The Local Tax Enabling Act, providing for a citizens property tax freeze; RENARD, MAHER, PERZEL, DeLUCA, ADOLPH, BELFANTI, BUNT, Refemd to Commitfee on LOCAL GOVERNME*, November 13, 2001. CAPPELLI, CORNELL, COSTA, DALEY, DERMODY, J. EVANS, FAIRCHILD, FRANKEL, GEORGE, HALUSKA, HANNA, HARHAI, HARPER, HERMAN, HORSEY, No. 2120 By Representatives LEWIS, BELFANTI, BUNT, HUTCHINSON, JAMES, LEDERER, LEH, LUCYK, COLEMAN, CREIGHTON, DeWEESE, FREEMAN, MARSICO, McCALL, McGEEHAN, McILHATTAN, GRUCELA, HERMAN, HORSEY, JAMES, PETRARCA, McNAUGHTON, MELIO, MICOZZIE, NAILOR, PALLONE, SOLOBAY, STABACK, STEELMAN, STERN, PETRARCA, PETRONE, PICKETT, PIPPY, PISTELLA, E. Z. TAYLOR, THOMAS, TIGUE, WILT, WOJNAROSKI ROBERTS, ROBINSON, ROONEY, ROSS. SAINATO. and YOUNGBLOOD SATHER, . SEMMEL, SHANER, SOLOBAY; STABACK, An Act authorizing the Department of Agriculture to make grants STURLA, SURRA, TANGRETTI, TRELLO, TULLI, to nonprofit organizations that assist certain individuals to obtain TURZAI, WALKO, WASHINGTON, WATSON, WILT, financing for the construction, refurbishing and servicing of WOGAN, M. WRIGHT, YOUNGBLOOD, CIVERA, TRICH, individually owned household water well systems in rural areas. HENNESSEY, SCHRODER, DeWEESE, STETLER, L. I. COHEN and E. Z. TAYLOR Referred to Committee on AGRICULTURE AND RURAL AFFAIRS, November 13,2001. An Act amending the act of April 12, 1951 (P.L.90, No.21), known as the Liquor Code, further providing for the sale of liquor to No. 2121 By Representatives VANCE, MANDERINO, licensees. DAILEY, BOYES, THOMAS, ARMSTRONG, M. BAKER, BARRAR, BEBKO-JONES, BUTKOVITZ, CAPPELLI, Referred to Committee on FINANCE, November 13,2001. COLEMAN, CORRIGAN, COY, CREIGHTON, CURRY, DALEY, DeLUCA, DiGIROLAMO, J. EVANS, FLICK, No. 2117 By Representatives HARI-IART, BROWNE, FREEMAN, GEIST, GEORGE, HARHAI, HORSEY, GEIST, E. Z. TAYLOR, CAPPELLI, CAWLEY, DALEY, HUTCHINSON, JAMES, JOSEPHS, MARSICO, HORSEY, JAMES, KIRKLAND, MANN, McILHATTAN, McGEEHAN, McILHATTAN, MICOZZIE, R. MILLER, PISTELLA, SHANER, STABACK, STERN, THOMAS, S. MILLER, MUNDY, NICKOL, PALLONE, PETRARCA, TIGUE, WASHINGTON, WATERS, WILT, WOGAN, PISTELLA, ROSS, SANTONI, SATHER, SEMMEL, G. WRIGHT and YOUNGBLOOD SHANER, B. SMITH, SOLOBAY, STEELMAN, STERN, An Act amending the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), known E. Z. TAYLOR, TRAVAGLIO, TRELLO, TRICH, WATSON, as the Public Welfare Code, further providing for payments to counties J. WILLIAMS, WILT, WOJNAROSKI and G. WRIGHT for services to children. An Act amending the act of May 22, 1951 (P.L.317, No.69), Referred to Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN known as The Professional Nursing Law, further defining "practice of professional nursing"; further providing for the duties of the SERVICES, November 13,2001. State Board of Nursing; and making a repeal.


' No. 2122 By Representatives BROWNE, ARGALL, No. 2125 By Representatives B. SMITH, RYAN and BELARDI, BENNINGHOFF, CAPPELLI, CLARK, STABACK L. I. COHEN, CURRY, DAILEY, DALLY, DeLUCA, FORCIER, FRANKEL, FREEMAN, GEIST, GEORGE, An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania GRUCELA, HARHART, HENNESSEY, HERMAN, Consolidated Statutes, increasing the penalty for safety zone violations. HORSEY, HUTCHINSON, JAMES, MANDERINO, MANN, McCALL, McILHATTAN, MELIO, S. MILLER, NAILOR, Referred to Committee on GAME AND FISHERIES, PIPPY, ROSS, SAMUELSON, SATHER, SCHRODER, November 13,200 1. SHANER, SOLOBAY, STABACK, STEELMAN, E. Z. TAYLOR, THOMAS, TIGUE, TRICH, WALKO, No. 2126 By Representatives BENNINGHOFF, HERMAN, WASHINGTON, WATERS, WATSON, C. WILLIAMS, ARMSTRONG, M. BAKER, BELFANTI, CAPPELLI, WILT, WOJNAROSKI, YOUNGBLOOD, YUDICHAK and COLEMAN, CREIGHTON, DALEY, FEESE, GRUCELA, ZUG HANNA, HARHART, HORSEY, McILHATTAN, METCALFE, PICKETT, RUBLEY, B. SMITH, SOLOBAY, An Act amending the act of July 8, 1986 (P.L.408, No.89), known STEELMAN, TIG.UE, TRICH, WASHINGTON, WILT and as the Health Care Cost Containment Act, further providing for data WOJNAROSKI submission and collection and for data dissemination and publication; providing for fees; and ,establishing the Health Maintenance An Act amending the act of June 22, 2001 (P.L.374, No.24), Organization Reports Restricted Account. known as the Optional Occupation Tax Elimination Act, further providing for the definitions of "governing body" and "political Referred to Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN subdivision" and for earned income tax limits; and making an editorial SERVICES, November 13,2001. correction.



An Act amending Title 71 (State Government) of the Pennsylvania An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), Consolidated Statutes, providing for cost-of-living increases for known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, providing for contribution retirees. limitations and independent expenditures.

Referred to Committee on STATE GOVERNMENT, Referred to Committee on STATE GOVERNMENT, November 13,2001. November 13,2001.

No. 2133 By Representatives LEVDANSKY, BROWNE, No. 2129 By Representatives BROWNE, M. BAKER, DeWEESE, HARHART, FREEMAN, VEON, STEELMAN, CAPPELLI, CREIGHTON, CURRY, DALLY, GEIST, GORDNER, MANDERINO, GRUCELA, HANNA, JOSEPHS, HARHAI, HENNESSEY, KELLER, LEDERER, MAHER, WOJNAROSKI and YUDICHAK MANN, MARKOSEK, PALLONE, SATHER, SAYLOR, SOLOBAY, E. Z. TAYLOR, J. TAYLOR, TIGUE, TRICH, An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, providing for definitions; TURZAI, WILT, WOJNAROSKI and YOUNGBLOOD establishing the Pennsylvania Fair Campaign Fund and its administration; providing for funding limitations and use and for An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the transfers; and making an appropriation. Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for the offense of unlawful possession of retail or library theft instruments. Referred to Committee on STATE GOVERNMENT, Referred to Committee on JUDICIARY, November 13, November 13,2001. 2001. No. 2134 By Representatives LEVDANSKY, BROWNE, DeWEESE, NAILOR, WON, HARHART, FREEMAN, BARD, JOSEPHS, GORDNER, STEELMAN, GRUCELA, No. 2130 By Representatives BROWNE, THOMAS, MANDERINO, HANNA and WOJNAROSKI M. BAKER, CAPPELLI, CREIGHTON, CURRY, DALLY, EGOLF, FAIRCHILD, FRANKEL, GEIST, HARHAI, An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), HORSEY, KELLER, MAI-IER, MANN, McGEEHAN, known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, providing for definitions; PALLONE, SAYLOR, SOLOBAY, STURLA, E. Z. TAYLOR, creating the Pennsylvania State Board of Elections and defining its J. TAYLOR, TRICH, TURZAI, WANSACZ, C. WILLIAMS, powers and duties; providing for a fair campaign code, for regulations at polling places, for independent expenditures, for political action WILT, WOGAN, WOJNAROSKI and YOUNGBLOOD committees and affiliated committees, for in-kind contributions, for committee organizations, for reporting by candidates and political An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the committees, for quarterly reports, for funding limitations and use and Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for retail theft. for transfers; making an appropriation; and making repeals.

Referred to Committee on JUDICIARY, November 13, Referred to Committee on STATE GOVERNMENT, 200 1. November 13,2001.

No. 2135 By Representatives TURZAI, T. STEVENSON, No. 2131 By Representatives MAITLAND, ARGALL, HORSEY, STERN, McILHINNEY, CAPPELLI, BEBKO-JONES, BUNT, CAPPELLI, COLEMAN, COSTA, CREIGHTON, MARKOSEK, HENNESSEY, SAMUELSON, CREIGHTON, DeWEESE, FAIRCHILD, FICHTER, CRUZ, E. Z. TAYLOR, TIGUE, GRUCELA, HABAY, FLEAGLE, FREEMAN, GABIG, GEIST, GEORGE, CLARK, PISTELLA, ROSS, PETRARCA, WILT, GRUCELA, HARHAI, HERSHEY, HORSEY, JAMES, J. TAYLOR, WATSON and COLEMAN McILHATTAN, R. MILLER, S. MILLER, NICKOL, PICKETT, PISTELLA, SAMUELSON, SATHER, SCHULER, An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania SCRIMENTI, SEMMEL, SHANER, B. SMITH, STABACK, Consolidated Statutes, hrther providing for driving under influence of TANGRETTI, E. Z. TAYLOR, TIGUE, WALKO, WATSON, alcohol or controlled substance. G. WRIGHT and YOUNGBLOOD Referred to Committee on JUDICIARY, November 13, An Act amending Title 37 (Historical and Museums) of the 200 1. Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, for powers and No. 2136 By Representatives BASTIAN, ARGALL, duties of the commission and for publications and reproductions; and making a repeal. ARMSTRONG, BARD, BARLEY, BARRAR, BELARDI, BELFANTI, CALTAGIRONE, CAPPELLI, CAWLEY, COY, Referred to Committee on STATE GOVERNMENT, CREIGHTON, DALEY, DERMODY, DeWEESE, November 13,200 1. FAIRCHILD, FLICK, GABIG, GEORGE, GODSHALL, GORDNER, HALUSKA. HANNA. HERMAN, HESS.


' MARKOSEK, NAILOR, PERZEL, PHILLIPS, PIPPY, Referred to Committee on INTERGOVERNMENTAL READSHAW, ROBINSON, ROHRER, ROONEY, RUBLEY, AFFAIRS, October 3 1,2001. RYAN, SATHER, SCHULER, B. SMITH, S.H. SMITH, SOLOBAY, T. STEVENSON, SURRA, E. Z. TAYLOR, The SPEAKER. Members, please report to the floor. TIGUE, VANCE, WATSON, G. WRIGHT, DiGIROLAMO, We have a brief ceremony that will begin in about 5 minutes or TANGRETTI, HARHAI, JADLOWIEC, GEIST, LUCYK, so in honor of Veterans Day, Armistice Day for the older guys SANTONI, SAMUELSON, CORNELL and SEMMEL like me, and we really have special guests who are special guests. We have five representatives of Easy Company from the An Act establishing the Heroes of Flight 93 Memorial famous "" book on the lOlst Airborne. They Commission as a temporary commission to develop plans for the are here with us today. They will be with us after we adjourn to establishment of a State memorial honoring the passengers and crew of United Airlines Flight 93; requiring a report of findings, meet any of you, so please leave your offices now and come up recommendations and proposed legislation; and making an to the floor. appropriation.

Referred to Committee on STATE GOVERNMENT, FILMING PERMISSION November 13,2001. The SPEAKER. The gentleman, Mr. Vathis, is granted permission to take photographs. HOUSE RESOLUTIONS Amiran White from the Patriot-News is granted permission INTRODUCED AND REFERRED to take still photographs.

No. 346 By Representatives LYNCH, BARD, BARRAR, CAPPELLI, CLARK, COLEMAN, CREIGHTON, GABIG, BILLS REPORTED FROM COMMITTEES, GEIST, GODSHALL, GRUCELA, HERSHEY, JAMES, LEH, CONSIDERED FIRST TIME, AND TABLED MELIO, PETRARCA, ROHRER, SAINATO, SEMMEL, SHANER, STABACK, STEELMAN, E. Z. TAYLOR, TIGUE, HB 110, PN 94 By Rep. GANNON TRELLO, WILT and WOJNAROSIU An Act amending the act of July 28, 1953 (P.L.723, No.230), known as the Second Class County Code, repealing the authority to A Concurrent Resolution directing a select committee to study destroy certain records. the ramifications of repealing The Local Tax Enabling Act and taxation provisions of local government codes; and authorizing local government units to devise their own systems of taxation. JUDICIARY.

Referred to Committee on RULES, October 3 1,2001. HB 481, PN 2853 (Amended) By Rep. FLICK An Act amending the act of June 2, 1915 (P.L.736, No.338), No. 347 By Representatives WANSACZ, CLYMER, known as the Workers' Compensation Act, further providing for rescue BELFANTI, BUNT, CORRIGAN, CREIGHTON, CRUZ, volunteers. DeLUCA, FAIRCHILD, GEIST, HARHAI, HERMAN, HORSEY, JAMES, LAUGHLIN, MAHER, MARKOSEK, LABOR RELATIONS. McGEEHAN, MELIO, MUNDY, PIPPY, SAINATO, SCI-IRODER, SCRIMENTI, SHANER, SOLOBAY, HB 529, PN 572 By Rep. CLYMER STEELMAN, E. Z. TAYLOR, J. TAYLOR, THOMAS, TIGUE, TRICH, WASHINGTON, WATSON, J. WILLIAMS, An Act amending the act of June 5, 1913 (P.L.419, No.276), WILT, WOJNAROSKI and PALLONE entitled "An act to authorize the display of the State, county, city, borough, or other municipal flags on public buildings in the A Resolution directing the Veterans Affairs and Emergency Commonwealth," providing for display of the Pennsylvania flag over Preparedness Committee to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of memorials, caskets and at funerals of certain persons. juvenile firesetting behaviors and effects on the communities of this Commonwealth. STATE GOVERNMENT.

Referred to Committee on RULES, October 3 1,2001. HB 974, PN 2854 (Amended) By Rep. FLICK

No. 349 By Representatives VEON, LAUGHLIN, An Act amending the act of May 13, 1915 (P.L.286, No.177), SANTONI, READSHAW, G. WRIGHT, MELIO, ROONEY, known as the Child Labor Law, providing for youth peddling. WALKO, BELARDI, JOSEPHS, HORSEY, BELFANTI, SOLOBAY, TRELLO, DeLUCA, STEELMAN, JAMES, LABOR RELATIONS. YUDICHAK, STABACK, McGEEHAN, BEBKO-JONES, WANSACZ, YOUNGBLOOD, GEORGE, MARKOSEK, HB 1483, PN 1802 By Rep. CLYMER FREEMAN, McCALL, WOJNAROSKI and GRUCELA An Act authorizing the Department of General Services, with the A Resolution memorializing the President to establish a Federal approval of the Governor and the Department of Environmental resource center in Pennsylvania to aid workers and retirees in Protection, to sell and convey to the Edinboro Regional Community processing claims under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Services, Inc., a certain tract of land situate in Washington Township, Compensation Program Act of 2000. Erie County, Pennsylvania. 1978 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL--HOUSE NOVEMBER 13

STATE GOVERNMENT. tracts of land and a building situate in the City of Harrisburg, I Dauphin County. By Rep. GANNON I STATE GOVERNMENT, An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for cruelty to SB 138, PN 281 By Rep. GANNON animals. An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of JUDICIARY the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for compensation of multicounty investigating grand jurors. HB 2013, PN 2850 (Amended) By Rep. GEIST I RTDICIARY. An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for a Pride in America registration SB 607, PN 1513 (Amended) By Rep. CLYMER plate. An Act amending the act of November 1, 1971 (P.L.495, No.113), TRANSPORTATION. entitled, as amended, "An act providing for the compensation of county officers in counties of the second through eighth classes, for compensation of district attorneys in cities and counties of the HB 2016, PN 2851 (Amended) By Rep. GEIST first class, for compensation of district election officers in all counties, for the disposition of fees, for filing of bonds in certain cases and for An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania duties of certain officers," Mher providing for the compensation of Consolidated Statutes, further providing for applicability and clerks of election and machine operators; and making a repeal. uniformity of law and for disposition and use of liquid fuels and fuels tax. STATE GOVERNMENT.

TRANSPORTATION. SB 818, PN 1514 (Amended) By Rep. GANNON

HB 2024, PN 2852 (Amended) By Rep. CLYMER An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for An Act authorizing and directing the Department of law enforcement records. General Services, with the approval of the Department of Environmental Protection and the Governor, to grant and convey to JUDICIARY. Moosic Realty Company, certain lands situate in the Borough of Moosic, County of Lackawanna. SB 907, PN 1512 (Amended) By Rep. GEIST STATE GOVERNMENT. An Act designating a portion of SR 11 in Salem Township, Luzerne County, as Salem Boulevard and a portion of US Route 1 19 in HI3 2048, PN 2698 By Rep. CLYMER Indiana County as the Patrick J. Stapleton Memorial Highway and the North George Street Bridge in the City of York, York County, as the An Act amending the act of June 25, 1999 (P.L.205, No.27), Governor George Leader Bridge. entitled, as amended, "An act authorizing the Department of General Services, with the approval of the Governor, to convey to TRANSPORTATION. East Allen Township, Northampton County, certain land situate in East Allen Township, Northampton County, and to convey to the trustees of the University of Pittsburgh certain land situate in the City of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County; authorizing and directing the GUESTS INTRODUCED State Armory Board of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs and the Department of General Services, with the approval of The SPEAKER. The Chair is pleased to welcome to the the Governor, to convey to the Historical and Genealogical Society of hall of the House today a group from South Philadelphia, the Indiana County a tract of land situate in the Borough of Indiana, Lady Lioness Club, here as the guests of Representative County of Indiana, Pennsylvania; authorizing and directing the Department of General Services, with the approval of the Governor and Donatucci. They are the largest Lioness Club group in the Department of Transportation, to sell and convey to the Borough of world, according to Mr. Donatucci's notes. Among the group is Hollidaysburg certain land situate in the Borough of Hollidaysburg, the wife of the Representative, Maria, who is currently the Blair County, Pennsylvania; authorizing the Department of General president; his sister, Rita, who is past president; and his Services, with the approval of the Governor, to convey a tract of land in the Borough of Selinsgrove, Snyder County, to the Eastern Snyder daughter, Dierdre. Where is this group? Would the group please County Regional Authority in exchange for another tract of land in the stand to be acknowledged. Borough of Selinsgrove, Snyder County; and authorizing and directing Dierdre, I missed the pronunciation of your name. the Department of General Services, with the approval of the Governor, I apologize. to grant and convey to Snyder County certain lands situate in Penn Township," further providing for reversion of property. LEAVES OF ABSENCE STATE GOVERNMENT. The SPEAKER. The Chair calls on the majority whip for HB 2063, PN 2726 By Rep. CLYMER leaves of absence. The gentleman requests leave for the week for the gentleman, Mr. PERZEL. Without objection, leave will An Act authorizing the Department of General Services, with the be granted. The Chair hears none. approval of the Governor, to grant and convey to the City of Hamsburg 2001 LEGISLATIVE J(

The Chair recognizes the gentleman, Mr. Veon, who requests DiGirolamo Levdansky Ruff~ng Zimmerman Diven Lewis Sainato zug leave for the week for the gentlemen, Mr. STABACK and Donatucci Lucyk Samuelson Mr. TRAVAGLIO; and for the day for the gentleman, Eachus Lynch Santoni Mr. SCRIMENTI; the gentleman, Mr. BLAUM; and the Egolf Mackereth Sather Ryan, Evans, D. Maher Saylor Speaker gentleman from Philadelphia, Mr. CRUZ. Without objection, the leaves will be granted. The Chair hears none. COMMUNICATIONS FROM GOVERNOR I NOT VOTING4 APPROVAL OF HOUSE BILLS I EXCUSED4 The Speaker laid before the House communications in Blaum Perzel Staback Travaglio writing from the office of His Excellency, the Governor of the Cruz Scrimenti Commonwealth, advising that the following House bills had LEAVES ADDED-1 been approved and signed by the Governor: Williams, C. HB 815, HB 869, and HB 910. I VETERANS DAY OBSERVANCE MASTER ROLL CALL The SPEAKER. The Chair at this time requests the The SPEAKER. The Chair is about to take today's gentleman, Mr. Tigue, to preside for the beginning portion of master roll call. Members, report to the floor. Members will this ceremony. Mr. Tigue. begin to vote.

The following roll call was recorded: THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE (THOMAS M. TIGUE) PRESIDING

The SPEAKER pro tempore. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Adolph Evans, J. Maitland Schroder Allen Fairchild Schuler Argall Feese Manderino Semmel PRESENTATION OF COLORS Armstrong Fichter Mann Shaner ' Baker, J. Fleagle Markosek Smith, B. Baker, M. Flick Marsico Smith, S. H. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Honor Guard, post the colors. Bard Forcier Mayemik Solobay Barley Frankel McCall Stairs (The colors were presented and posted by the Pennsylvania Barrar Freeman McGeehan Steelman Bastian Gabig McGill Steil Air National Guard Honor Guard.) Bebko-Jones Gamon Mcllhattan Stem Belardi Geist Mcllhinney Stetler Belfanti George McNaughton Stevenson, R. INVOCATION Benninghoff Godshall Melio Stevenson, T. Birmelin Gordner Metcalfe Strittmatter The SPEAKER pro tempore. Members and guests, please Bishop Gmcela Michlovic Sturla Boyes Gmitza Micozzie Surra remain standing. We will now have the invocation by the Browne Habay Miller, R. Tangretti Reverend Juliam Pugh, chaplain, lieutenant, U.S. Air Force. Bunt Haluska Miller, S. Taylor, E. Z. REV. JULIANN PUGH. A portion of this afternoon's prayer Butkovitz Hama Mundy Taylor, J. Buxton Harhai MY^ Thomas will be the same words spoken by Chaplain McGee on Caltagirone Harhart Nailor Tigue Sunday morning, August 26, 1944, at a memorial service for the Cappelli Harper Nickol Trello men killed in Normandy. Casorio Hasay O'Brien Trich Cawley Hennessey Oliver Tulli Civera Herman Pallone Turzai Let us go to God in prayer: Clark Hershey Petrarca Vance We have come to You, 0 Lord, in times of trial, and You Clymer Hess Petrone Veon Cohen, L. I. Horsey Phillips Vitali have helped us. We have cried out of the depths, and You have Cohen, M. Hutchinson Pickett Walko heard our cries. Who is like You among the mighty, 0 God? Colafella Jadlowiec P~PPY wansacz Who like You is magnificent in holiness, working wonders and Coleman James Pistella Washington Comell Josephs Preston Waters worthy of reverent praise? Continue Your benefits toward us Corrigan Kaiser Raymond Watson throughout our pilgrimage, and let us always understand that Costa Keller Readshaw Williams, C. although Your children may be surrounded by troubles on land COY Kemey Reinard Williams, J. Crerghton Kirkland Rieger Wilt and sea, You do nevertheless deliver them as You please. cuny Krebs Roberts Wogan Today in Your presence we turn our thoughts backward and Dailey LaGrotta Robinson Wojnaroski call to remembrance the days that have been. As prayed before Daley Laughlin Roebuck Wright, G. Dally Lawless Rohrer Wright, M. by Your servant, Chaplain McGee, we ask as we come before DeLuca Lederer Rooney Yewcic You to be the instrument of Your fury in smiting the evil forces Dermody Leh Ross Youngblood that have visited death, misery, and debasement upon the people DeWeese Lescovitz Rubley Yudichak 1980 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAG--HOUSE NOVEMBER 13 of this earth. Be with our soldiers, 0 God, when they leap from our support, because our young men and women are serving planes into the dark abyss and descend in parachutes into the once again in harm's way on foreign shores. midst of enemy fire. Give them iron will and stark courage as And in recognition of these veterans, I would ask each and they spring from the harnesses of their parachutes to seize arms every House member who is a veteran to please stand, and we for battle. The legions of evil are many, Father. Grace our arms would like to show you our gratitude. Veterans, please rise. to meet and defeat them in Your name and in the name of the freedom and dignity of all people. Let our enemies who have And now I would like to introduce the esteemed Speaker of lived by the sword turn from their violence lest they perish by the House and Marine veteran, Speaker Matthew Ryan. the sword. Help us to serve You gallantly and be humble in victory. THE SPEAKER (MATTHEW J. RYAN) Eternal God, from whom we come and to whom we belong, PRESIDING we remember the birth of this nation and the noblest aspirations I of the ones who begot it. For all its departures from truth, justice, and merciful governance, we entreat Your forgiveness, I REMARKS BY SPEAKER and we pray for Your aid in its search for redemption. Lift us up, we beseech Thee, from cowardice to courage. The SPEAKER. Good afternoon. Save us from self-pity. Recover us from our whimpering Today we have the privilege of recognizing America's complaints, for we are the sons and daughters of soldiers who veterans. Frankly, we have taken this opportunity to do it by fought a good fight before they fell on sleep and were not really recognizing some very, very special people from afraid. Build into us also stout hearts, that we in our generation Pennsylvania who are here with us today, famous people, may stand undaunted by fear, unconquested by adversity, and famous in their own right, now made more famous by reason of unstained by cowardice. the recently published book, "Band of Brothers," and the series Grant us more and more the grace to see in all Thy past that was just carried on HI30 (Home Box Office), "Band of favors a fmargument for the continuation of Thy bounty in the Brothers." Many of the characters in that book, many of the future so that we may feel in our hearts the joy of those who characters in that series, are here with us today - five of them - turn toward You and, trusting Your promises, may rest securely but more important, they are here today as veterans, and it is in in Your goodness and place all our confidence and hope under that capacity that we honor them. They will be recognized the shadow of Your wings. shortly. I want to really tell them how honored we are to be in So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts their presence. to wisdom. Lighten, if it be Your will, the pressure of this Until Stephen Ambrose wrote "Band of Brothers" and world's care, and above all, reconcile us to Your will, and give Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg made their movie, few people us a peace which the world cannot take away. knew of the men of Easy Company - the young, citizen soldiers Hear this our common prayer. Amen. who, in 2 years' time beginning in 1942, became an elite company of airborne light infantry. In fact, Ambrose called Easy "as good a rifle company as there was in the world." NATIONAL ANTHEM Wamors all, heroes all, sharing so much that they achieved a closeness unknown to all outsiders. They were comrides, closer The SPEAKER pro tempore. And now the House choir will than friends, closer than brothers. The men of Easy Company lead us in the National Anthem. would literally insist on going hungry for one another, freezing for one another, dying for one another. ("The Star-Spangled Banner" was sung by the Pennsylvania The young lions of Easy fought on D-day, at Carentan, House of Representatives Staff Choir, members, and visitors.) Holland, , in the , in the Rhineland campaign, and finally, they took Hitler's PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Eagle's Nest at Berchtesgaden. Most received Purple Hearts. Some earned as many as four The SPEAKER pro tempore. And now once again join me in Purple Hearts for wounds received defending freedom, the Pledge of Allegiance. defending themselves, defending each other. The would try to protect each other or bail out each other without the (The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by members and slightest regard for the consequences. The same thing was true visitors.) on the and company battalion level. President Eisenhower recognized war as an "unpredictable REMARKS BY SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE mix of organized confusion, improvised ingenuity and timeless courage." The Band of Brothers - Pennsylvania's contingent - The SPEAKER pro tempore. Kindly be seated. can attest to this, though I doubt they would call themselves On Sunday we commemorated the 83d signing of the courageous; "just doing my job," they would say. But we say, armistice to end World War I. Ironically, it was also 2 months to "America's bravest and most courageous." the day of the homfic incident that occurred in New York; in Easy Company fought like a team without any standout stars, Washington, D.C.; and of course, in Somerset, Pennsylvania, on like a machine. They were smart; no flashy heroics. They knew September 11. But that day is set aside to recognize veterans, that flashy heroes were the ones that got killed without getting and we should offer them three things: our respect, our the job done and that getting the job done was most important. gratitude, and in this time of war - and yes, it is a time of war - It is because of men like those in Easy Company that all of us can be sure America will be semper fidelis - always faithful 200 1 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL--HOUSE 1981 to her best hopes and her highest ideals. It is because of I would certainly like to thank the DAV and Mr. Cupp for Babe "Have you seen Hinkle lately?Heffron; Bill Guamere, transporting a few of our honored Band of Brothers today. The the boy from South Philadelphia who lost his leg to shrapnel DAV Transportation Network is indeed a vital resource to our while dragging a comrade into his foxhole; Rod Strohl, who left veteran community, and I am very grateful to Mr. Cupp for hls his hospital bed and went AWOL (absent without leave) to services today. rejoin his brothers in combat - he was not going to let his Also with us today are: Mr. George Eckert, grand chef buddies go into action without him; Forrest Guth, also de gare of the Pennsylvania Forty and Eight veterans wounded, the soldier admired for the pristine condition in which organization, accompanied by his wife, Ladene; he kept his weapons. It is because of Erie's Ed Joint and another Mr. Neil Appleby, Pennsylvania Blinded Veterans Association; fellow from Erie, Joe Les~ewski,who could not make it today. Mr. Charles Beistline, State commander of the Pennsylvania And it is because of another hero who we thought would VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars); Mr. Jack GUM, VFW State be with us today but became ill, Richard Winters, membership chairman; Mr. George Mullen, State adjutant for Easy's commanding who was nominated for the the Pennsylvania VFW; Mr. A1 Long, VFW legislative Congressional and was called the "best combat chairman; Mr. Kit Watson, State adjutant for the Pennsylvania officer ever seen" by his men. It is because of all these men and American Legion; Mr. Jeff Seler, State commander for the all the other members of Easy Company who swived and, of Pennsylvania American Legion; Mr. Paul Hastings, chairman, course, those who did not survive. State Veterans Commission; Mr. Bob Hams, Franklin County On behalf of the 203 members of the Pennsylvania House of director of veterans affairs; Mr. Tom Wasko, Dauphin County Representatives, today I give a long-awaited thanks to director of veterans affairs. Easy Company. A proud and grateful nation thanks you and we If there are any others that I have missed, I apologize. Let us thank the 48 company members who gave their lives for their give these members a round of applause. country. And I will turn it back to the Speaker. I agree with Ambrose, who says the men of Easy "have a character like a rock." They gave their best years to the war. INTRODUCTION OF MEMBERS They are children of the Depression who became wamors in the FROM EASY COMPANY greatest war in history, and they are the builders of and participants in the postwar boom. The SPEAKER. For the purpose of introducing the special I repeat what I said We are honored, we are guests from Easy Company, 1 would ask the gentleman, honored, to have you here with us today. Mr. Michlovic, the Democratic chairman of the Veterans Please join me in thanking these men, representing all of Affairs to come to the rostrum. America's veterans - living and dead - for their sacrifices for Mr. MICHLOVIC. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. freedom. I am going to do this backward from the way it has been Now let us observe a moment of and offer a prayer of planned for me. I am going to introduce each of the members of gratitude. Our veterans have made the 506th Infantry, Easy Company, of the lOlst Infantry contributions to the history of manlund and the freedom we Division and their families. enjoy. Bow our heads momentarily. Await the tap of the gavel. First, we have Bill Guarnere, known in the book and the movie as Wild Bill Guarnere. (Whereupon, the members of the House and all visitors The next is Mr. Ed "Babe" Heffron, up here in the fiont, in observed a moment of silence.) the wheelchair. His wife, Dolores, could not be here, but his daughter, Patricia, and her husband, Ed Zavrel, are here, along INTRODUCTION OF STATE with their guests from London, Joe and Evon Hobbs, who were VETERANS COMMANDERS part of the production of the "Band of Brothers." Welcome their guests. Thank you. The SPEAKER. Be seated. Next are Rod Strohl and his wife, Dorothy; Rod Strohl and At this time I would like to introduce the chairman of the his wife, Dorothy, and brother, Kenneth Strohl, and Kenneth's Veterans Affairs Committee, Paul Semmel. Paul. wife, Jean. Would they please rise. Welcome. Mr. SEMMEL. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Also with us is Forrest Guth, and Forrest is joined by his Today with us are honored guests of myself, wife, Harriet. Chairman Michlovic, and the entire House Veterans Affairs And Mr. Ed Joint and his wife, Sally. Ed, Sally. and Emergency Preparedness Committee, and I am going to try As the Speaker said, the commander of the battalion, and do this. It is a rather lengthy list. I will ask that you will Dick Winters, could not be with us, and we are sorry he was ill stand, and we will hold the applause till the very end. and could not make it this morning. First, Brig. Gen. Cecil Hengeveld, deputy adjutant general I would also note that yesterday I had the privilege of being for Veterans Affairs; Mr. Ranny Barclay, director of our at a ceremony with my colleague, Tony DeLuca, in Penn Hills, State veterans homes systems; Mr. Charlie Burton, Pennsylvania, to honor another member of the Band of Mr. A1 Rutherford, and Mr. Jim Olinger fiom the Department of Brothers, Lt. Jack Foley, and we ought to recognize that he, too, Military and Veterans Affairs; Mr. John Neeves, State adjutant is a Pennsylvanian who contributed mightily to this group. for the Disabled American Veterans; DAV legislative director I would ask that the Band of Brothers please rise for a Tom McDole; DAV State commander Charles Ofiesh; and moment while I present them formally to the House. Would you Mr. William Cupp. please rise, if you can. That is okay. LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 13

In his book "Band of Brothers," Stephen Ambrose said, Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks? And I must admit, I am a bit "Easy Company had been born in July 1942 at Toccoa. Its humbled by the task. existence essentially came to an end almost exactly three years I reread the "Band of Brothers" over the weekend, pulled later in Zell am See, Austria. In those three years the men had down several articles off the Internet from several sites on the seen more, endured more, and contributed more than most men making of the HBO series. And the more I combed the can see, endure, or contribute in a lifetime. background material, the more I read, the more I realized that "They also found in combat the closest brotherhood they the men of Easy Company are truly representative of all the ever knew. They found selflessness. They found they could love veterans that fought in the Great War, 1941 to 1945 - that the other guy in their foxhole more than themselves. They found generation that took this country through the deprivation of the that in war, men who loved life would give their lives for them." Great Depression and then participated in the destruction of the And we thank you for your dedication and your service to Axis Powers that led to the defeat of the Third Reich and the this country, and we are honored to have you with us today. Japanese Empire in World War 11. And I recognized them in the Thank you. faces and the actions of men I served with in both Vietnam and during Desert Storm. (A video was presented.) The citizen soldier of Easy Company, plucked out of the shoe stores and the farms and the coal mines and the factories INTRODUCTION OF and the colleges - men who were capable of acts of great GEN. RICHARD W. POTTER courage and selflessness, acts of kindness, acts of brotherhood and love for each other. The SPEAKER. At this time I would like to introduce as a They endured severe hardships and underwent battlefield special guest Richard Potter, brigadier general, United States stresses that are absolutely incomprehensible to those who have Army, retired. Brigadier General Potter retired after 35 years of never walked in their shoes. military service in December of 1994 from the post of deputy Having said that, the American soldier and the men of commanding general, Special Operations Easy Company can never be confbsed with being plaster saints, Command. by any stretch of the imagination. Like all soldiers, they His assignments primarily had been at the tactical and understood the cruelties of war and combat, the sacrifices operational level with both conventional and special operations required, brother soldiers and friends dying in their anns, and units. His senior special operations assignments have included the savagery that is necessary to close with and destroy the deputy commander of 1st SFOD-Delta; group commander of enemy. 10th Special Forces Group; deputy commandant of the Webster of Easy Company would write his mother, and United States Army's Special Warfare Center and School; I would quote: "Stop worrying about me, I joined the parachute special operations commander, Europe; commanding general, infantry to fight. I intend to fight, if necessary, I shall die Special Operations Integration Command; and deputy fighting, but don't wony about this because no war can be won commanding general, Special Operations Command. without young men dying." He holds the following degrees: bachelor of science in He understood the universal truth - the universal truth that marketing from Wayne State University; bachelor of science in all veterans accepted and faced in past wars and today's service history, American University; an M.A. (master of arts) in members accept as America responds to its new day of infamy, history from Shippensburg University. His decorations include September 11,200 1. The truth is that the young of our country the Army Distinguished Service Medal, the Silver Star with fight our wars and give all or part of the best years of their lives. oak-leaf cluster, the Bronze Star of Valor with oak-leaf cluster, This was certainly true of Easy Company. Forty-eight gave and with oak-leaf cluster. their lives for their country. More than a hundred were He and his wife, Annie, currently reside in Carlisle. wounded. Several members of the company were severely General, would you please take the rostrum. wounded. Some were wounded twice; a few, three times. One individual was awarded four Purple Hearts. They volunteered for the airborne infantry, in 1942 a REMARKS BY revolutionary means of combat infiltration and combat assault GEN. RICHARD W. POTTER into the battle area - the tactics, techniques, and procedures which were being developed as they trained and deployed. GENERAL POTTER. Thank you very much. And on the night of 6 June 1944, the Americans would put Mr. Speaker, members of the House, veterans, and the nlen 480 aircraft in V of Vs with 13,000 of the of Easy Company: It is a distinct honor and privilege to be here. lOlst and 82d Airborne Divisions into the air in an air column When I spoke to Clancy Myer last week while in Texas on 300 miles long for the airborne assault on fortress Europe. business and he requested that I make remarks on this day to Easy Company jumped on D-day, fought in France, jumped this assemblage, I was both honored and most pleased. He then behind enemy lines again during Operation Market-Garden, and added, "Oh, by the way, General, the men being honored on the fought across Holland. 13th are the men of Easy Company, 506th Parachute Regiment Christmas of 1944 found Easy Company at Bastogne, and of the lOlst Division, and of course, you'll follow the Speaker the company fought hard during the Ardennes breakout in of the House." Boy, such a thing ran through my brain housing January and February of 1945. group: What more can I add to the reputation and honor of this And 11 months after the airborne assault on D-day, to mark group of men, this Band of Brothers, whose extraordinary the end of their intense journey across the European theater, exploits have been made famous by Stephen Ambrose and their modem-day odyssey, the survivors of Easy Company 200 1 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-4HOUSE 1983 drank themselves into a stupor with the wine and champagne May God bless this House, the veterans who have sewed and from Hermann Goering's private cellars at Berchtesgaden. What continue to serve, and may God bless our great Republic. irony to toast American victory with the Reichsmarschall's Thank you. private stock. Do you not just love soldiers? I first learned of Easy Company and its history in the late ("America the Beautiful" was sung by the Pennsylvania seventies, while assigned as the deputy commanding officer of House of Representatives Stiff Choir.) 1st SFOD-Delta. Bun Smith, an alumni, was assigned to that unit as the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) agency INTRODUCTION OF representative to Charlie Beckwith, the unit commander. SGT. BILL GUARNERE In the 3 years we shared assignments in Delta, Burr would often recount his in Burr its The SPEAKER. The Chair at this time invites the gentleman, commander, Dick Winters, who is not here today, in high Mr. Keller, to come to the rostrum. esteem; talked often how as company commander Dick Winters Mr. KELLER. Thank you, Mr. speaker. always led from the front, how he loved and protected the men While the general thought he had it hard corning to speak of Easy Company, and One the loyalty and admiration after the Speaker, now 1have to speak after the general. for the unit as Burr rega1e within earshot Of his If I could, Mr. Speaker, just to delay for a second. A point of and days in the 506th. Burr me On personal privilege. I will never get this chance again. I would more than one occasion, as We were forming what I genuinely like to borrow a page from Representative Myers' book and believe is the finest fighting unit in the world, that man for man interrogate the guest, Mr. Heffion. he considered his comrades in Easy Company a better outfit. Babe, just got to ask you, all those years we worked down on Now, I ask the members Of Easy Company and Other the waterfront together, did you ever think we would both wind veterans present to take on one more task. up at a place like this? The incidents Of l1 have brought this Mr. Speaker, 1 always find it difficult to speak at transnational warfare called terrorism to our shores. Let there be veterans affairs, not being a veteran. We have gentlemen with no mistake - the victims died in an act of war. Terrorism in its us today who have received the Distinguished Medal, present form is war, and the President has declared it as such. Silver Stars, Purple Hearts, two Jump Stars over their Veterans know terrorism fusthand, because they have fought on Jump Wings. How do I do that? How do I talk and introduce the battlefields of the world, and that is the terror of terrorism. people like that? Well, I think there is no better way than I will The hell of war came home in terrifying, unforgiving ways just have to tell Bill and Babe stories. months ago with a resounding So who better than When 1 asked the Speaker if we could bring Easy Company veterans who have seen the worst of human nature, from the up here, you how, in honor of the book and the battlefields of Europe and Vietnam to the deserts of Kuwait, he said, invite them up.3, So I called Babe. I said, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq, to comfort and counsel a generation of we,d like you to come up to the House, you know, to young Americans Who never thought they would see New honor your men of Easy Company." "Oh, we really don't like to City or Washington, D.C.9 or any other American city under do that stuff. we don't want any recognitionm- typical of the threat or attack. men of that era. They did all this. They ask very little. They ask As Our and grandchildren ask whyyOur new is nothing. They do not even want to come and be recognized. But to gently remind them that freedom is not free. Freedom has not of course, our good friend, Bill Guamere, Babe says, 6cWell,ask and never will mean that lives, even the lives of innocent Bill," and Bill said, we,ll come up.97He said, a month civilians in the fragile security of their workplace, will not be nobody will remember who we are anyway.m Well, I do not lost. That is the cost of democracy, and on the occasion of think that is me. Maybe some of it will be true. I mean, read the 11 September, we 'as a nation paid a heavy price in lives and book that is on your desk. We may forget their names; we may blood. forget that they are Easy Company; we may forget that they are It is our responsibility as veterans to tend to the wounds. 10lst Airborne. But we will never forget what they did, what Some will panic about the future; we must reassure them. Some they did for us. How could we ever forget that? will weep over a lost family member or friend; we must comfort Back in 1992 I was working with Babe, and he said, them. Some will be angry; we must temper their rage. We must you,re always asking me about, you how, the support the men and Of Our Forces who have lOlst Airborne." He said, "There's a book that just came out." gone to full alert in response to the terrorist attacks and of those He said, it, 'Band of Brothers., ,, I got the book over the units who are now into the various Of weekend, and I read it. I came back to work the next Monday, operation. and I walked up to Babe and I said, "I don't know what to say. At this critical point in ow country's history, we must stand Thank you.,, How do you thank men for what they did, you behind the Commander in Chief and the Congress as how, 60 years ago? It was amazing to me. I hewBabe for with threats to the security of the United States and its citizens. 25 years and never had any idea the suffering and pain and It is duty as to lead the way in supporting Our sacrifice that these men made for us. So, Babe, I think I am nation's leadership. going to try to find another way to thank you and the men of No one believes in a strong America more than its veterans. Easy Company. We, as veterans, have another to Our Another Babe story. 1 asked Babe, you know, "What's it like country strong. Let us all commit to such an action. to be in the Battle of the Bulge, you know, the biggest battle the United States has ever been in? Here you are in the middle of it, you know, changing history." The war was over. They knew LEGISLATIVE JOURNALHOUSE NOVEMBER 13

-- they would win the war after the Battle of the Bulge. "How do COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA you feel about that?' He said, "I was in my foxhole. I had to THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES take care of my foxhole. I had to take care of what was in front of me, and I hoped the people on either side of me did the same CITATION thing. That was the Battle of the Bulge. That's how we won the WHEREAS, With deepest respect, war - individual foxholes." gratitude and pride, the House of Representatives So I think I will do that, Babe. Maybe that is the way I can of Pennsylvania is pleased to honor thank you and Bill and the major and all the men from William Guamere, Ed "Babe" Heffron, Rod Strohl, Easy Company. We will fight these battles up here one at a Ed Joint, Forrest Guth, and Richard Winters, time. We will fight them in our districts, in our neighborhood, who sewed proudly with the courageous men of and who knows? If everybody does their job, we will save some E Company, 2nd Battalion, 506th Parachute of the problems from Pennsylvania and we will win the battles Infantry Regiment, we have to do up here. That is how I intend to thank the men of (Air Assault), United States Army, in the Northwest European campaign of worid War 11; the Easy Company. and Now, Mr. Speaker, one caveat, please. I do not mind going to WHEREAS, Easy Company was comprised of the woodshed for the stuff I do up here, the hngs you are teenage boys and young men who hailed from always hollering at me for, but our next speaker, Bill Guamere, diverse social, economic and religious you are on your own with him. He is the original backgrounds. However, by the time their many "Wild Bill from South Phil." months of intensive training were completed, this And again, how do I introduce Bill Guamere? We will go disjointed group had become a single entity; an back to Babe. Babe has said, of all the men he served with, all elite company of light infantry paratroopers. They brave men willing to give their lives, there were three men that had developed into highly skilled, well-disciplined warriors with a loyalty and rare depth of care and he thought were fearless and he admired more than everybody concern for one another. Battling not only German else - Major Winters, Sgt. Joe Toye, and Sgt. Bill Guarnere. soldiers but also fear, exhaustion, loneliness, illness I would like to introduce the bravest of the brave, and homesickness, as well as the heat of summer Sgt. Bill Guamere. and the freezing temperatures of winter, the men of Easy Company faithfilly lived up to the nickname given to the IOlst Airborne Division: the REMARKS BY "Screaming Eagles." They risked nothing less than SGT. BILL GUARNERE their lives as they dropped behind enemy lines on D-Day in Normandy, France; they battled along the SERGEANT GUARNERE. Thank you. Thank you very road that became known as "Hell's Highway" to much. liberate Holland in Operation Market-Garden; they I do not know why they picked me, but I guess I got to tell led the counteroffensive and put up legendary you a few stories. I want to tell you one that people do not know resistance during the Battle of the Bulge at from the State of Pennsylvania. That book, "Band of Brothers," Bastogne in Belgium; and they triumphantly seized you have five men here from E Company, 506, that were in that Adolph Hitler's infamous Eagle's Nest in Berchtesgaden, Germany. On November 30, 1945, book. We had 17 more from the State of Pennsylvania in six months and twenty-two days after the surrender E Company, 506. Let us give them a hand, those men that are of Germany, the IOlst Airborne Division was not here. inactivated. The men of Easy Company had been And I guess, like you say, I could say this after all the together for three years, three months and speeches prior to that: Do not worry; we still won that war in two weeks; some lived and many died, but every 1942 to 1945. And I want to say this: When you look at me, see one of them was a hero. It would be impossible for your brother, your uncle, your father, your grandfather. these men and many thousands like them to ever be I represent every man that fought in World War I1 - the repaid for their willingness to fight for freedom on Marines, the Navy, the Army, the Air Force, and the behalf of civilians everywhere. NOW THEREFORE, The House of Coast Guard. Representatives of the Commonwealth of God bless you all. I salute you. ~enns~lvaniapays tribute to William Guarnere, That is it. I think I said enough. Bye-bye. Ed "Babe" Heffron, Rod Strohl, Ed Joint, Forrest Guth, and Richard Winters for enduring PRESENTATION OF CITATIONS countless hardships, making untold sacrifices and placing themselves in harm's way to defend and Mr. KELLER. At this time we would like to read a citation protect the cause of freedom during World War 11; extends warmest wishes for a richly rewarding from the House to the men of Easy Company, and like I said, future; with my limited veterans experience, 2 years in ROTC AND DIRECTS That copies of this citation, (Reserve Officers' Training Corps) at college, I think it would sponsored by Representatives Karl W. Boyes, be better fitting if, I believe, our highest ranking veteran and William F. Keller, Robert C. Donatucci, probably the most, decorated veteran, Representative Tigue, Peter J. Zug, John M. Perzel, H. William DeWeese, could come up and read the citation. and Matthew J. Ryan on November 13, 2001, be Mr. TIGUE. The citation from the House of Representatives given to the men of Easy Company. reads: 200 1 LEGISLATIVE JOURN-HOUSE 1985 r Matthew Ryan of his rank without using the power of it against his Speaker of the House men. ATTEST: NOW THEREFORE, The House of Ted Mazia Representatives of the Commonwealth of Chief Clerk of the House Pennsylvania pays tribute to Richard D. Winters for enduring countless hardships, making untold Thank you, on behalf of everyone, and God bless. sacrifices and placing himself in harm's way to defend and protect the cause of freedom during The SPEAKER. The gentleman, Mr. Zug. World War 11; extends warmest wishes for a richly rewarding future; Mr. Zug is going to present a separate citation. He is the AND DIRECTS That a copy of this citation, representative of the former commanding officer of sponsored by the Honorable Peter J. Zug Easy Company, Major Winters, who we believed would be here on November 13, 2001, be transmitted to today but, unfortunately, at the last minute had to beg off. Richard D. Winters. Mr. zug. Mr. ZUG. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Peter J. Zug As the Speaker said, Major Winters called this morning and Sponsor said he was-not feeling well. So our prayers go out to him for a speedy recovery. Matthew Ryan Speaker of the House The citation reads: ATTEST: Ted Mazia COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Chief Clerk of the House THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thank you. CITATION

WHEREAS, With deepest respect, gratimde ("God Bless America" was sung by the Pennsylvania and pride, the House of Representatives of House of Representatives Staff Choir.) Pennsylvania is pleased to honor Richard D. Winters, who served proudly with the The SPEAKER. Now, let us see if we can help them out with courageous men of E Company, 2nd Battalion, the next round on ths same song. Everybody join in. 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, l Ol st Airborne Division (Air Assault), United States Army, in the ("God Bless America" was sung by the Pennsylvania Northwest European campaign of World War 11; House of Representatives Staff Choir, members, and visitors.) and WHEREAS, In 1942, Mr. Winters, a recent Officer Candidate's School graduate with the The SPEAKER. Members, stand at ease momentarily so we rank of , was assigned to can allow our guests to exit the floor. Easy Company. He was put in charge of the The House thanks the House choir for doing a great job, and 1st Platoon and promoted to it goes without saying that the House thanks all of the guests during his first week. As the men of Easy Company who are here with us today. Thank you very much. trained intensely for almost two years, then entered the war on June 6, 1944, in Normandy, France, they constantly honed their skills and learned to TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE MEETING depend on one another, and this, too, was due in great part to Mr. Winters' guidance. Over the The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman, course of the next year, he was named Company Mr. Geist, who calls an immediate Transportation Committee Commander; promoted to the rank of and meeting at the back of the House. then Major; and named 2nd Battalion Executive Officer and then 2nd Battalion Commanding Officer. The recipient of the Distinguished Service LOCAL GOVERNMENT Cross for his quick-witted and extremely brave COMMITTEE MEETING actions during the fighting near Carentan, he also was wounded that day but was able to continue The SPEAKER. Mr. Herman calls an immediate with his troops. With sound judgment and common Local Government Committee meeting at the back of the sense, Mr. Winters led by example, treating each of House. his men with fairness and respect and receiving the same in return. This mutual respect, combined with a common desire of each soldier to become TOURISM AND RECREATIONAL and do his absolute best, was at the heart of DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Easy Company's exemplary record and reputation. A brilliant, resourceful tactician with great courage, The SPEAKER. Mr. Godshall calls an immediate meeting of Mr. Winters was reluctant to accept any accolades; the Tourism Committee at the back of the House. he simply said his successes were due to the superior training and preparation that he had received from the Army. Throughout his illustrious service, Mr. Winters exhibited the best of leadership qualities by accepting the responsibility 1986 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE NOVEMBER 13

APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING STATEMENT BY MR. GRUITZA , The SPEAKER. Representative Barley calls an immediate The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman, Mr. Gruitza, meeting of the Appropriations Committee at the Appropriations seeks recognition? Committee conference room. Mr. GRUITZA. Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, just very briefly on a point of personal privilege. CONSUMER AFFAIRS I wanted to thank the Speaker for the lovely gift of this book COMMITTEE MEETING that was on our desk today, and I noticed in some of the credits, in the area in the center of the book around page 193, there are a The SPEAKER. Representative Wogan calls for an number of photographs that were taken, and several of those immediate meeting of the Consumer Affairs Committee in photographs, the credits are given for the photographer who room 461 immediately. Mr. Wogan's committee meeting will took those pictures. be in the back of the House. I was about 5 years old when one of my neighbors and a very dear friend of mine from back in Sharon I got to know, a fellow I do not know where we are going to find room for all these by the name of A1 Kroachka, who served in the lOlst Airborne meetings, but they are going to take place. Will the chairmen do Division and throughout the campaign photographed everything the best they can. from D-day until they finally came back to the United States, There will be votes taken when the committees make reports. and several of Al's pictures are contaided in this book. I wanted to just stand up and recognize Al, whom I knew personally all my life. He passed away a few years ago. He was very proud to have been a part of the lOlst Airborne Division. ANNOUNCEMENT BY SPEAKER I am very proud to have been his friend and to have known him most of my life, and I was very pleased to see that some of his The SPEAKER. After the votes, there will be a reception in photographs were included in this fine book. the majority caucus room for the members to have an So for the record I just wanted to stand up and recognize my opportunity to meet our guests from Easy Company. good friend, Al, and his contribution here in honor of all the veterans today and how special it made me feel to know that The Chair requests the gentleman, Mr. Keller, to continue to Al's work was recognized as well. preside. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The' Chair thanks the gentleman. THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE (WILLIAM F. KELLER) PRESIDING COMMUNICATION FROM DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH GUESTS INTRODUCED The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair acknowledges receipt of the reports of the Organ and Tissue Donation

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the I Advisory Committee and the Osteoporosis Prevention and gentleman, Mr. Wilt, for an announcement. Education Program submitted by the Department of Health. Mr. WILT. Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. While our meetings are convening, I would just like to 1 (Copy of communication is or1 file with the Journal clerk.) recognize some very special guests very briefly. Since 1968 the brothers of Phi Theta Phi fraternity at my COMMUNICATION FROM alma mater, Thiel College, have been making a 100-mile walk 1 from Greenville, Pennsylvania, down to Children's Hospital in PUBLIC EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT Pittsburgh, PA. They have been doing it for 32 years. COMMISSION We are joined today by the brothers of Phi Theta Phi - if they would wave - their advisers, Frank Connelly and The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair acknowledges John Hauser, and Jerri Giles and Dean Walters from the receipt of the amount of supplemental State assistance allocated Children's Hospital. These young men represent the largest to municipalities for fiscal year 2002-2003. hnd-raising group of any chapter of any fraternity in the United States of America. They have raised over $1 million for (Copy of communication is on file with the Journal clerk.) Children's Hospital, and I wanted to show them off to you today, and I hope they enjoyed the ceremony. COMMUNICATION FROM Thank you, Mr. Speaker. OFFlCE OF CONSUMER ADVOCATE The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair thanks the gentleman. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair acknowledges receipt of the 2000-2001 Annual Report of the Offlce of Consumer Advocate. LEGISLATIVE JOURNGHOUSE

(Copy of communication is on file with the Journal clerk.) Honorable Don Walko PA House of Representatives 3 1 1 South Office Building BILLS REMOVED FROM TABLE Hamsburg, PA 1 7 120

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the Dear Representative Walko: majority whip. Mr. S. SMITH. Mr. Speaker, I move to have the following This is to advise you that I am appointing you as the Democratic bills be removed from the table: Secretary to the House Insurance Committee, for the remainder of the 2001-2002 Legislative Sessions of the General Assembly, thereby replacing ~e~resentativeKathy Manderino. I am pleased to make this appointment and look forward to working with you.

SB 370; and Sincerely, . SB 371. H. William DeWeese The Minority Leader On the question, Will the House agree to the motion? Motion was agreed to. cc: Honorable Matthew J. Ryan, Speaker . Honorable Anthony DeLuca, Democratic Chair, Insurance Cmte. Honorable Nicholas Micozzie, Republican Chair, Insurance Cmte. BILLS ON SECOND CONSIDERATION Honorable Joseph Markosek, Democratic Chair, Committee on Committees The following bills, having been called up, were considered Honorable George Hasay, Republican Chair, Committee on for the second time and agreed to, and ordered transcribed for Committees third consideration: Honorable Kathy Manderino Susan Brown, Joint State Government Commission Kathy Carl, Office of Chief Clerk HB 1591, PN 2786; HB 2060, PN 2723; HB 2070, PN 2748; SB 370, PN 383; and SB 371, PN 734. .

House of Representatives Commonwealth of Pennsy!vania BILLS RECOMMITTED Harrisburg

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the October 24,2001 majority whip. Mr. S. SMITH. Mr. Speaker, I move that the following bills Honorable Kathy Manderino be referred to the Appropriations Committee: PA House of Representatives 103 East Wing HB 1591; Hamsburg, PA 1 7 120 HE3 2060; HB 2070; Dear Representative Manderino: SB 370; and This is to advise you that I am appointing you as the Democratic SB 371. Subcommittee Chair for Trusts and Estates of the House Judiciary Committee, for the remainder of the 200 1-2002 Legislative Sessions of On the question, the General Assembly. Will the House agree to the motion? I am pleased to make this appointment and look forward to working Motion was agreed to. with you.

Sincerely, H. William DeWeese COMMUNICATIONS FROM The Minority Leader DEMOCRATIC LEADER

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The clerk will read the following communications from the Democratic leader. cc: Honorable Matthew J. Ryan, Speaker Honorable Kevin Biaum, Democratic Chair, Judiciary Cmte. The following communications were read: Honorable Thomas Gannon, Republican Chair, Judiciary Cmte. . Honorable Joseph Markosek, Democratic Chair, Committee on Committees House of Representatives Honorable George Hasay, Republican Chair, Committee on Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Committees Harrisburg Susan Brown, Joint State Government Commission Kathy Carl, Offlce of Chief Clerk October 24,200 1 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL--HOUSE NOVEMBER 13

cc: Honorable Matthew J. Ryan, Speaker Honorable Kevin Blaum, Democratic Chair, Judiciary Cmte. House of Representatives Honorable Thomas Gannon, Republican Chair, Judiciary Cmte. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Honorable Joseph Markosek, Democratic Chair, Committee on Harrisburg Committees Honorable George Hasay, Republican Chair, Committee on October 24,2001 Committees Honorable Don Walko Honorable Joseph F. Markosek Susan Brown, Joint State Government Commission PA House of Representatives Kathy Carl, Office of Chief Clerk 32 East Wing Harrisburg, PA 17120

Dear Representative Markosek: House of Representatives Commonwealth of Pennsylvania This is to advise you that I am appointing you as the Harrisburg Democratic Vice Chair of the House Professional Licensure Committee for the remainder of the 2001-2002 Legislative Sessions of the October 30,2001 General Assembly, replacing Representative John Gordner. I am pleased to make this appointment and look forward to working Honorable Matthew J. Ryan with you. Speaker House of Representatives Sincerely, 139 Main Capitol H. William DeWeese Harrisburg, PA 17120 The Minority Leader Dear Mr. Speaker:

This is to inform you that I have appointed Representative cc: Honorable Matthew J. Ryan, Speaker John Pallone as a member to the Select Committee to Examine Matters Honorable William W. Rieger, Democratic Chair, Professional Relating to the System Funding Public Education in this Licensure Cmte. Commonwealth (HR 42), thereby replacing Representative Honorable Mario J. Civera, Jr.. Republican Chair, Professional John Gordner, for the remainder of the 2001-2002 Legislative Sessions Licensure Cmte. of the General Assembly. Honorable Joseph Markosek, Democratic Chair, Committee on Thank you for your continued cooperation. Committees I Honorable George Hasay, Republican Chair, Committee on Sincerely, Committees H. William DeWeese Susan Brown, Joint State Government Commission The Minority Leader Kathy Carl, Office of Chief Clerk HWDkemm

cc: Honorable John E. Pallone House of Representatives Clancy Myer, Esq., Parliamentarian Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Susan Brown, Joint State Government Commission Hamsburg Kathy Carl, Office of the Chief Clerk

October 24,2001 REPORT OF Honorable John E. Pallone COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES PA House of Representatives 208 South Office Building The SPEAKER pro tempore. The clerk will read the Harrisburg, PA 17120 following supplemental report from the Committee on Committees. Dear Representative Pallone: The following report was read: This is to advise you that I am appointing you as the Democratic , Secretary of the House Judiciary Committee, for the remainder of the 2001-2002 Legislative Sessions of the General Assembly, replacing SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT Representative Don Walko. COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES I am pleased to make this appointment and look forward to working with you. In the House of Representatives I November 13,2001 Sincerely, H. William DeWeese RESOLVED THAT, The Minority Leader Representative Frank Dermody, Allegheny County, is elected a member of the Professional Licensure Committee vice John Gordner resigned. LEGISLATIVE JOURNALHOUSE

-- -- Respectfully submitted, BILLS REREPORTED FROM COMMITTEES Rep. Joseph Markosek Democratic Chairman HB 300, PN 2860 (Amended) By Rep. BARLEY Committee on Committees An Act providing for management of outdoor night lighting. On the question, Will the House adopt the resolution? APPROPRIATIONS. Resolution was adopted. HB 552, PN 595 By Rep. BARLEY BILLS REMOVED FROM TABLE An Act amending the act of December 19, 1990 (P.L.1372, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the No.212), known as the Early Intervention Services System Act, further providing for intervention services for infants, toddlers and eligible majority whip. young children with disabilities; expanding the membership of the Mr. S. SMITH. Mr. speaker, I move the following bills be Interagency Coordinating Council; further providing for the removed from the table: expenditure of certain appropriations; and making editorial changes.

HB 378; and APPROPRIATIONS. HB 1521. HB 754, PN 838 By Rep. BARLEY On the question, Will the House agree to the motion? An Act amending the act of December 19, 1996 (P.L.1478, No.190), entitled "An act relating to the recycling and reuse of waste Motion was agreed to. tires; providing for the proper disposal of waste tires and the cleanup of stockpiled tires; authorizing investment tax credits for utilizing waste tires; providing remediation grants for the cleanup of tire piles and for BILLS TABLED pollution prevention programs for small business and households; establishing the Small Business and Household Pollution Prevention The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the Program and management standards for small business hazardous majority whip. waste; providing for a household hazardous waste program and for Mr. S. SMITH. Mr. Speaker, I move the following bills be grant programs; making appropriations; and making repeals," adding definitions; further providing for disposal of whole waste tires, for the placed on the table: priority enforcement list and for remediation grants; providing for a registration program, for documentation and recordkeeping, for HB 378; and revocation of registration and for collection programs; authorizing HB 1521. civil penalties; repealing provisions relating to tire recycling investment tax credits; providing for grants, for waste tire storage and for demonstration projects; and making appropriations. On the question, Will the House agree to the motion? APPROPRIATIONS. Motion was agreed to. HB 932, PN 2258 By Rep. BARLEY BILLS REPORTED FROM COMMITTEES, CONSIDERED FIRST TIME, AND TABLED An Act providing for a limited loan forgiveness program for certified Pennsylvania residents who teach in an empowerment district. HB 1439, PN 2858 (Amended) By Rep. GEIST APPROPRIATIONS. An Act establishing a waste transportation safety program and the Waste Transportation Safety Account; and imposing penalties. HB 1290, PN 2857 (Amended) By Rep. HERMAN

TRANSPORTATION. An Act amending the act of March 1, 1988 (P.L.82, No.16), known as the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority Act, establishing the Tapping Fee-Property Lateral Funding Program; HB 2033, PN 2859 (Amended) By Rep. GEIST making an appropriation; and making editorial changes. An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for suspension of operating privilege LOCAL GOVERNMENT. for certain convictions. HB 1458, PN 2677 By Rep. BARLEY TRANSPORTATION. An Act amending the act of August 9, 1955 (P.L.323, No.130), HB 2115, PN 2828 known as The County Code, further providing for bonds for county By Rep. GODSHALL officers, for bonds of deputies and other appointees, for taking money and property by gift, for creation of a capital reserve fund, for the An Act making an additional appropriation to the Department of operating reserve fund, for billing and collecting by the county Community and Economic Development for Statewide marketing to treasurer, for functions of the controller, for custody of documents, for attract tourists. books of fiscal affairs, for claims against a county, for reports to commissioners, for fees of witnesses and jurors, for receipts and TOURISM AND RECREATIONAL DEVELOPMENT. accounts of money due a county, for preparation of proposed annual budget, for amending budgets, for levies, for tax rates, for 1990 LEGISLATIVE J( NJRNAkHOUSE NOVEMBER 13

appropriations, for filing the budget, for notice and for the preparation SB 371, PN 734 By Rep. BARLEY i of uniform forms; providing for refusal to submit to examination and for the procedure for approval; and making an editorial change. An Act amending the act of October 5, 1978 (P.L.1109, No.261), known as the Osteopathic Medical Practice Act, providing for APPROPRIATIONS. certification of athletic trainers by the State Board of Osteopathic Medicine; and making repeals. HB 1535, PN 1862 By Rep. BARLEY APPROPRIATIONS. An Act redesignating the Apollo Bridge canying State Route 66 between Oklahoma Borough, Westmoreland County, and Apollo Borough, Armstrong County, as the Leonard C. Miller Bridge. BILL ON SECOND CONSIDERATION

APPROPRIATIONS. The following bill, having been called up, was considered for I the second time and agreed to, and ordered transcribed for third consideration: HB 1655, PN 2861 (Amended) By Rep. BARLEY

An Act establishing the family support services program for certain families with persons with disabilities; providing for the powers and duties of the Department of Public Welfare; establishing a Statewide Family Support Advisory Council; and providing for LEAVE OF ABSENCE regional advisory councils. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the APPROPRIATIONS. gentleman, Mr. Veon. We return to leaves of absence and request that the lady fiom HB 1758, PN 2232 By Rep. BARLEY Montgomery County, Ms. WILLIAMS, be placed on leave for the remainder of today's session. An Act designating a bridge on SR 1038, over the Allegheny River in Armstrong County, as the Kittanning Citizens' Bridge. CALENDAR APPROPRIATIONS. BILL ON THIRD CONSIDERATION 1933, 2522 HB PN By Rep. BARLEY The House proceeded to third consideration of HB 928, 2778, An Act amending Titles 18 (Crimes and Offenses) and PN entitled: 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, authorizing police officers to record certain oral communications; and Mer An Act amending the act of May 21, 1943 (P.L.571, No.254), providing for windshield obstructions and wipers. known as The Fourth to Eighth Class County Assessment Law, fiuther providing for subjects of taxation enumerated. APPROPRIATIONS. On the question recurring, Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration? HB 1958, PN 2512 By Rep. BARLEY

An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania (Amendment A3903, offered by Mr. Roberts on Consolidated Statutes, further providing for motorcycle fees. October 30,2001, was withdrawn.)

APPROPRIATIONS. On the question recurring, Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration? SB 100, PN 1517 (Amended) By Rep. BARLEY Bill was agreed to.

An Act establishing the Infant Hearing Education, Assessment, The SPEAKER pro tempore. This bill has been considered Reporting and Referral Program; and providing for powers and duties on three different days and agreed to and is now on final of the Department of Health. passage. The question is, shall the bill pass finally? APPROPRIATIONS. Agreeable to the provisions of the Constitution, the yeas and nays will now be taken. SB 370, PN 383 By Rep. BARLEY The following roll call was recorded: An Act amending the act of December 20, 1985 (P.L.457, No.112), known as the Medical Practice Act of 1985, providing for certification of athletic trainers by the State Board of Medicine; and making repeals. Adolph Evans, J. Mait land Saylor Allen Fairchild Major Schroder APPROPRIATIONS. Argall Feese Manderino Schuler Armstrong Fichter Mann Semmel Baker, J. Fleagle Markosek Shaner Baker, M. Flick Marsico Smith, B. Bard Foxier Mayernik Smith, S. H. LEGISLATIVE JOURNAG--HOUSE

- Barley Frankel McCall Solobay The following roll call was recorded: Barrar Freeman McGeehan Stairs Bastian Gabig McGill Steelman Bebko-Jones Gannon McIlhattan Steil Belardi Geist McIlhinney Stem Belfanti George McNaughton Stetler Adolph Evans, J. Maitland Say lor Benninghoff Godshall Melio Stevenson, R. Allen Fairchild Major Schroder Birmelin Gordner Metcalfe Stevenson, T. Argall Feese Manderino Schuler Bishop Grucela Michlovic Strittmatter Armstrong Fichter Mann Semrne 1 Boyes Gmitza Micovie Sturla Baker, J. Fleagle Markosek Shaner Browne Habay Miller, R. Surra Baker, M. Flick Marsico Smith, B. Bunt Haluska Miller, S. Tangretti Bard Forcier Mayemik Smith, S. H. Butkovitz Hanna Mundy Taylor, E. Z. Barley Frankel McCall Solobay Buxton Harhai Myers Taylor, J. Barrar Freeman McGeehan Stairs Caltagirone Harhan Nailor Thomas Bastian Gabig McGill Steelman Cappelli Harper Nickol Tigue Bebko-Jones Gamon Mcllhattan Steil Casorio Hasay O'Brien Trello Belardi Geist McIlhinney Stem Cawley Hennessey Oliver Trich Belfanti George McNaughton Stetler Civera Herman Pallone Tulli Benninghoff Godshall Melio Stevenson, R. Clark Hershey Petrarca Turzai Birmelin Gordner Metcalfe Stevenson, T. Clymer Hess Petrone Vance Bishop Grucela Michlovic Strittmatter Cohen, L. I. Horsey Phillips Veon Boyes Gruitza Miconie Sturla Cohen, M. Hutchinson Pickett Vitali Browne Habay Miller, R. Surra Colafella Jadlowiec P~WY Walko Bunt Haluska Miller, S. Tangretti Coleman James Pistella Wansacz Butkovitz Hanna Mundy Taylor, E. Z. Comell Josephs Preston Washington Buxton Harhai Myers Taylor, J. Corrigan Kaiser Raymond Waters Caltagirone Harhart Nailor Thomas Costa Keller Readshaw Watson Cappelli Harper Nickol Tigue COY Kenney Reinard Williams, J. Casorio Hasay 0' Brien Trello Creighton Kirkland Rieger Wilt Cawley Hennessey Oliver Trich cuny Krebs Roberts Wogan Civera Herman Pallone Tulli Dailey LaGrotta Robinson Wojnaroski Clark Hershey Petrarca Turzai Daley Laughlin Roebuck Wright, G. Clymer Hess Petrone Vance Dally Lawless Rohrer Wright, M. Cohen, L. I. Horsey Phillips Veon DeLuca Lederer Rooney Yewcic Cohen, M. Hutchinson Pickett Vitali Dermody Leh Ross Youngblood Colafella Jadlowiec P~PPY Walko De Weese Lescovitz Rubley Yudichak Coleman James Pistella Wansacz DiGirolamo Levdansky Ruffing Zimmerman Cornell Josephs Preston Washington Diven Lewis Sainato zug comgan Kaiser Raymond Waters Donatucci Lucyk Samuelson Costa Keller Readshaw Watson Eachus Lynch Santoni COY Kenney Reinard Williams, J. Egolf Mackereth Sather Ryan, Creighton Kirkland Rieger Wilt Evans, D. Maher Speaker curry Krebs Roberts Wogan Dailey LaGrotta Robinson Wojnaroski Daley Laughlin Roebuck Wright, G. NAYS-O Dally Lawless Ro hrer Wright, M. DeLuca Lederer Rooney Yewcic NOT VOTING-O Dermody Leh Ross Youngblood De Weesz Lescovitz Rubley Yudichak DiGirolamo Levdansky Ruffing Zimmerman Diven Lewis Sainato zug Donatucci Lucy k Samuelson Blaum Perzel Staback Williams, C. Eachus Lynch Santoni Cruz Scrimenti Travaglio Egolf Mackereth Sather Ryan, Evans, D. Maher Speaker

The majority required by the Constitution having voted in the affirmative, the question was determined in the affirmative NAYS-O and the bill passed finally. Ordered, That the clerk present the same to the Senate for concurrence. NOT VOTING4


The House proceeded to consideration on final passage Blaum Perzel Staback Williams, C. postponed of HB 927, PN 2777, entitled: Cruz Scrimenti Travaglio

An Act amending the act of May 22, 1933 (P.L.853, No.]%), known as The General County Assessment Law, hrther providing for The majority required by the Constitution having voted in subjects of taxation enumerated. the affmtive, the question was determined in the affitive and the bill passed finally. On the question retuning, Ordered, That the clerk present the same to the Senate for Shall the bill pass finally? concurrence. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Agreeable to the provisions of the Constitution, the yeas and nays will now be taken. 1992 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAHOUSE NOVEMBER 13

SUPPLEMENTAL CALENDAR A The majority having voted in the affirmative, the question i was determined in the affinnaive and the resolution was RESOLUTION PURSUANT TO RULE 35 1 adopted. Mr. TANGRETTI called up HR 351, PN 2824, entitled: SUPPLEMENTAL CALENDAR B

A Resolution declaring the week of November 11 through 17, 2001, as "Catholic Communications Week" in Pennsylvania. BILL ON THIRD CONSIDERATION

On the question, The House proceeded to third consideration of HB 1458, Will the House adopt the resolution? PN 2677, entitled: An Act amending the act of August 9, 1955 (P.L.323, No.130), The following roll call was recorded: known as The County Code, further providing for bonds for county officers, for bonds of deputies and other appointees, for taking money and property by gift, for creation of a capital reserve fund, for the operating reserve fund, for billing and collecting by the county Adolph Evans, J. Mait land Say lor treasurer, for functions of the controller, for custody of documents, for Allen Fairchild Major Schroder books of fiscal affairs, for claims against a county, for reports to Argall Feese Manderino Schuler commissioners, for fees of witnesses and jurors, for receipts and Armstrong Fichter Mann Semmel accounts of money due a county, for preparation of proposed annual Baker, .I. Fleagle Markosek Shaner budget, for amending budgets, for levies, for tax rates, for Baker, M. Flick Marsico Smith, B. appropriations, for filing the budget, for notice and for the preparation Bard Forcier Mayemik Smith, S. H. of uniform forms; providing for refusal to submit to examination and Barley Frankel McCall Solobay for the procedure for approval; and making an editorial change. Barrar Freeman McGeehan Stairs Bastian Gabig McGill Steelman Bebko-Jones Gannon McIlhattan Steil On the question, Belardi Geist Mcllhimey Stem . Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration? Belfanti George McNaughton Stetler Beminghoff Godshall Melio Stevenson, R. Bill was agreed to. Birmelin Gordner Metcalfe Stevenson, T. Bishop Grucela . Michlovic Strittmatter The SPEAKER pro tempore. This bill has been considered Boyes Gruitza Micozzie Sturla Browne Habay Miller, R. Surra on tbree different days and agreed to and is now on final Bunt Haluska Miller, S. Tangretti passage. Butkovitz Hanna Mundy Taylor, E. Z. The question is, shall the bill pass finally? Buxton Harhai Myers Taylor, J. Caltagirone Harhart Nailor Thomas Agreeable to the provisions of the Constitution, the yeas and Cappelli Harper Nickol Tigue nays will now be taken. Casorio Hasay O'Brien Trello Cawley Hennessey Oliver Trich The following roll call was recorded: Civera Herman Pallone Tulli Clark Hershey Petrarca Turzai Clymer Hess Petrone Vance Cohen, L. I. Horsey Phillips Veon Cohen, M. Hutchinson Picken Vitali Adolph Evans, J. Maitland Say lor Colafella Jadlowiec P~PPY Walko Allen Fairchild Major Schroder Coleman James Pistella Wansacz Argall Feese Manderino Schuler Comell Josephs Preston Washington I Armstrong Fichter Mann Semmel Comgan Kaiser Raymond Waters 1 Baker, J. Fleagle Markosek Shaner Costa Keller Readshaw Watson Baker, M. Flick Marsico Smith, B. COY Kenney Reinard Williams, J. Bard Forcier Mayernik Smith, S. H. Creighton Kirkland Rieger Wilt 1 Barley Frankel McCall Solobay cuw Krebs Roberts Wogan Freeman McGeehan Stairs Dailey LaGrotta Robinson Wojnaroski Bastian Gabig McGill Steelman Daley Laughlin Roebuck Wright, G. 1 ::-Jones Gamon McIlhattan Steil Dally Lawless Rohrer Wright, M. 1 Belardi Geist McIlhinney Stem DeLuca Lederer Rooney Yewcic Belfanti George McNaughton Stetler Dermody Leh Ross Youngblood Benninghoff Godshall Melio Stevenson, R. De Weese Lescovitz Rubley Y udichak Birmelin Gordner Metcalfe Stevenson, T. DiGirolamo Levdansb Ruffing Zimmerman Bishop Grucela Michlovic Strittmatter Diven Lewis Sainato zug Boyes Gruitza Micovie Sturla Donatucci Lucy k Samuelson Browne Habay Miller, R. Sum Eachus Lynch Santoni Bunt Haluska Miller, S. Tangretti Egolf Mackereth Sather Ryan, Butkovitz Hama Mundy Taylor, E. Z. Evans, D. Maher Speaker Buxton Harhai Myers Taylor, J. Caltagirone Harhart Nailor Thomas Cappelli Harper Nickol Tigue Casorio Hasay O'Brien Trello Cawley Hennessey Oliver Trich NOT VOTING4 Civera Herman Pallone Tulli Clark Hershey Petrarca Turzai Clymer Hess Petrone Vance Cohen, L. I. Horsey Phillips Veon Cohen, M. Hutchinson Pickett Vitali Blaum Perzel Staback Williams, C. Colafella Jadlowiec P~PPY Walko cruz Scrimenti Travaglio Coleman James Pistella Wansacz LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL--HOUSE

Cornell Josephs Preston Washington Browne Habay Miller, R. Surra Corrigan Kaiser Raymond Waters Bunt Haluska Miller, S. Tangretti Costa Keller Readshaw Watson Butkovitz Hanna Mundy Taylor, E. Z. coy Kemey Reinard Williams, J. Buxton Harhai Myers Taylor, J. Crelghton Kirkland Rieger Wilt Caltagirone Harhart Nailor Thomas curry Krebs Roberts Wogan Cappelli Harper Nickol Tigue Dailey LaGrotta Robinson Wojnaroski Casorio Hasay O'Brien Trel lo Daley Laughlin Roebuck Wright, G. Cawley Hennessey Oliver Trich Dally Lawless Rohrer Wright, M. Civera Herman Pallone Tulli DeLuca Lederer Rooney Yewcic Clark Hershey Petrarca Turzai Dermody Leh Ross Youngblood Clymer Hess Petrone Vance DeWeese Lescovitz Rubley Yudichak Cohen, L. I. Horsey Phillips Veon DiGirolamo Levdansky Ruffing Zimmerman Cohen, M. Hutchinson Pickett Vitali Diven Lewis Sainato zug Colafella Jadlowiec P~PPY Walko Donatucci Lucyk Samuelson Coleman James Pistella Wansacz Eachus Lynch Santoni Comell Josephs Preston Washington Egolf Mackereth Sather Ryan, Corrigan Kaiser Raymond Waters Evans, D. Maher Speaker Costa Keller Readshaw Watson COY Kenney Reinard Williams, J. Cre~ghton Kirkland Rieger Wilt curry Krebs Roberts Wogan Dailey LaGrotta Robinson Wojnaroski Daley Laughlin Roebuck Wright, G. Dally Lawless Rohrer Wright, M. DeLuca Lederer Rooney Yewcic NOT VOTINGO Dermody Leh Ross Y oungblood De Weese Lescovitz Rubley Yudichak DiGirolamo Levdansky Ruffing Zimmerman Diven Lewis Sainato zug Donatucci Lucyk Samuelson Eachus Lynch Santoni Blaum Perzel Staback Williams, C. Egolf Mackereth Sather Ryan, Cruz Scrimenti Travaglio Evans, D. Maher Speaker

The majority required by the Constitution having voted in NAYSO the affirmative, the question was determined in the affirmative and the bill passed finally. Ordered, That the clerk present the same to the .Senate for NOT VOTING-O concurrence.

SUPPLEMENTAL CALENDAR C Blaum Perzel Staback Williams, C. RESOLUTION PURSUANT TO RULE 35 Scrimenti Travaglio

Mrs. COHEN called up HR 352, PN 2855, entitled: The majority having voted in the affirmative, the question A Resolution joining in the observance of the Great American was determined in the affirmative and the resolution was Smokeout on November 15,2001. adopted.

On the question, The SPEAKER pro tempore. There will be no fiuther votes Will the House adopt the resolution? taken today. If the members would like, there will be a reception for our The following roll call was recorded: guests from the Band of Brothers in the majority caucus room.

For what purpose does the gentleman, Mr. Strittmatter, rise? Adolph Evans, J. Maitland Saylor Mr. STRITTMATTER. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Allen Fairchild Major Schroder To run HI2 353, which is a noncontroversial resolution but Argall Feese Manderino Schuler recognizes a day - tomorrow - as "Pennsylvania GIs Armstrong Fichter Mann Semmel (geographic information systems) Day." So I would ask if we Baker, J. Fleagle Markosek Shaner Baker, M. Flick Marsico Smith, B. could run that today. I was hoping it could run without Bard Forcier Mayemik Smith, S. H. objection. Barley Frankel McCall Solobay Mr. HASAY. Mr. Speaker? Mr. Speaker? Barrar Freeman McGeehan Stairs Bastian Gabig McGill Steelman The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the gentleman suspend. Bebko-Jones Gannon Mcllhattan Steil We are going to run the resolution. Belardi Geist McIlhinney Stem Bel fanti George McNaughton Stetler Benninghoff Godshall Melio Stevenson, R. For the members, we will have one more vote. Birmelin Gordner Metcalfe Stevenson, T. Bishop Grucela Michlovic Striamatter Boyes Gruitza Micozzie Sturla 1 1994 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAG--HOUSE NOVEMBER 13 T SUPPLEMENTAL CALENDAR D The majority having voted in the affmtive, the question 5 was determined in the affmative and the resolution was RESOLUTION PURSUANT TO RULE 35 adopted.

Mr. STRITTMATTER called up HR 353, PN 2856, entitled: The SPEAKER pro tempore. There are no further votes today. The members are free to go to the reception. Thank you. A Resolution proclaiming November 14, 200 1, as "Pennsylvania GIs Day." ANNOUNCEMENT BY MR. HASAY On the question, Will the House adopt the resolution? Mr. HASAY. Mr. Speaker? The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman, Mr. Hasay, is The follolwing roll call was recorded: recognized. Mr. HASAY. For the purpose of an announcement, Mr. Speaker. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Proceed. Adolph Evans, J. Maitland Say lor Mr. HASAY. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Allen Fairchild Major Schroder Mr. Speaker, as you are aware, I chair the House Commerce Argall Feese Manderino Schuler Armstrong Fichter Mann Semmel Committee, and with the occasion of the September 11 disaster, Baker, J. Fleagle Markosek Shaner I will be introducing a series of antiterrorist bills that deal with Baker, M. Flick Marsico Smith, B. the money, with the finance assets. I will be asking for your Bard Foxier Mayernik Smith, S. H. Barley Frankel McCall Solobay sponsorship. Barrar Freeman McGeehan Stairs I have six bills, five of which amend various statutes already Bastian Gabig McGill Steelman in the Commonwealth and one original act. It adds specific Bebko-Jones Gannon McIlhattan Steil Belardi Geist Mcllhinney Stem language to make it crystal clear that the subject of this Belfanti George McNaughton Stetler particular legislation, whether it be a State agency or a Be~inghoff Godshall Melio Stevenson, R. State-regulated financial institution, shall not invest any of its Birmelin Gordner Metcalfe Stevenson, T. Bishop Grucela Michlovic Strittmatter funds in any stock or obligation in any country identified by the Boyes Gruitza Micozzie Sturla United States Department of State as a sponsor of a foreign Browne Habay Miller, R. Surra terrorist organization. Currently the United States Department Bunt Haluska Miller, S. Tangretti Butkovitz Hama Mundy Taylor, E. Z. of State designates annually countries which are sponsors of Buxton Harhai Myers Taylor, J. terrorism. In the latest report, Mr. Speaker, the following Caltagirone Harhart Nailor Thomas countries are considered sponqors of terrorism: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Cappelli Harper Nickol Tigue Casorio Hasay O'Brien Trello North Korea, the Sudan, and Syria. Should these countries drop Cawley Hennessey Oliver Trich off the list or new countries be added, they would automatically Civera Herman Pallone Tulli come under the prohibitions of these statutes. Clark Hershey Petrarca Turzai The five bills that I will be introducing deal with the State Clymer Hess Petrone Vance Cohen, L. I. Horsey Phillips Veon Employees Retirement System; the act of February 7, 1906, Cohen, M. Hutchinson Pickett Vitali which regulates the deposits of State funds; the public school Colafella Jadlowiec P~PPY Walko Coleman James Pistella Wansacz employees retirement law; the Fiscal Code, which regulates Comell Josephs Preston Washington investments of State hds by the Treasurer; number five, Corrigan Kaiser Raymond Waters Title 17, which regulates investments by credit unions. The Costa Keller Readshaw Watson sixth is an original act to prohibit investments in, deposits from, COY Kemey Reinard Williams, J. Crelghton Kirkland Rieger Wilt or loans made by any banking institution or investment cuny Krebs Roberts Wogan company subject to the regulation by the Commonwealth to any Dailey LaGrona Robinson Wojnaroski Daley Laughlin Roebuck Wright, G. State sponsor of terrorism. Dally Lawless Rohrer Wright, M. As you are aware, the General Assembly has taken similar DeLuca Lederer Rooney Yewcic steps in the past in regard to apartheid in South Africa and the DermOdy Leh Ross Youngblood conflict in Northern Ireland. In both instances, State statutes De Weese Lescovitz Rubley Yudichak DiGirolamo Levdansky Ruffing Zimmerman were amended to prohibit financial dealings with companies Diven Lewis Sainato zug headquartered in those countries as a way to force peace. I Donatucci Lucyk Samuelson Eachus Lynch Santoni believe this is one way to contribute to this war on terrorism and Egolf Mackereth Sather Ryan, a constructive financial means to ensure that our laws are Evans, D. Maher Speaker appropriately right in the many ways to fight terrorism. Again, I will be introducing these bills tomorrow and invite your support and cosponsorship. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair thanks the NOT VOTING4 gentleman. EXCUSED-7 ( One announcement: To~norrowwill be a nonvoting session Blaum Perzel Staback Williams, C. Cruz Scrimenti Travaglio 200 1 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL--HOUSE 1995

Is there any further business from the majority leader or minority leader before the House? The Chair recognizes the minority leader. Mr. DeWEESE. I would just like to compliment the gentleman from South Philadelphia on the way he has handled the Chair. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair thanks the gentleman.

BILLS PASSED OVER The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without objection, all remaining bills on today's calendar will be passed over. The Chair hears no objection.


The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes Representative Jane Baker from Lehigh County. Ms. BAKER. Mr. Speaker, I move that the House do now adjourn until Wednesday, November 14, 2001, at 11 a.m., e.s.t., unless sooner recalled by the Speaker.

On the question, Will the House agree to the motion? Motion was agreed to, and at 258 p.m., e.s.t., the House adjourned.