Ice Age Floods Study of Alternatives Background

section d BACKGROUND

1. Geologic Background

n recent geological history, portions of the have been the site of several Imassive flooding events caused by the abrupt drainage of glacial lakes. The most dramatic of these events are the Ice Age Floods that covered parts of Montana, , , and . For a better understanding of the Floods, perhaps a good place to start is to first look at the geological and climatic changes that led up to these cataclysmic floods.

NPS Photo Today’s travelers to the Northwest are witnesses Generally accepted scientific evidence extinct 65 million years ago, and about to a story that puzzled geologists for years. indicates that the earth is around 4.5 to 20 million years ago, in late Cenozoic 4.6 billion years old. Glaciation can be Era, the started to look traced all the way back to the Proterozoic much as it does today, with its Era, approximately 2.3 billion years ago, mountains, valleys, and shorelines. when the earth was covered with ice. Near the end of the Proterozoic Era, Ice Ages have occurred sporadically between 850 and 600 million years ago, throughout the earth’s history, although summary rock records indicate another global they represent a relatively small part of his section presents a brief overview of the glaciation period. geologic time. Many of the still visible TGlacial Floods story, two of the effects of the great ice sheets that key people involved with discovering the Floods About 200 million years ago the Atlantic periodically covered parts of North and the glacial lake from which the Floods Ocean began to open up and the America were produced during the last originated, and events that led up to the initiation continents drifted into their current Ice Age, in the Epoch. These of the Ice Age Floods Alternatives Study. configuration. The dinosaurs became ice sheets left a distinctive geologic

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record in the land forms of the glacial dust and silt, called loess, that is Northwest. up to 250 feet thick. The Cascade Mountains were formed during the later From 17 to 13 million years ago, lava part of these basalt extrusions. flows emanating from a series of volcanic extrusions spread across the During the Pleistocene Epoch Ice Age, Basin, constructing a beginning about 2.5 million years ago, broad lava platform across northeast virtually all of southwestern Canada was Oregon, , and repeatedly glaciated by ice sheets that central Idaho. These extrusions were also covered much of Alaska, northern among the largest and most spectacular Washington, Idaho, Montana, and the lava flows of their kind. The Columbia rest of northern United States. In North River basalts that flooded across the America, the most recent glacial event is Pacific Northwest consisted of more the Wisconsin glaciation, which began than 42,000 cubic miles of lava. In about 80,000 years ago and ended places, the basalt is more than two miles around 10,000 years ago. Floods events thick. In the Columbia Basin, the lava from this last glacial period are the

NPS Photo basalts were covered with windblown subject of this report. Floods of molten lava poured across western Idaho, eastern Washington, and northern Oregon.

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2. Story of the Floods

t the end of the last Ice Age, a finger of the crept southward Ainto the Idaho panhandle, forming a large ice dam that blocked the mouth of the , creating a massive lake 2000 feet deep and containing more than 500 cubic miles of water. Glacial Lake Missoula stretched eastward for some 200 miles and contained more water than Lake Erie and Lake Ontario combined. When the highest of these ice dams failed, lake water burst through, shooting out at a rate 10 times the combined flow of all the rivers of the world.

This towering mass of water and ice dozens of times, leaving a lasting mark literally shook the ground as it on the landscape. thundered toward the Pacific Ocean, stripping away hundreds of feet of soil Today we can see how the floods and cutting deep canyons—“coulees”— impacted the landscape. They carved out into the underlying bedrock. With flood more than 50 cubic miles of earth, piled speeds approaching 65 miles per hour, mountains of gravel 30 stories high, the lake would have drained in as little created giant ripple marks the height of as 48 hours. three-story buildings, and scattered 200- ton boulders from the Rockies to the Over time the Cordilleran ice sheet Willamette Valley. , Dry continued moving south and blocked the Falls, —all were created by Clark Fork River again and again, these flood waters, as were the Missoula recreating Glacial Lake Missoula. Over and Spokane ground-water resources, approximately 2,500 years, the lake, ice numerous wetlands and the fertile

J. Tindall, B. Pettus, J. Sipes dam and flooding sequence was repeated Willamette Valley and Quincy Basin. Glacial Lake Missoula contained more than 500 cubic miles of water.

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During the last Ice Age, a finger of the Cordilleran ice sheet crept southward into the Idaho Panhandle, damming the Clark Fork River and creating Glacial Lake Missoula. At its maximum, Glacial Lake Missoula contained more than 500 cubic miles of water and was 2,000 feet deep behind the ice dam.

About 17,000 years ago the ice dam broke numerous times, with the initial outburst releasing a torrent of water that flowed toward the Pacific Ocean at a rate of 10 times the combined flow of all the rivers of the world.

As the flood waters thundered toward the ocean, they stripped away thick soils, cut deep canyons in the underlying bedrock, and scattered house-sized boulders across four states.

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Unable to pass through a narrow gap near Kalama, Washington, the flood water backed up and flooded the Willamette Valley, Oregon.

More than 16,000 square miles of land were flooded in the first-of-many Glacial Lake .

Today, geologists and visitors to the region can see first hand the varied flood features created by the Ice Age Floods. Art and photography courtesy OPB (J. Tindall, B. Pettus, J. Sipes) and NPS

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3. J Harlen Bretz—Hypothesis of Catastrophic Floods

n many ways, the story of the Floods is also the story of J Harlen Bretz (1882-1981), Iwho proposed the theory that the of eastern Washington, and much of the Northwest as we know it today, were formed by catastrophic flooding.

Bretz became a high-school biology paper provided a detailed physiographic teacher in . He had earlier description of the Scablands; the second developed a keen interest in the glacial suggested that it would have taken a of the and had massive volume of water to create the studied the area extensively. This interest degree of channel that had in geology led him to the University of occurred. Chicago, where he was awarded a Ph.D. J Harlen Bretz (1882–1981) in Geology in 1913. Then, Bretz accepted Bretz’s second paper on the Scablands 1949 photo by Dr. Julian Goldsmith a position as an assistant professor of also discussed the mounded gravel geology at the deposits that were scattered throughout and later at the . the area. He proposed the idea of a His thesis was on the glacial history of catastrophic flood and included the first J Harlen Bretz spent more the Puget Sound, and he quickly became detailed geological map that included all recognized as an expert in the features of of the Scablands and showed the extent than four decades defending stream and glacial erosion. of the floods. Bretz used the name his theories on the Spokane “Spokane Flood” because he assumed the Bretz began his field research in the source of the water for this flood was Floods before they were Channeled Scablands of central somewhere near Spokane, Washington. generally accepted by the Washington during the summer of 1922, and it quickly became clear to him that Bretz was confident that a flood had scientific community. neither glaciation nor ordinary stream occurred, but was unable to figure out erosion explained the Scablands. The where the water had come from. —John Allen and Marjorie Burns, following year Bretz made his two Originally, he proposed that the water Cataclysms of the Columbia presentations to the Geological Society was the result of increased runoff from of America on the Scablands. The first melting glaciers. But even Bretz had a

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tough time imagining any significant flood water, Bretz went on to other volume of water melting rapidly enough activities. to have such devastating impact. Not until 1930 did Bretz consider Glacial Bretz lived to the age of 98 and late in Lake Missoula as the possible source of life had the satisfaction of seeing his water he was searching for. But the theories validated. Perhaps it is poetic geologic evidence was elusive, and he justice that in 1979, Bretz, at the age of did not fully embrace the idea until 96, received the Penrose Medal, the 1956. Unable to provide a clear, Geological Society of America’s (GSA)

NPS Photo scientific argument for the source of highest award. Columnar basalt at Frenchman Coulee in eastern Washington

Bretz knew that the very idea of catastrophic flooding would threaten and anger the geological community.

—Andrew Macrae, University of Calgary,

NPS Photo Department of Geology & Geophysics Aerial view of cataract, Grand Coulee, Washington, looking north.

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4. Joseph T. Pardee—Glacial Lake Missoula In his numerous reports, Bretz rarely asked about a oseph Thomas Pardee (1871–1960) also played a key role in understanding the Jstory of the Floods. It was Pardee who proposed that the floods Bretz talked about water source, and then only occurred when the ice dam that had formed Glacial Lake Missoula was breached. in a brief sentence or two Pardee, a geologist with the U.S. Later, in the late 1930s at Camas Prairie devoid of analysis. Geological Survey, began studying the in northwestern Montana, Pardee Scabland region near Spokane, discovered a series of ripple marks left on —Richard Waitt, USGS Washington, and the intermountain the lake bottom sediments of Glacial basins of Montana in 1910. Pardee found Lake Missoula that could only have been geomorphic evidence of a large glacial formed by powerful currents that flowed lake in western Montana; strandlines over the bottom, shaping the sediments (high water marks) indicating the into smooth, parallel ridge-rows. The “I know where Bretz’s Flood maximum height of the lake are clearly marks were evidence that the ice dam came from.” visible today in the area around the city holding back the water had failed of Missoula, Montana. suddenly, and Glacial Lake Missoula had —J. T. Pardee, at a 1927 meeting of the drained rapidly. The ripple marks are up Pardee spent years collecting, analyzing, to 50 feet high and 500 feet apart. Geologic Society in Washington DC. and documenting other geomorphic Because the ripples are so large, it was evidence, and eventually the scientific only when Pardee was able to view these community was convinced that Glacial unique features from the air that he Lake Missoula had indeed existed. recognized them as being formed by water. Once they had been identified and Apparently Pardee and Bretz did people knew what to look for, similar communicate over the years, and Pardee examples of giant ripple marks were suggested that Bretz consider the found throughout the path of the floods. draining of Glacial Lake Missoula as a

NPS Photo possible source of the Floods. But neither In addition to the ripple marks, Pardee Giant ripple marks can still be seen clearly in Pardee nor Bretz had the scientific found other evidence of the ice dam Camas Prairie, Montana. evidence to back up such an idea. failure, including severely scoured

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constrictions in the lake basin and huge flooding hypothesis. His work provided, bars of current-transported debris. for the first time, a logical source of water needed to support Bretz’s hypothesis. The Pardee first presented this evidence in ripple marks were a key piece of evidence 1940 at a meeting of the American that eventually helped convince skeptics Association for the Advancement of of the cataclysmic-flood hypothesis. Science in Seattle, Washington. His Pardee and Bretz were conclusions were later published in the Even after Pardee’s work was made certainly not the only ones 1942 GSA Bulletin paper titled “Unusual public, acceptance of Bretz’s theories was Currents in Glacial Lake Missoula.” slow in coming. It took another 20 to 30 involved in solving the Collectively, these papers played a pivotal years before Bretz’s theory of catastrophic mysteries of the Glacial Lake role in the scientific community’s flooding became generally accepted eventual acceptance of the cataclysmic among geologists. Missoula Floods. For example, in 1871, geologist Thomas Condon proposed the idea that Oregon’s Willamette Valley was flooded sometime during the Ice Ages.

NPS Photo Wave-cut strandlines cut into the slope at left in photo. These cuts record former high-water lines, or shorelines of Glacial Lake Missoula near Missoula, Montana. Gullies above the highway are the result of modern-day erosion.

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5. Scientific Debates— vs. “They were all loaded for me and after letting me talk for he debate over the origin of the Channeled Scabland region of eastern Washington Twas one of the great controversies in the history of geology. One reason Bretz two hours they opened fire.” encountered such vehement opposition to his hypothesis of catastrophic flooding was —Bretz, after a 1927 meeting of the that there were no records of such floods in modern-day experience and the magnitude of the floods was at a scale that was difficult to imagine. The biggest Geologic Society in Washington DC. difficulty, however, was that a catastrophic flood at the scale Bretz was describing was almost biblical in proportion, and this notion was directly at odds with the idea of Uniformitarianism.

James Hutton, a Scottish geologist, was Among geologists in the 1920s, the only the first to articulate the principle of acceptable large-scale catastrophic events Uniformitarianism, the accepted model were volcanoes and earthquakes. Beyond in geology during the early 1920s when these events, catastrophism was Bretz proposed his idea of catastrophic considered to be “bad science” and floods. According to Hutton, in his 1788 virtually vanished from geologic It is usually interpreted as a book Theory of the Earth, geological thinking. Geologists from that era contest of ideas between process is steady, slow, repetitious, and attributed the creation of the Channeled “uniform.” In essence, Scablands to glacial erosion, which was neocatastrophist Bretz and a Uniformitarianism says that geological much more in keeping with theories of platoon of diehard processes that can be observed in the Uniformitarianism. It is perhaps present are likely to be the same as those understandable, then, that acceptance of gradualists, an image Bretz that operated in the past. This model has Bretz’s theories of huge, sudden himself promoted. . . . served the geologic community well catastrophic floods took as long as it did. because, in general, geological changes —Richard Waitt, USGS averaged over eons do occur slowly.

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6. Science’s Modern-Day Evidence and Acceptance With the eventual availability of more evidence, a plausible Harlen Bretz spent more than four decades defending his theories on the Floods Jbefore the scientific community generally accepted them. Before this acceptance mechanism, and evidence for would occur, all of the pieces of the puzzle had to come together. And it certainly that specific mechanism, most didn’t hurt when scientists were finally able to study glacial floods in action. geologists quickly accepted In the 1960s and 1970s, glacial geologists volcanoes that create hot crustal Bretz’s hypothesis. . . . began to develop a better understanding conditions yet is a glaciated region. of how floods in glaciated lands could Basically, scientists discovered that in —Andrew Macrae, University of Calgary, occur by studying jökulhlaups, outburst Iceland subglacial lakes formed when the floods that occur from the tunneling by lower surface of a glacier starts to melt. Department of Geology and Geophysics water through a glacier. Although the The water is typically trapped in a reason the flooding occurs is very subglacial cavity until enough pressure different between jökulhlaups and the Ice builds up and the water escapes out from Age Floods, many of the dynamics are the under the glacier, creating a glacial flood. same. Most of these studies have occurred In Iceland, this type of glacial flooding Bretz’s scablands “evidence” in Iceland, which has a unique occurs regularly; the cycle repeats itself was astonishing, and most of environment, because it has active every 20 years or so. his descriptions remain today as fresh and accurate as when written. . . .

—Richard Waitt, USGS

Modern tools, such as satellite imagery, help scientists to comprehend the scale

NPS Photo of the Ice Age Floods.

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7. Increased Public Interest

fter the scientific community finally embraced the story of the Floods, research in Athe Channeled Scablands and other areas impacted by the Floods increased. The result of this research was a more thorough understanding of events that led up to the Floods and the impacts that they had on the landscape. This research, which has resulted in dozens of scientific papers (see the Reference List in the Appendices), also has helped create a greater public awareness of the Ice Age Floods. It is only within the past decade It became evident that what or so that the story of the Floods has become widely publicized via magazine and newspaper articles, books, brochures and pamphlets, and television documentaries. was needed was the development of a Over the past decade or so, the public has science fiction than to reality. The scale shown an increasing interest in the Ice and immensity of the Floods are hard to coordinated interpretive and Age Floods. In 1995, Smithsonian imagine; standing in central Washington educational approach to tell magazine published a feature article about it is almost impossible to comprehend the floods; several popular books have that everything visible in all directions the Floods story throughout included Floods material; several was covered by hundreds of feet of water Montana, Idaho, newspapers have published stories; a during the height of the Floods. number of videos have been produced; Washington, and Oregon. and Oregon Public Broadcasting televised People are asking that the Floods story a half-hour special on the subject. be told in an exciting and accessible way. It is evident that what is needed is the The more the public learns about the Ice development of a coordinated Age Floods story, the more fascinated interpretive and educational approach to they become. After all, this is a story that tell the Floods story throughout the four- seems to belong more to the realm of state area and beyond.

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8. Formation of Ice Age Floods Task Force—The Early Days

hile there has been more than a casual interest in the Ice Age Floods story on the Wlocal and state levels, very little appreciation for the national significance of the Flood events has been noted, except from within the scientific and professional geologic community. The Ice Age Floods story was publicized during the 1974 World’s Fair in Spokane, Washington, with occasional articles featured in local and regional newspapers since that time. In addition, a descriptive and interpretive booklet, “The Channeled Scablands of Eastern Washington: The Geologic Story of the Spokane Flood,” was published by the U.S. Geological Survey. The booklet, which is in its third edition, is available through the Eastern Washington University Press. To date, more than 125,000 copies have been printed.

In June of 1987, in response to a request the trip were Superintendent Gary from the National Park Service (NPS) Kuiper, NPS, Craig Sprankle, Public Regional Office to document the status of Affairs Officer of the U.S. Bureau of the National Natural Landmark (NNL) Reclamation (USBOR), Judy Sprankle, sites, NPS representatives from (then) Editor of the Star newspaper in Coulee Coulee Dam National Recreation Area Dam, and Phil Hansen, USBOR organized a field trip to those sites within Geologist. a one-day drive of Coulee Dam, Washington. From this initial field trip, it soon became evident that here was a story that Dan Hand, Interpretation Specialist at needed to be told. Other than what Coulee Dam (now Lake Roosevelt) Washington State Parks featured within National Recreation Area, laid out a their system, there was not a single route of travel to include the upper and interpretive display or roadside exhibit lower Grand Coulee, Withrow , along the entire length of the upper Haystack Rocks, a great gravel bar in Grand Coulee or at the other sites that and some and were visited. Hansen’s interpretation of kames near Sims Corner. Others making the geologic history leading up to the

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series of flood events left the tour group Brown also prepared the script for an Ice cooperating agencies and eventually the wanting to know more. And indeed, Age Floods slide program that was based public was an important first step. there was more to the story than could in no small part in Cataclysms on the Officially, the NPS Regional Director was be covered in one day. Columbia by John Allen, Marjorie Burns notified by memo in August 1987 that, at and Samuel Sargent, which was least in the opinion of interested Judy Sprankle’s article about the Floods published in 1985. individuals, the Ice Age Floods events in the Grand Coulee Star Newspaper had met the criteria for identification as the desired effect. Local interest While local NPS representatives realized being nationally significant. NPS developed and another tour was that the Floods events were of national Regional Director Chuck Odegaard was a organized for the local Chamber of significance, selling the idea to former Washington State Parks Director Commerce and others and was familiar with interested in learning the state park about the Floods story. interpretive program at Dry Falls. He gave the go About this time, Dan ahead to pursue an Brown replaced Dan Hand initiative to inform as the park interpreter at agencies and the public Coulee Dam National of the value of the Recreation Area. Brown Floods resources. hired an experienced photographer to develop a Realizing that elected slide file. It would enable officials would National Park Service eventually play an interpreters to present the important role, efforts story of the Ice Age Floods were made to work with to the public. Ed Soldo county commissioners built a slide file with more and Congressional

than 3,000 slides, NPS Photo delegations and inform including aerial shots. His During the Ice Age Floods, Dry Falls was under them of the Floods next season was dedicated to labeling and 300 feet of water approaching at a speed of 65 resources in their back yards. Moreover, organizing the slides. miles per hour. project organizers took great pains to

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assure everyone that the NPS was not majority of the Floods landscape under essential that they be kept informed and interested in acquiring more land. its jurisdiction in eastern Washington. be invited to participate in the process. Soon there were solid contacts in Project organizers contacted geologists at Montana with USFS geologists Norm Gary Kuiper served as the first chair of each of the state universities and soon Smyers and Jim Shelden, and Karen the Task Force and remained in that were networking with counterparts in Porter of the Montana Bureau of Mines position into 1993–1994. His tenure was Montana, Idaho, Washington, and Oregon. and Geology. In Idaho, the project had followed by Coulee Dam NRA the support of Roy Breckenridge of the Superintendent Gerry Tays, who was In early 1993, the team of Dan Brown Idaho Geological Survey. Others lending elected by the Task Force to serve as and Gary Kuiper hit the road, showing support were Dale Stradling and Gene chair. Superintendent Tays served for the the program to more than 70 audiences, Kiver of Eastern Washington University next three and a half years and continued including the Audubon Club, Grange, and Paul Weis, retired USGS, whose to promote the merits of a coordinated and Chamber groups, Tribal officials and publication on the Scablands of Eastern interagency approach. county commissioners, other federal Washington is still a popular item. officials, anyone, for that matter, who One of the most influential events in showed an interest. Each of the four These early conversations and meetings carrying the story of the Floods to a states was covered, and long days and led to a more formal approach, and on wider audience was the production of a nights were the rule. In addition, an February 17, 1993, the first of seven Ice video of the Floods. Initially Ann article in the Spokesman Review written Age Floods Task Force meetings was held. Herdrick of the Odessa (Washington) by Becky Napi generated a great deal of Such items as an organizational structure, Economic Development Committee interest. purpose, action plan, strategy paper, (OEDC) approached Jim Sipes, inventory of flood features and existing Washington State University Professor of Kathleen Johnson of the USGS, Spokane interpretive waysides were identified. Landscape Architecture, about using the Office, provided the necessary maps and Most importantly, the membership of the Floods story to help increase tourism in connected project organizers with Task Force was meant to include the the Odessa area. They started work on a Richard Waitt, USGS, and others in her interested general public and legal entities video that would tell the story of the agency. The BLM Spokane District Office such as county commissioners, Tribes, Floods and guide people to significant staff added to the concept by suggesting Chambers of Commerce, tourism industry Floods features, specifically around that the Floods story be aimed at a wider and political staffers. Although having all Odessa. Around the same time both regional audience. This expanded target of these groups serving as active members Superintendent Kuiper and Interpretive was critical because the BLM had a of the Task Force was not the point, it was Specialist Brown realized they could not

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continue indefinitely to take their “road Idaho, Washington, and Oregon, and show” to every group that requested it. finally out to the Pacific Ocean. Three The decision was made to combine WSU students, Bruce Morrow, Mike forces, and the result was the production Spencer, and Andrea Blake, assisted of the 13-minute video, “The Great Professor Sipes in the effort. The product Floods: Cataclysms of the Ice Age.” (A was an instant success, having been aired video called “Floods of Fire and Water” on PBS, shown at visitor centers and was subsequently developed for OEDC schools, and receiving several national in June 1994.) The video combined the awards. narrative and some photos of the slide show with video and computer While the notion of a coordinated animation sequences developed by WSU interpretive approach remained a primary that showed the Floods roaring across goal, the Task Force became inactive the landscape of northwestern Montana, pending the availability of study funds.

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9. Formation of the Ice Age Floods Institute

oward the end of 1993, members of the Task Force discussed the need for a private, Tnonprofit organization that would complement the interagency Task Force. The consensus was that the private sector could more readily support and participate in the development of a coordinated interpretive program. A number of individual citizens and representatives of business groups had already been attending Task Force meetings.

With assistance from some members of provided a home base for the Institute in the Task Force, the Ice Age Floods this formative period. Institute was organized early in 1994. Officers and a board were elected, bylaws Over the course of the year (1994), the and articles of incorporation were Institute became active and visible in adopted, and the process to qualify as a promoting the concept of a Washington nonprofit corporation and comprehensive interpretive program. to be granted 501(c)(3) status with the Presentations were made to tourism and IRS was initiated. Mikki Kison, a business groups, and statements of Ritzville, Washington, resident, served as support were received from several

NPS Photo its first president. Dale Middleton Chamber of Commerce groups. One The gorge below Palouse Falls, Washington, currently serves in that role and has been Institute member in particular, Karen with talus slope. instrumental in the development of this Wagner of Moses Lake, Washington, Study of Alternatives. The first Institute Chamber of Commerce, became a newsletter was published and sent to leading advocate for the Floods initiative. individuals from the Task Force’s mailing The Institute and its objectives were list. Institute members adopted a logo, featured in a number of newspaper and Task Force members helped design articles. and produce a brochure that is still being used. The purpose of the brochure was As a functioning group, the Task Force

NPS Photo both to promote interest in the Floods became less active, and then went on Park Lake, Sun Lakes–Dry Falls State Park, and to recruit members for the Institute. standby, intentionally awaiting funding within the lower Grand Coulee. The Spokane Chamber of Commerce for a study. The Institute continued the

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effort, relying on interest and support Laboratory (JPL) in the fall of 1995. In and to keep the idea of a coordinated from the private sector. The Institute preparing for the Mars Pathfinder interpretive program alive, and they benefited from the continuing interest mission, NASA, ASU and JPL sent a succeeded. No one could know that and participation of some agency and team to the Channeled Scablands to within about three years, a ground swell university personnel and retired staff examine Floods features that apparently of media and public interest would who were members of the Task Force. In are analogous to features on the surface emerge. addition, the BLM Spokane office of Mars. The Institute helped with provided meeting space to the Institute arrangements for the visit, and in the This small, yet growing group of for a number of years. exploration of the Scablands. The dedicated individuals persevered for project was very well publicized. several years, sharing their enthusiasm An important legacy of the Task Force amongst themselves and with others. In period is the “Great Floods” video, At the time, the publication of the October 1996 the Institute offered its which became available in 1994 and has Smithsonian article and the visit by first field trip, led by a retired USGS been selling steadily ever since. The NASA were encouraging, but overall the geologist and Task Force member. It video has proved to be very useful in Institute was facing a rather difficult included sites in the Spokane and Idaho making presentations to a wide variety period. Substantial commercial support Panhandle area. It was originally hoped of audiences. had not materialized, and there was little that field trips would be an annual apparent progress toward the goal of a activity, but none was offered in 1997. In 1995 an important item appeared— comprehensive interpretive program. Michael Parfit’s excellent article, “The The Institute moved its base of A new guidebook appeared in 1997: Floods That Carved the West,” in operations from Spokane to the Ritzville Fire, Faults & Floods: A Road & Travel Smithsonian magazine (April 1995). The Chamber of Commerce, then to the Guide Exploring the Origins of the article immediately became one of the Odessa Economic Development Columbia River Basin, by Marge and Ted prime informational pieces about the Committee, and finally to the Moses Mueller (University of Idaho Press). The Floods; the Institute was included in the Lake Chamber of Commerce, where it book covers the Columbia River Basalt list of “additional sources.” currently has its headquarters. flows, as well as the Ice Age Floods.

One of the remarkable events in the Some individuals who had been After years of effort, a dramatic turning history of the Institute was its involved in the Task Force and the point came in 1998. From the following collaboration with NASA, Arizona State Institute dropped out. A small group events, it is clear that interest in the University and the Jet Propulsion remained to hold the Institute together Floods had reached a remarkable level:

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• Grant County Commissioners (WA) Channeled Scabland.” The map, which organized and led by a USFS member voted to assist financially in the shows the whole region affected by the of the Task Force. operation of Dry Falls Interpretive Ice Age Floods, went on sale late in the Center, in order to keep the center year and quickly became a best-seller. By • The Institute, largely through its open seven days a week in the February 2000 the map had gone newsletter, became established as an summer season. through three printings and 15,000 effective source of information about copies had been sold. As a gauge of Floods activities and resources. • The governing boards for public interest in the Floods, these Washington State Parks and the figures are hard to ignore. Idaho Department of Parks and The Institute and the Study Recreation passed resolutions of None of the projects listed above were a After years of effort to have the Floods support for the proposed NPS Study. direct result of Institute initiatives, but formally recognized for their the Institute was active in encouraging significance, the first procedural “giant • KSPS (Spokane) began production and/or publicizing these projects. step” came early in 1999, with the of a one-hour TV show on the announcement by the National Park Floods, to be shown in the spring of In the Institute’s own program, three Service that funding for the Study of 2001. developments were noteworthy in 1998: Alternatives had been secured through the Congressional appropriations • Oregon Public Broadcasting • The Institute’s website was process. The Institute has taken an active (Portland) aired a new half-hour established and continues to be part in the conduct of the Study and show on the Floods. hosted by the Idaho Geological wholeheartedly supported its objectives. Survey, at the University of Idaho. Participation in the Study was the most • Discovery Channel included a The site has attracted new members important activity of the Institute segment about the Floods in a two- to the Institute, some from outside membership in 1999 and 2000, and hour show titled “Amazing Earth.” the region. interest in the Study can be credited for a substantial increase in Institute A particularly significant event in 1998 • A major field trip was conducted to membership. The prospect of was the publication of the large map, by explore the Glacial Lake Missoula successfully launching an interpretive the Northern Region (Region 1) of the area in Montana, and it received an program has proven to be very effective U.S. Forest Service (USFS) in Missoula, enthusiastic response in print and in generating even greater interest and Montana, “Glacial Lake Missoula and the broadcast media. The tour was involvement. Institute members have

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made presentations on the Floods and Each of the field trips was subscribed to Washington, explored the pervasive the Study to local groups, and have been full or near capacity, and all were well evidence of the volume, force, and load- working with these groups in order to received. Credit for their success goes to carrying capacity of the Floods in the encourage their participation and input. the tour guides’ expertise, preparation, Portland-Vancouver basin. In May, a trip planning, and presentation skills. The from Missoula, Montana, focused on the Over the course of this Study, Institute guides were highly qualified volunteers filling and sudden drainage of Glacial meetings were held in conjunction with from the USGS, BLM, USFS, Pacific Lake Missoula, and included stops in Study Team and Study Zone meetings. Northwest National Laboratory, Missoula, the Clark Fork River Valley, Following several of these meetings, one- Foundation for Glacial and Camas Prairie, and Mission Valley. In day field trips provided opportunities to Environmental Research, Idaho September a trip from Richland, explore important and distinctive Floods Geological Survey, and the Idaho Washington, included stops at Wallula features in five different areas of the region. Department of Parks and Recreation. Six Gap, Palouse Falls, and at significant The field trips were co-sponsored by the of the guides were members of the rhythmite beds in the Walla Walla Valley. Institute and the National Park Service. original Ice Age Floods Task Force. Also in September a tour was conducted Though primarily intended for members of from Sandpoint, Idaho, to the location of the Study Team and the Institute, the tours The first of the series, held in October the ice dam and to features located in the also were open to schoolteachers and the 1999, visited dramatic sites near Moses immediate path of the catastrophic general public. Staff at local museums and Lake, Washington, including lower outbursts that occurred when the dam Chambers of Commerce helped with Grand Coulee, Dry Falls, and the repeatedly failed. Tour stops included arrangements, and the trips were well Drumheller Channels. In February 2000 Cabinet Gorge, Lake Pend Oreille, and reported in the local media. a tour starting in Vancouver, Spirit Lake.

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The field trips proved to be very effective guide for writers and interpreters, and Chambers of Commerce in their in presenting physical evidence of the also as a source of general information. development of interpretive facilities Floods and in responding to the interest and a scenic byway in the Cabinet and questions that the Floods story The Institute was also active during 1999 Gorge Dam area and along the lower evokes. The Institute and other groups and 2000 in a number of collaborative Clark Fork River. will be expanding opportunities for activities: expert-guided tours to explore the • Working with charter flight • Working with the American Floods regions. companies to promote aerial Automobile Association (AAA) to sightseeing services over the include more information about the At the October 1999 meeting, the landscape created by the Floods. Floods in forthcoming AAA regional Institute voted to form an expert TourBooks. • Beginning discussions with CarTours, Scientific Advisory Panel because of an organization that produces cassette concern about the reliability of Floods • Providing referrals to help the Port of and CD touring guides and is information being presented to the Walla Walla (WA) develop an affiliated with the Northwest public. The Panel reviews technical interpretive installation at Wallula Interpretive Association. information developed for Institute Gap, a major site in the Floods story projects and materials as well as drafts as well as in the cultural and overall These connections are indications of the submitted by reporters and other writers natural history of the region. interest of the general community in the who turn to the Institute for advice. The Floods story and of the ways the Institute Panel also prepared a basic fact sheet • Assisting consultants working with can bring people together and make about the Floods, which serves as a Avista Corporation and local efficient use of resources and talents.

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10. Partnerships

rom the beginning, interest in the Ice Age Floods in the late 1980s, partnerships Fhave been an important ingredient. The creation of the Ice Age Floods Task Force brought federal and state agencies together with tribal governments, academia, and private enterprise to examine the potential for creating a structure to interpret the Ice Age Floods story.

Throughout this Study, the need for • Tour companies (automobile, forming partnerships becomes evident. aviation, and marine) These future partnerships will have to be • Federal agencies formalized by written agreements • Colleges and universities defining the roles and responsibilities of • Museums each partner. These partnerships will • Publishing companies have to cover a broad spectrum and not • Economic development councils be limited to land management agencies. • School districts Examples of the broad extent of • Energy corporations partnerships include: • Private landowners whose land contains Floods resources • Chambers of commerce • Tourism councils and commissions A start in developing partnerships has • County governments already begun. There were nine federal • State agencies agencies, six tribal governments, 17 • Tribal governments state agencies, and seven colleges and • Conservation and environmental universities involved in some degree groups during the early planning. Numerous • Historical societies chambers of commerce and visitor and • Geological societies convention bureaus are active in • City governments support of the concept. The private • Visitor and convention bureaus sector has been closely involved: it

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includes representatives from the using the Ice Age Floods story to hospitality and tourism industry to large stimulate the students to learn more power companies such as Avista. about earth science by using the Floods story. Additional informal partnerships have been developed over the past year. The The study consultant, Jones & Jones, has Seattle (WA) Public School District is also assisted the Northern Rockies working with the study consultant to Heritage Center in Missoula, Montana, develop an inquiry-based earth sciences by producing computer graphics. On a program using the Ice Age Floods story. Study Group level, Bruce Bjornstad, Various computer and video techniques Study Zone Chair for the Mid-Columbia will be used to develop a teacher’s guide Zone, has been working closely with the and resource section to accompany the Columbia River Exhibition of History student version. Oregon Public Science and Technology in Richland, Broadcasting (OPB) from Portland, Washington. Oregon—the producers of the 28-minute video Ice Age Flood: Catastrophic As more information becomes available Transformation of the West—and study to the public, the public responds by consultant project manager Jim Sipes are offering to help, and the network of working with the Seattle Public School potential partners and partnerships will District to produce an educational poster rapidly grow.

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11. Commencement of the Ice Age Floods Alternatives Study

n an effort to develop a coordinated interpretive and educational approach to telling Ithe Floods story across four states, the National Park Service funded the Ice Age Floods Study of Alternatives and Environmental Assessment through their Special Resource Study Program. There was consensus within the region among public agencies and private sector partners within the region that such a study was needed. Analyzing Flood features through an inventory system, the study addresses the suitability and feasibility of federal designation and assistance, as well as various The Ice Age Floods Study options for forming partnerships and developing cooperative strategies. The Study of Alternatives will culminate in a final report, to be presented to the Secretary of the Team consists of members of Interior for transmittal to Congress. the original Ice Age Floods The work of coordinating the study and consultants, and the National Park Task Force, members of the completing its reports was contracted to Service. Ice Age Floods Institute, the consultant Jones & Jones, a Seattle firm noted for its planning and design The study process relied heavily on a project consultants (Jones & expertise. To assist in the project a Study partnership between public and private Jones), and the National Park Team was formed. The Study Team participants. Across the Floods region consists of members of the original Ice many local workshops were held to answer Service. Age Floods Task Force, members of the questions and invite the participation of Ice Age Floods Institute, the project residents throughout the region.