
A Startling; Prediction. Ainouff the Mexicans. plank am! haulm! him up. ami with the point Love, and Maine Matters. Letter from Portland. Mount Desert Correspondence. Newspaper Notes. of a da””er at his throat removed the ”a” amt Charity Spirits. < vivo him food, ami thru walked him and m:\vs vni» «;ossir fico.m ai.i. ovkis tiik st.v if. Noimiikast IIakkoi:, Mi:.. All}?. 2!». Tin* ves- Two hundred years nuo in liina Mure w [ I i.W Ml < I M I :\S ill-' .i!' 1 >| I ", I. |\t'l.l Mi.M X up A NTOUY CnMItlMNC Tin: I’llA< I h \I. WITH [Correspondence of the Journal.] Tin* l.’ork land Km- Pre.-s ha- joined tile inerea> ■ down mu li a era/e as we the room awhile for exercise. Ity and sels of the North Atlantic arrix ed here ; 1 J» \ \ MUliNlMi in I UK ju>l ahom natural | H«*W Ml 1»X CI.MI.I.MI.N I s|-;|> l-i K A Is S’, mi*: womwim’. cm.Ai si:\sath>.\ am«*n<; Much has hoe11 said of late regardin'.; the -.[iiadron inu ranks of the Peoiuuiu folios ii. Maine, and he ”re\v so weak as to he of out- hi-'. m j have in this eounlrv has Wells wi ie ill! \U\|»“ ItX MI'MITIXC Iii IIK by incapable m: m m.i n ai.ists. i:i-:roiii»oK tiik twk.ntiktii aim-:. from Uar llarhor la.-t afternoon and .••i to-day. movements of Mr. Maine. The Thursday Ii1 s lo be hetter, as '.veil as than ever Mini, w it as cry or resistance, and then his forced newspaper- bigger, li imM vim and v iuor as the eel. w u ! ti\ M:n;iii;«»i:s. keepers No of Maine volunteer's lias a more eliored in the S. A slory involving much of the romantic, hut body bay between W. I (ardor and ht fore. ! i d- w * re of. hut o\\ to a uas stimulants down his throat and drained him have made the matter eapalde iuu e\]do- * of tin Journal. stirring or can to a more ehe-timtty, particular!) Isles. The lh*et remained two orrcspoinlnicc about for Heeded exercise, desirill” to the more of the to history point glorious t’ranherry days, sioiithaf killed several million of people and keep practical. isjust beginning gain record than tin* 20th which its the sheets. The Ni w- rl’he \lta t alifornia has a I been a « regiment, held Mugwump Chicago good Mi'\n «». in. *s7. oik «*:•:«in*.* ’.lie i« bn .dli of life in him as lorn; ns ini”ht leaxiiti: early Saturday morning. I Miring their way- ton- up am| de troved a larue distriet of eouu- \u;r. money circulation in Cincinnati, <>lho. Back in the reunion at 201 Watcrville, Aug. h. Mustered a man to of paper and was never hetter than now ; it is the «•. be iortln oiiiiii”. bcliev in” him about employs do^ the “the x*.ere xisileil yet anil leaving a laive inland sea. known it xerul ion. in I In- skit,- of Nuevo Finally, into the service in the footsteps stay they by many people. ,, Circulation in County. ’fills dames (Jordon. then a middle aged August, 1SU2, regiment as well a- the Usi. in City •ii Hr • ! dead and that all resources for profit wen* ex- early man from Maine" and hash all sorts of si!l\ All tin* hotels at tliis been lull eheapest, daily published maps a- l.ak* Moo hanu. tin i li. f I i M ai- all who was in the severe up resort haxe to murdered his >\vee{- to straightway engaged duties San Franei-ro. of inTe w.Ils vva- n hausted. they added mental torture the mis- man of considerable and Miss Hat- j horiuu any va> tin and properly, of the Maryland campaign and was under lire stuff for it- readers. This accounts for the o'erlloxvin.a since early The nexx Kimball lieari ie a tit of a Texas •. of his last hours assiiriii” him that bis July. TI m~ I n ad\:inc»*, no a ; «*ar; the:, law. It -I ein-. a**eoplillU ji aituisy. paper says: ry by tie a prohibited by Howning, young lady who had devoted for the first time at Antictam in hotel list linished this season is llourish The P.ridglon Sews has entered its 1 fri«aids had n fused to for his September. trash one see- in certain in reirard to j doin^a upon eigh ! ilia .a piialiuii "1 tin* to the < hinese hi-«<"\. that la rue and No;!.in- in He of rime has mated | ay anythin” papers many history herself to home work, and became Although the regiment did not take an active Inisine.'S teenth volume with a rirrulati m and — r-msoui. ini; ami with tin* connected is good bright heav n5 w < il- \. re stam i.. and in .••line am! erowdiii” him under the plank missionary Mr. Maine’s his health and his in- cottages y j»r» > i* -• in this battle it held an movements, I. I. M 1-lia ilial: ii "Mion on the border a- lh« I« n:it (?) part important position. ! !'• 'Ijliara. (.•Ilf a”.;in. left iiim to die at leisure. crowded to its m Thev miild not Well lie with di-!::- |- well- w. jo -mil. m ar n, • Ii i they acquainted with Mr. (Jordon by calling on him I tentions. utmo.-i capacity. «>n s«\.*ral r;i prospi-ets. otherwise, alt Ml I'll*' a 1 1 •jinn 1 On the 20ll» of September it first engaged the It is of the same of f. ml., • xe« lilioi; ..f ;; Mali W !|o MeVel’ !• ell a variety impu- •t 1. < !•;i«| tried It that nkrlit that « the veteran at the helm. Ilis sin* he .as w a- avail, d a -non a- slrm k. i- happened very heavy for a were intimate in a across sums cot beds xx ••v place.I in the l.imheii to ;n oin Major shoiry a ■■u at 1 ii>i fji .ii \ f rift inn >f subscription, friends. enemy, making reeonnoisanee Shcp- dent one reads about Mrs. Cleve- “( I ’jo ! storm came up, and a i»e””ar eiiten d the de- scribbling a It:!! if. !"in in thi- It is staled that mu ny court, hi death-warrant ardstown before moilate die rush. and it-' is vvell deservt'd. country. having their it was ford, Fredericksburg. The Secretary Whitney wife, well, w ith its unu-ual ; a rt* i dwell in.” for shelter, by chance scat in” Among acquaintances supposed land’s movements. The truth i-* a certain class pressure. by induction bn i. I. .. s crossed and formed in line. ! »• *i» < graphed from tin- judieial ant liorit i< < regiment, having ameroii, and Mrs.Toxxn.-end, xx ho are stop A fi.mi Auburn to the Pre-- a ba«*k Iranvht. down into the earth himself upon tii;* board under which 'ervante- they Were more. (Jordon was somewhat ec- speeial Portland pulled < Lieutenant Colonel Chamberlain was sent back of newspapers feed their readers upon such diet m. i. t»i 111 l/fi a-vnt Inf tin :•> e who t lieUJsei\es had no fart la r a faint moaniii”. pine, at liar Harbor, dined here Saturday. The “Mr. tie burn; i.v va- of -ja:i!l. : w e|I. result in v in a lay. Ilearin,” apparently pro- centric in and the friends to h ad over tin; broken says Harry Andrews, one o|’ the brighte-t know it dress, young lady's column that had heon and it to •••. .I-, of hi" eriine than was contained iu «’eedin” fi*oin the lower |he fellow was pays those* sheets furnish it. The In tel xx ill remain full Hon. \ dreadful « s la rue distriet, | regions, cheeked the Confederate through September. of Maine'- journalists, |<»ntc eonneeted with lin- J Wa 11i»i•_ t•»i. s| It,. i|.»u. xph destroy- Hie I I« rallied her on her ancient and by guns sweeping the the < •_-Tap!i: enrn frightened t" death, believing that it frequently two most nun liable in New Krasins ( xx ho built an here ."*1 iiii !'■M• W t. »H "l I »•>-!•• 11. inv inhabit:*;..s thereof. I k- Koo banv spomlrnre.*' [ nearly ford. Lieutenant (’oloncl < liamberlain sat notoriously papers orninjr, elegant cottage ed i tori al of the I a-wist on .Inurnal, and < >ne ;-- bean. After a time tie* two almost im- upon department s s.-naM\ eonelnde that came from some ”liost, or soul tor- unique A ( « >.. 1 St:11f S|. It...-loll. rest on Mii- distriet. Tin* same < i- may anything uiujuiet the is nt atnsimphe and his horse in the middle of the .1 target Knulan I are tin* Hoston Herald and Clobc. yet past xvinter. spending the -.-a-oii this win* has hem for some the in the lim of niirh-liamled *‘iiislie« which can ! mented in and with teeth chatb r- perceptibly drifted apart finally lost sight Potomac, time survey ing state ; W a-!.'..-toll St.. It..-loll. inmiim ut in Mii- « mile-- tin laws re- purirnlory: ••matry of each for the enemy, keeping the men steady and are the most we V. A. Melmnahl, of the ■. ■ ** if ork. silttek our■ f lid" the Texan w in bis ran other. Miss I‘owning married (Jeorge they paper- have, if place. Kllsxvorth, popular for a suitable is to -tart a .*. I jin a -d \aw Y \. b it of hortler iio i in” bead, he to the popular loeatiou, immediately st riet furtln r d. lopmeiit-in .j inv m: y straightway them over until the whole was l:-.u Van 'N oik. .Mackenzie, a Scotchman, and their wedded urging brigade and eliieieip clerk of the Kimball hotel, i- tin* i! I'k o have ways ti,i• ir own, sometimes, for deal- nearest Priest. cuoimli. in this one is to from the number of readers. It ri.aht in ibis Mr. \ndrewa wells, should a -imilar e\p!..-ion -nr Mu re Strangely lazy across. Tin; next, of judire weekly newspaper rity. in-' w it Ii it i-o »11 i w jthotit or are life was a on**. They accumulated con- important engagement man in the be :i- iinlun- mntry. when.* Mi|>: rstitious fancies of happy rijjhl place. Krank lias a smile will -m ii an Ujdnaval w dl dwai the the was at where un- looks as though the more lies a can alxvayas wide personal ae.|iu*.intauee, eoiuhined with Id- be e. siderable of this world’s and lived in regiment Fredericksburg paper jury ntusj iu«!• j rxi But the | .11i a■ ii occurrence, ar< Ii was iiMituled ami goods and a word for at most terrible ever ktiowu. The raoi'dinary. der a lire it held a d»> plea-ant all who call his desk. well know n 1 ;: .t i: -; mm: mom >.r .la.-iriii— to eartlujuake- g.I thnv and in I heside galling position hours. cram itself with the its sale. a ilit v, bespeaks surer** for the roni dltic aDaii rrfena d P. is imihinu line*MUeii I n maim d of poor < * rvantes was rescue,I Myle >ay!on. spending greater Minium ■ m *, i. must lata til, alonu the va- belt !i..ni I oh do, On the of the evacuation l and i- In Id at a Ik-ure hen*. ,n. Mug. in has said that liked to be iim puhlieatiou, reading puhlie may .V Ml ha- lift 11 ant. a- thrmivh <>hio. Indiana ami l\.niok\ will be oin people humbuu’-cd, and that Mr-. Mackenzie met Miss Helen I chamberlain, who had received a slight of ( Tan bonah I an ;.me of stem- within «*m own knowir,l_re whm- v f vv iiniii!||s later Canada Joy. berry M<*s, recently the lookout for -oiih tiling rirh." Here’s sneers* !!- i" fli if i- to t:o. t to the ol l.L'C" to I ..'.no' U « ! and be knew what he wa- ipped depth stewar! now a well wound in the face, commanded the regiment, talkin', about. Mr. Maine ‘hath hail keen lie le.j oil! l> i! II i" 11111« I! t f» *1* Biehinc-. known lecturer, Mr. Ktazier paying him sl.uoi. over like a haviiu ha-oi p a i::« • <*i.n man i*i-.Ai‘i i.\i:i < I" y. u, llopped pnmad.e. i», a oloin I Ames ha\ ing charge of the wing be a Harry III aia i-ed oil', and it Hill of and who takes great interest in the project right must patient man or lie would use lii- w Hie imioeenl I’.aekboard- and boath'?..-o.d j|y tippor- < boot, tongue, list, upon tie ereatim Tlm former are ahead. J | tute,! for a liamvllorsville and Ahlic. Colonel Ann s was ensured many days ■- ami kept up Iona time. friend of tie- Baroness Burdett-Coutt-, who — >f If fe|;< diligently has been the Maine agent ••!' the P.o-ton .lour t ..r a a -i ippi v all. ; and ! i Him- them out f. i- to and the com- who his lisp n at hi- Mr. I>. S. of will ■■ ! but not lb, trace of him was found. assistance !<> the home. promoted brigadier general, do.L? footstep.-, (ireciiou^h. |;,.st..n, Mas.-., o I" s ., i! ■ slijiitest also o|Vers keyhole [I- tl.. mi ;• I ! ■ 1 < ■ \ is, i 11, 11 11. nal, that 1st. ft | or. ii- >m im -a! h IP mand of the devolved on Colonel ! resin'mal position, -September '•'■ i lie usiia! demandiii” for his (Jordon grew richer and rich- r until he was regiment and intrude hi.- The build a cottage this fall. ii. .» man! i m: !■•. f!i. •! : \ r\ iru and i .imp eanl J placard.-, niom*y upon privacy. fad that i j.a M*«»ut the midi w 11 e : laiisom. w c !'e t e, sntm- la-1 few «>t chamberlain. This was in In thebe- lie of September hr ill assume -i I ■ o | a”ain and rated a millionaire. The his May. W. ,i-.-mt tt>. 1 I* «.11. W ho, I. -I •plil»”‘. Were pos aaaiu, years the Mugwump sheets are alwa\s report in-- him U. Keene ha- oiders for three -team lannehc- The came which the editorial tin l.owell M i--. Mail, I ii.--. >ii ii in it: Third I’.irtv ami Praliibitinii. a < | times t!ie most life he hoarded at IheCrand Hotel, that lowing duly Gettysburg.’in j ehar.jv H.aiiy li.e i: : d m- m u !i.:i am! alum- ini iiiipanieii by piteous appeals city, fitted xx ilh tin si. man eimti <■. by 201 it> won dead would indicate a wish in di- ip u-ii.r; kerosene for \ if! I s,jt; | ,| in .hi u. !•* «.,iim from the i- h and commander renown. ! nearly that with whi' h h>- was a < < ■ ; victim himself: ll no] known that In*ever thought or undying paper eonneeted for short d.. ! e.jird u alt. ! -ue portii,” spoke -i* 1 mp*in i.tel. ’1 lie eiiaiin are maixei- of r. m -am- dm*. ■ ■ 1 1 The at Little Hound led p- and <-•:man! tin- I I! u. I i r\ 'I. ; .-alf. o| i ’aw m >• '. •. u: ilioi;; h the were anxious to «_ri\e of Mr-. Mackenzie. It is certain that tin two charge Top, by Cham- 2*«*« ti'.-n. He is a of a at M< i ■:e from an A ri* ao r. on family to-day Icatlcr ui' poli- time previous i.. hi- aeeeptanee ot the position on an.••nut »'« r- berlain on foot, was om; of the bravest and use but two the low te t > <• bis release, were not ; lieu r lm !. and m vet* heard from each other. .plait-of kerosene, per 1.. w ii Pa- h. n I v .* for a- a i!i I I- of Hie line. tine of Hie hor- ary they thail No man save Cla\ bas had the.I iirnal. The I--ion .loitnial and its leaders man; year- most brilliant of as party. Henry milted to do s,,. |||, ”uvernm* r.l «!•■;« A few while in New York on a achievements the war, well Pour, per horse Two horse xxiil m, Journal. IT I• I»; nt eom i.emiiita the ; liavin.” years ago, power poxxer si v_; ms in V ■: j’j old at :. •- b. 1 .. jiiisiaslie.-dly such devoted friends. \Vletii«-r n j will miss .'!■■, w ho is but in mined Jo to the busi- heeame as one of the most decisive. It carried the he aches the p4 <-idiai!;. lifted fortheposi- a m < 11.::; •-inai 1 put stop kidnapping business trip, Mr. (Jordon day me a of from 7 to pi mile accord .!»■• tv.-fit a -1111-<■ .111 i niij.i H f H ial. .i--t-i’!t-«i j speed per hour, r.-i ti- :b III th. I- of I III m Work !!l ness which could be done ill” at Gettysburg, and it was done after the or not he wi'l be a tioil lie ha- idled, lie will go to | I puli- Uiai lltt i. "'ii:i r\m. 1% a’. «!" only by destroy regi- Presidency prominent liu'- ueeessfuily .If ;l ILhl, with in kit.v intt:im:stt:i» in mti.tti ai.ism, to current and load. Mr. K• in* has the ayren t ieha- w til leu .an aide !<•;;. in <\ b li.<- the iiie,.iiti\( Foil” iln*oii”li the ment bad been bolding the extreme left of the liis new Held of labor with I he be.-t wishe.-of rep this i afterwards, urc in the ]>olitieal of his ib- all ih v. hr. Alim-r's recent attack h< an onthusia-l. In New York line for more than two hours an assault Isistory country, » v for this eastern seni-ni b->th for the marine and i" I V In --- upon anti- I confession of a dy in.” r to hi- priest. developin':'into against who kno-A him, and that ineltides about all of »\ «• .it's is liiovi 1 n iiiiu 11* mi:\p an n r. :’<*• In formed the of a Miss Sliell- in Hank and rear, and had lost a to-day the man of the I aok I,, •dooii nent within the lhpui.ln :111 | arty ! fat.- ,,f 11j«* old man was disclosed. For acquaintance front. large representative ‘.repub- stationary engines. Maim Vi li ill. • ! >1 ■:«ini-et!-. !• hauser, a Boston medium, in the of its men in so A fresh lican be Mr. Ab -alf sliow Puribly (•in ! jf neiM, rrpntabh America- ; era! mouths his abductors had kept him. temporarily portion doing. body party it for good or ill, that party A sad accident occurred j.t. s,,. \\ She drowning tin of in •; ; 1 ad. mo lit- < of !' f is known in Boston. of the was mid the Maine foily hoj could •: lid |o l'ee with Hell. buiulii | mm-cd ami bound, hidden in a deep, dry well, metropolis. widely enemy coming up. has no man in it so as lit won Harbor last In* popular he. has Sunday afternoon near the steamboat Transfers in Ural Kstatr. brinv in/ into .worth Arviru v. w!i**!, -s.»uletl. we'i-, dm ntrd fel- ni”ht hauled hint fed him I acquaintance ripened into a warm friend- men who had exhausted their own cartridge ho .1 ournal temperance ly j par!;. livery they up, j this wharf. Mr. j and the came to much of her boxes as as i distinction over men of "real and Klien 1,‘ieliardson and sou xx Idle cross that ha- always 11 tie--penal iriemlof tin i-*\\. ie die of life, w iio had been a I enou”11 to sustain life, and tortured him in ship, lady spend well those id' the dead and wound- ability prime proin- The follow iii- are tin- time in was ed- im; the harbor in a sail boat were transfers in real estate in * li'plor pow er, ami -prakim_ a- a Imdiii-it i-•:- i-I ii:taii tiniii'' i:i ae.fi eireles of diabolical manner could conceive that. city, and with (Jordon when began to waver, when the colonel ordered ! srcminjrly without. ctlbrt. If lie cannot be capsized and s « poliiieal. military every they li' 1.1 .\ li A .... hi- rather was Waldo for the week All-list doth. r'-m'nls hr. Alimr that within -i\ or -.-veil N", He n M. ie»», but v. as somewhat inclined without makiii” an end of him. in order t<> unexpected death occurred. It the charge. Hood's men were driven back to elected in Inns it is drowned; the In.at sinking h*a\ina noth- county enditij. •v a k a Main '!. I ». I*. | not much use for another instant\y understood were to he K!\ira H. < ear- -e\. It "bite-. \\ 'riel 1 vt\e 1 7' b->'J ; ion. The latter fault, however, is make him devise* some na ans which they engaged married. the heights of Little Hound Top, from which inir for them I'.ur-ess. hit.a to Fticinda I'.. Farris, ! 1111 1. 111 ^! s t. piiUJn- ;;-s'p:.; by they j to toriiipa to. Althomrh in a very I'exx for libaim have n a din-d \ ■ t• (Jordon’s will' contained a number of the 20th routed them a short time after. Republican try. Certainly Sherman, witli I'alernio. \ I n ity led ’lii miknmvn in the on cither could w rin” from his frieiels. splen- finally Aurelia Huston \ ai I'ittslh Id, to .las. Mli- pe.puar army money minute- -eveial boats w.-re on the spot the vounr of 11 I I. r did charitable hut the For this service the received all hi- • >,: i. A n. majoritv Prohibition. ea-tinv sidt of ii.. Bit) <: ramie, an I if death were the As time wore on and no money cairn their provisions, gave larger great regiment qualifications, has no such hold on tin M ha Iuit T: 1. H. ( 'ohiiett, Helfast, to I. <»f his to who man had already link and Mr. Itiehardson w.i- •. I. M Hall. tMd.-Jfs \ ote- tor nmlibiled Prohibition. while illli\ el's;:! Ii i'11lm l.t ft.;- > rro| s » fiendish knew no am! d-- part fortune Miss Shcllhauser, the personal and otiieial thanks of the brigade, pi: sliltiliu: rape* bounds, they masses. If Mr. Maine- de-ire- the nomination I*. same town. Susanna IF Colson A to as Mr. J. K. F.'-ja*. als., I If;-. uivinu }:».»»:*I vote- .or St. .bdm. lb llit ivfi'.m 1 am afraid I«»• roil-eall be lighted in torment him to the utmost limit returned Boston and resumed her seances. division and corps commanders, and Colonel .i'lst sinking Manley, xx ho was the first only would in.” ■ he will have it. or man t- l\ Ir— H. \ieliols, same town. Jennie a liver since her widowhood Mrs. Mackenzie Chamberlain's was he will the t » -M-arspor!, -ay.- with u Ja-. authority r.unp' to declare yum, men. and ::ll Hirer it it families in de>ti- with healed irons, tori* the nails from his lin- Gettysburg the standard bearer of him and li« i. I him up until help arrix ed. lie xxa- tlm-c to or- M.< Ii: that tin- m ariy 'dnu.ouo who did rot vote for St. iute eir. nnistai.et ger and toes, oo Lngland in of information and record. a lion. Thomas !*. Heed has returned from hi< to brina him }•> life, but he was far of Prohibition:!- tin- Iti.biw w li did \ot- I'm- \v hit'll .!■• ; in ii Ms on nth. tell- to deal!.. pursuit plans, It bore conspicuous part in the H,,l iasi. to \ C. l» I I. \ Ni I’,' i.V I S \S:»y nna W. oe-ehue, Wat.a low n. Ma -. and was BurdcJt- Mr. 1,‘ieliards. >a |e;>x e- an ;i 11 ■ !iim. k.n-a- i- to Prohibition. and ii •• t! I b. time mm: w :- allow< The vt.»r\ w as substantiated always helped by Baroness Wilderness, at Spottsylvaniaand before Peters- to Alaska and is freighted with informa- .-•'lie. aaed mot her I 1 i-.yal y! h ,1 them dyii.p raneheros* trip "-1 m I n !•• F. Cro.--, sear-mont. lo A. T same in ami 7 i-dit -- Coiitts. While in London Mrs. Mackenzie be- and on dune was a to 'I'oothaker, 'lie v...e .lolm 1. than eetii. of h. ; to w ri e ; tiieir friend- n r!ai:i.’\ no:: for .•< archill*.: the indicated in a vacant | burg, 4, lstlo.it mustered out, sister mourn hi loss. > in. per by spot tion upon matters connected with that far \ a;!- a. m.. | came a convert to a handful of low n. (.ro. F. ainA al- votf. it tb tMio.iion believ« that im «*:.n be f-irew.-i’- »o tiieir wives am! eidldren. :i«• 1 I m-ar tin* \ iaa canal, a few mile- from the partial Spiritualism. She men remaining out of the number The sail boat ha- been recovered lull the -oil's by all.>rnry llev'erly ., I!, lar 1 tinif- far-away believes in eomuitinicatioii. hut not in which had into the at away possession of Clide Samuel, as well as to i '• .' S v ’-am.- I f «r !' :nj‘.-ram*, w ithin the m Hr v wmi lo ii'elt -I out of t of .M« xie;,; and in the bottom of the spirit gone tight Gettysburg slii-rnian al-., Ib-lfa-t. \. Forbes, 11 mi i; f\a> »t snn.la puKn At'layb;. prison 'iiy ion.” : body has mu l-c<*n found at this wri'ina. 'I'he >-ap ■ materialization. three .a, from ih n sid< of it. their am! w i!Ii their l acks ;w:dn>t tie old I i -used trnl Well was found 11.0 nearly years before. The rest had been with what lie .-aw on the Pacific coast and 'hook.-, lo A n n \ I. an-, -aim* s. .0 tuna, or arrival p:»rt\ opinion certainly p forgotten ot the boat cannot be town. H. < me she on a on sizing ..anted for, as serin- • milled b- ur»alter than that of wnit .... '.> oid skeb ton. P*. \V \ 1;i>. year ago determined plan for left the hattletields and in the t’e-j mlol.e tiiM H;. ir fait imp re-d- ; F.vnns?■: hospitals. ainoii^- the Rockies. 11 ourdislimrui-iied town- '.rant A als., Newton, n. ||. H. Citlleiield, l*ros an and to The won there xvas but- iittle xx ind at the time, hut it is J'.Miioor am! intatmadiaia laii'i tin m.ooo who hrrau-e tin y eantuP vteverv- a- A!- a;i- f.-.eo dea'.l:. !b orphanage, began quietly gather regiment’s imputation had been at a very iy always soluteiy Mi er i..Iw Dei to s. ;5 ahoMl .. I,.,-k V. M. funds for it. Her the was man would turn lecturer it would beau even- pe.-t. in, roil, Fmma ..I Hi-i.l tllill- .It one. prefer to o-e l| ail. d'weUtV to HI' ': to be I >1 j t'd-f' ie. 1. _:'/.•; IMS. on a Jarv' \. Y. chase of a farm of HO acres near Lexington, cost. Other have carried Lit- sarali Hall, FUsworth, bond, to majority. Tiibum-. •aimii into the v. of rille-barrels !. veiled at regiments might ing well spent to listen to his narrations, for part of the sail, and xx as not seen coming u the this farm the tle Hound at d defeated but A. I ;-■ -n.i: -M •. tiieir '.a-!-, w hieli the lirst of the Ky. Curiously enough, adjoins Top Lee, another .'••iaiaatvt Meek, He Hast. Atlanta li. Faidlavv, upon rays boro, to Sarah I.. Davis, < hel-ea. Mar The boat xvas a a'"od size | eat-ria- iM if m It. lias! af ll.!.- a. m. a mat ■) y;i believe ii was pat- commoner tigures in the -tory, this causes un- ings. with just enough of liis keen wit to make \vit:• i.« Mr,, for them. But not for others. Kl'.lilMl NTAI. Ur.I Nli >NS. -aivt A. V... k, lie Hast, to Sarali Hall, FUsworth. va- Italia-t at arm if at usual interest to attach to tie selection. j*. in., a_;' iiit lit •»! liir-.i :;ri>. Imm whe-h y.iim ! r \siJr ;in Hi.ret nlotiit i's, lhi'ee w i\< s am! or :;i! hive o’ them rich. lie is a rale and riotism honest :d admiration for The veterans the 20th Maine Regiment conversationalist A ( ?: it W. ( She intended to take out -.*>children Id girl- i Kii to nil. o» n From tlm late-i Northp. -le'.ao amp-round, to Lewi- F. l-;i lion-. k* i-jM i> n a\ take a !iin:. three broods e.f destitute little ones, amt Hr- held their annual reunion in n- perhaps •. Waterville Atm. be.-t of all has no r. thr* tin tow o| if \ ran -oldier that iuda-'d «*nr lawmakei ami and these not until a certain sum paid daquer- to keep him in sue of the < >eean < hmniele, on Hendii -. Hi* hard IVaivo, Frankfort, to Annie Tin- Pels -. 1’iil a!: \oi:r .»|.| Io\* letter- reiat ivrs ami friends oi the e\*-eii»t d olli- i'<) boys published 1*1 !. I lank toll. \\ Mil. many !>> -i"-h imiu-t and il'oonsiden d law- in 2!Mit. The comrades were tin* guests of Col. I. jia. pa-- was raised ssoo for a and sl.iHii) for a I he as 1m* has M. Dai a, -aim1 ina lio,.:-i ! >\ in lIn -errant i: •*- room. eers. tin st- i. to inten-ifv Hu Nation- girl hoy >. newspaper-. Sharp he i-, a lio-t -hip Frank i'emlleton hy » I I*. Nieh"!~, w. town. Jo.-eph II. I’ark, Searsport, •-.! Mor. I. \a* I •'.m pa-i- thiius Ip ! :• Bangs. Tie- Association elected tin* follow- apt. !ation b< pensions a- tlio-i we now :ia\. l.et to or- :• m A -I *,M lose !,-tl< I,re. In-.-ii to d w n pay for clothing and educating the the to I.. M. I a ,. ..I a. itatnra -tippis known Isatia d of \im aits, hiels. li -i\« know ing olheers: Bresid nt, II. S. Meleh.r, Bort- of friend- who esteem him for his own sake. e.'py followtny eliapters o| experh in .t M« 1 .an. ter. Stockton. 'Thomas U. ( Inn me illustrate a few ea-e that I know a'l No was be out -. M... .a in Itai a I f-lilt l»t*‘« I in om* for three i t'Uti.! .11 j l»y phans. child to turned upon the Keep plan- hit ter .d ..III adv. -;.ee; _. tile !*o|*- land; N ice Brosident, Frank Livri- Rest bourne; 'I r> -r. to I .hell < men!, -a lne town. j about. One ot the best -oldier- I had with me world until of and Rogers, of all, there i- none of the two-f:.ecd month- at a time.*' i •. ; l-k (,a/ It- t!er Mat. age thoroughly equipped more: L. i-'Ii beautiful wife and 1 w.» ebild- Secretarv and Treasurer, S. Miller. The Town Fieral Fort Melbourne lim 11 Kiel:, h> 1 llrook \ a ,1. '.hrouirh tha i,-\. n.- youny i.ve!y for life’s battle with a trade or If sneak about Re*-!. lie k :i a uas d witii Thorndike, Mat;. I’ulsifer, J Then there warn H; ,s;- ,i ral Hareia profession. the l.oek- ;-;«>od hater and •' Waldohoro. Tin; regiment. led w iiieh eame s* m l M* ml i i if. 1 'a if .■•eu and went into the servi'-e w ithout of hy -hips, from all par;~«d the world. "• 'billn H. b I >av id F. k- here' .. .s }» v. <:tk a d * bounty, part the trust fund remained when tie* i.' e.-ter, l.ineobiville, My friend, tie ill am Ml. a ieader of Zaeal. any wood Rand and ('o. Second M. t.rue Irieml. m< v.vsn»n vi.. Alma, | h-. >>e we vv m *:•* ■ ami \ ti-ai-ta. i »a a\ polilieid ejm nt M, Regiment, ship- ill >te the i kirtferd." ii;- » without without any imlm j tiers-a;- our svife i-. an sot: kuoss lie' a ? I promises, child readied its the balance was to < 11 !.*• y. -anie town. Mar A to ; .. b-*m ;im !ai.iit ni f'-umi \r< h- majority, V. made a tine a < at the “! leurb I la < |;lam ami Turner, Fiberty, .. J;,-Hast an «ia al it }>. in.. etiiimly w hau \ er e::« i>m of M., par: do, after which very apt. !er, apt. hard, ! ia *11 I': \si!i relies her. ss noth*-:.-- ept l!u- 'pure hi- hon- he to it. The wa- 1 h;. a-. patriot given farm would, it calcu- tlie “Frank \ hie s O' ;., a! I! a. in. 1 an.bit •, I- hal'd t t|ea! W’tll W In. 11 bountiful was served in the rink. IVndlefon." apt. Niehol-. F.arli <>i Mn..d\ -ami' t>.\\ u. ah -i.t .1 and her a ho\ e-t heart. lie was a brave and faithful soldier banquet Schools and School l.ny 1 lated. abundant food. Mrs. Macken- these \ *•!:. "aa "1 1 i" llliia-. i; -W.an- i!.e ,.i !e- v, Ho-, wen A«- provide Supervision. ship 'iia>i.T- had hi w ile to a watrhful !-| i.dits invaded. from Everything one could wish for was found on keep tin heyinniny to the end of the war. At zie estimated that ssA.OOO would hr the sum over him. and rest assur 'd, all eondueted Italia-1 •: ,1- .a. liaian.in-. "-'iin- -e :.a -aid. '■»«-ini nn- tin* dr* eordi! / lb Mexican eonsjjtution. the eye they Itrunimi. -i.pin-I you tin 'dose of War an hill of fare. Eloquent speeches were made To im-: Union im: Joiunvi.: “The Kmtry Family the lie received honorable needed to start the hut on a small themselves in a most manner. e- ss'om.!. he v,. i: a id s-. rste tier a hi. .. know, ti; iia\e a ihi to institution, exemplary r,*sjMalt-' by comrades Melcher and Miller, (ion. .John • n •• and came home, lie could no Teachers’ in a »f The w ives held a ronrlave, and w hen the un rt ... .;*. i' -. til’ mitii ilia tow ." Till s\ oiild I er ami in. di.-eiiarye iony- scab.* she at once her work of Friend," reo-nt i—lie the y aplis eap • lmos, ; own ..lie!-: Mil more i;a- began charity, Marshall Brown S. The seventh rcnion of tin* fainilv will ■ < and I. Letters el used it w as derided that "we are to the Kmer; ml |{.i« k a ton.- ssas fora nian ssstiia P> a. earn his liviny. much less his now Bangs. iny yoiny larrre tamily a>, support family. and has four in her house, with Journal, for discussion a •im m. I'i. -; |, <-t- and installs one orphans were read from (Jen. opened question that to a takt in the -. \ at lit* I last at 1J in. hy Adclhert Ames and Mon. eonntry -top week.” plaee Melon.,,>n Hall, Tiviii>.iil Tern 'i.ii'la; uiate vs ardl’ein He found himself in w tint. Then he bcyasi to -ix more for and to come w hen to si;:? iii own me-, t'e-_r rd- provided ready I’.lauehard and Niehol- were -I;»-• n t>> ait a :a u m. jte T. B. Reed. were is to<» much those who it. J 1*. unite think about a of his comrades Many distinguished guests neglected by should 7" Treniout -treel, Ho-loii, Mass., on Wedur- pen-ion. Many I he is In various “( on < li "ln\ if, I J mi If-, t In a.- Ilraila^ nil the \\ litas," a all w h na\. i. l! wi.- ,tf tin To all suedi orphanage opened. ways among whom were noticed that oinuiitlee Arrangement utler heiny ex people. had obtained them. Hi- was present, grand have an interest in n-e .it I »u. \\ i> s i: l; i.- \ n *i W i.i> < ih.i. :. *. already eaplain Mrs. Mackenzie succeeded in s‘»0.o(M) the matter. Two thousand on eondition that ...n ede t<> their deei-nm •iay. .-epteniber II. l-sT. The lni-ine.— i. ,-a\ 1*. 11-t M• n111:, v Thin i:m eu-i ini' ional n.-ts of -ion. «i eiierai securing old hero who is so dear to soldier’s heart einpt meeting oppit < lead. 11 is lieutenants ami all iii- comrades every a -aim* and I IS -11 ! ll-r h«-el) etiie of enllr'k-r old-, hr. of Jin* desired ssTi.ooo, when, about six weeks if endorsed the ladies. " ill be held al 11 s. at |' in. i a- fiM < : :.a ua- in Hie habit ,«f ami (»en. .1. L. , iv tilt",-it. inline!./ eotisiimj.lioi I In- (haul ago, the occurrences about to he re- It was Sunday morn when -now don't !■"•!% many times had b .. -m 11:<-.! re\o!uti«»sis mysterious and Hen. Hamlin. Mum of the stores and I could climb to the in -'•iM ed at o'eloek c. The entire o lent ss ill kr< in;.- -la lid a. a- to unknown. He never been highest place Athens, I horrilied! It in and th. arrangement .*> 7 n-f da*;;. \ac|.t priu alsvas (, moved parts ha ! lated, and which are the so wa-Saturday -earsport. t" sustain tin ,.f the Z.aeaP.-eanocs. bringing orphanage •• t In-in. riuhis But houses were decorated for the occasion. A run their Nave-. i lamnioid -t reel, H.ostoii. Ma —., A \el»t-i -ka e e 11: i. 1 -a'. tl at an -h—- prove velop. turn stone to '■ ’*i .:. at in ■-liter;-' \ the to to a most ye every scrape together wealth, and run the then “lian!-'!| rn l»«*tia>l "M 1 I Mi !'*«» MWX. in the s< rviee. although that fact w a- on evening listen eloquent oration “sipiared away' i.p pier, eiti/.-i, s\.-;!d male a I -il i1 n« t riitnl : i .• In ,■ -d patent Miss the Boston who t>» whom all de-irin— dir.m mvided for ■ n_; Shcllhauser, medium, too ’for Frank hvbbins for ai'iuy direetion-. n ,d | them if k ha t ram | l»v (Ion. .Joshua L. Chamberlain. All this and lake so lit! !e care* of children to whom tie- -_'i.,nt I.-.. -. J. in tile t-'n mu! i. ■•,loia ho* ! I i\ tile fare of th'- '-ase. And solids l>one-l, brave say your : was tic* most reunion the they '■ini.'. e; laithiii1 delightful regiment Pi. la!| |.,r nu.e.ella hand P W Il >•'!:■ ;.:*>. Wa- -!.• :*!i*r:, lllili- old soldier, who had imperilled hi.- life receiving her to aid one day ye must it all?*" Invention was hutit loi inland nav !:a-ly spirit messages directing ever held. relinquish ailiny expn --ly of the meet in-; n this I- not done ■ •la;, proper 1 mi! -Ihr a mill. I o t:.r\ i:« i 11 < In ra- and ruined hi- heal I la in the .-er\ ice of ids roim- an home in of os one and made st.-vv jir<' 'Ti. e « » hi* tak,;;:-.’i'i ndmini-l orphans' the West these | and have carried his words thousands only Imr.-e-power, very pro From ’v H dit A1 Many The discovery arrau.;. ai. lit am in < U »* — 1 Bull Maine Association held was be nle. The of ticket •Ii. ll •! 1 ii I -1 si i- !r\ w it Ii old aye and ste.rv at hm stariny him in Regimental ..i« Im: that whieh in’ price ■ at in -1 a ••nr \ in* !• -in..nl her in Zacnleea-. were larkiuy pi upeliiny I ji.-ii, 'I. It;- ed .-ailing messages its at on ii Mpa-1. I.V\ ! 1 nit .i annual reunion Skowhegan Aug. 2’>th, of miles oi;d what seem- 1 to him to be the power vv.:- more than for the un "ii ;'e oi c dollar Tin- •-•- tiie face, could not dollar of hey eiiiiipensated by will be at the !*• -tain I .11-.i:11. ai.d 111... i'..il. ; it cm! I*r.-i rl fon-aw that not ii in_ yel pension president ‘I"-. I j wi-«i> sa11> to i:k ki’.om m.N!:v clay, with a lire in Mail in -• vii tliut hook them «m!d that |»f« •. •• closing camp lia/.elton’s pov, uji; pov\«r -i;p.-ri.-r I, ..In in* •! !.;u-. ! •- *•»• -as' -ii-.rt oi i-uiii ! 1 hroimit the heart could !v for aii he had done. inmost boundaries of the world, and from a hail from oYi.-rk till II, to explaii and sh**w the | "p tin* A was for the ‘•av he* u utilized fur proprlliny, iheii- d I! hi id' *n. :• I ‘- a -i no-i .-h. .M •« n I wa- sane y-. the statesman. but «Ji.! not state the evening. design adopted -p< •• for j Mi. "id iii i il the Hut there another oldier in the Kentucky I ieiie.a I’to W he •. Mnrl.rt :.•••’» ma\ inlcte -ted. and lie re ■ eol.i- ! -l -• regimental monument at and a point place ha>:.; -iiirh-, .-.-fe 11:1* >..| !;,• <•« iment. in t!.< same with lIn* Jir.-t on<-. location to he a**Med. The of dames Hettyshurg. ii * 11... !*" a inn- ii : j ! •«••.! ej. *m< -I- i,l |s>S. company spirit and it v a- “hard up a: d “hard I »w n. hu; imvt ml it. I Ha pr*.j* committee, with < '«>!. I E. Heath as chairman, o *enl similar ni(»a_:',>. In order At liens" !:• h.r- shouted his w :• .. I. U in.. |»r in* ii" .a ltd. I.:. \v;i> « n.• ••!' tin- and wortlih liow before and philosopher -leady was rhusen to have of the matter. About II ie u ''! 11. »'iii -!i Fm-li ..nr i- a ioe war, and worse than worthless fellow hi to a*ei r!aiu if other medium- had obtained charge < Ui a ri'iv at .M •. tin ea ied tin- man v eopic-. re.|iie-t.'d that e kept «•«. id n.-.l :rii'n-nlia! men in hi- Mate. Pta\e ns Pm. ing to -in ding g one hundred members wa re .. a- he conn into .a .r I li-it l*i i! lin-, ■' lie; :s{',i)U similar <>;• more eummnniealions n- present. Ieerc*I to •■eoilie an I 11 Ii- •lit the i.a I. to the .on -I -»I-r 11. VI in* ,, t' iidum. hut, 1 a: i. w aili; t" Pack arni}. 1J<* W :ited till he coiiid yet explicit place upon ample liis undcrlnk- I ilcd his adv ;*•<•? W hat -hall w tiiiuk .1 I. I all *•:• INi-hii. •' \<-l: MI KN MAIM*. (iUANli VISMV MI-IN. by U l.< the-, were -at' lied ll" were •- -• 1 o lie eaille :::i: the noti > vv.-re inserted in that 'd. 'if di -k In in.me I"' d• 'i ill tk- pa" m i' •- d his old friend- and ii«*i_h- ii'Oimy before enlisted, Mid ilie'i out iinu charity, and add re.-- in full. \d li* 1 Hid I'., Ip. mi ed thr Inm• e w 'mm.*! ! ha! oil:- ii -i..e no! e-el a' various when their tn\<-. bi;i do no| go they approaehed Imre ex kef -ei-iur Utol!i ■ < and went .-iraLld to ihe i -ation* in dilfereut The iifih annual reunion of p-ople pay tlmy d .■ h'.' -. w ii i S» m. lit !" that !< -s nil, hospital. spiritualistic pul>1 the First Regi- nri’. he .i. od.' f«.r the lad;. \p. ah n. 1 V, e !:-i. ! to teat li him but lie wa- ••arts of tli. In to one of ment of near \ mil!, ss In- l- .s a ml 1- ii-ie-d I»\ Ml* red hand of a** i--i C ways aiway- Br.sqiie Me, August 2oth. There large deal ui ...me -ad e\ fill had ■ a rple- ; )•• ta\ ai omp!i-ie ? If they -honld lie* vvmld -iiaduW ilii >»o,j.-c \\i!i aid in e\lemlm- the invitation to ■ e a- !•.:■!! of the linn of I’o-t ,V t --»• <-"e> -one-1 I. e| ! -‘in' ■ 11 I if M<"s i.\\ 11 d<-od-e i- "U-i i- duty allboiiyh a-aide-bodied I was. or d(**epli Kinsey, attendance present from tin* county. Twelve yioui.i over the wl.uie 'iirrotindmy Ta<" -p-(. there tin*! a ::c:tl 'iV;. •i'U.i ai a< i• a -e % of Cineinnat he 11 e. a man;, ;.. teacher-. 1 thipv .|iiaiiited, i. \ I a so il I- I dii- .pi il. *. ii !••• I*--, ilierh «■" nd i*'i * < i under tin* -oilier ill til reyiman-w.a. Tin y 1 In. in II I.I’ l« 11. fee .- ;-t V n iii"' on, sit k whenever there w as act i \ e eotnmunieati-m from iiis dan. liter, who died were elected : B. II. mini of < er-'who :.ic a.- kno. k oi.ee mure, win n in in ara lain; and .«• w ill he al id ! nd noi to me ■ ■>! et ii law in time of p» a*-- pla\cd But Moulton. o|o- there, they tin iiim-Ivc-rxpiv— au-wertliey any loot -t. a; '.arli, amt It" >!•--•! i. -I a I v ire on hand, an.i :d ino-l of bis time in year- av.o, a» the am* of -even. She in- ii.l: RandalM ■« llersoti. Lieutenant Colonel: >. p ;a is'..p. hy " bo Id*.- i- tun,! to n:i i. In all c o| r* u*' I a* \*U- tin-lit in / n*;Ue -a-. -pi many a «an of it, “for led money they get oul i!, line luuhniy .-ii vv liu.-e e. m ill rna me 1 ■ :;e w a- ne\ er dicated. however, that the institution was elderly lady, .* a. He under lire in his jjf. C. F. Smith of Major. During Hie •• ••i ne', _• A Ml-- oijri a at {o a s !, m-w a help ; Mars :• duriiiu my lir-t \ *-.* ho-pifai. Mapleton. -onMVV i~ parti* ley 11 1 b HI III I. .. V v, r\ Con,- v- street. ■ V \s ilh tin- dim., v h;. i- ... d t«do am ... wealth, culture and inlhter.ee. Me was for ing the I- I L |*. -i.lar pi,i .. iny about in this throuyii the war, cannon, a his ! a llllo! are. ui :n d. 11 on." .11 It I the r.a .. line ah m:i’< iii.; !. aiw-t tin* tion/a!••/.* way nearly by premature discharge ning. Mime a -at isfaetorv e xamina- •era;- f*.r --n h-mr may pass Ih \|:, .. •i as‘!i m*.Ml a la from the I*‘di- a member of the hoard of right hand w as blow n oil above >1 r. < sorrow wa- known win n -ht a.idl'd -..i. i- i' iiidni-lt i •!. » ns I.*• 11i_. rent. are! wa.-tli-eharyed ho-pilal years exposition the wrist. \M; extremely -< — a tion and fail from a 1:•«-k of earn) mm n-« he in.'.' rii d." Fo. Woman' 11 w Inn "ii-. hi- v. i;-:| a ability contracted in tie- --erviee.** lie bad no eonimis.-imu-t *, and ba> la id other important, vv:t member of the Sixth Maine was ye( they pitied N*. May Fever. pi* life worth farthiii”. Battery, ...a II A I li. -'u 11«* \\ Idle on east, and the sun had Hu h uai -y A Waldo t mini s Man in Dakota. IP !•■ ! d *\v or till** u:i!es out of diiliculH in yell illy a poo-i'*n. had liospit- public positions. bis way only former!) a resident of Burkinan. Biseataqiiis and to govern a. mpatl.y ! a lw.nl. !i s a;i ! .,a’. e l.a. li -a\ I'. a Ills*-! th'-eiiy judgment required properly ’i'h.a then wended their w honievvnrd in Hu ;d that were a lew wet ks am», to this mat- count \. and had gone the battles of ay W •.: I s'. iulensels ••I /' .eat.'. mi:d <*sie uIs* i* oil a- hi- earriam* papers ab.-olutely perfect. Why. investi^atr very through ! < 1 i' 1 1 I I’.’ M'erie.” school. Why th«n, -hoiild not such be aim rail whieh they fame, haviny !.- endure ! l< | cent V, it.-- Mr 11 a | a let *. t lie yo\eminent -11 in; I< lit I lie chalice |o ter, he was stricken with on a I’.ulti- the < old » M I -•! o. j. •: in min I \x:i- ..*111 i•. ! ,\vn ii was waslnid d yi\e apopiexy Wilderness. Harbor and Spottsylvania he n.e ! i: hi < *n by .-itrhi dship- ill iny hook about. a t. •' I tnore tV < »a ar 1 Ids obliged to h ave the Jo more \v r 11-..I11 -l:.i I (Ill l:i. :>1 i>I klu.n In: Il.ll in* .... I" M- .. till. I I"- 11• ! \\marvel that fellow a ami wa- not sati-lied ddo rain. bikland. Md.. and and the in front of position or!h; .a in ■ nia-ke*I i:a v. no -;• r.i;im up from !!’*• >hnp- pension, engagements iViersImrg ri.in the -hip their vv w «• ea I !• 1 !u ... e. in 'or.ti dm it > wiiii iiim a but went back death \v :is for some s. Me is now without bt in v. !;<:•' Iiis i.m friend- in l'.ro -ks ami wil. peri. p p irei a lid i. .ri !:■■ ;i:. inP* tin- •■'.•;* It. tV-r- yi\iny -rill month, expected day ing injured. 'The comrades camp hands? Certainly no supervisor can !•■ \vii.» wa- a.., and then th. .«a table e;ti1'• ai. vicinity Uil'.i'ii; ii o. ■ .* -oi; s li.«s» < I \|**M 11 nn-uee. ai-d I able to be r. 1 • ? i: t •! x ;!• (. it Pr- ami ya\e him about sMTOO of back about Ids home. and friends made up a purse of over one hun- roiled tip ti." pit DI 1 now that hr is wil ami in •' ra!, •! Ii.nl pension. I.. -u< prosperous ■=. i. i.ii- at -! I, i'll ;• !.-|-"k I I'l'lllir.- |- I fe ,i-i ii;»p,*eii* |cii .stand li P acbcr-. ami lln soon- -).*•. And m is draw hi- >n A few after his Mr. dred dollars as an of by I hey yava-in Hn ir rej uii iu the ladie wlm-M-t ill.: 1. h* had r* iiiaim-*! a! iny pend to-day. days atllietioii, Kinsey expression sympathy. ID- n.-w Mini in il.-' u\ on me Dakota r. m. P ha fesei \\ I ■ IT. P.v iudi-p" Salley Now, what n-e i- there i -m-h iaw as was the «.f another from hi* The next reunion is to be held at er they are told «ti.it they have not the upon them vv itheriuy l..uk, ;-.inlsai«! “U :il *0 !* :a a Pa ha A*: h Mil- Min! *i \ a in I the earria-J* \va recipient message Hodgdon. ahilily .. \.* ! II.-rial :.!«•*■ t ! n.. ih.-th \. .1. J\s occupied atte id 'to ii ourselves. Hi i'li ii In a laiari iarm w it 1 a ir.imi stock eon ice? i >o through a local medium, in which follow iny moiu iny i. in*mi?ti. i :- wdie. dam.:lit* r ami le The these, to -ay nothiny of ju-1 you -ay hat daughter, MMNK I»I:Mo< |;a 1 l<’ MAH! roMMIIII.I*. to leadi. Ihe better it will lie p*r lb m. ami for ;. sj»i-*-ia!> old} P; pin-W. tlie three lathes look the first ti.ain an I wen m i st 111'.: *.! li«'i-«- I sheep, «t*- amt > e !.e_re When a re. < d t Ik- -llier • ta s, 1 iie.-e are small matters, and that Ihe men w ho Mrs. .Mackenzie was d; imiutrd as t!,.■ la-ad of «"aeliman ami nephew were in-lanlly kiiied. 'I’iie Democratic St ate Committee met in Ban- those them, r.ut Oil tlie other hand, pui'-UIL of some .piiet 11 .1 plea-. i;t litre.';. I'h. 11... .. -a: of < I,.ill, la I in .. employing » .'m n am. "'A lie had aid tin; laws are statesmen in weightier af- l iie el< institution. to tin* time t..i ami :.«•!- I-i M-J* I l.l I;*i*li< "lie *ii iia-Imliels Lrra/iti” the daughter's f.»r*- passed etnosy nary Ip gor, and were called to order it turned at p. m.. with la. r.idiai.l with ^Il« .. an, a- Pi; ! tin- -tin i Is ...... 1- Aug. 24th, by those who M Main rapid be Mr. had never heard of the but have* entered the ,-choo! room and i* ti.,- ami make- hi- on ami I!!y' h* ad. idie 1. r-e- were tin'll cut loose, an*! the fairs? Let me tell you that men who cannot Kin*ey lady, < < joy, “Me iiave enyayed a line plaee, thev -a. I. 11 pr<>i:t that, iiiLr oil. ami had he.-u preparin', for 1 in svor-t. hairman Brown of tlie Executive ommittce. trusted in these matters cannot be trusted in i mean* of a located her, called and “and tomorrow imimii;; w e .nv out to l'riuliteiied uiiiiim left to make their way directory C. M. Foster, of was chosen Secre- havi -hovvn that they are quad'h | for the yoiuy stop lie has lmili -oim* e.onlot table i • 11 i 1111.^- am I has I a .. i. o «» i nii***t<•: Sagadahoc, a r> A'mi ( er.- a--!- on an\ t learned her At that time Mrs. Mac- week.” (nthr. F.l.a neha 1 and Nnl.l- w.n Arm- iirestls the liver and houie a- he-j eoii!*i. As this was coiisid- hiny. plans. tom. were lb P'lie lo ill •-! i! li.- i‘ *11i -• «*\ mil:” at tliey’ tary pro Letters read from R. have the of the rv i- -i.a; s u.iik III tally New I am land le. J'i ia; kenzie had not heard that were inter- place,-honld support -up* yr,inlet! perm: y,» out on the follow n | ly hi liars and drise- mi! tin- malarial < r* *l a disturbance, When a man enlisted into the service the spirits of app.ataa-. merely political nothin.!; Hastings, Oxford. Chairman, ami W illiam a eve and .•> .r the r nor so far sor. there he one or two, or \, n day -top sai-lutli. I le say s, liowev er, ha : toe \\e-l n.it without w .lorn- afiout it and no yovernincnt had it-- sworn suryeon on the spot ested in la project, had she, as site though may if. A IJ. -ll l.ll' llirrl i-oisoii ss 11!,-ii indin-e- lis «-r r-eilpiain!- alnl bilious attempt was made to Emery, of York, a member of the com- The next liiorniny the ladies -tail.' t -t lie see a :t- Draw hark-, ami h advise- ever tanner well ■ to examine him ami that, lie was knows, received dollar through their inllu- more, in tin w arc a- Vi niii” ia :if|i In : it tors to physically n district ho linding fault; for e ii lit al'otha tin yi lit it men >t !i. ni to lisordei-f. Wai’ranh-tl to rare, <>r'ti .in*s n uml«-«l. per p.-tra justice. mittee, resigning their positions. 'The >igna- ry eiuy th. a man, and if he was not sound he w cme. lb fore Mr. could write Last in- aim! ii Mail ■ t Id wil em -u- h a !• me. lie < one* ruin”- the of thi- sound Kinsey were a t: ,:in, |ur w hieli pi iv t'.t ye J I aeli to ■■ Trs it. plea-ant possibilities tions accepted. Twelve counties were teacher cannot plca-c every one, and lie who they paid ■If-f 1 ar 'iiiv!11»ir ncrv Hut 2o after ieast that forming Mis. Shelihauser of his them 1 a tan Aim an •»i -a' * ;• itncertaiu count ry. many rejected. now, years (at discovery, E. of iaye m»thiny rn T that tli.it rum i a !*•«• artiei.- in trial part id represented by proxy, (leorge Ciill’ord, to make a little ■ course all that emutnutdeated with Mrs. Mackenzie, tries will brilliant failure. Too and -tailed oil' Two .| Inter I. tn \\ kiloss of in.- mode *d tr> tan a! litis been the alone), lady < tlmy Lapp' e i',e!i ..ii\ :-. lii.iM.n-n imuNi; at,i> they compel ornish, and < lark S. Edwards, of Bethel, were I•••.; a "V .iini -:I•. i mprov enu •• lie m- ! a li. 111 ilar imrt tame I ron the fount “Men w <• a that soldier Jo yo back beyond those years say ini;- her control had informed her that it I care is talo n in the of leat hers. Stale ry say iny. s f' to -uif»T* 1V tneil. atv told "f occurrences in the pa-t wdiich ami that he wa- sound when In* enlisted, was to her (Mrs. M.) that he had referred, Saturday p. prove elected vice and Luce “To the -I > > imously Chairman, Supl. says: get woik, t he't* three dev oted fi u aa lids in! the r.a! w a ■ Imjie «•: «*hi'.-than that wltii-ii i.~ *•«#injh**-1»«*imi.-.I m mi”lit he in the Were i- for him to and asked for It is said those Hastings, cheapest step 11" -cmI I'.niiic r« pat'll- t. ba. mis in I hi- > easily repeated present. a iliiny that it next to particulars. by ; ill-I \ :>(l. lir-- impossible T. W KuowJton. of (Jroei»\ille. vice make earriaye to yo ami meet their wives. tin* if-*.- -I As*-- -.ii P« »ii 1 i<■ it nl incentive. I am aware to Secretary, to for connections or an- •' ot >. ..a” -aparil'a. puri ml that do. And if lie fails t«> it. lie fails !•» eomu-rned that prior to this Mi •! I..; at Him ui\«*r prove yet Blown, The Executive Committee \t 7 |». m., tin- e\.-iienieut vv.t a I i aer and Hu vicinity n i;* resigned. ms tin i.u- niion thii.i- Jo Priii” mich if into hi< will not lake the sworn iiad never known or heard of Mrs. Mackenzie. sonal to tin- i^oiai: n; hloo*|, thi- prepaiatiou pension. Why they was tilled the election of Kimball Eastman, friends, keep money in the dis- happy party were ad sra!"d around a full -.at- lei'i! el'.'inei -trite. d fa » or. by ni. 1 ii- .-\ nWmlm-s «-p ii"! w'it h tile Mexicans, hut stalin' ii! of their own made al the The world was made* table. < who iiad In ell at the nm- * lilt i«!«I. ad} sitrycon spiritualistic acquainted of Cumberland for the First F. II. trict or town, are which tin- Mher.-, plaee pre, •’ « » ••• District, grounds upon 1,. 1 :I a a i. 11: r*‘11 nmiv with <•<■ .tin Ameli a;.- in facts ease. was a F had left a reeonl .m th. huol. w luei' pari.*!'. arlienhirl} time? with the in the That only of Ii- how 1 «■ (ireely. Ellsworth, for the 'Third District, U. M a. i’oM. \. II A i-orre-poie 1.1 s\ rites to know \Si!at beennn- oi Pit-iiies- liere, who endeavor to make it so few weeks am*. but ever since then Mr*. Mac- seled ion of teachers is base*!, while the well line thie.y vv as. \e»ss j;,.. (.ranges. ami c. M. of for the Second every .a lit'-! ami i;:ii Tliur-.lay tii*- \\*.1-1*1 l.aPoon it r*-;n ln-.i N-w y «»rk in a -warm'* for the ai tliat Foster, Richmond, It read: "When I e.ame lu re I had little rno too-m.t-pek jourmili-t News and Notes. kenzie ha* been in receipt of a Hood of letters I listriet. being of the .*•■■■ Ic• 111 i> made a matter of secon- v. ii. lit.:. Main >i.. ear. svhieh i r«-.:a. !e.! a a Literary I have been here a week and len\• with .• fri-i.^ht .piiti triumph he **r she i;:id- it -af. r t** northward of and that which is more appetite; Tae l,ii y 11 i- about over. I'he v. ;:i h: *!a\ N. ! -a I I.. III." in journey inquiry, sympathy, »-..ai ? il nnMlerii ion realism. I! I.I STIJA I Ki» MAIM-:. or given too lilt!* weight." tue appetite id'a iny lion \ ml »•.•!.>v» it r- .t• with ex p«« Pit ion; Put since informants substantial- She has received notice dary importance, ilia! made -<> It. 11 ami laii'_i;. I Ian e 1 if.-. \... JU. 11, tii la my Tlii' number of American A ri lias fora i money. “Not-, i .ions ear vv hen tin are Th.“i pi'..pie pa Augu.-l The old Pine Tree State i> >oonto !».• as a •; hunyry.' ■ i’.a lm\ u re an Ana i'iiwn editor in the < * brought “And In; “ihe .i*niii” at 1 '* n«.Ji.-rot ;foiu fpii | -iand-, Uy of .M« xi«*o ml Louis of a 10,000 contribution, comma; from Lon- result," says, public money was until Hie lir-i tram. iimrniny. by ami the are l>ei omiiii> Now i- fr ispicre “Sunny I’pland-," drawn by more •lay .Monday evening.* longer. N- W .1 i t*-' I a, t lie u lil ee/*- (wim-e name i will ami sev- the «»f that prominently than over before the eyes of l. rilijmri. opie williii”!} disclose) H. and < e.tain- flu- i*-L* of an don, Lnjr., ^iven by Spiritualists is frittered the schools are down to m>'train stiudav when th hi wiih Hint r.a; 'he time tot tin to n- -ea-on'- work | Mason, openingr! the a away, kept aran.ar bruin -.i. •• I v r% >ai ai'.la !' in h.-rltlilul fia-iai eral Me \;■ an- to the manor American people, series of artieles to A*. born. perhaps the on Oak Another *>f S*JoO was n-eeiv.-d from by i'etde. illustrated series New Knglaud Homes. city. the dead level of ami with new lit'. an*: ii it menus to ome .. a amiot !.*■ -iiriia--.-d i»\ *,*.-**. be in backwardness, lln-chil- pi-.-per pat i” ii i!m A if- :a to,mi. recital *d one or two of the-.* historic Mamiiton, Ontario. State ha* published Harper*’ Weekly, illustrated Now yuti -ha!! near ah- ! in ir lay in Hu euii.i j '"."t a it S' happcii- l.rove Kami. Millis. M. >>., istlie The Nearly every 1 kite;. pa; i •.• subject. the well !i .It was the mean \im in h work, .- •oektou idr ill”- i»e \*‘ 1 > i. until the now ha* in or by known artist. Marry IVnu. The dren, whose alone -honld b«- considered, :-w aw ake -v Ilia} lady hand, rigid ^n^e A Ml ::t*' \N y on S' ill II it it ;. ..u’r-e ss i• number is rich in illustrations and !!i- letter- responded, A few war a:-" a of gentleman was in Porllaml start- ami meal;- l.n ine--. I: nn-el ureat instructive and entertaining, usual. I licit It i 1.0 Nothin” iiiMj-f ail !.•• -aid. wa- on ”* ing on his tour of under orders Oil** earned m .Mexie*», mom u- < raised herself. investigation, It \ o •! 1.. hoi' it- a hi a.i' i.i.r. I 11. < >r|. Ith .I U m. ...! •.! **a.-li «*rn.; Merit } heiii;; American Art Magazine 'o.. 17J Tremont S!., in a M\ w ilc l.oU.-.i .... !,c in .i|li|«f Mini >a ••Wl.tl ray oP’a from the to fresh. With This great measure is due to th. pre-cut •. «Talk !li« |. l\ **f wealth and iu- Th-.-se wholesale contributions have can-ed :i Harpers get something "i Hi.11 I’., at;t ilier i.f j. >o/. * IH iN!'. Is ii•.it Au}l»" are fltiiio 1 )• .\s ami I told her il v. a 'I he eili/.en.-, .. o ti, Boston. this in he has you a;-, of Moekloil po lh speet \ 'a iPiea. «• w a- liable |o lie in an the .Mackenzie. view, been among the lime burn- -chool district -fern. The Lei i dntun should o’ ;a". i,. \ AI A M. it- t-IV.•• *i upon tl»o mouth i- w !•:i.' :: seized mmnardi slight. change ill plans of Mr*. sy aln nit -o'uf I*. Ik .o«»i u !■> t!a* country am I tin* •( rel'rr-bing, an in\ iti -i t h.- art in ih.- he a ••■ 'file Tieknoi- Scrie- of novels have been ers of Knox ; tail. I fair i- ! .a ni, I.•!i11 "ll la mean- of mr uioioriii and aw Paper county. From there he intends !■ ■ u>. « om II, ilea n.-i tin- f*-* a, :t n< 1 improving Ho spirit'-'l .} ; and seldom in- Originally she had intended to act as the sole take hold of tlie matter. The distiict sy-tem >*■.v•»!.-: convcr-ation pa"ehr I. ,i r\ .• <■! e so successful that the have resolved taking in Par Harbor and Mt. Desert l»\ where ..a oner me. I otn :ie 1 11i11a rarh breath, it stand* ai**!, lmJ».*» d j vw.e the victim* ivr l.eanl <*1 a”.ain. publishers head and manau'er, Imt *he has now placed the Islands, nicin'C'1 ayini;': pi.a- y an. year. y ** -, *• the list The 'I’ieknors from should be abolished, am! the town tcin *T.d I •iii!." tli* ir fri«-m!s came most t.o continue indefinitely. a of whence he will follow the coast south, I'a.'on, didn't you promio mo that if au> I I lie mi for a m i d eiiat ami -re tin \ down business in the hands of hoard trustees •inaintei ii! \». No hog that walked im-* a *v saloon in ;»: i :;s \\ new bo.met a V< re would v.'t ab-mr ithoiil’a ami -ilk iiail'l j: The ml}, after a just brought of Miss Shelihauser, Mr. gathering established. Again Mr. Luce say-: hu- 'ilnel: -a of ti,.- inmi ami the nnmrivii- article •■r. Tn.--.ia' i". min-, at Ohio town tin- other day «\iu-ed gre.u ur;ni! composed Kinsey, • Ires', would ncxor mention it pr man -cries a collection of tin; clever skits on social terest to the readers of you ■ had -in sei*ur«‘«i and hidden, was to < editor of liauner of Harpers’publications. Han. among those Ai ! a II i- !'!i» (iconic ‘olhy, the Lin'hl. man in an u tor .. e on exhibit! pre-rnt." ,:.ight y life in which have been ingenuity racked to its utmost dibit •Acs, my dear; but 1 xx as jusi ”oiiua to tell Mat hm.'ly 1 had a heller of ihr wer* »st m»li«*e*. here ami there w si”ht of and literary Chicago < of maini: .if. John- •; Hall, opinion animal, and n.’l p ithin !iis iioston. Mis- I'a^e and Dr. olton t'incin- statk .ikusky cattlk ASSOCIATION. a lino o had : so clean, ami Field to “The to invent a ol tor plat they ■ to see a with s.. contributed Mr. Kugenc system management having (. prepared hog many legs enter a tamil} soiiiclimo pinned up, Kn-Klux fash- by nati. Mrs. Mackenzie is vice-president and The Maine State Cattle Association ‘•| loll you not, to nay one word about that trip, Jersey S a ia »*\ \\ hi saloon. News" of that Mr. .Lilian Hawthorne itoMon lulus lew ssitii M. Ih Wilder. I I'l.r-. inrrlinir <*ry key ion, with a da'.:.”vr, or (ii«**)rated with -kuil city. manager, and Miss Shelihauser is president hold its fourteenth annual meeting at .Winthrop its aim the ottering of a premium for making in any xx ay a for the which and «t*»—P.nn-satinu; what sum *>f m**m lias written preface little hook, and treasurer. a. to elect, ollicers and *'lint jn.'i Jet mo tell a.iotit tin1 .lice beddiua. A t.lf: for All. y Saturday m., Aug. 25th, the schools the and most inellieient w;i- o\ei :n -w S rk the ot lie ami win n Mf-i" rr\ Mom la i-w Mr. Field lias entitled “( ulture’s(iarland : Be- poorest eloiide |- :i i;• 1 spot, brovvnstouc front I? road organization to in nourishing condi- ... >i I tails in\ ltr-l. he eoiiviiu ed of *!.- wonderful emative I »r. story way very "t 'an’t 1 toll about tilo nioo room-1' power-, and in and .ilist men that with ture, Art, Music, Society Chicago of Tiie house tion. The were selection of teachers, ihe consummate llovver talking ahi.nl tin* North Pole. They -poke, King's New I )iseov« ry for < Coughs plainly intimatim; non-compliance fashionable quarter Cincinnati. following ollicers elected: ••.Vo! \N hatxxould .Mrs. x utlm think. Ml. 1.1 \>l MOM ol-| L*' K. on-mnption, other Western w ith awe in their voice-, ot how many poor fellow- and < old-, will he, for a limited the demand eouid seal his death-warrant. Hanglia.” is and beside herself President. Z. A. Gilbert. Vice Presi- of be I 1' il time, given away handsomely furnished, Greene; such ellbrt Would the school district sys- •Thou, ran about tho breakI'a-t <•! bread lost li\, tlnfr. inln't know -I* n rlosr -0 liave their They t-.1... W mails at 7 This otter i.- not liberal, hut shows unbounded Wien tli*.* was the 'The number of shelter to four and a dents, <>. G. M. and and about to tho hotel to only moiie} promptly paid, September (monthly part) e-ives orphans nearly Gardner, Rockland, Gowell, blessinjr, uroinj' ^o? w here it w hut all l that rtwa-atei ni ■ »•- 1 in. Loral tem/* a.-, they afreet ,.a-:• p. ait h in the merit- of this great All who were released ac- Holden contains the most I v members of and R. Win- somethin” to oat remedy kidnapped persons usually Days concluding chapters dozen voting gentlemen, Orono; Secretary Treasurer, Pike, ill il.- place, l-'i i.;. I ly tin- ohle.-t man in the party fuller from ( ough>, < olds. V-thm::, We need a of better •Von nail! XX la-IV o an .Vo / ,/,/,,/h Consumption, cording; to hut in instances a of the of “The Three Silver the Atlantic, a near exclusive club, who Directors’—It. F. S.T. higher grade teachers, Stop wa- i-ke-1 to h'is of it lie n move.I i. !>• !la-l. -*»:inr ll fresh demand has been made, followed an- continuations of room with Mrs. Mackenzie. Mrs. Mackenzie J. F. his troiu hi tmm! h, ami ai .... ,.1-' .. m I O', ,‘vO.h by Kings" t I am-! ai •■• o\ou-< nm Club, the Vacation City Boys," by seances, regular worshipper the of the and their minds, hurt her leeliii”-, yon •■/.' .on “Pr- ing young, moulding ton street to.lay with <;/’ ;/ np/> “What do I live for?" flu* editor an-wrred, $300. from more. one to kmox 11 >r> of tgrinilliir.il In Maine. Charles II. I bust us. The short sketches, Sunday night services of the more moderate saying Any wishing hi arm, ‘.Nearer, ««'.»*l, to thee." Organizations emise scut contributions mail instead ckuvaxtks. The first \n ill which while, reeeiv* any sin^’u,; my you your by de- four as Maine Cavalrv association hold pure impressions about it e.m ask ( apt.t utlerort apt. I d I’lamii of them in stories, poems, illustrations and the usual Spiritualists. The orphans are treated bringing person.” which occu-red, 1 believe, in 1S74. He was a its annual reu nion this year in Rangor. it will brought to bear thorn. anl, who xxill tell all about inis ••Trip to tin- coun- partment' make up an exceptionally interest- if they were her own children: in fact, she upon Wliat Inlm’Nts lltslfi' Proplr. •. •. i: "I prominent politician, in the prime of life, be- Is: the first, week in October. try 1'. il. I Ion. Frcd’k Ker.ews Her Youth. ing number of the favorite magazine for boys adopts them as her own by due process of law. probably *Tis education forms tin* common mind; i. iii. t• ii.ii'i. I* \ to a of wealth and inllli- The boiler in Herbert Johnson’s corn in Allen, Scm-iarj, longing family great .lames Phila- of Mr. tin* shop as is bent Mr.-, l’lurhe Chesiey, Peterson, Clay .. Iowa and girls, Kherson, publisher, The prominence Kinsey, practi- Just the twig tlie tree’s inclined. The result of the two ear oh! roll rare at Fair enee, and the miscreants who captured him Gorham blew up Aug.20, severely injuring sev- y tells the following remarkable story,*the 1rut.lt is of tin* scheme,together with the strange- * * * Geueral ities. M ', 'I ri \.i:n : t: u --nun Hon. well knew that his would move heaven delphia. cality and John who has lichl i- of interest to all horsemen, ami particular vouched for the residents of the tow n “I am T-'J people ness of eral, mortally Hamlin, since u < it- 1 ;• '-<•«»! 1 .mier by lias the interest in .a. li A 1.. earth for n The number of The Forum widespread spiritualistic years old, have been troubled with emn- and liis lease. September died, while one or two more arc not ly to some Dexter people. The lirst money was I I*- 'land kidney the table of contents: 'The Sixteenth it, cause the whole allair to he much talked expected More than seven lni2H<»n trade dollars have ptaint and lameness for many year*; eould not Well, da; > and w.-eks weld. by. and though following to survive. taken owned It. Fllis, of Pel «; i:i .1. M. Invr- Senator .F. .1. Is Canada about. 'Hie owners and managers of the Scotch heel! redeemed. by Flmbrook, by dr* myself without help. No v l am ire*- fr»>m tin-couutn was scoured for :!ie missing man, Amendment, lugails; The town of Dexter at a town h I I It hi. -I. /.. \ 111 .ert, Mvretarv, 'The Minister of the meeting fast. The time was 2 lb, one half seeoml better all pain and orencss, and am able to do all my no trace of him vv;:- discovered or was Misgoverned? Interior; that the in- Thistle are and likely Aug. 27th, unanimously voted eertainly hoggish unsports- rrhe manufacturers ol gi.H-.itU1 r rub'n r goods than llarhell's time; the fa-te.-i time ever own boii-ewa.rk. I * * vv e to Kir.-trie Pit i.eiim; • my thank* to he v., a* a he Book- 'That Have Helped Me, Re\. Dr. Augus- M \; i; \<-o< [ \ I :« > lion. .1. I*, long penny could gained b\ lii^. habitants of Dexter favor the New- hav e formed a ma«!e In a two o|,| »lt in SS iiai inter ter- for renewed and remove*! of Tho Labor Troubles. extending manlike, and show non** of the low for lair pool. year Maine. -• ny having my youth, tus Concerning Men, 'The author Organ’s i'i ! C.r.ig--r. K/.ra 1 Mourns, retention, ilis family spent thousands of dol- .Fessopp: A Dexter R. R. to some on the Ran- -1 Dexter i- the fart that F.lmbrook t-1 iouipl«!.l\ ;i!! di-ease and pain.” 'fry a bottle, ."><»• Ob- port point \\ Iii'*li we have been told is ehara**l«*rislie people lars in the vain in “John Halifax, (ieiitleman;” What is the pi:i\ 'I'li'1 ,-iate eonvt ntiou of the 1 il*• >r v will half InoiJier to II. t,. and si at K. II. Drug Sion-. seareli. and repeatedly deposi- gor & Piscataquis R. R., and will aid it to the part Par.-lilry’s llamhietoniau >i -1 v r» .i i:>i \ in \s.-< •( v n. l.ici. I'li i another pro.. I hat “< hief" has trot, \ Pn N money ability. ^Majesty. -rf, B Pike, siriv of Critics, Andrew American of the Central Labor assem- tin 14; blood, ami t- the best bred horse in this section. A Nehra.-ka man invent* d a n«*w in^the indicated by mysterious placard*, until they Lang; (biograph- I he organ I'nion, The of Mrs. Margaret W It it 2 ••|. lly trap obsequies Kimball, York lOwning Sun says: Severe shocks occurred in !• astern Mate. of a blanket saturated were mov- ical Names, Bishop A. Cleveland Coxe; Hre.it earthquake Japan ; ;M im -in “hap*1 with coal'otl, whieh he and then, last week and decided that not who died at occurred at ! -i\;i I’i *M< U !. II.I V t. S. completely impoverished: bled they did Wayne, Winthrop, on considerable in his house and set on lire after it. was Prof. (’. A. 'The Hist of Til*; announcement mad* on tin* July *J*J. doing damage. hi, M iieii. >.aimie] |.. Board hung up 'd hy the tears of his distracted young wife 'Telescopes, Young: 20. She had reached the of publicly ot want to work for and wrote Aug. age ninety- full lli«*s. K*»rtunately his house wa* insured, the Labor Question, President. •Jo!m Bascom; Socialists, out other side that Capt. iiarr vviil not employ an The Clinton -Ti'l'ir.. \ ngusta and the prayers of his aged mother, the gov- nine years and was one of the oldest persons in A fraud in I he of a one dol- Fratricide. otherwise his new w«ml*l a disastrous American to to tin* dangerous -hap*1 ! -i P.i.i. Ki i.ri.i:.- \ssiM iAim\ J. It. Ma trap prove*! ernment a Profit-sharing, Nicholas P. Hitman; Ignatius their the reasons ! pilot assist him guide failure. ollered considerable amount for bis resignations. Among assigned the county. She was a woman of remarkable lar silver cerlilieate raised to a ten is in circula- .-liiii. >!• ha: l a: l-.i;ir Comet, Prof. Alexander Winchell. Thistle during her races for the cup, together ft will In* remember* <1 that I rank Chase of din llntehiiis, restoration, lint still no Cervantes appeared. Donnelly’s are the vitality and one of the of this r tion. following: early pioneers with tin* insinuation that Hi races will not be lat; Wellington. Delicate Children, Nursing At last, the merest lie was dis- 'The Alt Amateur for contains an ton, who fatally shot his hr, tlier Walter the ‘JO!I• by accident, September I came on last gion. Maim-: i'.i:. ki in.io’ \ssopi \tion this paper December because it lost the Thistle’s Sv Iv aim- < J r., was a Mothers. Overworked Men covered in t!ie heart of a attractive colored of The < iovernor has made nomina- by being “accidentally” Tin; mother of ’ohb, lir-l ■ •I last \va.-. order ot \ id. Bethel F. H. and for all diseases populous city, and plate Chrysanthemums by the following April, by .Judge Wbilelioiise, .Morion, Pre-id Woll- was the organ of the Cnited Labor party. I or shoaled, is an on Amer- of Mrs. James <;. within a stone** throw of his own Victor a of a child’s tions : constable for Kennebec, Somer- grounded aspersion cousin (»aii Hamilton and -ent to the li-anc for observation as to -I l:iP Poland. win re tl;*’ tissues are wasting away from the abi! dwelling— Dangon, charming study have left it because il lias ceased to be the Special lib»pitul organ ican fair play that is as contemptible as it is Blaine. his then- lit- mental «*oi Ml 1!MI -HI.! ! Bl.'l t»l l:s- \SSIM1A under the floor of a deserted bouse, laid Hat head by Klleii Welbv, a large panel design for set. and Waldo counties, George S. Stevenson, hi-sanity. During .-lay it; to digest food, or from overwork; should take of that Contrast, such statements and the ditiou ha imt he in a 1 china decorations for party. groundless. changed, and continues surly >. \\ rinkliain. Presid- nt, Anson; (»co. upon bis hack in a place barely w ide enough to wood carving, painting Clinton; for Knox county, Frank Anderson, < Seott’- Kmtd-ion of Pure C«**| 1 .iver Oil with IIv i am an American born citizen and I cannot actions of the owners, and sailmakers The ity of Montreal's missing boat has been imbecile like state. It is believed his mind has seen tarA North A ll.-oli. hold him. gagged, bound baud and foot, and three (harebells, pomegranate flowers Camden, J. It. Allies Dome, Rockland. builders, plates remain on a which advocates Loring, of the Thistle in of the picked up. Thu thirbeii survivors on board been shattered from infancy. Ilis trial is assigned A I I« 1.1 UAt. Mm ||;i Itov ( M popliosphiIe*. i use*! tin* Kmulsioii on a ladv several and and a “satchel” vase paper foreign For Treasurer of refusing specimens well-sharpened daggers thrust within crab-apples) (dande- County Washington county, are sab* and well. lor tin* next term of the Court, Imt it is Pre-idi-iii. Br.ni'W iek M r.-. M M Mi nek ideas. Thistle’s spinnaker with the gallant conduct superior w ho was delicate. It put. her in such good health a huir>-breadth of his body, so that if be stir- lions;, live pages of embroidery designs, a Austin F. Kingsley, East Ma'hias. not that lie will be cou\ len d ot crime Bow doinhain. It has heroine the organ of a body of men of Lieut, llenn of the (ialatea, and tin* differ- probable any ami tlesh, that I must, it 1- the best Kmulsion.” red they would pierce him. Having remained page of outline figure sketches, and one of The monster turtle that was captured and Thousands of South < ’arolinians are threaten- ow ing to his w eakness of mind. say whose sole object seems to be the desecration ence is as great as and darkness. long in this terrible condition he was monograms in 1‘. Articles of particular inter- brought in to Portland some weeks ago, and sunlight ed witli starvation because of Mu: destruction L. P. WatMM. D., Hugh’s Mills, s.( barely of the Hag under whose folds I was born and alive when found, and it was after weeks est are those on the architecture of Fifth Ave- which died while on exhibition of the ice crop Moods. lie and Dir 'd Ion. Heighten cattie Market. only which my father worked and strove to pre- subsequently by nr) tleorgc Liquor Rill ! am now preparing a poem entitled “The Cm of careful which time he nue, Madame do Cassin’s pictures with a in is still in the show business. His 'fhe moeratic New York World thus nursing during lay very serve and unstained. Huston, IlilKiirroN, Ang. 13, Iss7. It is a little hit of and immaculate Sir Samuel \V. Baker argues that hrella.” dainty verse, my and liis life a thread, that of Henri Regnault’s “Sa- has been mounted and looks full Lnglaud 1 at -l live took at 1230; speechless hung by striking drawing I without to and body larger sums the Democratic Adminis- Mr. Dcorgc’s aititude on the liipior question, as market—!'attic, hire«l man thinks it is :t gem. I railed it “The um- he cannot, injury my reputation truthfully up must retain control of the Sue/ Canal or she i"! was aide to tell of liis and lome,” “An Artist’s Country” and more impressive than when lie was alive. I.amhs, 2«'7U, -wine, 23,320; Morses, brella” so it w ould not be returned. adventures; (Normandy) ideas as ail American citizen who stood in • h'tined at tin* of tin* Anti my tration. has been done. The sur- will not he aide to hold India. meeting Poverty Society, \ e 11 17. meantime, of course, the miscreants had and the “Windsor Tapestries.” “Notes for Dr. M. E. Wads wo th, of miner- “Nothing calves, ample the ranks for over three years to maintain professor is this. >! Heel' < attic lot) 11. live to Collectors,” “Recollections of BounuPs Life and at lias re- is Taxation is not reduced. new weight— Marshall Hulls opportunity escape. them during the ei\il war, remain in alogy geology Colby University, plus increasing. Tiie Amorica-foi-Americans part) lias 2.‘> 4o; lirst 12 It se< n»s “A Lesson in Pastel and a decently to of of a “No man w Imse heart is in this rau-e will drink -jna.it;.. ijuality, $a OOga that late one evening, he was stand- School,” Painting,” of signed accept the position president Tin* has not issued a call for a National Convention, to he 1 — in to w hat to do and the the of the tariff been revise.!. Tin re haw I I :hi; third ready method drowning, as. in his ow are employ present managers any intoxicating liquor till this election is over.” g ijuality, #3 7ag4 2a; ing n door, when suddenly a scrape “Talk on Walls and Ceilings” especially mining company in Michigan. The University held in this month. -1 .idr- how to do it, will l»e found in Dr. Kaufmann’s paper. Philadelphia of coarse Oxen, Bulls, Stags, Tex was thrown over valuable. Note Book” is been too much and too little Do* s this mean that after election is over the 1 his head some unknown and “My will his loss. His successor has not promise practiee, lorado. Medical Work; fine colored from life Send by practical I cannot adherence to a movement regret yet ; (Jountrv Mass., copy fought in the civil war the tight for liberty, and ltangely porate abuses have b, en allowed to continue, e, r t»; < aif •kins. Sr. 6- I.amli and driven rapidly a very long distance, as he useful hints. It is no wonder that art lovers deal of excitement in Franklin county. All the Stales is curtain to occur before long. “Did is tin latest conversational I stand by the principles I then tried to sup- and fraud has not been and Cleveland's Civil Service Reform, ■’•iiniiae each; sheared skins, jogikV each; you speak?" supposed. Doubtless the rapid drive, return- and students lind The All Amateur indispen- people concerned are under bonds to appear at vigorously exposed affectation, and is to Ink** the place of “I beg par- port. Advices from tin dillerent in Manitoba -kins, 2ag.”*Ue. ing to nearly the same from whence sable. Price J5 cents, #4 per year. Montague the September term of court. The general The is not points don" when mic pretends not to have heard a re- point they is due to tho fact that the sternly punished. party responsible the wheat the This \*lministrati*m has all 'hand l.iimhs. Those from tlie West were was New York. My resignation a report crop throughout province changed the Dover mark made or addressed. started, intended for a “blind,** and lie Marks, Publisher, SttlJnion Square, opinion is that it is conspiracy against Dun- for all this, but the ! from f> to principles now advocated by the Leader and incapable temporary haul- at het ween -•"» and MO bushels acre. htitehers, sheep costing a.'-ie, never mistrusted himself so near home. The the man, who it is claimed, hired Seales per nors of Territories, seventeen out of eighteen See to of the ham, 7 ,e per IB, live weiglit, killed at the Burk If 11*8 Arnica Halve. indorsed by tin* supporters paper are. in ers are.’’ 1 faces of his captors lie never saw, for It is rumored that a of to do the poisoning. retaries of Territories, all tin* surveyors Crucial, Those from Canada wa re owned hy C. W. they powerful syndicate my opinion, antagonistic to the principles of Powderly denies the statement, that lie is a were and one In Oxford seven out of ini of laud olliccs, >V ( o.; all for The Rost Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruise** closely masked, visited him only at American capitalists, headed by of the the County Trotting HorseHreed- member of the New American or that ninety Registers slaughter. American liberty and unworthy the approval party ninctx seven out of ltd receivers of '<■ I Fever tin* dim of lanterns. is with t he ers Association D. A. Collin’s D. A. (icncral Dow say* that all the 1'rohihitioiiists puhli**. timneys Western fat hogs are costing, landed at Sores, deers, S;^lt Rheum, Sores, Tetter, night by light, Vanderbilts, negotiating government of an American citizen. races, C., lie has ail) with American of was sympathy “purely and titty two out of sixty-four Indian Agents. Brighter house, from 5&e to He |»er )U live Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin of llussia for to work the Ural gold won in two straight, the half mile race in 1.52 asked the legislature “siieli penalties of Chapped hay’ixi. <;a<;<;i:i» ani» iuuni> him, permission I cannot work for a newspa- ideas." That cntiics pretty m ar to a “clean la our notice we include all the fat hogs eruptions, and cures Piles, or no mines. conscientiously :M. E. M. Waite, the2.50class line and imprisonment as would make the sweep. [Ilos positively pay that ideas to the Thayer’s Kitty ton Journal. ■lit in over the several railroads from the required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac- first talked of taking down a of per propagates foreign princi- in of and uncomfor- they portion the American in three straight heats, 2.483-4. F. C. Crook- selling liquor unprofitable A cablegram from Dundee. Sent land, reports Most. tion, or refunded. ITiee *25 cents box. him a Mrs. Sarah wife of Andrew Jack- ples represented by Hag. money per the vvaii ami bricking up, leaving loose Jackson, cr’s Rennie P., Auburn, won in the class. table to those; who persist, in it." if the law that the Greenland whaling season is over and 1 kale for cattle suitalde for the butchers’ For sale by Richard II. Moody. and mistress of the White House dur- forty Strike the lllark Flag. place where a brick or two eon Id be removed son, Jr., Time 2.41. J. S. Russell’s Hlack passed last winter is not calculated to make the is a failure, only two tons of whalebone has I teen active at an advance in of Nathan,three being prices when it was to feed but, for- ing President Jackson’s second term, died at traffic uncomfortable and !■' ini> IBs. necessary him; Arnold 15. Charles Simmer's years old, won the colt stakes. Time 2.50 1-4. liquor unprofitable, taken. for future use over those realized Little Hick—I don’t want to do that. Mamma the in Johnson, private With Hi*' laws of this state open before him, the 1 for decided the floor ‘‘Hermitage” Nashville, Tcim., Alls. it is hanl to see what is. There is law "■■'■k — him, they upon of the The finest, in flic of Kcunc- enough. ago for the same grade of cattle. West. Rut you must. “Why?" “Because I say so.” tunately secretary, speaks great statesman's sweet cottage vicinity as less troublesome to themselves. 80Ui, affoilsl. If more would the sale of A gang of counterfeiters lias been business man who Invests his capital in rum is have heeu costing higher at Chicago, "What's the reason I have to mind you? I ain’t tooth iii a current magazine article. Sumner hunkport, owned hy Rev. Dr. Edward L. Clark legislation prohibit, captured d I the those 'rearing a and him under it, in the Stale would have been in a dense cane brake, near Little Hock, Ark., in and common to |,e-t grades of l»cc\es, a part of your husband.’’ up plank laying Kviilciii'o is to slum- Unit was especially fond of chocolate creams, and held of New York, was burned at 2.30 August liquor impossible lucking prudence sense, say 1 "I'-’lit in np|Miiiriiis tiiinlinj; dollars were manu- of his lark of manhood. Where one seller for the trade. Prices rang- he was found to be too all so the in lids outside of the autiiori/.ed where bogus silver being nothing export corpulent, despite tlio to wreck n train at Kim I’ark. that long ns he could eat candy his digestion 25tli, occupants narrowly escaping in State, agencies, 'in .-*■ I .!*u to 1 (M> live to board to lit. in plmi Mo., just sir.ee March. factured on a scale. makes money, nine are made bankrupt, and it up per Ihs., weight. Advice to Mothers. their crowding, allow the of was in order, lie never smoked and never their night clothes. The loss will reach #70*10; last large I Hi fori: tin: I'lusi: flu: groat railroail striko last good pears to be only a question of time w hen the tenth Mltfi. WlNHMiw'H S*H»TiiiN per cent., the last Iwo ficers recently. The convention received the tively have l»een married seventy-one years. dcroga was built in the Brooklyn Navy Yard in lH i-aiu the process of teething its value is incalculable. It refugees iii that liavelmcome entombed alive within mouths under the of the Hossamcr and aiinotinceiiicnl that Their oldest who Is now and was broken of t' country relieves the child from cures and helpless, voiceless, sight rulings surprising gratifying son, seventy years old, 1S02, pretty badly tip during The New Hampshire House Heprescnta- does it look for tlic .gidemd and pain, dysentery Mow town clock of Murilius sin. moving out. 1'inler its dinn ho-a, in the Itowcls, and wind-colic. ami sound of home, while his friends were Manufacturer's Association. This association (lie Independent Democrats, who have seceded lives in Canada. The old live on the the war, having in several naval lives favors the passage of the Blair education- 'ni' griping coifpfc participated every time il strikes to strike against the law of Kmlie/zhr Winslow can be extradit- health to the child It rests the the world for him! embraces of the rubber on account of tin* in that Plains in a house with their in the and had seen al Bill, not d. I«y giving mother. ransacking twenty-one leading gross corruption par- daughter, grand- engagements (luff ports, but will instruct its Senators and the state? A persistent monthly, weekly, daily# Price 23f. a bottle. Iy4s Every night his captors came, removed tin* linns in the country. ty, will support the Republican ticket. daughter, and her children—four generations. active service on the blockade. Congressmen to support it. hourly law breaker! [Maeliias Onion. Maine Matters. and to Kill. Robbery Attempt Potatoes arc ami The News of Belfast and rusting rotting badly. Belfast Deer Hunters are having Two hundred members of the Vicinity. meetings Billings family Prospect Fkukv. Mrs. Lotta ,J. the M 'VS AM* UOSSU- I |{u\1 M OM.K TI1IC STATIC, JOURNAL. A WALDO COrXTY MAX’S EXPLOITS AT LAW- Darling, REPUBLICAN Constables Mitchell and to decide where shall the wilev deer this a re j The meeting of the council was held Partridge searched the they slay held union in Boston, The oldest well HENCE, MASS. regular city Mr. II. JI. Carter who was last week is Friday. known Trance Medium, together with her injured Penobscot fall. SEPTEMBER 18S7. on evening, Alderman llall in House, North port, Tuesday, but found present was Jacob Billings of husband Tin: i: \si si A i; aii:. BELFAST, THURSDAY, S, For eighteen months the large clothing house of Monday presiding about again. Bueksport, Maine, and her handsome team with which she the absence of the who was ill. no liquor. The Charles of this who was so aged 80. The Bicknell Bros, at Mass, lias been Mayor boy Welch, city, travels through the country have been the La.-tcrn State Fair, held in Jlangor last Lawrence, system- Sheriff Wadsworth will move into the new guests The committee to settle with Geo. O. in coun- as mentioned last is week. was a sue;.--- in all Tile robbed of drawer. Bailey There is a good deal of sickness here at badly injured week, improv- Rev. Theodore Gerrish, now of the Bidde- of her aunt Mrs. J. P. for the week. great respects. IHTM.lSiil-.D EVKKY THURSDAY MORNINO BY THE atically silver money from the ty house this week. present, pastor Berry past the case of lus horse back to the cottncil and it is now lie will recover. weather \va> favorable, the rate- the The sums have been in small reported and the list of those dead but un- ing* thought ford Methodist has been invited to exciting, missed quantities, yesterday yet church, accept Thorndike. Mr. Charles Maxim, an and exhibit- numerous that it was the of the solicitor that the of will at the aged and tine, and the attendance hut at times has opinion city •Judge Libby, Augusta, preside buried numbered six. E. W. of well known in this tiie of tin; Methodist nearly #100 been taken. The total Gould, Troy, city, pastorate People's Kpiscopal respected citizen, died last lie I a rye. The of blooded cattle was a Journal Co. committee had no to make a settlement October term of Court in this Friday morning, display Republican Publishing is estimated at #1000. The thief had legal right city. now writes M. D. after his name, graduat- church in Boston, at tiie of his term in ami in the and always Tuesday morning Mr. E. F. ITanson, of this city, having expiration was sick but a short time. Mr. Maxim leaves a magnilicent-one. poultry sheep A. P1LSBURY.EDITOR. in the absence of a sum. The CHARLES escaped detection ami it was believed he was specified Unity corn canning has opera- ed from the Medical School of Bowdoin Biddcford. It is one of tiie churches in departments the of line was factory begun found one of his horses dead in the stable. It was College. largest widow, one son and six He was about display specimens Boll of accounts No. G to $*2,G79.‘25 and daughters. wtv («. DYER..Local Editor. familiar with the store. For some time Mr. amounting tions, 350,000 cans of sweet corn will be put up. He wants to settle in Waldo Boston. extensive, Coy. Podweil and stall' at- RUSSELL past a valuable mare that cost $200. county. SO years old.Mr. Ira Towle and wife, of Pitts was was for the account. tended the fair and on the hist Secretaries •lames Bicknell, of the with an lias passed, $1,000 library Mr. 1*. s. firm, officer, staples, of this city, a member of the Sudden Deaths. Mr. .John of this A horse to Mr. /. of Held were in town last The the fol- The boiler for the station at the Little Hall, city, belonging Shibles, Sears Sunday. Whitney and Fairchild of President Cleve- remained in the store the About Judge of the Police Court reported 20th Maine pumping during night. regiment, has obtained a small pension. 7!> was taken ill moot, ran in our streets A land's Cabinet, with their The Work of Democrats. Kivcr Belfast water lias but aged nearly years, on Sunday and away Monday. young Monty n.u:. The of the church wives, and several Hungry of last the lowing for the month of August—Intoxicating Dam, works, arrived, ceiling at North midnight Friday thief was • son of Mr. distinguished from the hominion of captured Mr. D. II. has the front of his lied morning. ...Mrs. Ann this Shibles was in the team. With the reins Montville has gentlemen nuisance drunkenness !, libel Peavy painted lias not been hauled dow n. It is an upright boiler. Tuesday Libby,of recently been plastered and the < after an exchange of eleven shots in which both liquors !,common 1, in the wind tiie amnia. were and were entertained The Secretary of the Treasury issued pro- store, Pluenix How, and it .is now the city, died on Her husband died less Hying horse ran up to Primrose walls present by of I. handsomest Tuesday. received a coat of alabastine, much to iIon. »l. the thief and the officer were wounded. intoxicating liquors 1, threatening language Mr. George E. Brackett, of this lias charge adding P. Pass. President of the Society. A for bids to build the of slightly front on the street. city, than three weeks ago. Hill. The boy climbed out on the back of the run the posals superstructure for appearance of the interior. A new report of the first races were last The Boston papers of the Nothing received fines, costs, fees, &c. of the hall exhibits at the Maine State fair, Lewis- plank day's given the The lowest bid Saturday give following ning horse and succeeded in him. is Augusta public building. II. Farmers and others should remember that on I Gorton’s New Orleans minstrels and stopping platform a great on the old one. work. Following is a summary of the races account of the afi'uir: Thomas Marshall Post, G. A. B-, of Belfast, ton, with Mr. Charles M. of this as his Original improvement Craig, city, -The trotted the afternoon of tin* olst was the Ilallowell (iranite Co., the head of the a sum of and after 32 of oats make a hand will show at the Belfast I louse on Mr. A. S. has Montville will hold its Hit. by About 12.20 o’clock this morning, the officer— petitioned city council to appropriate Sept. 1st, pounds assistant. gold Opera Kelley hired tiie C’apt. Win. O. AI Quarterly meeting bushel next session with the For -tn;iioiis that have m*\er beaten minutes; which is a Republican, and the Secretary was Oscar Benoit—-heard somebody crawling through money that will enable them to complete a suitable and not 30 as formerly. Friday, the l<>th. This Is one of the best troupes den House, at the corner of Washington and Bridge North Montville ( hutch be Canton I. O. O. of this accom- per-e >•: hi. a scuttle from the cellar, near the cashier’s office, Pallas, F., city, and Kith and obliged to accept ibis bid or none at all. A monument. Bcfeiced to next meeting. the Boston last week traveling and always draws a full house. See streets, Belfast, is prepared to receive hoard- ginning Friday >ept. continuing over A. K. IV. k:..~, .--kow eh ( unaid. dr.l 1 anil just outside the partition. Between the scuttle Among freight brought by panied the Lincolnvillc band will make an ex- lieyan, by ers- There is a Sundav. F. t term_ y. t.h<* political necessity of having the work slipped Foutiik La oiks. Mdlle. Bhea will present every The Bennett & Moulton city, steps sday, hands and knees Opera Company will advertisement in another column. 1 attended the and crept up to the counter, and, the city was liable and recommended that a settle- fractured his left The fracture was a com- ifty Teachers convention la-t week. Ifimidng laeo. mile and a hall ; purse sdah. some to Democrats in order to swell lady attending the Opera House on eve- at the Belfast thigh. way given saw the Monday appear here, Opera House, 20-7- .... Pen r ( Hn. b A orktown. I 1 slowly rising, burglar standing upright. ment be if it can be done at a reasonable Sept. \ M iss Annie < ahleru nod has to sk.< h.st. .lol.n, y made, with a one i- remark inailiaven boasts of the largest of gone kton tin Democratic vote, the Without waiting or earing to a word, ning beautiful silver thimble with the name S. 20 ami 30 cents. The plete which,the surgeons say, very piece granite I.. I.. Will'-. >i. .John, I* m Coldeii Maxim.. I 2 dr whereupon Depart- exchange rate. Popular prices—10, operas to teach tlie Grammar the drew his revolver and Accepted and laid on table until next meet able for a so ever quarried. It was taken out the Bodwcll school.... Miss ,Jr>- n- < ollic W in. I ielVu-. I ialii.a \. b M raid.-mil.-.‘.dr burglar instantly fired, llhea engraved on it. person young. by ment refused all bids and concluded to finish the officer in the third of | they will render are the Mascot, Olivette, Chimes ami Miss Lulu Time-2,i:,. 2A hitting finger the right ing. Granite and it is li:» 10 Lane have gone to ( astir.e to attend I1,. The of The thread lace handkerchief—an company, feet long, feet the building by day’s work. The foundation hand, making only a flesh wound. Benoit also extra train service on the Belfast branch Normandy, and Pinafore. exijuisite piece the Normal school.\ I hr* •• The petition of Arnold Harris in regard to the square at the base and s.V) tons. The party of fifty went t*» Ban years old and under, purse :?lho. tired, and wounded the burglar, presumably on of work—made and to the G. A. It. fair weighs sug- W been built in this and is said to railroad lias been in operation one year, and has presented gor on last on Mar-hall. bella-t. i. s Harold-on.1 1 has way the hand. After the of shots men drain from the Masonic received and re- Pensions have been granted to Clifton Whittier, is made that tiie Thursday steamer Kidd to -• e exchange both Temple Mrs. gestion people of Maine contribute May < " 1* • not been of by Precina was drawn ticket last Mehhell, y P.l.e ksiuill.I 2 cost .-onie ><;.onn more than it could have vouched down each side of the counter. Mr. ferred to tiie Board of Health. only great convenience t" the public., Mon- Kelley, by the trotting ...J. s. Black has loaded :«h. .1 '< have original, Searsport; Henry Sparrow, original, this huge monolith toward the Grant monument. n. I'. Libby. Prospci t. hlk y Itiark I >iamond. .2 Bicknell, awakened the lirst shot, rushed from but lias been Friday evening at Grand Army hall. No. ttftook by Mr. W. T. Colburn the city to well patronized. roe; Alevard D. Andrews, reissue, West Holden with for New York. •I. 1*. 'Pash. Fairfield, s Van llolniont....:> 4 been as well built for by contract. The ids in and was petitioned light Camden; It the block is available for such a paving ..Kdward quite sleeping place, shotgun hand, hard- the prize, and was held by Miss S. W. Palmer. purpose, the j Time—i..**i, -.47 V. lv lo feet from and in front of the the gas at the corner of Thomas It. Dinsmore’s lot SrmiTi Ai. Mkeiini; at Stockton. Mr. Mary A., mother of William W. Five, Camden; Lcadbctter and wile, formerly of North appropriation, secured through the influence away directly George Portland Advertiser thinks the money could he i llawu, burglar when the officer, a little before the on Kev. Alvali B. retired The ‘J.dn • las- w as not iinished. This after- rising Church street. The petition was accepted and A. Fuller, of Boston, will speak at the Universalist Joseph E. Yarn uni, increase, Belfast. Hatch,a Methodist clergy- raised have been visiting friends at that place and in this of Congressman Milliken, to construct the burglar, shot just as the latter raised his head easily. noon .Maud !... owned li. !’. of the Church at man, who until a ago in the churches town. reside in by Leonard, above the idle of on the counter. prayer granted. Stockton, next Sunday afternoon ar.d Uev. Geo. E. of tills has been year preached They Missouri and tlii- is the iir>i was sum sufficient to do clothing The Tufts, city, engag- To his Monroe, won the lir-t heal: lioanoke. owned building, £150,000—a of the Maine clear repository for winter’s use Mr..|;. j shot and the remained \V. all Conference, died in Saco tim" Mr.-* 1.. has been < missed, burglar standing, Frederick Brown resigned as a member of evening, are cordially invited to attend. ed by the A to furnish three Tuesday home for eighteen ■. :irs A. W. Itrackett. the n-eond. and P.laek it and it is said that the but ppletons biographical K Hanson, of this advertises a out I by the work and do well, instantly catching sight of Mr. Bicknell, tired, the school after a two weeks’ illness. the city, closing Mr. I>. 11. committee. Mrs. at the c n sketches lor their work entitled Among many 1 atnrdav ( «»ve. Mr. Bred has 1\ complete by the Maine state Fair and other points of interest. third edition, which is now ready. The copy- nearly opposite .Mori-on oiler.- extra iiidueciie i.l to the public Tin 2.1'u e!a-s wa- irott* ! oil lip by telephone. In the alleyway in the rear of A of the Belfast employment away are returning to their work_ Thursday special meeting city government several sea-ons at < ow is in within the 'I'm* tin* store, the marshal found the revolver that was right belongs to his widow and children. The spent the ami love to pun h;..-e hardware, eh*. Mis- and the linal heat wa- the fastest keep appropriation. partisan was Mr. Amos Clements was at his home in this paints, Nellie Farrar lias to k.--c\. * .i n to morning, used hv the thief. called on Tuesday afternoon, but there was city gone All the chambers bad been are o. F. Knowles with Penobscot Ba\. lie will build a iiagc <\er trotted on tin grounds. i- a manifested the Dcmoc* its, and their last hut has returned to printers & Co., of Bangor, ami It *s known to sonm but teaeii.... Miss Jennie I .a nth Following spirit by emptied, and the weapon was covered with blood. not a quorum present. The creditors of Daniel week, .Seal Harbor, lie not t ».til of our readers ha tie to Warn a there. The island three : Blood was also very handsome hook they have made, with red contains from to five *!'•'! teach... summary attempt to use the public funds for private found on the doors and the wire Hamden the Probate Court that M. P. reports a very busy and successful season at his lor two year- past, the reiebrated Ba-.-'u k Miss Nettie A tin ms has return* to Vit nl down petitioned •J.:’)'! class jS.’Jeo. which the burglar had slid. These discover- l ues, edge.-, and acres. haven to purse is h« sad contrast with the Woodcock be summer hotel. His boarders will leave about the gilt portrait autograph complete. mim in ('olorado ha- been in iitigatiou and take charge id' her school_M ! ;tta i.eo. It. Fa-t bm i-ahe!..i’> dr purposes, magna- ies gave the marshal two clews t«> work appointed Ms guardian, and the Court mining Palmer, Hover, upon, M officer Benoit 12th. Mr. Geo. The County Commissioners ha\c got the operation- at a -tand-till. It not to ullin w ill tcaidi in ( amden tlii- '.II ...Ii I I II itch in-on. HiMield, b m Katie b.. I I 4 1 nimity of Mi. Milliken. who abated none of could give but an imperfect de- referred the matter to the city government for in- Burd, of Little ltiver, exhibited Tues together nei*e--ary g-. I I Nor. ro->. Manehe-t* r. 1* m 7 7 .*» scription of the thief, but was positive that the a rock bills for tin* erection of the new buildings inn- details, but it. is that Mr. K. ( "f ha.-e hall between the i.. t and s-mmy.t‘> his efforts to secure the for the vestigation. The Aldermen will doubtless recom- Willie Burkett and of this left day weighing seventeen pounds which he county probable Ba- Saturday < appropriation robber was a whom Harry Clark, city, Id. \\ eti.-. Norridy>,woek. h m Kate-7 7 <> I *> person lie had often seen >i'U will mend that the be says was thrown from the water in this city—>herift"s duelling and stable a- i..! again get p.»ssessi..i, of this splendid Searsmonl’s tile game-t«*o«| J| to || in l.m.nil the I I. l.awreiiee, Somerset Mill-. Its Law building when !•*■ knew that the disbursement about the store, wearing a gray suit, but whose guardian appointed. Saturday for a bicycle trip across the country to works dam by u name he could not recall. lows: lumber, c'dlh-Sa; mining and lie have I.. ( d--Willis Ilarville i- at renee..** 2 4 2 2 Another matter was to come up concerning the Farmington. To avoid the rough roads the Mast, and fell in the gutter by the road side. Mr. hardware, ; sand, property, may already done liotue in.m M of the money appropriated was to go into With this as another the trip A. W. I’eackeU. Pittsfield, b y i.'< a:iokc..-2 I •'* «! H clew, marshal began condition of -a; brick, -a-ii, A < SO, ill which rase will be on a short vacation—Mi-. Ih lie so t ,,f p.M, the streets after the laying of the from Belfast to Burnham was made on Burd had a narrow I ft* was his sd.*’; door.-, mouldings, mining re.-umed and the I i». h A mhlei .s :! 1 i I the work of down the thief. The name of the train, escape. leading Manley, l.ewi-toii, y 1 >emorratic bands. hunting ton is in town clerk water It was the of tho-.-c cow home when some one c='247..'LJ. lathing, -1. carpcut- ring, .•?7_“.u;7; ar- allairs o| tlm Bassiek on a lm-inn-s and visiting l t- mother.... Mr. F. W If. P. la niard. Monroe, y m Maud I..1 a 2 7 every in the employ of Bicknell Bros, was pipe. expression pres- when The wheels were taken out and mounted. shouted “Look out”and placed taken the and all of them were a at chitect, aimers, s-ie. Mathew s and si-ter Faiien. < Time—-j.a-j. 2 n by marshal, paid ent that the contractors be required to leave the the same moment the blast came and the large *1", masons, SMs.'.m; ; cellar, prosperous looting. His many friends here will are visiting then The Demoralized Maine midnight visit, hut it soon became clear that the lN.it ii':t» Wniu; Cot: ruse; Cars. Mr. Democracy. street in a condition to the Ueorgc stone in its $:t!*2.i I; total, .•?2,7dL4t>. w ish Mr. Bassiek stiece-s in his l»r«>tiu r, M J. Mathew Mi V -• Following i- the summary of tIn rare- Thurs- clerks were innocent. None of acceptable surveyor.;. descent just grazed the side of the cow uiidei taking. Marin* r them had been Miller went to work in the Maine Central yard in afternoon: The recent and of from home and none could the re- a few feet from Mr. Burd. Cm k< li Notes. recently cut on his larm a -ti- k two day meeting reorganization away identify Four people were baptized "ii MIIITIN'. No'l I s. > li. Penobscot, < ( al pine -event;, this last week as switchman and \\ bile apt. ter, volver. MMIc. Rhea In Her Most Famous city helper. teet in < Ifunniny ra'-e; mile heat-: purse s la'i. Impersonation. last and admitted into the Church arrived at length an I »dd it to i I. M I lean o| nun n tin; Democratic State Committee was not a love Then ArursT Wkatiikk. We learn from Mr. L. II. Sunday Baptist Jacksonville -mpt. 2d. Having made the I. I. W illis, s*. i. i!i Mohien Max;-.: 1 I every hotel in the city was searched. On coupling cars he got caught between two cars and .John, in this The was conducted run from for a spanker boom. < feast from the of an the Franklin House the name of M’lle. Khca, the famous actress, will on Mu roll that the for the month city. baptism by Bev. llolfa-t in ten days, an cxeclh lit suinmer Pent lineh, St. dofm. b y Y orktown.2 2 judging report evidently j register appeared Monday his left arm was but no bones were average temperature II. Boston.” He was at one time badly jammed A. .1. <.ross. Monet.m. |> m Mav t^ueen ..‘i d “Fmory Barker, evening September 12th appear as Galatea in the of was which is Geo. K. Tufts, and took place on the bench below passage-Brig H. (_. lliehhurn, from Bos well-informed of tin- Kennebec J broken. August 05.58, 1 *•£ degrees colder sililey, Mounti.i,. Miss Mat'd, of the II ,r. .! Lib. correspondent employed at the house, and was one of the part- daughter Time—1.4h, the steamboat wharf — Bev. It. T. Hack ton to beautiful play of Pygmalion and Galatea. Of than and begins Aspinwall. put into Turk’s Idand Ii. was Democrat. It i> stated that Chairman Hastings ners in tiie firm of Bicknell Bros. He had arrived August IHSh, 2>£ degrees colder than the Aug. path, Meats, married last Minday e\ei.-.,- t Mr. -.ah class purse £-’cu. Kev. Theodore Murphy, of this «*ity, located at with j in town the night before, and was to stop only a M’lle. Rhea’s merits as an actress our citizens are average weather for the his pastorate at the North Church in this city on sails and rigging damaged. Her decks were i.e.-l..- o August past Daggett of tlii- town. r. II Nelson, iVaterville. m \ubii. I resigned “on account of his inability to control has twenty-eight formerly M-- M.um day. A hasty examination of the register showed her last the event Dover, been obliged to give up his charge on next. A will be held at the swept a hurricane. Her \ h P* ( ... .y '? fu.ni’iar, appearance year being years. was a cool Sunday parish meeting during hull is in good eon. has CeoryeH. Crosby. ]hi< >li, g inee that Barker had at the August month, Mr. Murcli long heen our elmreli organist, and an art;-... and harmonize the various factions in the party*" stopped house on the nights account of a trouble known as •b.iiii P. itibbs. baiigor.li y Im-ter. I 4 | of the season. In conversation with M’lle. Rhea's clergynen’s sore Geo. K. dilion. A will be held and the of the three last burglaries, and that lie had left having a record of only two colder Augusts in vestry Monday evening-Bev. Tufts, survey vessel pro- member of society being <,,nne«t.d wait M. l.eovyv*'. bell'asl.'h :a K'.iiyC.a '■'» 4 ami that Mr. of York a mem- throat. His voice ha- left him. Mr. Mur- bailoj., Finery county, | tow n tm the morning after they took place. Satis- manager, Mr. Owen Fcnrr, he said: “M’lle. Ulna entirely Baptist, will preach at Saturday Cove, North port, ceed on her voyage-Hark .lames (i Pendleton i'7. -. >:i' PoVtVaiid. >and\ K;\*w .* twenty-eignt years, which were in 1874 and ]ssf>. elamii, llon*--ty (.range and lit-. .ie i h a age. >y IV; ! fied that the thief had been the marshal or- wdl come to ci* of the committee, resigned, as lie says, “out found, w5ll her in Belfast. As phy’s family Belfast and he will go i next will load at New If. M. Kitz-immoiis. bnhyov. b m birdv.a dis | give greatest impersonation he latter was the coldest and the Sunday morning. gener:d cargo York for Valparaiso 1 As-he is about to u- f he* dered ( apt. Carey to give up his search and to ac- for his average temper- leave tutnre .1. .a e. 0 West health 17. I wivik ''omerset Mills, hr.-’I e-oide. dis r there too much Frank she is critics or — -peel.** being him to Barker’s room. Galatea, pronounced by ever; ,vhere ature was le.-i-m and scltislincss in tilt; otlice holders to o’clock in the morning, and the to be a reve'ation. The her Mr Frank Fcrnald, of this son of Mr. Cltas. of the month. It on i>as chartered-to load lumber ;it company supporting city, rained ten days. of this received a Tues- Feniandina for mi—e.| The esteem in w hieh -h. w.i- 2.A'* < ; -2.An. summons of the on the door was Ferguson, city, telegram high held, pur-t police quickly is even who New York at st;. of suit him. “Mr. Bass wanted a and a better than the excellent organization of Fcrnald, recently went West, has obtained a •>.*», free wharfage.... Sell. K. li. w a- ,-hovvn I-. <>. stanle\. Leu istoii, 1 11. jr Hnrket.1 1 I big party answered by Barker, whose left hand was done up Last December Mr. W.K. Morison of this day, from Capt. Closson, at Portland, -tiding that lty the many, eo-tly present-iir( ed line with the city, r. II. NeBor, Waierville. \. BBtator hit*i\2 2 2 in a cloth. He made no resistance as the last year. position Minnesota (iranite Co. at st. Herriman will load coal at Penh for port- at her champagne supper, harmony aim happiness,** bloody put up as a one of the New sch. Karl sunk oil' ( ape Kli/abet!.. 1 lie Karl was Amboy wedding. Mr. Daggett i an iinabl** II. II. ( Ben In r i*«• .A marshal led him premium England II-Aiin~"'.i, ::r»n«*!. ;• away. He admitted that he stole “Our tour last sc.:son was a scries of ovations. Cloud. Mr. Fcrnald has proved -o valuable to the hind, >■'» cents and A 'A but wa- told a Kennebec editor, who was a valued at loaded with from the Oak Hill Granite iliseharge_Seh. Hayford young man, and the best wi-h. <•! in- ,„.,umi as Time- 2.A". 2.2a1 j. by the money that had been missed, and said that he company’s organs $l'i). For every cash paving We travelled as far west as and company that he will soon Ik* on the road to will load coal at 1.• had in about Portland, Oregon, put Boston from Belfast Perth \:n b.r Beb'a-t atgi With the e. ..Mr. Free fur rs: -2 >". proxv. *t!iai th« Democratic was tired uf taken, all, #200. purchase at retail to the amount of the Company for and sailed on happy >amuel Adams pm-e party make $3 buyer » as far north as B. C. Our season lasted contracts for the th in. and Sell. Helen v.iii load iri.Z" weeks, the and best M’llc. d ie A .... Lawrence, says that Marker made his escape by fty longest The Fcrnald Bros., of this city, on ti'-kels wi re thus of. schooner sprung a leak and ried to make Portland Monday Mr-, i -tel!.* ,,t! ,• >.g am I! a.-tilliTs. 1 >;i :r..risr»it’,;.. z Arab.2 A A ami work was needed in of Saturday disposed Last Saturday the organization place Rhea ever had. F.ditli will load coal at Perth for down a and ban.Non:, but sunk in In. Amboy South in town .. Mr-. Win. a < F. Walker. Ban- a'. m I—i« Kno\....t f the work before chair- with a handsome silver A Muller at evening thimble, with her of 1 •. Bangor, is the which -eh. stairs with which lie was familiar. He reached this city, who has a burial lot on Long Island. named Dutch drew out one which was to take the seventy-ihree tons and was buii! Barn-table, taking cargo Association begin- it..- sc—nm at the *•! ana. Tm* Bel Weell tile ileal tliefe Were rieyHe races, man Brown the of the Demo- name engraved een owned here many for, day the 1.5th inst at J j». in., and will hold tlncc from a mile da>'! to live miles. .1. i». lucky quarter “Tell me of the v.— ! is at this crat says: Marker was in the court Satur- something pla; weighed fifteen tom ami »*ost Mr. C. A. Mr. B. one b.df. loading hay port fort harleston. >oim* half dozen mini-Mr- are < 'milter, ot i’ittsbwrz. I ’a., won 1 wo ra arraigned police .y by IMlsbury, editor of the Journal. Mr. years, George Fergus.owning day r\pe.-:.d 'i'h.e With the in the town- of on the of “Pygmalion amt Galatea is the w-ok of W. s. took the Closson in it. hay come- over the road (nun lln.ok-.Mr. -D. (>. I »a\ i* l B izht. a < Alban runner, ran otn- Democrats Bucks- day morning charges breaking and on six Belfast women went to tin* Ma-lern State I'ilsbury only ti.-ketat the request of Mr. Capt. belongs ar-p Howeu went to \ugtist:» Tuc-ia t*. at the author. ’1 ae is x runnur: mare Ma\ P‘‘i*t. Aina. Deer Isle, and several other towns and assault on Ollicer Menoit with intent Gilbert, great Knglish story after a Kdwanl >ibh of this cits, receded advices tend ■ in Bangor They board Mrs. Mary s. Young, of Haverhill, Mass., for. one-half mile. in *•} sr- tiiiv section, numbering over ii.000 voters, told, full of beautiful sentiment and on Monilax from T. G. Barlh :,i t^neen’s Bright Kill. To the lirst he pleaded guilty; to the second, cleverly least expectation of the ('apt. tin bar, ol the Insane 1 15 ( Wei.r ■*...ft. who have the steamer Penobscot during tin* night, ( apt. In- drawing priae. of Belfast, was killed o.i -mi lospital-lie oinis. pledged each other in writing not to clever The audience i earned back to merly accidentally st. Johns not Ollicer Menoit and Marshal O'Sul- comedy. river, Florida, sa\ing lie wa- readv to will hen? ne\t lothe so as two men < iistom guilty. City graham his room at their It was while in Hilldale preach >und.i.' at lode \. \i local It is estimali <1 that i :li!< en thou-md polls long hold placing disposal. eamkk Notes. The Boston boats are now day. Vug. 2Mh, riding cemetery. people livan were the time of ancient Athens, when the rule of conic over. A Iso that sch. Palatka, ( d House at ami Deer the only witnesses for the government. a and a fair :| !;a|.h w ere on tiie -rounds. appointments Buck-port jolty party representation of Belfast’s In with Mr.-. A. C. '• and as the company here aueient an* I honornidc com t, •. a in a-ri ole-. ,\ \ Free for all; purse sAi.e. bound him over to the in the sum of gods, the George Burkett, this city, lias secured city. spring Philadelphia with a cargo of iron pipe lor pa fall, with tm active movement that will grand jury The horse the wheels of the 'A < >. Monail, m "in I i- proba- general will lie made and new starting up quickly 'a o clock I’ittslieM, jr |*i $.■>000. beautiful statue, lifelike and lovely, possessing all the services of Mr. William M. Kandall, who has repairs buildings the water work--The packet p M. B< niiie let- a precession will he forint i nearly t- II. i‘. I.eonai'l. Monroe, u in M aul I. : a bly--tart an independent Democratic party in carriage passed over her body. The injuries con the attributes of and the had charge of the dress anal silk erected ...Capt. A. G. Spear, of Rockland, one of resumed her 1 follow.s I. cornet land, g ( arriag. \. I.. lie "ell, 1,nek.iel-i.' 1. Mar < «a/cr.... A 2 opposition to tin* otlice-holders. Voting Marker is a son of James Marker, of womankind lucked only goods department trip- between Bel fa-d .id S'.i Hueksport the oldest steamboat men in the sisted of a compound fracture of the right thigh, Ii. I.. V icros. Maiielu-'t* :. h .a .. A Be-i lc tin se of life and motion make her the most ai Mr. \. Joint in Portland. Mr. Kandall country and who haven. for tlio.-c above .ears of ;>. arm., Soul.a/ obstacles Mr. Brown will meet, Searsmont, and his parents, who are among the power to Little’s, ninety age. A W. IMUslJeM, t. e I.Vaiiok- ...A a 4 was for both bones broken below the right knee and the Bra.ekell. tin; has never math* a canvass in seven on earth. In the will the same service for Mr. Burkett. years a pilot on this coast and river, went for tho.-e between and I part} best in the place, and of the stand beautiful object answer to prayer perform Non ! eighty ninety.. --peak. Time—2.An:2.1 2.A2 >. people highest wrist nmkit. The amp <.r. und \viiarf is now a la, counties in the State for ten on account to on badly lacerated. Mrs. Young died the next years, in of who mourned because his skill He is a young man of experience and will be a up Bangor tin* Penobscot Saturday as the and invited guests, a. Municipal «• ilie<*r- lliiiiiiin- race ; hi o-mile «1 a-ii: .n -e s-_on. ing every respect, naturally feel deeply the dis- Pygmalion ‘dlag station” bn- the Ib-fui boat.--. Thev p of the poor material oil the State Committee, of forenoon. Her age w as so years, she w as the w ife -top valuable to Mr. Burkett’s guest, Capt. Ingraham. is •'school children. 7. ( ai/cu-and triemls if..,. ,. \ I’eier ( lim ii. .loiin. h Vi.rl.i'‘\\ ii.1 grace tints them. The lather is carried him to the pinnacle of fame and there re- acquisition already large Capt. spear eighty- w hen a i- or while three of the counties have no organiza- brought upon of the late Kzra and both will he remem- Hag displayed they have sumo one to * A. • two Young, 1 Willis, "t. Aiii. !> m Imi Ma \i and efficient force. Later In* will on the road. years old now, but is as clear headed as ever "f town. -. Star a Kreema-.ii- n. tion whatever and make no for one. disposed to let the law take its course and mained nothing further that merited his skilful go land. were made Itising l.odgc \ I.. ell'orts accept bered our older citizens. Landings every day Ia.-t week Cross, yjoiiettm. It.;*. M;:; p. i... ■ Time—A.AA. AtTKMi*ria» SLK tin:. Mr. Alfred Kowe, of Bel- except Friday.Conantb-store and tin post ot That wa renew our *27, 28, 2!> and 80, the Boston steamers will New Biteimnos. ( It. It. Coombs has 'Cot, a di.-tance of one !, .diegiance to Hie princi- health, is alUictcd her son’s from her of sfone. carry apt. bought lice under the are < mile and hack. W ihco sorely by misdeeds. steps pedestal "*:{ suicide on Waveriey lo.-ed.Last Sat- and of fast, aged years, attempted Thursday excursions from the of Mr. II. M. the Mathews on (ini. \. A Melt, i’' Ti laud, eh I T P. A ..! A A 1 I ples declarations lb platform adopted Mr. and Mrs. Marker “How is M’lle. Penobscot to Boston to enable Bean, lot, so-called, meet in the M ii. liurch at r.h Head -a the are now on their way to Rhea’s Knglish?’’ last. Mr. evening thirteen cottage- tin- grounds Hay t A A at in issy. which Mr. »sight Kowe lives a few miles out of town. urday ; Ini'. Heron I. porllaad. 1 m Mm nit f..! 2 1 A Chicago Cleveland, the members of the Grand their families and Northport avenue, and will erect a dwelling In-a.-e. at lo o'clock. The choir, under the direction ,,f |. California, to which .state moved. “She it likea native; she is a hard Army, were and no doubt th it i .1. P. Baie.ror. lie I Mister.2 I 2 2 2 nominee of the indorsed, they recently speaks student, He has been sick for several and has told his lighted, number, if not »i!*l»s, party, heartily declar- years to see the ....Mr. Will II. McIntosh has a 15. Mr. and never tires of lam friends, cyelorama of the Battle of Get- begun dwelling liocdwin. wi!: -ing the eentcnniai ode written .1. A. Pierre, .Stockton, b a -lame' ...A » ! -o in'-: in lii> letter of “1 have care- Mickncll, the uncle of the young man, says studying Knglish. trying more, will be occupied during the pre-en nmuth, ! aeeeptuuce: family many times that he should take his life, house on the on of < .1 "haw. iiaitlaml, !i Tfuul Brook.A .*» A «!r to her to take f tysburg. Fare for the round trip from Belfast, in- high bank the right Bridge (‘\pi* --iy- for tin• cca-ioii hv Mr-. ( N V.-azic. fullv considered tin; that he must take the get out naturalization >on’t tho.-e who come for a or a > platform adopted by the consequences of his wrong papers, hut did not believe lie would. morn- by few day- j Time J.’A'j. 2.AV .. 2.10k., 2-A'a'.. 2.An 2.12'.. they Friday admission to the s.8.f>0. street at the turn near the to the will then he convention and the same*. fail l" see her on seen cluding cyelorama, approach bridge. I’rayer offered by Uev dr. Ncwt. n cordially approve doing. While nothing is known as to Marker's Monday'evening. Things Mrs. Kowe heard her husband in bed ■sojourn-The oniv South .‘shore cottage open ai.-t !ur. si \ n: \!i: a maviskin. So a ing moaning ....Mrs. M. A. of this lias a the plain statement of Democratic faith and are than heaid, know. An Howes, city, bought pastor. Music by the chop it condition at the time, it is believed he would mightier things you and asked him w Afloat Again. It we. k was Mrs. Milliken’s.\ lishing boat with tin hat the trouble was. lie replied, will he remembered that on The Statt Fair with a zood I principles upon which that parly appeals lot the northwest side of (Juautchacook Lake, H. Ward well. Music 1 n oj»enetl Tuesday n.'t have entered the store or used his revolver rovoir.” a hunt of clams arrived at tin* to tin* of tin- no “Von will find out when I am dead.” .She turned somc time since Geo. R. one our wharf hist Thursday, attendance all I suffrages needs Capt. of — W. d and tin** exhibit' in th- depart- people supple- Ilodgdon, and will erect a cottage K. P. chase, F. Pole, by I!. Montgoiuei y. Mu-ic by the hand, ment or bad be not been under the influence of the b tied at ii- ments. The rnres in tlm aftmaioon w.*re von explanation.** To these principles he liquor, down the clothes and found the bed besmeared young amiable sea gave the command skipper expecting campnn eting captains, up W. L. Littlefield, Charles Waldron and Henry ner. o'rl >ck m a hnuioioii- h i- adhered il In p..<*ui t. exeitiu-. In the race for -reeii imiX '. faithfully in all his public utter- probably lias a long term of lie Transfers Real Kstale. who M- d \ was sent • I height. He wa a w eek out in hi- n-e!. I-l. i n the 2.1)7 public lull county ending Sept. tage-Mi-s Kmily bought apt.John by hand. Mippei. ; p. account of the and shooting, sub- wound- were h to cause serious liool building in Walerville in which he i to < II. Nel'on's 1 > the treasury we demand with that the robbery I*. Aldus, to Inhabitant of Bel- deep enough Chelsea, Mass., Telegraph and Pioneer of the lot at the corner of Court and Park Aubine iii-'t money in emphasis gusta BeR'ast, tax, sept. Moore, Vai"di.-t. ry by .1. p. flauey ringing et »* ; ;i., in tin; stantially as printed above, but with some ad- trouble and Mr. Kowe will recover. teach will not be before, winter. His three stwiizlif heal-*: TainKer t fi’st money, also in three government immediately the innocent faced, jovial and Triliune, writing speculation square, disposed hostelry to Mr. Chester above Cove owned Mr \!- xamler people peei.i apparently big- habitants ol' Wm. K. \V. just Saturday by strai-ht ( Bare ( prevented a wise and reduction of city. Bowler, Belfast, tax, craze in California Cottrell, formerly steward of the house. Mr. furnish the plan and have charge of the work of have been to ■*r*ler in. heats; asfle second: layinont by prudent hearted whom has known but to says. Leith, of ( and b\ Mr. appointed keep dur.ng internal chap, everybody Cottrell is a man who has made many hina, occupied Wader H. 1 hir«|: Butcher Bov fourth. Be st time 2.F*«; 1-2. taxation and of duties on in to Boston A Maine Granite Co., Waltham, to young erection. -« hi the -1 * | imports i-s city. Several real estate agents engineered tlu* boom is 1 in.-i., the la •,a, We :i like, gc!,ty of one of tin* most serious of crimes friends, very popular with the and will Coombs, of Belfast, a total I desirox ed b\ lire A -ana* of base ball between tlm Bap-' Hub accordance with the foregoing declaration-. II. P. same o. a. at San which is in patrons, [ Sheiinan, place. Carter. Monroe, Jose, tin; heart of the rich Santa deserve all the took lire from a defretiv. w ..-, •.• —but such is the eftse.” certainly favors he may receive Heath- of a Fuumku Waldo < «»i vn Max. 1 and the Lew istoils ouited in favor of the [Platform of Democrats. After his arrest Marker ( lain rushed in and earl Sunday morning. M< -t of ibe fnrm.ture an- Pennsylvania to K. Valley. Capitalists prices H'oni the > Ward, Medford. public. There will be no in the I ••' d» d. A irt ! n- ;. Maly Benj. Colson, Bel'ast, change ( Calvin H. Hale died at -troy.. p w .«- Bate*-, 12 to i». and again “that he would have ended have increased livefold within a fortnight. Bauch service ol the apt. recently Olympia. The m>m-e was rtiad\ ii The Democratic convention of again to hotel. Capt. ilodgdon will make a destroyed. I -.ovd, but I Pennsylvania Waldo. I B. Cohbett, Bid- l.os.-. *S0U. ill ured l.e ..dp •. « e Wellington "horey, laud that was held at two hundred dollars an acre number ;'t'.oo ad Mr- \ "N r. i :ii W" ei 1 in-'-' a \ was (Land Ariii\ bis lsfe had lie had his in his of pleasure trips on his own vessel, the Washington Territory ofapopiexy aged 07 year there was none the funutnri \\ < 1 hdt, ! in one of its inted pistol possession last month now a upon resolutions, jo above, says fast, to W. 11. same town. o. A. Carter commands thousand, while own- and a-.i.-tu- Hird .*f Pc.oekt >i ,r, Ba\. Knowlton, Yale, otherwise employ himself for a season, w a in trade at I .it: M;,- .a w hen he reached bis room after the On ers of business and residence ('apt. Hale, many years ago, L-, ea dib-r k. colnville Beach, u here lie w ill be remembered, ami Wigw am 'HIM !:i:* Mon «»j mi l.Yni maim;. being searched was found in his possession, price Syndicates‘have pur- other hotel enterprise either in Boston or New gor, is taking a two weeks’ vac;.don at the Camp ance endorsed the democratic & 31. Granite Waltham t-> II. R. chased tracts near heartily platform Company, large San Jose and are running Haven. The retires with the also in this He \vn- a a.ei a gold watch, these all the captain best wishes by many people city. Whig iround. » \ 'Fin* Fifteentli Maine '"union occurs at Au- being valuables. excursion trains from this and l«»ts I’i;«»si*! -a'l -lent ha] p. m i-t •. :i■. at in and add-: “To Sherman, same town. Charles O. North- city selling at of a large circle of friends and >pted Chicago, lss-1, No one but Dickey, auction, in this acquaintances. politician of more than local prominence. Capt.. gusta. tile iiu "ting- «»! he A >.11 ion to !><■ at Marker knew why he did the crime, way a tract‘that costs $aU,uoo is the line of t!ii~ town. :u Frankfort. near the -«:• I tm-c he has port, to Miles Pease, Bel nont. Sarah P. Eu.»- Id K-l’<>UT. At tin annua! meeting tin Pen <*. A. R. Hail) and W« principles faithfully adhered hi ilie and “he made to realize $luo,non. Hale went to the Pacilie coast in ls‘d, and subsc Tuesday dne-mjuU*. M"ii:ain hoar*tiny Inm.-e last w \ <urvi\.»r of iIn old in's jtiihiir vf’jj'trnrrs.'- But how about on 1 Judge Horsey, formerly of this city, is settled at Olympia, where he contributed -hallever now ,/oiii him. He tells of a ic Association. The quently number »>t I y- we*- at a’ .>n • -ami hank m at • • great town. Alanson to K. D. meeting Tuesday evening 1SS7 p-r. < p re giment i- arne-th reque-ied t be present. Ford, Searsport, located near San Jose, and his must have to Saturday, Aug. .’T, bar!. 1 Ware, bis •"'/(•,) n;' no. .1' I n:I I \\ o of t In 1.. An excursion to ih> SoMicr-' Home a! pressing Blanchard, same town. A. S. to gave was '-Icrn d Pit-.. P. uniu i:. Togus. Forbes, Brooks, greatly increased in value, and the Bcv. s. Good- He was the iit st collector of custom- of the P.m-kspor;, nj !rr, mm li more inteiv-red than in his utterances. need for money. lint what too trouble is he lecture “Recreations with the deputy went lion.1 to bi:.n a i V-re u as 1 rone t ire Wonder if Sam Uandall did not to himsc’L Tnat he will commit suicide if left valley likely The address about half 1 l’uget district, long hank w among outlie purposely get to to s. L. occupied an hour and was Monroe, llubbs, same town. Kstate of to be benefited bv IF II Lumr,, I'r«- -. !»'tr«-«*t- s Maine < Vn’ral and M;nhia- -l<.am the present boom. ing collector. Capt. Hide was a member of the lirst F.ldy, and r«- a little -arcasm into himself is a foregone conclusion.” Marker has repicte with valuable in a trie-! to -ta 11 am the '-.ii.S* tic 1; quiet that sentence? to Oi.in P. same information, giveu boys am; i'« Benj. Gray, Prospect, Gray, Fast Kddington; Mrs. < .-ra s. via, at. Verona. \. duei il rate*:.! hotels -laurants. M’li.k legislature of and was a V. Augusta been married but for some time lias not lived w ith Buka. The charming Bhea will present dear, ami scientific and manner. Washington Territory, While I he ! tin 1 "I > ;, -I. "TnhUr /litn'Hnrrs" is good. They town. to the interesting style W. Ula> A large attendance i- satisfy George Gilmore, Belfast, tax, city. kiht.'ii, Koekland. i 1.;w -. Malta 1 confidently expected, his one of her successes on member of the territorial council in ls.sk In lsr.-i Henry wife. There is but little prospect of his obtain- greatest Monday evening It is hoped that Mr. Brown may L>e induced to re- own in \ VI '“•'urvivors of the regiment who nave not re- Mr. Curtis, while Gorman ami Higgins are Geo. W Garland, Oldtovvn, to Klmiva Patterson, wumkcag. Mr-. Luiciinc Landed. si.».-ktoii, Mr.-. the bail. Pith at Her President Lincoln him superintendent '' el as to ing ijOutNi The American concludes Sept. thcOperaiIou.se. portrayal ot peat his lecture at some future of which appointed years of aye, -aw the roekitiov ami started r ived circular noiitieation the reunion are equally well satisfied with the more substantial by Bangor. Wingate K. Gibbs, Glenbuvn, to Miles meeting >• Abide, si>iii 11 month. M:;--.; .luhn II. Lld- the role of Galatea has received the of Indian affairs for tin which in- Wry i-peeially to send their aUdjvss to saying “Some of his friends advance the highest praise due notice can be given and a audience Territory, place :;rt out of the way, hnt the rock r..:iyM hi- auk requested of the President in what he insanity Pease, Belmont. II. M. Howard, Montyillc, to larger ridge, Idn-k.'port; Mrs. I. P. ( arleiou, Camden. i:. A. approval really for its excellence and the held four years, ( apt. Hale was a native ot the Shorey. secretary. P.ridgtoii. Me., that theory t<* account for Marker’s actions and company supporting called out. Rev. Air. Tufts next addressed the ami tlnai took a half turn t; ■ doe-. many Josephine Holbrook, Knox. Calvin K. Knowlton, Committees on speaker- a.inl imi.-ir, Dr. Ware. In upon rioy may he on tie- of M’lie Bhea is far to she ever had. Kennebec, they properly reported Regi- the police are inclined to the same view.” superior any and a rare botanical region. all hnt his hea*l ami ft d am I killiny him 31 on roe, to Orilla A. same tow a. Geo. W. society presented specimen Merrill and IF H. --u rtan--.., ia-iantly mental Roster. Carter, The 15. C. Kmery. T:\an-p- Victoria, Journal says: ■ from the Garden of the Caesars at Rome, House Notes. Mr. Marshall's colt Ilaroldson, '!i. A-lelbeft Moody, hi ! tiller, no t!. 1 ;!\ •John Swinton that within a the Leonard, Belfast, tax, to city. Kbenezer Me Rhe- together IF;f?is H. Kim -u «dr and- ami l\. ;• m i A s says year The Reunion of ibe A brilliant dramatic season was llki lKAl. »n sacm. ftth Maine at inaugurated at with an ami Mr. Kllis' colt are both at the have the ot all lin it ii.-n_ Bucksport. to .Sarah autograph copy of our national Klmbrook, Maine \ oi < sympathy -a*l ail!:- of Labor have tors, Union, MePhcters, same town. John the Victoria last M’lie Bhea. and a hymn, Kddy vote hank- u;t> tended IF m- s. ( * knight* lost much more than evening by Frank aged 1 \ears, a 1 rn-led tis state Fair at Lewiston. Ilaroldson trotted The fa!! terms *t 'in • ••■,- an- .-mii mi M — MeN"al!y. Brief mention was made In our rorre- Moore, Belfast, to If. same town. splendid company of artists. Gilbert’s on “My country! of thee.’’ Dr. F. Smith, of yc-tcr ! : ; f»u Id kind ss in n lmli their In Bucksport Emily Alden, thologi- udering eierk in the1 Saco and Id Idef«» 1 In.-ti- New York. New cal -- savings membership. lurt comedy, Pygmalion ami Galatea was presented the author of this famous day and Klmbrook trots Ilaroldson will Amelia N ieki 1-1 n -la our -1 m, I a tea. !n rpomk'uce week of (lie reunion in that Miles Pease, Bel mont, to A. Pease, same Newton, Mass., hymn, to-day. sistama in looking after n int r- an ! w -. tmion. left .-aeo afternoon, •h r>: place Georgia in a manner w 11 calculated lo arouse t lie admira- Monday carrying y. Pennsylvania and Connecticut the lull- trot for the for " 1 Of the veterans of the has consented to make this valuable cup offered three years old... At a- m -b tea* ii the ..* ettlean lit -•! Mi olV >"27‘d.nhi*: in ( r sixth Mnine. town. F. Smith, Frank J. A. J. tion of our Bhea’s kindly contri- fare of tlie ground'. Tim ■•!' n- >i- S. four p* ,Uii!»; in railroad. municipal bond- nearly afternoon, Aug. 80th, they visited Fort Knox and Stevens, Belfast, to city. Henry P. Sherman, portrayal Galatea showed the request remarks years eampmeetii'.-- a- h-;t :\ -ure a aie-une. -<>me true artist. Her transition <• of tin- Western States the ratio i> from the chiselled last on (Jen. Withers and one <»t Harol-I- h-tit from l.'"U: t"i'e di-i and securities, sui.ouu; in -h sg.Aoo. He 3> fully were received hv Sergeant Koch, who surrendered Waltham, to Francis same town. John evening upon the hymn and its noble an 1 ven- trotting stock, timid. Time being limited m* farther l-a-ine- report tile rn-at-.-port. Betterick, beauty of a lifeless statue to moving, living, to have tied tot mmiu. 1 tetclives an a* The “labor erable author were son. lie took the over till Maine bred will teaeh her next term in «;’str:et No. supposed high. organs*' have shared in to tlie veterans and furnished them gnides to in- K. Seruton, Lincolnville, to T. D. Srruton, same breathing flesh and blood, a woman in the full interesting and appropriate. highest prize w a transact. d. \ --.ill lorai--t!terim-<-’aig<-fthe I. after him. It is stated that the of tin solvency the decadence of the order. I fort. town- Geo. G. bloom of womanhood, was indeed a marvelous This line of “America” i* to bo horses. The lirst prizes w ere 011 fancy bred horses peet-.1 i- 1: Ib.a'k 1 *.t :n-*n> ?..--k At the beginning >-pect he Returning at 7 o'clock the party Wells, Belfast, to the city. Daniel autograph copy stockholder-will i»e railed so. n to transaet -on e I.ibi.y*.- bank will not be affected. piece of her acting. Again when it flashed and upon trained and in the out of the State—one to Wilkes, the seen ml in tin time ., oi-l el 1 it i- t. of the last there were over 200 of them "asescorted to Hall where a ban. Maretta Ward, Winterport, to Clara kept society’s rooms, and in Messenger business, to w a :.-li all stork In* I- ler- niom-y ix n i:\t.UAk. year in Emery splendid Low, her as yet, untrained mind, that Pygmalion did very important was same not as to come will be ils $10,000 horse, and one on a Cali ornia in the ra.-es in ia.-t week. !'• d aa- tile ( nited uuet ready under the management of tlie fair town. John Yeaton & ax., to L. love her she loved him, the wild, years among most priz- Kentucky shoul-1 he « ni ...'dr -now and An are ;v I’.anyr -p< 'Flic Oak (.rove Seminar) at Yas.-albon.. was States; at the present time their Islesboro, despairing, highly pre y yet resigned look ami action, betokened the true ed bred horse.... Mr. G. K. Kllis values Klmbrook, -otne * «• 111:. at a.. .-mu; i. burned to the last sex. Ill the evening a camp lire was held at G. A. A. Knowlton, Belfast. F. E. Searsmont, possessions. The sincere than!:* of the associa- building the uhnb was bunted last yo.aj -tepjiiiiy ground early Thursday number is less than one hundred, and at least Wyman, and innocent women. M’lie Bhea is an artiste taiomry A tion are accorded Dr. Smith the wonderful two years old, at $."»,(H)o_Geo. n. the JJ* 1 "f >e p!. there wib be a el aia-e ! Si.. morning. son of Si**nlieit dom-s, aged lo-lale, out \ arm an A f< w the school was burned, ami Death of Wili.iam M. Puikst. Mr. years ago si<-k, and those who are the concern entered the hall and was from in the Priest three minute rla.-s and ■.Monas.-. A. I>. 1 Aimmy the carrying wildly received and ably party Prospect early morning drove Bumps, K\press agent, ha-g- ue away on., -. a..,' n IP -teppi eaptain.- win* have -j-n tile present was last addressed Hie The Bangor papers in their reports of the East- Util at his iVM.lereo »m building completed only are veterans and citizens. He was teams to the Cliuo-h street, in this of enters Castle Hai : II. K. Halt v, a ol sicker. by single thrifty farm of B. J. Thorndike, ha-not had om-imP ot i- ert-at --a ’a h o.-i f.*r trial pe« I aim-l.y Ihe -teppe, followed ern State Fair make Bailey day yeai. by dipt. Charles Ware, of Bucksport, mention as follows of the city, evenmg between and nine near Waldo station. Mr. and Mrs. Siim'ay cig-it Monroe, Gen. Hancock Jr.; W. G. Pre-ton, Bel i. trie- an I ll,< re are 1 .• 1:.I ila 1 a Lewiston, Sept. H. -Tin* meetings of the and Others. By invitation of the citizens of Bucks- Hailey gave lug this oilier for over tin year-. Hi am Parks, Waldo county horses present n'cltM k, of .‘>r> and live Hon. S. L. Miliiken has an the Association their visitors a typhoid fever, aged years B. P. Maud I.. tains "l who <• o. Christian Fndeavor Society to-day have been received urgent port remained over Wednesday delightful welcome, and all did fast, Kvelyn; Leonard, Monroe, is very aeeeptaMy I'd!.--! by .P.!,n Woo) .Mi — -hip- will draw line- r -ti p and were a George O. Bailey, of Belfast, has on exhibition months. At the lire on Pluvnix of an inn charade**. A from tendered dinner at Kmorv Hall at to the Mow last spring at resting constitution request the Kepubliean State Committee two line which justice excellent dinner. After of Flora Wood ret man -1 P».ar H.irbor lid w- >k. per.- the eouiitn- !':. 1. Her! I!. l.a,- noon. At tlie business choice animals, although they have no disposing Personal. Mi-.- M.-o-y Heard"!! and a Mi.-* was for the Stale Fnion and the fol- meeting was made Mr. Piiest, whose business place was burned, over- adopted of Ohio to ot the records, have shown excellent and the a to Oak Hill was -The lisiiermiit t!u* in the late lion >. speak in that State during the cam- following ollieers. President, Eieut. J. L. speed* give good things trip proposed, Chadwick, of Boston, are in Bclfa-t on ;• \i-it. Pipe li!| Oakes, " inn, ( apt. W. 11. Stinehlield, Milo; .1. C. Kitty by Ledo, grandson of Ris. had not since been a well man. This Lieut., transformed into an together I h v George ( handler. Mrs. 1’. L. Chase. Si Mr. Millikcn’s services in Ohio dyk’s Hanibletonian. She is a bav, stands 15 1 _> excursion barge bearing the Mrs. \V. Iv. Keene and Mi-- Kate I i 11 s:.. of this I'DO *jtIs. 1- i-it are reported ire..Mr. F. w eek to 1 III' is la In I We ii.; e I'm ;u>! e retary in former cam- Haney, Bangor; J. B. Ncagle, Ltiber; w'th the unitealthfulnoss his ry, Secretary, hands in weighs 900 and is six of last place of busi- and Treasurer, da-. W. Stevenson. There are Treasurer, Lieut. Executive height, pounds, following passengers seated in chairs have on Wood-* are to leave il i- week for P P-n, tuna- limn all tin- p. 1 I ami -o -k. 1, paign* are remembered and W.Cushing, Foxcroft; of comfortably ness eity, gone a short sea. voyage. I'hey went family aj ph -hipp* societies in appreciated. Committee— IL II. Bates, Frank years age. Kitty G. entered bv the same gen and close application to work, brought on the seventy-six Maine, ”it 1i 2300 mem- Campbell, Martin Mr. and Mrs. Hosca and Clara where Mr. W-mhI i- ot in the .Journal 1 J. E. tleinan was sired by llaniblctoni'an Chief, lie bv Hailey; Littlefield; to Providence last week where tho\ joined ( apt. Mass., employed a.- engineer la.-t wee**. tiu* hcuofii ber-. The sessions closed tliis afternoon. reeuey, Steward, A. Wallace; Committee on fatal fever. Wednesday, Aug. 24t«i, be was quite “The Middleton. She is also a Miss Mr. and Mrs. 1 -or- President i* profoundly distrusted Gettysburg Moiiuineiit—Gen. B. F. J1 arris, Col. A. bay eight years old, anil Bailey; W. A. Bice and Miss Benj. Pillslmry’s vessel, and will sail to Baltimore In a manufacturing e.-t.tbli.dnnrnt Mr. K P. fruit la will -ay (Pal have lea 1 m I 11 The Governor and Council have decided to by 910 and stands 15 1-2 ill, but managed to keep about, but the next B. Lieut. J. weighs pounds hands day > those who have Sumner, L. Pierce. Ex-Vice Presi- high. L. Philbrick, all three of whom are i.'oin is tin- or. lb*. I A -I rac.il. In.,: h I- „a tl < 1 b, Pm* b a slice the McFarland and Graves reward. A fought their country's battles The animals make a Maiy he and return... Mr. Jones, of the Hockkund Courier Ileywood repairing photo r«- ms upied up dent Hamlin ami Hon. C. A. Boutelle entered the splendid pair, being the same took his bed. From the lirst his symptoms were Boston and at Hosea Littlefield’s in -of! resolve was passed that none of the claimants from Gettysburg and Antietam to Shiloh and Dali amid and color and height, and working perfectly together. visiting Pros- Gazette, was in Belfast last week-(«. II. Duutoii, l'v “Smith.”-The seminary has I go students at A wek is wanted to tp-po-c *.f them n P, anpluiisc addressed tlie veterans. alarmbig, a brain the with the Mr. has a line and more will be After as far as dillieulty accompanying o complied conditions of Governor Bol.ii comrades were made members of Bailey span heart! pect. proceeding possible by team, of Post has be en one "f date of and more are -o n. t'*n. Tile pi n reeei\ ei| w ,1- si 7 hai rel 1 Vicksburg. That is a fact of momentous honorary from them in the future. fever. For (MJ, Winterp »rt, appointed writing, expected per Robie’s reward, and the sig- tiie Sixtli Maine Association. the climbed eleven days he lingered, while two accordingly amounts Among*those present party up the side to the summit The hub been n- nificance,” tile New York G. B. of has his steep the delegates from the Department of Maine to at Grangers lu-ld their annual meeting ami ti.ey gathered three bays earln were under tin; resolve the says Tribune. from this county and vicinity were tlie Pillsbury, Unity, splendid bav physicians and kind lriends ministered to his given passed last following: of Oak Hill. After •1 by stallion mo nt Chief on exhibition. the view time" at r. Iff. the e e Co. A. I.t. Ira B. Wing, Levi Bay This is one enjoying magnificent tend the National encampment, G. \. K., at M. “good Verona Park, Saturday.... M -bippcl prim- Woiihl li. be.-II ; Legislature, the division being a- follows: I. Monroe; Bagiev, of the horses of wants, lmt without ivaii. the crisis Troy. Co. C. Daniel M. G. rattling good Waldo county and andlisteningtoa dramatic recitation entitled “The .Sunday came, Frank W. of i- A uuni 1 >1 of barrel- of I1 K■ -»• I*. Fred. S. ‘•Cainpmeeting” John Allen died as be had Spencer, Winterport. in Louis....The Chelsea, Mass., Leader ‘Mr. Collins, Lynn, spending a few p Longfellow, I’ettengall, Washing- Co. E. Thus. build and action he is way to the front ati*l with the down of the sun his life says Melvenney, East Bucksport; Tlios. among \ agaboml by Mr. Bice, and a humorous selection going faded were last week. No ton oflieers. 1). L. Fields, A. wished, in harness, at the Kast the stallions on the Chester of the has re- day s in tow u-The Lord's Supper wa-ndmini- -hippeil rot wa J.m; a county £.">Oeaeh; Livermore camp- Furbusli, Stockton; Charles Harriinan, Orland. young grounds. He weighs out until lie Cottrell, Broadway House, 1050 and stands Hi hands “The Old Maid’s passed peacefuUv away surrounded ■ R. Hevereau::, Hancock £100 This was high, lie is one of (jeu. styled Prayer,” by Miss Philbrick* t.-red -it the ehmvh la.-1 ; im tuber- the late arid u t*• sv,i nrda *. ,.. ■. county, apiece; meeting. We have in a full company raised in Bucksport. Co. 1. turned from a delightful two week-’ trip t>> his na Congregational Sunday up G. type obituary Wither’s and this seem to In* the by bis relatives and a few friends. Mr. Priest W. and Tom Alien, Augustus China. get family more excursionists returned in time for at >e Whitney liangor Libby, supper tive Belfast, Me.,and "tiicr t»f intere-t and two were received, upon eoid'es-i- not' faith. but Karly l!> am! Hebrous are rotiina. which will he printed next week. prominent this year than ever before. The was born in city— p"ints officers, £100each; Herbert Penney, Amher-l. people Mr. Hailey’s. The was full of for China, Me. When a young man he of Eastern Maine appreciate the Withers stock day pleasure on aud about Penobscot Bay.”....Mr. ("•«>. Fred -Mr- William P.enmit l- vi-iting friend' in who furnished information of Graves’s where- The Marrrtt went to Rockland where i.in i; \ I’ivi Prank Port' n Family Reunion. fully and are very much of it. all, and will long lie remembered. he learned the taihos "Jacob a they buying The crick, of this lias t<> Colorado liel la.-t. I). California Sharp Worse” is city, gone spring-, — « abouts, £300; Holland, officer, frequent heading dam of Chief was sired Gen. fade of his Mr. W. H. Priest. it'. ’• .i,a 1 ..lip.. as Instructor <"i the The annual Bayinont by Knox. brother, He then | who made the arrest of Graves, £200. in the eigth gathering of the descendants of Another fast one is the Faik Col., for his health. His mother him press It is evident mare Maud the Facts. the exhibitors from this accompanied •• N I despatches. that gray c., Among went to Deer Me where he engaged in business, \\ .VI i:itr< »ltT. Fdw. TTn. >( IP *k!yi; V .it tin* onservatory of Mu-ie, I-1 n Col. Tlionias .Starrett occurred at Reunion property of R. 1*. Leonard, of Monroe, .she has as far as Boston-Mr. and Mrs. II. V Lnnea>ier, sticli a man can never Grove, count) ami at the Eastern State Fair were u 1 Mi-- at < lie better. made a vicinity but as it did not prove remunerative lie moved to Y., togcthci w tMi a young mail ■, a• lough, Pas iv enied to n-. I In lilt IKK. Tlie l idled States eruiser Bo on tlie farm of I. P. great racing record thus far this season Starrett, Esq., at West War- the in addition to those of this eity.liave returned from a trip t" Mao-.-head winning eight races out of the ten in which she following, noted last week : where he a tailor Subse- pa>t few 'lavs been the gue-t- •>: Mr Tboma-' -ti lt at the sr!i" >' a Mevnoet'-. M.;» ton made a sueeessful trial Island on Stockton, opened shop. high trip uji Long ren, Thursday, Aug. 25th, having been was entered, she is seven Mrs. Lake-Mrs. F. M. of lliis eitv, i- Watterson believes in postpon- old and was sire ! 1*. staples, visiting .. »'. sound tlie most llenry years Kelley, Belfast, aged 7H, black lace lichu, he manufactured vests. While in Stockton araii'lni.aher, Mr-. \nn s. Crockett, ot ;. Mis. Paunie GPonm -pend big a w vw I,- u th Thursday, fulfilling sanguine palmistry, says ed from the Dan. Her record of quently jC an preceding day because of tlie storm. by Gray 2.151 1-2 she got at silk friends at Hancock and Bar Harbor_Mr. Hubert of her as as and lie likes to a mits and thread lace handkerchief. Mrs. Mi. Tic mas is an artist with banm. ai >. is Lends at P*atli-Charlie Turner is h-om «>u expeetation builders, well the exchange. Yes, hold good Lewiston about a month Her owner he married M;ss Isabel Fletcher, who survives i|iiitc a Dn account of this and ago. say.', that of board of examiners. The were tested postponement doubtful in- she is in Bobinson, Boston, a nephew of Go\. Hobinson, also an in engines hand—at poker. improving speed ever, minute and with Henry Lane, Frankfort, hand made table linen, him. Fight years ago Mr. IT'est came to Belfast adept the art of singing, and these two vacation i. "in the hospital at Wmvot'T, Ma to tile fullest extent and .‘kbit horse dications of the weather in the tlie at- her staying and qualities she make two oi' hand is a vacation in B* the of V>. registered morning, steady ought pair woven domestic blankets which and the manufacture of close enjoying Hast, guest accomplishments have been the source of much when1 In- has been for upw a-• I-«o‘ a .Mi a good one next season. began clothing. By I y«:ii power. TJie vessel made a steady run of It l-'i tendance was smaller than but tlie occasion by Bin a w.ll arrive in Bel- Death of usual, F. are soft and warm and done. The George Bailey....M’llc. amusement-to his grandmother's i.irmis since he 11.it tie a :d -on M alter knots an !l Captain Raker McNear. John of Prospect, shows a beautifully application to business, strict and honest (lough bave ret uriu i hour.Friday morning at o'clock was an one for those Libby, splendid economy j enjoyable taking part in it. animal in the three years old same exhibits a fast to-day and will have rooms at the Brooks came to recent visitors in a slioek was felt gelding Black Dia- lady large piece of black cloth dealing he built up a large and lucrative business, town.Among town a few we.'I.- v i.-il to Vin.i!!m\ei: ...Will y heavy earthquake a>-Tucson, Capt. Baker a man well known in Bel- letters were read from L. mond. He was trotted in the three McNear, Interesting Virgil Craig, years old race also hand made. Miss Susie A. A House ...Mr. and Mrs. Swan and daughter, of are Mr--, .ielm Auv-md and sons, ot Poston; ( .11. Arizona, lasting seven seconds. The oscilla- of the and rev, Uucksport and made money A few years ago ho -on Paul 'i oung, dh vei ddeitly froi fast, died at his summer superintendent O’Brien farm at Spirltwood, yesterday got second money, which : good rapidly. tions were to residence in Wiuthrop, darned lace Lowell, Mass., who were visiting Mr. and Mrs. northwest southeast.Ruber! Dakota, and Mrs. Samuel S. of showing for a horse. Center, apron. Mrs. Etta Chandler, bought a establishment and with his Pierce, F-«j., and daughter. Mi-- Lila P civc, of last week, il was brnrght home -iek i.-oin . in this surrendered tile embarrass- pneumonia, aged Tlie noticed the death of forenoon the third time he was ever in a North George Mi- (• Georgia. obituary report sulky Uucksport, hand knit lace handkerchief. brother carried it on until a when he sold Bailey, city, accompanied Peverly, visiiiug laeiid'; Miss Helen 1 \. t Pan where t.n the l\cnnebi« a few dav >r mi ments and It Mrs. Sarah of or on a race lie is year ago under which tlie Baltimore A Ohio lias year' months. Capt. McNear v.as a native Crocker, Machias, sister of the late track, a son of Gray Han, dr'., Mrs. j. W. ami Mrs. IL to Bar Harbor and witnessed the re- Scavey, Frankfort, worsted quilt. Mrs. out to Ids Mr. gor, ot Mr-. L !’>. land; M:r. A. It. 1 -. cd Se n cup Sept. aged eighty-four years. These were cousins to Drowned In destine llarhor. Uucksport, por- for him the love and respect Sear-port guests .tssi-icd F’ Waterhouse of spurt, i-doing funeral of parts of the world. From his business he realized came to Belfast lust and returned ('ampmecting John Allen occurred each other and tiere...Mrs. A. 15. Chelsea, week, s grandchildren of Col. Thomas Star- Strattard,of Monroe, took several of all who knew him, and this was demon- Fellow ; c. W. Chase. 1 •of Kansas City and I >. the work-1-.. IP Itradstreet Post G. V.U.eon on tlie East Livermore an-p grounds Friday. a good sized fortune, after w hich he retired and rett. Also the death of tlie wife of Thomas 1*. in entering Castine liarlior last after- accompanied his F. ( I Thursday premiums in the fruit and flower departments.... strated during his last illness, lie yesterday by family_Mr. .1. Folsom, of < alPomia, guests of Mrs. c. M. holding a I'd- aim enlcrtninmit at II. .Scar 4,000 att« ided. Dr. Charles settled in Fast Burgess, of Warren. tributes were gave employ- templates y people Watertown, Massachusetts. When Appropriate noon the steamer Richmond ran into and sunk the Mr. F. has secured a as to the of the deceased. if. Moses of was awarded a ment to several (.piimby position stenographer Chase. Mrs. Ming, of and Miss llol. si. »*e! *d11 .... It is rumored that Mr. Cullis, of Boston, who was an intimate the Marine Insurance paid memory Tlie follow- Uucksport hundred people in Waldo county, Pnngor, George friend, Company of Boston was in which were three and in Detroit of ing persons were elected ollieers of the association sloop yacht Nixie, men, number of type writer the ollice the Michi- of M• •• ■ the sermon.Labor was ob- young first premiums, including those for and during his illness those he oncom- brook, Portsmouth, gm*-:- of II. l>. Simpson; Willian: Moodv, allier of W. II \ y I w !. preached Day in Is7.'> he for tne employed organized became one of its ensuing year: President— L. F. Starrett, one of whom, Charles son of I. I„ a served in Portland an excursion to directors, Shepherd, Shep- best floral and best floral to town would gan Central, good position. Mrs. Chadbourne and ..iend, o.f guests lives in the south parr <>i the tow i, had a shoe k <>i by Long w hich Warren; Vice Presidents—E. Merrill design pillow....Mrs. ing tenderly inquire for him and Augusta, Island. Manufactories position he held until tlu* time of his death. O’Brien, herd, of Castine, was drowned. Dennison generally closed, but Thomaston, A. L. Vaughn, and Capt. 1’. Kelley, Belfast, took first on lace with tears dow.i their Police Court Notes. Last week Mr. Frank of ( W Trcvclt, Mr. Thomas and Mr. Lake, of pa'aly-is la-1 week, hut the report has not I»«•• •, all the vessels Warren; Secretary premium coursing checks say: “1 stores were open as usual.Daniel VV. Fes- Nearly Capt. McNear had built Treasurer—I. P. Starrett, Executive in an interview Friday afternoon said: -Lev. Warren; handkerchief; and Mrs. Merrill Hichhorn, Stock- hope lie will live.” His hands at work West was before the court on complaint of Mr. Prooklyn, N. Y., gim.-ts of Mrs. Thomas Crockett; authenticated Mr. lb-ale of \\ i-i.ing: n senden, of Portland, died were turned out from Belfast Carter Committee—Isaac E. Starrett and Edward The shop kept Monday morning, ship yards. wife, collision was wholly unavoidable on the Mr. at tin- (in. starrett and Franklin ton, first on worsted The with tears dimming their and ! Janies P. Wight, for an assault with a dangerous ami Mis. keppler and Mrs. Pooker, of Pos- pre ielic-t Uaptist rliureh in this village aged about lie was for manv years Clerk A: Co. built for him half a wife, Starrett and wife, Gil- part of the and is a result 1 have ex- carriage afghan. eyes falling upon dozen large ships and steamer, long ...Mi-. of was el. rk of bert A. Starrett ami wife, Warren; Win. C. Bur from the habit horse were awarded: Stallion t heir work. When Col. Parties live in Belfast and there has ton, guests of J. "That Comical day afternoon Samuel Harhclder, t'ormei Courts, the Alabama Claims barks and pected, venturesome small craft following premiums Ifcrsey moved to California- weapon. Capl. Spruill. MeGilvery built several. He believed gess and wife, Committee— have of Commission and at Hie time of his death was Thomaston; Obituary sailing near us. The Nixie carried a small for Mr. Priest his been trouble between them. at Prown” will give one of his entertainment.' at Miss Ada ( loekeii, of Taunton, Mas-., was in L. F. Warren. raising gentlemen’s driving horses—If. F. bought handsome house on Church West has been ly clerk of the United that Belfast built vessels were among the best Starrett, brass cannon and it was the intention of the Slates District Court....An- voung Daniel street where he for Mr. week Cnion Hall on of this week. t*1 vv 11 Sunday The I'igli Sehool afloat. men to salute the Richmond. Haley, Monroe, II., 3d; two years old—H. has since resided. It was Mr. work Hugh Harris, and one day last Saturday evening Liberty «).<-.i- other batch of Gardiner sellers were While superintending the of a Young Coodnow, liquor building who was a E. Mr. J. C. Atwood has been sick but is sept. >ili ami starts ml' vvi''i about ■ good sailor, gave up the helm to Shep- Haley, Monroe, Day Dawn, 2nd; three years Priest’s intention to have lived in more ease in the: the men met on the highway between Joseph C. vc»y getting Monday caught napping liy the sheriffs Satur- ship at tins place a chisel fell ,»*oin the house and News of the in deputy Orange*. herd, order to lire the salute. Twice came better.Mr. scholar- — Jlirani Pdis-.Ir. in and their several stocks they old—K. Hopkins, Searsport, Woodland, 2nd; four future. Next spring lie was to have sold out hi:* Townsend's and Mr. Wight’s. West was driving Fdwnrd Clark was thrown from a F-q. and wife were day evening of liquors struck Capt. McNear on the knee a wound about under our very bow and the third time inflicting they < ai one last week and hurt. town .Masonic bodies of this vil fell into the officers’ bands.Seven Biddeford Pride tried it with a fatal result. The steamer years old—W. C. Marshall, Belfast, Prince With- business and after a tour of the west to have re- a yoke of oxen and Wight a milk team. West riage day quite badly Monday-The that, made him a for life. He was Farmers’ Grange, Lincolnviltc, had an was shov- cripple an exact- ed of the summer visitors young men were the Saco river when at first to enable them to then when ers, five old—S. 15. turned and in a less seized a which he had on his cart and as- .Many have returned lagehave held their annual election oti.eer- and sailing up man in open last and will hold keep free, 2nd; years IMUsbury, Unity, engaged trying occupation scythe a ing his business and wanted just what lie meeting Thursday evening a collision seemed was squall struck tlie boat and capsized it. Five Inevitable, stopped and re- When he saulted Mr. but did not inllict to their homes. Among those who have reientlv will have a public installation the last in conwacted similar once a month the fall versed. Bnymont Chief, 3d....The following awards had got ready to live, the fell Wight, fortunately Thursday of them could swim and were for. He was about the meetings during and Everything was done that could possibly destroyer. rescued, but continually were much West found left are Mr. Tarbell and of Providence. this month.\ distinct shock of was winter. The was be done by the steamer’s officials to avoid the catas- made in the art department: Oil Death, removed him from his Held of labor. Mr. injury. was guilty and recog family, earthquake two, Albert Carter, aged lit, and Charles Mich- ship yards and knew every stick of timber that meeting largely attended and painting by trophe. The two occupants of the boat who were nUcd in the sum of Leslie Mrs. Holbrook and family of Poston, Philo Plai> hcardand felt in this in were drowned. Their went into his much interest manifested. A “No No professional artist—1st, Evening on Long Island Priest was a member of Waldo Lodge and the $200-On Friday Capt. vh-indy Monday niorn'iig. el, aged 17, bodies have vessels. He leaves a widow, two farce, Ct(Tc rescued, that the blame was acknowledge altogeth- dell and of Mrs .hum Fer- this v the house of .). < >. .Johnson was shaken been recovered.It is that Rear Ad- er their own and Sound, by Webber of acme Rebekah I. O. O. F. and a Pastt- Bobbins and George Hopkins were before the family, Pennsylvania. illage reported married daughters and a son. Pay," was presented in a creditable manner. that the steamer was in no way Wesley Boston; paint- Lodge respected miral I,nee has consented to withdraw his re- on Miss 11. A. Grand of the former. IIe loved the court on of Janies W. for ry, Master Webster Rich and Mr. s. W.« otlren, of so that it disturbed some vase.- on a mantle. The There were A. It. Miller ami responsible. ing silk, tidy, Snow, Winterport, institution for complaint Capt. White, to lie songs by Mrs. Mary quest relieved of the command of the This statement is 2nd, the same first Us humane and in an assault Poston.Miss Alb.e Lairabee lias returned to horse of AL.ed Knov. ton shook so tl-.u tin di-lies Death of Captain Treat. and recitations LcoIIci.ick fully corroborated by the pas- premium for hanilpaintcd principles, turn the order loved upon him. Capt. White said be was North Atlantic squadron.At the recent Henry Young by and young sengers on board, and among the number was Mr. banner and 2nd on painting on satin, a table ami honored him. He is the first Past Grand the hauling his vessel, sch. Lillian, through the Upper Lynn-Miss M\ rn Frederick has gone to Poston. and the w iudow rallied The di.-hc- w ere .-halo n meeting of the Governor and Council tlie Pitcher. The meeting was enjoyed by every one Captain Henry Treat died at his home in 11. F. Wells, of this who testifies to scarf—L. A. of has lost. Mr. Priest was also a Mason one last and had a line out to a .Mrs. .1. F. Howell left for Nan Francisco on so in (.'apt. IL s. house that Mrs. ran names of F’rauk Anderson, of Camden, and J. George- present. city, the efforts Dow, Searsport, exhibited eight lodge and Bridge day week, Ayer's Ayer on B. town, Del., last, made the steamer to avoid the collision of his herd of headed Oxford a member of Phoenix He was on and w as at the w inch. Bob- to her husband’s out doors in a It was fell at Loring and Amos I). Ornc, of Rockland, as Friday aged nearly seventy by and to 30, by Lad, 71,050, 3d Lodge. buried dolphin heaving Capt. Wednesday morning join ship Light. distinctly He was horn in Honesty Grange, Morrill, has been special liquor constables were laid on the table years. Frankfort, Me., Sept. 22, holding very the promptness with which aid was extended to prize; the cows Uuby, 2nd, 2 years old; Victorine Wednesday at Stockton where Mrs. Priest’s people bins, inasanull scow', which was also bound through there.Mrs. M. C. Willard bus returned from McFarland's corner and houses were -hakcu on all for next when a will be 1>>17. He was a interesting meetings through the summer; rain those in 7 hill. A man who was meeting, hearing given successful shipmaster for ten the Witter. 0th, years old; Maid Marion 4th, 0 years old; reside. At the request of the deceased the (hid the bridge,came near, anchored and swung against her visit to Portland, accompanied by her daugh- Solon young in the middle to any persons interested for or their years, after which he engaged in commercial or shine the patrons meet at their hall every Wed- against pur- Fanny, 10 years old; bull calf Lad, 7 the Fellows conducted the burial services and a his vessel. Bobbins made his craft fast to ter, Mrs. Charles Howes— Mrs. Jane of Lake George says he heard it and confirmation.Mr. suits at Cardenas, for months; large Capt. Simpson distinctly Frank B. Shaw, wife of Cuba, nearly thirty years, nesday evening. after a The Mackerel Fishing. a Immediately haying grand eight months old heifer and Jonnctte 2d. number of the memliers followed his remains to returned from her visit to New York on that it sounded like thunder, but there was not a the engineer of tlie steamer Henry doing very extensive and successful business. yearling, C’apC White’s. White ordered Hopkins, one of Saturday Morrison, For live he grange supper and special entertainment M r. Dow took suicided years past has been associated with literary second prize on herd. .The Stockton. The funeral services were conducted to cast off the which lie refused 'ast.The follow directions from an cloud in the s*»y. H. L. l'avson was in the wnod- early Monday morning Tho long looked for mackerel have around Bangor Bobbins’men, line, ing expert by hanging bis son, Charles If. Treat, in business at was enjoyed. Last the follow- got herself in her little Esq., Wednesday night Commercial has the following notes on the art by the Rev. L. M. Barrington. The flowers were to do. White then went aft to cast off the in the business will be of value to and heard it distinctly. L to be of about daughter’s swing. She Georgetown, and was the treasurer of the .Sussex Cnpc Cod and made their appearance on the Maine Capt. persons picking appeared was 11. ing was introduced as a pnrt of the enter- Fanny Shea, of Bath, and was Mr. evening’s exhibits: The done in water of profuse, the family and friends some line when assaulted him. White took a for l."> seconds duration. A was here •om forty- Manufacturing Company. Treat had been coast. The steamer arrived at portrait, colors, contributing Hopkins corn canning purposes First sec that the ear gentleman one of She had for several tainment : 1st, Lillie Pearson and seining Novelty years age. been sick a year failing months past, and suffered a par Hong by Allen the little of Ed. handsome the boarders in the house •club but I tenure he Bobbins full th. lilirkettville who it was felt in that Portland last woek with 470 barrels daughter Capt. Littlefield, of spec-linens, struck Capt. attacked has attained its grow This is readily ascot says plainly or more. Insanity was Hie cause.Sirs. alytic attack week before last in Philadelphia Daggett; 2nd, Hclcct Sister Althea caught in ten from Heading by Winterport, attracts much attention. It is life adding an appropriate piece, wli* e a him, threw kim down, his knees in his tabled it. If it feels full then turn down but to state not a in the the “old of tlie Boston which he never recovered, lie leaves a days. w ill net *12,000. Within a month she large placed by feeling locality, strange person Vincent, lady’’ Mu- “John’s or They widow, three sons ami two llcrry; ltd, Dialogue, Wife, Horrowing has over the canvas five of of stores or mills or seum Company is dead.Tlie Theatre daughters to mourn stocked *20,000, besides the $20,000 in the size, being feet high by three feet pillow' white flowers with the typical three stomach and struck him in the face. Capt. White a little of the husk at the end of the ear and pinch vicinity the heard felt any Royal their loss. Mr. Charles II. Treat and his The at youngest Cured;” 4th, Dialogue; 5th, Tableau; Oth, Kccita- spring. Novelty got 338 barrels at one haul 'vide. The likeness is links in was of it. it as Exeter, England, caught lire Monday night perfect, the coloring good wrought flowers, presented by mem- "was corroborated by bis crew and the draw tender. it with your thumb nail. If the milk readily thing All that heard agree to the time daughter, Lillian, were with him when he died. tion Sister Carrie Pearson. off Chatham; big fellows, many of them weighing during the of by The dialogues were and pose artistic. This is from the bers of bis The of ‘.J a. m. local—and also as t" performance "Romany Rye,” His w ife was in Maine, too ill to reach his bed side three pounds. galleries of lodge. centre link in the chain The respondents denied the charge. They were spurts out and the grains appear well grown, yet day—about agree and was The loss of life was licfore his death. His especially good, the characters well sustained and destroyed. very remains w ill lie brought to The total catch of the mnckerc) fleet to date has Hcrrity & Co. The only painting on porcelain is was broken. Besides the handsome property White to haul through the tender, and the silk is about half dead it is about the sound and duration, but no two agree as to At last accounts fiO bodies Maine for burial. ^insisting Capt. bridge. great. had lieen re- the lesson taught Invaluable. been but 20,431) barrels; same time last year, 10,884 the Herman Nun by Miss Lida P. Swazcy, of accumulated by Mr. Priest lie had $7,000 life insur- Hopkins refused to cast off the line because he was to With care, strict attention and a the direction of the sound. They have located it moved, and the death roll had reached 140. barrels; same time 1885,186,872 barrels; same time right pluck. and is of the The of In 1884,180,142 barrels. Uucksport very favorably commented upon. ance—$4,000 in the American Legion of Honor not ordered to do so by his captain when, lie says, little common sense, pickers w ill soon become so from all points compass and would have Metropolis, Jacksonville, Fla., Is one of The proprietors of the Watervllle Mall Tlie Aubum Speaker is to lie the title of propose The schooner John Plummer, arrived at Port- The free-hand drawing of horses’ head done ami $.»000 in the &ate No death 'White assaulted him. Bobbins White hit his It more directions if there had been more Harry the brightest dallies that conics to our by Bay Beneilciary. says expert that they w ill seldom pick an ear that is too given evening to publish an evening to be called the Even- land Saturday afternoon with two hundred and Andrews’ new We for dally Miss Abbott of is the In Belfast for some time has cast such a foot the hatch and fell and he was and Ambrose twin broth- weekly newspaper. speak table. It gives the news of the world In a barrels of Daisy Winterport, portrait gloom against dowrn, young or too old. It is especially important never points_Albert Cargill, nut ing Mail, and arc nlso, as before to fifty mackerel, which nt the market on stated, publish rate will of a liorsc owned Mr. 1*. II. or Winter- over the from are their A. P exchange. shell. stock *6200. The vessel was out but one by Chiimc community as has the death of Mr. Priest. not assaulted. The men were lined $.’> each and to pick one that is too old, and whenever you are ers, Chicago, visiting uncle, the Home Farm. week. port. He leaves no children. I •costs, from which they appealed. in doubt it is better to leave it. Cargill. Scar-spurt Local*. Islksiioro. A large number <»f the friends of Belfast Capt. Thomas K. Williams, of this town, met at Opera House, Tin* tVkcts in V lh vi rai'x’s quilt are selP ig his home on Monday evening to witness the un- ONE NIGHT ONLY, rapidly. folding of a night blooming cereus. The flower measured ten inches across. The was < Itil.b-en’s sermon, with special hymns at Cong, occasion made a social one and a most .he-eh next Sunday morning. agreeable evening Honda; 12,1887. was passed with the genial captain. Evertitjept. < \\ >. Crowell of bark Wakefield made a apt. APPEARANCE OK TI1E IIIATIMil'ISHED ACTRESS n r Campkn. Gen. John 1). town last week. Bust, of ltockport, has di -rt \i~it in ____ been appointed Acting Vice Consul for the Ilaytian M, ... j j. Meirill A. Son have made extensive Government at this port. Large quantities of Under the of j„ the westerly side of their dam. MILE. Weight the Immense ,..., ire are being shipped to Hayti by the ltockport RHEA, There is a larger number of received here \.u- u.is by telegraph Tuesday b*e Company....Miss Charlotte W. Colburn and -SIPPORTEB BT- -|!:o:||- .. .-j?!. ( apt. Isaac Closson, was sunk off Miss Lena Pierce, of Belfast, were among recent Soldiers’ Monuments visitors, and Mrs. It. E. White, of Belfast, is visit- EDWARD -> kMR. BELL, erected from interesting artiele from Capt. K. I*. Nichols ing her brother, T. K. Simonton, Esq—There vveie being And Her Own Draniallr Company. ENDORSED BY BETTER AMD «i. mu hroniele will lie found on the first page of eighteen foreign clearances from this port during j In W. S. Gilbert s thi- week’s Journal. the month of reunion or- Mythological of if Benner Comedy Fan August-The _J | AS CHEAPER SCIENTISTS THAR curved at Hosmcr’s Pond last About a j WHITE BRONZE I xi Jes-ie Nieliols and Mrs. Inez Nickels left Friday. j Mmi lu ster, N. If., to attend the Con hundred persons were present and “a jolly good the United States than from Monday, ll'c have made special efforts, and will convince all that throughout time" was what those of it. PRACTICALLY ANY other material. It has had a -i hool in that city. present said This was j any hard | the their lirst and the oflieers were struggle for last twelve years to over- 1. it- will be made to have the bell three meeting following rung -PRICES :- come, the staid old Xew chosen L. -OURS IS THE STORE- prejudices of >■ Chairman, Minot Telman; President, n< a day. A paper \v; 11 be in e'rculaCon to MestrnctiMe STONE. I but it has succeeded. There is W. Reserved Seats. England, Benner; Vice Presidents, W. N. Benner, A. M. ; $1.00 a in its nnmey for the same. TO BUY A I scarcely County broad, domain Benner and Warren Benner; Secretary and Treas- .75 but what in some of its Cemeteries yon ! •.. -tt Miner will make an e.xeur- Mary Morgan 1 Over 500 Send for will a Geo.W.Burkett urer, C. A. Benner; Committee of arrangements, Admission.. find representative of WHITE i! from to next Ilangor Searsport Sunday, Cyrus Benner, Tillson Benner and Moses Newhert; Children.25 Beautiful Price List A B li 0 XZ E e ith < r in clam bake on the beach near the wharf, on obit, A. on music, W. N. Benner. Seats now on sale at l’o< »U l| Benner; A SON’S. Designs. I! Circulars. ^Monument or v :t of fresh meat could be in The Fine or Tablet.^ p.iund bought next be at lev's Suit will held Fall meeting Fey Corner, Overcoat .w ii two or three days of last week. The Waldoboro, next year—Mr. William Lee, of the Stylish MONR OE Announces the arrival of a a: k- t .m u. most of them, were absent at the Boston publishing linn of Lee & shepherd, with of the most desirable style and, fashionable material, made and 1 is the town in WALDO to liingtir fair. his daughter, has been spoil*ling a few days at the trimmed equal to custom work. first COUXI'Y look upon the beauties of White Bronze. a William Tapper, who is interested in the cottage of Mrs. Waldron. Mr. Leo is an admirer n 1'hey have, erected a SOLDI F]If S MOXU- ■ .t 1'iuiiif at Pninswiek, his of Camden's natural attractions and a believer in : are (ja., with a^ui'cl^*® MENT that is an honor to the town and a ..ii ! sou, have been visiting Capt. Deveretix her future as a summer resort-The current nutn Our Stock of credit to the veterans who has caused it to be ber of School & Dress contain.- a of views Suits re. iiid family. [ Harper's Weekly page jjleasantjSafe Boys’ ]>laced the of Rockland and Camden, ae* a de- and sure W. It another [ ompanied by Mi >a\vycr gave of those popular fjfegj IS TUB BEST ASSORTED ! MAGNIFICENT STOCK scriptive article. The sketches were made 1>\ the -• «• Cure .: .11- •. th, steamer Mary M-.rga.i last Fri- for dis- White Bronze is not Pewter or distinguishe*! artist Hairy Fcnn, and are admit*- MANUFACTiTRFD BY prtwccn forty and fifty availed themselves ordered I veaiWe monumental bronze j ably executed. company. I .port unity for a trip dow o the bay. cr W IN BRIDGEPORT. CONN. Sheet Zinc! Fuki:im»m. The Springfield, Mass., Hailv N* .v stomac.^' CHILDREN’S SUITS M J. < More-head and wife, who have just re. -OF- of Aug. 31st, says “Conductor Beane of ilie street indirjest/on.dv5-^( roili a we show a It is a metal the same as GOLD and tin' earth and •>!' its I trip to Par Harbor, are w ith Mrs. j great many novelties. Our large facilities enable us to E1LVE11, day from imrOitd railroad severs bis conuecti n with the company nervous offer < > ru> Small, of South P.»tun, ami M's> j peps ia, constipation, dross in the same manner that and silver is. to his ! our Customers gold I day, lty obliging and gentlemanly ways ho beadac/ie special inducements of 1.0 it' PRICES. X' it in*m ."l Newton, Mass., a/e shipping at or^eneral debtI'ty, bas won the respect and good will of tin pair m- ;n 'port House. lassitude,diseases otvYompiT, It will not or Moss **f the road. He leaves for hi- lunne in Maine at j ICC SOP. Corrode,Rust,Discolor,Crack Up. s11 Miner l.m p. Miller on her ri\er call 2'c. far up tr«p once where he owns a fast and \; iuable ••••It, which Neatly put up > stiff The. are at a distance. M to leave for several Athlobhoro Remedies are A Fill Limof or soft hats. lettering is all in RAISED LETTERS, that legible (great freight i*> Latest Jt< Friday he iuieiKls train for the t»*a< kThis item niters sojd by Styles in Send o cents for* superiority over in this is immense. White Bronze. IS NO T WHITE. < Mu bundled 1 'all cj granite, respect and thirty Italians on her to M i. .1. W. I tea lie, of Freedom, the owner of : he ruofliyt.v colored In color it is about the same as LIGHT GREY GRANITE. White Bronze, is its trade .1 \e her mueb tlie the beauTi'ful very appearance of one ol prom -ing young lilly “Maud B." au*l show s how pkture,the\ name to it is a article, The d ini. ; REMEMBER every article is marked in no banter- distinguish from Dark Bronze, which different altogether. in k.i um-.-rs w.e ii'i-d A\oopi5H filPIcphoroiCo.iti rt'alISf-N.Yj plain figures, to read of in ante our Waldo county boys arc appreciated in other manufactories have increased from ONE to SE VEX. lb ,n s. lybonrm but a and day State- ... F*u* -«un«* time past it lias been known lug, fair square, treatment to all at m "■ ( oil,, tor J H. s*ul'i\an entered bark that eidei was being sold in and about our illag*. have been intoxicated and it i- A. E. CLARK & CO. “TOPM?"" 11• 'garth, < apt Hairis, from Androsson, Boys frequently SIO Howard- a desired t*» break the u We have that for artistic merit are Also Monument that h»a. (. HindA !; ii wharf at -sandy Point for the use of having vicinity v.'orthport Ave -Il-n-ll- nre. < an be 1,-n at the < his breatli. After eonsuliation with several lead- .1.mvaial ifliee. i--w i•• •;»t. The bark w lien discharged will Ih lfast, Mr A ter. 25, iv.,.-; 4if Church citizens of the State Constable Mil. hell ;>Hayforcl Block, St., Belfast.*^ > Pangor and load spool wood for Scot- ing place We have also a Large Stock of Marble Monuments and Tablets decided to arrest the boy and if possible lin.l from MARRIED. on and select have a assortment him where he got his eider. !!*• <-ailed on the boy j handy designs to from. He good of Mi'v I*i:l h- Fowler met w ith a severe acei 1 and had a long talk, but the boy refu-ed to say Marble Shelves Iron Vast Iron :i i.i't suturdav. In attempting to elosea blind In t1.. C;t.. sept. ’..by liev. ii. C. Wentworth, and Brackets, Vases, Honqnet Holders, whether he had been or not. He | drinking was ;ii-. Melv in ( M a. !, and M is.-. ( art ic l*i. both Flower in the Crosses and Stars, .ifso French tml« w .dm- dow and in her to J Simmons, SAMPLE Receivers, shape of Wreaths, Suits n, efforts rai-e Combination | rested and arraigned Wednesday. Aug. .‘list, before of I'.ell'aM. Metal ■ ■ >ne "I Wreaths, Crosses, Anchors, tSc., glass was broken eulting a small art hi I.in< 'bailie, {, ! Trial Justice!,. II Rich, (on* man I« -tiii«•«l that sept. by Mathews, K-.p, In-r \\rist, whieli bled •>» badlv that two j lies. (i. It. snnlord and 'I: sauianlha A Uo-vr-, That arc turtle from PRESSED ZINC, anti painted to resemble the natural trad beautiful | he found him by file r**adsi i* that !.<• thought rim j I•• • the 1,0 WEST. dead, that lie -hook him, .-poke to him. rolled him in M irrill. >< i>:. !. at the resiak Hill a< a I of'placing Two b**v testiti. d that they were w ith him :tl! dav iouldshoro, a in I satv.ii < «•. milts, of \ i nal ha veil. the summer. For sale Ir. all ■i \ assail*<.r<’. On arrival then he found In I'.iirkctiv ille. A u r. 2s, W. I*lake, of st. Druggists. -a *• one hour, ami that did not .-.<•»• him drink. l.cor^e they to -!•_•:*. and !»or.i II. of I ■ •-ol building ii: a-hcs, it l»een hum Hart, Appleton. having Tee hoy himself testified that lie “fooled the mail In rills wort 2 b Fancy] j h, \ua. H. and PlaIds^ Henry Hindus Lelies’ Flue Hand Sewed French] Novelties;] I mol'liiaa A all the I■ otlier -tU'cMt:- -1 by playing drunk, etc." The Justice di.-ehat.ved } Mi^s Nettie li. lhtrsons, botii of I Jar Harbor. ua>i with them, one In "birry. Ai:rr. 2 presume dunged fee-. M i lei tell tin* I Prof, ib-vven for ; N ■a a oaiTow e-< ape the State. Walter Hussey for the defendant. top BOOTS, OtEIO. if WASN’T TH AT KIWD. a. d he farm of A. \Y >rk "1 rem-a .■;■ t in* >, a J; i»• -1 p from the buildings li. man, of thi town, 4'Mfi'ii'■ -" ; ~i •- " re burned :.i. is vo'i in !i’b with tin -ail thi- Ult.. and heilig rapidiy last >aturday night b»gt tiier with In tins ity, Sept, i, William M. I Tie si, :;yeuo* ri!'l:« don’t for heart burns”— In tin- 7, Marie I»isi;v< PilshuiA, say dat, ni_. be a iyer. a; 1 II ear-. -i '-in. hun""ei| and fifty pounds. The vv iien done vv ill give credit to th*- buiMers_M rs. i lint, ‘Tilda, it a'i'i t lat k;nd.” 1 *: this e-t >ept. Ii. .John ||;. .1 7 ear anil Helling less than It costs to make them. I?1 ALL Till-: L\Ti; FALL•COLORINGS]^ i' 'I ill la- taken to “Never \<>u m: it must be Soods. Mn-liani" Geo. is New Kail.-, while the (iovveii still failing also Mi id, M,n; indigestion Store. New gradually i months. l tiiei! wrat t»i:ii;es so Tlusc arc 1 e you look -lum, and mt f/ot.'ls manufactured a 11111 e v gee.- to < UiltOll M ‘1 will he llUtll- Elder. Ill this eit;, Sept. b. Mrs. A n:• l.ihhy, wife of the samples, bale .b.hit .»*: o months. ami arc I there I" Ihxiield. I,'ihliy, ayeil years D. K.’S all (/taxl style, fresh Shoes, and In Mont\:i!e, ii. Lizzie Stevens, -27 Sept. Mye;l are .7 l 1 W. (’. T. >' v 1M rr e 1-2, ami 1-2 in size. ■*<-1 Show the Stock oL> ;.Ii• Mii> given Mr and Mrs. |>e| a am! Indigestion i|ii;eker and Any Lady Largest !u \\ iM. .Inly .Mena .i., «!auyhter of A. !,. eUaiiie*' li.an yon ran vob a lien roost, Misuv ••din- these, sizes can a Hoot worth .. < .mg. -oriel;. and Sunday school at wearing (pi Tin- Mate ( >>mentioii of 1 lit Woman's ( iiri-ti.in ami August: \ S\\ exr. nyt <1 '2 ears. II mouth.-. s' t-oo* day. 1 from *2.00 to for *2.2d to *2. Id. 'day evening. The loom was tartc In I ’a lerm* *. Amr. la. I >eae.»n .C'-epli s. Perkins, l>o"! <:iilih.“2l and Tremont St., l*ostoi>, attention lias se- I'nion will mu in Aulitmt Special been to the Temperance September s \. -e < I I'a mo nth ami ! 'l hi a bo\ of Dr. Mark K. Woodberv’s paid y> D\s- 1 ... mg'd for the occasion and a. large ..in- year.--, «l:iy-. -sth, -!*tli and ;>ut!i. Tin* Inum will he entertained In !»oekport, Auy. J- -lames Mi-I.ain, :tye«l 71 ne biM«*rs!iy mai', to any |»a. t of ihe S. ‘on i' >\a- -etit. The YOUTHS was & s MEN’S' I'M reeeption informal, hy til** union of Lew'shm. Mi- Willard will at I ivee’ot of ed cents, or a trial box fov*2."» cents. CHILDRENS7B0YS, years. 1 lection of a taking part in speech making. A pre-ent tend, speaking on flu- evening of tin- guru. The In Appleton. Any. Jb, Vim-ent W(*yim»uth, ayo ami *.* months. $1.75 Tie $1.25. d.:r- wa^ donated Mr. Morrill as a slight World’s Woman's Christian T« mperanre I ahm ,a | In Appleton. Any. ;»u,.lolm Yt’ilson Sprayue. ay ■! i"1 the «if the serv appreciation ices rendered high-easte Hindu widow will -peak .11 t!:.- even | *2'e years, m ami !> 'lays. ■ -' of the :><»th, ami tin- annua i '■:: of tl:<* ‘-fate In leu. .. i-. t v hy him in past years. The funds ing Cam An.:. -J'i, Maml A liaiyliter of < h Pre-blent. Mrs. I.. M N. sjevt »,_. will he en on I .*• vears ami ii months. A $1.60 Kid for $1.00 !*■ gi\ I.’iehar'ls, ayeil Opera expended in an easy chair, that when the tin- Closing Slipper of gsfh. In Out $ale evening Poekiaml, Any. -J'.*, Su-an, wite of .le.iin I.. 1 i.det Met ril-coming home wearied with 1,’ee'l. aye I .Vt years. to $1.15, 1 "i- In t'nioii, Any. ^S. Melville li. -2< to of tin- dry -hall recline for rest in the Tin? old tea lirni of A. A. I.mv ,v Brother-,! IJipiey, ayeil ^2ln the at the Lowest Priees> Match the Same. ami mouths. City of wliieii Setli Low \vu- years — — — Trimmings chair, hi- he turned ol' .!//'/ as thought- may <:.\-Mayor Brooklyn (‘ In Poekiaml. Amos H. T.'i OF Withers (‘ifualfy cheap.- a tnemher. has • Id- man’ ,'iend- in >ear-port. \ ears. mn.e:x art genuine IfAXJ) H11 WITD goads I In Poekiaml, Am:-. Alonzo W on of William A New Line of Mens, Womens & Children’s lift. John Scarlett, t'rang*. N. .1.. reports Jus ami hla IJritto, ayeil months. anil are eery -aft and ,- years ami months. they fling •••« -r-l.-r ..f III.- II. I Ilali”. ilii; In \\ al'loboro, \ny. li.lwiii Aehorn. aye«l 7s 1 ■- Skin and disease- mi /» //•,,/!.• t,« the -late Fair with his hor-o-.... Scalp 1.... years ami months. All other Hoots find Shoos ut Hot- BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERS. skin sii''1 a■ -- .-l'-an-t ointment heal-. I m.e bine- have -map -, s*,dd In Castiie-. Any. Alexamhn I*., .tom s. ;>s h'i:g -tinted out for their K II. aye Sill.USD VEUY l.OW In < a: line, Miss Kli/.a '7 judge Kahwav, N. ,1.; the late l*n-t. Ar Any. Hay, ayeil • Park Saturday afternoon- The Tvvomhlv Hyep, ears ami 7 months. 111111' partner, and others, !estil'\ to valm of palm on/ of In < a-tine. >. Sarah <»• -The Intlaner of nil/ Eire (,'inids (it In r/osed frss.'hait DALE ED/C,’\. Pros, have begun on theii bridge .ion ...‘•’I ! at cv'~ Skill -MieO'ss for all skill diseases. Sept. Itrown, ayeil j years, h months ami lu .lays. < ninieal Prown i- eoming in n next Monday ! W. have extra and to ! ^ Bro-.. «»i T. IfhWe Doctors oiing leading grocer- New- -/face carried ticer a LA DDE S’]’()('K ot just employed experienced help veiling and one is a to a COLBURN, every getting ady enjoy j port, K. I., report an I- wars' ea-e ot psoriasis 1 eiir*-d lean. laugh, lie alvvay ha- a lull In use hero. hy Palmer's Nkin 1 wait upon our large and growing trade, and shall make the great- -P*-\. d A. ui Ih iia.-l will in McCiintock't; Block, High St. >avage preach <• Palmer’s Skln-Surccss positiwl;. e. skhidi- I C- 1 -n 1 h ii re h in Atom. .-nexi Sunday at .J r. ea-c-. >oap ami < *intmeiit, eleansi and heal. IlHfast, S«*pt. |»7.— * est efforts to move of than ever. Our vi -iand.aI'd time. larger quantities goods Kcv. D. V. Arnold, ! >alt Blieuui ?Palmer'- *skin n !\ 'I'in* work <.a ihe mere ca.li ,. 117// If stt/d tint UFA !*. will be made lew in order to increase the sales. bridge progresses Success. >old 1»\ K. II. Moody. Front las/ season that sliyhtly •lamayctl by Jir< a.nd prices attractively under the supervision of our selectmen. ! i. oi a- Jewelry Don't hnt conn as are Thankful a,>d good weather as tin- hist and delay immediately they se/liny fast. for past pah onay SHIR NEWS. ! v\ will he finished, and it is done in a --hoplay to receive. continuance of (he same.- To make room in and ._!!.,*•!! -a for finish 3. >eli lines '!<>, ding bad! and -mn are digging to save Sept Ibdmcs IIvan, Carriages Sept Sell J. Ponder, .If., Bullock, in. an. <»ne farmer told me he had got hut MARK SAiu:n. ANDREWS, eli Ware Sept Earl, Closson, Bo-tou. Goods & Small : ■ " do has been ill so has to Pan 11 Fhcenix Me. long, gone A.MKURAN fOUTS. GREAT REDUCTION! Row, Belfast, Fancy bo l|-w weeks, the will he hoping change New York, Aug-29. Arrived .-ehs Sarah I. Davis, M VS()M(: TEMPLE, ■ a eli' ia! to her health. Burge—; E II Harriinan, Wood: Annie E MeKecii. Mahoney; and Annie II Lewi-, Lewi.-, -CONSISTING Ol'- !- < \sii\i Particulars of Bangor: -OEFARTMEISTT the drowning accident 30th, arrived sell Fannie «V Edith, Jonc.-. Bangor; mi i-i week are given in another place. Our 31-t, arrived seh A llayford, Warren. I In. Maud: Until Closed Out. 3d, sailed 11 II Tlioni:; .'nil, ar -p- -lit of the death of is ship Melbourne; Hair Make It No Mistake -ay- Shepherd rived seh Florida, Warren, Juek.-om iile. POWDER Pins, Mta,Scarf Pins, fc, e' nat he be. ame entangled in the sail and Baltimore, Aug 30. Cleared seh FC Pendleton, Absolutely Pare. gelling cheap, Something new. lull and see them. Boston: arrived sell a- Ii was a good swimmer, and was seen Fletcher, Daylight. llo.|gd<*n, This never varies. A marvel of be stocked with ail the cleared 31-t. powder purity, Will fully Baltimore, (and — b r. jn-t he|ore the Imat strength and uholcsonieness. More eeouontieal TIIK FINEST SELECTION OF put out. Large 30. Arrived sclis Charlotte Bangor, Aug Buck, than the kind-, and enenot he onl in<'0111 «•- men have been < ordinaly Now is iiie to a for tlie Pendleton, Bo-ton ; do ; cleared your dragging body, >dcll, Wade, 31-t, petition witli the multitude of the low test, short iw E.L. Bean’s " Oli sells David Faust, Rondout; Lizzie Poor, su.*ce-s— .The Normal School opened Dickey, weigh!, alum or phosphate powders. Solti on Ip in Ladies & Gent’s Boston; Sept 3d, eleared sells Charlotte Bm-k, I’eii 18 TliK PLACE TO GO TO FIND ■he doth. At the end of the can*, iloi \t. !».\KIN<; 1'owi>i-;k Co., ]«m; \Vall\St., first week dleton, New York; Hannibal, Paw- Pendleton, N. V. lyr.Vi g;b. r i- about bo, a smaller showing than us- tucket; 4th, arrived sell Welaka, Cottrell. CARRIAGE! 31. Arrived A I '1- Pev'.s Cushman and Anderson ex Philadelphia, Aug ship Lucy Prime Goods with Prices Low. Nickels, Nichols, Havre. ■n Sunday la-t.Prig Woodbury, ('apt. Providence, Aug *29. Arrived sell John Lenth w' ice-laden, from Pangor, for Nassau, al, Parker, Bangor; 3oth, arrived seh Jlarmona, Coe at as I am to M'd at \\ adsvvorth's Pendleton, Bangor. ICARTERfSl Once Sell. C4ive, Friday, and sailed (ioini Bueksport, Aug 31. Arrived seh Just; Stover, OF AMERICAN MAKE, AN UNPARALLELED MARK DOWN. I 1 Pi ’g Stewart of Harry Pangor, Capt. A rev, New York. " <■' shall oiler ever offered in this city at BOTTOM I'lilfKL and for the NEAT TI1IKTV DATS '-'"ii I’dakc of arrived on Newbury port, Sept 3. Sailed sell F Cor- Prooksviilc, Snl- Mary TERMS as as ran son, for an eastern to SUIT. rlieap you huy the imitation of American " Robinson, port and will be in of an will i*h 4oo tons of <*oaI for ( astine Coal Co. make of peddlers. Also charge experiened clerk whose attention Fcrnandina, Sept *2. Arrived sell Ridgewood, Weaver, New York. 138 Fairs of Hens & Faits >w ,\ u.i.i II. I). Mi-Kccu and Boys’ W. C'. Maiden Richmond Ya. Sept 2. Arrived seh Ahhie C E. F. be to it. HA2TS02T. marked down as follows: specially given M o day for the Maine Central Institute Pitts "tubbs, Pendleton, Kennebec. Haven, 3. Arrived L it' Maine-F. II Nickerson, of the Vineyard sept brig Stajdes, !si'pi. s, issT.—a: 5 pairs from *4.50 to $3.40. 4 Pairs 4.50 lo 3.1?. Principal D pairs 3.00 lo 1.00. 4 pairs 2.50 to 2.00. 10 returned from Po.-ton and vicinity last week 29. Arrived SILVER WARE. Portsmouth, Aug seh Lucia Porter, xiness. Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after eating, pairs 2.50 lo 1.75. 3 pair* 2.50 to 1.50. II re visited Baltimore, Susan \ most ihey friends ...James II. Lewis and Grindle, Pickering. Haskell, Pain in tin* Side, c. While their remark- pairs 2.00 to 1.50. 3 pairs 2.00 to 1.25. 1' Amboy. able success 1ms boon shown in " L- 1 Ka-tman of Poston returned to P. curing 40 pairs 1.25 to 1.00. 8 pairs 1.25 Portland, Sept3. Arrive*l sell Mark Pendleton, Hollow Ware SSL lo 75c. 3 pairs 1.25 loll5c. 10 THAYER & i'a!day Mr-. Kastman is an artist and while in Pendleton, New York. ADAMS, pairs 1.00 lo 75c. 3 pairs w u executed -ome Darien, 2. Arrived seh Florence Hosiery, fine oil painfings of residences Sept Leland, 1.00 to 115c. New York. re. Mr. Lewis is Adams, in the employ of McDonald We have received our SPUING STOCK of Boston, Sept 3. (’leared brig 1 »on Jacinto, French, CK EWELERS> v ani Glasses Portlaiul st., wholesale confectioners ... Bangor. Ilcadnehe.ye* Cartes sLittle Liver Pills are equally BOYS’ Spectacles Eye the valuable in and ol every I make a ol' bu.-y season i- over the interest in Comet POItKICN 1' UtTS. Constipation, caring preventing description. speciality -ROOM PAPERS!— this annoying complaint, while they also correct Olasses and give parllru'ar attention to lilting lITOir STREET. BE EE.I ST. *• g, is The Also a UOt III STOCK o' reviving. members at their last j London, Aug 30. Arrived ship Louis Walsh, all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver the eye. My prlecs will be ONH-IIAI.K tower ■ New York. Feb. 2‘i, 1887.—Iyr45is ng voted to have a good old fashioned Harvest Pendleton, and regulate the bowels. Kvca if they only cured than peddlers charge I'or same goods. j 10. Sailed seh A Underwear, Carrie i“ xt Aspinwall, Aug Lane, Oil * Cloth % Monday evening, and earnestly and j Dyer, Tuspuu. Carpeting! ! dly invite each and every member with their ] Pori Spain, Aug *20. In port bark Beatrice Hav- ^Watches, Clocks and Jewelry^ in widths of 1 yard, 1‘4 yards, l‘£ yards, ami 2 'ii ,v ener, Havener, New York, t<> bo prose t ...Mr. L. \V. Cunningham (arrived 3d.) yards. Price 25c., 33c. and 3$c. square yard, Melbourne, 1. Arrived bark cleaned and repaired at the LOVVKNT prtrrs. In j ■' Sept Penobscot, HEAD iainu h hi- steamer 10th at 2 r. who Hats a thorough and workmanlike manner. .Saturday Sept. Eaton, New York. Ache would he almost to those & -WK SELL AS j they priceless? CJOOl)- M It being Hood tid<* ) -he being the first craft Turks Island, Aug 27. In port brig II C Sibley, euib r fr< >in this distressing complaint; hut fortu- Caps! for their does not end and those Yarn | to sail in about two *’• kind ev er Ilichborn, Aspinwall, nately goodness here, SI1)K HILL PLOWS Flannels, ;,,l> launched on our Lake doubtless weeks. who once try them will find these little valu- H. H. McDonald. Knitting pills <• ;i crowd will assemble to witness the scene. 10. Sailed able in so that will not nc as there is in the market. A ml we think the Denierara, Aug brig Stockton, Allen, many ways they willing lie June 1SS7. Boston. to do Put after all sick Hast, 2, 1m band will be in attendance_The Ladies Aid without them. head Rio Janeiro, Aug. 10. Sailed Ned White, Horse Rnk<\ ^ will meet with Mrs. brig ch-ty Pose Poyal Sept. 15th. Ellwell, New York; with ll.ooo hags collce at 12 -WE KEEP- .. M r. Charles King and family of Poston, Mass. cts. Scotch, ire in i■ **.vn, tic gu-.-fs «.f T. .-.mart_Crace A M VKITIMK MISCIXLAX 1 AO HE Immense s<> man v i. vvs that here is where we Bargains! N'ukei-on, Plaiichc Ford and Spoken, Ship Joseplius, Rogers, from New York Is the banc of PAINTS and Blankets, Philip Creeley are OILS, Spanish, for San Francisco July la, lat. 12 N. Ion. 30 W. make our great boaat. Our pills cure it while PAINT NOW! a'! e.iding Hampden Academv. and in hurt, most e.’cr^ Soli. Moses Eddy came off the Marine railway others do not. thing esua’ly kept in a at Vineyard Haven Aug. 3a. and sailed for New Carter’s Little Liver Pills are very small and —IN— Good Weather. Rest Time of Year. country s*orc, a.ul sell at, LOW V'VCES. stockton. Germantown, Mr. \v. a. Bice, representing the York. very easy to take. One or two make a dots*. pills Mir'Come and see ns and ive wV show yon Unit we Council of Ship J. Morse ha* been chartered al Tiiey are strictly vegetable ana do not gripe or Supreme the order of the Cnited Fel- Llewellyn do just ns we ode* tisc New York to load 47,000 eases relined oil for Cal- purge, but by their y-title action j lease all who Our IQ Per Cent. Cash Discount experts to n of this order lowship, organize lodge cutta at Use. use them, in vials at 25 cents; five for $1. 6old Saxony, -KUINGS ALL TIIK- VOU118 KKSl’KCTFI’l.LV, ! nt Corsets >t.ofkt.ou within n week. The eharter members Barque Clara Eaton. Eunt, from Portland, Me., by druggists everywhere, or sent by mail. '•'“brace people from Prospect, Stockton and was totally wrecked at Grand Turk, T. L, Aug. 20. CARTER MEDICINE CO., Andalusia, and SUITS Oil & E. L. BEAN & the BOYS’ Mt-poit, will Co., organization probably S. Watts & Co., launched the largest, four mast- New York City, Japan Colors, Varnish, -! iit with about 40 ladies and gentlemen. This ed schooner ever built at Thomaston, Jt «V<*.,timch below prices ever dreamed of before. Scarsmont, April *27,1887—42tf Ball Saturday. .-'Sn.m and Yarn. 1 is 1K00 named G. ly And with h > tins about l,00o members in this State, and tons, Sidney Hupper, and he every department is replete NEW and commanded by Samuel Watts of St. -FOR THE— Special Cash Discount on Pure Lead. Rail- GOODS, h <- large councils at George. JFe the REST that, can Bangor, Brewer, Pittsfield, FitKRiiiTH, as reported bv the Freight Circular road Colors, Atlas Paints, and Pure buy Cholera buy C. H. No. S Mala Colic, Morbus, Burns, Cuts, the Cmtnnuir By Sargent, Street. and in the Primary Miss Lillie Bruises, Bites, and the of fit and Produce Market.. Price Paid Producers. Stings Sprains. completeness their beauty of design. Staples, who has sufficiently recovered from her P. Palmer, ••'•cent Ladies and Gents’ WHEEL or DISC HARROW. to resume her hush I Dwight injuries school work. Dr. ! Apples * 40g60 lay ¥ ton, 8.00 §14.00 SUNSHINE! **• J. dried* ft, 4 go I want to one of our NEW MODEL Hichbom and Miss Jessie Parker returned HhVsVft, 5* go Bottles 2.1 anti SO rents. lyrls place DISC Beans,pea,* bu, 1.9082.00 Lamb ¥ It, OglO An HAItitoWSin every school district in New Eng- last Wednesday to Boston.Mrs. A. P. Blanch- Masonic Temple, Belfast, Me Oil Paatc. medium, l.OOgl.70 Lamb Skins, 40 §80 FOIt SALK 11V land. Where we have no agent I will make special -1| :o:- ard has returned to Brooklyn, N. Y....Capt. and yellow-eyes, 1.4081.30 Mutton ¥ Ik «§7 price to Hrst purchaser. Now Is the time to pre- Mrs. Butter* ft, Oats 4? bush., :;*» A. A. HOWES «E for fall work. William Tupper, of Brunswick, Ca., were 10820 §42 Watch CO., Belfast. pare 3pl3t28 Beef * ft, 8 Potatoes, New, Chuns, FOR BLACKING BOOTS & SHOES! FRED ■*.’>§50 Ms, fif ATWOOD. Wlnterport. Me.. tiie guests of Mrs. A. M. Devereux last week.... Barley * bush, fiogfifi Round IIok ¥ ft, «J£g7 Boarders Wanted. Uen'l Agent Tor New England and Provinces. Mr. Balpli Staples, of Wcstboro, Mass., Is at home Cheese * ft, Hgld Straw ¥ ton, 0.00§8.00 scarf * Adds 20 Per Cent. f,,v Chicken* ¥ PINS, 11 vacation....Clifton Snell lias back to ft, liglO Turkey ft, 0§0 IK subscriber has the M. BLACKSMITHS! gone Calf Skins * ft, 10 Veal ¥ ft, «§7 Capt. \X <). Gall at the and s« rtf TO THE WEAR OF A SHOE l double hool at — A KDKN HOUSE at, the corner of Castinc Miss Elva ltendell Is teaching Duck * ft, OfO Wool, washed ¥ ft, 33§::4 In Washington 10 large well-lighted a and Bridge Streets, ami is prepared to receive Our Per Cent. Cash Discount. very successful term of school at the Centre Eggs * do*., 17 Wool, unwashed, 25 §20 per- manent or transient l»oarders. Hood stable attach- Softens the Leather. Brilliant Shine. District... Fowl* ft, 10fl2 Wood, hard, 4.00§5.00 CUFF & COLLAR BUTTONS. Makes Horse Nails 2c. tP!!»less to you 1 than ARE Parke Is at home from Belfast ed to the house. The overlook the YOU Harry Cleese * premises beau- Horse Shoes >ic. 1 FOK KAI.K ItV ft, OfO Wood, soft, 3.00*3.30 tiful and the is prices for a two weeks’ vacation....Miss Ifadassa Mur harbor, situation unsurpassed in UeAncil Iron f l store of Retail Market. Retail Market. NEW AND HIGH STYLES Vc. charge the city, Hood hoard at reasonable rates. Oive •* r>ty is Miss Jennie Lambert....Mrs. Mar- Norway Iron >ic. J by others. F. A. SHAW, visiting Beef, corned, * ft, 7g8 Lime ¥ bbl., me a trial. A. S. KELLEY. tha 1.00§1.05 -JUST RECEIVED AT- V < J. Colcord returned from Verona Park last Butter 8a!t, * box, 18 Oat Meal ¥ ft, 5 Belfast, Sept. f>, 18K7.—.‘bn;M»* Everything else la proportion. W. A. SWIFT, .Tv., BUR OR REPAIRING ? Corn * bush., 02 Onions ¥ week, where she lias been spending a few weeks ft, 3§4 Corn * 02 f J t'ollsna, Street. lo unload, at extreme Look all round, Cardiner, was In town Sunday....Mrs. Mary Cheese * ft, ir.f J Pork ¥ ft, OflO Picnic ^Parties Aug. 4, 1887.—-31113*2 prices. Cotton Seed Plaster liel the lowest quotation.. We beat them all. Crosby returned to Boston * cwt., Ogffl ¥ bbl., I.OOgl.10 Monday accompanied * 3 and dire 10 per real, dlsronnt for rash. Oar CEO. W. Codfish, ft, Meal ¥ her dry, fig? Rye ft, Patent Medicines to by mother.... Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Ellis return Cranberries * tit., Of 0 Short* *cwt., l.io Cau and at CO IV A Tenement Let. 1/ there is anything you canno lint the largest and moot complete la this sec- BURKETT, get full supplies of Ike mate. 4tik> c l from Clover Seed * ft, Sugar* ft, > rooms on the third floor in house on tion Haverhill, Mass., IasC week, when; they llflfJ at lower than ever. rates of my Bay find elsewhere call on Floor *bl>l., Salt, T. I., * liusli., 4S prices View street. to have been K. A. Hlohborn has 5.00f0^j THV< Apply visiting....Mrs. U. O. Soed * bu.,2.40* Sweet Potatoes* ft, 3g4 MISS A. 14! S. IF. K. MORI SOY CO., been WELLS, Bridge 8t. attending the fair at Bangor the past week. Lard* ft, 9#12l Wheat Meal * ft, 3,'.g4 Howes tfc Co. Belfast, 30,18S7.—tfJ5 Howes tfc Go. Aug. HOWES A GO. Cnlltieam, 47 Main Street, Belfast. 81 & 83 Main Street, Belfast. James G. Blaine.

VITIATED BLOOD When the Kansas City Times, one of the EXHAUSTED VITALITY. Scrofulous, Inherited and Conta- most important and influential Democratic pa- gions Humors Cured pers in the country, says of Mr. Maine that he by Cuticuru. is “the one Republican, the Solid South could look up to with any assurance of docent treat- 'l'llb'd i.il the medium of one of your books re I e< i\.*d Mr. Frank T. \\ ment and administrative fair and Health and through ray, Drujrjrist, play justice," A poll", l*a., 1 became aecpiainUd w ith your t n Strength Regained it but utters and fearlessly what many m u \ I;i.mi:i«ii>, and take this opportunity totes openly lily t you that their n •• has permanentiy cured j prominent Southern Democrats say in private. me of one of the worst eases of blood poisoning, is Power; Read! within the past few one of the best Knowledge in ei uiiei’iii>’i with erysipelas, that I have excr Only days, seen, and this alter having beeti pronounced incur- ■, known leaders oi tin* Southern Democracy able some of the In st siciaiis in our ! KNOW by ph\ county said, in that Mr. Maine's fairness I take -t ea', pleasure m h*rw ai ding to you this tes Philadelphia, timonial, unsolicited, as it is by you. in order that and his broad and truthful views THYSELF! patriotism, / others suflerin.tr from similar main-lie- may bo en- \ of were* so much on rattl'd to tri\e .ur iu u v trial. American needs, appreciated P. >. \VIIITT.IMil-.i;. 1 .eiehburp. Fa. in '.he South that, if lie* did not bclonir to the deferenei* Fit A N K Wit XI P.I. 1‘ru^jrist, Apollo. R< publican parly, he could receive a Demo- cratic nomination lor President. From this, MKOFILOH ILCKKS. and other similar Southern expressions, w. many < lame- F. Kieliardson. < u-lom House. New Or- it appears that Mr. Maim* Is to-day the most leans. on oath says: “In IsTo Scrofulous Fleers of Ilyina American statesmen. North 3 1 popular O broke out on my body until ! was a ma~s of cr or Snuth Democrat or Republican. That Mr. O The only brand of Laundry Soap i thina kmiw u to the nu-ilieal upturn. ery laeulty Plaint- lias been assailed and persecuted in !In* awarded a tird <1.. medal at tho was tried in xain. I became a mere w reel.. \i with must infamous and crm*i slander, is r Kew Orleans Guaran- lino--, could not lilt lay lian-ls to my hea 1. e«.u!d ! past K\position. wi ll known to his ids, who. in f< r ir« ner.d n .| turn in lad: was iu cu .lant pain, and looked political oppum tied alKuluti'ly pi:re, and 1 al of have op a lite a .-nne. No relict or cure iii ten years. the In political campaigns, stooped household purposes i tin; vary best •!. I"*. I !.< aid ol the t t f t it \ h’li.MMUt s', used to make use of the boi;us capital furnished bv 11n in, and was perfectly cured." Mr. Maine's personal enemies. Tin- charge ot HEAL •mxoi ii to i.i fore t •s. < .mi. -I. I» Ctt \\\ i« u:ie his holding stock in the Leavenworth. Pawnee I ,V Western Railroad, in return for services in ONK 01 Till. YYOKNT CASKS. THYSELF! procuring the pa.-sa^c of certain hills in Cun- \\ e iia\ e been -< ll“ia oiir ( 1 h It X IJl.Xl f.l »| l-> trivss. in vvhicli iht corporation was interested, The above rut. represents the obverse and reverse sides of thcCOl.D and .5 S'.WF.I.I I !> HI’DAl. bn-x and linxc the first to re cars, complain: yet has lone; -iucc been ahaudoued hy all promi- presented to Dr. W. H. Parker bv the NATION A I, JIFIJItWI. \rSOCIATION, in recognition of «i\e from a purchaser. One the worst eases nent decent as for and newspapers groundless, his PRESER- I ■■I mm fula I ever saw xvtis cure*l the use of tive masterly Medical Treatise, emitted the SCIENCE C. F MKE OR SELF ,\ lf. by these bills had been in IS(>2. and Mr. bolt 1. .a if Pit a !:i;s. .p\ in i.( net i: \ and passed which treats Nervous and Premature Decline, Exhausted become a of VATION, upon Physical Debility. < s, Maine did not member Coiimv" t f It \ m»ap. 'Che .jp takes th, -cake In re and the ten thousand ill- th.-d whi ther from Errors <»f Youth, 1st;;',. In a like manner have Vitality, ih-h i* heir to. arising Imprud- a I", liieinH soap. I \ Y I.« d,* A T \ Y l.< >IK until December. Over < sition. Il is an invaluable treatise I truaiiists, Frankt.'i!. Kan. thcserio'.is, charges, jvilcctlnjr upon Mr. Maine's ence, Taxation, Excesses. Accidental or v.ust.itulional Predispi Boston and int- ariJ v ami horn-sty a- a |»u*»li** servant. and | for the Yoimy, the Middle-Aired, and even the » >ld, wliether in health or di-ease. No olli.r w. rk equal Bangor ( <». M KOMI 01 ', IMS Kill! K1-, which were aiven to the count iv in the -.»-eali- to it has ever lie, n been t.' <■ throimlmut tin- country, fuJnSbI'!"- I’l'' at -.il. .,f na **r«»v*• .-t Slo:uiiship published. It has Itijh.y pnsi-ed i»y newspaper press tin. Ki tin that ed .Muliiaan been and full Contains .'is il,. \no < i.iai-u- I hinioi s, with 1 | II. :i:. anil eoiTe-pomlemv, rejeeb-d and even in England. Three hundred page*. cut stantcdly I'ound, enibo sed muslin, ‘jilt. who j kii;. ale no-itix* cured f dismissed by all honorable people, lay funs MOST srrCKSSKf’!. l.ruptl iy by 125 extraordinary prescriptions for prevailinj di*-cases, either one f which is worth five f i. \ and ( n i: v < vi- « \u .mil t claim to fairness jn deaiina with ad- » Summer 1887 rm.ily political he or c N' Service, s of the hook, while some of them are absolutely invaluable, and should in the!; if ;\ I ini wiuu’al! other versaries. 'I'hc Ian- II- u. .bdm-on. rnally ib-verdy alOsT l*OH li.Mv b'l'UWi'K llle.r-i l.. :,il. S:-1 ,| f «»|- (•iiaranteed the be-r work the above named subjects, o: the money leturm-d in. ary Pamphlet. whose I N umeracy and ability t<> sit in j:r upon S' -v .i! the !. .1 k- I Sin; ineiit will not be doubted by any one. fully and Durability, nniboiMs r?.:' tin:\i. l»li«-iiy, 1-Vonomy. :• n. 1 Ucalilu, | warm exonerated Mr. Maine in a public completely PRICE ONLY ONE DOLLAR, «|U:iI Ml tin* joints a: joints. Wch;i\e obtained at i-: i. ioi results Irom the document, at the tins*- tin* cruel and 1 y cowardly yon may nvvto io v it attain. A iliircss i>!i. \\ !I I' AKliiHf. lii'l.s-'IM'll fn •'!'«•< ! v uas t iulit. I; >« 11-« loaning us» the ( u :n or »w ii of utii-ur l.'eiue. pimily, blow was aimed at the latter. Mit is i> not <»| antidin!, •. 1 i;>. wlm U llieUIIIKE CONWI.TIX': I’lIVsK IAN .f 1*1. W.O’J irrafr. |»a r, ft u*; ^ral«-,.. ibiu!>b wait f'.r oi-e.i-e- and mi all .lie,-as .• r. ... .,i ; of tin- -kin and blood. Che demand INSTITUTE, may liecnnlUli'minlly nmndbS |.n: •nins. I: ruinbiin tin- l- 1 i im -peak in this article, so much, as of hi- bril- .iipro lit •or lie mi u ow s a their merits lieeome know n. Comn rnt c- hi- Mubi..|i. .1 iua la ai in a funiari Saturday, July 2, 1887, Ml << > a I liancy of mind, practical ami comprchen- M At 1.1 \ N A Ormra a?:- be. Pa. I| not f .!• a■ in our i.-iiiit-,. I. ml ,r -1\1 of I • aim w ii! a iv« lY-1!.. a il.y way uiaspiii” important public t|Uc>- iiuonials ami ,li-t. tniflllA KKVUHKN tions. and. nbo\e all. of the maym li-in this \ t > 11 •• t 1 i:: M iMT \« II :i.|. AN!' M.: !. l.\ man exercises over those who conic »i;n:\ Swmiav dd * very x\ here. Price :• t \. tin threat singular an al a. -.. < t S.. into contact wi'h him. The unabated Ii|:*mi ore. :.u'. ll« li X V j- Mid FV|Uisite personal W'000, IUNIIGI* & i; M lie|". < i< 1 li i; s. .'.INI, till' courage and-pirit w i!h w hich Mr. Maine Isa- 00., port, if:..- :!. :! N. v. I; l .«»d Purifier. in.'. Pm u !»ui<. wt* borne the !*»*!*«•«• attack- of and personal politi- EAWG-OE IvXE. ,.i air 1.1 ; .. I I. V M !. I Xlf \ !. < ... P.o-loli. cal enemies, and the inerts ef Isi- disappoint Kail* If!-? njRTJ'Uis. 111;, e k i e: I -, ^KMi Pdemi-he c :rei r in American hav* challenged OH politics. KETUi^NiNO I I I.FAS rim baby I 1 V-, e ( I I l< It \ M > \ p. tie admiration «>i th«- wold, and it i- sate to a.ssert tint m>f on.* li.mv in American public 1 Dryer and Baker 0< mbinrd. VI a !■■■•.!:. •,.'(•!■ ( ! \.. Isisiory ha- ever outrivaled him in the -iron” Catarrh. hold he has 'rained and Choking upon popularity per- II MI i\*:ir from \ sonal affection, lb.i n who, in I in 11 a '.on a w ;tki m «1 at a d;s{ uj-i n-i I slurp u :lli Henry .i ! ; all lIn- Imrrihlr i.-ath <•; an assassin rlnt»iir throat ami pr« iho Iifr.hrrath from your never ro-” to irrcatei- hiirld in public estimation iiiditum-d iu• -1 II; \. you i■ !;••*■• i tin- lainruor or attracted more p« r-or.al attachment and Ki.ru pm K, Acrni ;,;fa»t. ami that -urrrrd I !ir rthMA h > .am •• drhiiit;. .-nr deep—■ .ib d and !a-Jir” loyally, than has fallen CAl.YlA U '11V Am i.t. 1.11si«:i I .• ii* ihi’.iat and is ;ri tin- aiarrlia: \\ !tal a \\ JLl.J n. -, > 1 he share « the yri’fstl statesman from Maine. AAi iilLL, Jr im:. »t& i. t,..-,,.,; •. prr-sinir ii'tliirma- i; r\r:; tin- msi. I.>u*I That ilu- i- not mere idle talk, is well known i; _• :!;• rim»r\ ami liliiinr tin- i.r with pa in- ami as if in aiitrr -os' ih a Ijn'*« !: it i.-t>> rid tho i.a-ai b> tie thousands whoso hearts ached, at a-auc- -Mtaml h ‘:_' ■! ilii- poi-.u.'Us mu personal l.oreaveineht.at Mr. Maine's d« feat 11 ~ ■. 1! an 1 i f;. \\ It" a O’a4trd \v it Ii ratatrh. the la-i National election. When stron.: and Mi. Bfltkifiiiu iiiiiij. '■ Bsni^i1 Ilou diiliruit p rotor tin* -\stuni against il- mu-ciilar men. w Iso had only belield their fav- [ orile N ader at a distance, spent the days of ia; -. 'ill phv -i' ia w i'l a'!'nil. n l- a turn! h di- doubt ..mi fear, preceding tiie actual knowledge •aa / li-nM> n in i> i ii *. .i -r, and III- I'll h-r !'• iirl' ami mir. SEASONS GOME AND GO! of defeat, without, nourishment and and Tin- runmrkahlu rati pov.i w Inn a 1! iii.r | sleep, lruiudirs :i:.*i*l\ tail. «f s\\r«Kvidovi. ace pted the tiiial calamity with tearful eyes i:i., aro ..!!«••:*-• I 1 ti.oiisnm:.- who •rralul'ully ! and sOMowful hearts, then it dawned upon the frr'11n*uri..! ii t" frla-w ,tl'« it*:■-. N.• -tatruioui l~ I irn at mass of this people that .fames (l. Maim are the Earth ri-a ■ r;mm hr Shaking rn; !r U:._r ii that l*v Earthquakes -uh-tantiatod I could not be the bad man In* had been de- ■ 1 on in Foiinlisrot, tin im»-t !•«•-1 •«-<•! a i'l* ami ruliahlu rrfrr. mas. Fa <* e\< ursions to tin* moon are being talked Rapid Transportation noumvd. but that lie niu-t be a man amoii” ; j 1 a It < "l.i.ll.i Ur imil !r "1 ihr U \i M \|. Hut t he- parl.rt men. v. of all others tt> lie honored and -up fill. illllN MHO. II Mi ■'ll Ulf 11. "iu- l.o\ .a \: \: 1;:t \! -< I ; '• .•. in i an ortiiy

<• ! loved: for la*, who, like him. is able to l M» •;« »\ i.i > Imiai.i ’. with t ro.»t i.-r a I i i;a i:.,., ,, reach; tie. heart- of the to touch some tender 1 an ! -hi hy all 'iru.a’ai-:- for.-s!.*" ! people, SV1 a K4 c n some < holt!, that will vibrate in attri tion, 5 l'nmilt 1 *i:I < .V < HIAIH AI < lh--ti!\. ! spot, ry rga i is worthy of -mr best sensibilities. It is well 5 U*r. JI>1‘ \\ r.YfVtOi; TII. known titai Mr. Maine no desire to li”- IT THE PAIN j hasjiad COOPER BROS. W i. Mai ,:r.i! !;. !; \V., f. STOPS nr« a- of j he p< rpetual presidential candidate Sin c\it|i|i IN 0\k wimti:. l.is parly. lb was wry reluctantly persuaded .. t;iiala''I tinn', for li;ui!, Un lai_;i •ark-, and s j«1«- -. j hip-, kidno;. to make the race in ls>4. ami ha- -.riven no c*i- s"";if,y j West Searsmoni, j Wiuivrpur! i, :;r .til--, an a mi -i t. ? c«'iiint, .-o far as tin- i- infonm-d. I'iiM. ii.p ij•' Il.'itr! public -■ on. ia;"muaiio. nruraljriu. -utimie to manufacture and sell- to tho-c w ho want him to i^ive the lb-publican 1!•• n. -harp and nut v«>iis pains ;‘;rl t 1J i F. .| i,<*aVl* H.lfk lil Jit ! t fin- to show that success un- relieved In one minute h\ party opportunity The best the UA balm the filing P. Vi., Ban^«.* his be for Complexion. for CA3E1MAGBS iulal!ih!r antidntr to paiii der leadership will the inevitable result arrh :r^ nf 7 J* ami inilannnaJioi:. ,. < utiruru Antl-I'lllll Plaster. of his renoinination. Mr. Maim* has the trood oral! tin LATFST STYLFS nowin popular ■| a- Ira •• 1 r.Jam! iV.r fI:.• MY |.| V.. runts: for ! : at all or I'lrnnij most wears to a — ■ ■I'll a- «lru«r.:rists taste and the sinyular irift of silence, when The economical, it thinness of wafer. use in New Kngland.- •klaial f i.1 \\ I .5 1". \. \l I MM I. VMM ill Mil M, «... Ih -toll. la speech would be unwise and ill-timed, but wt* i r.lia- lr:t\. ila-l In' IP.11.!..mi at .. :•* Kxtonsion 'il .. lli'M i'.U f It.: ti I.. J M. !l imagine, from tiie present outlook, that the de- ISstii^ors, Tops. < >>. Mmle tin: Zisn:>:entnui Mfy. it:.!:.- :•? I n 11 .. will at the by arn-.r t.i -_r r- am- :•» i: t mand- of iiic* party upon him pr *p- ami a vari' id- other kinds of both 1 ty buggies, tr.nni:. Irani Iran1 I-a.^.; a ;t» ai.iva ! er tim« reach him with such spontaneity and ’.—open and top.- CINCINNATI. OHIO. eiithu-iasm. that the true riti” of the born lead- Portable, durable and fire proof, made of mi iti A er and plumed kniirht will not be found w ant- Portland, Grocery, Express vani/.cd iron in .* sizes. Nos. 1,2,:}, l and .*». N ami !111a111 mi ii.iaril- 1 A Famous Doctor ing in In- voice, and that be w ill be ready to do and Depot IVayons! and 2 are family dryers and are e\r--!I•.*:»1 baker- ’iti- p !. lirlfast l'.*r Korkl.uu .at I ♦». Once hi- those heart- who hold him fi n- bread iae tand poll It u ii it tin ee t i >n A. M.% IV. .It i.t! p. Si :: ti; said tliai tin* secret oi onnd health duty by loyal a pie-, ma\ he found our stock. We. make •••• 1 b. n n i: rim-iiatr lani|n:a in affection and admiration and respect. He among the capacity ot a ran ye. i-..p.uale.- e'ais■ .>'«1 d in the head coot, the of the CK'l.KHItAThH HANCOKS ries of all kind-, and \ -el e. rn, trreei M ii1 auv intit!rii.il iIn \< rv J.-\\ i.n kcopin;* has yon< abroad for rest and recreation, and speciality eyetablc.-. this season. We employ the YFKY HKST work; bean1-, toiiutocs, .sad.. ; Kurt!n*r par?W ala* ■ -mmI at ti.. ii. f«•• t and the howels Had ■ peas, strings pumpkin-. f\varn>. of bis and sentence he utters, so and sell very step every men. i the VKUY KFST material, &e., hotter than canned yoods, and much cheaper, i lamp. •: I: ri.. V. imt. Un n this eminent li\e«i in our are ran and cabled, and the -at the \ I KY LOYvFST prices.- a: •ye physician day, fully reported living Procure om* at oia-o. ! dry your urph: TYLSR R. a u> I' ! WASGATT, Man-K?r. morns anxiously read by millions of hi- tables and berries for winter and ihv y-d and known tin* of Ayer's Fills a number of Car spring | ■ i;, -We are putting up larger }’r! I.l .Iltlir I".. I ! J* ounfrymen. Who else in this ”r«*at and num- as new irmn lield or yarden. and -aw }onr ear!. : | as an than INCH HHFOKF. Shall have them aperient, in .voithl .mainly liavo riages all at .Monro-* mid .... I* >'.hv .v ro., erous Nation could command such universal AN F\ KK HF- perishable appies. eardiny readv for the market SOON Fit Til v>- rh rccommemled as so of and see one w ill*, s of •!ri* fruit i;. ..t :• •to..! ^aihi.-he-l;’ them, many Lis attention ami possess himself of such public FOKC. We intend te. sella UTTLF ( 11F A 1’FK sampl- Ku Write for ami t rie.- i:-' iree. s;n e< ssors arc doitur. int;Te-t!' Whatever the outcome may be. of than FYFK UFF< >KF. If you are in want of a catalogue ly distinguished I: Custom ci apor.itinir d-ne- at fair rates. Maine Central It > R. the current di-«*u—ions and political forces, (,< m »l ('arriege and one that will sTA Y with you, The < ii Iwatcil I»r I-*ams of or NF\ I K dnl of Mr. Maine will always remain 1 Is. most promi- give u-a call wi'ether you FYFK F. J. I5AILKV. To lilt- 11«;itOTMlllt' Mil* .lu*lit*'. Utt‘ MljimiH ■ win: i i .. Norwi- :i. Conn., mis Ay. r's nent limiiv amoii” Aim w an state-men. and an before. .1 u«!i« i.tI tourt m*\t lit foe holtk o at 1H I'.’a 3i ?.-vr \ HU h. Agent for W/\ll f aii 5 nieoies fi r o\«-r\vdiclmie. majority of his eoimtrvnieii will Oil ai:il .iili: \io I *»*• --bun! of OrJohrr, ll l^s7 t win). ,lur.»* ‘J7, 7. Bros. Monroe, dulv 2P, !s->7. Tu<*mI;»} • i'' .. I niei mi: ti-nt 1 « \ always regard him with nmiuestioninir adniir- Cooper '•». •- I* v !•*. tr it. 1 for Infants and Children, I \ \ i V. \\ ilHl a V. I ation and alfeetion as one -at the brijrlite-t and West .0, lssT.—-111‘ it. it ii i. -I- I >r. 1. 1! 1'o.v]. if D; id Searsmont, Me., May \\ a, ! ii.l.: \ M > W IMTI- !m import, truest .- of an American citizen. I"! tyj m u. p •* \\ w F ,1.1 vi !ikm»\\ (Ann., sa;. >: A;. ••!•*.-. i'.ii arc highly ii »• ;ili> HAHlXrK SOFT CORNS, CALLM SKS lit l.l \M t I !!' V “Castorla is so well adapted to children that Castoria cures Or,lie, Constipation, TO INVESTORS’ OK i;% NIO.V*, remember ilw ubov i .i sl'BK (T'ltK. branch: and .in'; i. of ihe I recommend it os Sour Stomach. l»r*rrb'v>a< Eructation, hr ll!, m. .i that -In v.; law ! Mix .« in !.ly spoi hy pe-'plo General Dow Contradicted superior to any prescription Wo b.ivc already sol.I nearly Jon botth-s an-l not Kills and di- I m..; 1 X\ i,,' < ’! W.i ahoii' i.c.« I make use of them known to me.” II. A. M. Yvorms, gives sleep, promotes ».!* = n tinned. Ad. near neighbors and I m ud Ik* ...... daily AncHna, D., lo. ..a Hi.* i. nl M \ 71»; t gestion. It v !’ nil .7 !• ,. I.» •; s in t!•• •.” \V. II. Smith wri es to the Portland Advcr- Ill So. Oxford ;»l-« ut it. Thcv are .-ure to recommend :t. sent by n.y prin | 6k, Brooklyn, N. V. Without injurious medication. U .. til.:;! oil receipt »f pri.e, 2a cents. LUMBER YARD! Mils. *•'. *' ;i a Id. M of N.sv F#c«l tiser: Oemral N.nl J»\x was at Old ! n M.l li at !;<•. n Jo: k".! •* !,«- f ivorite w i: iiavi: ori;Ni;i> a Kim., .*. '. :■ IIa\ itier !»ed thou- I'riday. talking upm topic, c.unpwl- ha lin tin pr, many | V F<‘>a ! ,,I |.|;it .■(•n lia.nl an-1 mil Wiih !•: there is no tint l-lar.'l Ileal !i !..!• « .-'.nds of Ayer's Fills, in my jiraetiee. f -ory t<1*1}•«-ranee. dogmas 'I'he. M- hesert INrw V:js*- farther in!<>: tl to ilm's Seamless Oxford Tics. .$!. J l was oryani/t-I j can nwhesiiat them the occasion take i-sne with the following extra- in* rn a: i .a in-pv preno.im-o > made -om< ,lua'ue »,l ■nr' that -l I'h.llii tin* Regular price j.un. l mler the of pnr-ahases management < 1 1 \.. > 'iUi-! 1. .I'"* ft• i inn .. h* s» cathartic in use.’* statements, lie say-: Patent have more than doubled in value. Tin .X | ordinary Child's Foxed Button. ii' i:>. :1 m n ill.l.l \ -1 i.’i ;». | U I...* i: .' I. Regular price ami \vil! keep all kimls of ■: *1 1 i,. |ph-S .f \V» ll- •aid lh it -t.it: time u<* people in the country u-< -I HULLS COVE SALISBURY t.OVi di ii.--. -• iat. d from in« mat- -ueli 5 < plant it ies of li.juor as «Ii«l the El El! I l’ tlii OE THE » ■ ■ '• i r vhich eln State. NORTHEAST HARBOR. SEAl COVE I t t t t Iti plan i-. mi ally sp< akin^, jtrt.ph-tlii- To-day w*1 fin -ay that Materials! .' Lumber and Masons’ \\ !•. .'Hlli ■ ■. v. ! :• •’i amat imp-•: ai’i- c to their r.wfe.Iiii-,-.-:. in* Stan- in tin wlioh- I nion ti-es Ijnh*. )lr. | L. And PRETTY MARSH !'«• .4.i. ;> < ! W. Shoes! It .n-aie- i i t > rtaint\ and lini- Biaim- ha .il-o -aid that no State has prosper- Douglass SHINGLES A SPECIALTY. I n Ai.in V1. •..-i| In.. 'Pile st- <-k i 'll ideiid iv ilisr. ! 1 he n'.; ty of :i. t. I’iii.s contain e«l -" n during \ a 0 AnOAIV, a.mi we have a full line of his p < *’■■ ■. ! I I" ! Ayr'- inarkalily t!icpa-i twenty years, us <>ur ol\'T bm « an till tin-1 at stand ( are •• 1 o m. tali'- or n dm :;• 1 swh nine.-, hnt a- Maine. There b a cause tor all thi- $•'1.00 shoe, also his ompauv ) \\ inti- au<: ill that tin- v -t*le i’»< l!;i :! it.1 .*• ., change. a of I vriM.I-.T. where we have larire* stock lumber, mnkt Tons. •• < ;'.•■■ |... I k now VI to hrv 1 •! aun- a i.. a ie ■. irttte** «.f \. ectahi r -na-dies ixi T« for drink lias out ! I .. mptation strong been put ami w«* will set I 1 lu* same 1 ii* (' 11 K A i'!. I{ than :mill'.! ii. l,« |... :.:><> shoe: put > * N • « OTI V -1:1 1 '* Cures ironiaxo 1 I It it. »I-W II.I.. !j. -; -nahie :•••< skillful ci-mhiwatioii.'’ of tiie Years ago there at I Diphtheria, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, It*.. at Ur. ■ 00 j i'. I' i.,i n way. weregu imius- Neuralgia, jumatism, Bleeding tlier concern the IVnobscot ■ an;, Hay. .1 \ u I S p i.-ma;, < a! '!. .It \ >i 11 i'l»( !.! »:. a ■••a which are satisfaction.- lb IS. It i.. >« *\ tries carried on here. The hunker trader cm-I bungs. Hoarseness, Influenza, Hacking Cough, Whooping Cow, .< Cholera Morbus, D\ ,,-f*.- \ giving splendid '!•'«>T-m:vf i \ Y 'IP i,' i; our customers for their in A: Maine It. it.. Ho-ton, Ma ■■ -I a our tery. Chronic Di- a or Thankinir patronaire •«•!!’! I‘ -t 1 :■ I. \ '.! pieyi large proportion of men, and the in'V.r. ask Knit eui: < *N > Pn I b Ha a! \ f \ ii. y. \ ink a \ !.i s g^ gn K?S (TVS®containing the we hope for a continuance of the same in Mon. 1». A. N.uios. iv iiii .inn. PHIs, interests more. arrheen, H of v past, i> Ayer li-hing occupied many These l Kidney fa y Maine; X* o '- f® | £Xk \A jJBI.nation tin* future. Yours ta, 1 hi VI « I I-.V. 1 and respectluliy, 1 -T.«* Ayt-I xt’i'., I!.V:ihh. products were licarh all to the West Troubles, H HR H <5 great value. i\- .1 \s. s. In. ike -a Me.. -■' exported Ij R R ^ vT\; Montji.. M. d.e \ Hu a 7- Sold t all in AJoUuane. lmiie- ami other southern countries, and Spinal Diseases. M1B ^ V < < M AS. l-i. MojiUtsos, M. I Mar Marho hi---1 y Dealers j bar- jw. m M IS pj E^] 5<3r7 rybody should | (■>.,•!• li,. ,i ;■•••!,» >pler--.i !hat : lie Wo will send t'r. I3R himH M M fcs •Ioiin At;'\ at '•!•-. tep-.i for rum and molasses. The owners of V.'Mf lmvo this b. ok Hall & I’. llu.dlNs, iw.r.arMa- a In e !!••; Ire |.. luO liheil..I h i" a in Hesrott Calf, Alligator or kangaroo. Cooper. .',!• P'l.-i iti Hanker, Ha; Harbor, Mi n tin- sawmills and the fishermen never made postpaid, to all V •/ and those who I.vmvn, T!n :ti-: 11an -1te~*. e i'.« re..* a I I v.!7 fin arc ur.de one of the best inantifnc Ilelfa-t, Ann'. 2 h->7.•bn.ll (. i.o. M. i.iiant, Hanker. Har Mar- u Me. •! w < ■ 1 n- tin* state one dollar richer, and who send their M b< nd for it good !»y tiii enler ih< vetni he j ah!'-it iIip the results will .. only tmvr- and for st\lc. lit and wear, cannot he wi.t t Pi1 •; "or ’• a M :er 1 ■ eipial •I. II. M -;\ n. -i .Inurtia’. '■ a I ■!' their were a of names, an Illus- ever after thank >•! Ip- ll il.lieall '|»n| industry population topers fcvj i'd. \\ arc sales of hi- and Aliyil-ia, Me. '• !••. la.-i trated having large goods ;n in;. I at i- it.a l. :u the t tin* ! dilapidated > -liool li-m-es. -iiil'tless ami Pamphlet the 5r lucky stars. < is leeny- very pair warranted genuine stock. rmi "tier ■ a " All who or order A few share-of the'I'rea-iir> stoi k is nil thirty inv buy direct from us, and it, shall receive a « *ate that the farm buihlings. When Blaine -t;it« d that request money shall •• ■ he o at Wi; If avk a- ed for sale at PKK 8IUKF ! i! a I art lie\t is< be refunded if not satisfied. Retail 35 G par JjMO -pr--d Maine b tin i:iu-i State in the abundantly price. cts.; bottl- 2.00. express to a «e n > -oi the prosperous prepaid he used to develop ami improve the p'op.-ii | he I*.. 11 ;i t with ;n a |.-r t! ,.|,nt\ \\ !•! any part of the United States or t ni mi. he the Canada. I. S. JOHNSON & CO.. I box < > t. ... that Ilf 'ihellee spoke truth. The dilapidated 2113. Boston,Stass. riyht to advance the price ->! stork v. itli'-ut noth-*, 1 i.; p ! f nr' la next.' ean.-e. it' a building- are being p -I or new Ladies’low HeelS Narrow Toe Shoe is reserved. Il nundiers amony a -i*>. i.noi- »«l *w pair. replaced by THE are now Tin* announce that they pre >-r the -ImiiM m>r "lies, handsome in architecture. The almost proprietors -'Iillie of tin* -hreW'le-t and i- --t k'l-iit •eel: ... | irm. w hv th.- ,'Va-. li'-.-liant The kind -■» have been en for. ?•> .1 < > n- a < i;iei .In ti' dud MOST I'lain and tlie -tandi ny of the ('--mpaity, I urni-1 l t intelligence ami wealth. careful WONDERFUL ■ ry, By I'anry liahiny p for stock should !>'• eridt A it i>\ I:i el aiei viler t!e .Miniates, this State m»w applieati-m by saves, direetlv and in- SOMETH I XU XE II ! e\ cry «lay in the w i-ek, ami A -t I II W MH.IN "! the -urn of S“J’JI.(NM».oiNi In face i Hon. D. A. CONY, Mo. directly yearly.' FAMILY REMEDY llroirn, Urttul antI I leans Augusta, -.1 these facts, it is a great for I>r Cr<>— I INFANT'S MOCCASINS—very h:iml- wrong or GFQ. H GRANT. b\ to -ay that the Maine law is a failure.*’ soeio ami durable. <>ii sl'NbAY. Kree to of the Treasurer, EVER KNOWN. ib-li\cry any part city. •''''ii-' N'.w I was raised in a Our hre.id earl will dri\e t" on :5ar Harbor, Me O'iL lnmlier-produeing — ’i’ll UK liUMi IT Nenrspurt Weil SCOTCH --ommuuit\ and can readily remember to |s:i:’»; nesdays anil Fridays* ami at Norihport on Tues- iHE BEST and so far as fdtr.lim-r and Pitt-on areeotieern- days. Thursdays and Saturdays. < ‘nler- left at the -lore on Main strei t or with the -I. I pronoun.his statement as to poverty or cart will receive prompt attention. Free School, Roust' i 11 ikt [ill limt 'lit. dilapidated buildings to be false, as L believe I Francis’ Shoe Store, High & PACIF!? RAILWAY Full line of Veats as usual. Frices reasonable CHICAGO BOCi- LLAN1! the ••ntiie .-laU-ment to be. !i is a libel | gross lull li.l I.WH-IESs aul s'-i.t'i on: fa*hers, who in MAIN STREET, BELFAST. upon every vocation were i\ 1. JOXKS a CO. south miooKs. 1IMI. \; i K.U1.1 l. imiTiUi 111|TLK>. a- t. rat.* a as would average in ; Inly 11, |s.s7. fyrfn nip. p. oph- any I iill.lll.VM-, ilc. ’'t ;■-• link in'llmi tn .- I’.-Hast, !>’, 1- 7. .1 itf mi': l ‘Mate. 1 Mr. Blaine said that the people of Atif.'-. ('oumieiicinij Mo *//. Main, used mop- than the of oth- U ft 11 Si.pior people l: !•: !l ,„.l M ill!'- er Slat”-. 1 •• Gome and a belies i: t<» be a misrepresentation early gat good \\n (onti w in<; ik\ weeks. o-i tr- 'ii*-1. i; .i. 1 I n'! ! V and ad! for proof. V. -u«*li statement can he K" U I I Him I \ I'miitcil 1: 1 «»t 1 -ul^ •{mliated. If b the duty of men in Maine Shoes f) seat, L*xamin£ our goods, gel Summer) tricls will he admitte-t. Tuition 2.*» ctv per m-el:. who are acquainted with the past of our MEDICATED history Written examination v% ii! u a t m- Vl-lm! ; S,‘ good Mate, to sm-ii a lihel as <«en. l>ow our and it think it repel A lar^e assortment of st’M.MKi: si H»i;> „f al! prices, you term am! cortilieat* -s of ;nk ,-i.t m : •• !. has uttered 1 upon the memories of our ancestors. kinds selling «•!'» .«• of school. ! • k:» v. .‘\r\tt,! ,!1 is not to sit ami let a for of The of ic. trm t \. :li I t?»«• right quietly by such your interest, buy us, plan ’ni- !,. s, t> .I-!’.;:..:,- statement ami m> effort v. ill t-> m.-sUe t;:.- j pass unchallenged. One would think VESRY LOW praeticnl, In-spared The Great Hod-. I32pcci;i! 1 MONEY by semi-barbarians in not otherwise. sl * lho«m vh.> REFUNDED the .lavs of our sires. yaven to small ami backward scimlar-. T. Its ... 1 ir -AT- ! AIIAAISOVS li(!TAM( ItAl.SAM (nils COMPLEXION I U.l-k :• i" uvv I .„!. < :.!I m i«* * •"«“ an- «•»■>«• ol t' — r •=*,.: ! Imm 'iijil:, < ol«|. A It in :* Imparts a Brilliant to the Skin. Removes HOWES <£ GO. r. twu. >■. Transparency noss tutitiixs, tlill! mm in- it. Il It. iy ;!: 1..; that or CoiiMiiiinijcii :;i ils « tn^es. It is has made fertile (ierman Krupp government *v.• -•*!:.»a' mi 11 < in t' 11• ■ ■: ! ;• !• .!< i-.-i’it all Freckles anti Discolorations. For Sale pi 1 ashon.-y. SaiTererp from cither recent or a cannon o2 feet Pimples, hy Vlthl'llii-*. Its I'll. Ill !•:•? I'll! "IIS* it .I long, weighing Id'.' tons. .. .. I "I chronic roughs «,r ] trout iii.d .*»IT■ ;ions can **csort to all First-Class llr7T1,IIBf:l^llw-711nr.lrll(!1 m. til.' i: ■ -Its.hr. •; ... -IS. | .X and Goods Dealer's. •• 1 his Druggists Fancy of its ntr. a--- •:»n• S• r.. ir :i.-ii. *1 m "real remedy with Contid<-m <*. 'i'lie codfish in tiie Gulf of St. Lawrence arc W. T. V --t Stabl1, la the World. ury p-n--• Howard, Tii"' Liniment tin \V,--t | 1 !!1 •! Trial Bottles !C M A N I-FACT I‘It Kit OF 1 — .... ■ Cents, being exterminated by thousands of small seal. 1 mid All Tr .ms I, at every store in lor t urh>. litnirhunrs. ■ «Iru4 Amern iu Made by P. W ‘-pillin'., '.p'lir.l'. llivi-r I:-’ .*f i!it.-li.ii •. all ! nr.iJural Fnl:iPsj**FJipnf>. i-. hlNh.MA.N Oh, Apothecaries, New York. II is to hold a reunion at Louisville Monuments,Tablets, Gravestones l-iilin. I i- I propo-ed roii safi:. mis i.litt-- : »■ r.< .1 it Lar^e i»oUhv d5 anti 75 cents. of ill.' W. T. AM) MAIIBLK SHELVES ! lunimr members id' General Walker's dill -i..: V:. tUr-as x surviving «-atf.., his./it junl K .i.. ul * Ivit; ::w:» 5 famous Nicaraguan Expedition of IsTw. -o- always on hand at very low prices, in 2lcrlinin£ < 'h-iir :• Beach House, Lincolnvillt Beach, Me. ! A. GILBEJtT & CtJ.. Kills .V N. Proprietors, The Famous Albert Lea Route The at (nearly oigmsltc •’ Farmers'Convention .Syracuse, N. Y., Langworthy Building Ts th.1 11' I III In V. It * '!Ii• •:' •: ..’. Wilis House i> -itu.tied mavtlir beach. < was not very well attended. The report of the JvoEsrsPis Oimi’s stoiv) Church St., Belfast. pleasantly flj.nlis nml u. !‘ ml. *. !ii r.inh .h I I I Coughs, Soro Throat, luiwonza, 1 only t! miles from ( aimlcn mi tli«* n an trace! Trains run .Inly i.- Mimn>. m ■•i Is. | .i* :. POWDER. 1 to committee tile effect that one in want of cemeterv work will do well s !. -fl 1 'll mi v. l*ronclii- personal property Any Id roa«l to Belfast ami Ihu-klaml, >n ti. !■ ■■ of I '•niiiii n:. I V*'hooping Cough, Croup, should be taxed was to •rive me a a* I the Rest marhle and dtt Minn. u-t. I v h -: 1 n.l jr>,-m. ! adopted. call, keep of the l‘i nee ft m21 the heautiful hay nob.-cot. \ iin | v :. t. '..v ! tis, Asthma, an;l every affection of the as #ood work as can be fouml in this State. :lmJf> ntiTi'.r h V.'r for sailing ami lishin^. Also fine ridintr. mm of clfsir.-khl r-i; ->r ■. ri>I K :>til. a!.. Chest are Harriet ltccelicr Stowe lias written a ■ Throat, Lungsand speedily letter to a tlie most liiajfiiilicent heir,”- mi t!.e eele' rate-1 tun, ri ini (• !•• tut«-n 1 Hu m:.i 1!. friend that site is in h 1. if V, 'Ul. i| I ,1. a. and cured the use of denying poor health, she pike road to ( aimlcn. House a! a ay- full of -un: tlirt-vt;.. permanently by Us Life A:.- -ts. I.' i' -it rth, K'.ii ..i >':-.:r fink Tmit 1'ity. that she is able to take a Endowment, i Mian lei's, t ,,o» l -t a I »le with II says long walk every Sin, nu*r m-e. :nl itit.-rrn I. AII .1 •. day and feels strong and hopeful. -AM)- House all in ^ood repair ami .ill lurni-hed. 1- !!;•{. y nml Quality, Tontine Policies. •>‘>tf I '-r i.-ki-ts. Map's. 1'. on ( HAS. A. ELLIS, at the House, •1 — sion is her wav home from Labrador. The Ti Mil'-*- in tl«-* I i' •! Mat. a ami m a>: a-iy which does not dry up a .otigh and leave labors of her seientilie stall’ in that lln at lliahcsi < 'ask I’rices. ilrsin-ii nf.TMa 11- :i, distant re- Is a injhi Or L. .STAPLES, Sanborn House, Belfast, Sic. the cause behind,*but loosens it, cleanses Anti-Apoplectinecombination of the most potent remedies known to Medical Science for preserving the ——Twonrsr’js- l.R. CAB' < S, ST. gion are said to have results. fluidity JOH«, the ami thus re- yielded good ami ITui’l " lie:. lungs, allays irritation, PURITY of the Blood, ami the integrity of the Blood Vessels, should vo« suffer from Dizziness Kii) Loans on same negotiated at reasonable rates. i .. |.L.HW.<| moving t he cause of’the complaint. CON- The or memorial in favor of a treaty, which Pressure in Head, Spots l>efore Eyes, Pain Around or Palpitation of Heart, Pain in Region of Heart SUMPTION CAN BE CUBED by a timely shall GEO. IT. provide that all differences between Great with feeling of Suffocation, Ringing Sound in Ears, Numbness or Sensation of PATCH, ! resort to this standard remedy, as is proved Prickly Limbs, espe- llritain and the I'nitcd States shall be the Pain between by hundreds of testimonials. The<7* nuine arbitrat- cially Arm, Shoulders and In Side, Dry Cough, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, or if suffer- Life Insurance Agent, Augusta, Me “CHICHESTER’S ENGLISH." ed, is in from General with Loss of a Tlae and is signed “/. JinH-t” on the wrapper. 1 receiving strong support England. lug Debility Appetite, procure bottle of Anti Apoplcctine. it not only •Juno 1*5, IssT.— 24tl Original Only Oemiinc. SETH W. FOWl.E Sc SONS, Prop’rs., 85c. Safe an.l always Reliable. iv-var- --f worthless Imitations. Hen. .1. \V. Patterson, State Sunerintemlent Indispensable to LADIES. Ask Druniit ri,r Of Public Education in New in “Chieh ester’s Kni»m*h" an t fak-- r-> > her.ar luelost- 4c. /toston^foss^Eol^byduajer^enerally Hampshire, bis tstainps) to us for particniur- in inter »>. return mall. annual n port, approves of the operation of the For Sale in Monroe. NAME PAPER. t'hiehcsl .-r ( iirnili-iil Co., I vnnm'.) Laflies’ Garnet OiM new school law and tile free text book ; Ties, $1.08. 2UIJJ .Madison Square, I'hi hula., J*»*- ti w system. The subscribers oiler for sale “ Mold by ItriifftfMn every where. Ae< f “<'hieho*- Take tio ultior. ■ Senator the homestead of the late BKN.I. ter** English'' Pennyroyal IMP-*. •. new nrl urn'- «l ti l Jones of Nevada, is in a fair way Prevents WILDES. This place is in the Whoie-ah V fully to retrieve his financial fortunes. The Kid Goose dec. €• doodwin A. Co., Boston, Vat-. Itl;ad-rn :lv COCKLE’S Apoplexy, blit cures Paralysis, Rheumatism, Heart Disease, Anslna Chronic Slippers, .50 village, comprises seventeen acres mines on Island. in Pectoris, Bronchitis, Liver i Douglas Alaska, which and Bladder -of mowing Held and pasture. Ivr2 :c ta: the Senator is Complaint, Kidney trouble Dyspepsia, &o., &c. arc A OF ami or ...... » •• 1 *»1 f l'*' ANTI-BILIOUS largely interested, paying at For Stile alt FULL STOCK House, stable joiners carriage shop all in you •.>■■■■, !i:i» l by DrURRlsts. Price $1.00 a bottle, six Is,tries for $3.00. Send to s the rate of $100,000 per month. DIt. F excellent repair; two cisterns of water, A:c. Cuts nOTCIIINSON & CO., Exosnuitcn Falls, Vt., U. S. for and >" .'-vc-.. A., circulars, testimonials a treatise on 14 tons of hay and raises considerable fruit. LADIES ! Inspector W. Dimond. of the liurcau of SARAH I>. Monroe. indigestion, PILLS, Mens.Boys & Ladies' Tennis Shoes WILDES, Do Your Own Dyeing, at Home, with THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY Animal Industry, at Washington, savs that A NN1E L. WI LDKS, Belfast. 4w35* is Sick Headache, For Liver. Hilo, Indigestion, ote. Free from Mer- plcuro-piieumonia spread through adjacent & e:ir\ contain* only I’ure Vegetable lueiodii nts. counties from the New York stock yards and Wigwam Slippers, PEERLESS DYES. Agent r. N. C’lf ITTKSTON, New Yolk. that the disease cannot he out unless Farm for Sale. i-iii si stamped At, Low Friers. iThcy will Dye everything. They are sold every p^ion Extremely T‘ > -i l.dl! i :i»i mark h w.ll Iy40 that purpose. I farm and wood lot, situated be- ! have no equal for Strength. Bright ness, Amount in Liver. I Ik mcmiant bust:,.-.,s sciu im -, J toll. I m*:« s. < ;'t::rrh. Ladies & Gent’s Low tween Belfast anil the Packages or for fastness of Color, or Non-fading plaimn*^ Shoes. •• Apoplexylyr32 Camp !v*r 1 1 a 'I’li-* through bis themes; ami TrmiMf' .Ground, East North on l'e Qualities. They do not crook or smut.. For sale hv | preacher strtijrjrlinjr A 1 ka 1 man’s wife slmuM always he the port, Tli -talesman in as-embl\ it.ill r. cl 1> v I'i' T r. at: same, espe- I« lllack and Colors in _nobscot Good hay or stock ly»:> R. II. MOODY. Druggist, I cially to licr husband; hut if she is weak ami ner- carious Bay. The broker wihl \\ itii ami calls / tel I,. I*'.1' lr:uiv'-mark At farm. Good water and free*from stone. Sold at a (tor. Main and High Ms., Belfast. Me. •put vous and uses Carter’s Iron To « .,.)/ ti,, Ulnntl (be \V.o..l il it,TV Pills, slie cannot be, NOTICES. styles. bargain. to | ami brace miml. for they make her “feel like a different Apply " ill safest liml. -MW TAKIUMCS — — person,” L. A. KNOW ETON. NH.T/KU --- -J.*-. at least so they all say, ami their husbands say so Xon-Iiesident taxes in the town in Call and yet our prices before too! of Winterport, the County of Waldo, pur- Belfast, June 28, 1887.—2tftf GEORGE C. M. for the year ISStt. chasiny. HORN, D., and fiver half a million dollars worth of diamonds Physician Suryion, arc in the safe at one Brood Mare for Sale. deposited hotel in .Saratoga , SEARSPOBT, MAINE. every night, and over sit to see | twenty |»eoplc up W. i years old, sound and kind. Dam* that the night clerk doen’t make a break for COLBURN, perfectly the de- by Gen. Knox. She llumblctonian horse. |I Ollic Main Street, formerly occupied hy Dr SIN by 1 ! pot. Olliee 2 to 4 and 7 t >i\ Was stinted to G. It. Ellis’ fast two years old Elm- Stepenson. hours, M., lvr»t r, «•.*{<; ------8ft of the UcCliutock's St. and other hours in the not otherwise LEAD ?!?E —--» milch real estate taxed as will he sufticient to Block, TIigli brook, and is thought to he in foal by him, if not day when pro and SHEET LEaD. What a Pity ,»ay the amount dii® therefor interest and C. including charges, will without further notice be sold at i»uh. Belinst, July *21. 1SS7.—rimlG the service of the horse can lie had again the first fessionally engaged. GKO. Holes. tiiat .so otherwise °* Our manufacture i> an .\ar::i:.N •!, ami arc many attractive, polite, and par- Jan,CS 'Var,lwe,,» In said town, on the .list day of at two of Sept. She has a nice colt this Searsport, March s, 1SS7.—tflO full} ticular aMlict December, ISs7, year by Gideon, in tie market. r-l ‘A BOOK FOR THE PEOPLE.’ their friends by the foul and o’clS^n the^fternoo'n •Jr. Come and see lier stock. 0:50 unsnrpas.'-eil by any ly people of Weighs pounds, Lowest market for .**•- ot < \1*TIV VTI\<; ! I sm iL ! Klo.mei { disagreeable odor their breath; it is Names of non-resident fast and a roadster. prices jr* e«pial .plainy mainly Description of So. of T-iv on quite good Di*rii**inii*, amt Diplomatie Paper* on tin caused by disordered digestion, ami can be correct- Good Freedom Notice. Iteal'Kstate. Acres. Trades .JAMES II. CUNNINGHAM, (■real Public 4|lie*!inn* ul'ilii* l*a.*l an.l i*rc*cnt, ed the cause, that Value. BealKstate. by removing using pure medi- n°S'unk,l°W"-B. I*. ler or unknown.1 house 3w34* Swctt Belfast. a *>* by T> and lot T. Tyler place_ $.-,00 no s nr. Farm, valuable consideration I hereby relinquish SALEM 1 EAD .1 OIKS u. ulai.m:. cine, Sulphur 15itiers.— llxtith 2t35 Mrs. estate nr -IX- COMPANY, MayarJnc. Pomroy’s unknown..40 acres of land. I t*, on .. .7 IjlOllto my son, KKBKBT d. MoN |{< >K, the remain Kmhraelmilils masterly nrKumnit* "ii the ita 1 ,mi. .fames Treat or unknown.1 lot J lot tier of bis time ids 1 shall claim K. A. Hl.-mvx. Titus.. SALEM ia the Anti War, rti Stn'>r t*Ui i/i'.oi., Prohiltition, Irish Humr iiufr, eU\, man to life artificial .I house barn and lot, J. Curtis... 350.00 none of his earnings nor pay any bills bis by respiration. It was ,) j \ C\N VASS' .KS AiTI.I during .I lot hack of A. A. Bosuns. Mare Tor Sale. after tliis date. etc. ; KnIMTNK I-OJI ItooK ! the hottest of the hot weather, and if there was ^ *25.00 ( Mini trading eATloNS poll TkIIIUToKY CnMlSO IN WITH \ lie.Nil 1 .. I lot Church ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDISE AKBKBT II. MONUOK. VISITORS TO BOSTON ever a ease of to human ,, street. ’.‘..on! b. in THE liEN liV lilLl. l’UDUSUINU Nuuw l* cruelty beings this is one. c. THE subscriber has for sale a valuable breeding CO., !i,Ct. Mary Stevenson or unknown ...40acres or land, one barn. 500.00 Thorndike, Aug. 23, lss7.—3\\3i‘ Will liml first ela s.05 -NOW BY- 1 mare in foal by Hambletonian Chief. The aecomimxlatioits at JAMKS WABDWBLli, Treasurer of the T« >wn of mare weighs 1100 pounds, sound, gentle, and __ Winterport. sum! H will stand without hitching. Extra worker with AIInioii S’(. FiMA MR ft tare It anon Belfast TJj®STARCH Only put tap by To a Bank. all who nro mowing machine. The mare is after Black Hawk Savings who haven practical k no til edge of the suffering from tho errors and HOWES & CO. Location neat Lev* re House is central ami el. at ST. CATHERINE’S HAU. luuMry profession. It no We call and is a valuable animal. For terms is given that on and after DIOCESAN SCHOOL I OK K1KI.S. requires cooking, indiscretions of youth, nervous for OHDK11S and ffoods breeding hereby Sep- eil. The liou-c i > Hotel for its excellent table. 81**0™ •ticking and linen from weakness, early to L. .J. tember fitli, the olliee hours of the above Bank The lit. Kev. II. A. I>. K, Pre-hienf. The k ! *-.'> that will < telegram. per week, $l 11. Terms am I euro FREE — 1881. JOHN II. >11 MIR Treas. opens Sept. Strong eorp you, OF CHARGE. Thlsgnat —of to ^l.an per Special rate, to families. Iteifast The Acadian Aug. 25, Iss7.-3w31 «lay. of tearhers. Sneein I advantage- in Art ami Mini- romody was discovered a BREAKFAST, House, rcfrivnies. UwiW by missionary in bouth Semi for eirrular. Dhvilo on erery package. TOLD BY ALL OftociOM. America. Bend a Bclf-oddrcssod to tho Freedom Notice. H. H. KIMBALL, nr connection with this envelope DINNER, CA S M i IKE. Proprietor* starch use Rev. TIKE, a'"1 c»n Joseph T. Inman, Station D, New York City, Crackers! a valuable consideration I hereby relinquish G. P. 1ft? IP A ft# WOMEN quickly LOMBARD, u 3«*t- Fancy or This llntd to the fjW>Rto my son, WILLARD S. MORSE, the remain- my r:a:\ni Ke^uiutimi ■H p n h ■■ ■■ m <*nt*«* Tnhlic, I 1HIPAH lyr37 SUPPER, popular opened I L«*t Man- der of Ids time during Ids minority. I shall claim 3 m-ver fail. I'ry tlum. WM mHB\ IVI kin Ini: vitality, JUNK 17th. A||I|k3K' insure fr«m youthful *rr.*r». A... at home, BLUING Ever none of his nor bills of his con- D E IN T I © iUilievv |«in, regularity; hootl quirtly have discovered a worm in offered in Itelfant —BY— earnings pay any T, DiwcftwcM went free, They Germany that by far to lingo lt«Mik on All I'rlvnU* eats steel ®m25 tracting after tlds date. Niil'e unit effectual: superior TaiiNy, 1*0 rails. Call it the »• J*ert'eelly reliable. experi- „ Jay Gould; there 1h C. R. FORD, Malinger, Corner Church and Street*. royal or Oxide. I‘ t mes^ut ircurrly nmile.t on («e.ihil.) year* clothes snowy Ask.fBsssss^sssrsi your grooer for it. GEORGE W. MORSE. Sprint; laeimy Dr- 1». II. DOWD, Whittled, « on... nothing Hint will gobble a railroad quicker. Howes cfa oor Howes tSs rovlittof #1.00. €*orre»pondeucc eoiifldcntial. ence. j Co. E. P. WALKER * CO., Prop'*. Belmont, Aug. 551, 1887.—:iw.‘5.> Ij BEIiFAST. MAINE. Ifl Adilrvwt OK. O. it. I^WK, WImmIC'I, ('vnu. lyH