Upper Canada Railway Society the Cover
Upper Canada Railway Society The Cover Rapid transit comes to tbe suburbs I A westbound TTC Bloor-Danforth train is sbown bere on tbe newly-opened eastern extension of tbe subway, between Warden and Victoria Park Stations. It is skirting Bell's Busb Park and tbe Massey Creek Ravine — scenery wbicb no doubt newsletter comes as a pleasant surprise to many commuters formerly used to traffic jams on their way to work. See page 55. Number 268 May, 1968 — Ted Wickson Published monthly by the Upper Canada Railway Society, Inc., Box 122, Terminal A, Toronto, Ont. Coming Events James A. Brown, Editor ^xo:OT•^x•:•x•>x•:•>^>^^^^:•:•^^^^:^^ Regular meetings of the Society are held on the third Friday of each month (except July and August) at 589 Mt. Pleasant Road, Authorized as Second Class Matter by the Post Office Department, Toronto, Ontario. 8.00 p.m. Ottawa, Ont. and for payment of postage In cash. Members are asked to give the Society at least five weeks notice June 1: Steam excursion to Stratford, leaves Toronto of address changes. (Sat) at 0815 EDT. FARES: Adult S9.75; Child S5.00; Infant $1.00. June 9: A visit to tbe OERHA property at Rockwood is (Sun) being arranged. Write tbe Entertainment Com• Please address NEWSLETTER contributions to the Editor at mittee for details. 3 Bromley Crescent, Bramalea, Ontario. No responsibility is June 13: NOTE CHANGE OF DATE! assumed for loss or nonreturn of material. (Tburs) Outdoor meeting: A visit to CN's new Express Terminal at Toronto Yard, Keele Street at Hwy All other Society business, including membership Inquiries, should 7.
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