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July 19·, 1973 ·EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 25025' By Mr. STARK: for other purposes; to· the Committee on the By Mr. WINN: . H.R. 9424. A bill to govern the disclosure · Judiciary. H. Con. Res. 270. Concurrent resolution of certain financial information by financial By Mr. ROE: expressing the sense of the Congress that no institutions to governmental agencies, to pro H.R. 9434. A bill to encourage considera person should be ·considered for appointment tect the constitutional rights of citizens of tion of nonstructura.l alternatives to flood. as ambassador or minister if such· person or the United States and to prevent unwar damage prevention; to the Committee on members of his immediate family have con ranted invasions of privacy by prMcribing Public Works. tributed more than $5,000 to a candidate for procedures and standards governing disclo H.R. 9435. A bill to amend the Internal President in the last election; to the Com sure of such information, and for other pur Revenue Code of 1954 to allow an income mittee on Foreign Affairs. poses; to the Committee in Banking and Cur tax deduction for depreciation on capital ex By Mr. GUDE (for himself, Mr. FRA rency. penditures incurred in connecting residential SER, Mr. BROWN o! California, Mr. By Mrs. BURKE of California: sewerlines to municipal sewage systems; to BURTON, Mr. CORMAN, Mr. COUGH H.R. 9425. A bill to require that funds be the Committee on Ways and Means. LIN, Mr. DAVXS of Georgia, Mr. DRI made available for replacement housing in By Mr. ROONEY of Pennsylvania (for NAN, Mr. FORSYTHE, Mr. HARRINGTON, connection with certain highway programs; himself, Mr. CHARLES H. WILSON of Mr. METCALFE, Mr. MrrcHELL of to the Committee on Public Works. California, Mr. PODELL, Mr. WARE, Mr. Maryland, Mr. NIX, Mr. OBEY, Ms. By Mr. GINN: NIX, Mr. BROWN of California, Mr. SCHROEDER, Mr. SEIBERLING, Mr. H .R. 9426. A bill to amend the Anti-Smug FORSYTHE, Mr. CORMAN, Mr. MCDADE, VANYK, and Mr. WoN PAT): gling Act to provide that a vessel may be Mr. HEcHLER of West Virginia., Mr. H. Res. 497. Resolution expressing the prohibited from entering or remaining in the WoN PAT, Mr. RoE, Ms. ABZUG, Mr. sense of the House that the U.S. Government United States, or may be required to post a CAREY of New York, Mr. KYROS, Mr. should seek agreement with other members bond, if any person who owns, controls, or HARRINGTON, Mr. MoSS, Mr. GAYDOS, of the United Nations on prohibition of has a. monetary interest in such vessel' has and Mr. ECKHARDT) : weather modification activity as a weapon participated in illegal importa.tion {)f nar H .R. 9436. A bill to amend section 402 of of war; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. cotics; to the Committee on Ways a.nd Means. title 23, United States Code, to extend cer By Mr. GUDE (for himself, Mr. FRASER, By Mr. HARRINGTON: tain deadlines relating to apportionment of Ms. ABZUG, Mr. BINGHAM, Mr. COHEN, H.R. 9427. A bill to require the labeling of highway safety funds, and for other pur Mr. CONYERS, Mr. · DELLUMS, ~. energy-intensive consumer goods with re poses; to the Committee on Public Works. ECKHARDT, Mr. EDWARDS of Califor spect to the annual energy costs of operating By Mr. STAGGERS: nia, Mr. EILBERG, Mr. FRENZEL, Ms. · these goods for an average owner; to the H.R. 9437. A bill to amend the Interna. HOLTZMAN, Mr. HOWARD, Mr. Mc Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com tional Travel Act of 1961 to authorize appro CLOSKEY, M:r. MCDADE, Mr. Moss, Mr. merce. priations for fiscal years 1974, 1975, and 19'76; . RoDINO, Mr. RoSENTHAL, Mr. BAR By Mr. HARRINGTON (for himself and to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign BANES, Mr. STARK, Mr. STOKES, Mr. Mr. HELSTOSK.I) : Commerce. STUDDS, Mr. THOMPSON of New Jer H .R. 9428. A bill to provide for posting in By Mr. STEIGER of Wisconsin (for sey): formation in post offices with respect to regis himself, Mr. ROBISON of New York, H. Res. 498. Resolution expressing the tration, voting, and communicating with Mr. .A.N.DERsoN of Illinois, and Mr. sense of the House that the U.S. Govern lawmakers; to the Committee on Post Office ESCH): ment should seek agreement with other and Civil Service. H.R. 94.38. A bill to confer U.S. citizenship members of the United Nations on prohibi By Mr. HEBERT (by request) : on certain Viena.mese children and to provide tion of weather modification activity as a weapon of war; to the Committee on Foreign H.R. 9429. A bill to authorize the disposal for the adoption of such children by Ameri of opium ·from the national stockpile; to the can families; to the Committee on the Judi Affairs. ciary. By Mr. UDALL (for himself, Mr. Committee on Armed Services. YOUNG of Texas, and Mr. LONG of By Mr. HEBERT (for himself, Mr. By Mr. SYMINGTON: H.R. 9439. A bill to establish a national Louisiana) : PASSMAN, Mr. WAGGONNER, Mr. H. Res. 499. Resolution to amend the Rules RARICK, Mr. BREAUX, Mr. LONG of flood plain policy and to authorize the secre tary of the Interior, in cooperation with Fed of the House of Representatives with respect Louisiana, Mr. TREEN, Mr. GRAY, Mr. to the time of putting the question on mo O'NEILL, Mr. McFALL, Mr. BLATNrK, eral agencies and the States, to encourage the dedication of the Nation's flood plains as tions to suspend the rules and pass bills Mr. HARSHA, Mr. GROVER, and Mr. and resolutions; to the Committee on Rules. PBICE of illinois): natural floodwa.ys, to protect, conserve, and H .R. 9430. A bill to name the U.S. court restore their natural functions and resources, house and Federal office building under con and for other purposes; to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. s:truction in New Orleans, La., as the Hale MEMORIALS Boggs Federal Building, and for other pur By Mr. WALDIE: poses; to the Committee on Public Works. H.R. 9440. A bill to provide for .access to all duly licensed psychologists and optometrists Under clause of rule XXII, memorials By Mr. McCLOSKEY: . were presented and referred as follows: H.R. 9431. A bill to amend the Federal Food, without prior referral in the Federal em ployee health benefits program; to the Com 282. By Mr. DICKINSON: Memorial of the Drug, and Cosmetic Act to include a. defini State of Alabama requesting that the Presi tion of food supplements, and for other pur mittee on Post omce and Civil Service. By Mr. GONZALEZ: dent and Congress do a.ll in their power to poses; to the Committee on Interstate and secure the release and information concern Foreign Commerce. H.J. Res. 674. Joint resolution to designate ing the missing in action in Southeast Asia; By Mr. MORGAN (for himself, Mr. February 10 to 16, 1974, as "National Voca to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. GAYDOS, Mr. MOORHEAD of Pennsyl tional Education and National Vocational 283. By the SPEAKER: A memorial of Leg vania, Mr. DOMINICK V. DANIELS, Mr. Industrial Clubs of America (VICA~ week"; islature of the State of california, relative Nix, Mr. RoONEY of Pennsylvania, to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. BARRETT, Mr. CLARK, Mr. VIGORITO, to the New Melones Dam project; to the By Mr. ROE: Committee on Public Works. and Mr. EILBERG) : H.J. Res. 675. Joint resolution to provide H.R. 9432. A bill to strengthen and improve for the issuance of a. special postage stamp the protections and interests of participants in commemoration of Guglielmo Marconi; · and beneficiaries of employee pension and welfare benefit plans; to the Committee on to the Committee on Post Office and Civil PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Service. Education and Labor. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, By Mr. RAILSBACK (for himself,. Mr. By Mr. MOAKLEY: · ANDERSON of Illlnois, Mr. COHEN, H. Con. Res. 269. Concurrent resolution Mr. WALDm introduced a bill (H.R. 9441) and Mr. HORTON): requesting the President to proclaim August for the relief of Lt. Col. Harold E. Glads-tone H.R. 9433. A bill relating to the employ 26, 1973, as ''National Women's Suffrage and Elsie Gladstone, which was referred to ment and training of criminal offenders, and Day"; to the Committee on the Judiciary. the Committee on the Judiciary. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS AN ELOQUENT TRffiUTE so frequently ignored in favor of "the a mother and son. I feel honored that it roar of the crowd" and the harsher reali was sent to me by a friend of many years. HON. DEL CLAWSON ties of human existence that it is with The column appeared in the March 15, particular appreciation I insert at this 1973, issue of the newspaper: OF CALIFORNIA point in the RECORD. an' article '-py Jesse QLYMPIANS AND CHAMPIONS IN THE HOUSE OF,REPRESENTATIVES L. Robinson, sports editor of the Metro (By Jesse L. Robinson) Wednesday, July 18, 1973 politan Gazette· of Compton, Calif. It is I want to be there when· the saints go Mr. DEL CLAWSON. Mr. Speaker, an· eloquent tribute which ·speaks for m arching in. family devotion 'and honest affection are itself of the richness of emoti6n between What 'happened to'me last week, has .hap- 25026 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 19, 19 73 pened or wlll happen to everyone in due Roseboro, these guys were neighbors, but trict. The spirit 'and the hope expressed time. When it happened to me, it caused me Compton lost two of their top taxpayers. by Mr. Nedwell· in his poem "Until to do a whole lot of thinking.