September/October 1988 Gear Technology
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Th,eIoumalot Gear' Manufacturin',g SEPTEMBER/O'CTOBER 198B Accurate gear inspection depends on retlat8d dataevaluation. Profit depends on speed. Maag CNC ~1 •• '" three, in the lab and on the shop floor. • Maag mechanical machines 'combine the speed and automatic checldng the reliability of a base circle disc design for profile and lead gear inspection. • Onlly Maag multi-axis electronic machines measure internal and external spur, helical and cluster gears with up to 15 sets of teeth, all in a single setup, with accuracy of .000040 in. • Maag's unique easy-to-use menu programming and software automatically bring the stylus to the moth surface. If you'd like to know how to spot your bad apples quicker, contact American Pfauter, 92,5Estes Ave., Elk 'Grove v.mage, IL 60007. Phone (312) 640-7500. 11111 !I.f" A .• 11-_..1••..:.,:., Iuou,n,· menea. r;nNllnnf'iii MIKRON brings you hob speeds upto 2,000 rpm and high rigidity with the A33/2 gear hObblng machine The model A33/2 is a completely automatic gear hobbing machine with programmable controller. Users realize the full advantages of modem TiN coated hobs while hobbing gears of from 0.151" to 4" (4mm -100mm) outside diameter. The Mikron A33/2 is step-by-step expandable and is available in both automatic and manual load models. It can be fitted with an automatic deburring device and is also suited for skiving with tungsten carbide hobs because of the high rigidity achieved by its horizontal design. write or phone for complete details on this flexible, expandable system and other Mikron hobblng. //£/fijj'" machines for gears up to 8" diameter. 71"7;ARCUT SALES,IINC.. &/ ~~~'61lndustrlal ParkDrive . - Farmington Hills, MI48024 313/474-8200 Telex 230-411 STARCUT SUPPLIED PRODUCTS AND SERVICES star Ma.cnl:neTOOlS / star cutting 'FOO'IS I Oolld'Star Coatlngls !Hurtn Macn:lneloois ! Mllkron IHob'blngMachines and Tools! TIN co.atlng Systems I stieber ,Clamping TOOlS QIRCLE A-5 ON READER REPLYCARD EDI'I'OIUAL STAPP PUBUSHER • EDITOR·IN.QOEF Michael Goldstein ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER • MANAGING EDITOR Peg Short ASSOCIATE mrroR Nancy Bartels ART DIRECTOR Kimberly Zarley PROOUCDONIADVER11SING CONTENTS PAGE NO. Patricia Flam SALES co-oRDINATOR Jan LaBarge mrroRJAL ASSISTANTS Nancy Conn 'CROWNED SPUR GEARS: OPTIMAL GEOMErRY AND GENERATION 9 Mary Michelson Faydor L. Litvin, Jiao Zhang, Wei-Shing Chaing, Candace Rose University of Illinois at Chicagp, Chicago, lL IIANDAU. PIJBLISIIING STAFF John 1. Coy, Robert F. Handschuh, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH PRESIDENT Michael Goldstein VICE PRESIDENT CALCULATION OF OPTIM~ TOOTH FLANK CORRECTIONS Richard Goldstein fOR HELICAL GEARS 1.6 Manfred Week. Georg Mauer, Laboratory for Machine Tools VICE PRESlDENTIGEN. MeR. Peg Short and hldusttial Management, Technical University, Aachen, West Gennany ART CONSULTANT Marsha Goldstein ENHANCEU PRODUCT PERFORMANCE THROUGH eBN 'GRINDING 23 lANDAU. PUBUSHING Glenn Johnson and Ernest Rattennan, 1401 Lunt Avenue GE Superabrasives, Worthington, OH P.O. Box 1426 Elk Grove. D.. 60007 (312) 437-6604 EDITORIAl TECHNICAL CALENDAR IMTS ADV.ERTISER INDEX 8 BAiCK TO BASICS •.. 1NVOI.UTOMETRY 34 Harlan W. Van Cerpenand C. Kent Reece OUR COVER Van Cerpen-Reeee Engineering, Cedar Falls, LA Galileo's Escapement. This model, built 110m a of GaJileo 's. ~ constructed drawirW CLASSIFIED 46, in FIorenre. Italy, in 1883 and is now on display in the Science MusetII1I. London. Probably desiItned by GaJiIeo in the 1610's. the device is one of the earliest to me a pen- September/October. 1988 dtMum to ~ a docJnr;ork. It is an ap- plication of the principle. discovered by CaMeo. thai the period cf osdlation cfa pen- d&bn is the Si1I11e ~ cfthe size of the an: made by its ~ motion. It consists rfan esGlJ:Ie MbeeJ, pinion. pallets with 01.tch and the perxhium and its.suspension. (Photo courtesy of Sdence Museum, London, EtvJIand.) OperalOf Conlroll Panel for part Iload· inga.nd machine setup. GraphiCS.- rlnter PIOtter delivers CNCstatus with copies ClfT. multl:-color hard monItor prOVides for one- copy 01 graphics status ai!d poSi- time entry of part and test data. tional display of p!int and tolerance mechanical system data. 'Mouse" per- 8.nd ONe control mits use of CAD functions. tE!(;hniques. Our Model 3000 ac Gear .Ana:ryzeris a third generation CNCgear inspection system in- corporating all of the comprehensive analytical tests and evaluation capabiilities of previous M & M systems, such as our Model 2000, but with these added capabilities: .' iDramat,ically improved speed and accuracy through new mechanical system design and advanced CNC control technology. • Computer hardware and applications software are modular to allow the user to buy onl,y the required, capability. This makes the 3000 ac adaptable to laboratory test,ing or producfien-llne inspection. • l:ntegrated Statistical, Process Control with local data base capability is an optlonal feature. • Networking with MAPS compatibililty is available. • IRobotic interfacing for totally automatic :Ioadltestlunload operation can be incorporated.' . For more information or applications assistance, write or call: M & M Precision Systems, 300 Progress IRd.,West Carrollton, OH 45449,513/859·8273, TWX 810/450·2,626, FAX 513/859·445·2. M&M PRECISION SYSTEMS' AN ACME-CLEVELAND COMPANY See the 3000 QC at Boolh#6673, I!M!TS '88 CIROLS A-6 ON READER REPLYCARD THE 500 LBGORILLA IN THE WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY rMTS ISback. in [own, From Sept. 7 through Sept J 5. the largest Industrial exhibrtron In the Western Hemisphere will f,U one of the largest exhIbItion centers in the world, A show of this magnitude is a little like the 500 lb. gorilla In your dining room - hard to ignore. But like the gonlla in the dining room. IMTS raises certain ambrvrlenr feelings, True. I['S big and Important but what does It mean for our industry 7 The rest of the machine [001 business rends [0 dwarf the gearing Industry, and the ternpranon to Sitthe show out is strong. After all. there are other trade shows and conferences that relate more directly to our Interests, BeSidesIts bigness, what does IMTS have to offer the gear manufacturer, engineer or designer7 A lot. J .078 companies 11\1111 dIsplay the very latest machine tool products - including gear cutting and finishing equipment - from 27 nanons. There IS no better place to see the direction manuFactlJnng will take In the coming decades. Running concur- rently with the show is the Technology Conference, where some 200 industry experts from around the world Will cover every aspect of the lalest techniques In manufacturing in 48 separate half-day sessions. One whole session is devoted to modem gear making methods. and at least a half dozen other gear-relared topes Will be covered. That's a lot of information processes and rechnqoes available to lower your costs and and opportunity all in one place at one orne - information and improveyour quality, opporturrty we should nor Ignore. In a chess game. the winner ISthe player who can plan the America's industry has been through some tough times over most moves ahead, The same is true In the highly competitive. [he last decade. We have suffered from a slightly dulled com- global manufacturrng world In which we operate today petmve edge and. more critical In my opinion, a doJlarlforelgn- Education, Information and strategic planning are crucial to currency imbalance that no amount of cornpennve sharpness econormc survival. could overcome Now things have changed, Currency balances Don't let opportunities like IMTS slip by, Windows cI oppor- are much more favorable than they have been in years. and the tunity can close as quickly as (hey open. and the companies that harsh weeding out process has left Amencan Industry leaner. have not used their open time Wisely Will be shut out In the cold meaner and capable of faCing foreign competition Suddenly our products are In demand again. Exp0r!3 are growing and our rae- tones are busy. We have been able to come up for air In our struggle to survive the comperl[Jon. Bur we cannot be lulled Into complacency. This change for the better ISa window of opportunity. nor a permanent condi- tion. Exchange rates and economic Indicators are never fixed values. Politics. weather. scientific advances, an work to make the situation fluid, We have to make the oesr use of [he good times while we have them. Not only must we repair financial damage, but also reinvest some of our higher profits In our com- panies, in machines. people. education, systems and Informa- tion, In the years ahead. we should expect to face larger, better financed and even more stra[eglcally oriented competition. We must take advantage of trus present opportunity to make ourselves ready. lMTS is a good place to begin. Even If you're nor In the market for machinery today, trns isme place to seed what's out there. what the competlrion IS manufactUring. buying and will be using in the future ..A show like IMTS or the Gear Expo In Pittsburgh next year is the place to survey all the manufaaurjng options. Sep'emberjOc'ober 1988 5 -- -- -- TECHNIC.LU C.LU4END1\.R SEPTEMBER27-29. American Scxlecy cal Meeting'. Falfmon,t Ho,tel', N'ew MeridJan,.lndlanapolls, IN. The technical' for Metals 11th Annual' H'eat l\rea:tlng Orl'eans, LA. Presentations from U.S. conference will include papers on "Design Conference, McCormick Place, Chicago, and around the world on gear materials and Selection of Hobs.' "Selection of High- ll. Presentations on suqjects including heat and heat treatment design techniques. Speed Steel for Gear Cutting Tools", treating, statistical process control. new applications technology and the latest "Special Design Deburring EqUipment" energy applications, quenching and cool- technological developments.