FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FREEDOM OF INFORIVIATION/PRIVACY ACTS SECTION COVER SHEET SUBJECT: LOUIS "LEPKE" BUCHALTER 60-1501-980 - ~ fr/",__ J v I Form No! 1 &#39; ~ -V _ .&#39; I &#39;7" //:&#39;if-i-r.-5-3:; .&#39;l:i&#39;:§i":&#39;_;-: =_&#39; &#39;&#39; ; - -. --; .- ~:?~/;-" , _ , - &#39; -. =-- J ;-.--.<_._.>;,-;»_= &#39;-a.&#39;~."".=; ~" - -»__r_,l _ . 1 5 ., »._.- . -__-.92 ,. ;~.&#39;...~r-...._~ -. _»_ -_ ,_ ~._ "$4 ,1 -&#39;- - - ;.f~ &#39;~, &#39; =;&#39;_"- ~ .-&#39;_"&#39;-7&#39; .- W<3~"*:.--;.,92&#39; . .3L&#39;:&#39;:.?&#39;.. .-3&#39;.. _. 1. ~ . --"&#39;,-ff-.--f-$~f;7&#39;$.*»I-&#39;-.*,.92.";&#39;-_-,;";?;h.. .. _.~q,_.;,._ _..._,.&#39;,._._~,.h-._,-_,.__ . , . &#39; 1»-.&#39; &#39;ell.&#39;.;- .-.~&#39;;», -w <. _, J. .: -- .- 3 -, : .Pll§;99§5Q_9fij§**_f?§§d . -. ..._~ .- &#39;R°R??i?l"=.¥*%9.FZ=&#39;?:$.="1¥;;*2.:i * " ~Dui=.<> &#39; &#39;When -M=1de*:".> 7 &#39;"f1I"i.".¢1<ii&#39;£?.o""&#39;:~.7:1i&#39;1_¢11"1»-2 , Repdrsmae . - -. i " "6 II"File &#39;ChzIi4actér&#39;bf&#39;Ca&#39;ss &#39;NO. ,__,MvM , I.-_-_-.°l¢ .. .. ~-. ..r_ ;.55gfI_!&#39;1~&#39; ~_,,§,,-I11-g,.,__» -....lF§iIwI@m :,__.;-,_¢. - . ~ ._ - *- Q. Km-5,93 ii$3lsPZ£iiQ;-31I#i@h"~;nl1a.sés : "eurr¢m," ca¢r"1;<;&#39;"" s1{Epir&> ,! " &#39;ANTITRUST . *"°§is §~¥T#éi.9.¢1f1¢§ii.3&#39;i§~§1?5P¢¥5!iL92¬>.:1-sliishW88» 3°~119216.l.sDisnu.husén7 " - Smu¢.l"1>I@3&#39;*?¢¥&#39;*Z*f¢h:6*"I»§£§2..s ~ sw;@_._"1" »s_.._s1hv ". _ . I- 0.. #1462; -- . s L L°"IS§ "?a§1cfI1"~1:.13rRs?;:d5?@§?..i.e§2&5 P.k.¢"a ;Lo.uj1s;su¢kmsc. = . ;¥6§i"~Kuw9;;&#39;;.i;Lqg1s_ gsygn, Louis. Bucko.l&#39;bc_r,&#39;..: ~, a 1 ,§f§J.,1;g;&#39;I;au1sTmuvo.r,.Lou1§.sarrer, ., _. ulna I A _ = . , I --1,du"is:"=m;iv*o1 &#39;92. -l -»;92_". .~ A &#39;92_- ,4!y _», _ .5, . _ .&#39; - s - 4/ *.. __ --l?PGI.TIVEi;¢¢=sl§§f¢,:?%¬#1?i6 3%»-se""a1;"? &#39;~t&#39; - -". L» 15Y&#39;A=."&#39;" -~ ~" -92 -92&#39;_. " " . .4, J ," 4 ,-», H " 7 -x - <1 __ ,. 4.1. ;-El-¥--i-...._._..S, ., ,9 .s.i".:~? -"¥1~*"¥.°-*%$#».j="<::é:%+i;:~*@"="- l :-M:-=*.&#39; . s. " "J .&#39; . , - -.. ./&#39; 1 F92-- 1&#39; _ ." ~ "".r;:¢- < __.-J~. ;;_ __<_~_ _ ~ . - .: » &#39; &#39; -V-I,r -.1 1 _._" -25?-£15:9;.f.,v}f;é-S1.§I:I§|§1¥:{i.._kOf _infcrmtior&#39;1 relating to Subjects , I _ :""T"~&#39;1"§"§T&#39;-"T".~l"1&#39;*.~*5?.§§h°~Pi17Q,»_§1;id _Buchnlter;,~, ~ _ &#39; _.- M _ .1&#39;4: 5-.&#39;Pibscc92it:;1vb notion and offenses involved I Q I 0 Q- 2 - -_-Q ,1 -ZYPQ Protcdtive Fur Dressers Cor orati A ~--e-&#39; ._.f;-,._&#39;n,-_1§<°_ {;:".~ 1w Q ._ " _ . .- " P > - _ mo .~.&#39;.~.~ &#39;F?f*~ &#39; _ _ V _ - ._: I D1&#39;°B$°13 F92°t°1 .. l C.°1&#39;P<>1M=ibn I » &#39; I &#39;* . r~ ".i-.=.=-+~-..-&#39;_".~l.--»;% },&#39;¢j.~&#39;.;."£-_,~.v&#39;=.-.." .=.&#39;-- . , ~_> , . 6&0 " &#39; . _ &#39; . 5 .1 K 1 _,_ _-..¢;.-,_&#39;~. .° .<&#39;->§+T;~.°I.1..° " as; - . _. ".4. ., . , . 19&#39;.! -92 »- .. .~<_. 1 -.._.-;~;;;w_&#39;,,.;-,~;>;, ,3; -41>.-"" Y *- ¢ _r1 manufacturing . _. ._ I~ racket. Q H _ .; . I 1 "&#39; 1-&#39;5-vi -- 4.. .. ¢~ {:1 . >1". ..- " 12 4 1 r - . .. 0. Jt _ I 3,"?-*1 f-My; &#39; J " "-&#39;=5R7*""&#39;-~,i{-p--11". ~- - .- ,-.-I-". V». .- - R:~?",-w-, <1 ». J» -» _ . _ _ .1--. i 1". 1-"_.;&#39;/};__>_,;~.v_,-,&#39;,~=_§_ Y _ ! _ . 92.&#39;, .._"} "H "~<&#39;"1r."I .-...._.,!13..92.=.1&#39;~f$!Q1,n1d;n.nd iv----&#39;-.x* 9*, y»! ~-."- .;".- aotivit ,-&#39;1 _.,. 1es - - of . Sub_]ect V _ &#39; _ V Bucha1ter,"-,&#39;"- l K__ ._ .> ._ LA __ ._ :1"-"P11?-&#39; - &#39; T"; ;-4:1 - .E. &#39; -1 »~"* t~~== »s1~*:.~-1-+-1~,,-~~ _ ~,s.. A -1 "" ~ ~ .. ..<-"~~ ¢_._; . :3 z. ._ ,1 1 , 7: T . .&#39; &#39;&#39;2 . ., .-,;,-_,.. ._&#39; .. 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J > - &#39; ~-- .-92- _. - 4 -/&#39;,&#39;_",__§ ".-; . ,;.-~"I.._.-1&#39; :"~;~":"-"q.»:.»_.»... 4- 1;". _j A A g=~.~.~. -. -A s &#39;1!» 4, ,n I; &#39; " " 4 &#39;2<&#39;*.r&#39;..-- &#39;7_,~__; _,;!.»- .. .-c ..-¢~.92_§92,_.1_ 92,_. - _ _ , _ V ~. _. ~....;."~ _,&#39;~.-_--1~&#39;;¢»_:_fv__i1,.1=f- j-&#39; .1 1-..~ V -_ _;-_ _ .» _ . | I/_ _ ..I _ ,, 4-no - , . 1- ,-._---.~ 92 A 92- 9292 92 > s -4- _ 1» 1. 1:, &#39;{.- . w,~;» -A. , L I -!9 K; ,,.,&#39;:-,|:;,;.;7_.: ,.,.... _. _. _._-.92~,:g&#39;.i&#39;_;?J>__:&#39;.{i__J_r>__, __ ._ __.. _ I _ __ __ I . ;.;.__":J_._&#39; " &#39;~-&#39; 1*-":5v----&#39; Iv .." &#39;*-.-&#39;:-".".w-~&#39;;&#39;;-..- ,...&#39;.|=&#39;1 _ I I I l I ,__ Bur<$w_>i-.1 . , . - .» . -*."r~-?.?_?-.*l-! - , .- . 4 &#39; =" ; . *&#39; 1 ¢?§i*&#39;%=is==~1~»-i-»l!=:~rr--$;>4;r¢*1 _;;1-.f92? Y :._-__t;_-;;__;§;&#39;_"-_.92_;$ _:,;.- , "*-;;~**=";- :1-;_.: ~: .- - - .- - &#39; =»- A1l;F1@1_d. _ 0i£1<>¢$ .__¢:. ..;__.~;,,-:;,.{ _"; .°1.1°lBs°*~.?¥§! ». 5;; 1-if ;". j.-*.{;*",~.:- ".11; 4"<>g;&#39;¢=""".;-,="<-;,... ~-;-;;§-=_-- » _" .. 92 1 ~ " 5 , ll: &#39; 8 T-T.92"&#39;. A. I l . _ _ _ . ~, -_:~,:&#39;._ 1,3, i?&#39;__},_,; __ fl !:_§;,$g,u, 33&#39; ____i_:";___"__:_ 7__ _:_>_ A. I ... _ -.- J Q it J"92~;.-. v -».&#39; I; J.-. " - -, - &#39;- -"- _ E.-.,-1 _ ~ , _ .._. _ M. ! ». .- . _ , ;.~=;;_&#39;/_-;:_, &#39; _" ~~ &#39;,U &#39;, _ ft K ¥_ 92&#39; /- ~ " . / " <&#39; -:&#39;.*;ti;_,~"~ ." -_-__. &#39;I_. &#39;.:-s 3- -;._;~¢&#39;_~ ...-, - _ _ _ - . ._.. .-_. M, _ 1. ma &#39; 60-302 &#39;;!§;3_;3l BACKGROUND _ .1 AND ACTIVITIES 1 OF LOUIS BUCHALTER &#39; WITH ALIASES York City. His Subject&#39;Buchalter father, BERNARD, was BARNETborn or DAVIDFebruary BUCHALTER 12, 1897 died aboutin New twenty years ago. He came to America from Russia and operated a hard- ware shop in the neighborhood of Essex Street,1ower east side, New YorkCity, and resided either on Henry or Clinton Street in the same neighborhood. sidingwith her His daughter, mother, Mrs.&#39;SARAH ROSE BUCHALTER, F. MOSS,age half-sister Th, of is presently Subjectre- Buchalter, City. at the Beacon Hotel, Broadway and 75th Street, New York is living with her Subjectfather Buchalter&#39;s and stepmother wife, BEATRICE, SARAH!,Mr. known and as Hrs.BETTY, Bett S1&#39;L:iUELy &#39;s or .LBR!».H!" y EITER a former in m Apartment arria e 12-B, who was 310-&#39;-Zest legally86th adoptedStreet. this bySubjecapartment.uc lter, nd is also living in loWs: ndditional relatives of Subject Buchalter are as fol- ment 12-A, 110&#39; Test 86th BUCHALTER, Street, New D.D.S., York City, brother;who residence, maintains Apart»dental offices at 57 West 57th Street, New York City and at 32h Roebling Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. ISIDORE BUCHhLTER, brother, residing in Apartment 12-F. macist 9h7byMontgomery the Harvard DrugStreet, Brooklyn,Co., h2§9 N.Y., Broadway, employed New as aYork registered City.phar V Mrs. ROSE BUCHnLTER&#39;S fixst husband was named KAUVLR deceased!.They had several children "+0 are half-brothers and half- as sistersoffollows: Subject . Buchalter. Their HQQCS and present addresses are &#39; C.H. KAUVnR, Ph. D., Rabbi; residence, 1316 Gilpin Street, Denver, Colorado; connected with the Jewish synagogue at Colorado.1580 Gaylord Street as well as with the DenverUniversity at Denver, Mrs. MAXWELL J. MORSE, housewife, residing at the Wellston husbandand Lpartments, children. 161 He is Westsaid 75th to Street, be in the New real York estate City with business,her -55- 2 NB V C-0~Z-O2. ti ";92-Q 32 &#39; Hrs. SARAHF. ROSS, residing at the Hotel Beacon, 75th Street and Broadway, New York City, employed as a school teach- er in Iew York City; also President and zanagcr of Camp Allegro in the Berkshires, Inc.; maintains a sumrer camp for girls at Pitts- field, Pass. &#39; PEILIP KnUVhR, living with his wife DORA in Apartment 1?-¢ >*bst 95rd Street, New York City; one of the operators of tne y Carriers Corp., 260 bst 55th Street, Pew York City.
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