Living Environment Glossary - High School Level
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High School Level Living Environment y Glossary English / Fulani Glossar Translation of Living Environment terms based on the Coursework for Living Environment Grades 9 to 12. Word-for-word glossaries are used for testing accommodations for ELL/LEP students THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT / THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK / ALBANY, NY 12234 Updated: January 2018 THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT / THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK / ALBANY, NY 12234 P-16 Office of Elementary, Middle, Secondary and Continuing Education and Office of Higher Education Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Regents of The University BETTY A. ROSA, Chancellor, B.A., M.S. in Ed., M.S. in Ed., M.Ed., Ed.D. ................. Bronx T. ANDREW BROWN, Vice Chancellor, B.A., J.D. ........................................................... Rochester ROGER TILLES, B.A., J.D. ................................................................................................. Great Neck LESTER W. YOUNG, JR., B.S., M.S., Ed.D. ...................................................................... Beechhurst CHRISTINE D. CEA, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. ........................................................................... Staten Island WADE S. NORWOOD, B.A. ............................................................................................... Rochester KATHLEEN M. CASHIN, B.S., M.S., Ed.D. ...................................................................... Brooklyn JAMES E. COTTRELL, B.S., M.D. ....................................................................................... New York JOSEPHINE VICTORIA FINN, B.A., J.D. .............................................................................. Monticello JUDITH CHIN, M.S. in Ed. ............................................................................................... Little Neck BEVERLY L. OUDERKIRK, B.S. in Ed., M.S. in Ed. ........................................................... Morristown CATHERINE COLLINS, R.N., N.P., B.S., M.S. in Ed., Ed.D. ............................................ Buffalo JUDITH JOHNSON, B.A., M.A., C.A.S. ............................................................................. New Hempstead NAN EILEEN MEAD, B.A. ................................................................................................ Manhattan ELIZABETH S. HAKANSON, A.S., M.S., C.A.S. ................................................................ Syracuse LUIS O. REYES, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. ................................................................................... New York SUSAN W. MITTLER, B.S., M.S. ....................................................................................... Ithaca Commissioner of Education and President of The University MARYELLEN ELIA Executive Deputy Commissioner ELIZABETH R. BERLIN The State Education Department does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, religion, creed, disability, marital status, veteran status, national origin, race, gender, genetic predisposition or carrier status, or sexual orientation in its educational programs, services and activities. Portions of this publication can be made available in a variety of formats, including braille, large print or audio tape, upon request. Inquiries concerning this policy of nondiscrimination should be directed to the Department’s Office for Diversity and Access, Room 530, Education Building, Albany, NY 12234. Living Environment Glossary - High School Level ENGLISH FULANI A abandon ngoppugol abbreviation raɓɓiɗingol ability mbaawka abiogenesis ƴeewgol ñawe ndiyam reedu abiotic alaa ngurdam abiotic factor ko wuuraani abortion awortoma absorption moɗgol accomplish waɗde according to e yiyande account kont accumulate rendinnde accurate timmi acetylcholine acetylcholin acid asib acid rain toɓo lammuko acidity lammugol tot acne fuƴere acquire dañde acquired characteristics jikkuji gabbitiiɗi acquired immunity tulogol gabbitigol acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) ñaw sida acromegaly akromegali activation energy semmbe kuɓɓinoo active immunity kaɓorgu parngu active site nokku dilluɗo active transport jaandogol dilluɗo activity dillere adaptation yaadinnde adaptive kawro adaptive radiation naaŋe kawrundi adaptive value moƴƴere kawrundi addiction guurtagol additional ɓeydoo adenine adenine adenosine diphosphate (ADP) fosfatuuji ɗiɗi mo adenosiin (ADP) adenosine monophosphate (AMP) fosfat gooto mo adenosiin (AMP) adenosine triphosphate (ATP) foosfatuuji tati mo adenosiin (ATP) adequate kaanɗo adhesion tokkogol adipose tissue tisi adipo adolescence cukaagu adrenal cortex korteks ƴiiƴam ngulɗam adrenal gland soɓɓunde ƴiiƴam ngulɗam adrenal medulla medul ƴiiƴam ngulɗam adrenaline Ƴiiƴam ngulɗam NYS Statewide Language RBERN Living Environment Glossary - High School Level ENGLISH FULANI adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) ormon adrenokortikotropik (ACTH) adsorption jaggo atom adult mawɗo advantage ɓural aerobe nder henndu aerobic e henndu aerobic respiration foofaango e henndu aerosol kurjut afterbirth caggal jibinannde agar seloos agarose agaroos agglutination tiɗɗondirgol agglutinin agglutinin agglutinogen takkatooɗo aging naywugol agricultural ndema agriculture ndema AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) Ñaw Sida ailment ñaw air pollution saawdu henndu air sac weeyo air space fuuñeyaagal albinism wonnde fuuñe albino fuuñe albumen albumen alcoholic fermentation penndugol alkol algae algae algal bloom ɓeydogol alguuji alimentary canal tiwooji ñaamdu alkaline alkaline all or none response jaabagol fof walla hay ndiga allantois allantois allele (s) mbaadi iwdi allergic jeeɓti allergic reactions jeeɓtugol allergy jeeɓtugol alter (ed) bonnaɗo altered gene lasdi mbaylaandi alternation of generation baylugol jamaanu alveolus alveolus ameba ameba amoeboid movement dillere amoeboid amino acid (s) asib amine amino group fedde amine ammonia ammonia amniocentesis amniocentesis amnion amnion NYS Statewide Language RBERN Living Environment Glossary - High School Level ENGLISH FULANI amniotic fluid ndiyam iteris amount tolnu amphibian baaɗi ne paaɓi, elooji amylase bollooji dolgol anabolism mohooje molekiluuji anaerobe ala oxygene anaerobic ala oxygene analgesic gitto museeki analogous structure analogous structure anaphase peccogol selul njawngol anatomy mbaadi androgen androgen anemia mankeede ƴiiƴam angina pectoris muuseki becce animal kulel ladde ant ñuuñu antenna (e) anten anterior gadiiɗo anther banŋge domko pollen antibiotic (s) baroowo (ji) mikorob antibodies deenooje antibody denoo anticodon anticodon antigen ñawnooje antihistamine calagol ɓanndu antiseptics barooje ñawnowon antitoxin kaɓotooje posone anus kuutol aorta ɓoggal ƴiiƴam ɓernde aortic arch laañal ɓoggi ɓernde aphotic zone reedu maayo appearance mbaadi appendage cindiindi appendicitis reedu muusooru appendix binndi caggal apply waɗde appropriate poɗɗo approval jaɓgol aquaculture liggorgal gurɗee ndiyam aquarium akwariyom aquatic mo ndiyam arid yoori arrow laañal arteriole arteriol artery ɓoggol ƴiiƴam arthritis ñawuuji dentuɗi artificial selection cuɓogol nehoo NYS Statewide Language RBERN Living Environment Glossary - High School Level ENGLISH FULANI asbestos asbestos ascending colon ƴiyal keeci ascorbic acid witaamin c asexual alaa terɗe asexual reproduction Jibinngol ngol alaa terɗe asexually alaa terɗe ash ndoondi aspen aspen assembled dendinaaɗi assimilation joolgol associate rendinnde association neuron jokkondirooje gandi assuming nangude assumption jottoraade aster leɗɗe keewɗe leƴƴi asthma asma astigmatism ndeneeri yiitere atherosclerosis ɓooɗe e ƴiiƴam athlete’s foot ñaw nguru koyngal atmosphere weeyo atmospheric ngo weeyo atmospheric temperature ñoƴƴugol henndu weeyo atom gabbel atomic mass tolno gabbel atomic number limre gabbel ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate) ATP (fosfatuuji tati mo adenosiin) atria koode puneeje atrium dinndeere attach haɓɓude attack yannde e dow attempt etaade auditory canal tiwo nofru auditory nerve ɗaɗi nanirɗe auricle baafe noppi autoclave suppeere automobile werla autonomic nervous system ngaandi laadoje autosome jeyɗo hoore mum autotroph gittowo e sibstans autotrophic ñamminoowo hoore mum autotrophic nutrition Ñaamdu hoore mum auxin ormonaaji leɗɗe availability ngoodgol available kaljitaaɗi axis aks axon kuuraŋ ɓanndu NYS Statewide Language RBERN Living Environment Glossary - High School Level ENGLISH FULANI B bacteria ñawnawon bacterial ñawno bacterial infections daaɓgol ñawnooje bacterial pneumonia nojjo daaɓooje bacteriophage wiris ñawnawon bacterium ñawnooje balance potgol balanced diet namndu pakiniindu ball and socket joint ƴiyal lombingal bare ɓolo bark hobjere barnacle guurngel sara ndiyam basal metabolic rate enezi ki deeƴi base dokko electroŋ base-pairing jokkondirɗi hydrogen bass les beak hoggo bear urs beaver kastor beetle hoowoyre behavior jikku behavioral jikkini benedict’s solution olution ndiyam bulaajam baɗɗam karbinaat benthos guurooje e ndiyam beriberi ñaamndu mankundu vitamin B bias nuunɗi bicarbonate karbinaat biceps bange dow juuɗe bicuspid valve calɗi ɓernde bilateral symmetry pecce potɗe bile ndiyam ndolnojam bile duct nanguɗu fuwa bile pigment bonnooje golobil rouge binary fission peccogol ɗiɗi binomial nomenclature dokkugol indeeji ɗiɗi biochemical processes jikkirgol guurɗe biochemistry janŋde nguurndam biodegradable bono biodiversity keewal gurɗi biogenesis jiɓtiningol biogeochemical cycle jilogol biogeosimik biological catalysis ummirgo biolosik biological control