COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13,2001 SESSION OF 2001 185TH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 62 7 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES JOURNAL APPROVAL POSTPONED The House convened at 1 p.m., e.s.t. The SPEAKER. Without objection, approval of the Journal of Tuesday, October 30, 2001, will be postponed until printed. THE SPEAKER (MATTHEW J. RYAN) The Chair hears no objection. PRESIDING JOURNAL APPROVED PRAYER The SPEAKER. Without objection, the Journal for Thursday, REV. THOMAS J. ROZMAN, Chaplain of the House of June 21, 2001, will stand approved. The Chair hears no Representatives and priest of the Diocese of Hamsburg, objection. Director of Vocations,-. vastor of Our Lady of Good Counsel, Marysville, Pennsylvania, and pastor Lf St. ~ernadette; Duncannon, Pennsylvania, offered the following prayer: HOUSE BILLS INTRODUCED AND REFERRED Let us pray: God our creator and sustainer, You guide the events of our No. 2095 By Representatives GORDNER, ADOLPH, lives, and You guide all human works that have a good purpose. BARD, BASTIAN, BROWNE, COLEMAN, CORRIGAN, Prompt all those who believe in You to praise and worship You CREIGHTON, DeLUCA, DiGIROLAMO, J. EVANS, with our hearts and voices. FRANKEL, GODSHALL, HERSHEY, HORSEY, MARSICO, You are the source and origin of every blessing. Strengthen PALLONE, PICKETT, RUFFING, SATHER, SCHRODER, and bless all the citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. SHANER, B. SMITH, STEELMAN, STERN, E. Z. TAYLOR, Bless all those whom we have elected to lead us in government. THOMAS, TIGUE, TURZAI, WASHINGTON, WATERS, We believe that in all things we must seek Your help. Be with WATSON, WOJNAROSKI, G. WRIGHT, YOUNGBLOOD, us so that we may have comulete reliance on You. YUDICHAK, PISTELLA, HENNESSEY and McGILL We ask YO& blessing cpon the House of Representatives An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania today. Strengthen them to be the good stewards of the gifts that Consolidated Statutes, further providing for restraint systems. You have given them. As they continue to guide and lead the people of our Commonwealth, give them the gifts of courage Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION, and understanding, the gifts of counsel and fortitude, the gifts of October 3 1,2001. knowledge and piety, and the gift of the fear of the Lord. Guide all of their deliberations and discussions. Guide their No. 2096 By Representatives JOSEPHS, BEBKO-JONES, hearts and their minds in seeking the common good. Give to BISHOP, CASORIO, COLAFELLA, DALEY, FREEMAN, them prudence and wisdom. Give them a sense of joy and the GEORGE, I-IARHAI, LAUGHLIN, McCALL, MUNDY, knowledge of Your peace. PISTELLA, ROONEY, SCRIMENTI, STETLER, THOMAS, Heavenly God, we invoke Your name this day. We ask You TRELLO, WALKO, WASHINGTON, C.WILLIAMS, to bless all those gathered here. We ask You to bless the WOJNAROSKI, FRANKEL, CURRY, DeWEESE, GEIST, proceedings that will take place this day. GRUCELA, JAMES, MANN, MELIO, PETRARCA, We honor, glorify, and praise You, for You are God, forever ROBERTS, SAMUELSON, SOLOBAY, STURLA, and ever. Amen. TRAVAGLIO, TRICH, WANSACZ, WATERS, J. WILLIAMS, YOUNGBLOOD and PALLONE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE An Act requiring the Committee on Management Operations of the The SPEAKER. In the pledging of 'allegiance today, look to Senate and the Bipartisan Management Committee of the House of Representatives to form a task force on security; and providing for the the rear of the House. The American flag that is usually up here development of a security plan. is not here today. Referred to Committee on RULES, October 3 1,2001. (The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by members and visitors.) 6 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL--HOUSE NOVEMBER 13 No. 2097 By Representatives LYNCH, BARD, BARRAR, An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the CAPPELLI, CLARK, COLEMAN, CREIGHTON, GABIG, Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, defining "public service recipient"; and further providing for dissemination of criminal record GEIST, GODSHALL, GRUCELA, HERSHEY, JAMES, LEH, information. MELIO, PETRARCA, ROHRER, SAINATO, SEMMEL, SHANER, STABACK, STEELMAN, E. Z. TAYLOR, TIGUE, Referred to Committee on JUDICIARY, October 3 1,2001. TRELLO, WILT and WOJNAROSKI No.2102 By Representatives L. I. COHEN, An Act establishing a select committee to study and report the ramifications of repealing The Local Tax Enabling Act and BEBKO-JONES, BROWNE, BUNT, CREIGHTON, taxation provisions of local government codes; and authorizing FREEMAN, HORSEY, JAMES, LEDERER, R. MILLER, local government units to devise their own systems of taxation. PALLONE, SCRIMENTI, SHANER, SOLOBAY, STEELMAN, J. TAYLOR, THOMAS, TIGUE, WALKO, Referred to Committee on RULES, October 31,2001. WANSACZ, WASHINGTON, WATSON, YOUNGBLOOD, G. WRIGHT and HARPER No. 2098 By Representatives COLAFELLA, WON, M. COHEN, BELARDI, D. EVANS, CURRY, GRUCELA, An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of KREBS, MUNDY, McILHATTAN, NAILOR, ROEBUCK, the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for death action. STEELMAN, T. STEVENSON, ADOLPH, ALLEN, BEBKO-JONES, BELFANTI, BISHOP, BROWNE, Referred to Committee on JUDICIARY, October 3 1,200 1. CAPPELLI, L. I. COHEN, CORRIGAN, COSTA, CREIGHTON, DAILEY, DALEY, DALLY, DONATUCCI, No. 2103 By Representatives L. I. COHEN, FREEMAN, GEORGE, GORDNER, HALUSKA, HARHAI, BEBKO-JONES, BUNT, CAPPELLI, CLARK, CREIGHTON, HERSHEY, JAMES, JOSEPHS, KAISER, KENNEY, DeWEESE, DIVEN, FAIRCHILD, FEESE, FLICK, LaGROTTA, LAUGHLIN, LEWIS, MANDERINO, MANN, GRUCELA, HARHAI, HORSEY, JAMES, KAISER, MARKOSEK, MELIO, MICOZZIE, MYERS, OLIVER, MARKOSEK, McILHATTAN, PETRARCA, SCHRODER, PERZEL, PETRARCA, PIPPY, PRESTON, RAYMOND, SHANER, STABACK, STEELMAN, THOMAS, TRELLO, READSHAW, RUBLEY, SAINATO, SAMUELSON, WOJNAROSKI, YOUNGBLOOD, McGILL and J. TAYLOR SHANER, STABACK, STEIL, R. STEVENSON, TANGRETTI, E. Z. TAYLOR, J. TAYLOR, THOMAS, An Act amending Title 24 (Education) of the Pennsylvania TIGUE, TRAVAGLIO, TRELLO, TRICH, WALKO, Consolidated Statutes, further providing for creditable nonschool WANSACZ, WATERS, WATSON, J.WILLIAMS, service and for creditable work experience. WOJNAROSKI, YOUNGBLOOD, YUDICHAK, TULLI, ROBINSON and STURLA Referred to Committee on EDUCATION, October 3 1,2001. An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), No. 2104 By Representatives C. WILLIAMS, known as the Public School Code of 1949, further providing for financial program. BEBKO-JONES, BROWNE, CORRIGAN, CRUZ, D. EVANS, FRANKEL, HENNESSEY, HORSEY, MANN, MELIO, PALLONE, SHANER, STEELMAN, E. Z. TAYLOR, Referred to Committee on EDUCATION, October 3 1,2001. WASHINGTON, WATSON, J. WILLIAMS, G. WRIGHT and YOUNGBLOOD No. 2099 By Representatives SCHRODER, ADOLPH, ARMSTRONG, BARD, BASTIAN, BENNINGHOFF, An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania BIRMELIN, CLARK, CLYMER, L. I. COHEN, COLEMAN, Consolidated Statutes, further providing for restraint systems and DAILEY, DALEY, EGOLF, FAIRCHILD, FLICK, FORCER, points for violations. GABIG, HARPER, HERSHEY, LEH, MAITLAND, MARSICO, METCALFE, R. MILLER, NAILOR, ROHRER, Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION, ROSS, RUBLEY, SATHER, SAYLOR, SCI-IULER, October 3 1,200 1. SCRIMENTI, STEIL, T. STEVENSON, E. Z. TAYLOR, VANCE, WILT and ZUG No. 2105 By Representatives CALTAGIRONE, FREEMAN, LAWLESS, GRUCELA, LAUGHLIN, An Act providing for voluntary payroll deduction for political LEVDANSKY, SAINATO, DeLUCA, JAMES, HALUSKA, contributions, for regulation of labor organization political contributions, for enforcement and for penalties; and imposing powers MELIO and WASHINGTON and duties on the Department of State. An Act establishing a procedure for the award of community revitalization program grants. Referred to Committee on LABOR RELATIONS, October 3 1,200 1. Referred to Committee on LOCAL GOVERNMENT, October 31,2001. No. 2101 By Representatives L. I. COHEN, CREIGHTON, CURRY, FRANKEL, GEORGE, HARHAI, HORSEY, JAMES, MELIO, READSHAW, STABACK, THOMAS, No. 2106 By Representatives CALTAGIRONE, MANN, TIGUE, TRELLO, YOUNGBLOOD and G. WRIGHT SHANER, STABACK, EACHUS, SOLOBAY, HORSEY, JAMES, G. WRIGHT, COLEMAN, TRELLO and PALLONE LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL--HOUSE 1973 An Act amending the act of June 23, 1931 (P.L.932, No.317), BEBKO-JONES, WANSACZ, YOUNGBLOOD, GEORGE, known as The Third Class City Code, providing for labor contract MARKOSEK, FREEMAN, McCALL, WOJNAROSKI, negotiations. GRUCELA, JOSEPHS, HORSEY, BELFANTI, SOLOBAY, TRELLO, DeLUCA, STEELMAN, JAMES and G. WRIGHT Referred to Committee on URBAN AFFAIRS, October 3 1, 200 1. An Act establishing the Office of Pennsylvania Advocacy and Liaison in the Department of Labor and Industry; providing for its No. 2107 By Representatives PIPPY, BARRAR, purpose, duties and administration; and making an appropriation. BENNINGHOFF, CAPPELLI, CLARK., CREIGHTON, DeWEESE, DiGIROLAMO, FLEAGLE, GEIST, GEORGE, Referred to Committee on LABOR RELATIONS, HALUSKA, HARHAI, HENNESSEY, HERSHEY, MAHER, October 3 1,200 1. McCALL, McILHATTAN, METCALFE, PALLONE, ROHRER, ROSS, SAINATO, SAYLOR, SHANER, STERN and T. STEVENSON No. 2112 By Representatives ROSS, E. Z. TAYLOR, BARD, BEBKO-JONES, BELFANTI, BROWNE, BUNT, An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of CAPPELLI, CLYMER, L. I. COHEN, COY, CREIGHTON, the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for qualification of jurors. CURRY, DALEY, DiGIROLAMO, FAIRCHILD, FLICK, GEIST, GEORGE, HARHAI, HARHART, HASAY, HERSHEY, HORSEY, JAMES, JOSEPHS, LAUGHLIN, Referred to Committee on JUDICIARY, October 3 1,2001. LEDERER. MAITLAND. McCALL.
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