60-1501-980 - ~ fr/",__ J

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"6 II"File 'ChzIi4actér'bf'Ca'ss 'NO. ,__,MvM ,

I.-_-_-.°l¢ .. .. ~-. ..r_ ;.55gfI_!'1~' ~_,,§,,-I11-g,.,__» -....lF§iIwI@m :,__.;-,_¢. - . . . ~ ._ - *- Q. Km-5,93 ii$3lsPZ£iiQ;-31I#i@h"~;nl1a.sés : "eurr¢m," ca¢r"1;<;'"" s1{Epir&> ,! " 'ANTITRUST . *"°§is §~¥T#éi.9.¢1f1¢§ii.3'i§~§1?5P¢¥5!iL92¬>.:1-sliishW88» 3°~119216.l.sDisnu.husén7 " - Smu¢.l"1>I@3'*?¢¥'*Z*f¢h:6*"I»§£§2..s ~ sw;@_._"1" »s_.._s1hv ". _ . I- 0.. #1462; -- . s

L L°"IS§ "?a§1cfI1"~1:.13rRs?;:d5?@§?..i.e§2&5 P.k.¢"a ;Lo.uj1s;su¢kmsc. = . ;¥6§i"~Kuw9;;';.i;Lqg1s_ gsygn, Louis. Bucko.l'bc_r,'..: ~, a 1 ,§f§J.,1;g;'I;au1sTmuvo.r,.Lou1§.sarrer, ., _. ulna I A _ = . , I --1,du"is:"=m;iv*o1 '92. . -l -»;92_". .~ A '92_- ,4!y _», _ .5, . _ .' - s - 4/ *.. __ --l?PGI.TIVEi;¢¢=sl§§f¢,:?%¬#1?i6 3%»-se""a1;"? '~t' - -". L» 15Y'A=."'" -~ ~" -92 -92'_. " " . .4, J ," 4 ,-», H " 7 -x - <1 __ ,. . 4.1. ;-El-¥--i-...._._..S, ., ,9 .s.i".:~? -"¥1~*"¥.°-*%$#».j="<::é:%+i;:~*@"="- l :-M:-=*.' . s. " "J .' . . , - -.. ./' 1 F92-- 1' _ ." ~ "".r;:¢- < __.-J~. ;;_ __<_~_ _ ~ . - .: » ' ' -V-I,r -.1 1 _._" -25?-£15:9;.f.,v}f;é-S1.§I:I§|§1¥:{i.._kOf _infcrmtior'1 relating to Subjects , I _ :""T"~'1"§"§T'-"T".~l"1'*.~*5?.§§h°~Pi17Q,»_§1;id _Buchnlter;,~, ~ _ ' _.- M _ .1'4: 5-.'Pibscc92it:;1vb notion and offenses involved I Q I 0 Q- 2 - -_-Q ,1 -ZYPQ Protcdtive Fur Dressers Cor orati A ~--e-' ._.f;-,._'n,-_1§<°_ {;:".~ 1w Q ._ " _ . .- " P > - _ mo .~.'.~.~ 'F?f*~ ' _ _ V _ - ._: I D1'°B$°13 F92°t°1 .. l C.°1'P<>1M=ibn I » ' I '* . r~ ".i-.=.=-+~-..-'_".~l.--»;% },'¢j.~'.;."£-_,~.v'=.-.." .=.'-- . , ~_> , . 6&0 " ' . _ ' . 5 .1 K 1 _,_ _-..¢;.-,_'~. .° .<'->§+T;~.°I.1..° " as; - . _. . ".4. . . ., . , . 19'.! -92 »- .. .~<_. . 1 -.._.-;~;;;w_',,.;-,~;>;, ,3; -41>.-"" Y *- ¢ _r1 manufacturing . . _. ._ I~ racket. Q H _ .; . I 1 "' 1-'5-vi -- 4.. .. . ¢~ {:1 . >1". . ..- " 12 4 1 r - . . .. . 0. Jt _ I 3,"?-*1 f-My; ' J " "-'=5R7*""'-~,i{-p--11". ~- - .- ,-.-I-". . V». . .- - R:~?",-w-, <1 ». J» -» _ . . _ _ .1--. i 1". 1-"_.;'/};__>_,;~.v_,-,',~=_§_ Y _ ! _ . 92.', .._"} "H "~<'"1r."I .-...._.,!13..92.=.1'~f$!Q1,n1d;n.nd iv----'-.x* 9*, y»! ~-."- .;".- aotivit ,-'1 _.,. 1es - - of . Sub_]ect V _ ' _ V Bucha1ter,"-,'"- l K__ ._ .> ._ LA __ ._ :1"-"P11?-' - ' T"; ;-4:1 - .E. ' -1 »~"* t~~== »s1~*:.~-1-+-1~,,-~~ _ ~,s.. . A -1 "" ~ ~ .. ..<-"~~ ¢_._; . :3 z. ._ ,1 1 , 7: T . .' ''2 . ., .-,;,-_,.. . ._' .. . "7""; 1» r ;I!1°tiVit.5~¢$.§bf.SXbje ct .Sh'pifO §. ; *5. '"' -- "_ :-:;_92_.':,'~{Tj-rJ,"~1;§-W . i. -"11.: .&"»;'"."»' v~11 V . ';,~_::¢¢, ~ 7':

- --'*-<."-I:-'7-"{3;";5{~§'-..:".'- "'i5:"2"='*-'"R¢ 9§i=1ves1"~"Ass6c1c;tos ,- -_.-.;_-92 92.. ~ . and Connections " ' . *~,~,;r.~;_"..-. .5-__,_-. -- ,.77 ,' 92_*, r -; 1.~__$;1_,n.x~"_£ 3¢ 0 ' -' :"";.:":. 1;-' v.';:; ;_-*f".4'E_ :?.','_<;"._.-3';-,_,_I_'._. <5: -.Y "" '-.'_":"- -L f-' '-*:_- .~.. --»-5'-"T-'_"-""~'""I71 V V' ;;.- sf..." V, " Q -7 "' » " . " 1 .. J.».l;!"._-;-O 1 - 4.-P.?"?"°d -V: 1-. :-_. .. " » . . 'Q'. -1:; - . iJim!dvsizl2-aiéfi-§sf;P§z;i3:§iM;1§h94Z8¢?.j;_£; ... , _' _' - '- .- -,?;.~.~Ii_is1.;Do"-.;nQti"Writo~in _ . .1 .'.U>. _. these"-spwegr. . J > - ' ~-- .-92- _. - 4 -/','_",__§ ".-; . ,;.-~"I.._.-1' :"~;~":"-"q.»:.»_.»... 4- 1;". _j A A g=~.~.~. . -. -A s '1!» 4, ,n I; ' " " 4 '2<'*.r'..-- '7_,~__; _,;!.»- .. .-c ..-¢~.92_§92,_.1_ 92,_. - _ _ , _ V ~. . _. ~....;."~ _,'~.-_--1~';¢»_:_fv__i1,.1=f- j-' .1 1-..~ V -_ _;-_ _ .» _ . | I/_ _ ..I _ ,, 4-no - , . 1- ,-._---.~ 92 A 92- 9292 92 > s -4- _ 1» 1. 1:, '{.- . w,~;» -A. , L I -!9 K; ,,.,':-,|:;,;.;7_.: ,.,.... _. _. _._-.92~,:g'.i'_;?J>__:'.{i__J_r>__, __ ._ __.. _ I _ __ __ I . ;.;.__":J_._' " '~-' 1*-":5v----' Iv .." '*-.-':-".".w-~';';-..- ,...'.|='1 _ I I I l I ,__ Bur<$w_>i-.1 . , . - .» . -*."r~-?.?_?-.*l-! - , .- . . 4 ' =" ; . *' 1 ¢?§i*'%=is==~1~»-i-»l!=:~rr--$;>4;r¢*1 _;;1-.f92? Y :._-__t;_-;;__;§;'_"-_.92_;$ _:,;.- , "*-;;~**=";- :1-;_.: ~: .- - - .- - ' =»- A1l;F1@1_d. _ 0i£1<>¢$ .__¢:. ..;__.~;,,-:;,.{ _"; .°1.1°lBs°*~.?¥§! ». 5;; 1-if ;". j.-*.{;*",~.:- ".11; 4"<>g;'¢=""".;-,="<-;,... ~-;-;;§-=_-- » _" .. 92 1 ~ " 5 , ll: ' 8 T-T.92"'. A. I l . _ _ _ . ~, -_:~,:'._ 1,3, i?'__},_,; __ fl !:_§;,$g,u, 33' ____i_:";___"__:_ 7__ _:_>_ A. I ... _ -.- J Q it J"92~;.-. v -».' I; J.-. " - -, - '- -"- _ E.-.,-1 _ ~ , _ .._. _ M. . ! ». .- . _ , ;.~=;;_'/_-;:_, ' _" ~~ ', U ', _ ft K ¥_ 92' /- ~ " . / " <' -:'.*;ti;_,~"~ ." -_-__. 'I_. '.:-s 3- -;._;~¢'_~ ...-, - _ _ _ - . . ._.. .-_. . M, _ 1. ma ' 60-302 ';!§;3_;3l


York City. His Subject'Buchalter father, BERNARD, was BARNETborn or DAVIDFebruary BUCHALTER 12, 1897 died aboutin New twenty years ago. He came to America from Russia and operated a hard- ware shop in the neighborhood of Essex Street,1ower east side, New YorkCity, and resided either on Henry or Clinton Street in the same neighborhood. sidingwith her His daughter, mother, Mrs.'SARAH ROSE BUCHALTER, F. MOSS,age half-sister Th, of is presently Subjectre- Buchalter, City. at the Beacon Hotel, Broadway and 75th Street,

is living with her Subjectfather Buchalter's and stepmother wife, BEATRICE, SARAH!,Mr. known and as Hrs.BETTY, Bett S1'L:iUELy 's or .LBR!».H!" y EITER a former in m Apartment arria e 12-B, who was 310-'-Zest legally86th adoptedStreet. by thisSubjecapartment.uc lter, nd is also living in

loWs: ndditional relatives of Subject Buchalter are as fol-

ment 12-A, 110' Test 86th BUCHALTER, Street, New D.D.S., York City, brother;who residence, maintains Apart»dental offices at 57 West 57th Street, New York City and at 32h Roebling Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.

ISIDORE BUCHhLTER, brother, residing in Apartment 12-F. macist 9h7byMontgomery the Harvard DrugStreet, Brooklyn,Co., h2§9 N.Y., Broadway, employed New as aYork registered City.phar V Mrs. ROSE BUCHnLTER'S fixst husband was named KAUVLR deceased!.They had several children "+0 are half-brothers and half- as sistersoffollows: Subject . Buchalter. Their HQQCS and present addresses are ' C.H. KAUVnR, Ph. D., Rabbi; residence, 1316 Gilpin Street, Denver, Colorado; connected with the Jewish synagogue at Colorado.1580 Gaylord Street as well as with the DenverUniversity at Denver, Mrs. MAXWELL J. MORSE, housewife, residing at the Wellston husbandand Lpartments, children. 161 He West issaid 75th to Street, be in the New real York estate City with business,her

-55- 2 NB

V C-0~Z-O2. ti ";92-Q 32

' Hrs. SARAHF. ROSS, residing at the Hotel Beacon, 75th Street and Broadway, New York City, employed as a school teach- er in Iew York City; also President and zanagcr of Camp Allegro in the Berkshires, Inc.; maintains a sumrer camp for girls at Pitts- field, Pass. '

PEILIP KnUVhR, living with his wife DORA in Apartment 1?-¢ >*bst 95rd Street, New York City; one of the operators of tne y Carriers Corp., 260 bst 55th Street, Pew York City.

_ iSitior&1 information concerning all of the fore- ioing markers of act Buchalter's family is contained in c section of tlis report en -5 "Relatives, Lssociatss and Connections."

On <3/L>,/1:?as LOUIS BUCZs*¢@<1 by Officer :~-:i'1i-sr,' 7:11 ;- ., ;92;.rcP3, ~=-~.~.a¢rIfe. :~-1;-eL;5, ¢:¢=:.r;¢e with l:ur;;l-_.ry .1 ant *.:nic¢s Lss£ult- Discharéed by érund jury en Septem- ber 1915.

On l/12/Ye us LCUIS ¥1"_ Llih, arrested Ly O ice niriéun, 3.2., JYC FD, charér with burglary. On January 2L, 1916 discharged bvo I. Laiistrnte Lev? lst Court.

On 2/E9/16 as ' . cl rulso reported us Louver! aliases: Louis - r ¢.m ituis Xauvar; arrested at Bridgeport, Conn. ..lr.-. with theft. Reeeivel indeterminate sentence, Con- necticut lefcrnntory, Kay 16, 1916. Ldnitted to Connecti- cut Zeformatery, Ck¢shire,'Con:., ?ay15, 1915 es He. S17; rale;* en pzrel July 12, 191?; atsctnded July 25, lQl7. Torre; ssue4 fer violatin "f parole, never executed; dicrissvd by Parole Boar December Q, 1°51.

v-92~ The report of State'sgttarne; 92 .- GMLZE L. CLRT-k, .. Fair- ficld County, Cenn., late? fy 1?, l?l]. 'ni_. C~ -~..92. wtes tho Suh" ~J92;C t Ruc-~ halter wnschnrsci I . :w ,_ prep:rtj of the valueo about ive C> hundred dollars; no caneto Brid5;;-=rt 11 v'th. ore - .57 apparently for the purpose of steliné as there was no evidence pro- duced to show that they came thero~fer~any legitimate purpose. It ap- pears that Puchlter nd his companion ole two suitcases containing samples of jewelry which were loft by e salesman outside the doorway of a store.

O1 the fingerprint card received at the Bureau from the . e Lefermutery, Cheshire, Cenn., nugust 26, 1916, the f ll*w- ~-- - . -- Q _nB pm n;pe&reL:


, 60-502

Height "Tiei glut Beard Residence Sister


1;} .lV.';i.-1! 1'...1~'.'. ;

11*r~.'r*92'-LL _u.;D.L-- .|.av.. ~_;92

_>._ 5 he HGT?

PHYS IC1'.L _ "1 ~""~ 1! - ,7" .-~. Y . .1-Q-L.L¢.L¢ 5, 6;-in SCHOOL 152% lbs. Dark 5

V OC.'.TIOUI-.L 55 Hillhouse Ave., Bridgeport, Conn. Yrs. Bilthick, 555 East lhlst Street, ' New York, N.Y. No further infor-

HQBITS ion regarding th alleged ___i__ sister is available at this time.! Exec n - vcr 'f'TOt fl sche report of the Eeical Director of the Connecticut grceinformative relative to this Subject at that time, 1 uh llent father and mother. Father died in 1910. at C

Lil/"C el went. "r is refined. Tell educated. 1 sister is n sistcleteacher. 1 trethzr 2 Rabbi with a Th. D. 40- 1 stepbrether a dentist. 2 uwcles dentists. olu £ru5gist. Ceusin spccializ1;_ in chelogy ; at present. 4 with A NB . bu» _ *7-,'..~ -

'%!L; Whileat this institutien, SubjectBucha1ter's only Brid¢epert,'Conn.currespondentrecorded wasas PHILIP KAUVLR, brother,Atlantic Hctel, 1 / I On 9/23/17 2ndSubject, Br.,NYCLOUIS as charged PD, BUCKALTER, wasgrand with arrested larceny,bysecond Officer Hayden degree, and on January 11, 1918 yearsat Prison.wasReceived scn1cnced at Sing to onfSing an4 wne-hal Prison, Osslnlng, onN.Y. January ll, 1918 as Levis Bucknltsr; and on February19, 1918 transferred auburn ts Prison,uburn X,Y. hwhere c was _ ~44TOCCIVC. , Ne.- , I isn§6,2o,2 . ann »1 u onnay 21, I 1918 transferredwas Greet Header to Prison, Comsteck,N.Y. as N0. hu7b,from which institutisnhe wasdischarged on January 27, 191 0:1 !.;.,/2;/19 as LC-UIS D1-ii 5 11.911 BUCKA 1919 isn_ir;e.,-. . - , .. _ ., 9. On 1,/22.20 LOUIE --92-. C E-1.11" < _L I11-»I.' Y. LTER, arreste"by OfficerSmyth, ainQffice llmbu, _',-_. .4?JPD. forattcreted bu;g1ary.On _?ri1 25, t cti by Tjistrare Fr~hin;k<",2:3 Cwurt. . thir VG J~»-n..,J.92 ,.kn V; J 3 _nnlf92_. 1 l92- ._I 41 -yd s _92 .1 4-+ rrisan J pl. J r~ -. rress icer Srrierick, 18th Pre- Dischar;ei-.~.¢.~' v» 92up C L Division, UYCPD, chargedwith attcnstcd egree. in June 21, 1920 sentenced:5 19, 1922. years irpriswnmentin Sin; Sing Trisrnby Cr. 2,12,/ ,, 20 .. -feral SessionsCourt. Receivedit Sing Sing lIf¬IL-I , 1920. Released on parelcMarch 16, 1922. isicn n expiration sf the sentence onDecember 2<~, 1920 I ~ ,. plSCh4 ' On 9,/11/25 as LOUIS 2 BUG .T£H, arrcstely UfficerHcygcn, Qgin_ V . , H , ETCPD, chrgclwith turelary.Cn February rgcd by grana jury. 1925 dis charged . ,., J ..., On the follnwing, . wrre ..listed -1.vidates t"1, y_C°"12Pr Subject _ __,Buchalter~a§: intwrrr J, ?"?= __, & "_?7 .* jt¬j -» 1-.-1, ~nHrU_ ' - JLILL . r.:t;ry. . On September 12,

» 17 :1 ~ DJ " O Oeerwcer, 3rd Court. - -LOQQS QUCKHQUSE,arrested wascvmpnny in Subject with Shapiro: 92 October 19, 1925 Octebor'25.1927 July 1?, 1929 November ll, 1931 cti itiesnf TheJacobShapiro section cf this aliases," withreport entitled contains"Backgroundin chronaléicl an? srcr all£?ail&ble informatianreéarding arrests,theseas well Q5 ,. BNO - 6 '73.? _U

general informationconcerning thecriminal history of both subjects EUCHALTER andSHAPIRO, aswell as their activities and connections in relation to various firms, organizations, individuals and criminal undertakings. In order to avoid repetition of such information at this point. the reader is pages 18 to 51, inclusive, which infornntion should particularly relation to that which follows.referred to that section, beconsidered in . Cn Hay 6, 1929, an account in the name of ARBEITER in trust for BETTY BUCHALTER"was opened at the Bank, 125th Street and Lexington Avenue, New YorkCity, "SARAH account number 4 5 5 9 9 9. At that time Sarah gave her Harlem Savings db-sand Street, Lonp lslar; ulij, New York, which udires as savings EB l bst 73nd Street, xhich is the 72nd Street number address as s was late" ~"' of the Majestic Apartments wheresubject Buchalter and Betty Buchilter were living at the time, and she stated that Betty Buchnlter was her dwughtcr. She stateu her1 hUSbLL'S~ ngu . 0 ' . . _ vn;s uni. She gen :l1cr father s name as LEIB. 92...... and stated that she was Bern in Poland in 1568. gca

92 Jul'b :_ 2 193e, she cave_ her address as 30 Mill Street Nowburgh,J New Y'_k.In Octrbcr, 1953, the balance in this account was $l8leeé5.

On July 5, S. S. SCHRAGER,a known criminal asso- ciate of subject Suchalter, registered at the hotel Lexington, HowYork City in room 1419- Gn July s, 1931, one C. H. MILLER, believed to have been subject VERFWL MILLERof the City massacre case,registered in room 1439 of the same hotel. This is the first recerded_ contzctgef Vernonillcr and Schragqr. althewghit appears that they were well acquaint,d.92-*'~. with CQCH r92'v92r'~ other and L-J clansactions in common., -~

On August 20, 1931, subject Buchalter married BETTY IUSSERHANthe_Hunicipal at Building, New YorkCity, the ceremony havin5~bten performedby MICHLELJ.CRUISE, CityClerk. The information contained in the marriage

license was as follows: Name Residence LOUIS BUCHALTER Occupation 215 East 86th Street, - Birthplace New York City Salesman " FatherI-iet-her New Ycrk City ' BARNETT, born in Russia Color ROSE DI WLLTOFF, born in Russia liite Ilgc 54 I 60-302 1' sue - 7 J . E6826 Name Residence

Birthplace BETTY HLSSERMAN 255 Nest 90th Street, Father New York City V ' London, England Mother Abraham, bcrn in England Color SARAH JnCCBS, born in Russia White Age 29 Second marriage, widow since 1928

V The witnesses to this marriage were MCRRISWOLLHSKY and P._POVERCHO,apparently both of201 East35th Street,New YorkCity. It is noted herethat Mcrris 1Jclcnsky, alias ll Dimples" is a known GlvSt criminal associate of subject Buchalter and with others accompanied euchalter to Europe in 1933.

Sn Hovembgrl7, 1931, subject Buchalter and his wife Betty established their residence in apartment 17J, Hagcstic apartments 115 Central Park Test, at 72ml Street

On March15, 1952, the Bureau of Narcotics, Treasury Dc artment, HashinrtcnO I D. C., issued a confidential list in which was included sub'ect BuchalterI said list centainix" information to the effect that he resided at 98 RiversidcDriv.. New York City ap- parently a fictitious address!; that he was a Jri-nd cf the late JuCK DIAEC§D andwas then, in 1952, repcrtcd asscciat.i with Sn bEHHSTEIN. It was nctcd_that his hair was brown andhis cccupationwas givenas "manager".

= V On February 19, 1953, subject Buchalter as LOUIS SAFFER ofNew YorkCity, A. LONG ofNewark, N. J., Abraham Zwillman alias Longic!.BENKUTLOHQ cf:NewYork City, and K; SPlTZEL, Broad Street, Newark,registered at the Arlington Hotel, Hot Springs, Arkansas, and remainedthere until March 6, 1935. Subject Bucha1tcr's wife, joined them during their stay at this hotel. The party checked inlate at night, apparently having just arrived by automobile from California. LONG apparentlywas the

-50- 0 I



RELATIVES,!ASSOCIATES AND CONNECTIONS Of Subjects JAQQ§_§A§lO with aliases, . Fugitive, 1. 0. 1462, aAELoUIs BUCHALTER, with aliases, Fugitive, I. O. 1468. . * preceding name indicates criminal associate or connection!.

# preceding name indicates relative!.

,, f;

_ , nLMAN 1 A J refer to Axel Adelman. I: 92m!AD .92 2- !%f%nELmAM, Loqgg. Named as associaJe * O jf sub ec V Shatiro _ in ,é§i§ 1,. .. * J ~'~5hIbotics, H! confidential Washington, listnissued . C. I-'La_1fch l5,,_l932 by Eureau of Nar- _ ,>fADELPHI FUR DR§SSZFG CORfQ§ATION. Defendant in case U. S. vs. __"_,1: / Protective Fur Dressers Corporation, et al. This case hereinafter referred to as PFDC!.

J/J-jq§9LER; JACOB ARTHUR,Attorney-at¢Law, office at 551 Fifth Avenue, .¢., {New Ycrk, N. Y. His office is also reported as being at 161 West 50th Street and at 151 West 40th Street!. Telephone / " n numbér Vanderbilt 5-7757, residence, 241 Central Park West, tele phone Trafalgar 7-4359. I 1 _f/.» * .0 " 1' __,' 1.1 駥é§ented subject Shapiro and HA3§g§§eEnBERc lieutenant~of~~~~ J Shapiro and Buchalter! in deportation proceedings, Ellis Island, 92 _,' N. Y. in 1932 and 1933. Represented subject Shapiro in connec- 1 /' 5}" tion pith various arrests by Police Department, New York City. y 4 I 92' .4.5 trial of U. S. vs. Protective Fur 1 --1' /.:92Represented both subjects in 'DressersCorporation, et al. Visited both subjects at U. S. , Detention Headquarters. His telephone was called on several


r I _ 113 _ 1I ,6_o-302.' / S C we

:4 H-' !Je1'-'was 6r !or!',one SIEAPIROand BUCILLLTZER l 'prosecutedparticipating for in armed attack on headquarters i of5 v Needle Tride ¥brcers 1 I n d ' ustriol Union,- ' 3 april ' 2h, 1955. On '*'r.}Sto.te.i,/ 'November ri . ll,1955, d o erhereceived serving~ " partc sentenceof his - 'of ten sentence to twentwash " ears in 7 Furnished valuableinformation as shown on <5 :- ' page 0 is report, but apparently hadno direct or personal contact with subjects SHMPIROand BUCELLTBR.

1,, _-.,,! _, 3!<;P}XFUR EZQSSINGCOHF;EY, L 1L defendant IN} in FDFC, et cl.

..-.--..4,/.'-.1=.*;"L§{B..".s::s 1 ---~-- -" DRESSING defendantcor1=.~.;-r1', 1;-1.12FDFC, in .¢.1. Ct ;Q#nRBLIT£R,510 ;5R;E;J, Lest86th Street, Few YorkCity, gpartment12B, non-published telephone- Lndicott 2-0799. Fatherof subjectEuch11ter's . 1 r I. 0 wife Bewtrice,known as Betty. Formerly livedat 2077Hallaee gvenue, . I Bronx, N.Y.On Torch5, 1955,received telephonecall at Underhill 5- is2165 LOQ13§éi§?3R hisunlisted rs telephonetheQrlingcon Lt that tine Hot ! fromHotel, Springs, subjectLrknsas,Buehalter at ~. which tirehe um:shore with153L{;§ElllH;N alias Longy, and 52$ 1/.,KUTLOs,M ct ml. lrzor -0 to n viz; irto '.I 510 "Lest Beth . n Strt at t New , - ~ York . ,.i City, rtsiti at LL695§th Street,Brooklyn, H.Y.He nred as a 1'~_,~1¢ ¢reference hisfortur landlord3. Garfieldat that address. OnJune 21, JIQ55, fileiforwnriing addressfrom 2077Zallnce Lvenuo,Bronx, N.Y. to }.»=:'-72$, $P92Jtf" v'j.':'*-."~.:1"@'h. Y, FT, Is describedas: Lge60, height5' weight 5"; 1501bs.; build,slender; » 4 wearsheir, g Cpwpite; features, oeewnienu irawniy.face; complexion, dross,sallow; good; > J

uk..92.I,_ . ~--Lw'.I . §/-._,._.i" .- -,,___.....-....

_:_f_.7_§;_-rCS1L1n$ withhusband; s~..1-.~.21!_. During~sunmer"efstepmotherl955*her BZITT,2{EUC-.LT§3?., address ofes in . care of Sara Gobuls Villa, SouthFallsburgh, Y.N. OnFay 6,1929, openedzcccun y4,5999 t "Is at Harlem Savings Bank,12h E.125th Street, New YorkCity, innmne ofS;RLH¢£RBEITEHin trustfor Betty 92 Buchulter, herdaughter.", at that time she gaveher addressas Q5- h2nd Street, LongIsland City,which addresswaslater changed tc l0 Jest 72ndStreet, whichis the 72nd Streetnumber ofthe

../9292 -118- " :7@§[}§;¬; / 60-502 ' 1ec2


Wereajestic living apartmentsat the time.where She subject statedBuchaltcr herhusband's andhis wifewasBetty- name Sam andgave herfather's nameas Leib. She statedshe was born in Poland in1888. In October, 1955,the balancein this account ms $l8l8.h5. - On Harch5, 1935,she openedan account at theCentral Savings Bank, YhthStreet andBroadway. Sheopened account#109570 in the nameof Sarah arbeiter, 115Central ParkTest, Apmtment . l7J,Now York City.This accountwas closedout as of July 1, at whichtime shegave heraddress as30 Hill Street, Newburgh,1956.N.Y. On the sane day underaccount #l6h2h6Sarah Arbeiter's husbandl "Samuel" openedan account at the same bankin trust for Sarah < Lrboiter's daughterBetty Arbeiter. She isdescribed as:age, 60;height, 5'2"; weight, 150 lbs; build, medium;hair, black; face, round; complexion,red cheeks; dress, fair. _ . !K%LRBEITER,brotherof Betty BEN, Buchalter, accompaniedBetty Buchalter andVIVIAN_F;T£ILS aliasMrs: Wdh11en,from New York City to Atlantic City, 1.J. where they§¬6§§éh itthe Hotel 1 Ritz-Carlton, fromJuly l, until July 6, 1935. according tothe '1¢ .~4 "~._¢ I 195}-City Directory,Ben Arbciterwas listedas achauffeur, r residing at2080 LallaooAvenue, Bronx,N.Y., wife's name, Sylvia. I, , It is recalled at that time Betty'sfather, AbrahamLrbeiter .; :5' residedat 2077 Uallace Avenue.He movedfrom 2080Hallace Lvenue around hugust15, 1953,and gavehis forwardingaddress as care of his father-in-lawg. RIESER,2076 Yallacehvenue, Bronx,N.Y. He has also beenreported asa bodyguard and chauffeurfor subject Buchalter. » ' He is describedas: age,28; 953!;height, 5'8"; weight, 160 lbs.; hair, black; eyes, brown; average dresser.

. 92»'* ' . 5: P-Q -or-*1? 1-: B/%%REElTER,on BLANCHE, November29, 1957, a connunication addressed 92 tE_?1anchcnrboitcr typed!,510 Lost86th Street,New YorkCity, bearing thereturn address printed!, Box§, hashingtonBridge " Station, New York N.Y., was received at that address. -J !*"-I M 1 . . J '$;RBEITER,. I SaEU3L. nbrahamSee Hrs. and Abraham Sarah! Lrbeiterabove.

_ll9._ v

' -4-was r I , vss96 so,-soz . _ _ _I . I _ '. F»//C3. 9292 DR. su gee Buea te ho EMANUEZQCUCHAITER,formerlylivedat 426 Eastern brother Parkway, of Dentist, Brooklyn, N} Y., ut-who ly residing at 110 West 86th lJ7C> :endini

g§¢NUCHAlEER,._ >~__ BEATRICE. BETTY BUCHALTER'Sfirst husband was JACKWASSERHAN, a World War 1 veteran. who died September 30, 1928. Included in his estate was 5lie in°"r:nfe p¢liy in the amounto° $l,CCC,of the New J k Li _

_ 130 _ . . 1 5-Mwm ' 96397 g 60-302

In the year 1929,M£§,_§§§éH AEBETTERopened account#455999 ' at the Har1em'Savings124 Bank, East125th Street,New YorkCity, designated as the account of "SARAHARBEITER, inTrust for BETTY BUCHALTER",her daughter. See Sarah Arbeiter in this section for further particulars!. 4 _ At the Drydock SavingsBank, 742 Lexington Avenue, in 1935, she opened account#205565, as BETTY BUCHALTER, Elder 1104Avenue, Bronx, which account was closed out as of July 10, 1934. On the latter date she gave her address as 25 Central Park West. She gave herhusband£§,name LOUIS as BUCHALTER; occupation, salesman; father's nameA§NJ§RBEITER. oneOn of the latest deposit tickets her address appears as 115 West 86th Street, . On July 1, 1956, account wasopened atthe Central Savings Bank, 74th Street and Broadway,New YorkCity, account #164246, designated asthe accountof "SAMUELARBEITER Trustin for Betty Arbeiter". The address given in connection with this account was 310West 86th Street, New York City, 92

As BETTYBUCHALTER, in May, 1953, she applied for United States passport. She stated she was born in London, England; that she was residing at ll5 West 85th Street, New York City; that she had also made application for passport in 1931 and that she was the wife of LOUIS BUCHALTER. BETTY wasalso with subject Buchalter as Louis Saffer during his sojourn withZWIllkAN aliasLong, BENKUTLCW, A{fSPlTZELand ' in the Arlinrton Hotel, Hot Springs, Arkansas, fromFebruary 9,» 1955, to March 6, 1952,

During the summer of1933, Betty Buchalter was constantly in the companyof VIVIAH MATHISalias Mrs B. ALIEN, the paramour of VERNON C.MILLER. Zheir activities and movements are set out in detail in the section of this report pertaining to the background and activities of subject Buchalter. . BETTYis presently res£a1ag'§icHfather her and step-mother, Mr,New and Mrs.City, together York ARBEITER,apart v-'it nt - 510 West Close 86thcontact Street, is being maintained with Mr. Il92O ON,superin ndent of the apartment

- 131 I 9 . O _ 1 6MWM ' ' 96398


house at this address relative to the movementsand contacts of the.A£BEITER~BUCHALTERfamily, They have been living at this address since June 1, 1957, previously to which they resided at _ No. 1469 -55th Street, Brooklyn, New York. -In negotiating the lease on his present apartment, AbrahamArbeiter named as @- reference his former landlord, M. GARFIELD at that address,

Betty has been described as, age about 40, height 5 ft; 6 in.! V weight 165 pounds; build heavy; large bust; hair black; dress, wears dark clothes; complexion dark; peculiarities, extra-long eyelashes, very noticeable, » _¢

i"*K~J !%¥BUCHALTER,DORA,alias of Dora Mrs.PHILIP! Rauvar,

7'}-1lUC}hrI,gT13R,EHMHJEL. D.D.S., I Brother of subject Buchalter, residence110 West86th Street, ' New York City, apartment 12-A. telephone Trafalgar 7-2082!. Dental' offices "' at 57 west 57th Street M *ick ." ersh an1 2- 3320 !and at 524 Reebling Street, Brooklyn, N. Y 5'70 I ~ 5 immediateiI cvniistshis of as orn Parkway, Broo 3 , . . various occasions in the past subject Buehalter gave as his own residence address 426 Eastern Parkway and also 324 Roebling Street, although he never resided at either place. ,..,. V.3 g J _ Subject Buchalter is said to have frequently visited his brother, "ff ? EMANUEL,the at latter'spreseni addressup until several months ago. Close contact is being naintainei with Hr.CHA§hB§MB,_ <]

_ 132 _ I

/' . 7'um11 76399

60-302 He isdescribed being as about45 yearsof age, height 5 ft. 7 in.; weight 150pounds; hair dark;bnild medium; a haslong sharp nose; wears glasses, mi 1

gen'BETTY '"i of'' th in 0-rid BUCHALTERcare of son theadopted ARBEITERS,subject ofapartment 12-B,Buchalterj 310Gsllug West with86th his Street, mo, New er YorkCity. In 1934 waslegally adopted by subjectBuchalter throughthe Surrogate Court, NewYerk C ount y, >2-@I'°j it <47; 9 Inaddiiion 2 to the life insurancepolicy left him byhis father, _ JACK' WhSSERhAN,92concern1' ' °n~ which information D is shown under BEATRICE*'n DUCHLLTERadjustedeonpensctionin this report, his an ofamount father,of was $1,470.30 paidto his 92repre- __ ;sen»i"mother g- L bythe VeteransAdministration,v sheand isholding this --'{amount in trust for him, $7 C/

a W6 V 110DaughterWest ofEMANUEL Stroeti 86th BUCHALTE3, resid

_ <92%¥BUC}l£.l.'l_1<-Ti,ISIDORE. » Brother of subjectBuehnltcr, resideswith hiswife.at_9é7 Mont: ,1 gomeryStreet, Brooklyn,-'92S _11192-';;:e./iswcahirsn. 1;1£_1;,_:_g._1j_1g_i__I_{.i_I_s. Tele-H i phone Slocum 6»9778!,Employed as a Registered Pharmacist _in .-'I »,/__, the HarvardDrug Company,4329 Broadway,New York City, proprietor nmed LMIDAU, telephone'JO.shinglZ0n 7-5957!. Heights Saidto »92_I

A. J! Ki

92 W",-1. -133- 4/ _ Q

II * 8-MWM I ?84O ~Y

so-502 occupyapartment the his of half-sister, Mrs. SARAHF. MOSS, Hotel Beacon,New YorkCity, duringthe_summers she while atis Camp Allegro, p

,vl, < ~ BUCHALTER,PHILIP , alias of Philip Kauvar; Sr '. ~ ' ?§$§ycniLTER,RHEA. I 7'1n J fWife of EAAHUELBUCHALTER, as describedbeing55 to40 years u , old; ft,.45 in. tall, weight, pounds,125 heir,black slim build,

éfsucnlirss, rs. RQSE. ' . Mothersubject of Euchalter,presently residingwith her daughter 1 I <- and subject Buchclter'shalf-sister Mrs.Sarah F.Mess,et the I . Hotel7Q years oldBeacon,75th and previously Street and Broadway,with herlivedNew son Yorkcity. She Dr.C.H. KAUVAR is | in Denver,Colerado. is She thewidow BARNET of BUCHALTER,who died abouttwenty yearsago. Fromthis marriage,her children were subjectLouis Buchalter,Dr. Emanuel Buchalter Isidore and Buchmlter.maiden Her nmiowas Rose De Waltoff. She waspre- viously merriedCw 5»le::n Sulkind Kuuvar,also deceased, with , ;;@'"thiswhom cmne she hermarriagethe childrento Unitcd_Statoswere Dr.fromC. E. Kiuvar, Russiain Philip 1892. From Kauvar, rs.tion Sarah regardingF. Lossthese and individualshrs.Eaxwell is setHorse. forthJ. under their Additional inferna- respective 1| " namesthis in sectionof thereport.

- ,Z§@3ucHlLTER,II SAKUEL. .i,i/_ . A pharm:cist,;proprietor Brooklyn,H.Y., statesthat heb£ia>drug hasc cousin at 607storenuncdHeEenh_ANpne," Isidore' /-.f.=_ 1 7i5 Buchalteris who a druggist in ,address unknown; ,=.;'~ he statedhe hasnot beenin contact with this Buchalterfamily forthem; ngreat thatthey many years weredistant and could furnish cousinsof his no and informationthat hisaboutfamily hadnever visited them. Hostated hedid notknow anyof relative nmxedLouis Buehalter.

.-134.. I ¢

I 11 I Bwc - 5 _ qg5@gjf7 60-302

1 _ . who hasoperated Denver,in Colorado,is soid to haveused the name of DR¢92C:_}PKdQJIVnR,brother halfofsubject BUCHnLTER,as n,reference in connecti5n"With hisschemes. Heis further said to be acquainted_with and in touch with subject BUCHnLTER;also said to be an associateof "0S31P§§01l1Q§KY"address whose was said tobe probablyat 165Broadway, New YorkCity, the latter having been statedto be c racketeerwho was glro vvoiclgseiy ins , j _ associcted subject with Bucholter. See "Dimples". Moe I , ; }

/4F__:r;-:2' ,1-_,.-,- 5:2, _ Luv 1268 Strctfcrd,venue, Bronx,New York,telephoned BEULYby EUCEnLTER on September14, 1935,at whichtime sheaddressed him;s fother.

3 " On October ?7, 1953I s mun c llcd ut the Hotel Pierre I gvvg his nrm; cs Louis Fain and said that he was MRS. BUCHnLTER'Sfcther end saidthat h¢'cme to get her trunk andsuitcase. Ho subsequently took the trunk ind suite so to the Horld Moving and StorngeCompany, 402 East3rd Street, HJW YorkCity, whichwill be subsequently mentioned in this section. ' When the Buchslters left the Majestic pertmnts, prior to movingto the Pierre Hotel, they storedsome propertyat this place which is oper;ted byMLLTOK LPITZEF.The exactrelationship of this man ', Bettyto Bnchzlter has not bzen estrb1ish:d.

. 9/¬}"TNBTRG ._,_i _, , SOL . r _ J =~ , _ . ~ . _ , __ v | l92 nrmsd with subjectsSHnPIRO BUC;iTER and 13End others in anindictment returned byExtraordinary GrandJury ofNew YorkCounty, nugust9, 1937, chtrging conspiracyto extort money fromclothing manufacturers._

IN, -

nu . BnNIA - -- - . _ 9" " » -_ '* withnLmGi subject BUCHALTER others end inNarcotic indictmentof gvcmf/I bsr 30,1937. Euilfixed at$50,000. "" ;' C . 42

4 4 O . O - BWC - 4 so-502 W ' "1Gz¥1'8

"/{and denies any knowledge of or connection with subjects BUCHnIIER and SHnPIRO. Presently driving taxicab and residing at 484 Liberty ' Irv-t="-nue, Brooklyn, New York. _

'92,'92| i rims" B142 AND_GRILL - See Hnrrister Restaurant. . -'92 _ - %1II92.K, nucusr,

s ciu " to be . c m~_oer '~'"" of the SHA.IRO-BUCHALTER T mob connection with 2 =. file thedress N:w *>rk industry Division, racket fingerprint in 1934. c photogruphe icut on 29 I 4 Q on 92/O /' I _ '; -.- 1---' -Z 5 - - 1» 1

I568 Clinton AVQHUG, N22--mrk, N. J., telephone Bigelow 3-4533, received telephone c:..ll npril 1-S, l9I55 from Endicott 2-0669, unpublished tele- phone of subject Buch-alter at 1'-lzajestic .kpL1ICI38I1tS.

! 6 92 Yfrn-:1e:L, 1-.-rs. s..u, ° r " l 1:]-:1O§l7hGI of BE'I'IY BUCEL.LTER, in nugust, 1935," resided at Vulliunt, Okla- home, with her second 'nusb-'.r.d_, Sn;-. FI1*i§C...* . They were drygoods mer- , chants and had been in Vslliant fer three or four years, having come from New York City. . I . - 4 1: }- . '- 7" Mrs. Finkel had no children by rsecond husband, but thr;.-e by her first, one son and two daughters, i eluding Betty Buchzlter, all living in New York City. A -<- _=- ---_ -1-,-.9. _ __ _ '_ -_.u..s Mrs. Finkel was in New York City during Mny---and June, - 1933 .

>lf§_1_1~;§nLsTEIN, . v -

"° i d L L I

1..~<_ Y.-;r one, awrence, Long sl:-nd, New York, telephone Cedsrhurst

_-152- v

3-MWM- '7?;3-"l.58

60-302 .

_%c--.Tz,U IS LOaliasof LouIs*92?./ts1~11~.u-.N.

QKKATZMARTIN. , Namedwith subject Buchalter andothers innarcotic indictmentof November 30, 1937. ~

, . !/*KATZENBE°G,92--1..-ni-_ .. ek YASHA.. - l Named withsubject Buchglterand othersin narcoticindictment of November SO, 1937. Ketzenberga fugitivewas under thisindictment anwas recently apprehendedin Roumania, and it is understoodthat proceedings have been instituted for his extradition. /~=1<.wFM./er,Defendant I-.{0RRIS.,FDFC, in 0.1. et


_ 19Q _ v


60-302 #KAUVAR,'C.H. Continued! Accordingi_i to DAVIDNQfEhAPMAN,-1050 Street,n Denver, Sherman DenverColorado,apparentlyKauvEY]Who and Dr.a highly arespected issplendid reputation enjoysallowsin citizen, . dealsthewhether ofuse hisname are a theyreference honest asor in not.connectionIn this connection with certain FREDERICKhe statedthatwasin he mininga swindled FRANCISbyand PHILIPdeal,J. RAGOOLAND Ragoolandthat and and crookedFrancisDr. deals. Seeused Kauvarls Frederickname Francis!,a backgroundas for their It hasbeen developedthat Kauvar'sDr. is presently wife Canada,visitingMontreal. 1-mi£§PER;_aEn nearat 4402appearsWestern It Max Westmount,that Avenue, Sperberis re- legallated workHrs.for to racketeers, Kauvar.It issaid hethat doesconsiderable fI{!.UVAR_. Deni. Wife ofPHILIP zctuvin. §Kd§VAR,I 1'/'_-c,alias1'/5 PHILIP, PhilipSuehalter,951-<1 New We-st Street,apartment City.residence, York In negotiatingleasethis for apartment in October,1936, pressPhilip Company,KauvarstatedInc., West23!he that waspresident Street, 36th theYork New JobenofEXH City. Avenue;As referenceshe aeqxainted personallynamedYORKTOWN 6ZYI 35th wih TR Streetand Bnei, A?'§ENSIGER, 8th Vice-PresCi"r"y;SAMPre.=iJ.ent BEN'§92fSKO, dent; 247LATIT, Hovnr-8. 34th$treet,West Company,oftheYork TruckingNew West55O'West'P5thStreet, 35th York~City;"New NewCity, York JACKand ALTMAN, 257 Llso*see herein Street, sections entitled;"Benjamin "CiKy'Carrierspage Eskew",Corporation","Jack 149; Altman",page159;' page 116.! HeadqDuring nartersfromBuehalter'ssubject November12 Decemberto in U;3, 1936,S. Detention incarcerationhe was asvisited PHILandPHIL DORAby3UCHALTER. DORA and KAUVAR, who then 4 theirgave names

'-191 - 0 92 .

, I.. /

RB - 1 2 1 . BWC!

50-362 J New Jerseyand athis office, 296 RidgeRoad, Iyndhurst,New Jersey. _It has also beenreported that Moretti recently purchésed theU. S. Linen Supply Company, Inc., 19 Mill Street, Paterson, N. J., Armory 4-ssev. * -

IMOROSSO,jQ5§§ Husband of Corinne Griffith, whose homeat 707 North Arden Street, Beverly Hills, California, or vicinity, was rented by Benjamin "Bugs" Siegel, for six months beginning about February, 1934, it having been reported that the rental was paid in advance in cash.

MmmgL_p;L Pittman, N. J., friend of J. P. Creamer. Accompanied Creamerand Borish on trip to Baltimore, Md., October ll, 1957, visited Raleigh Manufacturers, Inc. and attended poker game at Lord Baltimore Hotel at which Borish, Carl Shapiro and one Tannenbaum were present.

I I%¥1~@<-Wi/w<.....=@L_§i .. 161 W. 75th Street, New York City, apartment 8-B. Mrs. Maxwell J. Morse is_a halfgsister of subject Buchulter. Maxwell J. Morse is said to be in the reel estate business in Astoria, Queens, N. Y. C., und while not believed to be wealthy, is apparently moderately prosperous. Living with them are their two daughters, one e high school student, age about 18 and the other a school te cher, about 50 years old. During the summer of 1933 this family was contacted telephonically by subject Buchalter and his wife. They are now visited occasionally by Isidore Buchalter and Mrs. Sarah F. Moss. . ' ~ir '- " 1 :*.':'..-. ~ ..

J #M033, NBS. SARAH F.

Hotel Beccon, 2130 Broadway, '-ork City southwest corner 75th Street! Half~sister'.31;<;r--:.J.ter of divorced subiect BuchaT ~ resi wifed Y'th esand vi ner' mo th r e , xrs. N of R Jules odes Perfit who operates t e 1 ne no ors, nc., p th Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. l






92I "1 > I1! _1hi.=;_Reportgr_i»;inajc,ed_ atmade case '- Date; Iv'r3i'£YO1r1< when1.1z~deIPercrrr i0-i for Report ' Ll.by madePm 60-1302 ; 92 .~'--'u1ch92 made: l/26 27 8-: 2 CI1_EleC7'N?P1"Y@RI<¢I'11T 5?C Character2/9/39,_ C 28Z2_9_- ' ml * of Case DRESEIIJG Im/'ESTI-:.A.TIC'T§ / J LOUI.>OBUCHALTEP., I. o. #1468,et al, aliases-FUGITIVE, with mason:-re, ANTITRUST, -I 92: 7 7 7 7 J 7 77 7'7 ' i -_ i 92. /A SYNOPSISOF FACTS: 92 92 Y; " File reviewed" and alloutstanding . 7/. 92 J.¬8.S set out. 0 , -' _ _lH wI4 A/C ~' , .-Y: I 7 ~'-r', ' . . , 7 / I ' Q!. I, _.p._


was reviewedby Special TheA__;ents Yorl-1 Kiev: andoffice field in filethis case Ir all outstandingfor leads theVaI3.01IS <1xzces o 1'18 oeingare out.set 92 7 . The uncieveloperl leadsset out herein forthe respeptiveall t-"hefield office,s_,_field offices repor'tin__zare being numbered,their im'esti5ati92'eit isrequested activity andinthat _th_e f11CUI'¬,___ refer to the_ __ numbers Z Z of theY _, respectiv __e eicxs e l appearing in ' this report. The Bureauhas. erea r Y" t dle _y instructed' thatall investigationif C . / 9292 , 7 V _ V _ V 7 - '' 7' - Approved1'-.FoI*warde'ind C __ Special=:_ , e Agentt' . - _ lb i C "92 -_ i l I f" J CK1of thisreport F -I.5 5 t M!92? o/ C§ I51/C it FEB Wt 1'19 92 3 BureauICOPIES DESTROYED r . 62 Ail!N - r 1< Fggld Of1]1%e%A E AeL§~cGc':egt'lA1c¥géieer';!,A " » . Birmingham,Cincinnati, Charlottex] _ ___Huntington, 4 h é 92 andOklahoma 1{1cumond.,w. . 3 PortlandCity ONE,6 __ 1 »~HARBO _ 92¥92Dallas. 92W l92 C ~

92 60-302

fur dealers, New York City, reported to be ac ed y uc a er an Shapiro and especially favored by them in their dealings in the fur industry.

Jacob Shapiro whose 1&3? known where she resides with Her mother, whose name not ported residing with her at that address.

By virtue of a mail cover placed for that ad- dress, it was l llowing names were used on mail addressed to and upants W1iiO92

Hatfield, 103 East 29th Street, New ork City, whic address Shapiro gave as his residence when arrai ned instant case in November 1953, whichwas confirmed b pon telephonic inquiry from S ecial Agent on ovember 22, 1933 At [W -- -thatthis time Shapiro in responsein tojail e"Somebodywas incuiry, advisedget hurt." agent might

SPITZER, MILTON, apartment B, 1710 Andrews avenue, reported to be the owner and operator of the World Moving and Storage Company402 East 3rd Street, New York City, in which company Buchalteris reported to havean interest.

' SPITZER;~HATHAK,Dre, 1710 Andrews Avenue, New YorkCity. Brother of Milton Spitzer and reported to be patronized by racketeers and gangsters who are supposed to have had Dr. Spitzer treat gunshot wounds for them without making the necessary reports to the Police.

_ FFLTTY, DAVID, residing at thelarbizgn Plaza Hotel in October l9c3 and addressed as"Unele David" by Betty Buchalter over the telephone. He was later reported to be residing at the telephone address of Wisconsin 7-6527, the street address of which is yet to be determined.

- 8 _ 60-302

reportedto be residing at- Brooklyn, N. Y., a short distance away from the W address listed for su ject Shapiro. He 1S ' re r t e od t b e a c l ose associate of Sha ' 0 and had his childr shapes O November10, 1937confidential informantof SpecialAgen % officewhose atedan namehe thatknown believed is to bureauI2Albrush to at called theNew wer t Yo himcontacting thatBuchalter Buchalter and Shapiro and Shapiro. had He financedgin advise tha it wasatrucking known to rk business and Albrush in the dress business in ew ork City, and that it was reasonable to believe, inasmuch as these persons were close associates of L-uchalter and Shapiro, that they were probably the onese who' were con act t' ing him. ' 'A ccor ngdi 1' 3, a . n irterview was arranged g c-ethccr". ir..forn;ant agents at the Iievr "'or-'office, which was held on November 12, 1937. At this time h ' ormant a vised that

Q ompany, Jestwas financed 24th Streetin 9--i878 .and and tnaS. tto 1-.l'crush Trucking _;hone was financed in his children's dress business located some place on Sixth Avenue between 14th and 15th Streets by Buchalter ' . He stated that Albrush formerly worked for one Uwanna Dress Company on .'-Fest Street23nd between th and -th Avenue, but whenrefused totake Albrushin ashis partnerBuchaltertic! and -Shapiro inanced Albrush so that he was able to start a business { of his own at the place above indicated. The informantadvised thatboth Alb-rush know 17% each other quite well and seem to be very good friends and that both ~' 5'19 formantof them are implicitly describesmas trusted beingby Buchaltera young andman Shapiro.his in Thetwenties, in- medium height, dar 'I66. ~ es and describes Alt-rush as about 1,? years of age 5"7»v" to 1'70 lbs.;dark hair; very well dressed. He stated ovms a Cadillac car and that it is significant to him that disappeared from the city forithe last six_ or seven month s day or two each week, tailing no one where he is going nor indicating upon his return where he has been. Albrush, he states, patronizes the Clarendon Bar and Grill, located at 22 East & oftenStr et between have 5th and Madisontogether lunch Avenues,24th and thaton bothorStreetin Albrush Vicinl y.

that _ Q _ 60-362 18.5determined been residesthat? at T New York City, an as an unlisted e e one WhlCh_ . _ n er has rot as ye t . been determined. .

Investi,gat:'1.on will be conducted to determine Albrush's cor- rect name and his business and residence addresses.

The informant was closely questioned by agents relative to his contacts, and it was believed by agents that he is conversant with criminal activities in New York City, as he represents. He will be contacted from time to time for any information he may have relative to instant case.

In a communication received by the 1-few York office from the I92.ew, YorkTimes, . . information . was advanced which. f was taken rom an ano purchased ousmm tion' to the effectthat an o azxtomocie orS apiro rom Benver 1*.-iotor ompany, Southern Boulevard, new York City, 2.121% that acted as principal in this purchase. ;5oth are fe r ed to e closefriends of Euchalter andShapiro. c. 6thPhil-OrStreets Textile 9-8448! Shrinking .-va Corporation, and is 9lreported 7th Avenueto be between ca inion caed Royal thatPaperhe Company,resided at has 6th Street. The communi- however,close_ a one check ofany t namedatY-Y nx addressthe e edciress, one irec orynor did no dis-the Olinville telephone number. However, ur .er investigation will be conducted on the basis of this information. 0 1 » On November ll, 1937, a telegram was received at the New York office from the Seattle office to the effect that an informant at 10 Spokane, Washington, has identified a newspaper photograph of Shapiro as being a likeness of an individual observed at ! * driving a car bearing New York 1937 license plates lmmediately upon receipt of this telegram a check was made of Vehicle Bureau, NewYork City,iwhich reflected that issuedm»- to the American Fur Deigner ty, for a 1938 Buick sedan, motor No. The proof of lists M American IL Y. The aforesaid information was to the Seattle office by wire and on the same day the Seattle office advised that wes not identical witheither subjectin this case. J

' -10- 60-302

In connection with this matter, a wire was also directed to the Ietroit office requesting that they contact the Buick hotor BuickCompany, Detroit, motorsedan,for the purW se had of ascertaining originallybeento whom the 1938consigned.As yet, no reply hasbeen receiveand theyare beingnotified to disg continue that lead. A;7¥he informationfurnished thisoffice that Phillip Kauvar, half-brotherof subject Buchalter, wasengaged inthe trucking business,a check of the New YorkState Motor Vehicle Bureau,New York City, revealedthat there was nofoperators orowners licenseissued at any timein the name ofIauvar. Further investigationwill be made to determine the present address andoccupation of this individual. Inquiry wasmade by agents at the Tudor Hall Apartments, 426 EasternParkway, Brooklyn,New York,indicated asa former ad- dress of Dr. nanuel Buchalter, for the purpose of obtaining what information was available pertinent to the relatives of Buchalter. The superintendentof theapartment advisedthat the same typeof 92 inquiry hadbeen madeof him severaltimes in the pastby law en- forcement officers, whose identity he could not furnish at this tine, and that he furnished them the only information available to hi1, which was that Ur. Emanuel Buchalter,also known as Edward Buchalter, resided in the apartment house for about six years, mOVin5from there in about 1934, thenew addressnot beingknown to the superintendent. house wit?

name w"s . éuchalter, who wasa dentist, did not nave anoffice at his Q residence but maintained anoffice at 324-hoebling Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. and anotherone at some unknownaddress in New YorkCity. The only other information pertainingto him was thefact that Dr. ' Buchalter maintaineda bank account in the manufacturersTrust C0mpany,__ 225children Havemeyer attendedhadStreet, Brooklyn, schoolbutN. Y. believed Heit did wasnot at know somewhere school Buchalter'sthe in neighborhood. At Public School 241 President Street and Classon avenue, Brooklyr NewYork, was interviewed, and she,cause . Q asearch' luNIuN!!!iIl!!!!l!!lllll||!l!|I|" of s e -c o ecoros t e made, which reflected Buchalter whohad _ W3 S who in 1934 resided oklyn. date was his father was _ address. It was

Y _ ll _ 60-302 _'92

Parkway, between New York. ouestioned about the attended, advised|!lu|ll!!l" . . that96 2 _ Avenue, Broo lyn, N. . and to the best of her recollection its regis tration included only very young children. Investigation wasconducted at947 MontgomeryStreet: Brooklyn, N. Y., previously reported as the address of Isidore Buchalter, brother ofone of the subjects, but hrs. Feinstein, who stated she was superintendent of the apartment house in the absence of her husband, advised that as far as she knew there was_no one registered in the apartment house named Isidore iuchalter, but that a man named Irving Buchalter occupied apartment l2F"with his wife for the past year and one-half. She stated that he was apdruggist whose business is located in Manhattan and that she could vouch for his good character. It was apparent that ars. Ieinstein was on very good terms with Buchalter and his wife and so the purpose of agents inquiries were not made knownto her, so that it could not be established I through this source whether Irving 5uchalter*is identical with Isidore i Euchalter. It should be noted that only "I.Buchalter" appeared on the apartment house directory. It should also be noted that the t6l¬§hOne directory for Brooklyn listsllrving Euchalter as residing at the Montgomery Street address. ~'-wv. , ., ,_ Inquiry was alsomade at607 HegemanAvenue: Samuel H74 Buchalter, drugéist, was interviewed, and stated that he had_no rela- tives named Louis Euchalter, but that he had a cousin named Isidore, Buchalter who was a dru;5istat some address in Lanhattan. Samuel' Euchalter stated he had not been in contact with this Euchalter famil for a ereatb . many years and could furnish no information about them. He stated that they were distant cousins of his and that his family had never visited them. It was apparent from Samuel Euchalter's attitude that he was telling the truth in this respect. ~ #71" n thethe evening Bureau, of Novemberdictated 15, 1937who a following, call was the received wasfrom which received romhe ily Fons, E-.-Iaryland,- p

_ L2 _ I J 60-


"Notice for Apprehension Shapiro and Zuchalter 'ust received this ._ oftice. M L . ma1 11 IIPIIIGCL has held correspondence with three sor , ln,. *= ~ i1s.er1es cated land, and address given was 1'0number n x, N 1. Tamers Y. - 92 - check- sentand mechanics , 2 °re:er1-;lend, mes deposited by him in the Rational Cit" nk, E. Y., nashingtcn Height branch."

In viem'of the foregoing, inquiry was made at ihc Tashingtcn Eeights ank, '* Zroadway, New Z§rk City, ruse? search tc be made of the 1- ther. u s 10 account of anyone nan n the possibilitv that caused the check was merelya further che made 0 ad of thehis :-hctonrawhsofhaving en acc@un* there chec s _ the possession of the bank, but there t was no record :5 any checx naviné been cashed by the bank en the date mentioned. Brcnt, ;-I - '1'. 9 wes inter ewed I ed on the lding and that to ledge thi yet ss some Lind of a food inspector, although ve that . or munic W s being about He stated as fer es could asce a man character; spent much of his » time at paid his bills regularly. This infonnetion r A-2 teleohonically communicated to th ,-e sureau ' by op6C1&1 ° 'Agent - of the Iiew _ York office imme cla tely upon its receip 0 hhile in the vicinity of the Ushington Heights branch of the National City Bank, discreet inquiry was made at the Harvard Drug Company, h2E9 Broadway, where it was determined that the proprietor of the drugstore was a man named Landau. Under pretext of inquiring_about Red Cross violetions it was learned from him that lsidore Buchalter,brother of subj ec. t nucholter, Yh hes been employed " as a pharmacist ' _ $1 in .. the __ . Earvard ru JC5 ompany, having formerly been employed in the h ror t "

-15.- éo-302

Buchslter vnselse knownas Irving Buchalter andresides at §b7 Eontqomery Street,Brooklyn, NewYork. During agentsinterview in theC drugstore it was observedthat a phermecists ticket or certificate, issued by the State of New"Yorkin the nenw of Isidore Buchalter, washanging on the wall. Landau, at his own initiative pointed out Isidore Buchalter to agents and it was observed he is about 5'6"tall; light%h5ovnhair, partly bald; round 1:01 . lbs. stoc" build- > rimless e"eJ E. lasses. He aooeared.. _ to iehtly over Z0 years of age. Landau volunteered the information u it was not generally krown around the drurstoree that lsidcrethat of subject, end he had not made it face; known be

Bucnalter was the brother to anyone. At the Harlem Savings Bank, 12L East New York City, the records reflected that account No. in the name of Sarah Arbeiter in trust for Betty Buchelter,125th her Street, daughter. The account was opened in the year 1929, Hrs.h5599§'W&$ Sarah

rbeiter giving her address at that time as L5 - h2nd Street, Long Island City, New name as Leib, and York. hrs. Garth érbeier java her father's born in Poland in her mother'sname as Esther, and that she was been 1688. This account, since its inception, has very inactive end the last transaction was a withdrawal on July2, l9§6.M 1'50Sarah Arbeiter at the time rave92 her address . ' . as_§O kill Street , Uewburgh, Newfork.

At the Drydock Savings Burk, 7&2 Lexington Avenue, account Kc. 0556; we s ooened ., . in the y eer 1°55, 3 b Beti y . Buchalteri, Il0h Elder Avenue, Bro§;,New York,and mesclosed outes_pf Julf 1C, l95h. Betty Buchalter gaveher addrestatthat time as 25 Cmtral Perk West, New York City. The records of t he bank also refect that Betty Buchalter gave her husband'sname as Louis Buchaltcr;. occupation, salesman; father's name,Abe Arbeiter. On one of her deposit slips she gavean address es 11$West 86thStreet, NewYork City. The account, as of July 5, 195b, records e deposit of a check in the amount of $50.00 drawn on the Clifton National Bank, _°**o°'J *_ ' we At the Central Savings Bank, 7bth Street and Broadway, NewYork City, account 109570was openedon Karch 3, 19$} in the name of Sarah Arbeiter, 115 Central Perk West, apart- ment l7J, New York City. Sarah Arbeiter stated at the time that 60-502

she wasborn inPoland hay12, 1886;name ofparents Jakowitz; daughter Betty;that thisaccount wasclosed outas ofJuly l, 1956 bySarah Arbeiter,at whichtime she gave heraddress as 50 Hill Street, Newturgh,New York,and onthe sameday under account No.l6h2hb SarahArbeiter's Samuel husband opened up an account atthe samebank intrust for her daughter, Sarah's!, Betty Arbeiter. In the last transactionin connectionwith this account Mrs.Sarah Arbeitergave heraddress as 510 West66th Street, New York City.

The premises510 West56th Stre is a 12 s " tment . '=, the agents forsame being New York City, and on cont of this concern, asto a tenant bythe nameof Arbeiter res et 510hgst EbthStreet, heinformed thetthe policeauthorities or theCity ofNewiork hadmade severalinquiries of him during the pastsix monthsas to a famil" b" the name ofQrbeiter re- hissiding companythehad at instantleased premises.to one Aer zamArbeiter, winfonned retired,ager.-twho formerly that resides lhb9at BothStreet, Brooklyn,N. Y., Wisconsin 6-5591!, apartment at12B, 510 West 86thStreet, NewYork City, from June l, 1957 Septemberto 1958 50, theat annualrental of$l815§,.paysh1e monthly; thatepartment is 125located on the12th flee; two apartmentsone on floor!,consists cfseven rooms and three baths. Mr»-

yn 0 - 2éth StreetandZtth Avenue, e M Yew -' York City. cla;ned he wasnot personall'ac uainted vith Q est 86thStreet,on his contacting inwhom saihe hecould placecon- advisedthat apartment lE5, inaddition tobeing tenanted a so livedin theapart- _ ment one who attended a F local hi

A check of the records at the York Ci reflected that cne

the Brooklyn, N. Y.; born it might also be Emanuel Buchaltcr,whois a brother ofsubject tends thisschool, havingentered sameas ofSeptember l95h 10,

_ 15 _ so-502 » 0 from Eroo;-yn, " {cw 92'~l'okbr. r ; or ¬92 r and nresen L y in the With a view to determining whether the Arbeiter or Buchalter families, residing at 510 West 86th Street, KewYork City, had a telephone in their apartment, 123, the New York address telephone directory listed a non-published telephone for Abraham Lrbeiter, and on further check with the How York Telephone Company, it was ascertained that the telephone number issued to subscriber - Abraham Arbeiter was Endicott 2-0799. An informwnt has been established who has promised to furnish information as to phe habits of the Arbeiter and Buchelter families. Ch the night of November 1 1° of the Bureau called Special Agent BBL advised that he desired an izmediate, discreet investige ion to be undertak to determine whether any telephone taps were on the rclucives liste on the Identi?ication Order 50. lhb2 icnuee for Jacob éhspiro. Ea stated that the Dewey investigators should not be contacted for thi en purpose» d Special A,-;ent_ made a discreet ce.re:"u Broiitlyn, choc:cf the 12. telephone Y.,the lxcme wires 05* emzuxetin" froman s_sce a.1'.1'"-<4 -.12S some distance from the home in t.e llnel box there was a tap on

her telephone. QI ' , Age11tdid O fearing that same might ceuse the ¢ establish whether there was e tap £1/v not follow the tap to the hideczt disclosure of our seeking to 1 cn the wire. On 1921ovember 16, l957 theBureau was~edvised ofethrse fact and also a sed t-at in the report of Special Agent dated at Washington, I. ¬.,"October-27, 1957, on page 7, 1 was indicated that the Internal Reve ue I ents were maintaining - - 0 92 e wire -0 on t of .' 92 T _ 92 Hi: F*;<iCr'", .92».o. e...=_te t.at the . enti-1cntion not r er distributed whiqh is inuntil the possession further instructions of this office were received shouldbe from held theend // cureau.

It 60-302

he fo lowing investigation was conducted by Special Agent .

It was determined that the telephone number mentioned in surveillance on the telephone connected with the apartment of BUCHALTER and his wife, BETTY, in the Hotel Pierre in 1935, namely Cortlandt 7-0029, was listed in the name of Murray L. Jacobs, Attorney, 165 Broadway, New York City. A check of the building register at 165 Broadway indicated that Kurray L. Jacobs had associated with him in his law practise an Irving A. Blu and a Sally Go Kuttner. The name mentioned in the surveillance, BONDISH, or any name similar, could not be found in the register at 165 Broadways

At the Veterans Administration, 30th Street and 9th Avenue, New York City, Mr. James A. Clark, Chief Attorney, was inter- viewed, since it had been indicated that BETTY BUCHALSER, wife of Subject Buohalter, was the widow of a war vezeran and had had some correspondence with the Veterans Administration in reference to her deceased husband. It was determined from the file of Jack Wasserman, Wassermn XC729580, that res Mrs. Betty ' 'Wasserman t Buchalter, Buchalt the widow of Ja k _g £¢7 :_ an had received 0. O from the Veterans Administra ion, c amount represented the adjusted compensation of the deceased veteran, which she was holding in trust for her minor eon. *

The file covering the deceased veteran, Jack Wasserman, Mrs Clark and it was determined that was at the present mother, Mrs. Betty , bee een ppointed his g 47¢ guardian on October 30, 1928. For any records covering this guardian- ship Mr. Clark suggested that Mr. Charles Sohleman of the Surrogate Court in Queens County would be the proper person to contacts The » attorneys who drew up the papers covering this guardianship were Fisher & Deimel of 551 Fifth Avenue, New York Cit e fi ' the Veterans adoptadbyAdminist ati further reflected Louis Buchalter tmt in the Surrogate curt of

-17- J 60-S02 NewYork County in 1934and thatanvinvestigation coveringthis adoption wasconducted by*FRANKP. R§NNERT0n December 1954. 7, Thefile also contained aletter from Mrs. Ethel Whkefieldof the American RedCross datedMarch 27,1937. This letter indicated that Mrs. Buchalter wasliving at 25 Central Park Westand that an investigation had beenconducted bythe RedCross at the suggestion ofthe VeteransAdministration. Mr.Clark explained that this investigation wasconducted bythe RedCross todetermine whether theminor childwas receivingthe full benefits of the money depositedby his guardian intrust for him. The file further reflected thatMrs. Buchalterwasunder a $4000. bondcovering her guardianship, thisbond beingheld bythe Fidelityand Deposit Company Earyland,c; 16Court Street,Brooklyn, N.Y. At the American RecCross, 515Lexington Avenue, New YorkCity, Mrs.Ethel Wakefield,in charge of thehome service, was interviewedand sheallowed thereporting agentto review the file covering the investigations conducted the byAmerican Red Cross inreference toMrs. BettyWasserman Buchalter.This file indicated that several attemptswere madeto interview Hrs. Buchal: without :;::::; but tha; ;-;eLl;= in march, 1957,mrss oucnalter 81' was interviewedby theRed Crossat her apartment at25 CentralPark West. Thisinterview indicatedthat theminor sonwas obtainingall the benefitsfrom themoney depositedin trust for him. At the time ofthe interviewMrs. Buchalterhad madea request of theRed Cross inreference toan insurancepolicy heldby theNew YorkLife Insurance Companyon the life of her deceased husbandand theRed Cross hadagreed maketo furtherinvestigations concerningthis policy butsince thattime theRed Crosshas beenunable to contact ~Mrs. Buchalter,a letter addressedher to onCctober ll,1957 at25 Central ParkWest havingbeen returnedto the Red Crossmarked, "Addresses moved,no forwardingaddress"s ' Both Mr. JamesA. Clarkof_the VeteransAdministration and Mrs.Ethel Wakefield of the American RedCross statedthat the files in their officesconcerning thismatter wouldbe open for revi any time by Agents of this Bureau. ¬W At theSurrogate Courtof NewYork Count,_ 19-'54the adoption covering y Subject £973

-18-. 60302

_ "1 uc a s reviewed. This fil indicates that "

that his a er, ac asserman die ep em er O, 1928 and that his mother, Betty Wasserman arried Subject Lvuis Buchalter on August 20, 1931. In the petition of adoption Subject Buchalter sets forth his occupation as General Manager of the Perfection Coat Front Manufacturing Company,ll Jest 19th Street, New YorkCity and also the General Manager of the Garfield Express Co., Inc., 272 Oak Street,Passaic, N. J.and sets forthhis income £r7 l

y was written

92g1 ; and e adoption an investigation was grantedof bythe thefitness Surrogate Subjectof Court on Bucha ter to support the minor child was mace by prank P. Fennert of the Surrogate Court of New York County and the adoption was &1lOW6C 1, James Ac Feley, Surrogate;

Mr. FRANK P. EEHNERT was interviewed and he stated that the investigations as conductedby himwere reportedto the Surrogate in writing but that these files were not open for review but were sealed in the surrogates office. However, he stated that in cases such as this where the person marrying the mother of the minor is involved, a through investigation is not conducted sincethe personadopting the minor child would have custody of the child in any event since he was marrying the miner's motherand that unless it was definitely established that this person wasunable to support the minor child, very little investigation was conducted.

At the Marriage License Bureau of the City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, in volume 8, #18824, it was determined that LOUIS BUCHALTERmarried BETTY WASSERHANAugust on 20, 1931. The information ""contnined in the marriage license was as follows='" i

NAME LOUIS BUCHALTER Residence 215 W. 86th Street, New Yerk City 1

-lQ- ' so-302 -" 1 .Occupation Birthplace rather Mu tizer Color Age First marriage Salesman 92 ' New York City Barnett, born in Russia Rose Di Waltoff, burn in Russia NAEE White Residinoe34 Birthplace

Father £E1TY WASSERHAN Mother 255 We 90th Street, New York City' London, England Color Abraham, born in England Age Sarah Jacobs, born in Russia _|'l'11 i t6 29 Second marriage, widow since 1928

This license is dated August 20, 1951 and the marriage was performed on the same date at the Municipal Building by MICHAEL J. CRUISE, City Clerk. The witnesses to this marriage were Morris Wolenaky andifeveromo, 201 East 35th Street, New York City.

It should be noted that information from the Verne Miller file above mentioned is to the effect that "Dimples Wolensky accompanied Buchalter to Germany in 1933 in the course of which tour Buchalter is reported to have visited the baths at Carlsbad.

At the office of the New York L1 2_8th of the Street Inspection and Madison Department, Avenue, was New interviewed York City, an he staea that they C, had a policy on the life of Jack Waeserman which policy had been or was being paid and that this policy was at the present time in their store room but that he would obtain the files and make them available for review by reporting agent» 60-302

While the writerwas the atNewark Bureau office on official business ona recent date SpecialAgent? of that office advised th at a nfn i ormant known to the ewar office told him that William Moretti who controls the numbers racket in Bergen County,N. J. is a close associate of Buchalter and Shapiro. This i nformant further advised that Moretti, Buchalter and other men in the numbers racket in New Jersey and New York have an agreement onthe numbersracket at the present time and that this racket is operated through one large office which is located in Clifftide , N. J. The Informant said that he does not know theexact location of this office but he is positive it is 310.6 knows from

Police is aware of the headquarterfs existence and its operation in Bergen County.

With further reference to Moretti the Informant stated that Moretti has a nonpublished telephone number,Hasbrouck Heights 8-0710, He said that one Savarese who now works for Chief of Police Borelli, operates the SwingClub, a night club located in Cliffside, N. Jo It is possible, according tothe Informant,that Savarese might give some informtion concerning the activities of these individuals and also might be in a position to furnish information regarding therecent bankrobberies if certain methods ofpersuasion were used upon him. The informantsuggested thatone of these ways might be to indicate to Savaresethat it was knownthat an individual named PortugueseJoe waskilled in Savarese'shome, whichwas used by a mob of New Jerseyand NewYork hoodlumsat one time. Moretti is also reported to have atelephone number Hackensack 2-1050. It is said that he recently purchased the C United States Linen Supply Company,Inc., 19 Mill Street, Paterson, N. J., telephone number Armory 4-3367. The descriptionsof Buchalter and $hapirowill not be set forth in this report inasmuchas the most complete descriptions available at this ti me are set forth in the reward circulars being distributed bythe variousfield divisions of the Bureau throughout the country, dated November 8, 1937. e

-21.. 60-302

It should be noted at this time that instructions from the Bureau to withhold the distribution of identification order $1462 covering Subject shapiro are still inforce. '

It should be made known to all possible informants that a $5000. reward has been offered by the Attorney General of the United States, $2,500. to be paid for information furnished to the Bureau resulting in the apprehension of °hapiro and the same amount to be paid for information furnished to the Bureau resulting in the apprehension of Buchaltere Arrangements may be made, if necessary, whereby any Infonnant furnishing the desired information may be the recipient of the reward without his identity being disclosed, as will probably be desired in a case of this kinds

A mail cover has already been requested for the mail of C. H. KAUYER, halfbrother of Buohalter, residing in Denver, Col. Mail covers are also being requested on the mail addressed to the Buohalter and Arbeiter families residing at 310 W. 86th Street, New York City; the family of Dr. Emanuel Buchalter,1lO We 86th Street, New York City, 57 N. 57th Street, New York City and 324 Roebling Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Isadore Buohalter, 947 Montgomery Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. and 4239 Broadway, New York City; Mrs. Rose Buohalter and Mrs. Sarah Moss, 2130 Broadway, New York City Beacon Hotel! and Mrs. Maxwell J. Morse, 161 J. 75th Street, New York City.

Requests for the records of long distance telephone and toll calls from the telephones connected with residenceof the above mentioned individuals, which numbers are listed in this report, as well as long distance calls made to such numbers, are also being made covering the last sixty dayse ' ~

An anonymous communication to the Bureau postmarked New York City, N. Y. a copy of which communication was forwarded to the ew York office, contained information to the effect that Abe and Dave Fishman of the Bluedale Dress C0,, 253 W. 35th Street, New York City, are reportedly cousins of Bucha1ter.and.prosper under his protective strong arm activities and may have some information as to his whereabouts. Investigation will be conducted to determine ihether this report has any basis in facts

- 33 - 60-302

The Bureau has directed that investigation in this case be given expeditious attention and therefore it is requested that undeveloped leadsbe covered as soon as possible.


THE OKLAHOMACITY OFFICEat Valiant, Okla. will conduct discreet investigation relative to Mr. and Mrs. SAM FINKLB mentioned in the body of this report as possible relatives of BETTY BUCEALTER,for any information which might lead to the location of either Buchalter or Shapiro. It is suggested that after this discreet inquiry is madea mail cover be placed upon the mail of the Finkel family.

T55 nsnasa OFFICE at 272 Oak Street, Passaic, A. J., the Garfield Express Co., Inc., will conduct discreet inquiry relative to the owner andthe operation of the Garfield Express Co., Inc. at that address to establish the identity of additional contacts which might lead to the location of Subjects.

At the Clifton Rational Bank, Clifton, N. J., will establishsaid bankinJuly, identity1954the in ofone favor Israelo Yleirnan drew"hoa check on L <: Subject Buchalter. Will also conduct investigation based upon information receivedto thelocation from Special Su ofof the Newarkoffice, looking THE BUFFALOOFFICE at Albany, N. Y. will cause a search to be made of the records of the New York State Boards of Pharmacy and Dentistry in order to obtain all information available from the applications of Dr. Emanuel Buchalter, Dentist, and -Isidore-Buohalter, Pharmacist,pertaining to the family history of-~~ Buchalters It is possible that Emanuel Buohalter maybe registered under the name of Edward Buohalterand Isidore Buchalter maybe registered underthe nameof Irving Buchalter, althoughit has been observed that the name Isidore Buchalter appears uponthe latter's license at the Harvard Drug Company. A

-25- 60-302

THE DENVEROFFICE at Denver, Col. will supervise and continue the mail cover on C. H. Kauver, half-brother of Buchalter, who is a Rabbi at 1316 Gilpin Street, office l58O Gaylord Stfto It has been reported ltrlier that C. Ho Kauver has evinced the most cooperative attitude toward the Bureau of any member of the familys It is suggested that Dr. Aauver again be interviewed for the purpose of ascertaining the identity of not only members of the immediate family but also relatives-inlaw and their location, if pOSSibl6o

THE NEWYORK OFFICEwill conduct investigation based on all available information looking to the location and apprehension of Buchalter and Shapiro»






60-1501-3222X s 92-..-.___.< ' .1

JEL|TD . July 5, 1939 I . umommauu rca arm; lotHiDpn7 nznwron 92 0 __ /p 573 7% / ,_T__ " __ O _.

in Developments of In-Q jU[_ 21 ' vestigntion thelocation looming or to 92L__3-, _ sgP_ARm_n:92' osp-*2 {?G'V I , y 4,... -1 Ler1I&Psuc;yu.1's11 Q" -- ,'>' at "'-i _ $2» I 7; ~:.§_r D Posscuwxvn ACTION AS TQ tours uucnnmg V 0 Louis "Lepke" Buchalter was sentenced to serve two years and fined $10,000 on November 12,-1936, at New York City, for the violation of the Federal Antitrust Laws in connection_Iith his activities in the Protective Fur Dressers Corporation, but he appealed the conviction and it was reversed by the Circuit /. Court of Appeals. Buchelter is at this time under indictment for the violation of the Federal Antitrust Laws in regard to his activities in the Fur Dressers Factor Corporation. Buchnlter failed to appear in the Federal Court in the Southern District of New York on July 6 , 1937, forfeiting e $3,000 bail and he has been e fugitive since that date.


Mr. Jacob "Curran" Shapiro was also_lentenced to serve two Rlir.l 1mmn~~~ ~ years and to pay a fine of $10,000 on November 12, 1936, for the 1 l Mr.»Nn§"¢f"f: violation of the Federal Antitrust tens in the Southern District 92' 92§Mr.E-A1*"""' of New York in connection with his activities inthe Protective""? 1* ~- CIQZLI . . . - ..-'--"' _ Fur Dressers Corporation. She p ir o . wea~relessed - .. - on .~- December 3 . a k Er~¢""Y.-Yr, F1 ------" 1936 , pendi ng appeal Bh became a fugitive on June 14, 1937, when 1301! . this sentence was affirmed by the Circuit Court of Appeals and " '"" 1 he failed to surrender. On lpril 14, 1938, Shapiro surrendered I.T '' 1 at the Federal House of Detention, New York City, and shortly " _"'; _ thereafter commenced ht u serving of the two year sentence imposed,

'92 §All !_w1..» .- r i! u. . V ;__La.~¢§~__L_|,__ 6 _ L. 92 1 ;.f|.~I". »'t- '1 I K K. , k _ ' J.92Z|. 11.1".-u .-~ ' A kl'924 . -,' 1L':J@! I» , if '_.-' 11> _t" " "' ; I - -- C '__,, ~i 5 '-92 92 92 ' E Mr. Trn 92-~ ~. "> 92 2 .92lr.' 92;92:£un'{nl11-'1 -- i '- Extraordinary Grand Jury of New York County against and Louis Buchalter, charging them, with others, in eleven counts with in the Baking Industry of ~Rew York City during the years 1934 and 1935, by means of which, it is alleged, they obtained tribute of $1,000,090.


. On August 20, 1937, the New Iork City Board of Estimate Apportionment offered $5,000 reward for infor- mation leading to the arrest of Louis Buchalter. On November 8, 1937, the then Attorney General of the United States offered $2,500 for inforaation furnished the Federal Bureau of Investigation resulting in the a-pre- hension of Louis Buchalter. This offer of reward expired on November l, 1938, end has not been renewed to date. However, on larch 31, 1939, u bulletin was dispatched to all Special Agents in Charge of the Bureau field offices, point- ing out that because of circumstances and conditions pre- vailing, thie offer of reward was not being publicly renewed, but for their confidential information, the Bureau would re- munerete anyone up to $5,000 for information furnished exclusively to us which resulted in the apprehension of Louis Buchalter.


Our investigation has disclosed thdt Louis Buchaiter has operated in New York City and vicinity and possesses a criminal record dating back to 1916. Starting as a minor hood- lum, Buchnlter arose in prominence in the underworld until he was the boesprecketeer of New Iork City, controlled his own -~ organizetion~of strong-arm men and gunmen, which was believed to number from two to five hundred, and collected millions of dollars from the legitimate businessmen of the city. Buchalter had a long list of acquaintances and a wide range of connections in the criminal underworld, and was spoken of as the New York contact for members of the Barker-Karol: gang, the

5 kidnepers of zdunrd George Drener, and for Verne Hiller and his associates. Miller, who was killed in a gangland feud, together with Charles "Pretty Boy" Floyd and Adam Eichetti, perpetrated the Kansas City Massacre. "Lepke" is also be- lieved to have been interested in the operation of dog trucks and slot machines throughout the country. His main source of revenue, however, was the eocal1ed rackets operated in New York City, which, under his management, threatened to become a permanent parasite on industry.

Louis Bucbalter, alias Lepke', was born in New York City on February 12, 1897. as is married and hue one adoptd son, eighteen years old. He was first arrested in Bridgeport, Connecticut, on February 29, 1916, and on e charge of theft received an indeterminate sentence in the State Reformatory at Cheshire, Connecticut. He was released on parole from that institution on Jul; ; , 17l7, Qb5COded on July SJ, 1717, and a warrant which was issued was never executed. On September 28, 1917, on a charge of grand larceny, he received a sentence of e year and a half which he served in Sing Sing Prison, Auburn Prison, and Great leader Prison, being discharged from the latter on January 27, 1919. He returned to Sing Sing on June 21, 1920, to serve n two and a half year sentence for attempted burglary, and was released on parole on larch 16, 1922. From that date until November 21, 1933, when he was arrested for violation of the Antitrust Laws, Buchelter was arrested on eleven other occasions, for such offenses as assault, robbery, burglary, and homicide, but each time the charges were dismissed. Hie alias 'Lepke' is apparently a corruption of the Jewish equivalent of the name "Louie". ! The folloling are the aliases of Louis Buchalter, his description, et cetera:

mmwmene _ _ _ LOUI3_bUC¥ALTER, with aliases; F 7 "*"Lepke"; Louis Buckhouse; Louis Louis

LouieBuckhalter; Louis Kawer; Cohen; Louis Buckalter; LouisKauvar; Louis Buchholtz; Louver; Louis Suffer; Louis Kauver; "Lepky; 'Lefhy"; 'Sefky"; Murphy; "Schnozzle'; Lou Brodsky; Judge Lewis; "Judge"; "The Judge"; Judge Louie; Judge Brodsky; Louis Brodaky.

'92 92/ Age

Height 42 years born February 12, Weight i897, at New York City! 5'55 5'7 Build 160 pounds Heir ediu heavy . Dark brown, possibly graying at temples Eyes Brown - Complexion Dark Teeth Removable bridge consisting of five teeth, upper right - fixed bridge consisting of one tooth, lower right - fixed bridge con- sisting of one or two teeth, lower left; Iusteche Occasionally Nationality American of Jewish extraction Education Grammar school Scare Appendectony scar PERSONAL Hose large, rather straight and Charecteristice blunt - care prominent - eyes alert and shifty has habit of passing change from one hand to enother; in believed to be near- ing n yellow gold ring on the small finger of his left hand. This ring is set with a large "catseye" atone described as be- ing palish blue in color somewhat similar to a Star Sapphire. H is believed also to be wearing e very expensive and flashy yellow gold pocket watch set with emeralds and rubies. Attached to this watch is a yellow gold chain studded with similar stones. This watch.is _; .i;i#;usually carried in one of his lower vest pockets and the chain extends diagonally from the watch pocket to one of his upper vest pockets. It is stated that he has a habit of looking at his watch every five

.7 minutes or so one toying with the chain. It is indicated that he habitually wears snap brim felt hats directly in the center of his heed sothat the turned down brim will tend to o?fs¢t the length of his nose. Marital statue married W1 age about eighteen years. Fingerprint 2§ II l7 Classification 27 0


Rose Buchelter,mother, age74, NewYork City Emanuel Buchalter,D.D.S., brother,New YorkCity /Isadore Buchultcr,brother, pharzncist,New York /c. H.Xnuvar, brother,half Ph.D.,Rabbi, Denver, Colorado. Vrs. MaxwellHorse, halfsister, NewYork City, husbandin real estate business. /hrs. SarahF. Rosa, hnlf sister,New YorkCity, school teacher,president hndmanager summer of camp for girls. , fPhilip Kauvur,half brother,Rev YorkCity, an operator of City Carriers Corporation. / /Jack Buchalter,half brother, 359 PowersAvenue, Bronx, New York. " """"""" /hrs.Aaron Sophie!Biltchick, sister,half New York City. /4 . yrs. Hathaniel Sarah! Blu,half sister,601 West 70th Street, New YorkCity.

6 llrs. Leah Buchalter Levy, half sister, 2733 Morris Avenue, Bronx, New York. -

Beatrice, alias Betty Buchalter, wife, New York City. 92D r1C/ 8tep9on,known c oae associate, withfiietty andénicable Buchalte'r,:irelationship existing.

nusmnss '1u'r2R;~;srs

It is generally conceded that Buchelter is well 5up;liod with money and, with thot in mind, circuiarization was node of every bank in the country, at which time it was / requested thatit be determined if they were p0SS68h6d of bank accounts or safe deposit boxes. This circularization was made during the early port of February of this year and to date no information has been obtained.

The income tax returns of Buchdltcr were obtained and are reported an follows:

l9§5 . J $10,400.00 Garfield Express, Incorporated, Paseaic, New Jersey. / , . 4,800.00 Pioneer CoatJFront Company, Hen York City. 10,300.00 Perfection Coat Front Company, New York City. _ 2 " lélii

$9,000.00 .Perfection Coot Front Company, New York City. - 1_ 7 _ j * ~~ ~ ~ 7,400.17 S. Iiener Joint Account. "> ?§* i

l22é $5,300.00 RaleignManufacturers, Incorrorated, Baltimore, lnryland. 10,400.00 Garfield Expreas, Incorporated, Paasaic, New Jersey. 5,600.00 Dividends from Garfield Express, Incorpo- rated, Paasaic, New Jersey. 9 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION




60-1501-3275 _l ~ Q _ an

FEDERALBUREAU OF INVESTIGATION form No. 1 _ ' , This Case Originated At: NEW YSRK CITY L. A. File No. 60-122 F FéEL?&TiE§£§"£E?"'"'"" .- ate"tT5§l£ré£i@d Covered: *Rep0rt Made By: C I 4 jv/2o,24,25,27, 5'75 ,.,.osANGELES, CALli=O}~?l!IA fa/4/39 £25; 8/_1-3/39. hlx.

QFIIR DRESSING INVE$TIC¢92'IION- LOUISVBUCHALTER, ' with iCharacter ANTITRUST; of HARBORINCCase' » 4&1i3s§§*3'FUGTTTVE,'TYU} #1468 ET AL. CONSPIRACY J I Synopsis of Facts: HARBQHT 7 r-». 9292 AARON SAPIRO, labor attorney, advised Mas. is a nieceuiuaxcayzosnlzm, u BUCHALTER nee GE'RTRUDE92BLOOM,Call from LONG I at Hot Springs, Ark. n 1933 was probably / to JEANLHARLOW. EOE AVIS called BEN I 'sImEL rom Tucson,Ariz., @1937. FRIEDA 1 W ZUCK denies any furthe§HEn6£ledge of Sub- l ject BUCHALTER. "DOC"' RRIS was registered at Chapman Park Hotel, Los Angel=s, July ll to 15, 1938. MILTON "FARMER"1RAGE, Los Angeles gambler, has seen SIECEL, HARRIS, andSHOMBEEG in his club. Captain WILIIAM CAHILL, retired Los Angeles offic r, had noinformation of value. GEORGIEFHTRRICK apparently in New York. CHARLES "CHICKY" 92/ BERIUAN, :1. §SED.V."aY, and AL SPITZER were in ,1 . 2 1 ¢. R 92~;_pw' _ 1 Losingeles from Aug. to Dec., 1938, at | I, which time PHIL92.:OVOLICK was arrested at '¢I / BERMAN'S apartme t in Beverly Hills.

_ p _


§aference:' Report of Special Agent dated at San Francisco, California, Report of Special agent 5'7@ corms, DES"!'::n*17;1Rock, Arkansas, 4/13/39 dated gt Little » 1 _.~ 885; FEB 4 1353 1' - 5#?6JT4 4&3 Forwarded _;;_i-;:. "l;, 1 a 1 a,:_~ _-_ C 1 _-_-ea _ a _ it 3VI,:1;§e In lhe_so Spa-qesc__l ______.. O7? ,//§,j7w[¢L¢~§22-7S-hug: v:_ !"'"_§- Z *3 I we ,1 ;_.... Copies. of jhis . 1 Report ; 1 : ;>- bureau 1 _ » Nrw York City - PM. 7 ? ~ Philadelphia .2' ~ malt

~I 60-122 FURDRESS

References Continued!: .

Report of Special Agent dated at El Paso, ReportTexas, 12/12/38 Specialof Agent dated atNew York City,Report Specialof1./11./39 Agent dated atLos Angeles, 1; California,Report Special6/7/39of Agent dated at581% Lake City,Letter Utah, from 10/8/38Bureau datedJanuary 13,1939 0150l! Letter fromNew YorkCity dated7/27/39 Letter fromNew YorkCity dated5/16/39

Details: AT LOS ANGELES,CALIFORNIA: LEAD NO.14 l AARON SAPIRDL. organizedthe NolaskaCompany, of which companyMOE DAVIS,of Cleveland, Ohio, was reported tohave beenthe head.MOE DAVISis allegedly a friend of BUCHALTER. , AARON L. SAPIROis a nationally-known labor attorney,and his namehas recentlyappeared the in paperson the West Coastbecause of his testimonyfor the Government the deportationat hearing HARRYEIDGES- of He wasinterviewed his at officeat 629South HillStreet, telephoneMlchigan LL51, July on24, 1939, andadvised thatbefore comingto theWest Qoast,he had hadan officein NewYork Cityat 500Fifth Avenuefrom 1927to 193§_in that city,but thatduring that time he wasale? gagedin practice in Chicago, Illinois.During theseyears hestated hewas nationallyknown as an expertin cooperativemarketing was and wellversed in theagricultural needs.inNew York SomeCitytime in oneby 1931 orJACKiDREW1932 and hestatedanother mar he was whose approachedname he could hisnot at office recall;that DREWwas generamanager the of MoleskaCompany Cleveland, of Ohio. DREW consulted SAPIRO with respect to his product whichwas apow- dered formof molasses;and SAPIROstated thathe realizedthe tremendous field thisproduct would have if it could bemanufactured a commercialon basis. Hestated thathe hadmade tripa to Cleveland,Ohio, to visit their
