rwaiM; At a MMtoa of SMtS Clinton Independent •ft tor tlMttlHIl)the »iy of Cliatou liuMti at tkt QMae,I la L_ village of ft Job tit. on Tuaw « nrttllkon, dole Verified, of Oltifd Aab, prarln# that • u iuslrutuebl det­ Pwiy A«a of CUbim Cvoaty I *d HapUmbor Zfith IS77, u er ba proved aad adnlt- 1 ttd In probtU at lb* last * 111 aad taeteuiaDt of said «l*c*a**d OORBIT & ESTES, Thereupon U u ordered. tbal Thursday. lb* fist day of February, ls7f, at I o’clock in tb« rorenom, The Clinton Independent. bo uoifbud tor ib« hearing of aaid petition, ana iNat th« boin at law aad legato** TERMS. I sad all otbor persons luiorvoud in Mid will, aro re- iMiudtag uooUgf, $1 SV la advsaoo. tor papoco I U sppoat at a Motion of aaid Cotirt, then to Mat oat oc tao county, aad |1M) fur timer In Use bo boiden ai tb# Probate Office, in tb* villi#* of Hl tip. Jobna, and obow cauM, If any tboro bo, wby tb* All wot lore tor pufcllcathM Beat be la head will should not bo approved morula# to lueura pubUcattoa tb« YOL. XII—NO. 17. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1878. WHOLE NO. 589. And it la further ordered, that notice bo glvrn to ““ persons Intonated in Mid ootito, of tb* pt-uden- cyo r the bearing th*r*of. by ciooia# ■ ropy of ibi* orderit to b* published In tb* riluton Iodep^Ddmt, a oovapaper printed and circulated In aaid'eounty uf Died .—Nathan Ash, au old resident THE rABMKKS* IKITITITE. meet the w ants of this state; third, the i MTHlEXTIltU FACTS, Asu and Oak Loos Wanted .—1 w ill MA1IH1ED. (linton, for three aucccMir* week* prevloue to aaid HOME MATTERS. of this county, and for eight years a general government might take bold ! am not Kujllg to leave j0|lligt pay in cash from $4 to $9 per thousand, day of hMiine LLE llOUuMh.-lu at. JoLuo, Jan. 24ih, i*7S, JOEL O CBANSON. Judf* of Probate resident ot tids tow nship, and for the of the matter, and have one large but will sell yood* as low a* any other .according to quality and length, for (A true copy j THANKS. The Institute opened on Thursday 300,000 feet of ifdi and oak log* deliver ­ at tb* miJroot vf Mr. I.***I Hrvwn, by L>v, T. U Ta ladle* of the L'mou Charitable Society « uh to last eight or nine years a resident of evening under favorable auspices. R. school, under the direction of the de-j bouse. Come and see for yourselves. Cary. Mr. In4. W L*e a ait Ml*t Marla Hulconb return tbaohe to the proprleion of Opera Hall for Riley township, died on Saturday, Jan. G. Ball'd, Secretary of the State Board partiueiit of Agriculture. At the close ■ y| y Blown. ed ut my mill. C. W. Lyon . KINNEY OAYLOFD.-In i*. Jobua, Jan *4th. ASHINGTON the fro* ue* of their ball for the vowrtalutoent lluli instunt, in his 79th year, lie hud of tlie essay, Mr. J. N. Smith offered 1 hi l Bengal, Jan. 11th, 1878. 507 3 w* 1S7S. by K '* T. II Cary, Mr. Edvard K Inner to 1 een by the eorlety laat Saturday evening ; also, to | of Agriculture, w as present, as alto the.i - *following ii t...Li resolution, w hich was.| J*U ukhy : ,_\\. lav will men *uioke«, , common„ Mlv* Mary A. G’tfl >id, Doth ofGrwnbnih IIALL. bemi a very Industrious man, (a black* President Abbot and Profesaors Beal, ad > tod - * tobacco, when they esn buy Marburg Bros. W * Stria# Band for their gratuitous service# eo free- S tloaded, which were highly appreciated. smith by trade) and It Is thought hard Notic* to Debtors—Last Call. ly eat lngei soil, and H. F. Kedzie, of the Ag­ Resolved , that tbit institute earnestly recoin- Seol of AorfA Oiro/iss, at the same price? Having virtually become a non-resident BY ORDER OF COM work shortened Ids hold oi» lit© very ricultural College. The opening ser­ mend to the proper authorities the establishment of* —French sells the Standard Olifail ^U-PtltTM ItMIII' (STICK. -Tb* | materially. chair of vetrinarv science iu connection wlib the . , .. rnmnanelD oton w hlid. are of the village of Kt. Johns, I am now only undersign*! having entered lulu a co-partner- vice* consisted of prayer by President A#ncultural College of this Mat* at the earliest \ ampaiieila *tOp, wnltli are temporarily remaining in Clinton county ahip, under tb« firm name and Myl* of Bocra A At Colnu’s Hotel, A feed Farm •C ISO acr*e for eale Abbot, followed by a song, •’The practicable date really soul charming. ______for the purpose of collecting all sums due Ealer, for the purpuee of doing a general Real Eatate or exchaaie for a taaller oni.- Anniversary Entertainment .—1'I he Fanner ’s Home,” by h quartette under Addreee boa ft, Jehnt, Hou. E. V. Chase, w ho was on the me countlee, would respectfully announce to Red Ribbon Club will celebrate the the direction of 51 r. W. H. Watts. R. —Fresh Lemons, Oranges and Nut* on mortgages, notes, etc. All parlies alfiu1?SS Friday Evening, February 22, 1878 —A detlrsable home and barn to rent. programme for an address on the so indebited to rne must call and settle with friend* and patron* that we are prepared to bay and - . tii -i anniversary of tlielr organization, M. Steele, President of the County ut Isbell, Reynolds A Long ’s. acll land, furnish abatracta of titlea In Clinton and I “Benefit of Agriculturrul Societies,” ine immediately, or osla will neeeiuarily be Must: by Richmond ’s Band Enquire at the Star Grocery. at tlielr rooms to-morrow (Friday) eve­ Agricultural Society, addressed a few —Messrs. Sutfiu A Isbell have opened Gratiot counties, loan money on Unproved farms, —4 good Cigars for 10c. at the Star ning. The entertainment will consist could not be present, but sent bis man ­ made. Wm. F. Moore . and write insurance in the boat of CompanlM at t? F COLEMAN. Prop ’r. Grocery. words of welcome to those present, uscript, which was read by Hon. Cort­ an establishment for the sale of fionr St. Johns, Jan. 17, 1878. [34:2w. live and let live rates.—3t. Johns. Jan tt. 1878. I of music, short speeches and a sump ­ lion. R. E. Trowbridge, who was the land biu. and feed, and for the purchase and sale 9. E. BEERb, —New stock of Ladlca* and Gent ’# tuous supper ; for all of w hich the mod­ first speaker numetl oil tlie published W’ J ESLER ! Gold Chains at Emmons ’. Pi ices down. Prof. B«ul delivered a lecture on of all kinds of grain in the building sec- 8r. Johns Market .—Jan. 23.—[Cor­ est sum of 15 cents will be charged. As programme, not being present, Secre­ j). | ond north of the Exchange hotel, Clin ­ —Frank Grove has returned from a a public Invitation Is given, it Is hoped, “ Experiments in Testing Seeds,” rected w’eckly by WlckesA Patterson.] tour through the near West. tary Baird um introduced, who lu»tra(ed w ith an extensive set of draw­ ton A ve.,w here they Invite tlielr friends Apples 80(3$i; Beans $1.25(a$1.75; But­ V-> the undersigned, having been appo! in ted by as well as expected, that the hall will ; opened the business of the institute by ings. He commenced by giving an laud the public generally. Joel H. Cranaon, Judgeige ofor Prontorrot«t« forror the ccounty of —The bent 30c. Tobacco can be found he well filled. ter 12(315c; Beeswax 21c; Cabbage 3@ Clinton, ^tate of Michi#an, Commissioners to ro- ! reading a very instructive essay on account of the natural methods of tlie —Grand Rapids Carpet Sweeper* at ceive, examine and adjust ail i laima and demands DIMON’S at Isbell, Reynolds A Long's. 5c; Corn 20(325c; Eggs 12(3ltic; Green economy iu Farm Management.” against the estate of THOMA# NEAL, deceased, —The Charm Baking Pow der is sold Decided .—The Krepps-Terry suit distribution of seeds, a description of M. V. Brown ’s for $3.50. Hides 8 c; Drv Flint 12c; Green Calf at the Star Grocery. Mr. Baird said that much could be the anatomy of seeds, tlie germination 10c; Dry Calf Pic; Pelts50» k — Bishop McCroskry will be here ei ness to |K>ssess large quantities of question of the length of tinie that wot oU„, ,wo r,.e( .lellvere.1 on $5 75w u inferences, but The undersigned will offer for sale his Star Grocery. decided whether the case will he np of salt just received «t Isbell, Reynolds _ ththe undersigned, having been appointed by — Sew ing Machines repaired and not? He could uot be understood as the only inferences that can be drawn pealed or not. recommending a penny wise and a A Long's. At OPERA HALL. Joel H. Cranaon, Judge of Probate for the county warranted by Reynolds A Long. reflect oil ttie honesty of tlie seed deal­ —Oyster* 20c. at l*bell, Reynolds A I of Clinton, State of Michigan, ( ommiaaioners to re- Henry Clay Mare. pound foolish policy. It might be good ers generally. He said “all tlie rascals ; ceive, examine and adjust all claims and demands —The best Soap in the market is at 1'etit Jurors —The following is a list of Long ’s—crackers to match. against the estate of JOHN V. SHAVER, deceased, Four years old, for 8150, by selling the Star Grocery. economy to make a liberal outlay for do not live in Euro|>e. “We have a fair petit juror*, drawn at the Clerk « office on the improvement of stock. He once — Those who love beauty coupled do hereby give notice that we will meet at the —The beat Tea Dust for 60 cents al the lrtth instant, to serve at the next term share of them in the United States. w itli cheapness will not la* slow to see I Probate Office, In the village of 9t. Johns, on the knew a pair of steers that sold for more Should we ex|>ect our seedsmen alone, 25tb day of March, 1878, and the 29th day of Isbell, Reynolds A Long's. of the Circuit Court, which will commence that gilt ware at Isbell, Reynold A L.’s. Wednesday Eve., Fell. 13. ! July. 1878, at 9 o ’clock A. M. of each of Mid day*. money than fourteen head of scrubs —10c. for Standard A Sugar at the on the 18th day of February next, vix : to be above all, beyond reproach? I —Merritt has the he*t Hearse and I for the purpeee of receiving and adjusting all claims would bring in the market—it is not have the past season tested seeds sold j and demand, against said deceased ; and six months Tickets at $2.50 Each. Star Grocery. W illard Kin#...... -...... Wotertnwa runs it free of charge. Jonathan Walker,...... Riley good economy to raise scrubs. It is ill small papers at our groceries. I Mrs. H. M. SMITH S from the dale of thia notice U the time allowed — Mr. Chas. Abcr, of the Arm of J. — People wishing anything in the 1 creditors in which to preeent their claims for ad- Sixty tickets to be told. The drawing to take Hicks A C'o., has gone to Elmira, X. Y., John Vandyke, ...... -...... Bengal economical to use improved imple ­ have taken them from all tlie different place at James N. Miller,...... Ea*ei ments and machinery; there is, how ­ Undertaking line will save at tlie least Iju'tment and allowance. —Dated January 29, 1*78. to watch over a very sick sister. Daniel F. Hunter,...... -...... Lebanon firms I could find in the market.— 25 per cent by prtronizing M<-rritt, tlie JOHN O PALMER, —Always live within your Income and Winchester R. Rice,...... -...... Dallas ever a difficulty in the way of their Briggs A Brother, D. M. Ferry A Co., HIRAM L. LAMB, Charles B Briggs...... Westphalia general sale by small farmers on ac­ undertaker. (ommiaaioners. GARY’S HALL, treat coughs and colds with the best rem­ Brnj F Babbit ...... Eagle Detroit Seed Co., Crossman Brothers, You can get Coffins and Caskets edy, Wright's Cough Sprup. Price 25c. count of the cost of machines, such as Chicago Seed Co. I tried seeds of sal­ FOWLER David P. Dryer...... —...... _Baih reapers and harvesters, that can be ten per cent, less at Turner ’s than at iontiissioYf:u*s notice .-wethe —-John B. Gough lectured in Grand Sylvester Rowley ...... Victor sify, onion, cabbage, lettuce, carrot, any other place iu tow n. We have tlie J undor'lrm-d having !*een appointed b* Joel II. Jowph F. Harris,...... Ovid used only a short time each year. This C< rsnfton, Juag»‘ of Probate for therounty of Clinton, Rapids last evening. Can we not get Daniel Abbott ...... Dunlain beet, parsnip, cucumber and squash. t>e«t Hearse, and w ill attend funerals ' Soprano ...... Mra. Ii. M SMITH him to cotue to Sr. Johns? difficulty can be obviated to some ex ­ Of numerous trials of these seeds, those and Mate of Mirhigan, ('onimiaaionen to receive, Saturday, Feb. 2,1878, Earl Wilcox, ...... -...... Green bush tent by several fanners clubbing to­ either iu tlie village or country, free of I Contralto.. . Mia** FLORENCE HOLM EH cxsioine and adjust all claim* and demand* against —Farmers will And ready sale for Joseph Brown,...... Bingham from Detroit .Seed Co., 37 |>cr cent, ger­ charge. We will not be undersold. i Tenore ...... Mr CHAS. H CLARK th** evtatc of ANN K. CREAKINGER, d**ceaa*d. do l nder the direction and management of a commit* Daniel Howe,...... Dllve gether to use the same machines. b* reby give noth** that we will meet at the Probate tee consisting of Jacob Y. J-hraft and J. F. Gary, of their smoked hams and shoulders at W'm. A. Pattridge,...... D* Witt minated ; Chicago Seed Co., 47 percent ; 559: tf C. Turner A Sons . Ba*m> ...... Mr D. M BAB< OTK Messrs. Kus-cll, Steel A Co.’s market. Economy D seen iu careful attention I). 51. Ferry A Co., 49 per cent. ; Briggs 11 dtice. ill the villa#** of -t. Johns, on the 25th day of rowlcr, and J. M. Friable of 8{. Johna. who fiave Lewis Chspinau, ...... Watertown to and liberal feeding of stock, in the — New firm, new stock and new* 1 Cornet H^iist Mr WALTER EMERSON j March. 187* and the 29th day of July, 1878. at ulne decided that the last ticket drawn shall take the —Muskrat Lake now affords line Edwin Chapin ...... Riley i A Brother, 23 per cent. Ju case of prices, at the old Marble Shop on Iligh-ll'isnG...... Mr S. L. STUDLKY 1 o ’clock A. M., on each of said day*, for the purpose mare skating, and our young people are Minor R. Frink ...... Bengal saving and applying of manure of all onions, I tested some of tlie college ! of receiving and adjusting all claim* and demand* ii. h . mvioft Isaac Ockobork ...... Essex kinds, and especially, iu the economiz ­ am '•treet. Six inch stone, full size and tgaimt «afi ta-eased , and six mouth* from the enjoviug it. Paul De Witt,...... Lebanon seeds wit It seed* of the firms above of the best sPx-k ever brought into this dat** of this notice Is the time allowed creditor* in George W. Parks...... Dallas ing of time. mentioned, with the follow ing result: whi* h to pr**«ent their claims for adjustment. —Dat- rtify —r. C. W. Lyon is prepared to buy county, only $10. Children ’s stones, Potter ’* Henry C lay, and foaled Mfllbv a mare thea and clover seed at his mill, in Bengal, as Frank Noeker...... «... Westphalia In the discussion which followed the D. M. Ferry A C’o., two lot* of 40 i ed Janunrr 29ih. 1*7* now owned by me and I am of th* Levi Partlow...... F-agle reading of an essay, President Abbott , , . ... „ , . only |5, and every thing In proportion. THEY ALL JOHN O. PALMER of the opinion she well as in St. Johns. Prices the same. !*ee(l* each, 11 of eat h lot gi**w ; Briggs |fH|| to see us and learn our prices____ will make something very nk ■e and speedy with IfTRAM L I.AMB, proper care and handling. —The next Congregational social Sir*. II. s], smUh'st onrrrt Parly. remarked that an intelligent farmer A Bro., two lot* of 40 seeds each, 21 had stated to him that the average before purchasing el*cw here aiid don ’t r*»mmiaaionen* WALKER will I** held at Mr it. Strickland ’s, j and 10 grew; Croesman Brothers, two forget tin* place, lligliam street, St. Tuesday evening, Feb. 5th. profit In this State on the capital in- { lou Of * ....ktylOlld 1ft grew; ( hi- KOH.ITi: O It Di ll.- State of Michigan, Read what the press says of them: Jo Johns. L. K. Sherman A Co. DO IT! couuty of ( linton, ra. At a session of the Pro- C. TURNER A SONS. vested is oulv three and a half —The newly elected officer* in St.: Mrs. >naitb fully sustained her fine reputation as throe and a half per cago Seed Coinpany, two lots of 4() seeds —A go Johns Grange were duly Installed on may he hud at a bargain bv calling oil Probate office, in the village of £t. Johna, on Mon ­ the rendering of the ‘Bird of Love," and “Swiss shall had said that iu his county the I two lots of 40 seeds each, 31 and 39 day, the 28th day of January in the rear one Saturday night last. Song. ” both of which were given iu an artistic man ­ Win. Kl ock, in thi* village, soon. thousand eight hundred and seventy-wignt Pres­ —Episcopal Social at the residence ol ner She showed a pure soprano voice, w hich has |>erceiitage is higher. Al the institute grew. When three weeks old, the at Tecumseh it had been generally ar­ — Oil and after tills date I w ill -eli ent, Joel H.C ranwtn, Judge of Prolate. In the mat­ Rev. S. .S. Chapin, this Tli ill uliiMl evidently received much careful training Her plants from tlie College seed were fully : Coffins and < a*kets 25 per cent less =WHY?=ter of the estate of CHARLES E. DAVIS, and trilling was especially fine —Pioneer ^Press. Min ­ gued that the farmers were better off GEORGE A. D W1S, Minor*. evening. neapolis. twice as large as any of the others, Ilian any other class. A discussion Ilian ativ oilier firm iu tlie country. th* y cau alaays hud On reading ;< id filing the petition, duly verified, —Fine blark*inithing can be found Miss Holmes possesses a fine votes of pure con ­ snow ing that wreak, old seeds produced ( all ami lie convinced, remember tlie ___ _ better and eficapor of Su»au R Hibbard Guardian of «aul Minors, at the shop of M. G. Stuteon. Sail- tralto of a wide ranae . ber acting was fully equal followed in respect to the profitable ­ weak plants. In fact, the pajx>rs sold nrsyiu# that *he mar )•« licensed to sell real eatate, to her singing —neither could have been bettered — place, No. 9 < linton axe. F. Merritt. <»R« * FRIT-d than ut any oth. r i * *• W** > an I faction gur&nteed. ness of farming, in which several gen ­ at the groceries are not fit to u*c. To sell for ca*h. We shall keep ou n«nd at all tim»* belonging to ber aaid Wards Eewawnee (IlL) Independent. tlemen participated. Tn K r. ft •TICK* Thereupon it is ordered, That Monday, the 25tb — Flying report* say that the D. A Mr. Clark bad a most excellent opportunity of buy them is money thrown away, ex ­ day of February. 1878, at 9 o ’clock in the forenoon, displaying his fine tenor voice, and the sudieuce Mr. IL B. Caruss read a paper on H e \% ill Not be l tidersold. Iretli Koailrd (‘offer* M. R. R. will soon pass into the hands cept perhaps iu extraordinary emer­ The Heat f lour. be assigned tor the hearing of aaid petition and that attested to their delight by repeated encores. He “Sheep, ” giving a succinct and instruc ­ the next of kin of said W'ard* and all other person* of the Great Western of Canada. sustained his part to perfection —I>aily Herald, gencies.” During the next (Airly day* w e will Nlewarl’* Heal N) riipa. tive account of ttie origin of the Span ­ The Heal Washing Crystal, uncreated in *aid eatate. are required to appear at a —Mr. Geo. Sage left here last Mon ­ Omaha Mr. A. Wood, of Mason, read a paper sell any of the first-class new Sewing •<.*a»ion of «aid Court, then to be holden at the Pro­ UNDERTAKERS, Mr. Babcock, who has a rich bass voles, of great ish Merino, a classification of sheep, a fhatre Assortment uf (and) . day for Detroit, w here he ha* opened a on the “ Benefits of Thoroughbred Machine* iu the market, at from $28 to The Heat and Cheapest Cigars. bate Office, In the village of St. Johns, and abow depth and power. ex«-eedingly sympathetic, render ­ comparison of the profits arising from $15, with all nttaeliinenUi. Now it your (aoae if any there be why the prayer of the peti ­ HT. JOIINN, dental office, and where he will take up ed an aria from the ‘ Marie Huts,’ by Mozart, and .Sires on the Stock of our Country. ” It We also have the exclusive sale of th* tioner should not be granted : feeding sheep and cattle, a description tiiuo to buy. Rsynoid * A Long . a permanent residence. also one from “Joshua, ” in a grand and impressive was a succlut resume of the arguments Charm Baking Powder, And it is further ordered, that notice be given to We have a splendid YEW lICitlBE, —“If von will not hear reason -he style, displacing an innatew ability, which. u>M|~con- of the American Merino, and discuss­ in favor of thoroughbreds, fortified —Ail indebted to me w ill do well to so ehe persona inaereated in aaid eatate, of Cue pen ­ and are now prepared to attend funerals either In , ______, ,__ ,, 0__ , neetton with hit voice, ahould aoou plate him equal ing the question of washing before The best made Try it. Take* one teaspoonfu! to dency of said petition and the hearing thereof by surely rap your mickles. Sound with ihe leading baaao of New England —Cambridge with statements of original facts. cull and settle, I must have a settlement the village or country. We keep n good assort moot shearing, giving the arguments for and a quart of Sour. causing a copy of thia order to be published in ih« rensouiug proves Wright ’s Cougli Pre** evening session . and balance my txioks or leave my ac­ \l> \%lll it at he undersaid. CUnton Independent, a newspaper printed and I p tlie he * t. Try it. Pi *i “ Mr 9tudlef- flayed the RSI, ugniii>t the practice. Mr. Uaruss made Dr. M. L. Leach read a paper on counts for collection. M. V. Brown. circulated In said county of Clinton, for throe suc­ Ready-MadcCoflins on hand. —The Rev. Richards will deliver a much skill and in a very sympathetic manner. — ouc statement, based oil hi* own ex|>er- “Farm Accounts. ” WK KES 4 PATTERSON. cessive weeks previous tn said dav of hearing. Boston Advertiser. ienee, which, if confirmed by tlie ex ­ JOEL H. CRANbON, Judge of Probate. All Call* promptly attended to. lecture at Opera Hall for the benefit of ■ - ■■ —* ■ ■ — ■- ■ Prof. R. F. Kedzie gave an interest ­ \K true copy.) either day or night. the Ladies' Library Association, 5lon- Candidates for ini Office or V il­ perience of other farmers, Is of the ut- ing lecture on the “ signal Service in day evening, February 11th. lage Marshal .—Prominent among the ■0M impui tan.'**, viz; that a giien Relation to Farmers.” r» plete with in ­ —A new assortment of those low unusual large num her of candidates tor amount of feed that will make 75 formation on a subject not generally priced warranted American Watches the office of Village Marshal, Is the pounds of beef will make 100 pounds understood. just in from the factory, at Emmons ’, name of Mr. Jerry Doolinr, our pres ­ of mutton. President Abbott, by invitation, en ­ BUSINESS CHANGE very low. ent efficient mid faithful X igiit Watch ­ MORNING SESSION. tertained the audience with an eloquent POSITIVE The first tiling on Friday morning —On Tuesday of last week Mr. $. I. man. But, on account of his efficiency address in relation to the Agricultural —ON THE Horr and Mr. Lied Richards, of Maple and faithfulness in the discharge of hi* was a well written paper by Mr. Win. College, giving an account of its meth ­ Rapids, each had the misfortune to responsible duties, bis employers (tlie Aimour, oil “Farming, Past, Present ods of work and the results. lose a horse by death ’s career. business men on the Avenue) refuse to and Future.” Mr. Armour gave an Mr. J. X. Smith presented tlie fol- , —The Maple Rapids Met$tnytr says give him up, some of them saying they interest ing historical account of the lowing resolution, which was adopted : that Dr. Sanborn of that village, re­ would rather double their subscription, ancient methods of Agriculture in the Resolved . That the public * ‘Dtiment of this moved from one of Ids patients, but n if necessary, than to do so. During Briti*h islands, ami the progress of im­ count* demand* the admission of lad^ ntudenta to few days since, a tape worm which provements there, and then a untied t» 1 the privilege* of the Agricultural College of this of his service, some six years, not a theft ' “ , *tate and this institute earnestly urge the LegUla- 5th March Closing measured 100 feet. nor a tire lias occurred that can b«* to the illustration of Mu lligan agricul­ tore and Board of Control to comply with th* ten- Sale. —Tlie earnings of the Ladles’ Library justly charged to any neglect of Ills.— ture at tlie present lime. We have A vtrl trrn tttvII nnfil 4* V* o 4- rlnfa nARaw Aim mr many natural advantages over the ion for such admission. * ai”* “rT pr “,u' And we will until that date offer our “hop ” and entertainment last Tuesday He i* by far too valuable a band to b«* Throu^huut tiie session the institute evening, w*as about one half of the spared. Briti'h Maud*. Wc must take a new departure. We must increase our nv- was frequently enlivened by music amount of the one given two weeks Tlie other names we have heard from Mr. If. P. Adams, Mr. Win. H. previous. spoken of a« aspirant* to this office, erage product* by a better system of entire stock of $25,000 in value at fanning. The future farmer must Watts, Mrs. P. K. Perrin, Mrs. A. Ten ­ —A donation party for the benefit of are: C. W. Old*, the present Incum ­ et tout, and Mi*s Libbie Bailey, com­ Her. J. S. Harder, will he held iu bent; Orrln Hicks, Newton Bush, John have a more thorough knowledge of agricultural chemistry and tlie scien ­ prising some of the finest voices in St. Grange Hall, Bengal, on Thursday Bale,Orrin Miller, Bingley Russell and Johns. LESS than NEW YORK COST. evening, Feb. 7th. A friendly Invita ­ C. B. Stout. We trust the caucuses ces that underlie the science of farm­ ing. Mr. Armour closed with some After the passage of the customary I tion is extended to all. will exercise great care in selecting a complimentary resolutions, the insti- 2 5 pieces Ladies Plaid Wool Dress Goods for 10 cent" per y d, —“As ffood as wheat ” Is what a man for this position; one who will practical remarks on tlie advantages of ,OQO Western Druggist says of Wright ’s look well to the interests of the people. under-draining. tu.e adjourned. ______forma price 12 •. Cough 8 yrup. No medicine ever sold Hon. Cortland Hill followed w’ith an Tin: o hi :ir a »i nnnat I* ISM(I> :>0 pieces assorted styles Dre^s Goods, lor 2()c\. former ►rice so well with as good satisfaction as it. Married .—As is announced tinder interesting essay on “Sjstem and Econ ­ 1*1. 4 1 . Trice 25 cents. tlie appropriate heading, in this issue. omy in farming.” Judge Hill’s etlw t 2 be. per yard. Mr. Fred. W. Lee was married to Miss was mainly in favor of education u* MR. Editor •—“TheOber Ainmer^an —8 . E. Beers and Win. J. Eslerhave Passion Play, a* seen by me in 1871,* ’ formed a co-partnership for the pur ­ Marin Holcomb, of tlie millinery firm necessary to success in farming. As 25 pieces Black Alapaca for 25 and 37$c.* former price 37$ a whole it was a good word picture of is the title of a lecture to he given in pose of doing a general real estate, loan of Cole A Iloleomb, iu tills village, on Opera Hall, Monday evening, Feb, 4th, and 50c. Worth Goods Thursday evening of last week, at the what really i9 system and economy in and insurance business iu this village. by the Rev. Geo. Worthington, S. T. I)., j 1(>0 pieces 8ee their card In our advertising col's. residence of Mr. Levi Brown. Mr. farming. Hamblin; Edgings for 10 and 15c. per yard, for- Mr. X ft. "m:th mi an essay «>n tl^ of St. John ’s Church, Detroit, it being * _ _ in ir i or —An effort is being made to secure Lee, w ho is at present a member of tlie tajHtin Um courts for the benefit <»i ^ mei price 10, 1*) and *.oc. the services of Theodore Tilton to lec­ leading mercantile firm of J. Hicks A “Reclamation of Marsh Lands,” w hi To be disposed of by Co., entered the employ of Mr. Hicks was Illustrated bv a diagram on |t' ho the Episcopal Church. Ex-Gov. Bald-; 25 sets stripe Alaska Mink Furs for $3.50, former price $5. ture In Opera Hall, some time in the 1 win, BhkriiMof Jm. M, lftTft, wrliet ~ early part of 51arch, for the benefit of a number of years ago, and by rigid black-board. Drainage is the key by F]\tra quality Mink Furs for and $20. former price ^25 which tlie problem of tlie reclamation me thin : the Temperance Reform Club. economy, close attention to business, “Having been absent from tlie city and $35. —We hear It whispered among our and gentlemanly deportment, lias lieen of marsh lands is to be solved. With found worthy, mid granted the honor ­ the exception of main ditches to carry nin n it »r» ^"“ 0“u«,« 'at De‘ro,t > 25 dozen assorted Ladies Striped and Plain Merino Hose for —Mr. Wm. Wood, for nine vear* a the essential qualifications to proxlmaul', $e per acre. Mr. .Smith ^ 7- ’ ’ """' •ucel* Mbn - lesident of Riley township, In tld* n »ake up a true and noble woman. — 25c., former price 37ic. She came among us some eleven years *l>oke at length on the treatment of ity. county, started for Black Springs,g« Palo-t'Hio- "'"''•■ft us some Ohcr Ammergftu |§ ||•mail village lo dozen Boys Warm Plush Caps for 35c., former price 50c. panto county, Texas, last Monday,Monday >K° an(^ enK*ft eu in the millinery busl-| mar*h lands after ihc drains have been just inside of the Bavarian where he expects to purchase a farm’ ne^s’with Mrs. Cole, and through their | constructed and the water drawn off. about 7J mile* from thecitv of Munich! 25 dozen Men s Plush and Chinchilln Caps for 50. 75 nnd SI and settle for a permanent home. untiring energies an J great amount of J A good plan is to pasture close, e*- All goods will be sold at - Th. i-»t Mood oo tb. bnrain, det," twfwverance,^l.ave become well Itnotv^^n pedalljr «1th aheep, for three aeatnu’a in . the 17th . tncentury .»|„|„^ the ’ inhabitant* former price 75, Si and SI._ 50. alNnHl-JfcKli.a . , In moat Mctlonaof Clinton and Gratiot in aucceation, then turn over with tl.« ,,n drive aw»v an A good warm Overcoat for S3, fonnor pnee $4. ettnu. sssr*. srtsr ss.H; se.S irs&.’ZA. wta:, Sax ’-ra* 53 Xtr v: i A E.,y ckta*™. ov««, *, tL* ^»».

and* — gft / and now leave ber and her -asasssaasa arrtiarsfwith best w ishes for’sste'asa a safe, pleasant ty of oat* U that they may not smoth- hair and beards allowed to grow f to Good suits for Workingmen for SC, former price £10. repaired. There you can get good imitate the characters they represent. NSW COST work at ibw nr ices. and prosperous Journey down lifo’sjer tlie young grass. Another wav, All-wool Cassiniere Suits for Men for £10, former price £15. rapid stream. sometimes practiced, is to gradually The building is capable of seating 6000 —Mr. 8., or Riley, your comnuinica- persons, and the Play lasts from May ■ ■ .o^q work the tainc grasses into the sod Extra fine Caseimere Suits for £15, former price £20. tioo came too late and is by far too to September. A writer in Harper’s lengthy to secure a Diace In this Issue. ?t %\ HI AVIMIMII without turning with the plow. A Very fine Black Dress Suit for £20, former price £30. spirited discussion followed tlie read­ Monthly. say« : “To sit from 8 a. m. t«* Will try to give it place next wreek. If j ,5p.m., with no fatigue, oilier than A full stock of Boy ’s Clothing at corresponding low ficrures. For CASH, or good approved notes, you are a constant reader of our paper,1 no I* Certainly Coin* ft l.vsir ho. ing of the e**ay, in which a large num­ ber of gentlemen participated, eliow ing « tlist of reaction after so much excite- 1 as you say you are, we should like to While it has become a w ell conceded ment, speaks everything.’’ It was a Nava IHa R avi 4]|A Pjvrp f^ATfe+ fUnilfAr know from w hat source you procure it. it Is certainly a sad thought to ft very general interest in the subject, marvelous spectacle, altogether, one to HOVeiUeS OU 1iHO * lVO DCni LOUnier. but wc can not give it In full, and a —Rev. Mr. Richards, Congregation- know that our enterprising friend and which no description cau do justice, o ^ r n* r mere outline would not convey and wliich was well worth a journey '* ^ ceilt Hail Pills foi -H* allst, and Rev. Mr. Hamilton, Metho- townsman, Max Heaven rich, is soon to a correct impr«alon of Ita character ____ ’Ir, (list, exchanged pulpits last Sunday sever his immediate business relations and importance. I across half of Euro|>e to w itness. * 5 LfOtxJ 3 CentRliches for 5c. morning. It is said Mr. Hamilton gave w ith our people; «ay nothing of his Another writer in Harper’s Monthly, iri • Mr. m. Babcock gave . .!.*>« „i- its: “The more the Fats ism t^eil is act- , WhiU*” **Ii and Turkey Red Napkin* for 5c a lecture, In which he pointed out the worth as a citizen, and a promoter of dress on “Labor.” He made the Say** : "ine moreuir roifum^ Important dutlc* d«volvl.. g upon ottr j j||i tbnt ■I*good «n.l b«i,Hld«l totoelctjr. I no |.^uutur« c".n'’flx the ed*, the more, as I believe, will the de­ 12 dozen Agot’s Buttons for 5c. r-prwnu lrr ««,, rerlcwlug .uch Wh i* h« T>«. r.nke.1 high ninonir our ,rkx. „f uu>r. cotn-. tails wliich wound sentiment disap ­ duties, and offering some new plans to business firms, he has freely given ills modi ties pear from it, even as they now begin 1 paper 10 cent Pins for 5c. House, Contents lahor must settle down to* check the free ami wreckless sale and means and energies for tlie building up tlie law of* supply and demand. to vanish from the memory of the writ­ 2 papers 5 cent Pins for 5c. use of Intoxicating beverages, e*peoi- of our village ami brnefltting her pco- er hereof, leaving the vision to be afternoon session . 10 rent Embroidered Lndies Collars for OC. ally hi our midst. pie. Ten years have now nearly elapsed Prof. Ingersoil read au c*»ay on 1 cherished of sky, and mountain, and ; — Ti»« larceny case before Justice since he first came among us; during a . “Veterinary Science Among Farm­ kindled hearta all weaving a frame for; 10 cent Fine or Coarse Comb for 5c. F@B SA£t£. Atlams on Thursday of last week, in portion of w hich time he has been en- ers.” lie said little Is known the glowing pictures with which the 2 spool* 5 cent Thread for 5c. which Guy Berkley, of Ann Arbor, in the put chase of grain for tlie among farmers of the anatomy low ly peasants devoutly rehearsed the was plaintiff, and Malcolm Sherwood, Dctrotroit market, and by his liberal of­ of domestic animals, and made some ancient story of the Man of Sorrows. ” Genuine Turkish Towels for 5c. ofLebanwn, defendant. In which the fers and great Inducements, lie drew I>r. Worthington says: “ To me this hard lilts at Ihe so-called horse doc­ White hih I Colored Cardboard for 5c. latter was charged with ha Ang stolen largely from Gratiot county, which tors. We should have educated veteri­ was one of the most interesting events Possession given March first. some steel traps which plaintiff had «**t fact alone serves as further and strong- nary surgeon*. The live stock Interest In my travels abroad.” oil Graod River, in October last. XoC j er proof of bis worth to tills couimuul- of the county Is more Important than Yours, being able to satisfactorily Identify the ty, for those who came so long a din- any other agricultural Interest, beinbeing . 8. 8. Uiiapin . We have knocked the bottom out trap* the jury failed to agree—standing tame did more or le** trading, beside* equal to from CO to 73 per cent of all 8 and 8, in which event a noil* pro$*qulteniainlng.with tlielr teams, over night. others put together. We have In the Notice to Debtors .—Persons indebt was entered. Ho Mtrl«l Urn «o. k.. which, In c.m-1 UnU.U loo) T.fof Veterinary to me * r* requested to call immedi- on prices ot Ladies' and Gent’s Under­ —Early on Monday morning. 21ft iytl»*. wit* i.|. Iihcr.l .., Mieh.) presented a S will probably lions iu the force employed. Rvk —55(4.Vie |>er buali. be duplicated by the arils’, Mr. ('onkey, resolution of the M ichican Htate t* range presentative Hall, Eauaing, the seeaii>n« Ai’PLKM $4 00(44 50per bbl. they were honest and economical, Dr. Morton, who was In the Toledo Jail FOREIGN NEWS remonstrating against the pasaage of any beginning WedutaorbuMh. 25 10 ,' ' ,,rw‘ until they have tieooiue a dlsgtaceful of the university. bill re4luclng the duties on foreign wools, ary 6, and <*ontiniiiu'g through Thurs­ Picked $1 ijtjfa, J 75. /fl * VI K* iflift. Mind ( mda. rlth noiu* amt nounlng the bodice to Aun Arl»or, and in favor ol the passage of a law for abuse. Usually in Alia* without any day. Tho first session will lie taken up Buttkh -Frliiis quality, Ms L Jo.N h* A Co.. St ioJy Fannltm aud other fiowars are In bloom haa been taken sick with the Nmali-j>ox The Uleopstra obelisk arrived xafcly at the protection of purchasers of patented careful inquiry or examination of tke in gardens throughout the State. with the President's address and mis4*el- diuiu 12(415c ; p»*<>r quaiiiy lU(<$ rn » ASJlluN \ i. 1.1. I A It PS, Nr» rtf * 1 - with and removed to the post house. There Margate, England, Monday afternoon*. article*. IWerrcd. laneous business. During the other 10c Hint itirs* ct. auuip. (Jtfit. KKKb A voucher* tiled at the Treasury, so a» to 14 eta. Ki'-i i N ^ The Grand Trunk Hallway ef Canada were Id prisoners in the jail ex|H*wni to King Hum taut wax sworn In Haturday. The Silver resolution waa discussed hy three sessions paper* are promised as ( hkkmk —Old 12(412{e; new, 13J c*ts. teat the integrity of the expenditure*, has acquired the poaeeaalon of the Mich* the diaeaae. and quite a natilo has Ixen lie nab! he would follow In the f otMteps ! Mr. Jonos, of Florida, who adv* Brian Rawed oil the hinge of hia Arbor ia not sta’ed. tina, and have hImo retMu-upied K*-r*bum- row, to allow Senators an opportunity to the early lilshiry of lama woe county. fiintt, 12(u, 15e; itry k«iUsi, 11U13c; li, after an engsgement in which the UlrtoM A (d Wl* JctTJ _ Avr, pftroit. the end of every four year* to refurnish door in the cell and burrowed through In reference to the irregularities in the attend a commcmoratl ve service tor Iving Michael Shoemaker, Jackson —Histori­ m kip. 7(4Kc ; dry kin 15( r-a With the rule of extravagance thia : locked Monday morning Joaepli L<*<*kc which the farmers have been systematic­ 4-»u Turks napturetl. In the House a large number of new I.. D. Norris, Grand Hanldo—Bio­ 12: sheep skin*, 75541 5u. wamaatosoe * •«....!• >a? bi^usvu. o«4iw.i. a»*. practice waa chan get 1, and uuder the j dincovered the hole in the wall and fol- ally swindled for several years, the Times It is officially aiiiiotim'ed that tbe .Ser­ bills were introduced. graphical notes and incidents In the pio­ Honey —it) t<> 17c. hkf «h ■ wat ( h i'uimi' guiae of “turiiinbitig, repairs, and cart* lowed auiL They have not yet been re- saya the investigation ia concluded, and 1 vians, upon rsooc i toying Kershumll, The Speaker laid l»efnre the House a neer life of Mrs. H. B. Norris, by her *»f the greenhouses,'* twenty-live or | captured# it adds : “If we are informed correctly. | found 24 Servian soldlerM and 2 officera communication from the Italian Minis- granddaughter. FuTAro^;wl;:i‘ci,'l;‘Be ; i odo 7. the evidence the company has gathered impaled. tar. Inviting tho attendance of tha inaui- Dr. Geo. Duttield, Lansing -On the re­ rooi.Tar-i^aW'O.-itork^lii® REVOLVER FREE-m^.S: thirty thou*and dot's a a year were The State l>oard of nnntrol has con­ A diN|»atcli from ('oiiNtantinople nn- L>er* of the House a*, the funeral services tracted with Messrs. Walton *V Lvy, of kudicHU'M croofcedueas, involing Much cent discovery of tho long lost grave of r*ov... ,«v25Sa.7wLn 'nnAu TFs,...... ; 1 *-• annuix'ly voted which were never ex­ large amounta of money that they are nouncea the entry of the HusMiatiM into of the late King of Italy, Victor Em­ tended for these objects. A |>ortioii of Detroit, for a pair oi lock gales for the Fere Marquette at Point Ignai'o. afraid to court inventigalioii, for tear Adrianople. 'Ihe Austrian consul there manuel, to-morrow morning. 8 . C. (' iMinbiirv, Constantine -Inci­ Pork, 913 00(413 2.7; I^aid 74(48 .*; ir.n I b ,n Ml* b - it wan applied to the maintenance of sault canal, said gates to lie delivered in tolgraplxsl last lilghl that tint town was BUUK i*iw*" inU pniifuirnu'* willn fiixl It the spring. that the com|>any will lat (*oiiq>ci!ed to j The bill to puuirdi omliez/lement in the dent* connected with the early settlement smoked hams, Ofc.Shoulder* (H<\ sruAubto einployiiMat. s^nd loi bteutin. It. D .V the household, and the remainder was refund ao large uu amount as to make vu tranquil. 'Micro l* no new* of ninu*tice District of Columbia and to protect the of Nottawa Sippi Prairie, 8 b Joseph Botvin 9ie; extra mesa l*>ef |10 • Vl.KK A ( W. Iilti>*uler (J3H.*>k keeping or lelegrapby oay tuition aft»>r anti is roaming—no cue knows where. St ria, says that the l'orte, at the instance tiring kit. NVilliain*, Owooso—Settlement of Seeds —Timothy. $1 60(41 65 per bush.; rebuilt with the appropriations for re­ iractico on wa* the bod y of a person who tuition*, all force* they can spare to Con Ding the paj m ut • i customs dutk ■ In 1 uj' Jlas rursd thouran'ls * Sample fre«*. Addri-n* J for culinary uses. They were conse­ ltd di(Hi of small-Dox, and Morton now legal tender notes after the 1st of .lanu- Shiawassee county; al*o survey of the Clover, $4 50 |*er hush. K PlMili-a, Chamt*t, 1 *73 Hr..a«. It drew) fully. N»wlf It.houl.l l.r,-»k ' ,l«- aryq D79. DefeaUsl—yeas 154, nays 96— Wood —$2 76(46 per cord. AUA| I GUI toe cistern was cleaned out, several not a two-thirds vote. ' The Hon. <1. M. Barnes, Lansing—His­ H IHL-Ag^nt* wanted err ry wb.-r** —aaud 2.V Few redden on Fifth avenue l ave pouuds of fungi and worms were found it"‘ *H Aun Artor~ The thought «|>iMia th*t the odward a*e., I>< troit. Wm. King, eontrlbutad bv Maine to the Memoir of the Hon. A. N. Hart—By houses." The ileinociuts in the last that they are both utterly helpless Miss Jennie Hogart, the Trenton girl *mn* roach Tchataldjs. a station on the taeinljoia of his family. WATCH aud CHAIN oxlt I who horsew hinpe<>n whom i Htantinople. hanking in Michigan. Best grades, r>er cwt., f I 00(44 40 j A#rot«. C, grant of these abuses, but they stopped was sentenced at Midland hy Judge she flagellated did not ap|>ear against her. addresses. In the ismrse of Mr. Blaine's M. 1-1 M M. fON. (7 JackaoQ lit.. Chicago. Tiis Royal (*et>graphical | Society of I*hjv Mnrston— organization of Bay Medium grailes, ?d .*>( t,3 7, f. s - _____ short of theit whole duty. The appro­ Hart, t2 last year. The in honor of Henry M. Stanley, and to in- ferred to Gov. King's influencetn Massa­ »- «• i $10 in Book ten June 30, 1877, were liberal to an ex­ a life sontenc9 for a man of hiw age. chusetts during ttie war of 1H12—to tho Geo. C. Bates—Early retnenlaceix cH of free » i plain* e\. rjrthlng.uing. h- society ha* unanimously agreed t > have 1 vito him to read a paper ou his cxplora- Michigan. 1 loos.—$3 75(4 i 0.7 i*er cwt. MAXTOR...... tV: k At----- < 1,. 17 Wall at.. N Y treme, as will he seen hy the follow­ liody-anatrliers from Toledo have l>ee» no intoxicants sold on it* ground* here­ ti )|)£. fact ill »t Massachusetts opj»oaed tho war Sheep.—$! 00(44 05 per cwt. discovered at Ann Arbor. of 1S12 and to S(*t* of Massachusetts in F. A Dewey, Cambridge—Organization \K’ A V ■ l.lft — A> ir • igar* to ing items from the hill for Legislative, after, and no gaums of oliauoo w ill l>e al­ The Post announce* prominently that and progress of tho l^nawee Cvunly dealer*; IIOO a month and expeuaea; aaiunlca Executive, and Judicial expense*: W. If. Morand, a negro, was arrested lowed. i a telegram received yoatorday from an opposition to that war. This excited Pioneer ^(s-iely. The Jury promptly rendered a verdict fn*«. Heisl .i<: Mump for anMirr. C. UENDKMUiLI, Mi*-*rs. Hoar ami Dawes, who madi* At <>,, < incinnatl, f). For coni pen ret ion to lit* following iu the odict of Sunday night for the murder of Thomas It is re|H)rted that a Boston man o( authentic source confirms the report that H. <*. Well* —Fast aud present of Mieh- for tho plaintitl' for $1 42.85, (oulirining I hr I’rewkiriit of the l uiled Slate*: 0*0 raily. Moraod’s story is that O'Orady i Suleiman **a*ha ha* arrive*! at Drama spirited replies, accusing Blaine of i Judge Cochrane's chargee on the ques­ N AST^Y A aorei by thia ceiebratod Hu- mean* is als>ut to purchase the Mans- restiveness under lho attitude »>f Massa- igan. Private Secretary...... -...... and others had l*ccn teasing him, pulling Hold, Cold water eace and : ing Htorfea. all for 95 cent*. Would coat $6 in hook Two Kvecutive clerks, rxli at f2 l)W...... «an way franchises and complete the load. purity to the country and government iu I ham, missionary to the Sault Ste. Marie f MO Addr.-o III.A !*■;, l olrdo, Otitu. i - - ami that he struck O'Oradv on the head • her of transports to be aeni lo Kaxala — By hi* daughter*. Steward...... lwi<-e witli an ax .killing him instantly, j There has been a heavy fall ol snow In Ikiy. ; more recent time*. ’* 1 * »» ...... »Uh Hu 11.1.1 - | Ka TI.Ii Mcm * >frr...... the Northern lumber camps. The lum­ In the I Inline, the Fortilication Appro­ Central Boiler Works, IIDDUCYOF 1 UK GUKAT KAr-TKKN WAlt For contingent eape* *«•* in the *»*cutive ol- Mi-bigan postmasters confirmed by A oorrespondent at Vienna tel4‘grai»hs: ACroxpcctiia now ready. Miliiona will aold 3,00n ' bermen are at work w ith full forces of Advices from Constantinople show IJiata priation bill wm reported. Bills were Ilie English (Gain Market. Manufa. tuirrs of all kind* of uixrioe and station ­ (oMid'i^.-d t Book and Hible lloirne,Chicago fice Including stationery thcrel'or...... the United Htatea eenata: A»P. Qneas ery boiler*; alao s|»f«-t Iron work and boil«-r rej.air- For oSrltl *Uiu |m...... r«Mt 4 men and teams. The wages of men in general panic prevail* there, aud the ex­ passisl authorizing Spencer F. Baird, ' 1 Fen ton ville ; T. II. Cream, Conatantliie ; | ing; aUe all kind* ofuiar Itim-ry lurnishoi. I'arliek Kuraava keeper...... T. K. Clapp, White Pigeon; O. Taylor, i the Iutnl*>r camp* are pots). citement is hourly increasing. It i* be­ Assistant Secretary ot the Smithsonian I The Murk Lun* Ksjtrtms *ays that having mat htn**rr or toitora to »*-il or exvhangr 14) I1 nnnUUU i rrp he* won t « 11 •rc.AiAkk t»uly **t nx «7 hea eter on* night watchman...... tern | Institute, to receive from the King of j niHtiutactor#d to I.*• it -<*d in the no«»* 5uc p.r |>o* do usher...... -...... - 1 ‘ion ! St. Louis; J. 11. Hickson, Cadillac; J. S. j The *eries of Farmer** institutes held lieved the guaranteeing power* will send the iiii|>orts of foreign wheat*! into will Iib\., prompt attention on application Barber, Cold water; M. Vos burgh, Union ' this winter under the direction of Pro­ 1 shi|»* to protect their subject*. Of Swe<1en a diploma constituting him a' Tlioa. McGKM..iR, l.rop ’r, (of the laic firm of I. A | lo auy addreaa. J*H K KM PI It, Galesburg. 111. Two day naber» at fl,2uQ ea» n...... ?.'♦«*» ' London have shown a marked falling McGregor) cor. :td A Congr*-*» «u It r.» i Two doorkeeper* at |l,jA flkll...»...... |•i.aju City. fessors of tbe Stats Agricultural College member of the Norwegian Order of Saint | offer* Ih -«i ln- The Mexican Government ha* deter- Orlofl'; autiionzing Hear Admiral John j oil, and the bulk *se the crossing of the THE TOLEDO BLADE and discussion* have been practical iu J. Altiiy to roccivB a deisiratiou from the , was from America ami (termauy. »ul>v ril^r* in premiums and ptrwuti ever given tions for sundry civil expenses of the ingtou ili-inisscd the petition for a re- > boundary by American troop*. Businetta lias lieen almost at a stand SELLERS' COUGH SYRUP. j.y any nenvpatier. rt|m«-iiat-n fnr, with i«rttcu- character, and very' instructive. At each ' King of the Hawaiian Islands. a (toveronient contained the following hearing. He adjourned court till Feb- I The arbitrator on tho wage* question I >»n« Da—.ni, . kwn Ur». i*f. Di-;, Toledo, Ohio. 1 nstltute resolution* have Ih-cu adopted The joint resolution appointing Noah still, as buyers and sellers have Ixhii ► ' • »r« a r > \ item: ruary 2»1, when it is expected the I in the South Staffordshire, England, iron waiting anxiously’ to see what course T«« ,|uk«a ear*4 *w «f t k.i 1.114k U hotcualc Mipoiy house iu Michigan commissioner will make his report upon ' thanking the Professors and others who Porter, of Connecticut, to nil the vacancy tlimlUi - Jim. H The Only Kf Hewing Machine Needles, and For repairaof the E«e. utl»e Mansion, re/wr- hnve taken part, and calling f *r tin* con- trn le, ha* decided that wagon be roduivd j in the Board of Regents of the Smilhoo political atluirs w ill take. Our stocks v»» *Kiri R R rrl>*rt alia, htuenta. All ktndi of picture fratnea, tbrnuic*. mOkif 'fit w-e, and fuel tor (lie tame, aud the accounts. 7i t* ‘r cent. i 4 1 i, I m ■ • . . - end agenta ’and dealcr'aaupphea. ( alioraddrewa, N. necc»aary repair*of tb*.? greeuhou**#...... |I7,W tinuam*e ol' tlie system with enlarged than I'i*titutec..i-:s< 1 b> tho resignation °f wheat are moderate, ami our pros- r. nr- \ n,- f . • . . - !, 1 ’ Four hundred and fifteen Masons. 1 * 4*oj>e ami 1 tier eased means «*l usefulness. A Hydnev di*pat<*h stau** that the J.t !). Du i, wa* liken up and pa-*-j pecti ve supplies insufficient to exercise lutatf*.— WTw ktt, I'rlf-r. ( rnt«. i: Haiu*f_v, I < *i Mhhigan Ave., Detroit, m anu far* llayes went into ollice on the *»tli of from m11 parts ol the State, met in grand ! weather in New South Wale* is intensely ed. Also, the Senate joint resolution ac­ I(. I. Hrllff. A Co.. I*llt«biirt;h. I*i ' -bt ill'.; A -J.< ■ :tf, Plait ing Ma. htiie. lodge at < i rand Kapids Tueaday, repre-j In the Hliwuce of snow some of the ■ hot, and a gteat drought is generally pre­ any great depressing inlhiem e on the | APUU 1 March, or the beginning of the la*t lumbermen sprinkled tin* road-, thus cepting from the State of Maine the statue future COIIDH* of price*. Miller* are, I «nnn. ured mtwlf ill p;i). Book senling all the lodges of the State, .‘tVO in ■ valent. of Wm. King to pla<*? in the old hall ot A quarter of tnc lineal year, for which it mnnlsT. The (irand Master'd sdilrvtsa covering them w ith snow on w hich to A st. Petersburg dispatch saj’*: Many a* far a* can be ascertained, holding I »r t.-n t in*, givt » f*i)[ particulars. Naina will l»e seen every provision was made the Home of Representative*. this paper and addreaa l»H. C, K. hY KFrt |C9 states that eight new lodges have been j draw tlx1 log*. demand no armistice for the present, and very light stoc ks, and, should event* MAIMrtON STlttKT. CUK AGO, ILLINOIS. up to the 30th of June, 1^77, to­ inslilutevl, six balls dedicated,one corner The enforcement of the c Hnpulsory tliat peace should l»e dictated In Constan- I . Jan . 2d.—In the Senate, a large nutn- turn out iif a 1< *s pat ifit* nature thau Cut thi* out. gether with a large sunt to refurnish stone bud, three dispensation* granted i school lawr is very rare, but hii instance ! tinople. The threatening language of a x*r of petitions w ere presented by Sena­ re*ecnt anticipation* have led u* to tor* from workingmen iu various parts of TYPE FOUNDERS. the house. When the extra Kessiou for new lodges lives|iecial dispensations, j is r»»|**rUHi from Brulgeville, Gratiot 1 *4 tiotn for wheat and feeding CHICAGO, made upon the Coniinittee of Appro­ charier granted, one case of trespass There ore 33,000 volumes in the l div ­ want w ar w ill* England, but if it is forced |t-*» tlar «:> Type subniilled, three up|KiaN acted on, t ight- o|* >n us, it will L>e tiuuietisely |Kipular.M | a i« -.(oration ol tho n ti*a ami *luH*. The trade, therefore, remain* Foundry i« « *• vv four month*. Addr.-a*, H VauUiTiXB, Manager, priations was fora deficiency of nearly ersity library, and 16o volume*are draw n cofli**; reterred. Al* >, a petition from dull. Price* have sutlered very little 3MI qu -ill 4 of ft! ■ Jatmtivilie, Wia. thirteen thousand dollars by \V. K. een dtsdMions given and one hundred and j un an average each d.iy. i Much de[>eiuls on the attitude ot A u-trio, j thirty official visits made. The district I j d,(KX> citizen* of California, iu favor ol deeliue, either for wheat or feeding TRrTfl I* WlCIfTT! lingers, the private secretary, which Business uncertainty prevail* in Ix>n- I Government aid to construct tho HtUll*. rejHirts generally show some Increase of I j don—the question of |hj4c « or wur occu- c ivered a list of extraordinary items membership, though not so much as j Pacific Railroad, so a* to hive a couipet- never before presented from any source. GENERAL NEWS. ' pying public attention. J ing line between the Pacific and Atlantic during several previous years. *'l'he marriage of King Alfonso to the Ko*(‘-DoiigLi.H. The committee Informed Rogers that Alexander It. Howard,the crazy school- ( i ocean* ; referred. • Ml'U < 1'...^ i Princes* Mercodea, thirtl daughter of the Mr. Ferry f Rep,, Mich.) introduced a •ucdi an application must U- made hy mastt r, w ho dismissed his pupils heel* Win. M. Tweed hs* made application Duke Je Moiitj>en*ier,took pia*-f at Mad­ the head of a department Le ore it over head through the school-liouse i bill to regulate the coin|**n*alion of poat- Senator <’iirl*tianey ha* written u or aaie or ra­ to the New York Supreme ('ourt i *r hi* rid on We»lue*dav. 'I’he nroaigii wa* letter to the Regents, withdrawing a* nge lor North- could receive attention. window, at Fremont Center a few days | masters, ami for other purj>osej*; referred. ..W'*'** *» *,,,*u t _ disidiarge under the poor debtor’s a< t. | one of great grandeur. '1 he <*>rtege in* It provide*, as im main feature, that the j coti use I for the State in the {lending 3 Va.Farmsi property. John Sherman then addressed a let­ ago, has boon tak(*u to the Kalama*(M> j cludeil all the foreign minister*, spe. jn! 0» T»AA ea.* * a • # -' • . Idreaa, Asylum. Keligioiis excitement un­ The South Carolina state Supreme ; couq.en-.ition of foiirth-clas* jn>*tmasters *uit. I n hi* letter he say* : H.fHAFK IN Richmond. Va. ter to the committee, in which he ('ourt decided that Circuit Juilg— must | envoy* to the w«nl*iiug from f**rejgn shall Is; Ii.f«*d up>n the stamp* cam^elled Asked fnr$ 1,300of dertcier 'es in sal- hinged his reason. court*, ringing and salutes of artillery i consented to go Into the latsirutory 81.7.1 ceul* w.*rth of Paper I’at be elei’teil by ballot instead of < n . <#<•» in their ofilcea, instead of lho stamps j *ult on hehulfof the Regent* w ith the arhs already appropriated, and also The Suite Oil Inspector re|*»rts that of This decision ou*ts all the Cinruit Judges tiring in honor of the event. The w hole tern* of the la teat atyh-a given to the tid.tMH) barrels of oil insjaM-ted during ; sold. hope that hy an impartial trial the 8CROLLSA \\ - LADIES very subscriber of Thk Duiis for the following items: ele»8 ed prior to 1*77 by tho Republican city presents a very gay and animated Mr. Blaine Rep., Mo.) introduced a Kasmiox Joirkal . ’Terms, fl a year, rtend fa (’milliigent expense*. the year 1*77, only 991 w ere retorted. : ap|a*arams*. The rejoicing* l>egan at 8 University would be atrensthencxj in Lie-ant New l>*-*lgnn. Beal Ka w "tamp for t ', ami lor nil sums ex- shown to the people to he impartial, GIVEN AWAY! TAgrMN-...... -...... vn Antrim county. who is the King's godfather, sent by the ( ifccv fwrwlture...... 'Hie 34th annual cr>nvrN-ation of the from Maryland, l*:r.» y**ar* old, a lawyer, ecisling ^ > tlie tlebtor shall have tlx* right hs, in the pri« r stage of theca*e, much Send for Illu-trmt«d Catalogue ol j Miscellaneous ItCBit...... Too Apostolic (lelegatea wortioii i>f the people hud !**en made these expenses iu the bill above re­ revenues. Kcaolutions were adopted by Mr. Cockrell concluded hi* remarks on BROS? I TEMPLE.” A throe days ’ run on quart/ from the mond* and a wonderfully rich trousseau. to suspect that tbejudge would not be OllLMAN Dr Hot m.oi ftt'XT, ferred to, the inference is inevitable the (irand Loke in op|s»- able to lay a*ide lit* feeling or preju­ E.i >1*K X IIOTEI. TO EVERY bl ’BHCKIBKR To TUF. ’ WORKING ic for a mem Iter of the order to deni in ounces of gold, or 4S'*u per ton from tlx- jewel* ami his |H>rtrait set In biilliant*. dice ; ami, a* tlie judge himself would ClirKCH,,‘ and stolen before the new concern got sition. A v*t« i.-* to bo taken on Erir naturally feel Ihe embarrassment of Team*, 91 2r, r ai nuru, in advanc e; or aant on into the White House, if the appro­ op|s»sliion was niaiiifestod. Tin* next “claims” in the newly-diwovere I oil In Hie Hou*e, .Ni r. Ellsworth (Rep., It KMT V 1 It \ N T. tlx* frailvltia* in ccdebration of the mar­ Mich.) introdut*sl a bill relieving iiank : the position, conscious that such feel­ ■' t *- •• 1 .rt • uia' f>,i -V. Agents Wanted. priation was exhausted. That, how­ vear's convention is to )*• held at.)ack«on district, ami six mile* from the <41 field* riage. They are to last five cni. ing tlx* lc<* f« r i' -issuing certificates to DhTTK. »IT tion. They could not be drawn three 1>< puty (iiatnl Master—Daniel Stryker, The repud ia tors have been signally ptf*1. I »etndt. Proas -ay* that official information fiom '1 lie r»**'»!uti(>n* of tlx* Senate in honor ment, I did h<>|4* that the Judge would Finally, the House voted iu the De­ (trend Trea»urc‘r—Hufus A. Laudon, Bey has *. arte l for Kavaia, to em?>arK Fruits, Vegetables, Jel- ficiency bill, under the load of Ex­ (•#n. Miles, at Fort Keogh. *hv * that news SuTeiinsu Pasha's troops. Half of tlx* of Senator livgy were adopted, and sev ­ see tlie propriety of culling some other Nile*. ha* been re<*eived tlx*re that Sitting Bull j eral mcmbi r* read eulogies to the ile- judge to hear the cause. The Judge; ecutive, as follows: Grand Secretary Wll’iun Inno*, army will Lx* conveyed to Galli]' >li and LIIjS, CELEBRATED For rontiug«-nt expense* of lbs executive of- is at Frenchman's Creek w ith over 1,000 hail to Constantinople. ceascKl. s»emed at first, if not afterward, lot tn-o, namely: l or pun Ins of new book* (•rami Rapid*. lodges, including tha escaped Xez Por<* * 1 have felt the force of these considera­ Grand Lecturcr- Anthony M. Clark, Another dispatch from Kczenlik says Jan . 24—In tlie Senate Mr. Laruar, “0. C. APPLE SAUCE,” for the horary ami rrbimbo* old books, ami the refugees from the agcn<-irv *. from details received by the Ru**ian Dem., Mi*.*.) spoke against Matthews i tion*, and made arrangemeut* with : for Saiiunrry, not to 1 r»« lud* word Lexlugton. These last number HoO wairiors and sit­ AND {APPLE BUTTER. UmiIci . |-J o o, tor pun base carpet for ofifh e (tram) Chaplain—Rev, J W. Chaplain, *tatl,Gen. Gourko’s victory at Fh- silver resolution in a carefully prcparetl another judge to corns aud try the ting Bull's own eainp, 2. 100, all wril | nli* was more complete than at first an­ speech of an hour's duration. cause. Frof. Rum * and hi* friend* 1 >y»u. lor oi^iiw of telegram* ff'trtu; (or Kalamax'Xi. armed. The principal hostile ehlefW are The Great Remedy ufficc furniture xnu*o discussed ths sleamliOHl were quite w illing to have it tried by I 8 (*imI For List. fc. .jir, for nii-o elbnwou* Item* ami cob IId - tMl S nlor Deacon—Da\ i 1 D. Woodward, with him, Black Moon, Four lloma, for curing Cough*. < linton. arinv, 40,000 strong, w-;is engagey Judge Coldt, Consump­ g«ur ie», f70u, id alt ...... it.'**' liOiig Dog, and Red Bear. Two compa­ tin oily split into two parts, one, com­ Junior Deacon—Georgo N. Mead, nies of infantry liav) l>ecn -4*nt to F<>ri i ijienta. It so amended the bill a*to make Huntington. On the < ther hand, I ALLEN’S tion. Aifhma. Otc. This appropriation is ostensibly manded l>v 1 inul Pasha, fl«-«I into tlx* flndorted by Bronrhitt* and South Camden. I'wk to holt] it. The Indian* from mi- ow’uer* of ves*el* ic*|M>nsil>le to the full -•mid not fail to see that Frof. Hougla* made "for deficienci i for the fiscal n ;< »un tain*,and t lie other, under Suleiman amount of damage proven, when *lx>wn tha rrai«, II Throat and HAIR DYE. _ ... , ■ (irand Marshal—N. Hamilton, Hu- ting Hull’s eainp have been m* n within iuid hi* friend* were unwilling to try Phykirije*. L wnij affection* 1 • ■■ - a 1 1 * r tii i year ending June .40, lSi8 , aud for i»rior clianan. Fa-ha. retreated in,the direction of Ho*- that siii'li damage resulted from the »rs-»w‘::f.r |BI>r; It ait* ib*lanta- 10 mtU-s of Fort Peck, and an Attack iqion | koi. pursued by Gens. Skobelofl and the case before any other judge. Some .ed A(K I'-f-d LUWRS I • y, pK-lu. u,g in year-, and for other pur|***es.". . Noi>w, Tho district IW»puty (irand Master* are both that and Ft. k4*»ah is among Hx* owners' careh***m ** or fault; ami io the Try it * f Ksr/.ct!‘. Tlx* Russians eapiureenod, I Itarned tfiat the other judge Ire upon every well ap contingent expenses, w hich were limi­ Third—James It. Farnhaiii.CasMopoli*. I Engiand, ami all heavily laden with Russia are re|s>rU** a heavy money ing th** S»*cretary of the Treasury to pointed Toilet for la would not Ik* present, and that Judge ted to FJ.oOO. The items of furniture Fourth O. 1 Hlofsl, Kalamar* >«>. freight. Indemnity, sud the occupation of '1 urk- cause ihe cn*V»m housa at Mcmphi* to ' or Gentleman. Hold by Fifth—A. D. Eld red, Tekonsha. Huntington wa* to try the case him­ Fruggiete aud applied aud carpet* for the office were fully TheJ shipment of American game t • i*ii territory to secure payment. l»e constructed of '1 ♦•iiix**.*ee marble, Sixth—1^ H. Hrigg*. Lansing. (4real excitement prevails in England mused. At the expiration of the morning self. I regretted this liecatise I saw by all flrat-claa* U a I r Drew rn. covered iu the hill for sundry civil ex­ England is an establisiied buslm -*. Seventli —(». \N’. Hohertsoii, Mt. Clem- I because Russia seems to ignore Brit sh hour « oiisider.ttion wa* re*um«Ml of the j that (he ruling* and decision* which JOSKl'lt CKI8TADOKO. ttole Proprietor. pense* (or the current fiscal year in . ens. The Canada railroad* have broken frem interests to satisfy Austria. The war Matthow* resolution Tlx* smcndtnciit »> .Maiden Lane. N. Y. the railroad ring on western bound lie should make, if against Rose, would K.srraitvi. W lljiams A Co. I*etroit. (ien ’l Agta. these word* : i Eighth —John A. Gibson, Saginaw lceling is at fever heat in lyondon, and of Mr. (’onklitig making the resolution a , not be likely to quiet public excite­ Fur repairs of the Ext< utive Miailon, rrfwr- ! Citv. freight, claiming a larger ratio than joint insteaii of h <*i) (current one, wa* re- I futhf.g thr m«/, aud fisl fer tbe kune, tud rumor* of preparation* for war are rile ment. 1 fell that justi<*e might just ns Ninth—George Hill, Portland. other linos w ill allow. This will prol>- on the stn«et* ami in the newspapers. J«4*te*l, yeas 23; nays 39. Mr. E humid* • WANTED. fur care and uerwary ripeDM-' of lb* ablv leaii to a reduction ol rates ou ail well have been sulmerved, ami ull pub- gm*o bouse*...... |2O,u0il Tenth— H. II. Oaborn, Calumet. The Forte having accepted the Russian made a strong speech against tlie resolu­ anvaeaer* torffMTTH's Wa *hi *o CoMrot SD. Hell The nuuil»er of accidents ref*orted to roads. tion i lie hostility to the University avoided. t nearly every bou>l 1 coin in l*>nds, or it* was a proper question fora jury, but re»l. For full |>4rticulani,and novel method of aell- the hill for 1878; and thirdly in the De­ Latest Mu lligan Patents: ietition that the cose l>e trail •■reed totne Htipulato 1k»IIi f«>r torritorial 4,on<**H.*ioiiH eipirealent, and that any <4her payment, as it involved all the evidence in the ing. add re-*, »ith *tamp. SMITH M.UllAiTt i;- ipulato ING ( o , Worcester, Ma.**. ficiency hillof the loth Decemlier last. Corset*— F. Koyl Hullo<*k, Detroit. I 'niU*l State* Court. They applied lor a . and the payment of war indemnity. w'ithout consent of the creilitor, would In? case, the judge would not have been Homelssly has, therefore, t»een benefit­ , F»ag Holder and Truck — Edgar G. | writ of certiorari to tho I'nitrd Stales in violation of the public faith, and in hound L»y the verdict. Hut, in decid­ COTTC3-I3: Circuit court. Not appearing in the Mate I A telegram from Constantinople says derogation of hi* light*, it was rejected, ed to that extent, and the ('oiiimittee ! Frishie and C. II. John>«*n, Monroe. that Naiv« t Faaha ho* informed Mr. Lay - ing the question, the judge would AND FENSIONL on Appropriation* were duped with Fence Font Sockets David A. Wyat, Court, their bail wa* declired for­ yea* 1*. nays 14. r< ur*.l or *0 r*T, for *T **7 MiUrr (U.i feited and capiases wr ». their eves open. I Ovid. i gagement to keep the oomiiliutia of j»ea<* able comments if he had decided at wwiw, or » rupfir* or on/ ihj,i: 1 Wagon Tongue Hupporto—Thoa. Mor- their arrest. i*he conductor of Fri«lay itely postpone the resolution w * reject­ L\mv^ Syrup, - * t I)l*IU»f » umr,|irn imii> ••*. H o Encouraged by thia success, the mornings train from Cincinnati to In-! secret until the treatv wraa signed. It had ed, yea* 2* 2, nays 43. ; once, when the argument wn* made A tablo Cotiij*»und, for >„m .rf • t near or I—. or I >,*of*ia(tor krei.i, Preside ti t and his Secretary have id ruck 1 gan. Marquette. telegraphed to its plenipotentiary t*> o<-- t r*» . Uol’Xt I'.* — 11 *lo.bu|rd for Wind-Mills—Heth II. Smith, Brooklyn. ilianap'ilis teb*graphe« question lieing on the pa**ago o. , on the motion, insteud of reserving the •Tin . I. rnj.fnrr. lrr»'»,or 11 |,J u r), y m out for a new grab. Not content witli three auspicious characters wore on ls*ard i oept the conditions. It would communi­ question fora future stage, for the pur- ,.i iU *. ,«*tri4in /F‘*rf: »--a : —**4, r Out of 1 lo •••. and these extra allowance*, lie Michigan Reports, 62 were reversed by they are aigneil. A'** r*rt ’.r> .ui tbaiu . ms a a* sktub , the Supreme Court. P> mile* out, ami returned with it. When roman. Democrats in italU Indepeml- j of the questions; for these were as ap­ Im.'Kj i>ju,t.roua Aii'ection*. 1 I I \\l» « **> 4 aUiuoto-1. a <> 4,.f now' demand* that hie |*cr*onal and stopping at the outer yards these time, The Daily News {>ul>tlshe* what ft lie- cut* in small capitals): «.»»• antaa* nr •ofn1. f ■i.i'lrr tii AHurkrf »l* John 8 . Holmes has 1 eon confirmed j lieve* t*i lw substantially the teim* ol parent after the first day ’s evidence as Itr a Inp'.ltion to p.Vici,!* of »» 1 n.’e*. and 1 r* w sauiM.rON *. horal*,-4«(i<* v* r household exjiensc* shall be |>aid by men started to leave the trsin. The offi- ' IV'T* — Allison,.!rni*tr»nfj, fiuifri/, firck. ever afterwards. He waited until all • -*'t * 1 the la» t »i > an «* n- ' ‘ ,«i-r-a«i .i'r',1 -./i l«S,iiih, Or a- > p >st master of Gram) 1/edgo. wr inaili- on* of them a prisoner, when ! a.* 1 »11 < \%s: .V ui n<>n.y f.»r Bul­ Booth, Bruce, (’ainrron, Femisylvania; rjth«»u* *•<• r- h>r the Treasury, John ShermAn initiated garia, similar to that of Lebanon, Tur­ the evidence wm in. himI then i>rn|>oaeti !r. in* .1 1 , 1.«j>, t < », ■ , :amily. 4 • r*. f i r,. # j-oar. ' *4»nefo fr-o B.,inpanions, l>v the Use* of rc\ ol vers, Cameron, Wi*con*in; Chaft»*e, Cokr1 Con­ to remove the case to the Jaekson cir­ >4. ' 1 I • > •, * *-• was found in the Detroit river Wwlnes- cleared the car and forced the officer to key to nomniAtt a Christian Governor of over, Davis of lift x>i*, lhn i»t w, V*., A»’! i of • - • • • ) - •» * . n to rhe j N » >1/ t a. ClaiiB mate* for the Executive'office, as fol­ the Province for a long term of years, cuit, and call a Jury, for which hi* iliifcti i,! o( likiiijf lu.i it 1, cthitciot’sl r>-,t ,w * on* wot 1 >* •» c low*: day. She came to Detroit mix ] ium|>ed release* ins man. They then left. Shortly w hose apf oin'inent must he sanctioned /><’«»»*, Dorsey, KuaU a, Ferry, Goi'tinn, ii:i C u,nf Inii the river, uuder mental derange­ after they captured a street 4*»r, driving (frurcr, Hrrrf»rtlt Howe, ./oAoifoH, Jono , {s.wer was questionable. Besides, all Cosiiiifot rtpfBSi. sxccsiivc office —»t*. hy the Eurojiean power*. Bulgaria to lioncry. rwsul l**#k». trlrxrtmi, prkdl- ment. out the passengers, and c nnpellcd the Flo., Jon#**. Nev„ K irk wood, Met Yrrry, the evidence would have to have lx*en jPulmo i* » Conp'atsts, Croup, Whoop- (cals lint l*M>k. for library, nil^»ll«nfou4 Morand. Hie Ann Arbor homicide. Is a driver to take them at a rapid rain to- j ai'quir* some territory south of the Bal­ Mr Jhtnaht, McMillan, Matthew a, Mujry, taken In'fore a jury, and If the power Cc.tH, Tic*!m^ of t'e Threat, Itmi arxt i-oslIanrariM, «r*«>A iriH inSoJe lunatic. He dedans himself to be no wants the suburb* of Irvington. When kan*. Bosnia and Herzegovina to l*e as­ M'lrimim, Monjux, Gglesby, Plumb, existed, he might refuse to he bound Aithma, Cot*pot. ano 4. i A ‘fect*e>ns u. hw-e rmrtnf ijScr. cmrruii, Voorhm, II\tffuec and A* to whether the Regents could or tho c’wfg/ arij rroi. .' (acuity. previous year with the foregoing, the have killed them all it he could have tlnuiug their flight on foot three mile.*. given for tlie better government of other Wither* —43. ON BEAUTIFUL catalogue. Tinkiah provlic'ea. The imlep<*iidence should have held Douglas, as director, ricpast d oi ly by difference of items will he at ouce no­ caught them. They seiveted therrselves In a vineyard, JSuy* — Anthony, fiurnnm, Hiftunl, res|Kinslble primarily for any defnl«*H- SHOWING 56 PRINTING PRESSES. bat were soon discovered by tho jxdire, of Ronmaida. Serx is to l>e independent Blame, Burnside, christlanev, Oonkllng, ticed: Isaac Prxlgeon, of California, Branch without compensation. Montenegro to tion which may have existed, I think t r. tos .c- co.l ANO OVER 1000 SMALL FONTS OP ('oatinfoat oprnai odr«—»la- county, Mtsxit 39 year* of age ami *uh- and after a further chase of several miles, Dawc*. J&ifon, E imunda, Hamlin, AVr- iu which the farmers of the neighlsir- acquire Antlvarl, Ni<**ica and Spur., and it clear that for the defaults hap{ienitig ^ ( . 1 ti• -1*.*., I lour ry, record book* trl»ir*»M, period I- iect to tit*, wandered otf in the wart of the iieriml, 161 Jcficrccu Ave., IXtrut, Mich. J I leva and cob it )*• Dr • *| propnalod...... Jf.\, MX> The cession of a part of Bessarabia, and Wimlom—22. w liile Rose wa* asMistant, and certain­ last account*, proved in vain. barn*hed where they took shelter. Rur- j of Batourn, Kars, and Krzsroum, with bold by all l>rugg:*la. BENTON.GOVE & CO No former secretary ever ventured ing the <‘ha*e a niimler of shot* were The preamble am submitted by Mr. ly until the Regents expressly recog­ The foreman of Charles Moore’a lum­ exchangisi, M wiili t I adjacent territory to Russia. Indemnity Mathews was adopted without amend­ MILWAUKEE WIS to recommend that the feeding and ber camp on the Tittsbsws**ee River. ; to Russia for the expense* of the war, to nized him hy name, Douglas could the care of the carriage and horses of one. Tlie** men are supfstsed to be the ment; ve** 32, nays 20. have lieen held primarily responsible. 1 fK>isone authorize the free the Executive should l»e imposed cn evening, and the next inoining found burglar* who murderesi a policeman in The question of the Dardanelles to le re­ After that period it is net so certain, ('ineinnati. They gave their names a* coinage of the standard silver dollar and hut I am inclined to think tliat he . ' TNC NCVi the public. In a subsequent part of eight dead wolves in the neighborhood, James Davis, Joweph Davis, son ol served for tin couaideraUon of the Euro- to restore it* legal tender character, is ' CANCER. could, ltut it w'as entirely proper to the estimates he submit* tbe follow­ i He took the scalps to Midland and re- James, and Andrew Weaver. They ' lH Sin PoW,* r'* tbe next busine** in order. INSTITUTE «Srr, >•.««« w.fiik a*., ! reived the N’ate ls»ontv’ of 9 *d for them. make laid) parties defendants, on an 4Xw*»wnntL K»al- ».h^ t*r (W- rmgCtoMWVV ing Herne: denied having any knowledge of the; The British fleet was ordered to the T he Senate adjourned until Monday. Farrhaao of earria** for nsqllrr odReo..... Dr. 8 . H. Douglass ha* tileil a bill in equal footing, as was done by the T*w#r*. t Wr*. OrrWwIa. **1 Ml* . Pare bane of one pair of horo •...... r*i murder ot tbe Cincinnati {(oliceman. mouth of tbe Dardanelles and sailed lie- In the house the steamboat bill wo* c»a-rrr*rei «.Uww th- «m «fu» katw *r aauwhr*. cl a iceiy againat tbe Board of Regent*, fore countermanding orders reached it. further amended to provide that none amended hill, not hy the original. American r-rlhf -mail -• eaai,^fWrWn>—at*.a (»•• let of doutde barne-* ...... -...... 173 Tbe weekly statement of tha U. S. Ihf th —rr « fur si laink cir'illation, and f M.dlX.OOO In Thl Porte lias recelveil no news of any fatvsed —vea* 170. nave s), turn, I will sav that all the evhleiice rmrr (*. 1 ti -1 i • Three deaths fro n small-pox have oc­ IARMERS ana|>oli*, who p«ib- yar...—...... *4* lionda to secure tbe public de(K>sil*. armistice having lieen signed. The Riis- Frlvate business was set aside for tbe of experts, ami the rest, failed to make li*h >>ne of th* Ury<*( and beet Agricultural curred at Negaunce. There are 15 other United States bond* de­ *i«n headquarters, areonqianied by the purpose of going into committee of tbe : on my mind the strong Impression Wraklv Papers In lb* Wwt, bare Juat *wf ’V- Total------98 ,7*3 cases, and it Is feared the disease will posited for clrcalation for Turkish plenipotentiaries, have leit Ke- wli *ie lor tho consideration of the bill which they seem to have on the mind If the Committee on A pproprlaUoti* spread to lahpeming and Marquette. the week ending to-day, $ 1(^,0;*) 00 z.Hiilik, continuing tb« lr advance. The extending the lime for tho withdrawal of Farm Accounts. i»- j of the judge. I looked upon this evi ­ IrtMlure the b<*vk (ample tor four rears u*e 31 to will examine the artviunts of thee^ ex- Circuit Jndge I*. T. Vanrlle, of Char­ United States bonds held for foreign amboieusloni are still unecqaaim* distilled spirits now in b*ml, until July dence a* a failure, but am !>ouiid to say circulation withdrawn for >eace" 1,** «"»•»1#73. The* «•* yea* anuand na^snays oemgbeing canon,called. Ibto Fal! snd Winter offered with the Inttimnm l>enditures, pikstand present, they will lotte, Las received the nomination for U. ed with the Russian condition* of peace* that I did not have time for the com­ f'wrmrr at the very low price of $¥ /torYl. find not only a mode of effecting a 8 . Attorney for Utah. same week, 50,000 00 but they were commiiotcateil to lay{ to reenlied, yeas 146, nays 104. A warm 8 1*' fREE-*e a* ff nama* Ov tM r«'Mvxr anl National Imnk circulation the Turkish Farliamcut at a secret ait x inits tthe 4(ViminiUee, ’iikniixiil/va Mr.% f *• parison and examination, which It In Aw. 4, tu,.* o If-*'. *«apv atlhf* t %ln»|.h> »■«.%1 Sftwm. A4*rw*a economy, hut of stopping an There is a well-grounded rumor that fair to presume that (lie judge gave to ly IMilAKt rattwan CO-. >■ Maa* r»,lu. fcr *aa»H|*lv* OaauUr*. W. II. Vanderbilt is negotiating for the ontstanding—Gold notes 1,492,120 00 ting. Tif ker ; Dem., \a.,) favor**! the bill and outrageous system of downright steal­ Currency n^itee, 819,540,3.74 00 stated that it had lawn drawn up by tbe Ihe ca‘C. AGENTS WANTED F0N ing. ______control ot the Flint A Pere Marquette For tlie first time in the history of i Railroad with a view to running It In Internal revenue receipts, 70 New Mexico I he records of the legislature Commissioner ol Internal Revenue, who Rut there is another very important Custom*. 4-7,115 Ou had agreed that some action should bo branch of evidence which niuat not be The "tramp act" of Indiana has lieen connection with the Canada Ron them are t»*ing kept In English, Instead of, as taken by Congress. 1* and New York Central. Amount in the Treasury — heretofore, iu Spanish. overlooked. If there waa no forgery tor Nanhaefi. toeaianneed, and Ik* declared unconstitutional on the 1 Curreocy, 3,009,792 00 Several Republican mend>ers opposed of the letters “D," or the "red lines,r’ ntsol Inier-MrlnllMiti lava, ftla ground* upon which Judge McAllister • Mrs. Itoborah Green waa murdered at Special fund tor the re­ | ,Tbe Golna has an Inspire*! article sug­ laws, Power, Sir* tlm Wll I."I wan, qilln« u, r«on,| th» Ho»* mm not K dalhaMor, ot Urn* Agents are netting from I 5 to ffS ropiea a day. pronounced the "trampart ” of Illinois South Jackson on the night of the 23d. demption of fractional gesting mesamoa to retrieve Russia's UmrlfttrnnldlK, dIMincily nnd»,Hl tu adioud I which woukl b4v« b*«o Hhe was kno'kel In the head with a stick financial position after the war. It eon- iu .!8 plest & best Semi for specimen p age* and our eatra term* to unconstitutional, namely, iwcauae the currency, 10,000,000 00 (list tlie tax oocnitnfc whrti tho whisky material. agent*, and *ee why it eelto faster than any other of wood, aud then hsr l»ed, where It was Spaniel deposits of legal rtndee by eilvooatlMg a partial disarma­ wrni into hnnd* snd not a ralihwl rsU*. bonk Addreaa, NATIONAL PI'S. CO.,Chicag o,111. statute denied trial by Jury for an often- ■upposeil slie k**pt her money, was ran­ ment, and aavs that even if such a course Tho conduct of Rosa, upon being i-e for which the constitution provides tenders tor the redemp­ «b«»uhl ha pshl. accuts wanted ~ “ A It*** rt wMirfy ana pao*a, sacked, but nothing else dlsturiieil. tion of certificate* of de- Is not decideil upon by the conference tor Mr. Fnolsr, The Htate Inter-Colkagiate contest, In pnelta, 8 H 09 7,000 00 tion (Iwltrinx thsi thff reiltirtion of tbs strued into an admission of tha charge, ~ *w4 »k**a - Tbe movement to reduce both tbe Which the OoUasea of Adrian, kalsmsroo, Ooln, ItL.MVksHW It wUfti Impunity, cunakleiing her o-J br«s»l h'j* “Hi k 1 ll*« i#ru We thouebt we were In a great Habits ('|u|t'<) by tin* fui>l«n tin hi of iu i* bora, said the janitor; “this Is the Church Uki rad wiih Cora. must expectant sir, her features sink- 'uo* without getting Bulled. Hood Auieriuau travellers—until within the oue way if uot In another. begin to swell out Into domes. Mr. 11 > ^ 1111 < • a and uncoint-Mi be ­ night, Mr. Harrington * and good-bye. of Heaven. ” A* u e wer 1 going in »*- The marriage of Mr. Thomas Lord last teu or fifteen years, at leas* —has Htllee says he has sounded the lake at IWiust Imu «i«t bar trwaaaa Mi, found mauy people doing the same. Whi« h amltlackrtl uum rvukl tall nign enough to befit a saiut If you ever consent to lie less boorish, and Mr*. Hicks, in New York, has beeu so signally unjust to the Italiau the base of some of these fantastic is­ Hut Ivug Utbrt a light. She saw Lyudhurst Harrington de- l»eraiatent, 1 shall he pleased to see you There was a long line of carriages been tiie theme of Infinite gossip since people. It is true that ignorant Hook's Practical Jokes* lands, and, with the longest line at TUal bad rba boon all loo bright. M*eml from the train and come strid­ ill tow 11.” •landing ill front of the great church, it* occurrence, aud the past history of «trangers are cheated in Italy, as they hi* command, was unable to find bot ­ And bar bat, artih ilitdr brim, ing 011 joyously till lie came in sight of He w atched her out of tiie room and one augel ou the driver » box aud one the venerable groom aud bia by no are here, or iu auy other civilized tom. Nlatlr haf trraay forabaatl till tiie stile; for, though hidden herself, angel standing on behind. As tlie country. A month ago 1 met au Kng- There is a story told of Hook carry­ then sat down to the piano. means youthful bride baa been min ­ ing off a spleudid wooden Highlander One of tbe largest of these island-*, Tbu> aba atooil »mi«l 1 ha ► he could observe all Ills movements. Miss Barron ’s first Impulse was to jieople got out of their goldeu turn ­ lish gtnlitnuuu, who was absolutely the tall white oue seeu from toward Praialag (iod with »»frli - utely inquired iuto. Mr. Isold’s sous from before a snuff shop, throwing a He came on eagerly, looking to the seek out the party on the lawn, but outs, 1 saw that ramie of them wore lost no time iu bringing the matter iu- frightened by a brutal backmau iuto the head of the lake, is uot wholly (turf, I »abl. llaaven dbl n>»l iu«*ai> robe* with a trail of ten yards, and the paying $7 for two hours ’ use of a car­ cloak round it, and thrusting it Into a Wli«rt> I raa|» tboo ahotildsl but g>- right ami left for her, and almost somehow ever3’ face on earth but one directly liefore the courta, as they ap ­ cab. “My frieud,” he said, address­ t»er|>endicular mi all sides. Ou one of Lay tby abeai a»loa u and coiur ►tumbled over Miss Barron. seemed Lame. Then she resolved to trouble was that those behind were all plied Monday to Judge Van Brunt, of riage. WhM anything similar lisp its side* there is a steep slo|ie which is Hbara my hara*»t and my hoaia. the time treading on tiie trail of those pens to au American iu Rome, he is ing tbe driver, who looked rather “Oh, Madge!” he cried, a* he threw go Into the library and read, but Isioks the Supreme Court, fora (’ommisHion aelouished at the figure, “a very re­ thought might be scaled iu some way. himself at her feet, “you did forgive were so wearying. who preceded Home of us, however, of Lunacy to iuquire into his mental apt to make all Italy retqsxisible. The A story is current at the lake that John Home. came up on foot and went in. We continual pilgrimage from ail tiie re*t spectable man, but a Tittle tipsy. ” Not me, und have ooine to meet me!” “I would play, she said, |»ettiahly, condition. Tiie court granted the even the passers by iu the street were C. Fremont, the great " Pathfinder, ” “Forgive you, Mr. Harrington? ” if that pig headed masculine was not cried out: “What is going on here to­ prayer of the (letltioners, and apjsdnt- of the world u> a laud so Illustrious in found a path to the top of this rock. It Slav; atay at kiHur, n» y btrart, aud ini ; day?” aud were Informed h> au usher its history, so glorious In its art, so at­ exempt from his cool impudence. Ob ­ IW»***| ,iog hearts arr ba|>|>ifat. Nothing could be more Icy cold. monopolizing the piano. ” ed such commission. It has been serving a man of most pompous air is believed that he left his field glasee* For th«wo tba* aand**r (!»«-▼ know uot a hero “Pray, what ha* been your fault?” Just at this jM>lnt she hurst into that thin waa the day on Which tiie stated by r many people who knew Mr. tractive in its scenery and climate,has aud some other instruments of vaiix Ara full of iron I d* and full of care ; tears. Crying, usually', to MisaBurrou pews of tiie Church of Heaven were to created, as a matter of course, a class strutting down the Strand, he »topi>ed To atay at homo la bt*at. Site baiked, as she spoke, straight be ­ Lord that he has been all bis life a him with “1 beg your pardon, Sir, but on the summit of the rock, and many fore ber, but with au air of surprise consisted of a couple of tears mopped [>e disjsmed of by auction. All angel, charitable uiau, easy of approach to of people who prey upon the pilgrims. Attempts have been mad* fo . limit f| War 7 and ht | and ahlwaaM whom we were told was a converted may 1 ask if you are any oue partlcu ___ _ taudar *r»l, which was exceedingly well counter ­ un by u hit of lace. She ha^l never be­ l>ersons soliciting assistance, aud of a This is simply the law of cau*e aud ef- ill order to secure these article*. Tba / aaiitb r th aud glorified Wall street broker, stood feet. But I know no |*eople on the lar?” Theu, without waitiug for a re­ Ami'ara Knitted and Uiicn aud blown about feited. fore tlirowtt herself dow n into such a di*)s>sitiun peculiarly inviting the at­ ply, he walked off,leaving the stranger The la*t attempt to scale the pyra ­ )ti the ti ud> of tba a I bln m*«a of doubt ; lie looked up eagerly into her face as limn sha|*\ and got herself into such on a stand aud with a sliver mallet tacks of jteople in the “confidence ” face of the earth who,considering their mid we* by a sailor who used a long To atay at homo la t*r%l. he answered, “Why, I was buttonhol ­ called the meeting to order. He said former (Hind it Ion, and the intelligence transfixed In amazement. These, a thorough tempest of weeping, as business. He is said, also, to be un ­ however, are but poor *|»eclmen 8 of ro(>e, throwing it upward till it caught Than atay at hout*, ruy heart, and real; ed to death in town yesterday. It now. Six* was an hour at it. (irad- that tlx* church had been built at greut commonly tender toward the female allowed to them, have shewn more U|*m a projecting |*»int of rock, then The bird X tafwat in ita naat ; ex|K*n*e, and it w'a* a }s>pular church ; his effrontery. Strolliiig onedsyarm- i»Vr ail that Stitt tbcir wing* and fly ►eeiued as if a conspiracy lmd been en ­ ually she got calmer. She sat up, and sex. patriotism, more patience uodf heavy drawing himself up and again throw ­ tered into, and tlint every fellow* I and as there would he no doubt a great burdens, more calamity for genuine in-arm with Daniel Terry, the actor, A hawk ia Hovering In lh« *kv; begun to i*oiislder what wu* next last Tiie dress which Mr*. Hicks wore at up a street iu Hobo, his nostrils were ing his rope to a rock al>ove lie reached To atay at luauv ia I***!. knew had left his summer haunt togo to do. rush, they had concluded to auction the oeremouy is said to have beeu very progress, tliau the Italians. Tiie com­ a height of about 1 JO feet, when lie wus 1i W. Utngielio* . In l>b. Atlantic Up to town to detain me. ] transacted tiie pews otl to tire blithest bidder. mon |>eople —* ‘|»easanlx, ” ax they are assailed by a most savory odor. Look ­ She tried to think of going home as elegant, and was brought by ber from ing down an area, lie saw the servants unable to find any more pro ­ but half my business, aud put oil Jack a pleasure noon at hand. Home! “For tills |»ew, No. 1, splendidly Paris. Tiie lady is described as tali romantically, yet somewhat contempt ­ jections over W’hich to throw ’ there oue of the expected gue*tx, tiie Harron, and she was very much out “I did walk down last evening, hut Hh# jumped to her feet. young her great t**auty and spirit at­ servant <*onducted him to tiie draw­ that the only way iu w hich to securu I tail hardly say, air, that I came to “He will drive me wild,” she said, Astor Van Derl»elt I” is the response. tracted tiie admiration of a wealthy of life, the supply of which is always tiie field glasses and other plun ­ of humor, for every now und then *hc . “Bogus!” says someone. “We never first considered —bread, luaccamni, oil ing-room, where a number of |»ersous drove the }>olnt of her parasol into the meet you. 1 did not ex|»ect you. 1 “hanging in that way on tiie piano. ” old gentleman named Thomas Hick*, were H**embled. Making himself |**r- der i* by attaching a line to a thought, if business or illueas kept Siie passed into the hull aud looked heard of that name up here. Who is aud wine. Tbe ordinary bread is Fork and then firing it over the lop of nnoll'euditig luotatn. She looked and who resided in this city. He married fcctly at home he had a half -dozen you, you might he gone a week. I into the drawing-room, where lie sal he? We have no re<*ord of any of bis her and brought her to New York, coarse and rather dark, hut decidedly tiie pyramid from a mortar. w»* dow nright dUgusted with every ( prayers. He is not on tiie roll of tiie |**>pie about him, laughingat his bon* never thought of you a* hobnobbing placidly playing. where she immediately entered fash ­ more nutrittous than that made from One of the *iuall rocky island* of the thing aud everybody. The belle of meek and quiet spirits. ” “Never our finely-bolted American flour. We mot*, la-fore the iiost discovered that a three seasons, during which ahe hud with your male friends and sauntering “Poor fellowT” she thought. “How ionable life, and very soon suritassed stranger was present. “I heg your lake is alive v/itIi rattlesnakes. It is to tiie station. ” (*an 1 call it obstinacy ? It looks like mind all that, ” said tiie purchaser ; all competitors in elegance of tnauuer imagiue that bread is good in propor ­ cocfepel heart-whole, ahe waa now* here are the isuxls that 1 brought pardon, Hlr,” he said addre**dng the *up(*>*ed that the fir*t of the stock “Madge!” and a serious look came misery written all over his features. and dress, and iu skill in arranging tion as it is white, and thus lose much were wafted to the island on a raft ot “caught ” and ull because of u three along witli me from the low’er world. of its best property. Tiie Italian* uninvited oue, “your name! —I did week* sojourn at a country villa. into hi* face. “Let us drop bickering, And isn ’t he superb looking? Why, * re day.” And he will he mine if I say' it.” deal of attention. Her tastes were water from neceaxity ; but, whenever “millions iu it.” The reptile* have through vinea over a runtic t*>rcli, ha* “Very well,” she replied. “I believe Heaven to Astor VauDerbelt for IJ'Ni,- (MiHxiide, iu meat bro ’th, with the addi­ plied theuublushing Theodore, "don ’t something more intoxicatiug than the ritiddeiiiy- can you comprehend it? very ex (tensive, and her husband lx*- a|M>Iogize; you are quite right, Hir, their home* among the rock* and live tlse point at which von left oft waa —six* w'alked straight into the parlor ooo “ coming temporarily eiubarassed, she 1 tion of etieene ami tomatoes. The olive glare of gu- Jeta; a wauderiug. acented As the auction went oil tlx* excite ­ servants are great blockheads; I re­ oil tiie egg* and young of the waterfowl whistling, and I was doing nothing In and stole up l**hiud him, put tier arms wss compelled for a brief |*riod to re­ oil, which each farmer makes for him ­ and u|*m tiie dead fish that are cast w ind, just otl' from the meadow*. has , ment increased. There was a great self, i* far better and wboieeomer than member a mo*t remarkable instance of rather u finer appeal than air vitiated particular; so if you will strike oft'a about hi* Heck, und pressed her check duce her ex|**nditure*. Mr. Hicks i their mistake*. ” “Hut really, Hir.” u-hore on the Island. Mr. \Yo«*i says stave of anything, I will demurely, aguilist ilia. struggle to get the best j*ews, and died shortly after this event, leaving lard; in fact, it lx almost equal to fresh by cut*tlowem and ga*; driven over . moral ami religious character weighed interrupted tiie host mildly, “I did that the stories that have heel) told ot but udtniringK*, walk l>y your side.” Not a word was said for mime mo­ her tiie |*>r»*e »*or of a large quantity of butter. Whatever is fried in it is the snake* rushing in a body, id-sing grti->-grown road*, that are fledged w ith nothing in tiie scale; lie who had the sweet, palatable and easily digested. not anticipate tiie pleasure of Mr. wild vinea anti overhuug with branch- j “Madge!” lie exclaimed excited^*, ments; hut ids fingers fell from the real estate, most of which was situated Hmith ’s company to dinner. Whom and rauliug, to attack any mail land ­ “I did no such tiling. I>o men gaze keys, his arms dropped listlessly at most earthly scrip won it. There \sas iu Toledo, Ohio. Her income now be ­ A great many Americans, knowing eaarejiii-t a trifle different in effect a slight interruption when an old eld­ do you HUppits; you are addressing ?” ing on the island, are untrue. He at statuary or paintings and whistle? hi* sides, his head sunk lower and low- j coming greatly augmented she resinned olive oil only a* a medicine, shudder found that wherever they weredisturi - from the London parka in landau or er from an earthly church demanded when they iiear it s|»oken of a* an ar­ “Mr. Thompson, of c our*e, ” answered phaeton ; and that animal, man, who, Faith, my last remembrance is of a er 011 hi* breast, and Madge felt a mist giving entertain merits on aurand scale Hook, “ail old friend of my father's. 1 ed they ran away and eoncealed them ­ prettier picture than an art-room ever gathering in her eye*, a mist of happy a seat. He said lie had served sl- received a kind invitation from you selves in tiie crevice* of tiie rock, Jn*t held. I huw ’ a beautiful woman, look ­ teai*. Street. Here Mr. Lord first met her. them, iu Italy’, heartily relishing their a* would have been done by any other the country, where one would suppose tion on earth in churches and prayer choi* 4, and omelettes, and fried fish, yesterday, on my arrival from Liver­ zoological ape« imeus would thrive bet ­ ing regret at tny leaving —a woman 1 “Come out under the stars,” she Al*»ut four years ago Mrs. Hk-ks went J pool, to dine witli you to-day, family snakes. want for my w ife.” whispered, “I want to say ‘yes’ to: meetings; and while he was not am­ to Kurope. She made her wuy rapid ­ without the lea*t suspicion of the fact ter. something more human, in tweed bitious ior tiie first or second seat in that much of the flavor was due to the (»arly, couie 111 Itoots, you said.” The Amusement* In New York. and felt hut. At any rate, Madge had Here was a poser! Proposed to! you.” ly in society iu Lundou,and w as form* host at once disclaimed tiie numeof or It came like a sweet surprise, never- * ‘l am answered, Madge,” be said, heaven, lie thought lie ought to liavi u ally* received at court by Queen Vic- ) oil. Wine i* a universal article of ton lid it ao. ►eat somewhere, Ixs-ause he had been <*ouhu hint ion for mau, woman and any knowledge of the vivacious Hmith. The programme at tlie Olympic Madge had never l**eu off her guard tl teles*. Hut it was contrary to Miss ] drawing one of her hands over Ids! toria. it lias been reported that she “Good heaven* ! then I have come to Barron ’* tactics. Were weeks of dc- i shoulder and talking w ith it against journeying seventy years and wus was engaged to various British noble ; child. Vet there i* very little lutem- Theatre, New York, one evening la*t before. Hitherto ahe had y lulled veij tired, und would like to sit dow n. (K-rance among the people —certainly the wrong house. ” exclaimed the week, was |>crfbruied, h * follows: J. fashionable watering plavt a, but llda lightful Mirting to be out oil’in a mo- J his lip*. “Let us not mar tin* mo­ men, and when Oeuera! Robert (’. hoaxer, “my dear Hir, how' ran 1 ment in this fashion ? How cnuld lie j mout of surprise ami joy* by a single To quiet this old soldier of tlx* cross, Schenck wa.* minister at tiie Court ol n »t more than one-tenth of w’hat we M. Lafiin swung the Indian clul** very year ahe had come to a quieter place, have believed her in earnest ? It was I word.” and keep him from further interrupt ­ find In our own country. Wine, apologize? so awkward, too, and 1 dexterously. Stephen O’ Donnell and and hud met Lytxlhurhl Harrington. St. James, it was staled on apparently have u*ked a friend to call for me.” ridiculous. She had meant to play the “Lyndhurst, you are provoking as ing the auction, some one said to him : good authority that lie would bring cuionx, und oil, to a great extent, »up- John Flyn w restled **ollar and elbow, She did not yet know , however, ahe “Old man, a* you are used to camp ply the place of meal; hut egg* and Tiie old gentleman, probably thinking ami two pair* of Frenchmen strug­ w*aa in thraldom. injured mistress for several days, and ever. When I would not I must; her to America as hi* bride. In Paris, so witty a (K*r*onage would make an make him abject in his efforts to rein- j now I will, I shall not. 1 shall have life in Christian warfare, here is a she repeal ed tiie success she hud at­ fish are also plentiful, and usually gled with each other in the (ir:e *o-llo- She only knew ahe was ero»*s and camp-stool for you to sit on in the aisle, cheap. The flesh of pig* and goat* — excellent addition to his (tarty, heuged nian fashion. Kind Kegnler wrestled lonesome ; and ao ahe aat punching state himself with tier. She did not : to practice humility. I see, and study tained in London, and she travelled him to remain. With a profusion of wunt a climax reached witli thin man. , my lord’s mood*. You’ve played the hut sit aside as much a* possible, to frequently l**tween the two cities. The tiie raising of both animals la*ing lit­ the trained hear I.eui. Prof. MciHeJ* the little blossoms and pouting. She give room for those angel* ’ dresses a* tle exi>enr*e to even tiie smallest land- apologies, Hook at first pretended to lan uml I looney Harris gave a scienti ­ thought Barrington exceedingly coni- Her heart had told tier it would leave ! high hand long enough, ami I insist last reception site gave iu the British decline — ultimately accepted. Kvery- a regret she had never known l»efore. on saying 'yes’ in my own way. they come sweeping through the aisle.” iMtital wus in tiie middle of last Octo­ owner* —i* much more common than fic sparling exhibition that brought panionalde, and that the other four At this moment there was a great veal or la-ef. Old or disabled horses (Hsiy wa* delighted with him ; ull the down tiie house. Mr. Ira Paine illu- gentlemen stopping at the villa were To avoid this now, »he would t>egin There, now, if you don ’t want to ber. General Orant was then lierjrin- evening he kept up a constant fire of with raillery. *l>eak ugaiu in un hour I w ill rest my shout at the door, a huzza among tiie cipal guest, und among the party as­ are fattened aud slaughtered, und trated tiie difficulties ami the ]*>*-ihili- little better than wooden men. Ah for common saint* w ho stood outside the wit and repartee, and ultimately sat “Really, Mr. Barrington,” she said, face here and dream." sembled to greet him were representa ­ many an unconscious visitor to Rome, tie* of field shooliug by firing at glass downright, earnest love, why, her in- I building. “ \Vhat ia that noise ulsait ?” Naples, or Florem e, take* hix share of down to the piano, and *ang extem ­ ball* that were thrown acro-s the tendon*, for three years had been never “you must be hungry or over-tired, to i “I don ’t think you will find me a tives of tiie highest society of tireat pore verses on every one present. In tyrant, ” he said, Kissing her. “But said the auctioneer, a* he brought 111* Britain. Shortly after that festival roasted horse in tbe restaurants. After stuge in the various (»o*itioiis encoun ­ to venture her heart at seu, hut only make such a statement. A well-spread silver mallet heavy on the stand be ­ tiie midst of these the door oilmen, tered by the *(>ortsmaii ill actual ex ­ table, steaming with viands, comfort, come out, Madge, and let's compare Mrs. H irk* made anaugeineut* tore- a little ex|»erience I learned to dis­ to glide about the shore, timing, sale fore him. It was found to be two tinguish the flesh, and having no pre- and, true to his appointment, in walk­ perience. But the most striking fea­ to disembark at any time. Vet ahe uud a wife, must have shot through our mutual miseries during the past turn to tills city and arrived here about ed Terry, at the sight of whom, strik­ week.” brother*, locked arms,coming in. All November 15. juditv against tlx* use of it, I Irequent- ture of the (•erforuianee wa*« the title was now thinking of Lyndhurst Bar-) vt>ur brain. I can assure you u de­ knew them outside the door, but in ­ ing a new key, he sang: lightful supper now awaits you-----” lie led her through the open win ­ The whereabouts of the couple re­ ly ordered it for dinner. It lias a shooting of the “(Teston Brother**, " rington in a way mu 113* would huve side they were comparatively slraug- coarser grain than lx-ef uml a slightly “I’m very much pleased with your lure and Madame Cre*tou. They nhot (•*►- termed love. Hut ahe would not ad* “Miss Barron, ” lie began, frowning, dow', holding buck the swaying vines mained u mystery for several days for her to pus*. There, urm in arm, ers, und looked a little embarrassed. ufter tiie marriage. It now appear* paler color ; the flavor is similar, lait Your cellar’s s* line as your ; tab*-*out of each other's hands, tak­ mit this to herself. He was a delight- ! w ithout apparent notice of her words, I’heone began to *pcuk in application ami rising to ids feet, “thiee weeks under the star*, let us leave them. that there was a double ceremony |**i- w’lth a suggestion of sweetness. If the My friend s Mr. Terrv, tiie player, ing aim with ttie rifle upside down, fill summer friend, that wus all, aiie for a scat. “How much do you bid? ” hor*e be not too old, he furnishes a And I’m Mr. Theodore Hook." that i«, the trigger side up, ami l>u!'k- aaltl. She liked summer, and llowers, 1 ago I did not know you ; but in that formed—one ( atholic ami oue Protes­ time all my life now seeuis to have said the auctioneer. The man re­ tant. Mr. Lord and hi* partner seem really palatable roast. One day after riding some distance wards, aiming by reflection iu u l«*»k- and birds, and hazy atmosphere*, and put'd: “I bid nothing. When I left 1 reineiulier once, many y ear* ago, ing glass. They shot also in other a quiet Hirtatinu, but when these went been crowded. I never *top|»ed to l.ll Secs Kccchcr. to have determined to pass their honey ­ iu a liackuey-coach, lie discovered lie the earth 1 had but eight jiouuda; all moon in tiie utmost seclusion, for no entering the house of a Minail farmer. had uo money in iiis (*»< ket to pay the difficult (►ohitionx, ami Madame (’res- the coming taason brought new eti* j question your actions. It seemed as if the rest I bad given to Christian ob ­ there was no need of asking for vows, This morning as I got into the F.rie j news of them was to be had up to Sat­ In tbe Valley of the Arno, to procure fare. ( etching sight of a friend upon ton zmifled a caudle in her husband's joyments ami fresh flirtatious, aud jects.” “Who are you?” asked the a drink of water. It wus noon, and hand with a bullet. The most ►tail- Hartington could go with them. they would denote u commencement 1 cars, after a lecture in Horneilaville, I urday; and though their bouse in tiie road, lie took him up, hoping to of love. 1 wanted it to be a* if we had met my old friend, Henry Ward auctioneer, “that you disturb this Fourteenth street was watched by tiie tiie huxltandman hail ju*t come from Uxrow from him the sum required, ling shot of all wa* one that shetteird Were tlxrc not others, pra 3*, who salt*? ” “I am John Wesley!” said the field for his diuner. His wife was au apple ill tlx* mouth of one of the could read Tennyson ami ait g tenor? loved forever.” Beecher. Mr. Beecher looked rough lynx-exed rej*orler«, it gave uo sign of hut the friend wa* as Impecunious a* and ruddy. His face blushed r«»*y j the applicant. "O.” says the auc­ lK*ing inhabited save by the servants. in (lie kitchen, preparing some sort ot himself. Hook considered for a mo­ brothers while he was swinging, head Hut now, just this moment, it was “Very well,” she said, “let it be so; tioneer. “It seem* to me that i have soup which exhaled tlx* np|>etiziiig down, from a tra|>eze. This shooting rather lonesome. If he only would no vow's, no commencement. You I w ith health, and hi* eyes glittered in j The pair were there, however, ami ment, then, (*alling out to the coach ­ a wav indicating any tiling hut a tor- j heard of you, hut w e have no pew * as householder* on Thirteenth street odor of onions, ami two children, a ls>y man. de*ired him todrlve to Mr.-----’x, was all done a<-ro*s tiie entire w idth of come ! set1 I agree with you |ierfectlv." low as eight |*>und*. ” At this a man of twelve and a girl of eight, were tiie stage, aud fragments of potato tiiat He had gone to town the morning “No, 1 will not have it»o,’T he cried,! pid liver. whose rear windows command a view u well-known West-end surgeon. Ar­ After talking a few' moments I turn- I w ho hud given $75,000 for ids celestial of tiie rear of tiie Hick* mansion tell hovering around with faces which ex ­ rived there, lie sprang out of the coach, flew into the orehestra circle proved previous, promising to return in tiie trying to take her hand. pew, and who had oil earth been pressed lualthy hunger. Tiie man that real bullets were used, aud not evening. She had walked with him “A* you please, ” she laughed.shrug- ' ed to the great preacher ami asked him ! strange stories of brilliantly-lighted knocked loudly, slid demanded of the till* question : known a* much for his piety a- his windows ami moving form* in mom* went out—for the water, as I sup|*i>ed; servant who answered If Mr. Hn-atid- any ’ Houdiniaii jugglery. The last through this wood-path, on his way to ging her shoulders. “I can pick 111^ wealth, says: “Let me tuke John but tbe dark earthenware pitcher which feat was one in which the brothers, theatatiou. He nail lingered u mo­ way through this bog without help. “What i* tin- new doctrine you are! from w'liich the servants would l»e ex ­ So wa* w ithin. The Doctor was de­ gentle advocating aUmt no everlasting hell Wesley into my |>ew. Bits* him! I cluded. There have been rumors, t<*>. he brought wa* tilled with cool wine scending the stairs at the time. “Oli, Mine. (Teston and heriittle son, about ment at the atile beyond to tell her **i hope I am not wanting in was converted through reading one of ►tii a ^>r wicked and depi•praved? Why that the bridegroom bos been seen en ­ from the cellar. A plate, w itli a slice my dear Hir,” lie cried wildly, iu an 7 or s year* of age, stood in a row’, the how beautiful ahe looked —how* the behavior, but l>efore I or you Ids sermons !” “One more perplexing of dark bread ami a pinch of salt, was ix>y ou a stool, with (*>tatoes ou their freah morning air had brightened the *tep further, ” lie said, stepping in did you... announce ,, your tsdief ill no gaged in fantastic ca|s*rs before tiie agitated voice, “1 trust you are not en ­ i»eri>etual hell, Mr. Beecher? ” case got out of the way,” cried the window*, leaping about, in spite of also placed on tbe table, in answer gaged-excuse the feeling of a liu-b tud, heads. A c«H'ked rifle had previously color on her cheeks. front of her and liarritig tiie way, “I ’.r'Yv! ** 0^0 , , auctioneer. “But what, ” said John lK*en placed in |>ositiou and aimed, "Collie this evening as far as here to want a simple answer to a simple que*- “\Vrt on which this rifie rested, The path will he a horrid labyrinth me, Madge !” ^ <*<*[ * ” kive them. (ssdtively that they saw Sir. and Mr*. orchard and vineyard iu one, i*ontain------, No.----- such-and-such a street. If I cannot say 've*, ’ perhaps I L ‘ I»”M t .v<>Ji want newspa|K*r men to tioneer lx* can he in the choir, ami Lord In their house since the mar­ ing some seven or eight acres, were Don ’t lose a moment; a most peculiar cau.-ed its discharge. The bullet without you.” stand among tlx* singers, and he can all his pro|>erty. “Ikies this give you struck the row of (xHatoe* ou the row “You will surely return ?” she had cannot say’no.'-- ”' know them?'I asked. riage. case, I assure you.” “I w ill order my pay liis way in dial manner. ” When Mr. Lord inherited hi* large proj**r- a living? ” I a-ked. “Yes, we can carriage ami go at once, ’’ said tiie Doc­ of (’rexlon heads, and brought them asked. “Jfyoudon't 1 shall find every “I don ’t want equivocation, ” lie ^ es, said Mr. Bee« Im r, J do want i»it"i* on the j»ew* tx*g*»n to slackeu, (»i- all down. It was a g<*>d climax to tin* broke in "H von loved, eves, lips, newspapernewspajier men to know my reason ty from hi* father, Mr. Rufti* L. l^ord, manage, ” said lie. “You see all my tor. “No need for such delay', I have tree a hobgoblin when 1 go back broke in * ‘lt raid Rothschild, a mail who in tiie family: we use al*>ut two barrels of exhibition, but audible murmur* alone. ” voice, acts, all would blend Into fortor declaringdeclai ing no everlasting hell for the who tiled on May 11, p<>*-e«*edof one at ttie door; jumn iu: I have to go wicked und depraved, but 1 don ’t caie earth beneath bail ow ned whole block* all estate valued at $h,OUU,UOO. He be- oil and eight narrels of wine in a for the nurse aud w ill follow immedi­ *howed tlmt the aiidieuce was not en ­ “Return, indeed ! I shall think of or ‘no/ I say. of store-houses, bid in a number of yeir. Bigs and chickens, you know, tirely satisfied to see the child sub ­ nothing else. I shall do nothing all M:uige had never met any man so about the churches knowing them. ” o u eat lied that enormous proj**rty as ately.” The lady, to wh<»*c house tiie “Weil,why did you cooieout ugainst Iiews partly in his own name and follows: To his brother, Guidon OOM notiiitig to keen. When tlx* Doctor w'Hxdri ven,wa*a*our-temj*ered, jected to the |H*ri I of such a feet. If day but pull out my watch to see if it masterful. Hut she answered, never ­ partly in the name* of others, so that season is tolt*rable I have some oil tiie adult (Teston* wish to risk their ia time for the train.” theless, “Then, ‘no/ since you force everlasting punishment —tell me, Lord ami J.leazer Lord, and his sinter, middle-aged spinster; her indignation won ’t you ?” 1 said coaxingly. tiie aggregate might font up to an and wine to sell. 1 do work, now jaws aud skulls for ho much u week, Then lie caught her hand in a quick me to be unladylike. ” amount that had never previously lieeii Lydia Perkin*, each an annuity of u|* >u receiving such a visit for such a “Ye*, Lli, 1 will tell voti my' reasons to each of 34 nephews ami and then, on the Count ’s place, pur|Hi*e, may Ik * imagined, and the probably nobody will object ; but they way, thought a moment, bounded “I donut ask you to be unladylike. known in heaven, it wn* found that should not Ik * |K*fiuilted to make this over the atiie, und hastened dow 11 tlx* for doiug ao, hut don ’t let it go any nieces, the children of his brother* Assunta my wife! make* something Doctor was too glad to escape from her I do not say you are. I asked you for ' the pew* hud brought $fld, “00.014. tty her spinning, and if we fall a little child submit to the *ame danger. path, turning often to look buck at the your love, ft was a straightforward farther. You know, ” continued Mr Lyude, Henry. Asu, Churles, Guidon, very protjouixs*! wrath. Hut his Beecher, “that you journalists liav* But the *<*eiie w a*not over. A w ealthy i iiomas and F.ieazer, and of hissisteis, behiud one year we make it up the — - — m m ■ pretty picture she made, listlessly lean- question. I wanted a straightforward Scotchman who had an $sn,ono pew, troubles were not yet over, for upon lug 011 the atile, with a tinge of regret been abusing me a good deal lately ?e Hannah Bingham and Lydia Perkins, next. Oh, yes w*e are well <*ontented. ” arriving home cabby demanded of him Victor Kmunuel, favored among answer. My arm, Miss Harron. ” mill; “I notice back here in the 1 have no doubt that this family king*, died with the consciousness In her face. At a turn where ahe would And thus walking, assisting her “Yes.” he gave $10,non ; to each of five grand tiie entire fare, ami would not leave “K*|iecially Mr. Dana, of the Hun?” cr*»wd young Robert Met'bey ne, witli nephews and niece* lie also gave $10,- j represented the circumstance* of hun ­ until it wa*paid. —/le/yem in. that lie had beeu the liberator aud soon l»e hid from sight he hud dared to overevery triflinginequahty ofground, a cluster of jienple from Dundee. What dred* of thousands of others, through ­ t>enefactor of hi* people —that his pow ­ wave her a kiss. they went on to the villa. “Yes, I notice Mr. Dana devote* a non. To the American Bible .•’“lcietv 1* 0(1111111 or two to you every day,” 1 are they to do?” “Take those jss»r he l»equeathed $-"»,000, to Ht. Luke's out Jtaly. The people work steadily, er had been used for patriotic purposes Madge was now* waiting, according Mis* Harron was exceedingly gay ►eats along by tiie w all,” said the auc­ to apftointment, aud ahe had tukeii said. Hospital a like Mini, aud to the New hut not with haste or energy; and they A Wonder! ill Lake. —that the lend he loved is prosperous, that evening. Lyudhurst loved her! tioneer. “And yonder is Richard take their full share of the many holi ­ (s)W’erful, united, grateful to tiie sov ­ care to concoct a most ravishing toilet. Of course, she wus not going into any “Well. I announced the idea tlint York Juvenile Asylum $10,non. The Baxter, with a crowd from Kidder- day* which their church allow* them. From th* S**?.i*U Knt*r|*ri-<* ereign whom it mourns, and loyal to Hut all her little pre)»uruiinurt were rosy engagement. Hlie could not there was no everlasting hell for tiie remainder of hi* estate lx* l>equeathed | w icked, just to please you journalist* minister. ” said an 1 higlisliiiian. to lii* brothers Tlioina* and David N., 1 Their houses are always solidly built his suc(‘e*sor. Tested by what be was wasted. l.vndhurst Harrington did hedge herself in bv marriage. Hut “Well,” i»aid the auctioneer, “he can Pyramid lake is nearly 4*1 mile* in not come, Hilll she waited, it seem­ they could live tiie delightful life they —to throw a little sop to you, you their heirs aud ussigns forever.” of stone, and last for ceiituritM; but length, by from 15 to 4o in width. It and by what he did, the dead king ot find hi* saint ’s everlasting rest in that only those who are iu exceptionally Italy was a gleet ruler. Neither the ed so unreasonable, to cruel to di*a|>- know, to keep you good lialured.” The lunacy proceedings now' In pro- j is but 4.t**0 feet alxive tiie level of tbe had lived this last three weeks always. further corner. ” When Latimer and good circumstances have se|»arate matchless diplomacy end w ise states­ point her. Perliai* lie w*as only try- He had nothiug in particular to do. And then Mr. Beecher shut up both gre** in the case of Mr. Lord were dis- i **«*a. while Lake Tahoe isfeet alsive eyes aud laughed all to himself. Ridley applied they declared that they cu**cd months ago, hut w'ere delayed rooms for guest*. Ordinarily, the manship of Cavour, nor the high ing to te&se her, ami got out unseen, Why could lie not, when tiiey should had nothing to pay, as they had got tbe xca level. Tiie lake contain amt w ould surprise her directly by his Ku Hkhkins . hv the natural hexitaucy of Mr. Ijord’ti neighl ’or* come and go, almost like courage and jmtriolic fervor of Gar- return to Ijoix Ioii , visit her every day ? burned out and that the fire had taken nx*ml>er* of the family, sitting lieside many islands, several of which, nea appearance.. Hhe could, she thought, flirt ail tiie children to makehlslnfimiities public. the middle of the lake, rise to th ihaldi, roii Victor Kmanucl of tlx* A doleful aough of wind, coming A good story I* told of a French everything. But finally' the holders Hi* marriage simply precipitated mat­ the fire of faggots in the w inter, or un ­ honor of unifying Italy, and securing -vitine, when he was not by; aud his at­ of the chief new* lost their patience der the vine-trellis in the summer. height of some hundred* of feet, an from the dark recesses of the wood, a tentions, therefore, would lie )ust so duelist—one who prided himself upon ter*. This testimony will refer main ­ are pyramidal in form aud light gra for ber a constitutional government the duels lie had fought, and tiie chal ­ ami said: “Drive those* common |«*o* ly to the other action* of Mr. Lord There are always a few apple and fig- and freedom from ecclesiastical dom­ sudden shutting-down of night, made much gained. Her life was not to be pie out. \Ye w ill give something nice in <*olor. One tali spire, seen far down Mias Harron feel aoiiiethhig like fear, altered an iota. She did not nrofess to lenges lie had given Mild received, it tliuu that of getting married. Collat­ trees near the bouse. The latter la-ar to the northward, w here the lakes seem ination. The wisdom and tiie unsel ­ aud ahe ►tartest nervously to return. is said that as tiie old man lay dying to have a mission chapel for them eral testimony ’ may be adduced, how*- fruit tw ice a year (in June and Octo­ fishness displayed in the king ’s trust love the man. He must not, nowever, down on a back street of Heaven. shoreless, is jierfectly wliPe. A large As it grew darker her dread l**ean»e scatter his attentions. He must con ­ in tiie hospital, a priest was sent for to ever, affecting Mrs. Lord. It will be ber) aud isnitribute a good dt-ul to the island, six square miles of com- in his great Premier, aud the tact and afford him tiie last consolations of re- Send down to them some of those third shown that during last Summer Mr. daily food of tiie jieople. patience manifested in hi* utilization terror; ahe fancied strange noise* were centrate all hi* admiration on her. class hari**r* with their liar|*s. und |»aratively level ground, is covered about; ber feet scarcely touched the I ligion. The worthy father did not Lord acted so foolishly in the dix|s>ai- 1 must not forget to mention three of Garihaldt ’H fiery zeal for the liberty Hut tow’ard the close of the evening, let that angel witli the bronchitis go other important articles of nourish ­ witli vegetation. I jsm this island a ground; she skimmed on, fluttering 1 spare to tell him frankly In what eon- tion of his pro|>erty, that his employes number of goat* were turned loo*e of his native laud, inarkeu him as a when Madge fouixi he hud not sought j dition he was; how obnoxious to hen- and preach to them. ” At this all the called ujH»n hi- relative*and attorneys ment —in Northern Italy the pumpkin; noble man and a great monarch. at heart like some low-flying bird be ­ her once, a shadow of a thought ftassed first-class j*ew owners shouldered their some year* since and they have in ­ lated from its neat. j veil was the dc*qx*rate life he had led, to rest ruin him. The sons of Mr. Lord in Central Italy*, Indian corn; and in creased at a wonderful rate, so that Other king* have had —or might have through tor mind that |ierha(»* he was and the necessity' for his prompt anu old-headed canes und (s*gaii to clear Co mica and among tiie Apennines, iiad—their Cavour* aud (iaiihaldi* ; \>*kut wonder that she vowed that inquired into his affairs a* closely as they may now he seen u |m>ii every hill. not a lioodle-dog, after all, to lie led thorough rei>entMiire. When theg<**l Sle premise*; and Isaac Watts was they could without exciting liin sus­ chestnut*. Pumpkins, cut into slice* but they were not great and unselfish night, ahe brualxsJ out her hair, about in this way by a string. shoved out, and Henry Martyu, and They need uo (rare, winter or summer, never to forgive Mr. Harrington? priest had left, the dying duelist picion and anger. Finally one of and baked, are sold at the street cor­ enough to honor and coufide in such She nan sung, thinking to bring him IMillip Doddridge, and Kli/abetli Fry’, ner*, and the iutier kernels of their and are about a* wild as the goat* \Vh»t woinVr that a liartulras little beckoned to a friend who was watch ­ them —Thomas Lord, Jr.—gave up his found by Robinson Crusoe on tbe allies aud counsellor*. Foresight, to her side, but he had lounged aw ay— ing hv his bedside, and whi»|**red and a great multitude that no man home in the country, smi went daily flat seeds are as much relished by the con rage, priideix*e. (tat ieuce, pat ri< *t l*n i, bunch of \iun;t*, w hich lie had gath ­ a thing he had never doue before could number. Tlx* aisles were final ­ island of Juan Fernandez. Tbe lake ered for her the day previous und hoarsely: “Take down that priest ’* to his father ’s office. His interference boys of Venice und Florence as |>ea- is of an immense depth ; it is said that —all these elements of a wise states­ w hen *ne was at tiie piano. Hhe had address. He lias used language to me ly cleared of all save two, who at first w a* angrily resented, hut he discover- i nuts are by our*. At the cheap oj»en- man uud successful ruler Victor Km- w hich she had treasured in a vase on taken 11 garden stroll with a rival, Mr. |s-remtorily refused de|*arture. The uear the exuter **io fathoms of line her dressing-cane, she now* found that I won ’t take from any man liv­ cd that Ills father was converting all air theatres there, ehildren are admit­ failed to find liottom, The w’aler of manuel had ; aud a united Italy that Oakley, and Lydhurst had carelessly ing. I f— I get—over — tlila—I—w ill one was roughly jostled ami asked who hisavaiiahle securities into cash,which j ted for five cents, tiie gravel floor is loved him —free from fear of foreign faded, disagreeable and odorless, and drawn up his outstretched legs, as he he was that dare thus to interfere with the lake is blackish, except immediate­ that she tossed them pettishly nut into —send — a —couple —of — friends — to — lie w as sending to some unknown |»er always coverts! with the hulls ol ly about tbe (mint where the water of oppression or cliurchly domination — *at lazily 011 the veranda *te|m, to let him —with —a—chui —.” And, before this auction; and he gave the follow ­ son in Kurope. pumpkin seed*. The Italians know stcure from discontent**! faction* wit ii the darkness from her window ? them |ias* down, without other notiee ing announcement* the Truckee river flows into it. “i detest him aud his violets,” she he could finish (he sentence, he had At last the old gentleman exhausted j corn as well a* we do, and they would Owiug to the hlackishness of Its in or envious and injured rivals with ­ of their presence. He had, ahe de­ fallen before the shaft of an enemy | “1 aril the Aj»oMtie Janie*. If there his cash securities, and l>egau to !>or not learn much from Mr. Hewitt’s out—1* the lasting proof of his great­ cried. “He may stop in town till cided, fairly ill-treated her, a lady, and come into your assembly a man w ith water, to Its great depth, or to !>oth doomsday, for aught I care.” that fear* no man ’s challenge, ami | row money, asking that it might oe proi»oH«*d missionary corn-restaurant depth and hlackishness, the lake never ness aud the final seal of Ills success. she would not tolerate rudeness. Hhe | never miiMo*aible chance to visit that wcaretli the guy clothing, and strated with by his relatives, he would j vorite dish polrnta, is a sort of thick into the hands of Russia, is tbe second she thought, “he will not come even her anger on him. He never Joined { thought it would lx* just as well to sw’eeping westerly winds, the Piute city in Kuropean Turkev, and is situ­ to-day.” cenimence housekeeping right away', say unto him, ‘Hit thou here in a go**! fly iuto a passion. Being unable to mush, or “pone, ” made of «*orn-meal, her. He was always civil and well- place; ’ and say to the )K>or. ‘Htand salt and water. lta!y is the only Indians fearlessly navigate it in all ated on thelienksof therlebrus, al>out A* she dressed for breakfast lie was Hhl *ut her lather thmi Kht .litterently completely. Hliortly after that period seivea, and are become Judge* of evil Mrs. Hlckx arrived from Kngland. as at home. The chestnut* are very nothing more than a single bundle of formerly surrounded by a strong wall, said. “Pefhap* he dl Jn ’t but had the table, much l«e of .n evenW He * 0 her friend, to the thoughts? ” But till* was <*on*idered large—such as we cell “Hpani*h ”che*»- tu lew, but when a raft is intended to (vvmmended by 12 towers and a citadel. train. But he had no business to lose went fi»hlnit by .unriiw. rode on borne I » «■>«"* •» “ certain church at a given Mr. Lord i»egan to visit her frequently, j accommodate more than one person two impertinent, and two of the trunteeenf Hi* relatives learned of this, and sent nute —aud exceedingly nutritious* These are now in ruins, hut new and the train,” she added crc**ly. "Per­ back half the day. and at night a»ked j h<,ur - °/ «*'«[»«. there wee a big the Church of Heaven seized the Apos ­ they are not only masted, but ground or three bundles are laeiied together strong fortifications have been since haps he was ill; perbajta some w oman the gentlemen up to hi* chamber: the t'loluding the angry father, her a notice, the character of which and drawn into the shape of a clumsy tle Janie* by the collar of the rot**, and cannot be ascertained. Mr. Day, of into flour when dry, and larked a* built. Its streets are narrow ’ and had asked him to remain. Well, If so, lad lea. Hitting lonely In the parlor, I * “ l>ret»red to Mrbld the bane inarched him off to the fastness of the cakes. In Corsica they are a more Im- boat. Near shore they generally |m>U crooked. Population estimated at I don ’t rare,” she said. “He shall see heard through the o|ien windows, | * 11 1 H, ',1'K’* 11 • >Jeanwhlle the the law firm of Ix>rd, Day A I/ord, was these eraftaliout, but they freu,Jtt lady and her adored W iblaiu ties to take charge of him until next ct, chestnuts are called “Corsicaii hoist a nail made of blanket, and fear­ mosques, the most famous of which is piqued, when becomes." sung. It was getting maddening. another church and w ere action they should take In his case,and E dav. he counseled delay la*fore tieginning bread.” lessly steer away so far out tipou the »hat of Hellm II, said to lie the finest Still, a« the day wore on, Madge *l«tlv marfted, and tu. they left the There was now* hut one more case to I am quite sure that all Americans lake that only their sail remain* visi­ modem temple in the world. It ha* found the ladies of the «*<»mf>aiiy pro ­ up on a sofa and looked at the matter ! remarked that where public proceedings, believing he could ble. These lule ImaU very closely re­ l»e disposed of. He seemed weary, as induce the old gentleman to sign a ; who have lived for some time In Ilalyt au arsenal and niauy ba/air*. Among voking and the gentlemen more unin- f*»riou*ly. Hh* must outgeneral him. | wm* • " bl there was a way. if he ha«l walked a great ways, and will unite with me in heartily liking semble the catamarans used by the na ­ tlx**? is the bazaar All Pasha, 900 feel tereatrng than ever. Mechanically, Hut how ? Hhe bad tried hauteur,and A* a funeral cortege w as making it* |s*wer of attorney and allow the bank leaned up agaiiivt the wall. And accounts to !>e placed In the names of the Italian people. Oppr essed as their tives of some of the islands of the long, built of red and white brick*, toward evening, she donued the same it had signally failed. Now she would W5|X along the crowded street, the when he was ask ed whether he wished have beeu for centuries, and degraded, South Pacific. They are so buoyatit placed Alternately. The citv has ex ­ toilet as on the night previous, and 1 try a dash of "giving in, ” even though 1 other day, a bootblack called to a coin- two of his sons. Mr. Lord, Hr., resisted t* purchase, he said: “No; I had not all persuasions for a long time, but in seme n**|>ect*, through tbe opera ­ that It 1* impossible to siuk them. tensive manufacture* of silk, woolen took a circuitous route through the it hurt her todoso, Hhe would plant j panion, "Hey. Jack, what big gun Is on earth where to lay uiy head. I was tion of iuflueurea twyond their con ­ Far out in the lake among Islands and cotton goods. It export* wmd, garden, that none might be cognizant finally agreed to sign the power of at­ herself on the old footing. j ” ’Taln ’t no rich folks,” horn In a manger that did not belong torney and allow hia sops to control trol, they nevertheless p ossess a strong they set tliefr long lines, strung fo’l V>f flax, leather, opium and attar of rose*. of her movements. Emerging out of Just then Lyudhurst stepped Into replied Jack a* he hs>ked down the to me and was buried In a Imrrowed recu |>eratlve power. They have never hook*. These they visit ou their raft* It Is tbe residence of the governor- sight, ahe at ruck at night for flic wood- the room, cautiously at first, as If fear-! street. “ '1 ain ’t bey ! Well, just look hi* business. The final arrangements sepulchre, and I am consequently In were to have hecn made early In the lost their moral liasis, and only need and sometime* bring in not less than geiieral of the Vkllajst Kdrench, and path ; and here we Und tier again lis­ ing her presence. Hhe immediately ! twenty-eight hacks !’r “That ’s foil *yni|tathy with people whom you tbe education best adapted to their 300 pounds of trout at one trip. The of a Greek bishop. tening for the roar of the train, not ­ “ what I was lookiug at—that ’s how I >rc*«-nt month. On the morning of rose to meet him. He did not start, but have abut out. Ye refuse the benedic ­ Monday last Mr. l>ay spoke to tba old temperament, to become a vigorous and trout are sold at Id cents per pound withstanding all her angry vows of the looked her over from bead to foot know it s some common man. Rich tion f gave when I said ; ‘The poor ye I important nationality. A large por ­ at tbe lake, therefore it will readily be folks don't ke» r what folks saysav . but cnlletuan about them, and after he (light before. without a word. Hhe gaily said: have always with vou. ’ You w eft the house the latter went to Mr*. tion of the common people have al­ seen that fishing is a profitable buai- A Goshen widow, who brought suit Aeaiitifo!, cross, unreasonable girl I “Don ’t you think your highness Is poor folks liez big funeral processions have none such, and Felice ye cannot« r, most lost the habit of thmight. The against the Erie railway to recoi-er to deceive the public. ” Hicks’ residence, and has not since , “1 will not go to the stile,” site was overdoing tilings a trifle?" Then sbe have niv benediction. Inasmuch as publtclv appeared . late Mrs. Gould, whose devotion to the At the north or lower end of the $>,000 for the death of her husband, saying to herself, “and that will he a lost control of herself, and allowed ber Two young men, named Charles ye did It not to them, ye did not to poor children of Rome will long be lake are a dozen or more islands of while employed by the company, ha* disappointment to him. ” vexation. “Hlng to me,” she cried, alias Uidney Moore and Janies Wood, wa" With Uil* he staggered in Both b ran Him |of the Legfetatare of crmtefUlly remembered, once fold me rock of peculiar and picturesque form. been uonsutted, Judge Barnard hold ­ Hhe was somewnat unsettled, how ­ “walk with me, talk tome, do any ­ bad an altercation at Napanee on the klifutuid feint nee* towanitbe door, Kentucky have p assed a bill for a Con ­ that ber pupils learned Instantly to These are of solid rock, and are from ing that the master was not respon ­ ever, for fear ahe might he In Just the thing to obliterate this doleful Hub, In wbleh the latter received a and pMiag out, abut It ao loudly be­ vent Ion to revise the Constitution of draw, and imitate, and declaim, but ano to 400 feet in height At n dis­ sible for the safety of the servant while same predicament as on the preceding "Well, Ills* Barron,” be bad stab. Moore eeeaped. hind Hta that the jar of the gate th# tfeta It was extremely difficult to force the tance they look like Ia hfts employ. »*%£*>t IfiSwanar *1 Mi. ife * (#.

Lurvife List.—Letlor* tddrettd to Iui Iimm Directory. SS»SSLwv TilLam riiu ii Clinton Independent. |J fuHonrhif HMMd ptracm« remain IfsSka k hereby given that ail • • Bill DlllUf kite to St. John* post-ottos: BiwwA <>ofc, MtoJeonk ssins ts gin*? SL iki Mulls Wsrkj. j H. FEDEWA, Attorney audfoun- TMUMHDAr. sMJT. il, Hit. A»mt A. •otov at Law sad Solicitor la CUawry. aka, •• tka 7 Ik ifdMa * sodS iMtt, L L il fur Ik* purchase aad aal* of real mi ala.— imly sack, at • •’stock a. m on aaak of__ mid__ TW Iw4sp ew4»ut and (W !>•* TH* IT. JOHNS tpbali*. Michigan . 4*3 ad six toualhs from the date of this metis* 1* I Qum rvre U t »ubjwt*i of conekler- Hlfkway BsHsry. ____ cradii* — la which to prsssot th*D claims ! able Into rest In France. The Inventor mi r r#e Fr«M ene y«n» ** A If. E. W ALBRIDGE, Attorneys —Datod Jsauary IKk. 1C79. The Portland (Mick.) OUsrpsrsays: Hast Laa aud 4olkitors lu Chancery Coilet- JOEL CCBANSUN, Judgeu/ Probai. ill I mi that all alvle* of tvpe can be r«rs Dallwr* an* H. S. TOWNER, Proprietor.H “We loam that on ike Ittk lust., CO-OfERATIVE CO ll«ni aud Conveyancing promptly attended lo. ■ IMISN KM Ml NOTICE IT FLAYED OUT. made from glaaa cheaper auuiuucb more Robert Osborn, a partner of Dr, Will defend In criminal casre Gffi* •• lu Monger ’* durable than from the itaual tjrtw uietMl. •y.fflve Csals tSRTfi) free #f yssisf* l*Mt^ luS If or lb of ll»o Kallrimi, oi« the S(.l< u*w block, St. John. V> tbs uisdsrsigasd, having hs*n «pi- uut«d by Hutchins of Lyons, was returning from Ki>a«J. art now rood) lot l U bolUJIi | • am >11111 IK Jo% H Craasoa, Judge of Probate for the county of Olau baa been utctl Rome In toU conn- ••4 sickaafs. Thia U s rare opportunity Ctialoo. Stats of Mkhigaa. Cotumisaiotiers to re­ the east and w hile the train was taking ptlgn of 1077. a lib 'I nlee ll»*r ul 0 tne.trGEO.i*n U«.-eE. BLISS,on Main Homoeopathic*tr«et fowler. II try In the maiiufai Uire of Urge toM, water at Pewamo, Mr. Osborne got on > til l*U Office oo Mala .Iran, Fowler, It ed vs, examine sad adjust all claims and demand* your o«b county paper, ind Ik* k*tl vail, promptly attended night or against the saUto of BERNARD GA8T, dsoeos- as a eubetitute for wood, but the ullh- and w ent over town for something, ex­ Saih, Doors, Blinds, Lath, j All pruiHaalonal to, •0. do hereby give aotk* that we will meet at the eulty lu flnUhlug It ha« thus far pre­ day Piles a epeclalty , cwace of 00 year* standing Goods sold for what they are pecting to get back before the train 8UU> newspaper lo b* found anywhere Huberrtp- speedily cured. ill office of J. H. I edewa, in tbs village of Westphalia, on vented ita use to any extent, but we SklaglM sed Stataaod Lunibrr. tbs 7th day of March, 1*7*, and tbe 12tb day of started, but when he returned the train lions rwMvnl *1 Ibis office. and ail riaks of forward- INERICil INO llilllll July. 1971, at • o'clock A. M., on sack of said days, worth for cash or ready- hope that thU or touie oilier substitute had pulled out, aud he started down H.H. II. J. SPRAGUE, Physician 4 for tbs purpose of receiving and adjusting oil claims Will be found for the soft and imfinlt- the track on foot, wishing to get home lag Ik* utoiiry, *u utuiual by us tome forward, JOBBING and BUILDING M. Accoucheur, will at tend all night and day calk aad demands against said deceased ; and six month* pay. able metal uow In use. j>tAUBivi<:. A epeclalty made of Chronic tiieoaeaa (4c two from tbs dais of ibis notice is tbs Urns allowed cred­ that night. At some point between there gentlemen aad Irt ii« *er what a IoihIwuu hat can duo* f r- iupi ') ai •! •• *f»« lot ii) doors South of Bank, up stairs, 8t Mm. M4 itors la which to present their dolma for odiust- and Lyons he w as met by three tramps, ! mant -Dated January 12th. 117* Tna proposition of the Superin­ who knocked him dow n, stabbed him b« run up. rORHIT I P'T1> A (d)Ol) FKKD MILL Ilavu ou band and for aal* lh«targ*>.i and mo. R. L. A. LAWRABOK, Physician 4 JOHN 11. FEDFWA, tendent of the Poor of Kent County, to complete atock of Marble ever brought Into tht Surgeon t)4c« oo Main street, FowUr, Mkb. FRANK NOW KEK three times sud robbed him of his pock­ iiimlui . D Cummlasiouera get rid of the tramp bv killing him out­ et-book containing $<*00 In money. They oounlty, vnd ai p'i«<*e that Umfy i-ompetltlon The old year is rapidly drawing right, Is worth considering, if one can ary p. havens , m. d . two left him for dead, but a pass book in COtFFRA I I V K doors East of Poet 04c*. St. Jokae. s*r« U-ee OMHIITHATKIN* SALE.-Notice get over the first shock occasioned bv his side pocket broke the force of the SWEET'S HOTEL, ai. iwbaa. K* I. 1. 1*77. renderedM in general practlr •, Otatetrice end IHaease. Is hsrsby given that by virtue and in pursu- to a close, and what is the natural reflection that the trnmn is Aancs of license sod authority granted to me, tne un ­ blows and saved his life. URtfl) MAPI Ob, MU'II. Monuments, of Children. iXI dersigned, on the 13th day of December, A. D 1*77, In menv respects a human being. But by ths Judge of Probate of Clinton county , Michi ­ done must be done R. A. J. WIGOIN8, Physician, Sur- even when so much Is conceded to the A Wwnderffwl Dlararery. T. IV. LYON, : Prop’r. Head Stones, gan, to sell real estate belonging to John Turner, doctrine as to consider It, the trouble Is tOUN’SIIJ D■ geonend Accoucheur. Sperlaltlee bUcaeee of deceased, I will sell st public auction to the highest quickly. For the speedy cure ol (*om«utnptioii W’oui.n end Surgery. Night call, promptly attendbidder,­ on the T*K day sf Fckruarr, A. D only begun, llow, n hen and where, and all ril watts that lead to It, such as ed. Consultation hours 9 to 11 a m., 1 to I end 7 1§7S, at one o ’clock P M , st the Probate Office, in Speolal Announcement to 9 v u. Oflle over Dunn A L’pton’e, St. Johns. anu especially by whom, shall the stubborn f'ougha, neglected Colds, TV undersigned deslrt • to atiboui re to hi. pul Tablets, the village of 8t. Johns, in said county, all the right, tramp be extinguished? Who shall root and I be pubik in general, ih.l h* I* n*w the title and interest of aakl John Turner, daces***!, in The goods now on hand must Bronchitis, Asthma, pain In the side •ol* proprietor of thia well-knowu andpopalai bo- I* U ! Oranyihingln m> iiue furni.b.d at the (eir.if ^lHlt KLAXD, Law and Chan- and to the north half of ths northwest quarter of bear the expense thereof, the county and chest, dry hacking cough, tickling l»bN.iin d >le Ur ImM,vri ksa svrsdssaM iUimi yanai Agent for sale aud purcba»e of land Oflc* at resi­ MARGARET TURNER. at prices to suit cus­ of It, or the county which in responsi- the throat and lungs. I>r. Kings Now bytapwo UK Ol.I.N’S ! the trade, end rank* e*coNerdajr, and tb*r. ------„ l.farn_ iu. ■■ 'or ih. i uMIFIiTfliTsflii rj4LC.—S'otice swered before the Kent county solution in.lnr.r.t •h, u.UalPrl.. *»»<••'«'«»' , 0^^3161^5*."- tXZ£j&l ing vlecwhen*. They will And It to thrir ntcrct ENTISTRY.—The l>cst is the Cheap­ xV is hereby given that by virtue and in pursu ­ tion. Many lending physicians recom­ e.u*e. rtHMM MrM i- mamma iw wn com 1 lo do so. We can aaauro them of yooH treat­ est, and may he procured of I>s. a>! aiS ! MMg*. Hm gU ub. UKiiykallir olMl4 inly»mljr bfy)Wm I.i. tWtW. >i.ii»J» •» *» ment, whether they buy oi not, and ehall I# D dersigned, oo the Stnh day of November, A. D 1*77, mend and u»e It in their practice. The inn years, and thankful for former patronage.the See. fii^rtal, SnU pi Ska US. hu S om ., UH) Ml ' ploaard at all time, to aec you. Uememher o.r HIN for a. little money a. at any ofllce In Michigan Let those having cash to pay as a promising one.— Free rrtn*. formula from which It Is prepared Is proprietor hope, for a enutinuanee of t h* aarne. aMaU. Hurd’s Huildtng, St. Johns. by tbs Judge of Probate of Clinton county. Mkhl- Th*» room, of Sweet ’a Hotel ar. not «ic*llrd by work I. all finished upi d done accord it ty to , to sell real estate belonging to Lewis Gardner. A Registered Letter. lighly recommended by all medical any public hou.e m the State, the tables ere .ap­ tiff: oi i» nn u tvtts contrurt. W e do n I aril ) ou a flvr 8TOL Attorney at Law’, Saint Crosed, 1 will sell at public au< tion to the highest for goods call early and ournal*. The clergy and the press plied wilb ell ibr merk.teaflord, ind eerefslat* , feet iNiiNMinriil and delltrr you a Jm.A j„h81 i-e in Bank Block, south door, 2«1 bidder on the ffdtli day sf January* A What distinguishes a registered from inve complimented In the most fow­ tontlon ie given by all employer. 3 H feel one, neither hatr wr had floor. D. 1*7*, at one o'clock P M , at the dwelling nouse secure bargains that any other is a question very often any atone refused for uuni of not on the premise* hereinafter dvwnM, all the right, ling terms. Go to your druggist and Hoping toreeelve .liberal patronage from lb. belnx gaod work and arrerdlng title and intcreat of said Lewis Gardener, deceased, asked. The difference is that a regis­ traveling public .wHehwill be duly appreciated by RELIABLE ta rantracl. Hut a wurd totho wlec li.uffl NTHOXY COOK, Attorney A Coun­ in and lo the west half of tbe south three-fourths of will make them get a trial bottle free of cost or a regu­ the proprietor. T. If. f.YOX. tered letter does not go into the mail lar size for $1.00. For sale by M. I>. jetent. Keinemh*-! the place.In 4 selor st la* sun. Office at his restdeno* oa thirty (SO' acres of land, more or leas —Dated De­ balance of this year. through whose hands it passes being W'alkerL street, East of Clinton Avenue, rtf. Johns. cember 6th, 1S77. Accidentally Shot .—One day last WILLIAM PATRICK, required to sign a receipt for It on re- j week a young man named Peter Leh­ Meat Market Opposite Tost Ofllrr, Calls promptly attended to. reiving It, ami securing a receipt for it Administrator with the will annexed of the eatate mann living with Ills parents near the tom; amd all : i a. of Lewis Gardner, deceased. on passing it over to the next in trail- 1 <»» M. JOHNS. Wm. BE8LEY, Prop’r. PAULDING A < RANSON, Attor- village of Westphalia, took his rifle aud S ney» sad l St La* and Solirltor* in dministrator ** sale .- Notice Let us be wise and set our sit. The person holding the last re-j went out to shoot rabbits. In getting II. S. TOWNER, Prop ’r. Chancery, St. Johut, ciiutou couuty. | is hereby given that by virtue and in pursu ­ ceint is thus always able to show Mho tit. Johns, Mm V>tti.li74 4f*tf O. L SPAt I.DIXO. »■ H. CBANOOS anceA of license and authority granted to tne tbe houses in order and enter upon over a log or lu some such manner, the BiiildinK Hot North ol Bank. undersigned, on the 10th day of January, A. D. is accountable for the loss. The re­ was discharged, the ball enter­ Will in the future, ms in l he past, b found will sponsibility rests upon I be man who tlockt*<1Sits ini with«uu a«s (reali f c \ i varietyvisiiv -tj ofT jOllNt* as under Office, In St. Johns. In said county, (subjact to tbe shoulder. Dr. Dellonbaugh of this vil ­ > OOIJIO WEST. body else for it. The safest wav to send lage was called, w ho advised the am­ The under-igued having been appointed agent* dower interest therein of Wilbelmina Fink, as wid­ money is by money-order. Where it of the Through Freight st 2:05 s. m ow of deceased, and to all other incumbrance* there ­ putation of the arm at once, but the MEATS, Mixed at 0:10 a. m , fur Grand Rapid* only. on,) all the right, title and interest of said deceased does not go to a money-order office It boy and the parents refused to have It POULTRY (i|icl GAME, Night Lxpn-M, with sleeping car, st 3:77 s. in. for In end to tbs following described land, via: Com­ should always be sent in u registered taken ofl\ On Saturday last, however, Equitably Trust Company, Grand Raimi* and (.rand Haven, mencing four (4) rods north and ten (UL rods west In their season*. Try <*ur Gibbs House. Mail at $.30 n m. for <.rami Haven 1 of ths northeast corner of block 117 in the village As Yve never entered upon one package. Money ought not to be sent the wound was so much worse that it Grand Rapid* Express at 9 VS p m In an ordinary letter under anv cir­ OF NKW I/ IN DON, ; of £t. Johns, Clinton county. Michigan, running SMOKED ham *, corned beef, iiead - Mixed, fur tirsud Haven, Mondays only, 3.03 a ui. thence north eight rods, tnence west filly ISO) cumstances. There Is no jK>s-*ibie way was thought l>e*t to have It taken off. before. Enter upon it with a and I>r«. Dillenhaugh and Lee, assisted CHEF>*E. HACSAC.E in rase or bulk. B«»- Are prepared to make loans on iiuprov««t Farm Thla house, which ia conveniently and centrally OOlfO EAST feet, thence south eight (8) rods, thence east fifty of “tracking” such a letter. Ljm«NA. SPICED ROLLED BACON, Property, in thia and adjoining counties for terms located In ihe business part of Ht. Julius, has been Detroit Lai>reas M0» ui. 50j feet to tb« place of beginning. —Dated January determination to carry out the I by Dr. Harris, of Westphalia, per­ of A vs year- st reduced rates W’s have at our com­ leased by tbe undersigned, end having been thor­ Mali at 1:15 p. m. for Detroit. 17th, 187* JEREMIAH MANDIGO, lapsrisst t* bsldlers. formed the operation, severing the SAl'SAUE CA*I!<08 furnished mand also large supplies of other Fa.«trrn fumis for oughly renovated and repaired, ia now ready for Mixed at 5.40 p. m for Owoaso. Administrator of tbe Eatate of Casper Fink, principle of ready-pay, with a (something tie* Night Express at 7:02 p nt. for Detroit, Deceased. The undersignetl dekirt*!* to jail alien- J arm just below the shoulder.— Portland to the trade. loaning oo Fsnu Property in suciroit, during llit* in out* Mo>pat Evejonm , Jan 2*. 1*7* % nil m Ism ««ri4. S*MPt.s w*«c« raas to Awm supply the wants of putrens. we solicit a liberal ifftng to Burtls H Beers, de­ v , J)|Jasss — a. cocLTsa a co . obkm» 1m, ___ •hare of the public patronage. COX* EOT ION a : ceased, 1 will sell at public auction to the highest of August, 1S61, to the fact, that o) I hi r»«rd met, pursuant U>sdjouromvtit,and Brazilian At Detroit, with Canada Southern, Great Western bidder, on the 31a* dajr of Jannart, What Then? Joint llesolution No. 5, of the *t *sion ««lled to order by tbe President. and oraud Trunk Rail*ays fur all points Last, and A. D. 187*, at 2 o'clock P M at the Probate Office of 1877, amending Joint Resolution No. | BrilUant LEW. GRISWOLD. Michigan Central and Michigan Southern lU.lwars. in ths village of St. Johns, all tbe right title and Hull eslled-—Present Trustees Hoffman IMton Px»*cQgt-r» for Great Western Railway go on the interest of saki burtls 11 Beers, deceased, in and to 37, of tlie seasioii of 1h7.">i the Boord of latun. Nkhok, Henderson and Goodyear. When Vou Want Favorites ( dt. Johns, Aug 14,1077. Company's Ferry steamer st D A M It K Dock at Why, in 1879 we will be pre ­ the following described pieces or parcels of land, State Auditor* were authorized and The minutes of the last meeting were read aud *:35 and 12 20 a. m. and ti:33 p. tu. vlx The undivided half of the south half of section pared for the golden eagle* BrautifyiNi' Viondrrs sf (hr 4s;e. J R CALLAWAY, sevenen v(7) i ; Iniu townshipiuw u.uijj KTru|iiH'jnuuiseven (7/ north of rangersurr outone ; * i , "11/1 1 . « empowered, to audit and pay all claims approved. TO BUY Gvucral Superintendent. for service* rendered at that time, by Ask )«ur Srnler f«t them. (1) west, in Clinton county.county, Michigan.Michigan Also, the thttt Will tlOOd OUT COUntrV, and • EEVOTATI05 OF CI.AIM* Sold in Si Johns by l)r- Race 473 3m Tn< 'Max Bcomly , Agent, 8t. John* eastt half of the northeast quarter orof section thirty-thirty ... . " . said non-commissioned officers and The following oeeuuuts were presented sihI reter- two (32* in township six ‘V north of range three then will come to pass the musicians. (S) said county of Clinton All the above red to the Committee on Claims. *it WATKINS & HIDDEN, A CURE land will be told subject to the dower Interest there- promise made lon<: ago that That to facilitate the payment of the A 00 HI V I \TIL lOI H %% E ARCHITECTS \0R NO PAY. SARAH K BEERS. the Seeretaay of State, to a^bt -ncii DOVT the only route through Canada C. Kipp A Co...... SO IS Administratrix of the estate of Burtls H hen, claimants In making their proof of SEEN Ml STOCK. AWU The fairest offer on any medicine it now mad*- on UNDER A M ERIC A N MANAGEMENT. have a long silken purse, thro ’ or aTAMOtsa c (»mmittee» dsccaasd service. II PEN IN TEN DENTS, : Dr, H A Smith's Cough Syrup Every bottle is sold „ the interstices of which the The < ummitlve on Claim* repotted bm k to the Mu*. I, 7 and I, Mcf'.wan Building. Centre St , | under a positive guarantee, that if vou are not cured Short and Quick Line to the V )HOR.I'l i: OHOK DLR.DI K. —StateMate of Michigan,M, higs . .. . ,, ... , These blank- will be sent,on request, j J or benefitted wh« n two-thirds of tne contents have H<>an! all of the foregoing occuaaU, with tbe mom- ltftv City, East, via Buffalo and A county of Clinton, as. At a seasiou of the Pro­ “yellow boys will gutter and to any person, asking for them, whose nteudation that they he allowed In full; : been used, as directed, and for the dlwtsv for which bate Court for the county of Clinton, hoklcn at the name* appears upon the Adjutant Gen­ ! it l* ra Ul,.- Probate Office, in the village of £t. John*, on Satur­ Which report was accepted and adopted. | purchased the medicine, wtl^ in case the bottle is Niagara Falls. shine. “So mute it be. ” Long eral's lists of the above named Regi- ! UNDERTAKING day. tbe 12th day of January, iu the year one On motion the resolution offered by Mr lloflfaiao j returned twonbirds empty, promptly refund the thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight. Pres­ ment», and entitled to such pay ; which > | money paid for it. It u a sure rare for diseases of Direct connections mads aC Detroit and Toledo, mav they wave. st the last meeting of the Board, ww again laid up PERRIN HOUSE. with ail Western and Northern Railroads. ent, Joel II. CrkDson. Judge of Probate. In the mat­ IlsU have been made and tiled in tbe A SPECIALTY. I the Lungs. Throat and Cheat, such as Coughs, Colds, ter of the estate of JOHN WORDEN, deceased, on the table. ST. JOHNS, MICH. i Tickling in the Throat, H osrMDrW, Asthma, Guin- Connections made nt Buffab and Niagara Falls George W Scott, administrator of said estate State Department. On motion the Committee on Streets were direct­ 1 shall always keep on hand • fuii stork of i ay, Bronchitis. 4 roup, and Whoopingcough. Wast- with New Tork Central and Erie having made application for tbe examination and Yours, respectfully, The undersigned request* all persons COFFINS.CASKETS, Ae.,and a iiiif of tha 1 le»h, attended wnh Night Sweats, U Railways. allowance of bis final administration account. ed to investigate the matter of pun.hating land for speedily contmiled bv It. Incipient Consumption, seeing this notice, who are entitled to j the extension of Buchanan street, and report at the Theabovs houfeia being refitted, refurnished Thereupon it D ordered, that Thursday, the 7th pay as above, to w rite to tbe Secretary | and repaired, and will be kept m a flr«t-cla»* i and patients in the advanced state of Consumption, Wagner Sleeping and Parlor Cars day of February. 1ST*, at 9 o ’clock in the forenoon, D. C. HURD. next meeting of the Board, GOOD HEARSE buu«e. Good Sample Room*. Ortinibn* to and receive Immediate relief from its use. Remember be aaaigned for tbe examination and allowance of of State, stating what regiment they j On motiou the Committee on lire and Water from all train*. I we do not tell you this ia the seventh wonder of the On all train* to Principal Poln'a East. •aid account, at the Probate Office, in the village of belongedto. They will receive prompt j To wad a * Funeral* He pa IrIn ff * A r . done j world ; but we do tell you that in using it you will St. Johns. St. .lohns. Dec. 4, 1877. were suthorired lo purchase 10b keys for the krt- l« order. E. H. PEI K» Prsp'r. j find much pleasure, coupled with the assurance that I’ve Detroit, arr. Buffalo. attention. There is no need of consult-1 And it ift further ordered, that notice be given of ginc House, to be dfotrlbut’-d among the member- ' you will either be benefitted or have Tour money •Atlantic L*pr«-s* ...... 3 90 x. a . 1:20 r M the tune and place of examining aud allow tng said P. S.—The promise is to the Ing claim agents or attorneys. The of the Fire Companies. E. MERRITT. runii y ATCrCH i3MH»h-4 • refunded, fold hy Druggists at Wr Three bottles •K**t Day...... ltuu M. .... 810 account, by causing a copy of this order to ba pab- .* r**e withe\eryorder. (Hit- j sent, express oak!, to any place cast of the Mississ­ IN. Y.* Boston...... lllOr.M . . .. 7:39 *. M lDhed in thep Clinton Independent, a newspaper priUient ftllU Wise, and tO tllOSe amouuts due them are small at best,! It. Job ns, Dee. |S7*. 53b b*2 W"v Woi free. J B Ga*lord A to . Chicago, liL On motion tbe B<«rd adjourned a ippi river, in V. 8 on receipt t,f fj.OH. arr. Detroit. I’ve Bufltio printed sod circulated in said county of Clinton, for » . and may be received direct from the J. II. COLLINS Village 4 lerk. De B A P'Mnil Jk ro, Pr«*p'r» Erie. Pa. rdt.Louit Express, . * Oft r. a .. • 90 ft - M three succeeaive werk* previouv to said day of hear- who pftVftS th6V gO. State Department, by following the (Chicago 9 40* M.. .. )2 30 ft x instructions hero given. Ujionappll-, Real Estate Traaaartisiift. I THE GHEAT ENGLISH REMEDY ! •Pacific 0 44 P. M.. ,,..12 30 t. u JOEL II. 1 RANflON, Judge of Probate. I re Delroil. art. Toledo. (A true copy.) cation, If the claimant's name api»ears The lollotving are the transactions in SEAT'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE frit. Louis Express ...... S ift * ■*. . lOftOft M upon the proper lists, blank* w ill be real estate a* appear upon the record- ! ’Toledo k Fayette m 910 r m TRADE MARK. TPADE MA.RK. . S ftor. .. ROBATE UHlillH State of Michigan sent at once, w hich the claimant w ill in the Register’* office, for one week, commcnetroit. I’vs Fayette of the estate of EDITH B1XBY*. a minor whose regular session* are held on the 300. low as a sequent (Main Line Express t:fft*.a.., ... 6:*) * a On reading and filing the petition, duly verified, last Wednesday of each month. John L-hinau to (Ward Rad etna her s w '.of* on Self-Alma ♦ Accommodation . .. 0:45 f. X ...... 9:2ft r. M of Luella D. Blxby, (*uanlian of «ald minor, pray ­ Open and Closed wl^of aee. |S, Westphalia, S770 •Dolly: ’except (Sunday; (except Monday; 1 ing that she may be licensed to mortgage tbe real Yours. Ac., Jaroe* lane, to hsi Ii. Richard*, a piece ef Dud Before Taking After Taking. Saturday and Sunday. estate of her said ward. E. O. D., off« e corner of •« 11. Dallas, 1100. I.awitcdk , Paly ix the Bat k , Dtvxraa or Vt*. Thereupon it is ordered, thst Thursday, the 14th Sec'y of State. (»eor«re W Randell to Chi* and Harriet Dills, a . IOY, PutllATt’BR 4Jli> Ant and many other dU- TIIK CANADA SOUTHERN le one of tbe day of February, 1*78, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon, piece of land dsweri'-ed hy nice** and hound* ot» see. ‘ ease* that lead to In-xnlty. 4'on«uinf4ion ami a pre- best const meted and equipped road# on the conti ­ be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and fa. Bingbaan. 1100 J. B. SHEPARD & CO.’S nent and, its fast Increasing business ts evidence that tbe next of kin of said Ward, and all other t ; mature grave,all of which os a rule are Ant caused OIK WASHINGTON LETTLII. Peter Neibel to PhUlip llauck r Lsfatfl !, ol by deviating from the path of nature and over In ­ that It* ouperlorityoYer Its com pell tors is ark no wl- persons interested in said estate, are require*! to ; Jaw . 20—The vote on Senator Matthew's *i]ver 2 Westphalia. AW dulgence. The Specific Medicine i* the r«**ult of a edxed and spprecuted by the traveling puMle. appear at a session of said court, then to be hoklen resolution, in s Senate larking cleren votes of be- ; John Tuger to Kate ft Harnm.'on * 'juflot 2. life study and many years experience in treating Anv information sa to ticket a, connection*. at tbe Probata < dfice, in the village aa and ing full, was 43 to 22. This leaves the subject Just Muck 2, Ht John*, Aval these apectal disease* • (repine car accommodation# etc,,cheerfully given •bow cause, if any there be, why the prayer of tbe ■ where It was before. There may or may not l»e ' A. 11. Walker to A. J llamngtsn. of lot- petitioner should not be granted. CARRIAGES Full particular* in our pamphlet*, which we de­ on application tothe undersigned. enough of the eleven absentees to enaMe the silver * and 9, block 43, f*t Johns, ftod air** to aend free by mail to every one. FRANK K SHOW, And it is further ordered, thst notice be given to , men to pass tbe silver bill, when it comes up, over I/mb Fischer to Henry Haven, lota ft and *, block The Mperjflc M'-dnitie ia sold bv all Druggist* at Ocn ’IPass A Tick At'-. the persons lnterrwied in said e-tale, of tbe penden ­ Light and Heavy Wagons, tbe possible veto, but it is generally believed there 1 *. 's Addition to the villaa- of Fowler, fl.uuo i 91 per package, or six |*t koges for A'*, nr will be DETROIT cy of said petition, and tbe hearing thereof, hy , will not be. It is as well to use the word "possible" , Joatah I'pton to John Buckler, s c 1. of s w *. of scut bv mail on re«*-|pt of the money by addressing causing a copy of this order to be published in the j in speaking of a veto, for both sides soem to le con- see. 19, Victor. fTOO THE GRAY MEIH41NE CX». < lmtnn Independent, s newspaper printed and cir­ Ident of the favor of Mr Hayes That gentleman J Frank Carr to Neph-n B- Carr i>Uoi n e '. of , GREAT SACRIFICE SAL Martola* Hahh aftsahrwty aoft culated in sakd county of (Ttnton. for four sucres-| sec. 3ft, De Witt, |2Cin No. 10 MechaakV Bhwk, Dctboit , Mint. 4g. ••pahlklty. toW»*^» •ive weeks preriou* to said dav of hearing is very succesnful in concealing ideas with words l or sale ia St. John* by Dr Bagg, A. 4*. Hunt, and y44fl*r Da. C.atr-, None of the committees which were expected to | Richard Hturdrvtnt to ( baric* E I>ayton, the .OK. j by all druggist* ____ M5:ly let v tsg**a M. CVq* IU. J"EL H < RANH'S i i l*i /bate. Sleighs. Cutters, Ac. ■ eport hills soon after the reassembling of Congress j centre 20 acres of the the e of n e" of sec. OPIUMS (A true copy.) have yst done so. Contrary to sxper tation the mi- ! 27 Watertown AVM C. D. 4.11. M4MII . %.%.TH»M4M. jority in the House seem to be willitig to let theses- 1 David DsvR, by administrator, to >arah Men in. lair Register at RORATi: OK DLR.—State of Michigan, •ion drag along to ita usual length. There could be j lots 12 and 13, block 27, Ovid, $322 90. Kirwin, Kansas. MONEY TO LOAN! Fcounty of Clinton, •*. At a session of the Pro­ no worse policy than this. Every unneceoaary day | James Throop. by administrator, to Jostab Fp- bate Court for the county of Clinton holden at the of a seosjon gives opportunity for tbe thousand* of 'on. bis right, title and intcreat in ths a e ‘ t of s • CI«» la I iiaf. Money to Loan on xntncumbsredtnd >rodart!vt Probate Office, in the Village of W. Johns ou Mon ­ ALL KINDS OF ■mb who have special interests to be promoted hy i J4 of sec 19. \ id r. A'"*' 4 day the 31st day of Itoreiuber. in the year one legislatturn A b ug session means a triumph f'*r the I M R 1 rink to II M sml T K Pcirin thcnc 1, GILMORE 4 CO. rsalestate.i n sums of t»nd upw-rds. thousand eixht hundred and seventy seven. Pres­ lobby, i at this tune Democratic congressmen, ! of * eV% of tee. 17, Olive, fftl* V). Quitclaim JAMESM TlRNER. ent, Joel It. I rsusoti. Judge "f Probate In (be re pr esenting a party strengthened as much by op- Bridget and Mary Long to Patrick Long, all th-ir 6t9 F ST., UMSHItiGTO*, II. f. ftl 7 Lansinf .Mich. matter of the eatate of 084 AR H Bl’SH, ELLA J. position to tne lobby in politics as by anything else. | right, tills and interest In and to the i r < 4 of » w 1 j BUSH and ADKLBEKTT BUSH. Minors cannot afford to adopt the lobby or become tbe lob- j ’>* »ac- ft, Dallas, |S30. Quit claim H IM. I*KOSK< V Tl: BEFORK TIIK D*1 IMIRTH tTOR’N SALK.-Notice On reading and filing tbe petition, duly verififd. JQBBIXTGt hy*sasrraat. j Patrick Long to Mary. Dsrid and James I>ong. V ia hereby given that bv virtue and in pursu ­ of John O. Palmer, guardian <>f said minors, praying That Louisiana Returning Board, which made undivided 2-ft ofsw'^ofs s ' « of sec 3, I mils*, WISHING TO REDUCE OUR STOCK Gvn«'rsl Land Offirv, Office of Indian Affairs, I*»- ance of lbenae and authority granted to tne, thsthat he may he licensed to sell real e-tate belonging tha inauguration of Hayes possible, is making ex- *45* 25. Quit claim rtmvnt of th* Interior, tbs Court of (laims, and under-igord. on the :vi day of January, 187*. by to his said warda PROMPTLY DONE. traordinary efforts to escape punishment for tbe Hiram G Dixon to Edward M Hill, all that part r nitvd Stairs ftupn-nif 0«»u-t. Claims of all kinds the Judge of Probate of Clinton county, Michigan, Thereupon It la ordered. That Tburaday, the 31st fraud# they found necessary in accomplishing that j of tbe e of e %ofawk{ of sec. Si, south of the 1 arising undrr laws governing the disposal of Pub ­ to sell real estate belonging lo Aaron D. Lyon, de­ day of Januarv, 1*78, at 9 o ’clock in tbe object. They wished their case to be transferred to j premise* now occupied by rued, De Wiu, SlflO lic I^nd. or tbe adjustment of Fren< h, SnanDh and ceased, I will sell at public auction to the highest assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the U. 8. Circuitrcult Court, and when their motion to Wm. ( roAe to Hiram t. Dixon. n e of u e of ' Mrxiran Grants, or othvr Private Lana t laims.— bidder, on the I ftth day af Nlarrh, A D tbe next of kin of said wards, and all other persons that effect was overruled, they applied for a writ of 32. Watertown. 92.300 special attention given to rose* involving Title to *k 1' M . i» the Probate offi. », in Interested in said estate, are required to appear at a certiorari to that Court It is an instructive fact in t ranri* Fleweiling to Henry Soeller, n of o e ' Grant Land* and Mining Claims l.and Warrants St John*, in **id county, tbe following described session of said Court, then to be holden at the Pro­ tiases of civil arrvice reform, that these men. ouiv- fl of sec. 6, De Witt. 93 40t> and Land Scrip bought. Cosh paid for ftddicrs* Ad­ land, vix : The undivided half of tbe east half of the bate Office. In tbe Village of 8t. Johns, and show ering betweenfc tbe penitentiary and s legal quibble. Luther Rumary and Ellen L. Rumsey to John ditional Homestf'od kight*. Send «tarop for rirra- southeast quarter of section nine (9), in township cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the peti- | HORSE-SHOEING are allIi holding office under Hsye«. Rumsey. w of n w V% of sec 29, Bingham, 9ft,30d lar of instructions. Three stamp* to pay postage if eight (8) north of range three ift) weet, iu (liuton tioner should not be granted : And it is further i General Kheruau think* the Indian Cotumuwion- Phillip Houck to Petf r Haurk, e *4 of n e fl ': of you want full set of blanks and Instructions 57* county, Michigan —I»*ted January 24th, 1*7S. ordered, that notice tie given to the persons inter- : cr dismissed by Sckurx for ineompetency, s«« the sec. 2. W estphalia, 9900 OLIVER L SPAULDING, ••ted in sold estate, of tbe pendency of said petition, moat efficient ws have hod for many years In a Administrator of the estate of Aaron D. Lyon, de­ and the hearing thereof, hy causing s copy of this SPECIALTY. letter to ft hurr h« says in substance that he does Editor Independent Weetphalia ceased. order to be published in tbe Clinton Independent, • not know how the tommisaioner managed the l>eing a di-tmi*. ami rural Township *lu* newspaper printed and circulated In said County of iftrk# in the Indian office, but that In helping to MILLINERY RORATE ORDCII . — Mate of Mich Clinton for three succesolvs weeks, previous to said subdue the hostile Indians and to protect and en ­ is seldom heard from through the pres*, ‘iC —AND— county of Clinton, so. At a sesaion of the | day of hearing courage the friendly ones he was successful This except nt our biennial elections, and P1»ste Court for the county of Clinton, holden at the JOEL H. CRANSON, Judge of Prolate. la Sherman ’s joke on tbs competitive examination then there is no uncertain Mound, the Probate office, in the village of St. Johns, on Mon ­ (A true copy.) ______Csran Isnla and list* Si business, hy which a parrot that could say Indian in Ds*oHH« >1 the 21st day of January, in the year one German was given a place a bora tha mravt efficient great mau of our population came from thousand e lght hundred and seventy-eight Pies- OMTOtCE MALE. - Default having huaiuea*oo sines* mSffimen ______a land of oppreealon, to the “ land of ent, Joel H cmason, Judge of Probate. In the ALL been made in ths conditions of a certain ST. JOHNS. It k said the resignation of our Chief of Police,P tlie free and the home of the bravo” matter of thethe estate. of JAMES THROOP, Deceaaed ®ori|mortgage dated October 21st, 1*71, executed by Sam­ Mayor Richard*, mean* fuller development*IfiH tiiaij MRS. RISSKI L A STEEL. F. Byron Cutler administrator of said estate, hav ­ uel Reed to Cyrus Msttiaon, aud recorded October wenav* bod concerningcooe'erntng the great safe#afe burburglary and they present a solid front to the ing made application for ths examination and al­ 21st, 1971, at one o'clock p. m , io the office of tbe May 23d. 1*77. ftft2:tf It has been sought to connect ex-Pre«ulent arUtocrnt* nnd confederated ring- of Having leased the rooms over L. 8. Reed A Co. ’s low once of his final administration account. Register of De*.ds for Clinton county, Michigan, in Grant, through (*en Babcock of his household, and America. .Store, would announi'e to their friends and the pub ­ Thereupon it is ordered, that Thursday the I4tb Liber 23 of Mortgage*, on page ft*4 ; which mortgage exdiovernor Shepherd, through his brother and lic generally, thst they are In every way prepared day of February, 1*7*. at t o ’clock in tbe forenoon, was duly assigned October 3lst, 1871, by aakl Cyrus hla friend*, with this most mysterious affair. It They feel sore over the great steal of AND OTHER HEAVY to ao Dress and C'Iam K VI ak I it a , and to be assigned for the examination and allowance of Msttiaon to Marvin Babcock by a written assign- j has be en ths general opinion that Mg)or Richards the age (the federal Government), but •uppiv all style* of .*■ 1111 n wr jr baod % to the the said account, at the Probate Office, in the vil­ orient which was recorded November 1st. 1*71 st 9 ! knew osors of It than any other innocent person, the people who sfeefed the President re­ most fastidious. Hats ro-4rimmed and done over in lage of St. Johns. o'clock, a m . In the office of the Register of Deeds | aad that whenever he was relieved from ths cares the most satisfactory manner. And it is further ordered, that notice be riven of aforesaid, in Libsr 21 of Mortgage* i.used for assign- •f tffiei be wouM give to tbe world his knowl- tain the local governmenta nnd have St Johns. Nov. 24th. 1*77 3S0 the time and place of examining and allowing said menu of mortgages t, on page *H7 ; on brought order out of chaoa, peace out account by causing a copy of tnD order to be pub ­ which mortgage there Is claimed to be due at the are coming la from all parts of the of wrangling, and proaperltr out of IKHLWArKU lished In tbe Clinton Independent, a newspaper date of thia notice Six hundred and sixty-five Dol- i aouatir against aay change In the tax on liquor riutod and circulated In said county of Clinton, lars. besides an Attorney fee of twenty dollars Rip- j FU aad tob acco The amount of the tax when ones ew- destruction. Like the boy who I* WINTER GOODS ree successive weeks previous to said day ot mortgage to be paid should say pro- tabUohed. lo not of murk importance, but It Is very knocked down by his fellow, we ahake IICAL & SURGICAL INSTITUTE. IBShearing. JOEL 11 CRANSON. ceedingt be taken to fo no suit or proceeding at law or iu chancery having ItopactftBt lo nroducers and manufacturers that our flfttn at the enemy and say you can't established iftST and Chartered hr the State Legislatwrs [A true >py. Judge oi Probate Ladies’ and Children's Furs at taxes whan they bars been fixed and trade and To mnkp room for the large Spring stock, which we intend | C gillall Private andsad Chroma been inotitated to recover any part of the debt se­ production hues be coma adapted to them, should do It again. But 1 see our ex-Govern- ta this ear* Ju« pubusheft, cured by said mortgage, auw therefore by virtue of f)ROBm: ORDER. *tateof Mi.^bljran. tbe power of sale in said mortgage contained and of remain uadMturbod One firm in New York counts or who has lately been to Washington, putting in, we will offer ‘ THE SILENT FAIENDI" , A county of Ulinton. so At r seusion of the Pro­ GREATLY REDICED PRICES, •to haa at aaarly half a million dollars if tbe tax A law fbr th* young and the statute in each case made and provided notice tobacco is reduced as proposed in announces that a Republican victory for , B h- ur Legislators, seeing how much 1S80, Is already well aaatired. We may Mils private Natiurs, ansi at from Probate office, in the village of H. Johns, on Fri­ rfifiry. 1S7S, at one o ’clock in the afternoon, 1 w Bar Iff AbuMS or Ini day. the lith day of January, In the year one at the west front door of the Court House for Clin- I i anoa fixedness in this comparatively small well exclaim, what plot ia concocted Weak mm, and Loss ot Mat.hwud, aiaf. I.U' gS matter of the estate of LCCiNDA F1TZ, L>eesaaed the highest bidder the premit*-* in said mortgage J. HICKS A CO’S iparr. ri'e*.rtWu'ajhe •*>»- On noding and filing the petition, duly verified. i. woman aad child ia tne country lo in- time to again cheat the people out of argv p*|* ae in a year, «r ore not to resume, let os But even now the Deinocrata do not sf med <«: ffrsrtto In their tnaiuut. Thereupon It la ordered, that Thursday, the 14th and Two in Block Twenty, in ths village of Maple ■argffian ’s •■rlftm Isphyrt, S«r*D Don ’t waste tiase la sasschss that convert nee Met*. Address Attending Pfivslrtar', day of February, 1S7S, at 9 o ’clock ia tbe forenoon, Rapid*, in CUnton County, Michigan, according to mmmtmmm lars, Cardbanrfi, C* complain of “hla fraudulency ’’ oa much lie assigned for the bearing of said petition nt the wm*, Matiaes, etc., *| tfo* Lew Dow*t interpose u a important sabieruef Ms. 489 Wafter at.. ,WH *bs recorded plat of said village —Dated NoveinWr •at _ rr time on them Let •• as the Republicans. They make use of Probate often, in the village of St. Johns. 21st, 1S77 MARVIN BABCOCK Amigoee rrlc««, mi J.Mlcli* A €•**. have a settieosent of the whole quest km Dow such wild epetheta as “ old toady,** And It is further ordered, that notice be given to Pxxxt.vs A BaLDWfff, Att’ys fbr Assignee Great chance to make money the persons interested In said estate of the pendency “traitor.” “perjurer,” “secesslonl If yon can ’t get gold you can get of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by caus­ Bargains in Dress Goods, and such mild language as they are greenback* Ws need a person ing a copy of______this order______to be _pnoliahed In ths (Un- —Bv at; JUST THINK OF IT! __ _in«very town to t*kc at.'., r.{> too Independent, • newspaper prionprinted end rlrrw- fieri fhclas issued out and under seal of ths miliar with, while the Democrats are GQLPJargest, ehespest and bast Illustrated AT J HICK.* A 00*8 LOCAL MATTER8. Isted in said county of (Clinton Unton for ththree successive renftt Court for t^ inton. and ftats of i willing to give him credit for what he fWmily publication In the world Anv one can be ­ sMkhigan, to me d Ivered. against the weeks previous to said dav of bearing does right, and for s great deal of hon­ *5 00 come a suerearfvl agaut. The most elegant works JOEL H. CHANSON, Judge of Probate >ds and r hat tire roents of Matthe* —Tbs best 6c. Cigar st the Star Grc- An Overcoat for •3 00 worth of art (Inn free to euhacrlbere. The pries I* so esty of purpose. I have Just been tnlk- (A tree ropy ,) Coif, I did on t November. A. D. Ladies’ aid 08 nr. Try them. An Overcoat fur 4 00 worth 6 00 low that almost everybody subscribes. Ous agent P1S77. levy upon an ight, title an«i In ­ 1 Uiderwear, [ Ing politics and had a 1 moat forgotten reports malting over lifts tr * week. A lady agent Great of said Matt in and to the fol- VICHY CHEAP, what I meant to say of Westphalia. reports taking over 460 enbsrrlhers In ten days.— nROBATi: ORDER. State of Michigan,Mkb lowing real eatate ind ftate of Mkh- —Bay tbs White Shuttle Sewing An Overcoat for 4 50 wortli 50 All who engage make make money fast. You eon JL countyaty of diatoa,Clinton, as At s session of the Pro- Igan. io-wH: The ter of the south- The mud has been so deep and con­ bate Coart for the county of Clinton, holden at the AT J HICKS A COS Machine. Reynold * St Long , An Overcoat for o 00 w’orth 00 devote all year time lo tbs bust sees, or only your weat quarter of set i township five (f) Osn*l AgT«. tinuous this winter here that It has •pare lime. You need not ho sway from home 1’robstc (Hire, in the village of §« Johns, oa Ratur- north of range on khigan. except so ' been moat a complete embargo on over night. You can do It ns well aa others Fail day the |Mh day of January, ia the year one thous ­ much of said land lie Jsrkson, Lena- , partienisra directions nnd terms Dee. Elegant and eight hundred and seventy-eight Present, ing and Hagtnaw h pa sse* through i —Good vslue for your money In rr- farmers hauling any kind of grain or and espen.lve Outfit Dee. If yoo want a prod Joel II Cranson, Judge of Probate. In the mntter a*id premiere, oil ti exprwe for sale st , other produce to market, and the BETTER COATS AT BETTER PRICES. table work send ns yoar address atonee. Address of tl»eestate of J AMIN L. TUCKER, JOHN L. auction or vendue bWMer. sa the law 1 bottle of Wright« Cough Syrup.— “The People's Joarnal,'" Portland, Maine TUCKER authat being the bn the Cireuit Court ■ty lall fired by ly a deterior»tIon In price. Marrying We Undersell all other**. thst he may hr licensed to sell real relate belonging for mid county ol I* fiaU, ) on and giving In marriage Is about the to bis sold wards •aifirdfifi II *a larrk. Thereupon It Is Ordered, that Monday, the ISth A. D. If?A at one ifterrMon of mid Tbe Kent county Jail, located at Grand only business that keeps at par. There ‘FOUNDRY day of February, 1I7S, at 9 o ’clock la the forenoon, day —ft John*, Jt I. iutpida, wm fired by tome of ita Inmatea have been eight marriage* and more walk in and take a look . tw smigned for the hearing ef said petition, and (i rjtELU ‘riieriff IT Cfllf l IMLCtMRl that the nett of kin of uid wards, end ail other be tween S sod 4 oTclock Uat Tuesdsy on the tapia at our one church this persons interested In their retries, are required ta Morning, with the hope and Ides, no winter, and twenty-one births. Onr Agricultural Works. Appear at ■ sreskm of mid Caart, then to be holden EROR4TF. Union count v, sa doubt, of efifbctlng an escape. There township ha* had about twenty-one at the Probate Office, ia the village uf St John*, and In tbe matter ’ Aaron p Lyon. rn In jnll of show cause, If any there be, wbv the prayer ef the RSSfi. Jehn L • to a creditor of tbe nt tbs time, U mile* of dltche* ktkl out the peat sea- Mill Osgrlag manufactured t« oidsr petitioner *honld not be granted. mid Jerpase d. ha* I it hi* Halm to nnaiber were be nd it and when they are constructed: And It Is further ordered, that notice be given to the Cofnatmtoner* examine and a4-j I In tks place at lt«a« K»ffl>66 and all«lnds*f Mseklnery the per*-.ns interested in arid retrire, of the penden- Just Haims having for Repaliredson ' short notice.** Ratlafaetion ni 1 CLOAKS, fififi worn than guarantee* . cr of said petition, and the J. B. Shepard St Co, log • eapy of this to to tai the CUn- wiU to ex- ws kvs a vast ton Independent, n rirruiri- SB TWiflfiir^iifo wtuJofitlfi SSSSt ^■flffijwfikfik BXOKS ft IAST0K, Proprietors ed in ...... mi mm Wl, fit • yffiSSEA. JL— Doled (Mil UOOOD Film! ■XW BLOCK.