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Etrack Inventory eTrack Inventory -.Item Inquiry Page I of b Chicago Police Department eTrack Inventory Item Inquiry (hx475653 Beat,~ ISP Case (~o,(~ . 1 s# Officer's Unit[ ] Description(] Search Warrant No. Gun Type.[ ~ (] V~ Back Current Inventory Package:item tncidenY Recovered ~~CR Inventory Unit Property Type Description Laca~ion Number ~tumber Number Number pate ~~~~$ Created By Unit KN1FE(7„ O~/~, BLADE 3"} ~~~GiNALLY FORENSIC KNIVES!KNIFE W~TFi AN OPEN ~"~ 13296495 71 0865 ~~~2 SERVICES 2'{-OCT-14 TURNOVER HANDLE i KN1FE ~X47~653 B~a~ BLADE {MAf~KER D4ViSION #C) RECOVERED FROM THE STREET FORENSIC O~ BI,.nCK 13296470 3835590 7140823 Rd- x552 SERVICES PAIR HX475653 21-OCT-14 RECEIVED CLOTi-f1i~lG /FUR i 167 p{VISION SOCKS FORENSIC { 1329fi470 3835590 7140822 052.SERVICES PAIR O~ BLACK HX475fi~3 21-OCT-74 RECEIVEQ CLOTHING!FUR 167 ~'J DiV1SlON GYM SHOES FORENSIC ~~ 13296470 383590 7140821 R~- OS~2 SERVICES BLUE JEAN HX475653 21-OCT-14 RECEIVED CLOTHING / F~1R X67 t DIVISION PANTS FORENSIC 13296470 3$35590 7140820 Ra 052 ~~CK SOXER HX475653 SERVICES 21-OCT-i4 RECEIVE€3 CLOTHING /FUR 167 ~' p~VlSION UNDER- WEAR FORENSEC -13296470 3835580 7940819 R~- 0552 FiX475653 SERVICES 21-OCT-14 RECEIVED ~ CLOTHING /FUR X67 L~ DIVISION SHIRT S~~T FORENSIC ~y~ 13296470 3$3559Q 7140898 Rd- B~-~'CK HOODE€3 HX475653 0552 S~RVIC~S 21-OCT-14 RECEIVED CLOTHING /FUR q67 ~rL p~VISION SWEAT-SHIRT RTA ADA RD- DETECTIVE iD PAR~4TRANSIT & eTrack Inventory Item Inquiry Page 2 0#'b HX475653 AREA -CENTRAL D~CUN€ENTATION REDUCED FARE ~y 43337087 3883123 7230433 0154 18-DEG14 ftECElVED CARD, 767 '` STATE OF 1D IL.LINOIS ID ,,- 7230432 ~fl~ 0150 ~~~~~~~~~ 99-DEC-14 RECEiVEQ `'!3337087 3883123 HX4756~3 AREA -CENTRAL BOCUMENTATION CARD, LEQUAN J ~~7 "~ MCDONALD DVD CONTAINING RD- DETECTIVE REGORD(NGS - ViDEO FROM IN- -- 7369427 13-lvfAR-15 RECEIVED 167 '13394394 398944 ~~75853 a~~2 AREA -CENTRAL AUD10 NISUAL CAR CAMERA, CPD VEHICLE # 9049 DVDS ~ONTAfN(NG _. RD- C3ETECTiVE RECORQINGS - 13394389 3958939 7369419 0552 13-MAR-15 RECEIVED VIDEO FROM 167 ` HX475653 AREA - CENTRAL AUDlO NISUAL BURGER KfNG RESTAURANT DISK ~ONTAiNfNG _ .. R~- p~~2 DET~CTlVE RECORDENGS - ~~r 93394378 3958930 7369406 ~3-MAR-95 RECEIVED V~~EO FROM IN- 167 ~;~ NX475653 AREA -CENTRAL AUD10 NISUAL CAR CAME~tA, $EAT 8158 CONTAINING _ ~~~EC71VE RECORDINGS - C~ 'r '13337080 3883116 7230418 R~- p~~4 RECEIVED ~'NOTOS FROM 1fi7 NX475653 AREA -CENTRAL ~9-DEC-14 AUDIO NISUAI. N{E AUTOPSY C~ CONTAINING OEMC AUDf~ RD- DETECTIVE RECORDIf~GS - RECORDENG OF 167 :'(3337077 38831'13 7230406 19-DEC-14 RECE4VE~ ~~7~653 d~5~ AREA - CENTi~AL AUdIO IViSUAL CPD RADIO ZONE 6 TRANSMIS~lOM1lS CD CONTAINING DETECTIVE RECORDINGS - OEMC AUDIO 'f 3337077.388319 3 7230405 ~d X150 ~g_DEC-14 RECE{VEl3 HX475653 AREA -CENTRAL Al3D10 NISUAL R~CORDiNG OF ~~7 CALL TO 9-1-1 QVU CONTAINING RD- DETECTIVE - V(DEO FROM - 1.3337065 38$3101 7230386 015t3 19-DEC-14 RECEIVED RECORDINGS 167 ~;;~ HX475653 AREA -CENTRAL AUDIOVISUAL FOCAL POfNT, -4141 S PU(ASKI RD CD CONTAiN1NG RD- DETECTIVE '~ '13337060 38$3094 7230374 0150 ~2EGORDINGS - V(DEO FROtN1 X67 ~ f FiX475653 AREA 18-DEC-i4 RECEIVED -CENTRAL ~ Al1C}{O MSUAL p~NKIN' DONUTS, 41't3 S eTrack Inventory-Item Inquiry Page 3 of6 PULASKi RD CD CONTAl~({NG RD- DETECTIVE RECORDINGS - VIDEQ FROM IN- j~.~ 13337056 3$83091 7230371 i9-DEG14 ~~,~75653 0~~~ AREA -CENTRAL R~CElVED AUDl01V1SUAL CAR CAMERA, BEAD 813R CD CONTAfNING RD- a~~~ DETECTIVE RECORDINGS - VIDEO FROM W- ,13337056 38$309't 7230370 Sg_p~~_14 RECEIVED 167 HX475853 AREA -CENTRAL fiUDfO N15UAL CAR CAMERA, BEAT 845R CD CONTAINING Vt(3E0 FROM GREATER DETECTIVE RECORDfNGS - 't3337~53 38$3t}90 723036$ RD- .0150 CH}CAGO FOOD 367 FiX475653 19-DEC-14 RECEIVED AUd10 NtSUAL AREA -CENTRAL DEPOSITORY, 4100 W ANN LUR1E PL CD CONTAlN1NG RD- DETECTNE RECORDEhJGS ~j :13337048.3883Q82 723036 09'50 19-DEC-14 RECEIVED COMPILATION 167 NX475653 AREA - CEN.t.RAL AUalO !VISUAL OF VIDEO FtU- DETECTIVE CPD OFFICER ~y 13394398 3858948 7369435 167 HX475653 ~~'~ AREA -CENTRAL ~3-MAR-15 RECENED OTHER SAFETY-ALERT # 2072-05A-297 RD- fl.~~~ DETECTEVE RECEIPT FOR +~ 133370$? 3883123 7230435 19-DEC HX475653 AREA -CENTRAL -14 RECEIVED OTHER . ABOVE VENTRA, 'f 87 CTA TiClCET RD- DETECTNE VEI~TRA, CTA ~~7 ,13337087 3883.923 7230434 ~9-DEC-14 RECEIVED OTHER X475653 fl~~~ AREA -CENTRAL T{CKET MEl"AL FRAGMENT FORENS►C RECEIVED IN A 93296534 3835657 714Q958 R~ 0552 HX~756~3 SERVICES 21-OCT-14 RECEIVED ~ OTHER COt~TAINETj 167 D1VISi~t~ FROM DET ,JOHNSON #20169 ENVELOPE; CONTAINING FORENSfC METAL 13296534 3835657 7140957 X552 FRAGMENT$ ,~~7 HX475S53 SERVICES 2'f-OC7-14 RECEIVED ~ OTHER DIV1SiON RECOVERE~3 FROM- THE i OFFENDERS SWEATER FIRESTONE; FlREHA,WK TIRE (26v/60R17} FORENSIC WlTFi DAMAGE eTrack Inventory -Item Inaniry Page ~ of 6 h~X475653 SERVICES RECOVEREp ~~~z DIVISION FROM BT. 13296523 3835643 7'i~10926 21-OCT-14 RECEIVED OTHER $45R X67 ATTATCHED TO ~✓ A RIM METAL FORENSIC FRAGMENT '13296511 3835829 7140896 ~~ -0552 BERVEGES HX475653 2t-OCT-14 RECEIVED ~ OTHER p3 ~s7 g~V1SI0N RECOVER FROM THE STREET METAL FORENSIC FRACMEN7 rr 1329651 i 3835629 7140895 Rd Q552 HX475653 SERVICES 21-OG7-14 RECEIVED ~ OTHER ~~~ p~VISIQN RECOVERED ~~~ FROM THE STREET METAL ~ORENSlC FRAGMENT `: ~'13296511 3835629 7140894 RD- 0552 SERVICES HX475653 21-OCT-14 RECEIVED ~ OTHER Tfi7 D1ViSION RCOVER p FROM THE STREET METAL FORENSIC FRAGMENT 1:3298511 3835629 714F}893 ~~ 0552 HX475653 SERVICES 21-OCT-14 RECEIVED ~ OTHER p~ViSION RCOV RED S ~~7 FROM THE STREET METAL FORENSIC FRAGMENT 13296511 .3835629 7140892 Rd 0552 HX475653 SERVICES 21-OCT-14 RECEIVEQ ~ OTHER i67 ~' D!V[SION RECOVRED> FROM THE STREET FORENSEC SEALED ME 13296668 3835793 7141171 ~~ HX47~653 05.52 SERViC~S 21-OC7-14 REGEIV~D ~ FIREa BULLET BULLET 187 pIVIS10h~ ENVELOPE. WIN 9MM I:UGER + P FIRED FORENSIC CARTRIDGE 13296489 383608 714Q849 Rd- ~P~NDED CASES ,~~~ :; - HX475653 0552. SERVECES 21-OC7-14 RECEIVED D!V(SiON SHALL {MARKERS #2 & #3) RECOVERED FROM THE STREET WIN 9MM LUG~R + P FIRED eTrack Inventory Item Inquiry Page 5 of6 caRr~»~~ CASES {MARKEf2S #7,& FOREh1SiC #4 THROUG~i .~~7 3835608 7740845 RD- 0552 SERVICES RECEIVED ~~E~~~~ 13296485 NX475653 21-OCT-14 SHELL #16} pIV1S10~V RECOVERED FROM TFiE STREET {CREATED BY CRIME SCENE RD- SUB EXHlSiT Of iSP}TEST SHOTS (~j'"~ :13296449 3835538 7342634 0552 INVESTIGATIONS IFACEUSER .~67 HX475653 21-C3CT-14 RECEIVED FIREARM FROM EXH{BIT UNl7 #3. FORE►VSlC SEALED ME ~~j,, 13296464 3835583 71~4080T R~ 0552 SERVICES BLOOQ CARD 167 HX475653 21-OCT-14 RECEfVED ~ BLOOD CARD DIVISIaN SWAB 80X C4NTAIN3NG TWO SWABS OF FORENSIC SUSPECT RED . 1329600 3835619 7140872 R~- 0552 SERVICES BLOOD 1fi7 HX475653 21-OCT-34 RECEfVED ~ BLOOD SWABS STA►I~S p1ViSlON {MARKER #8} RECOVERED FROM THE STREET R/t FROM THE FORENSIC PASSENGER ~,{~, 13296528 3835649 7140942 ~~~2 SERVlC~S 177 ~a475653 29-OCT-14 f2ECEIVED ~ FP LIFT FRO ST Ql1ATER ~~v~sior~ PANEL RII FROM THE FORENSIC PASSENGER 13296b28 3835649 71 40941 RD- ~5b2 SERVICES 177 HX475653 21-OCT-14 RECE[VEQ ~ ~P LIFT FRONT 'DIV1StC7N QUATER PANEL FOREhfSIC R/i FROM THE . 13296528 3835649 714094a ~~- 0552 PASSENGER HX475653 SERVICES 2'E-OCT-14 ~2ECEIVED ~ ~P LIFT 177 plVISION FRONT QUATER PANEL FORENSIC R/) FROM THE 13296528 3835649 710939 ~D- PASSENGER ~ir~ NX475653 0552 SERVICES 21-OCT-14 RECEIVEDi FP Li~T 177 DIVISION FRONT QUATER PAiVEL ELIMINATION PRINTS CRIME SCENE (1NCLUDIi~G 13296452 3835~4t 71~D457 HX~475653 ~~~~ ~~VESTIGATIONS 21-OCT-14 RECEIVED ~ ~P CARD PALMS} FR{~M 177 f1NIT P.O. T. GA~~N~Y, #19958 eTrack Inventory Item Inquiry Page 6 of6 E~IMlNATlON PRINTS CRIME SCENE (INCLUDING 13296451 3835540 7140456 ~p~7~~~3 05 2 INV~STIGATiONS 21-flCT-14 RECEIVED ~ ~P CARD. PALMS) FRONT 177 UNIT P.O. J. MCELLIGOTT, #1$715 ~D_ CRIME SCENE GER ; ;13296449 3835538 7140212 0552 INVESTIGATIONS 21-OCT-14 RECEIVED BULLET f AMMO UR P 167 HX475653 U~[T ~ BfJLLET '' CARTRIDGES RD- CRIME SCENE 93296449 3835538 CAf'ACN 714023X475653 ~~'~ {~VESTiGATIONS 21-OCT-14 RECEIVED ~ MAGAZINE ~~~L~~ 167 UNIT MAGRZINES SM1T}i & WESSON tJIOD.#5943 SER. CRIME SCENE ~MM 1329~i449 3835538 RD- CALIBER SEMI- 7140211X475653 ~~~2 INVESTIGATIONS 29-OCT-14 RECEIVED ~ FIREARM ''a~' UNtI' AUTOMATfC ~~7 i'ISTOL 41NGH BARREL STAINLESS STEEL , Used ,;..,... ~:, .,~ 1N T1~E C1RCUiT COUR3 OF COOK COUN71` ` STATEQ~1LttN0l5 ~ ~N~NTORY # INCIDENT # courvrraF caoK ~ sa. l ~~f ~.~~ ~~ ~d ~~ ~~~ Ft is heretry 6rdsred and decreed that: A!I Property cfesaNbect orr Une{s) of this tnvantory ahatt be: ~~r^` ~ ~~'~ ("~ CanRscated srrt! D(spased ofpy the Chkago Pdke Custodfan .~~' J~, [~ impaurrded by the Clerk of tha Clreuff Court, who shale recaty~ acrd preserve same tar usa In arty appeals orsubaequenf (complete Receiptbelow) fdels ~a Tumad over to (prlrtt Name} __ .__ _. .... ................ _. [ SEAL ~. OF ~ CourtPrasldtngln Dais COURT . ... :ti f Signsttrra of Olflcer obtafnl CouR •.,, ,.••• "~ Ortier srerrao. a uRn RECEIPT ~.QR ABOVE PROPERTY MY SIGNATl1RE HEfiEON ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIVING ALL PROPERTY 1.1STED OBE THE ABOVE SHOWN COURT ORDER. 3ignattrre of Recipfant Addreu Date S)gnafura ofD(ficer mektrtg of PtapaRy Turr►over Stsr No. d Unft ~~ _ .. ~_ L ~~ ~~ 2 PROPERTY TURNOVER TO STATE'S ATTORNEY QR OTHEk`l.AVY ENFORCEMEt~lT AGENCIES This Js to ceriHythaf t have taken cuefody and conhaf of aft property iuted on this lnvsniory farm, t ahai! preserve, protecf anti retain ali ankles ofphyska!evidence tfsfed for prsaentathrr or use in a pendlttp Maf, appeal or subsequent trial. !further acknowiedga that dtsposst of lfils prvpsriy wt!! bs made In aceoidenee wkh an Order of the Coart having/urlsd/ctlon. ~u~-L rp~, ~OFF , G ~f/~ D J ~J / 3tgnalure of Raclpiant Tine l /'~ ~~Jl Data!~' ~ $G r Stgnafwa of Olifcer - --~ ~ ~a~ ~~y[j f makbrg Tumovar of Fmperiy 4~T..i ~~ ~ Gf~ .
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