ISSN 2029–2236 (print) ISSN 2029–2244 (online) SOCIALINIŲ MOKSLŲ STUDIJOS SOCIETAL STUDIES 2014, 6(1), p. 34–66. THE DEVELOPMENT OF CREATIVE INDUSTRIES: THE CASE OF LITHUANIAN FASHION DESIGN COMPANIES Mindaugas Laužikas International Business School at Vilnius University Saulėtekio av. 22, LT-10225 Vilnius, Lithuania E-mail:
[email protected] Rasa Mokšeckienė International Business School at Vilnius University Saulėtekio av. 22, LT-10225 Vilnius, Lithuania E-mail:
[email protected] Pateikta 2013 m. liepos 25 d.; parengta spausdinti 2014 m. gegužės 25 d. doi:10.13165/SMS-14-6-1-03 Abstract. The analysis of creative industries and, in particular, the specificity of managing creative companies require not only understanding of concepts, such as the creativity, arts and business, but also understanding of creative industries in a broader sense, which varies from one country to another; thus, to get a comprehensive image of creative industries, various classifications, activities and further development possibilities should be examined. There should be the international trade in creative goods and services and its added-value scrutinized. A proportionally large part of this publication is oriented to the analysis of data regarding the demand for arts in global markets and the international trade, as well as the evaluation of contributions of arts to economy, its profitability, regional growth trends, employment and increasing competition among local companies. The research question of the present article is as follows: are development and management of companies that belong to creative industries efficient, and what Socialinių mokslų studijos / Societal Studies ISSN 2029–2236 (print), ISSN 2029–2244 (online) Mykolo Romerio universitetas, 2014 Mykolas Romeris University, 2014 Societal Studies.