Clayton News, 08-18-1917 Suthers & Taylor
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Clayton News, 1915-1922 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 8-18-1917 Clayton News, 08-18-1917 Suthers & Taylor Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Suthers & Taylor. "Clayton News, 08-18-1917." (1917). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Clayton News, 1915-1922 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. fSow Wheat and Rye Win War and Make Money. A: 4 : : :i: 'i - --t; w: ' DEVOTED TO OE GOOD AND THE UPBUILDING ? THE INTEREST CITIZENSHIP OE Till: community m : ; VOLUME CTAYTOX, NEW MEXICO. STt nHAV, VI fa ST IS, 1017. M'MOEIl 31. fy lain in taking the present oppor-turit- y fore tho proper civic organizations to suggest what may, he GLAYTON HAS GOOD and sec to it that tho information POPE ISSUES hopes, at least be a foundation up called for in the specifications STATE T on which peace negotiations may chance to nT; is forwarded to mo I will take bo initiated. pleasure in calling it to tho atten- Tho proposal of basis for peace by tion of the war departmen and in PLEA FOR Pope Benedict cannot be accepted doing all that I can to see that the ORGANIZE in entirety by the Allies it is camp advantages of Clayton are thor-- slated. Tho evacuation of con- site. uoghly investigated. WORLD quered territory by Germany must With kind regards, I am AN AUTO yomo before discussion is possible. DR. CARLTON RECEIVES LETTER Sincerely yours, The appeal from the Vatican to the FROM REPRESENTATE W.AL- W. B. WALTON. belligerents to agree upon peace TON AT WASHINGTON, WITH Spqt-ifiurfion- For Aviation Sites. PEACE terms be delicately 1. Size will handled. SPECIFICATIONS FOR AVIA- of field in acres; nothing CORPS It is feared that Socialists and less than 640 aerea to be considered; Pacifists generally will seize upon TION SITES. the narrowest dimension of the BELIGERENT GOVERN- ALL the proposals to create sentiment field shoutd not be less than 5280 MR. VOIIN SPRING, OF CLAYTON, MENTS HAVE RECEIVED PRO- Following' is a received by f vr conference with the enemy, letter feet. APPOINTED CAPTAIN OF WHAT . AC- - POSALS. WASHINGTON and that the Germans would then Dr. N. E. Charlton from Represe- 2. Maps showing field drawn to WILL BE KNOWN AS TES KNOWLEDGES HAVING RE- underiakfi ta disxupl filliaccs bj ntadle W, B, Walton fti Washington scale and showing five feci MOTOR MINUTE MEN OF UNION CEIVED UNOFFICIAL KNOWL- playing interests" of one nation and also". specifkatloiB for fifi avia- COUNTY TO SERVE DURING EDGE OF THE POPE'S against another. tion camp which th signal corps of 3. Map showing all obstacles of THE TIME OF THE WAR L? the war department are now look- any kind, such as trees, bushes, YOUR NAME ON THE LIST? S WnQhinrftn Ano I Tnnn Han- - ing for a suitablje loaction: ditches, ravines, fences, Rome, Aug. 16. Peace proposals bruh, Lp... non-- 0 Amnni nn .m Dr. N. E. Charltán, houses, etc. , August 13Lh, 1M7. made by Pope Benedict, have been Looted to the United States or Clayton, Newt Mexico. 4 Map showing nature of the Sir. John Spring, delivered to ell belligerent govern to any entente Hear Dr. Charlton: ments, of the allies. surrounding terrain for a distance Clayton, New Mexico. The possibility of a peace move The signal corps of the war de- of ten miles on side. Tho pope suggests either Dear Sir: the restoration was discussed with British Foreign partment is now looking about for 5. Meteorological extending of Belgium, (Serbia and Rumania data Paris was saved by the automo-- Minister Balfour and Vice Premier suitable locations for the establish as back as the existence of the r and peaceful of prob far solution the Viviani when the British and ment of a number of aviation train- in bile! It was General Joffre's com- Alsace-Lorain- weather bureau their location of lems of e, Trent, French oficial missions were in ing camps. A number of things are the country map showing mandeering of thousands of ma Trieste and in and Poland Wnehino-fn- iiiut if. wna ncpporl tlinf needed to make a locality suitable formation concerning: chines to (inicklv transport troons The proposals will be published L,, for the purpose, th two prin- the al, ncludng tUe Unitcd but 0. The different owners of the that made it possible for tho later today by the Vatican, to cipal ones are plenty of land and States, would refuse discuss land in question and tho acreage I ' 1 . , 1 L . Spanisl r ii u wit? iu-- Announcement that the peace terms while Germany occu- uniformity good weather- - condi of the tract owned by each. inn uiuiy iu tui uuin. ambassador at Rome had transmit pied the territories she had taken turns. In view of that fact it seems 7. Cost per aero to leaso vading German horde. With thd . Pope proposals to the ted Benedict's the hy force, anil thereby avoid what to me that we ought to he able to land for a period of not less than aeroplane and the submarine, the Italian goverrment and the opinion Met camps New l the allied statesmen considered a one of these for threo years. iitifnmnliil.-- Imi' f vmi-v.- n friil nf expressed at the apostolic delega Mexico. German trap. 8. Whether or not an ontion can forces wlii.h on so,a and they might be 1 ui air lion here that deliver Now the pontiff's proposal lire- - am taking the matter up with he obtained to purchase the land or to the United Sfaes by a neutral u land have been and will be the lead- - sents question in a . representative citizens in number at. 11, the somewhat any time during the period of lorl ln - - nncsihiliti, flint llmfinii,l1 l" "- i "T" different light, but it offers to .a of .ew Mexico towns, am! it occurs lease. lll lacivig in nrwi tiiiiiutpc i.ii.j uuu amoussauor ucre, mano, ry - isn juau war-wea- world a hope for peace. me tat .Clayton will probably t. I'osl wv nctc of (In- fund lor eonie of this great couflk't. - might convey them to (he state - I Germany 'anil her allies are ex-1-1- 11 in on th.a itvio-v'- H is tie government, in ca-- e it should There is a piaio r.Jt tuv uiuuw department. l,ot purpose to as 's pected promptly to accept, the "'' take sides decide to purchase it at any time bile at home, as well as at the. The Spanish embassy's only in- tween the various cith- - of the state. proposals. within the period of the lease. front. During these stressful limes formation today, it was said there, t to lay wnv department W American officials acknowledge , heiore the 10. hether there is any cloud emer-- Asso- we never know when the " had been received from the lh, an m so a -- that the Vatican's proffer is of a nams ot ti iie mat on title; furnish abstract of title. geny will arise here in New Mexi ciated Press dispatches. decision may he realised their nature calling for a reply. Diplo- -. mi 11. Cost of improvements neces- co when tlje automobile will bo mats of entente volco respeciiM: meros. sary field make it per- Washington, Aug. An unof the circle Jo clear and imperatively needed. li. nothing but a unanimous opinion You will fine enclosed a fectly level. outline of Pope Benedict's Some time ago a letter was sent ficial it will be rejected. copy of the specifications for li'. Nearest, di that American railroad facilities, out to the automobile owners of peace proposals received here sues lurni-m- c me by the officials realize that a convincing aviation .mil name of .railway, New Mexico asking them to volun- -. closes that the pontiff includes war department. I Know you reply is required lor the worlds that l'l. Nearest street car facilities. eer the use f their machines in tho some of the principles of world are interested in boosting Clayton,, pcact event of any war emergency.- Fif- for which President Wilson (Continued on Pane 8 and if you will lay the matter be (Continued U Pap lias declared. teen hundred owners patriotically Among the pope's "proposals are responded. ,AVo propose to have reduction of armaments, freedom of these volunteers banded together that, Ije GENERAL WILLIAM L. SIBERT REVIEWS Into a stale-wid- e organization to be the seas, and there shall no MAJOR ' retaliatory struggle after the war known as the "New Mexico Motor for world commercial supremacy THE AMERICAN TROOPS IN HIS COMMAND Minute Men;" each county to havo These are regarded as the founda- a captain who will he responsible tion stones of the pope's plan. for the organization within his i- -' AiiU'-Bellu- m county, Would, Restore Status Anwrican Field Headquarters in anee ad shadow, the deep blue of ily he seen and appreciated. ' 1(5. yes- v You are therefore, hereby appoint- - Mimmed up, the proposals aro France, Aug. The review the harvest sky and dazzling August The French, who have been train-in1- -' en ed captain of the Motor Men of for a restoration of the status quo terday by Maj. (en.