Ye Hongmin, Party Secretary of Langsi Zhuangyuan Village, , City, Province

Ye Hongmin is the Party secretary of Langsi Zhuangyuan Village, Haiyang Town, Xiuning County, and a farmer entrepreneur. After being elected the Party secretary of the village, Mr. Ye has taken his fellow villagers onto a path of common prosperity through tourism development. In 2008, in order to support the rural development of his hometown, Ye Hongmin, who was then Chairman of the Fangyuan Municipal Utilities Company of Xiuning County, voluntarily moved his registered residence and organizational affiliation back to Langsi Zhuangyuan Village and invested a considerable part of the enterprise development fund at his disposal in the development of the village. With a realistic and pragmatic spirit, he solicited views from all quarters of the society, and adopted an integrated approach that combined rural tourism development with poverty alleviation efforts, which resulted in the leapfrog development of tourism industry in the village. The collective economy of the village took off from scratch, and delivered a net profit of 200,000 yuan in 2014. The per capita net income of farmers has been growing at over 30% per annum, reaching 18,078 yuan in 2014, ranking the first in the county. More importantly, the village has maintained stability and public order, free from any major criminal case or mass incident in recent years. It has received such honorary titles as “province-level five-outstanding village Party organization” as well as the “outstanding contribution award” in the fifth Elderly Talents Forum. It is also a non-government board director unit of the Association of Retired Scientific and Technological Workers from Tsinghua University, and home to the Yellow Mountain Club of the World Eminent Chinese Business Association, the Yellow Mountain Training Base of the International Kung Fu Federation and the operation base of the Cultural Committee of the Central Committee of China Democratic National Construction Association.