5Th of March Closing

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5Th of March Closing rwaiM; At a MMtoa of SMtS Clinton Independent •ft tor tlMttlHIl)the »iy of Cliatou liuMti at tkt QMae,I la L_ village of ft Job tit. on Tuaw <laf, tka »tb day of January , la the year oaa (omciAi. r*m of m oowrr.) •aaaaad right buadnd and Nvtaijokltt Proa- aaL Jaal K Craaaoa, Judge of Probate la the *"ry ■utter of the aetata or NATHAN AttH, Da Oa liny and filing tl>« nrttllkon, dole Verified, of Oltifd Aab, prarln# that • u iuslrutuebl det­ Pwiy A«a of CUbim Cvoaty I *d HapUmbor Zfith IS77, u er ba proved aad adnlt- 1 ttd In probtU at lb* last * 111 aad taeteuiaDt of said «l*c*a**d OORBIT & ESTES, Thereupon U u ordered. tbal Thursday. lb* fist day of February, ls7f, at I o’clock in tb« rorenom, The Clinton Independent. bo uoifbud tor ib« hearing of aaid petition, ana iNat th« boin at law aad legato** TERMS. I sad all otbor persons luiorvoud in Mid will, aro re- iMiudtag uooUgf, $1 SV la advsaoo. tor papoco I U sppoat at a Motion of aaid Cotirt, then to Mat oat oc tao county, aad |1M) fur timer In Use bo boiden ai tb# Probate Office, in tb* villi#* of Hl tip. Jobna, and obow cauM, If any tboro bo, wby tb* All wot lore tor pufcllcathM Beat be la head will should not bo approved morula# to lueura pubUcattoa tb« YOL. XII—NO. 17. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1878. WHOLE NO. 589. And it la further ordered, that notice bo glvrn to ““ persons Intonated in Mid ootito, of tb* pt-uden- cyo r the bearing th*r*of. by ciooia# ■ ropy of ibi* orderit to b* published In tb* riluton Iodep^Ddmt, a oovapaper printed and circulated In aaid'eounty uf Died .—Nathan Ash, au old resident THE rABMKKS* IKITITITE. meet the w ants of this state; third, the i MTHlEXTIltU FACTS, Asu and Oak Loos Wanted .—1 w ill MA1IH1ED. (linton, for three aucccMir* week* prevloue to aaid HOME MATTERS. of this county, and for eight years a general government might take bold ! am not Kujllg to leave j0|lligt pay in cash from $4 to $9 per thousand, day of hMiine LLE llOUuMh.-lu at. JoLuo, Jan. 24ih, i*7S, JOEL O CBANSON. Judf* of Probate resident ot tids tow nship, and for the of the matter, and have one large but will sell yood* as low a* any other .according to quality and length, for (A true copy j THANKS. The Institute opened on Thursday 300,000 feet of ifdi and oak log* deliver ­ at tb* miJroot vf Mr. I.***I Hrvwn, by L>v, T. U Ta ladle* of the L'mou Charitable Society « uh to last eight or nine years a resident of evening under favorable auspices. R. school, under the direction of the de-j bouse. Come and see for yourselves. Cary. Mr. In4. W L*e a ait Ml*t Marla Hulconb return tbaohe to the proprleion of Opera Hall for Riley township, died on Saturday, Jan. G. Ball'd, Secretary of the State Board partiueiit of Agriculture. At the close ■ y| y Blown. ed ut my mill. C. W. Lyon . KINNEY OAYLOFD.-In i*. Jobua, Jan *4th. ASHINGTON the fro* ue* of their ball for the vowrtalutoent lluli instunt, in his 79th year, lie hud of tlie essay, Mr. J. N. Smith offered 1 hi l Bengal, Jan. 11th, 1878. 507 3 w* 1S7S. by K '* T. II Cary, Mr. Edvard K Inner to 1 een by the eorlety laat Saturday evening ; also, to | of Agriculture, w as present, as alto the.i - *following ii t...Li resolution, w hich was.| J*U ukhy : ,_\\. lav will men *uioke«, , common„ Mlv* Mary A. G’tfl >id, Doth ofGrwnbnih IIALL. bemi a very Industrious man, (a black* President Abbot and Profesaors Beal, ad > tod - * tobacco, when they esn buy Marburg Bros. W * Stria# Band for their gratuitous service# eo free- S tloaded, which were highly appreciated. smith by trade) and It Is thought hard Notic* to Debtors—Last Call. ly eat lngei soil, and H. F. Kedzie, of the Ag­ Resolved , that tbit institute earnestly recoin- Seol of AorfA Oiro/iss, at the same price? Having virtually become a non-resident BY ORDER OF COM work shortened Ids hold oi» lit© very ricultural College. The opening ser­ mend to the proper authorities the establishment of* —French sells the Standard Olifail ^U-PtltTM ItMIII' (STICK. -Tb* | materially. chair of vetrinarv science iu connection wlib the . , .. rnmnanelD oton w hlid. are of the village of Kt. Johns, I am now only undersign*! having entered lulu a co-partner- vice* consisted of prayer by President A#ncultural College of this Mat* at the earliest \ ampaiieila *tOp, wnltli are temporarily remaining in Clinton county ahip, under tb« firm name and Myl* of Bocra A At Colnu’s Hotel, A feed Farm •C ISO acr*e for eale Abbot, followed by a song, •’The practicable date really soul charming. ________ for the purpose of collecting all sums due Ealer, for the purpuee of doing a general Real Eatate or exchaaie for a taaller oni.- Anniversary Entertainment .—1'I he Fanner ’s Home,” by h quartette under Addreee boa ft, Jehnt, Hou. E. V. Chase, w ho was on the me countlee, would respectfully announce to Red Ribbon Club will celebrate the the direction of 51 r. W. H. Watts. R. —Fresh Lemons, Oranges and Nut* on mortgages, notes, etc. All parlies alfiu1?SS Friday Evening, February 22, 1878 —A detlrsable home and barn to rent. programme for an address on the so indebited to rne must call and settle with friend* and patron* that we are prepared to bay and - . tii -i anniversary of tlielr organization, M. Steele, President of the County ut Isbell, Reynolds A Long ’s. acll land, furnish abatracta of titlea In Clinton and I “Benefit of Agriculturrul Societies,” ine immediately, or osla will neeeiuarily be Must: by Richmond ’s Band Enquire at the Star Grocery. at tlielr rooms to-morrow (Friday) eve­ Agricultural Society, addressed a few —Messrs. Sutfiu A Isbell have opened Gratiot counties, loan money on Unproved farms, —4 good Cigars for 10c. at the Star ning. The entertainment will consist could not be present, but sent bis man ­ made. Wm. F. Moore . and write insurance in the boat of CompanlM at Bill t? F COLEMAN. Prop ’r. Grocery. words of welcome to those present, uscript, which was read by Hon. Cort­ an establishment for the sale of fionr St. Johns, Jan. 17, 1878. [34:2w. live and let live rates.—3t. Johns. Jan tt. 1878. I of music, short speeches and a sump ­ lion. R. E. Trowbridge, who was the land biu. and feed, and for the purchase and sale 9. E. BEERb, —New stock of Ladlca* and Gent ’# tuous supper ; for all of w hich the mod­ first speaker numetl oil tlie published W’ J ESLER ! Gold Chains at Emmons ’. Pi ices down. Prof. B«ul delivered a lecture on of all kinds of grain in the building sec- 8r. Johns Market .—Jan. 23.—[Cor­ est sum of 15 cents will be charged. As programme, not being present, Secre­ j). | ond north of the Exchange hotel, Clin ­ —Frank Grove has returned from a a public Invitation Is given, it Is hoped, “ Experiments in Testing Seeds,” rected w’eckly by WlckesA Patterson.] tour through the near West. tary Baird um introduced, who lu»tra(ed w ith an extensive set of draw­ ton A ve.,w here they Invite tlielr friends Apples 80(3$i; Beans $1.25(a$1.75; But­ V-> the undersigned, having been appo! in ted by as well as expected, that the hall will ; opened the business of the institute by ings. He commenced by giving an laud the public generally. Joel H. Cranaon, Judgeige ofor Prontorrot«t« forror the ccounty of —The bent 30c. Tobacco can be found he well filled. ter 12(315c; Beeswax 21c; Cabbage 3@ Clinton, ^tate of Michi#an, Commissioners to ro- ! reading a very instructive essay on account of the natural methods of tlie —Grand Rapids Carpet Sweeper* at ceive, examine and adjust ail i laima and demands DIMON’S at Isbell, Reynolds A Long's. 5c; Corn 20(325c; Eggs 12(3ltic; Green economy iu Farm Management.” against the estate of THOMA# NEAL, deceased, —The Charm Baking Pow der is sold Decided .—The Krepps-Terry suit distribution of seeds, a description of M. V. Brown ’s for $3.50. Hides 8 c; Drv Flint 12c; Green Calf at the Star Grocery. Mr. Baird said that much could be the anatomy of seeds, tlie germination 10c; Dry Calf Pic; Pelts50<g75c; Hay do hereby give uot ice that we will meet at the w hich occupied eight days before Jus­ gained by a w De economy in the out­ 1000 CoRDd or Wood Wanted .—The Probate (mice, in the village of Bt. Jobna, on the GIFT —The foe*t 9c. Sugar in town at Is­ tice Adams, and of which we spoke In of seeds and tlie method* of grow ing of I Detroit and Milwaukee Railroad wish $8 ; Onions 50(r(60c; Oats 25c; Pota- 25th day of March, 1878. and the 29th day of lay of capital. Some men iu tlielr eag- t|,e young July, 18.8, al 9 o ’clock A. M. on each of said days, bell, Reynolds A Long's. our last week’s issue, was brought to a . , plants, and « alluded, .
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