
ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION The Anticholinergic Risk Scale and Anticholinergic Adverse Effects in Older Persons

James L. Rudolph, MD, SM; Marci J. Salow, PharmD; Michael C. Angelini, MA, PharmD; Regina E. McGlinchey, PhD

Background: Adverse effects of anticholinergic medi- risk of anticholinergic adverse effects was assessed using cations may contribute to events such as falls, , Poisson regression analysis. and cognitive impairment in older patients. To further assess this risk, we developed the Anticholinergic Risk Results: Higher ARS scores were associated with in- Scale (ARS), a ranked categorical list of commonly pre- creased risk of anticholinergic adverse effects in the GEM scribed with anticholinergic potential. The cohort (crude relative risk [RR], 1.5; 95% confidence in- objective of this study was to determine if the ARS score terval [CI], 1.3-1.8) and in the primary care cohort (crude could be used to predict the risk of anticholinergic ad- RR, 1.9; 95% CI, 1.5-2.4). After adjustment for age and verse effects in a geriatric evaluation and management the number of medications, higher ARS scores in- (GEM) cohort and in a primary care cohort. creased the risk of anticholinergic adverse effects in the GEM cohort (adjusted RR, 1.3; 95% CI, 1.1-1.6; c statis- , 0.74) and in the primary care cohort (adjusted RR, Methods: Medical records of 132 GEM patients were 1.9; 95% CI, 1.5-2.5; c statistic, 0.77). reviewed retrospectively for medications included on the ARS and their resultant possible anticholinergic adverse Conclusion: Higher ARS scores are associated with sta- effects. Prospectively, we enrolled 117 patients, 65 years tistically significantly increased risk of anticholinergic ad- or older, in primary care clinics; performed verse effects in older patients. reconciliation; and asked about anticholinergic adverse effects. The relationship between the ARS score and the Arch Intern Med. 2008;168(5):508-513

HE POPULATION OF THE ergic load.12-17 Most importantly, the re- United States is aging rap- duction of anticholinergic medications idly, and the number of per- may be a modifiable risk factor to avoid sons older than 65 years associated morbidity. will double to 70 million by In response to this, we developed the An- 2030.T1 Providing medical care for the ag- ticholinergic Risk Scale (ARS), which is a ing patient presents challenges because tool for estimating the extent to which an these patients are at risk of comorbidities individual patient may be at risk of anti- and polypharmacy.2 Patients older than 65 adverse effects that can lead to years are prescribed a mean of 6 medica- cognitive dysfunction and delirium. The tions.3 Age-related pharmacokinetic and ARS ranks medications for anticholiner- pharmacodynamic changes increase the gic potential on a 3-point scale (0, no or low 4,5 Author Affiliations: Geriatric risk of adverse effects and interactions. risk; 3, high anticholinergic potential). The Research, Education, and Although treatment guidelines such as ARS score for a patient is the sum of points Clinical Center, Veterans Affairs the Beers criteria can be used to identify for his or her number of medications. Boston Healthcare System medications that are considered inappro- The objective of this study was to vali- (Drs Rudolph, Salow, Angelini, priate in adults older than 65 years,6 12% date the ARS score against clinical symp- and McGlinchey), Division of to 21% of older patients in the United toms of anticholinergic toxic reactions in Aging, Department of , States use such agents.7,8 Medications with a retrospective geriatric evaluation and Brigham and Women’s Hospital anticholinergic properties have fre- management (GEM) cohort and also in a (Drs Rudolph and quently been cited in the literature as caus- prospective older primary care popula- McGlinchey), Massachusetts ing an increase in adverse events.9,10 Such tion. We hypothesized that (1) the ARS College of Pharmacy (Dr Angelini), and Departments conditions often lead to consequences such score would be positively associated with of Medicine (Dr Rudolph) and as falls, impulsive behavior, and loss of in- the risk of anticholinergic symptoms; (2) 11,12 Psychiatry (Dr McGlinchey), dependence. Higher rates of cognitive central adverse effects (falls, , and Harvard Medical School, dysfunction and delirium are found in pa- confusion) would be more prevalent Boston. tients experiencing a greater anticholin- among the GEM cohort than among the

(REPRINTED) ARCH INTERN MED/ VOL 168 (NO. 5), MAR 10, 2008 WWW.ARCHINTERNMED.COM 508 Downloaded from www.archinternmed.com on April 23, 2009 ©2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. primary care cohort, attributable to the fact that the GEM medical record was conducted among participants. This review cohort had more cognitive impairment and increased sen- of systems identified anticholinergic adverse effects, including sitivity to anticholinergic medications10; and (3) the GEM falls, dry mouth, dry eyes, dizziness, confusion, and constipa- and primary care cohorts would be equally susceptible tion. In the prospective cohort study, a modified review of sys- to peripheral adverse effects (dry mouth, dry eyes, and tems (20 questions) that included the same adverse effects was conducted among the primary care patients. We assigned 1 point ), and the ARS would identify increased risk for each adverse effect and used the summed number of anti- of peripheral adverse effects similarly in both cohorts. cholinergic adverse effect points in our analysis. To better cap- ture the nature of the adverse effects and to evaluate our second METHODS hypothesis, we categorized the anticholinergic adverse effects as central effects (falls, dizziness, and confusion) and as periph- eral effects (dry mouth, dry eyes, and constipation). SUBJECTS

This study enrolled 2 cohorts of patients. The retrospective co- COVARIATES hort consisted of 132 participants, 65 years or older, seen con- secutively in GEM clinics at the Veterans Affairs Boston Health- From the electronic medical record, we collected information care System from July 1, 2004, to March 31, 2005. on patient age and serum creatinine level. Age was collected be- Multidisciplinary GEM clinics conducted patient and family in- cause of the increased anticholinergic medication use and sub- 10 terviews by a geriatrician (J.L.R.), nurse practitioner, social sequent anticholinergic adverse effects associated with age. Se- worker, and pharmacist (M.J.S. and M.C.A.). The pharmacist per- rum creatinine level was collected because decreased renal formed medication reconciliation based on the electronic medi- function can affect excretion. From the medication recon- cal record and the patient’s presentation of medications or a medi- ciliation, we counted the total number of medications that the cation list. The prospective cohort comprised 117 male subjects, patient was taking, excluding topical, ophthalmic, otologic, and 65 years or older, who were attending primary care clinics at the inhaled medications. The total number of medications pre- 19 Veterans Affairs Boston Healthcare System from September 1, scribed has been used as a surrogate for medical comorbidity. 2005, to June 30, 2006. We selected male subjects because of the predominance of men in our population and the high pro- STATISTICAL ANALYSIS portion of men in our retrospective cohort. Subjects in the pro- spective cohort provided written informed consent. The Veter- Data on medications and adverse effects were collected by geri- ans Affairs Boston Healthcare System institutional review board atric pharmacy residents who were blinded to the ARS group- and research and development review committees approved the ings and study aims. All statistical analyses were performed using protocols. commercially available software (STATA SE version 9.1; Stata- Corp LP, College Station, Texas). DEVELOPMENT OF THE ARS The GEM and primary care cohorts were compared using t test for continuous variables and ␹2 test for dichotomous and The 500 most prescribed medications within the Veterans Af- ordinal variables. Our primary exposure was the ARS score for fairs Boston Healthcare System were reviewed independently by a patient. Our primary outcome was the count of anticholin- 1 geriatrician (J.L.R.) and by 2 geropharmacists (M.J.S. and ergic adverse effects. Because our exposure and outcome vari- M.C.A.) to identify medications with known potential to cause ables were not normally distributed, we categorized the par- anticholinergic adverse effects. Topical, ophthalmic, otologic, and ticipants in both cohorts into the following 3 groups: (1) those inhaled medication preparations were excluded from review. All with an ARS score of 0 (no ARS medications), (2) those with medications generated by these reviews were (1) entered into an ARS score or 1 or 2, and (3) those with an ARS score of 3 or the National Institute of Mental Health screen- higher. The anticholinergic adverse effect count was com- ␹2 ing program KiBank database18 to determine the dissociation con- pared with and within these ARS groups using test. Because our exposure and outcome variables did not con- stant (pKi) for the cholinergic ; (2) input into Microme- dex (Thomson Micromedex, Greenwood Village, Colorado), an form to a normal distribution, we selected Poisson regression evidence-based review of all Food and Drug Administration– for unadjusted and multivariate analysis. Poisson regression prescribed medications, to determine rates of anticholinergic ad- analysis is preferred for nonnormal data when the primary out- verse effects compared with placebo; and (3) searched via come variable is a nonnegative count. From this analysis, we MEDLINE to identify medical literature related to anticholiner- reported the risk of anticholinergic adverse effects with in- gic adverse effects. The 3 panel members were given the avail- creasing ARS score. Multivariate modeling adjusted for age and able information, and they ranked the identified medications on for the total number of medications and was used to calculate a scale of 0 to 3 according to anticholinergic potential (0; lim- the c statistic for model discrimination. Poisson model fit was ited or none; 1, moderate; 2, strong; and 3, very strong). There determined using the deviance statistic. was strong agreement with respect to the medications included on the list among the reviewers (␬ range, 0.85-0.89; PϽ.001) RESULTS and in the agreement among ARS medication rankings (r range, 0.70-0.83; PϽ.01). In the event of a disagreement, the median Table 1 gives the characteristics of the retrospective GEM ranking was used to rank the medication. An individual’s ARS score was calculated as the sum of the ARS rankings assigned cohort and of the prospective primary care cohort. As ex- for each of the medications that the patient was taking, as de- pected, the GEM patients were older than the primary termined by medication reconciliation. care patients. Serum creatinine levels were similar in the 2 cohorts. The GEM patients were taking statistically sig- ANTICHOLINERGIC ADVERSE EFFECTS nificantly fewer medications than the primary care pa- tients (mean [SD], 7.9 [2.8] 9.0 [4.5]; P=.05). How- As part of the standard interview in the GEM clinics, a compre- ever, the ARS scores were higher among the GEM patients hensive geriatric review of systems that are documented in the (mean [SD], 1.4 [1.9] vs 0.7 [1.2]). The ARS scores were

(REPRINTED) ARCH INTERN MED/ VOL 168 (NO. 5), MAR 10, 2008 WWW.ARCHINTERNMED.COM 509 Downloaded from www.archinternmed.com on April 23, 2009 ©2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (GEM cohort crude RR, 1.6; 95% CI, 1.2-2.2 vs primary Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of the Cohorts care cohort crude RR, 2.1; 95% CI, 1.6-2.8). Higher ARS scores were associated with increased risk of central ad- Retrospective verse effects in the GEM patients (GEM cohort crude RR, Geriatric Evaluation and Prospective 1.5; 95% CI, 1.3-1.8 vs primary care cohort crude RR, Management Primary 1.3; 95% CI, 0.8-2.1). After adjustment for age and the Cohort Care Cohort P total number of medications, higher ARS scores statisti- Characteristic (n=132) (n=117) Value cally significantly increased the risk of anticholinergic ad- Age, mean (SD), y 78.7 (5.3) 71.5 (11.6) Ͻ.001 verse effects in both cohorts (GEM cohort adjusted RR, Male sex, No. (%) 128 (97.0) 117 (100.0) .99 1.3; 95% CI, 1.1-1.6 vs primary care cohort adjusted RR, Creatinine level, mean (SD), 1.2 (0.4) 1.2 (0.4) .24 1.9; 95% CI, 1.5-2.5), and there was good model dis- mg/dL crimination (GEM cohort c statistic, 0.74; primary care No. of medications, mean (SD) 7.9 (2.8) 9.0 (4.5) .05 Anticholinergic Risk Scale score, Ͻ.01 cohort c statistic, 0.77). No. (%) 0 70 (53.0) 82 (70.1) 1-2 32 (24.2) 26 (22.2) COMMENT Ն3 30 (22.7) 9 (7.7) Anticholinergic adverse effects, 1.5 (1.4) 1.1 (1.1) .01 mean (SD)a Consistent with our primary hypothesis, this study found Central, No. (%) that the ARS score was reliably associated with the risk Falls 53 (40.2) 14 (12.0) Ͻ.001 of anticholinergic adverse effects in GEM patients and Dizziness 33 (25.0) 8 (6.8) .17 in older primary care patients after adjustment for age Confusion 51 (38.6) 14 (12.0) Ͻ.001 and the total number of medications. The GEM patients Peripheral, No. (%) described more central adverse effects than the primary Ͻ Dry mouth 14 (10.6) 52 (44.4) .001 care patients. After adjustment for age and the number Dry eyes 18 (13.6) 6 (5.1) .02 Constipation 32 (24.2) 36 (30.8) .39 of medications, higher ARS scores were associated with increased risk of central adverse effects in the GEM co- SI conversion factor: To convert creatinine to micromoles per liter, multiply hort but not in the primary care cohort. In the primary by 88.4. care patients, ARS scores were associated with the ad- a The anticholinergic adverse effect data were nonnormal, and the 2 cohorts justed risk of peripheral adverse effects. were compared using Mann-Whitney rank sum test. Because older patients have increased susceptibility to anticholinergic toxic effects of medications, the as- sessment of toxic reactions is crucial in older popula- not normally distributed, and the primary care patients tions. Our findings are consistent with other studies that were less likely to be taking medications listed on the ARS. created ranked lists of anticholinergic medications and The GEM patients were more likely to report central ad- associated these with clinical outcomes. Han et al17 used verse effects, including falls, dizziness, and confusion, than similar methods to develop a ranked list of anticholin- the primary care patients, although dizziness did not reach ergic medications that were positively correlated with de- statistical significance. Compared with the GEM co- lirium severity in medical inpatients. The present study hort, the primary care cohort reported dry mouth more is similar because our outcome was clinical adverse ef- frequently, dry eyes less frequently, and constipation about fects from anticholinergic medications. However, our equally. study expands the ranked list to older outpatients in GEM Table 2 gives the numbers of anticholinergic ad- and primary care settings. verse effects associated with ARS scores of 0, 1 to 2, and More recently, studies examined the association of the 3 or higher. Among both cohorts, the prevalences and ranked list with serum anticholinergic activity. Serum an- numbers of anticholinergic adverse effects statistically sig- ticholinergic activity measures in vitro muscarinic affin- nificantly increased with higher ARS scores (PϽ.001 for ity and has been improved to include cholinergic recep- both). This is initial evidence of a dose-response rela- tor subtypes.20 Carnahan et al21 described the correlation tionship. In both cohorts, when the total ARS score was between the Anticholinergic Drug Scale and serum an- 3 or higher, 70% or more of the patients reported 2 or ticholinergic activity in patients receiving long-term care. more anticholinergic adverse effects. Unfortunately, although serum anticholinergic activity Table 3 gives the unadjusted risk ratios in the co- has been associated with delirium, cognitive perfor- horts for the total numbers of anticholinergic, central, mance, and the use of medications,9,10,13,22 and peripheral adverse effects. The deviance statistic was the measurement of serum anticholinergic activity is ex- acceptable (PϾ.05) for all models. A sensitivity analy- pensive; it is not readily available to most practitioners sis with continuous ARS scores and ARS groupings did across health care settings; and timely interpretation of not notably change the regression results; therefore, the the results in clinical practice is challenging.23 ARS groupings are presented to improve clinical useful- In the GEM cohort, the adjusted ARS score was asso- ness. In both cohorts, higher ARS scores were associ- ciated with the risk of central adverse effects. The GEM ated with increased risk of anticholinergic adverse ef- patients, who are frequently referred for cognitive com- fects (GEM cohort crude RR, 1.5; 95% CI, 1.3-1.8 vs plaints, were more likely to report central adverse ef- primary care cohort crude RR, 1.9; 95% CI, 1.9-2.4). Both fects than the primary care cohort. Patients with demen- cohorts had similar risks of peripheral adverse effects tia are more susceptible to the effects of anticholinergic

(REPRINTED) ARCH INTERN MED/ VOL 168 (NO. 5), MAR 10, 2008 WWW.ARCHINTERNMED.COM 510 Downloaded from www.archinternmed.com on April 23, 2009 ©2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Table 2. Increased Anticholinergic Adverse Effects Associated With Higher Anticholinergic Risk Scale Scores

No. of Anticholinergic Adverse Effects, No. (%) P Valuea

Anticholinergic Risk Scale Score 012Ն3 Between Group Overall Retrospective geriatric evaluation Ͻ.001 and management cohort 0 (n=70) 26 (37.1) 26 (37.1) 13 (18.6) 5 (7.1) 1-2 (n=32) 7 (21.9) 7 (21.9) 8 (25.0) 10 (31.3) .006b Ն3 (n=30) 1 (3.3) 5 (16.7) 12 (40.0) 12 (40.0) .12c Prospective primary care cohort Ͻ.001 0 (n=82) 41 (50.0) 27 (32.9) 12 (14.6) 2 (2.4) 1-2 (n=26) 2 (7.7) 8 (30.8) 13 (50.0) 3 (11.5) Ͻ.001b Ն3 (n=9) 1 (11.1) 1 (11.1) 2 (22.2) 5 (55.6) .05c

a ␹2 Test. b Comparing Anticholinergic Risk Scale score of 0 vs 1 to 2. c Comparing Anticholinergic Risk Scale score of 1 to 2 vs 3 or higher. medications and are more likely to receive them.16 Un- fortunately, adjustment for cognitive impairment was im- Table 3. Relative Risk of Increased Anticholinergic possible in this study but might have provided informa- Adverse Effects Associated With Higher Anticholinergic Risk Scale Scores tion about the contribution of anticholinergic medications to . We can only conclude that those patients Relative Risk (95% referred for GEM evaluation are at increased risk of cen- Confidence Interval) tral adverse effects. Among older primary care patients, the ARS score was Adverse Effects Crude Adjusteda c Statistic associated with the risk of peripheral adverse effects. This Retrospective geriatric evaluation and management may have resulted from (1) increased function in these b patients; (2) less cognitive impairment, resulting in more cohort Anticholinergic 1.5 (1.3-1.8) 1.3 (1.1-1.6) 0.74 accurate history taking; (3) lower prevalence of central Central 1.5 (1.3-1.8) 1.4 (1.1-1.7) 0.74 adverse effects, which may have resulted in increased re- Peripheral 1.6 (1.2-2.2) 1.4 (1.0-1.9) 0.69 porting of peripheral adverse effects; or (4) addition of Prospective primary care cohort the pharmacy team to ask about anticholinergic adverse Anticholinergic 1.9 (1.5-2.4) 1.9 (1.5-2.5) 0.77 effects, also leading to increased reporting of peripheral Central 1.3 (0.8-2.1) 1.4 (0.8-2.3) 0.59 adverse effects. Peripheral 2.1 (1.6-2.8) 2.1 (1.5-2.9) 0.80 Overall, the ARS score was associated with the risk of aFor age and the number of medications. central and peripheral adverse effects. Although the preva- bCentral adverse effects include falls, dizziness, and confusion; peripheral lence of anticholinergic adverse effects cannot be fully adverse effects include dry mouth, dry eyes, and constipation. explained using the ARS score, the clinical findings rep- resent an opportunity to improve care among older pa- tients. For example, a single medication with an ARS score questions about anticholinergic adverse effects. There- of 3 would likely cause 2 or more anticholinergic ad- fore, we believe that there are 2 primary uses for the ARS. verse effects in more than 70% of the patients in the GEM First, the ARS is a useful tool to identify patients at risk and primary care cohorts. of anticholinergic toxic reactions in large patient data- There are several strengths to our study. First, the mea- bases such as those of a hospital, nursing home, health surement of ARS score and anticholinergic adverse ef- system, rehabilitation center, or pharmacy benefit man- fects in a retrospective cohort and in a prospective cohort ager. Prophylactic pharmacy intervention clinics de- improves the generalizability of the study. Second, there signed to reduce anticholinergic exposure could mini- was good agreement among the experts in the selection mize potential anticholinergic toxic reactions. Second, of medications for the ARS and good correlation in the rank- the ARS would be a useful educational aid for clinicians ing of medications on the ARS. Third, the electronic medi- to identify medications with anticholinergic adverse ef- cal record, which included pharmacy records, allowed us fects so that they might avoid prescription. to perform comprehensive medication reconciliation. In addition, this work focused on the presence or ab- Fourth, the blinding of the data collectors to the ARS im- sence of anticholinergic adverse effects without regard proves the validity of our findings. Fifth, our results per- to potential causes. By no means does the ARS score re- sisted after adjusting for potential confounders, includ- place the decision making of the clinician. However, the ing age and the number of medications. statistically significantly increased risk of anticholiner- Our study has weaknesses that require mentioning. gic adverse effects associated with higher ARS scores sug- Although calculating the ARS score is not difficult gests that medications on the ARS have a partial role in (Table 4), completing the ARS during the individual pa- the prevalence of these adverse effects among our co- tient encounter is less practical compared with asking 6 horts. Furthermore, our study treated anticholinergic ad-

(REPRINTED) ARCH INTERN MED/ VOL 168 (NO. 5), MAR 10, 2008 WWW.ARCHINTERNMED.COM 511 Downloaded from www.archinternmed.com on April 23, 2009 ©2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. CONCLUSIONS Table 4. Anticholinergic Risk Scalea

3 Points 2 Points 1 Point Adverse effects related to anticholinergic medication use can have negative effects in older patients. The ARS is a -levodopa hydrochloride hydrochloride categorically ranked list of medications that predicted in- products creased risk of anticholinergic adverse effects in older pa- Benztropine mesylate hydrochloride tients. We believe that these findings have implications Cimetidine in the identification of older patients at risk of anticho- Chlorpheniramine linergic toxic reactions across a spectrum of care set- maleate hydrochloride tings. Once identified using the ARS, proactive interven- hydrochloride hydrochloride tions could reduce complications and preserve functioning. Further study of the effectiveness of such a hydrochloride hydrochloride hydrochloride program is warranted. Dicyclomine hydrochloride hydrochloride dihydrochloride Loratadine fumarate Accepted for Publication: September 29, 2007. hydrochloride Correspondence: James L. Rudolph, MD, SM, Geriatric Fluphenazine Ranitidine hydrochloride hydrochloride hydrochloride Research, Education, and Clinical Center (GRECC), Vet- Risperidone erans Affairs Boston Healthcare System, Mail Stop JP- hydrochloride and 182, 150 S Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02130 (jrudolph hydroxyzine pamoate @partners.org). products Prochlorperazine Author Contributions: Study concept and design: maleate hydrochloride Pseudoephedrine Rudolph, Salow, and Angelini. Acquisition of data: hydrochloride hydrochloride– hydrochloride Rudolph and Salow. Analysis and interpretation of data: Rudolph, Angelini, and McGlinchey. Drafting of the hydrochloride manuscript: Rudolph, Salow, and McGlinchey. Critical re- hydrochloride tartrate vision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: hydrochloride chloride Rudolph, Salow, Angelini, and McGlinchey. Statistical Perphenazine analysis: Rudolph and McGlinchey. Obtained funding: Rudolph and McGlinchey. Administrative, technical, and hydrochloride material support: Rudolph, Salow, and McGlinchey. Study supervision: Rudolph and McGlinchey. hydrochloride Thiothixene Financial Disclosure: Dr Angelini has consulted for Eli hydrochloride Lilly and has received lecture fees from Eli Lilly and As- traZeneca. hydrochloride Funding/Support: This study was supported by grant K12 AG000294-18 from the National Institute on Aging (Dr aTo calculate the Anticholinergic Risk Scale score for a patient, identify Rudolph), by grant R01 1405 from the National Insti- medications the patient is taking and add the total points for each medication. tute on Abuse and Alcoholism (Dr McGlinchey), and by a Veterans Affairs Merit Review (Dr McGlinchey). Previous Presentation: This study was presented as a verse effects as numerically equivalent, but in clinical prac- poster at the 2007 American Geriatrics Society Annual tice there may be variable affects of anticholinergic adverse Scientific Meeting; May 4, 2007; Seattle, Washington. effects on patient health and function. The ARS also did Additional Contributions: Richard N. Jones, ScD, as- not include topical, ophthalmic, otologic, and inhaled sisted with the statistical analysis. Ryann Welch, PharmD, preparations. Although these medications may have been and Ingrid Michael, PharmD, contributed to data collec- absorbed systemically and caused anticholinergic ad- tion and analysis. verse effects, exclusion of these would have increased the reporting of anticholinergic adverse effects without in- REFERENCES creasing the ARS score. As a result, our findings may un- derestimate the usefulness of the ARS score in predict- 1. US Census Bureau. 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(REPRINTED) ARCH INTERN MED/ VOL 168 (NO. 5), MAR 10, 2008 WWW.ARCHINTERNMED.COM 513 Downloaded from www.archinternmed.com on April 23, 2009 ©2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.