V J TfCiHiUt-tel Thr Newark Star Ledger has joined the fight to weigh thr C e n t s value Of auto inspections. The Leader newspapers, which have vigorously opposed thr inspections over the years, wel­ comes the newcomer aboard the campaign train. But it is thc pe«p/c who must act. By writing your governor and your legislators you can tell them what you leei about the Commercial Header terrible abuse they yast upon the autoists of this state. As long as you are silent thr Irgisiators. who perpetuate the imi THE SOUTH BUtOEN REVIEW inspections by voting fresh funds for them each year have a

right to believe you favor them. IRIXM •• ...... «UM— matt*' -• m i it, tm . •« «m *>«•« o a » « \..l 38— .No. 3 I.YNDHl KST. N. J.. I ^ 26. \'K,h at RvtMrfM, N- J . IM •(< - - .

MOSQUITO SW ARMS SW EEP INTO BERGEN HOMES, TRAPS SHOW INFLUX IS EIGHT TIMES ABOVE NORMAL YEARS Lo cal C irl C e ls J o b at T h e B -D Plant BISHOP PRONOUNCES RULES On FEASTS Cnmflalnts I lu- raping fight over street festivals in I viidhur*! Hack in tli»* lu.r-c and htiggy days, when H-l) wa> one Kmploy met t Iftit e must find tin right person for the riglil took another turn thi*- week when tin Sarred Heart \\ I of Ui«* firm- thal pioneered industry iu South Bergen, the v Piling Op joh. < hurch received a new listing nf rule* from the secrelarv that l\ hiring of a prospective employee was un unfailingly sim­ Daily, dozens «»f interested applicants are screened of \rchhishop Boland D u . m g ply procedure. ( -ually production urgencies—and some- id e * o l u hy employment interviewer ('.arole Dette. whose tcchnieal The regulations han the carrying uf statue* of *vm- . Over Bergen times just a personable applicant —would determine wheth­ know ledge and psychological understanding arc key* that I'ol* of the «umt> through thc street* for thr purpose nf er the foreman or personnel manager hired or would not I In *»pllg of I h r itn»*«|ui help place people iu j«»!»*« for which lhe\’rc hest fitted at having uioiicv pinned on. prohibits tolirilaliitn <>f fund* hire a person. |or* t« l- inl in tin I ui.| Kecton-Dickinson. and restrict* hands to plating only approved livmii* \ 11• I thr i i.iiiiiU iiiIi are Today at H-l). as iu other industrial plants through­ Our picture storv here illustrates how. after a series 1 > mi hurst ha% bern lorn fur r o il lotnl. r out the nation, joh iterations have become more special­ of mter\i« ws and test*. M a h c l (Quigley of I vmlhurst was yrai* i’Vtr thr problem of Ihr B>ard . i l C»•mmuniohri * the o itl) It*; lit ■ ised and more intricate. And it has heen found a costly selected to (ill a joh opening in the Therinonteter Ku- f e s t i v a l Residents have coin- question hat bern tt guest > i. I h r M r * I h i * l * t i n t i o n o f v < s r , and time-consuming prt cedure to ine i>ii> insert stpmre craving department on a.n operation called names, nuni plained bittci i ti. the Board of lenliy, • aid \ • i linli I onan .,1 Ma* because ol the The regulations promogulatrd dnun k II* ight • \ n t i l I v e pegs iu round holes. Therefore, to operate efficiently, our her- ad serial*. the festivals h e M h i h i Ih r bishop s off tie cast I tie *< 19 t of their horn and «au*r tans in an m utely i h « I t c h ! t h r • ) ( o f ■ t h r (tn ft t nHN • •it deal of annoy am e C h ic o f I h r m a j o r m e a n * .»f t‘hu i Iv M xtji.iln I \ trf i car ViUH I ouoin»*i* n I im toin tn

I m 41 u n d Local Playground Attendance Near 1,000 'the l.vndhurst Summer Play tlnrem LI!:!. TJary Ann ('an trf L’hi Istllve ixunds entei tamest H82 boys Dungaree fVdt and Susan C l i h e ld in * and girls the week anting July tese Bunny Kat>tit 2(M«i The High S* hool wu» 1 h i ) .« t ii d C r a f t p f u K i atMi « « « b t e i oK-'ii high with 375 i * i tin (Hints ion tinned thivmghoui Ihr Mi-ek t h e n u t * C‘olur.1 us Sch«»ol, sr. ond with when the t«oV * and tu li were J a m * . * e i 282 Jeffi i - m S hn»t« kt Pins virte C h i n .1 .iw 'lhe Suit all ieam Tour ha mttkle from tuothpirlia and n\a. «• merit continued tn lhe set nod run I as w ell a» ne< KI <•« r » |«>, ruurtd with Columbus School ai vis and | lattli-east ornament a t Ih p I tt s H i* t t in t still leading ttie field with 8 tun u la I * r l »ei f t j e n - t .it • In <* r l »te avutive » ms The combined' At Jetferaon Hi hoot. Bi*l »4e f l Cr I '**■* hgd « • l.e ill*: •n sr.t lla\ of Frank Sangi, Gary Gui Gum t'oiilrsl ended in a t ie t>e with I ’.*« holdof •**!■ iirtli, Jim m y Ca>a/i.* ond I anus tween Gail Keenan and Shai.>n i* itt i « given -I the Countv P». * M el i I It* have been instrum ental Meade Krnny 1'iues won ttie for ail |..la> si ra* w »|h *•«)» P16!’ Mabel Quigley, a Lyndhurst young mother and house i n U ie s u a e n >d C o l p m b u * Bioad Jum p vs-lth Dunny l>avis A review of her application and Job experience, shows I’urn Itotdogs tutiii>t»|ettr that Mabel's quali­ maishmaiiows tn» ««t «hsige t>> e o n At the High School field, Doll Contest and O atum r Con ploy ment. Some of the questions she must answer t*te Me reava>n Dept. A * 'fu*all fications make her a likely person for a job opening in activities took place, uiu- of these test were continued into tho. cern her previous jobs and emnloyrrs. hrr education, l e a i t . tvrthiHtsing W »*|ini|i,*t thr Thrrmometer Engraving departmrnt at Merton build jeing ii Bubble Gum Contest t>e \seek. due to Uie |«m k of ability marital status, family background and general phvsical J t / l r m i f i and Nt«h S t < u « l at health. ing-*~a machine operation on B-l> rlinicalv tween three different age to choose a winner »lai • will i lav Colum bus Sthot.i ijmupa. W innei of the ags grttup At Colim ibus S« hi»d th*- ||ta l* i .i > u i «HiiMt tsltwh i< iun«ntl> 5 through fi was Maureen Hea Me Gum Contest tpr 7 y/ njd teadnU g tf»e S o f ti -a d I r » k u e n,e I * age »ioui‘’ 1 through V Af i»oys waa won ty Thmnst Hrd l l . t t I fa lii-n M otflreili. u g r 10 thi (High in.. for • yt old. Hi hu t»- Continued attioliea in han-t 13. Nadine Mart tie In thr Co* Mayo The wiftiter* for ihe gi.-U i i nft woik will i turn#’ Contest. 4 winners weie were H and 7 yf old* Marianne thr 1‘lay-giouiMta w ith naw it- v* MrJettrd They were B* tt> Lou Palmer ll and 10 yr old* Ann itti-» in fhit .ale/ofy ttamg f* * I Hogle Nurse. 2nd Alm a Vaiene Mane Utisafi an.t It and 12 l .o *«t t>> liaVrit'Ont ' Francis A. Vendola Charged With Purse Snatching, And Concealed

I r m i c i * \ \ nitlnla. I v nd liiir *t plouiln r i* f r r * i n

Intill hail nf M r idling and lhe Urwtrn *.rt Mabel's vision for such possible sight defects as c o lo r is assigned to take her from the Employment Offlie to blfnk was set up and Vrn tola in U»a«af. Vendoia enined-th. blindness, nearsightedness and farsightedness Merton building, assists Msbel from his ear. t* a* said t.. tuivr i ren sealed tiff jesiatillshm enl a n d muiv br 4 ( C o n t i n u e d Page 11) a* tie tried lo make his way to ! through a haniliurger It* also i t h e 4>«rkway had toffee Clara Bivona To \ Dfivei Towitahip t*,n**- ie Mi.kisiii>, ae»n Vvaduia leased Vendola m i-i.il d ll.Suo snat* hOd the pu.se • f at. ihr South Bergen Scouts Witness Youth Group I<*h the *Oncealrd wtsprfni pali >n Mr* Non an Run for Assembly iliaige Sen«i j ties irteased him in t>4iil of 12 Ml * |/tiiir a*.-*'.-!* -! 1 X m j o n • hatgs of g i u t u i lar 1 t ■< |W . ! e n i I W » I Meeting Held alarm St>e *a»J | ‘.| i», l Drowning Of Morton Cahill c e n y He|**!di- *• i I.. I, -f t h a t t*een in hei |«ui w •,..r.t!y f * J i jreaia -has I - « e i j Manv South Hergen Hoy Scouts were witiie*»es to a The Council f>M Youth Plan At tording tt^ the |*>|i<-e vei M u ( a vine* alarm I ning of Lyndhuist mrt in lh« shin Vendola drove up to a Tom* polite bv aet up ruodbi<« Mr Cahill's caret had closely tragic accident I'riday morning at their Scout camp, ( amp Council Room < n July I* lt»5*- Rtver hot* dog tlaiKf known a* lh»« a r e a A l 11 $ 0 p t n I 1«\*1'1m »fi t <.«!'! i ( uetrfi. tiae I i (sit r u l l r le d that o f h m b r o t h e r , r * * a i * J - H 30 p rn witti Mr Norn.an I'ji a dete / ># b*r ■ "J> if I Tamarack, at Oakland. Albert Cahill Jt . now program Morton I aliill. 22. of WI W illet street. Hlooudicld. dnectoi fm a Plattsburf. N Y W arden. President presiding « - - Il was a ver* so- • < ful .nert •■e-Jt UmwN I t>n.t • f ll* ! radio and television station com drowned before the horrified hoy* while he sought to in­ mg Mr Raymond Fraiu i* wa *oo.» I H*ighl> ah- in-, -r j bint Albert had t h r o u g h Two Honored By Boiling gone r fr„,. l»s« *.•-»«« i , > [ wel* ofned as a new » « ot-er ide< Present for the demonstration , He was fully clothed but his and i now an inatrurtm foi the M ’ s n... , ..(,oHfi,i thank in addition to ttu.se wh.. Springs on Anniversaries were a dozen members of the shut was found in his hand* B<»y Scouts national training already contributed to Uie ttor It ,lh *ff «r I tl * I ■( l l . * » Lyndhurst Sarred Heart Church Tamarack Camp is used h y s i h o o l in a q u a t ic * Rutherford Prraident W P fro#n the A narasi; He* budding fund • ’ * t * ' * / *, »rd ■ Wie ’ tro«»p w huh began their visit to boys from North Arlington, Ironically Albert Cahill. Jr V »gC J« of "li*.ding Spring* Sav I otan Institute IV*a*-I *d 1. *f«*» f is. Is.. | To anyone * h<- w ould « ar* t. the camp by attending ehurth Lyndhurst. Rutherf.ord, Hu as a youth had won a *( m h ia l mgs and l>*an A*a«iation of Hi* J t * i i a ir M m b e r »f t h e N i h <«mtr»butr to thi* wo; thy « a.ige s e r v K ' e s the Sunday before therford. Carlstadt and Wood commendation for saving a child therf.-rd sent tw * letter* -if -oh e .- n J t . a r y C h S j - U r *»f A o . e i . *r> tould send d o h a t ton tt< M r N R e \ Edward Hai;uk. is s i s t a n t Hi fine m South Bergen and f r o m d r o w n i n g ir> a B l o o m f i e l d g' atujati**n* tt» merrabets **f hit Ssvinfs srwj t.**a r. tnalilot* «i,d . Penn w arden President • are o i at Sacred Heart and spi tual di- Bloom field and Nutley in K.v*cx pond the time the fam ily lived staff who ate ntarSiog ai.nivn tt.* Noi them Jen,** (*hsi*tr( Hu Lvndhurst Pn'nt Shop, V a l l e y r e c t o r of the" troop. airi\e l^ural s i* e » % 1 a d e I la 21 1 l - a k e avenue away the Lodj o t h e ? i ken lake had «H“curred about 21 years Mr C a h ills younger brother p l» * » t a u t H u t h e r b i r d ar»*1 M m N rv » lu* d»a»lt* |t fi "h* T-. The lie*! regular n*eet*ng w .i. y o u t h ago He ret ailed it w a* the E dm und had been al the camp Natabe GardinaSi o/ l l M a n n r * I. A a iJ ia t * « > Its* •>«*«* be held August !3th at H p rt, ir< F ath er h a jd u k helped i<>nsole fourth death in thtee weeks last week but t h i s w e e n had tain way. Ituthat ford a ’>4 foui .«l*»w, ,f Council Room in T- *i Hall the bt>ys Ah>> were shaken byi among persons prominent in been visiting Albert in P t a t t * la»wienenhtji*ar asst* lin iiiti.u t plua being * »>. A i I n t e r e s t e d p a rt- * * * » » r > *-U rwt. r Bl(K»m field x outing circles bu rg h T h e older brother arrived tani tri»oaurer and •emor ap l - e l o f v * .l*Ptf U*dg* »*,♦ the traged) to j o i n piaisr* and it n --ttm m t lh a K».itt*er f .»4 ar*d B*rr|*r. t * it Cahill discharged fr^rn the M r C a h i l l was starting hi* hy a n '■ o Plattsburgh l a t e ”1 n i g h t urgani/ati**n » marsuHi hu IU0 Tali < eda'« laifaiH tt a r m y because of a head in;u . f ir>t year as aquatu diretloi H r fourteenth yr*; m the Hother Muas Natalie Ga'dsns**. . t*. s u f f e r e t i in t r a i n i n g , w a> w« 1 h e ld a senior Red Cross l i f e sav M- Cj7i.1I » father Allw rt Sr rlitN.i M ".<• i a 1 y e a rs ag>.» Legion Competition ford »afts.< e H r » ejrari *, a t « lW r 1** f» (h* sale,n*r' x ' i l i k e d b y the bo y s H e w as an e in g certifu ate He had been in tn 15*42 ai> 4 v-as **t v an* t*d t*> i.a* ••tripleted Itet *■.' *« ) * * > •». p e r tsw im m er W h e n h e ank in scouting s ; n t- l'* 4 2 ,*-tart*ng as a head UiJlr'f asu t/eaaore* *b e fW "e a » *.» to the water the boys thought cub s -< *u t. and hu yearbook a s a Set For August 5th and atn>ratset I y gialuia-led t y f*r*e*de^t V»ag\ f o r a t m/r e n t lu * w a s sp o ilin g g r a d u a t e tn 11*51 of Bl<»onifir]d Sixth Polio Case Ra»r. threw l h r l*»ng intM Ha* V-t u* V>/gl a latter »„ V!.»* I, • them H"Wrver when he ?aileeai an a la rm went out to go into professional scouting Hits Teaneck Boy r r . Barringer Walaer t *t An»er the*e years f m t have gi.«r *o) tfci* y *e' » lii I-a i >o» fm t k . * A human chain of boys was lie had enlisted in the air force ’ I »■ a ■ Thr sisth nsse of polio th»* can l^rgifm f<»r a I***# tssl St^ii uaida aervice b» tne Rut»*ae. " It* sl**:- Graffam of Lyndhurnt. who just staff »ergrant After m ilitary County last wee* when a 2-year As a result the affair ha* been S»rvite and +ttu ie-nl work that • aid tl*al h * ’ m ->* a 4a*»e.g the completed teachers training at aervice he returned to ar outing old Teaiieck boy entered Rergrn re-scheduled fi« August 5 St* ‘ We he -e «'*ntif:««wt it* g io -m a* ta*el >«a/ ha4 t-«**r A I!*+ Kigl VI . »» Vf. Jersey City State Teachers Col- as adviser o t KspJorer Post 2 P i n e * N o * f r i tai for nbarrration the leading corf** ti\ the metro r o f M d ly « a t <4usl.ry lege and is a counsellor at the sponsored as had been his pre Th* boy and a 33 year-old poll tan ares wll.1 {*art»*jpste an*) f*efthu|ar >a a .Hstsa o f (.JbusihuSM f Hwa t*e*r> a » » s * t « e .i t imp vsous acoutin^ unit# b y t h r W 'e s t I f U voig» H.ser Fdgr wtrnan ar» t h f o n l y B a r n r t g e r WaJfcrr s own unit W ..: id W a i tl a««d tha K, . fhur Greenfield said that Cahill Blouenfwld Mr Cahill wa* a Four olners hmvr been treated T>»e affSi ra as'lMduU^l f -t * rines m the Suuth Iv iftr Me a< a* thu* 4 the^ « M s.* U s 'b r. • iMs-''«oa^ aa* had died by drowning His body communicant of Sa*.resl He«>rt and '«■ leaded m sv Um b*ginm n( p rr> The site l* Ly*»thor»l High K t.li*o l'rii<*r«itt a*J sa i he* rewwfcrtf ie. t > # 4 (t,< . Vb. r t r m , d was foui*d in eight teet o i water H C Church bloomiieki o f t h a j u r School A t b i e t K I i* id a Hea* lutate ( a r t i f w e t * II is o it i. >l| V a i. c t w o COMMERCIAL LEADER ft SOl'TH BERGEN REVTFV THURSDAY. JULY 26. 1956 Keep Your Faith, Co To Church Every Sunday And Holy Days

church, the Rev Robert F Burns. of consolation in our recent hour Without members, the Coun- judged in lieu <*f a 2 ) d i ; n M: and Mr:.. Jam es H. L ippin- Jr.. of Westminster Church, the of bereavment. Special thanks to oil will be at a stalemate. Its all tgnce in Bergen County J.v! cott. of Travers place, and their preacher. the Priests of Sacred Heart Pa up to you now Police reported that Ott had guests. Mr and Mrs. William T Thursday. Aug. 2 Porch par- iSCfnirthJietoSilIl rish and also to the Nazare Fu- «— neither <*btained employment Flinn, of Philadelphia. Pa., have ty given hv the WSCS 6f the neral Home. FIRST rm IM 'II OF C JIRIST jvino Love wiJJ also be urnujjht Methodist Church at 273 Livings­ nov reported to the County Pro returned from a tour through S< IK. S T l ST ■ ut in the Scriptural readings Bereaved Wife A Family bation Board a.s directed, by the New England States. ton’ avenue, two to four in the O f Lorenzo Scucei COMBS COUNTY F Flrrrepont A I inroln Avenues vhuh include the following afternoon. Bogle at that time. in Rutherford. N. J ‘There is no fear in love, but Vincent J. Genovese Mr and Mrs William E Muir, Pranch nf ♦ M thrr Church, Th* pe: fec.t love e astcth o ut fear he- FOR $ S GAMES of Stuyvesant avenue, are back ?irtt Chuich of Christ. Scientist. of cause tear hath torment. He thnt ST. M ATTHFW 'S from a stay of ten days at White Ri’stnn, M-tss Vincent James Genovese, 480 I County Prosecutor Guy W. D. Pfluge Christened Sunday Services st 11 AW. feareth is nut made perfect in. EVAN GELICAL LI TIIERAN Thomas avenue, died on Friday Sands Proving Grounds, New 11:00 A M . S untt-iy School Calissi yesterday said investiga­ David E. Pfluge, infant son of love.” n t t ' K C f f morning at Bergen Pines Hos­ Mexico, where they visited their tors from his office were “spot- Mr and Mrs. Francis X. J Pfluge W»dn»'dav M.-'itii; ; Corner Valley Hro«>k Ave- and pital. after a short illness. He K o f C son and daughter-in-law, Lt. checking'' every municipality in Jr., of Canterbury avenue. North V\rRKD IIK AKT R f C H V R C H I ravers Place, Lyndhurst w as 81 B o r n m Ita ly h e c a m e William E. Muir, Jr.. and Mrs. f a n S. t. tn . ■ • c . r i Bergen County for "payoff” pin- .‘.rlingtoii. was christened on R e a d i n g H • r n i * [. Slit' .S Ridce Road & New Jersey Ave. Rev. (ieorge M uller, Pastot to the United States 60 years Muir and their son. Richard The r r p n S ‘ \ i r • ■ m ■ ; i ,, m all machines and gambling de- Kev. Bernard Moore. Pastor 2J)5 Travers Place, Lyndhurst Sunday a t Q ueen of P eace R C I trip to New Mexico was made ago, living first in New York ) vices. i' i i )* * n 1111 Ur W Fhster 9 2134 City and for the past 37 years NOTES Church, North Arlington. b y p l a n e . According to the county pros­ Richard Lindsay, of Lyndhurst, was a resident of Lyndhurst. He By TROESCHER T he value mi ! ■ ST. M ICHAEL’S R C. 9 . 3 0 S u n d ay S h o o l und<-r the was a retired laborer. ecutor. the spot check in South was godfather and Patricia Mc­ j Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius De < III R< II Ine tion Mi John Whitehead. rig h t m otive • ii. .iii! He leaves one son, Edward of Bergen revealed no such illegal Bride, of Harrison, was godmoth­ j Graaf and children, Patricia, Rev. l adislaus J W ihzensk) 9 3d Devine Worship by J1 ist.x devii es A check in Hackensack Lyndhurst; seven daughters, At this writing it is not known er. j Janet and Neal, of Court avenue. P a s t o r Muller. his theme will be •on Wednesday led to the seizure Scien* e s) i \ u ■' - tin Rose Der.iato of Point Pleasant, whether or not the picnic for the Also present were Mr and Mrs I are back from a vacation spent Rider Road and Pace Avenue "C h rist B ecam e Po**r for S in ­ of three machines at two diners R eadini s 1. ■ •> M r s . M a r y Ma a s, o f Alhambra, gnls of St. Anthony’s Orphan­ X J. Pfluge, grandparents of the 1 at Guilford Park. Tom s Rivei M asses a re at 7. R, 0, 10 and ners." and charges of possessing illegal Health ith K California. Mrs Phyllis Tomio, age came off well with the wea­ child, and M r and Mr.-. V ictor l 11:30 a m. gambling devi es lodged against ture:," I v M o . fl,. ■•I Allendale. Mrs. Elsie De An- ther Next week we will try P> Lindsay and children. Carol and 1 Sal\at"ro and Rose Girardi. W ESTM INSTER l oth diner proprietors and the the Le 'ii .-...... elo, of Newark, and Mrs. Sally sui ply you with all the details I homas. of Lyndhurst in an d d a u g h te r of Mr. and I.V \I)III'R V*T M FTHODIST PRESBYTERIAN CHVRCH alleged distributor of the ma l^-.jho. Mrs. Millie Vitale and of the affair. We cun only hope A family gathering followed at t Mis Vh tor Girardi. of Fern ave CIIFRCH i h i n e s . Hackensack police sign­ h o m e ing 1 Lnv< 1 ■ (I oi i M l Ridge Road. Lyndhurst . Mrs. Helen Fuscarino. of Lynd- that a good time was had by all the Pfluge home in Canterbuiv m u - , are vacationing at the StuyVesant and Tontine Avenues ed the complaints. !*d th eir un le and aunt, M r. and the t:u; inc. nr.vt- R«*v. Robert F. Burns, Jr.. Pastor !u:rst. 23 grandchildren and 10 Speaking of the picnu, don't Ihe Rev. Ki*dger \V. Hawn, Those who have been booked ing and tea* him: I Phone W Fbst.r 9-7920 ^reat-grandv hildren. His wife. forget that the Council has Mrs Salvatore Girardi. at Stam M i n i s t e r and released in $1,000 bail on I lord. Conn. lllutmn' --. i. i, i'• Lyndhurst, N J. Mis Concetta Sgrio Genovese, chosen the Orphana. e as it's fav­ charges ol possessing illegai the h a-. Fi.-i-t .'{07 Tontine Avenue h e d t n 1949. orite charity. Anytime that you (.F.neva 8-(>928 The funeral was held on Mon­ garmbling devices are: Michael Mis. Rita Kraft, of prospe t an. a small donation is always Fi icchnme. 37, of 100 Ki; p ave NOTES RFFD MEMORIAL day at 9 a m. from the Nazere accepted. Just drop yours in the I 1**< e, i- spending a two weeks Sundav. July 2!>. 10 30 a.m nue. I-od;, owner of Garlo Am UNITED PRESBYTERIAN Memorial Home, Inc., 403 Ridge Orphans box which is always Mr, and Mi. ’ m,i M on vacation af the home of her sis ion .ervice with the Westmin usements Company, 397 Passaic C H I R C H n»ad. to Sacred H eart R. C. placed in the hall on all nights th eir d au g h tei Mi.-s M r a - Mion ter. Mi - William Moorhead, at '< i fV. li\ terian C h u n fi at this street. Lodi, alleged dist; i h u l o i Isehn. Stuyvesant near \ alley Brook Chm h,.where at 10 a. m. a Sol­ that the members of th-1 Council and son. Ro. . -d K* u n> -tre*'t A v e n u e emn High Mass of Requiem was .>1 the mat bines. Peter Lapt ia spent the weekend at ‘-••a Girt gather, including our Friday 32. of 25 -Last B roadw ay, and Cev. Chase II. Stafford, M inister offered Interment was in Holy guests o f the;: o n ;n la *. an I night get together*. Wat h fur W illiam P G alaito. 44 of D em ei 34« Stuyvesant Avenue Cross Cemetery. North Arling- it, and please, use it. daughtei Lt Ci.l Fran :. (:■ GEneva 8 01!? ioad, Paramus. opeiatois of the aid and Mis. Gei ard anti : ■ At present the Committee for diners raided. the Family Picnic coming up RITTIIFRFORO BAPTIST Gambling squad officers seiz M is s Elea ik ii W indl.ng this .September 9th has the earl, cd tin- three ma bines 'at Bill's C H I R C H Michael J . Polito plans fof the affair formulated daughtei of M: and Mrs. Her !3 West Passaic Ave., Rutherford Diner. 641 Main street, and Pete's man Wundlmg. of We’ tei a e W It <11 u r .1 n r u l l r t l J n * r r \ r w e * l n w ill'i Michael J Polito, 509 Fern Sometime this week you should Luncheonette, 25 East Broad Kev. (irorge Sm ith, Pastor j receive the new instructions in "ue. is vaatiomm : u^th Miss • I " *' • 11 ii :• tli.it w e 11. i v c a c c e p t e d ,| p (,*j. avenue, died at his home on Sat­ way, Hackensack. Laperu was 59 W oodward Ave.. Rutherford I the mail concerning the tuket Dorotliy Mi ...... Newark, at urd ay mommy, from a h e a rt a t ­ booked and released Wednesday • ‘I I ri i-1 ami p.r lorm our *er\ irr» in a Phone GEneva 8-H795 j situlation. Fl Lauderdale. F l u . w ith a trip sorrow -—' '^ruiGHT LYAUHLRS1 HFBKhW tack He was a self-employed Fricchione and Galaitt) surrend liuilin I P. jiM i|\ |||,- ron e r e p o - r i j ; A( tually the Council has learn to Nassau. p ain ter • ered voluntarily yesterday and Tw funar *jt n capiMf of five C E N T E R I from the Annual Communion on in our organi/.itmn. \\ «• entertain u deep He w as 63. B orn in N ew Y ork were booked and released All f rears W h whcH those nudtrn cnetron 333 Valley Brook Avenue ja set date, with no ti kets being tr y ijf f g iWta>K tJq fijw jr? roMpittte r* - p<< I for all religious and fraternal rii- Study: GFneva 8-9582 C ity he m oved to L y n d h u rst 50 three await grand jury action. y ears ago. j sold beyond such date. This gives Prosecutor Calissi said thes< IIal s. Jacob Sivan. Rabbi F e r r a r a 's He was a member of the Ital­ [them the opportunity to -dan for pinball machines are "in the na­ the amount of food, etc which LATTER BAY SAINTS ian American Democratic CluY ture of slot machines" because Survivors are his wife. Mrs. is very necessary. I believe that they give prizes in the form of Beauty Salon OF JESUS CHRIST j the date set for all Council re­ M ary C o r t e s e Polito; two sons, free games. A. F. Starks, Pastor turns has been set for some- 1 Services Every Sunday Joseph and Vincent, and two In a Supreme Court decision I yinlfinrst. !V. J. Living Room Set laughters, Mrs. Marie Milan*) | where around the 25th of Au handed d ow n May 23, 1955 m at the 3 P i e c e — All Foam Rubber md Mrs. Lucille Tuting, all of gust As soon as possible this the case of the State versus Pe­ GEneva 8-7969 i\ A Z A II E . Adoniram Masonic Temple , column will advise you. Lyndhurst; a brother, James, of te r R icciardi. it was po in ted />ut 321 Second A venue I The important thing t o r e - MEMORIAL HOME Inc.' L y n d h u rst, N J. Lyndhurst; two sisters, Miss iset- that any pinball machine that ! PKRMANKM WAVING C a ll: Robert C Jones, Mgr | member is that you will not he C hurch School, 10 a.m . tie Polito and Mrs Angie Casale, registers free games vicilates th*- noth of Newark; and four grand­ ■able to purchase a ticket f o r state '.ambling status. It is con 403 RIDGE ROAD - LYNDHURST, N. J. Preaching Service. 11 a .m . you family alter the date set Phone GEneva 8-7272 children. sidered a “payoff" device if free ' Mary Lemsrt foi returns immediate!'.' A ll K im ls of I fair Styling tondltloiird for Your Comfort ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL Ihe funeral was held on Tues­ games are registered day at 9 a. m. from the Nazare I ast Fridiry evening the CYO "Any person who keeps in h's C H I ) R C H Budding on e again be ; :ne the And linling IN T l'H IO R S Forest and stuyvesant Avenues Memorial Home, Inc., 403 R i d g e place of business, or other prem­ load, to Sacred Heart R C. j me* a for the o|>en house mem- ises, any slot machine, or flevice | Rev. C. W eslev Shike, B.l>. ■ beis. The crowd, for the sum-, CC. 2 01 I I Church where at 10 a m. a Sol­ m the nature of a slot machine, R e c t o r mer months, isn't bad at all, in By Appoinim nl Only 154 Stuyvesant Ave.. Lyndhurst um High Mass of Requiem was which may be used foi the play (i Riniii; r o a d 1 *1 f<-red. Burial was in St. Jos­ fui its great. There were about ing for money oi other valuable O Eneva H-5Bft8 30 members of the Council and |»„m Avenue M lliTII A RI.IN dlllN . N. J eph's Cemetery. Lyndhurst. tfnng. is guilty df a misdemean St Thomas' Episcopal Church their guests on hand for the eve- Stuyvesant and Forest avenues. o " That i the gist of the ta n l n u Brother Joe Seelsa and Lou lute. GREAT The Rev. C. Wesley Shike. Re Luzza did the cooking for the tor. 9th Sunday aftei Trinity Bessie K. Weber evening and a good time was had PR O M ISES July ,2‘ith 9 a in. \W rm n - i'i ay by all. u I MINI M un,I (iAI.VAMZKI) •i and Sermon. Mrs. Bessie K em p W eber, 539 If you haven't been down to S ix th avenue, died nn W ednes­ "np»v the festivities as v*-t a Violates Parole, Leaders, Gutters & Accessories f r o m t h e BIBLE Mr. and Mrs. II.uin Wregg. «*f day at her home after a brief not try it tomorrow evening. The , Fifth street, and their sop and illness. She was 66. Born in Jer­ I Committee needs your support Sent To Bergen Pines \ H 1.1. I .IN K OK ! daughter and then families. Mr sey City, she i ame here to Lynd­ for this endeavor, so how a out M> 'liall -upplv .ill \ our iX'nl accord­ 1 ind Mrs Harry Wrogg, Jr., and h u rst 31 y ears ago it F red erick O tt. 731 M arin a v Rubbcmaid, Pyrex & Wecirevcr in g to ln> i ii In - iii :lor\ I»\ l .lirisl Ji>u<. daughter. Shanm, >*t l’ine Brook Mis Weber was a member of Brother Mike Carpino. our nue, was tommitted to Bergei j and Mr. and Mrs R. Bruce Smith F ra te rn ity C h ap ter, No. 129. Or Membership Chairman hits asW- Pines Ho-p tal. Paramus, (■*; and childi ren Raymond anti Ca iei of the Eastern Star, Lynd­ Housewares I'I n II i / m u is 1:1*1 **d that all brother members who treatment and observation yes therine. of Pines Lake, are back hurst. and the Ladies’ Aid So have gotten aj plicat bns from terday after being picked up foi l now is vhe time to see our depart ftotii th*'iC v,(catto/is s; e u t ,i! iefy and Altar Guild o f St him for new candidates to please violating his n r o b a t n > n TK mend** of our organization are dedicated C’ape May to a Matthew's Evangelical Lutheran re tu rn th em com pleted a- soon The midde-aged resident, w a c .III,, i l am i o u r (,IK T O K I’A l’l M l: T nevei < -nding policy of exceptional service C hur, h and as possible. These applications placed «>n a year's pro iation in genuine undo standing. Long experience Mr and Mis Nicholas Carella. She leaves one son, Karl F . one v\, it,.i,i must be submitted to the admis­ January after Magistrate Hora -. .1 |i|i,-rs qualities us to i< nder the- type of helpful, undei ■ if Second avenue, are back from daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Farmer, sions committee so that a date l i . Bogle. Jr., found him guilt;, | S u n ,I,- standing service which the people of this com­ a month's vacation at Hollywood, and three grandchildren. Mari- l>. ili- munity ly ve a riuht to expect. may be set for the next exemp- d be ng a disorderly person | Fla. Ivn and Karl E. Weber and Paul , 'ificat on ui th e Kn t !)■■ ■!■■(■ The one-year periml was *d C. Farmer, all o' Lyndhurst Hei M an d Mi s. A J B ecker, of husband, Karl F Weber, died in JOHN L. BURK Hazel street, are .spending a 1,154. Inc. month at Pine I*ake Park. Ritualistic services were held Rex Hardware Funeral Homes at 8 p . nv on Friday at the John 52 RIIH.F. ROAD, I VMHM RST. N. J. I. Burk Funeral Home. 52 Ridge Cold Beer-Wine & Liquors IIF.NRV H VANDKH Pl.AAT. JR.. >| ^ ^ v . ' i i k t n East Rid^elawn Come tery. Delawanna. Complete Catering Service < >ur 1 inr ( i n i i \ n m ii s CARH OF THANKS Weddings — Banquets I)reining it impossible to W,. Close Saturdays at li P.M. During Jt.lv arH Aiifust TV eye h not n t* stfauHmi ♦vlf Wo perma*icnt .i*m*K im*iv.s c#i thank all in person, we take this Padies — Etc. (titort ( « ( ‘nr<( mmt irvit means of expressing our sim ere • In u*»«n t«i nin nv j H APPLIANCF^ ■ R C A € M € R < : o n GEneva 8-5045 T£lEVI<;iOM ±-iAf>PLIAHCes 7 7 1 STUYVESANT AVE. -- ,t' „ . • howroom « OFFiCki M KBAKNBV • * . L T N M D V T . H. ) W E 9 - 2 9 5 0 GE. 8-9134 THURSDAY. JULY 26. 1%6 COMMERCIAL LEADER A SOI TH BFRGF.N RFVU W Fecit:. THREE Melrose Cavenaugh Marries T. Rediker Miss Eleanor E. Brennan ELAYNE LICITRA WEDS JOHN KOVAC Miss Melrose Cavenaugh ,»/ St The junior bridesmaid wore a ' field M rs Rediker Is a graduate u r *• en> hai*g *h« t : ».n l l r f tin jtri t^; tn^* to C»‘'4 's * .Uw . »o»*i I* »*.i Bainauas Hospital. Newark 1 mntgreen long dress with a high of the Sthool of Nursing at St ed on Saiutdav > \1;'> K]#vnr tell from 4 J «-f K,»•«*!' M l| ^ Carolina. became the bride of F arr led a basket of flower. uate of Lyndhurst Hi^h School avetY.it Thecxioie Rediker. son of Mrs After a honeymoon in Ontario. and Stevens Inst tute o f * l e * h Mi .j-iid M s O i >1 j.*' Ki’» * i .. »' !l> n.v.'-j- t- *ibm » Theodore Rediker. 786 Chas- Janadtt, where they plan to at- nology with a Mechanical En­ of B-v stele. 1 ■ 'ivg avenue, and tbe late Mr. Red ike: end the Shakespearean Festival gineer degree, is with the Man orr S a tu rd a y , a t 4 p. ni. n Stratford, the couple will live hattan Rubber Company in Pus rti« 'i*he cerem ony was p e r f o r m * * it 254 Baldwin street. Bloom- s a t e eel at ;i io P m at the Ramapo Kefuroied Churcl ste l*i es.-v t« : at' Mahwah. by the pastor. He\ Rev, 1 Fnetiely, formerly ot Westmin rn ep t i< .n , V. ,*> .- . stei Presbyterian Church. Lynd n Wo. «t R.dge hu.*t. The ielection was held at M.w Mice No Nyitroms Restaurant. Para w a a illaid of h. n n>us. Anolht i aunt M nM iss Adela Green of Newark «K. N.» tn w as m aid of honor 'ITie Misse Jeanet te Lh-Uu Diana and Margaret Rediket b! Ide • >( Nat;. Mrs. F. Sanriri Guest sisters of the groom, were bridesmaids The brides sistei En.il K.*va ■ At Surprise Shower Cheryl Jean Cavenaugh, wa,- h s ti othei » U junior bridesmaid 1 i. Hia 1‘ve bl .<1 Dr. Robert Zammit served a Paul Mn lc . K .1 best man, and ushers were Roy l-»'n a 1o'lMnd. vi.yh J Ciunderman und Kdward t- Ttve nde , Schneider, ull ot Lyndhurst. 'l he Li ide w ore a gow n o' | W Ittl , «. alio .. . white embroidered oigundv fa long >1.» ve» i-m. shioned w ith a s. allow'd scoop ne< kline and short sleeves in a fitted bodice and a very full three-tier , skirt. She wore matching mitts. Her finyeiUp veil was helii in plate by a small ENGAGED cap. She earned roses anil ste phanotis centc-ied i,\ a white or­ ch id Her attendants v. .ire dotted M RS E. B IK H A N h Swiss a/>J ie length gowns with M ss Kleanoi Elizabeth Bren­ hurst ushei.ti V necklines and very lull skirts, nan. daughter ot Mrs T l t o m a s T h e t.i ide w o n a t .*iU Ma in yellow for the maid of honor j J B ie n n a n 315 Rose H i l l place, length go.v> i\ ol v» int.- chantdh and in mint green for the brides­ Kluaoeth. and the late Mr B r e n ­ lac e eve,* t*el fn .blotted * tb m maids They wore matching nan. became the bride of Hugh ro u n d ne. I.line an.t >h. i1 > b e.< - picture hats and carried baskets Kdward Burbank. P03A, USN. w ith w hu ti *ht w t-r* toaU huifi ol mixed old-tashioned flowers. M RS. T . R E I H K E K ion of 1>i . H ugh Burbank and m ilts A nvh.it , a,- lu M TELEVISION Mrs Burbank. 2t>2 Stuyvesant h e r eltK'W lengtti veil m »• avenue, Lyndhurst. on Saturday, She e a rn e d v* tii|«- July 14th ‘J be ceremony was Th,- touj.lr a:e th. Repairs in Your Home ,Ni im... i ..u Miss Golembieski Bride of John Sujkowski performed at 4 p m. in St honev moon ' in New I n . lan t Q TELEVISION & RADIO CO M iss Marie Golembieski tear I trimmed fitted bodice with dress of toast eyelet and net Marys R t’ Church'. Elizabeth, M rs B uiI .oik is n ni i4iin.it>- daughter ot Mr. and Mrs Clar i sweetheart neckline accented w ith a matching hat and beige by the Rev Robert Wells T h e St Mai v > H ith S. !,.»■; H ./ ence (»o|en«bieski. 354 T hird >y m xordion pleated tulle edg- accessorits She wore a corsage b rid e w h s given m marriage b> beth. and V • • -.n ; s. i« It' (IMRAI. AVKNt ■ NVW4RR *» J street, became the bride of Leon ng and short sleeves with which of fellow roses. her brother, Peter J Brennan tarial Institute N.waik si . A m f o r > 4nthoriM *ii No/# * mn*l ard John Sujkowski. son uf Mr he wore net mitts. Her very full The couple are spending then The reception was held at the w ith the H• <11 \ I V i n - Kluabeth Carteret Hotel Companv m Linden lie! h -. and Mi-^ Joseph Hemenwuy. 1 lylon tulle skirt- was banded honeymoon -t Miami Beach Fla 1 r|e% I s lo t l, I(« i| | ini. I’l u r r i i i i . Irvington, oil Sat vith Vul lace and was finished making the trip south by plane The bride’s only attendant ban d IS u ad. .-• < . t 1 • i• was her sister. Miss Mary T High tfrhtki) m i i .I It n t * . ! I ■ I'm u rd ay . n a sweep train. A bridal hat They will live at 354 Third Tri i i i wh.141 r <««t *»• • ho t The 4 p. m. ceremony was per vith seedpearl trimming held street. Lyndhurst Mrs Sujkow Brennan Brine Boyle, of .R i d g e versitv He i> « lVtiv Ot?i.«-i \ , form ed at St. M ichael's R. C ler scalloped illusion veil in ski i» a graduate of Lyndhurst ! wood, w as h s cousin’s best man in the I' S N’avv and w ill |eu--« John M Murphy, of Malden Church The reception followet dace. She carried a small cas- High Schitol and Newar* Stale sh o itly foi tv is new .i-.-i.m m '.I in St Michael’s Hall. •ade o f white roses and lilies o t Teachers College She teaches a Mass , and lanus Muro of l . y n d at M am I Pt Miss Rose Mane Sica, o' High­ he valley. , lass of retarded childrren at See HARRISON SHOES For land Park, was maid of honor Her attendants wore ballerina Hackensack Her husband. Navy H EI.I. PROM OTES O 'KEEEE field ,M, Bridesmaids were' Miss Phylli? veteran, is laboratory technician ength gowns of white frosted John R O'Keefe, of 1«4 Davu Mileski and Mrs. Everett Gol rgundy, over yellow taffeta for wrth Linde Air Products, in avenue, fCearny . has been ap- embieski. of Lyndhurst, and he maid of honor and over N ew ark Mi*, i H 'jVen>*«, a pointed assistant accounting r«*» avenue, has a> guests 'reen for the bridesmaids Their ords supervisor at the New Jei week hei s..n an.t .in. xtdices were trimmed with Irish The Ladies' Auxiliary of the sey Bell Telephone Company s law Mi and Mr* C hat I I ace.. They wore garlands ot Liuidetti-Rogalski-Wuse Post ot neadquarters in Newark slim ot Hin.jiiaititoi N iaisJes m their hair and carried He w a* serving as ad m in istra I olonial bouquets of yellow and i the Veterans of Foreign Wars, will hold a bus ride to Seaside live assistant at the tune uf hu> Mr* K tvtin N. I green tarnations with daisies. ippointnient The bride's mother wore a Heights on Saturday. August 4th daughtei*. Dlotah and I j street length dress of dusty rose leaving from the VFW Hall on of Fein avenue and M - HARRISON SHOES lace with light blue accessories j Valley Brook avenue at 8 15 Mis. John ffatnnta and Mis les If iff Sonin .1 j and a corsage of white roses The a m Mrs Nancy. Mtgliaresi i> Kdward Hanuna of Post avenue dav .1 Point I 'leas i nt i • t ii wim i ii uuh-m • \ s i bridegroom's mother wore a chairm an. are back from a stay ut West mg Dlorafi • j jt n buihd

T o H v

Miss Muriel Musik, of Kennil- O r X u i w orth. Joseph Kerrigan, of Hillside . . . served as best man Ushers were f 'o f/<* William Kenyan of Hillside, a n d E v e rett to d em : ies<:i and T hom as WiK / . n-.ki, of Lynd burst. The bride wore a gown of tulle “A Thousandaire and lace fashioned w

phono That i» the queation. . .or. it SAVE UP TO 6 0 % AT ra te s aro could have been, back iu the fic­ tional days of "Hamlet''. LOW F.&F. MENS and BOYS WEAR S But K N U bruif s you to reality ^ Norfolk...... 7Bt wilk aaaUlauce in factually Q r.*i naan* liter * ca 33 PARK AVENUE RUTHERFORD, N. J. MMl Sun4»n t U..U ateUua f k thowui( you haw Miily au*4 g | r»te» m*; a i iwi tttduUMi aurreaafully you ran Imkoom a 3.95 DAN RIVER 1.00 ARGYLE Socks 2 pair 1.00 X S U d U U A Q a / * Thousandaire in qukk-tlme. Sport Shirts ...... 1.98 1.50 • 2.00 Leather-Elastic

D e p o s it 10 d o lla rs e v e r \ 2.95 Sport Shirts BELTS ...... 89c Slipcovers v'eek irt your l o t m y i Fancy Patterns .... 1.49 BroadclofS Pajamas 2 pr. 5.00 urrounl U'tth R u th erfo rd Suiiiiiier Reductions S a l u n u i l . a n d m 2 1.98 Basque & Polo Shirts . . 1.00 y e a rs , your deposits pl*4 Athletic Shirts & Briefs 3 for 1.00 2 ' , e a r n e d ( p re s e n t r a t e ) F sei l*ke • M illio n open BOYS DEPARTMENT interest RN B p u ^ i y o u Mary Lempert y o u r very (lion " I Kuueanduira ' 49c Shorts...... 3 for 1.75 INTERIORS per annum , entitles you to Boys' Sport Shirts op to 18 1.00 the p op u la r tale. — ( l i itvo OU p lu s inter**!) ae- 89c Tee Shirts 3 for 2.00 K E. 2 -0 1 11 "T houwnduit * *' cvual today at any of ou r T.95 Dacron Blend Slacks . . 4.98 2.95 Dan River Sport Shirts 1.49 11 M IM it HOAD ^ conieraehl h x a t t o n s Boier Dungaree*...... 59c NORTH ARLINGTON. N. > . 7.95 Wash t Wear Slocks . . 4.50 e nuTHtssrc.no 7.95 Sharkskin Slacks 4.98 Western Dunqarees l < j / i • BAST MuTMlfWroftO □ H e r f o r d up to 14...... 1.98 Dr. L Dansky e MOUTH AMLiNoruN 5.95 Gabardine Slacks .... 3.98 I a i t o n a l e M IN LVNOHUMT Walkinq Shorts...... 1.00 OPTOMEIMST □ I K Heavy Chino Pants . . . 2.98 1 e C A M .8T A O T Eye* Examined • HAUUMITO* 1.00 Nylon Stretches Boys Lined Jackets 2.98 Opposite Town Hall 2 p a ir...... 1.00 Boys' Nylon Stretches 2 pr. 1.00 405 KEARNY AVE. KEARNY

Phone KE. 2-0056 And Many More Outstanding Bargains PAGE FOUR COMMERCIAL LEADER & SOITH BERGEN REVIEW THURSDAY. JULY 26. 1956

MOVIES - ENTERTAINMENT - DINING - DANCING - FOODS WHERE TO 60 - WHAT TO DO - WHAT TO SEE IN SOUTH BERGEN AT THE RIVOLI See “ Bullfight” It Will AT THE LINCOLN Spotlight on Your Stars Settle All Your Questions NEW Y O R K ^T K ere is a pi A nd for th e "first ture in town that evei . body erag e ian has a I . A S T R A D A SF.fc TH E (IX IIS T IR S ought to see It is called Bull­ w h at 11 the hoi- A ne-.i Ita lia n m ovie opened fight'' and it is a definitive len n g More and more families are last week ho it and there hive j movie on a theme which has 1 lie t o- ie shows up every de­ been some cmw.i.' rea ti-.ns The finding it easy to beat inflation been controversial foi many tail < I* al iv. the sensuous bull- hy doing the summer vacation critics have hailed ■ ' as nn art is vears. fig h ter thr fm y i>f the hulls, hit with their brains rather than tie master pie r Tht- t;tle means O nly those w ho h av e been in th e col d. bloodthirstiness of the t h e i r pockefcbooks. I n s t e a d o f j “T he Road •d th e paying Mexico or Spain or one of fhe e n tire thing come a. ross as spending a young fortune on custom ers w! > seen it say South American countries where though one were there renting a shore or lake cottage th a t it ta n i : >,d f'>r all i bullfi;;hting was j>ermittod haw laughtering of the bulls th ey care and standing all the expenses j in the past, been able to join in ght to di-may the weak thereupon attached, the. are the argument. i p.ut c vc n ir.ore wret h- The m ovie spending their vacations in then .d." earn- hu But now the nov e has < om” b<- i isnn'T in which the doltish chars ow n hom es wine mone\ < xhilntmu his about and you have th<- wtvi >r> wi.i h the bandilleros strength before ■ i 11- c r 1 Tne wondei ful highways of port unrolled before youi eve: knock* 1 w n and assistant has died p.ohal-ly j of today put the shore and the lakes !t is a ;:i< ture on which pain lack of care and !f rnalrud:m :t i>>n > ithin easy driving dist mce A taking care has been spent. It th the m m is com- S o/ the c ia n t nf,‘" fo rth to h iv famil ' starting off at 8 o\ lock s a brilliant movie. • i< -ed to .« -t i. *n It her sister and m ha can be alm ost an y w h ere it ether out of what appear m b*e tin w hile seeing; If as this assistant w ants by 10 a m w hen th e sun lcwsreel shots. idei tan d w at the ar- T hc sale <■: .< < t is really out and the time ;oj a The movie shows some of the over th e s lo it have he goes with th*• swim has arrived :reat bullfighting aitists of m otorcycle W hat a le- Others arc discovering that It has a hood ovt ; it An : <>n the they are 1 vin« in the world's il<»fing under the ;. ■<>d the lairyland, if they only r.now wljere to look for it. At the Vicious healing is adm inistered to contender M ike Lane right, Now playing thru Saturday. July 28 BIIO W AM .U NCTION" conple h av e th en lu. in ; q u a r­ County Record Of Work in Cinemascope and Technicolor, starring Ava Gardner and Stew by Max Baer in THK HARDER TH EY FA LL." blistering boxing tern. Cloisters, for instance, one find< expose, starring Humphrey hog art at the Rivoli Theater, Ruther­ art Granger. Eventually,. the tita lental- a setting that is without parallel ford. starting Wednesday evening. July 25 thru Friday. July 27 ly * retarded, cannot •t the in these parts, at least. Tucked On Roads, Drainage Told nufrdcr He sC.and.m i and away a short distance from the and shoulder construc wcNjps for lonelim ^ is "La George Washington Bridge, it is The Bergen Countv Road De from Wiiti h ■tiace north. 1H6 age proieets, and [in sti»d,-. • a treasure that is available to Many Local Visitors Find The Lakeside >artment completed m tjoi feet ol 12 m< t pipe and 2 catch ^kAnOutdO&l Those w h ex |x see in it everybody free •rainage. culvert and bridge 1 a in wen n tolled In Saddle Mr THEATRES some of the gustv moment- that A couple we know did it the House Charming And Very Hospitality .ork in eighteen . o-nnmnit i* Allendale avenue of Cha ■enue. it •d Mon KST FM THE ENTIRE FAMILY | hard way last week. They took luring the fnsf ix month- < We I Saddle R had. 200 a * typical of the Italian films Mrs GeoiLorn Moo Of Lvnd day in va' af i ' i fo S i b a room in a midtown hotel and ‘his year and also completed feet of pi *■ installed and ■ ifl't find them in this. Theie i-, In11 *;». proorielo: ot tho -Iiinmer Kat hie n Leyh. daughter of N Y determined that the;, would do urfai e treatment work on 7fi! some fairly pain talking But hoi-Tlie l.j, .- ide at 2'U Mi. and Mrs Walter Leyh. Jr everything they had promised •31 square yards of County thft- is all The yirl u ;i tousle I-1 ft h a v enue, e ports that .she otii'-e ourt. - pending two The lai -e t i rl h of -;it fa e haired little thmc who grins and themselves they s o m e d a y w ould ks with hej grandmother roads. tre a tm e n t u o ik . to talin g 101.852 has had man Hue: t ■ from (AIR CONDITIONED) cap ers in the- C h a rlie C haplin do in Nev* York Walter Leyh. at her home lhe six month report hy Road square yard-, a- pei for ned <>n Lyndhui t and North Arlington ip r mfni isr i pf A. Colo* tradition She definitely dor. not They saw the S ta tu e of I il. l-ake Ronkonkoma, Long Is Supervisor J Ernest Their, Km kerl ockci road and Livings erty. they visited the American "SITTIN G RI LL" spell s-e x which was made public works ton street froio I jbertv road to ■ T J T T T a Vjm Hetl.n Museum they ate on the side The movie suffers from a lack omnnttee shows that one of the the- New York St,i* line A total H n th rr r..rd W »• « l» was pel- i R D A V FVENINC. ONLY saved for her prion is not pov­ comedy and three movies. Willow avenue, is back from a tailed i 22 feet of 12 inch rein j formed on Ramapo V’allev road, T h u r s . Af Fri Julv 2R-27 ory Pfrlc Anne Balter YELLOW SKY" erty, she just happens to he re­ They returned home tired mt v-sit of a week at the home of forced concrete pi|x* drain and -from Wilmuth street 1.950 feet Hump. Rog^rt Jpn Sterling confident t hey had not s e e n a If f 11 * r,.tMitnus Dorseys" tard ed h i grandmother, Mrs. Raymond b b a s i n s on Madison av Mlth of O akline line, m THK HAKDKII Till V nrmirnpr Frj tliret’e Once it is established that she fi action what thev had hoped to 'lunte'i at Honesdale. Pa. Her ■ t New Milford a' enue Chuckannut street ri-.omngnbred is Born" see. Next year they plan the K A l I cannot over come thi . the ten a i en ts sp en t th e w eekend Other major propect.; complet- A n u m b er of county roads in same kind of vacation An4 '•'inrt * v, Mnr»1.»y TuPSClay sion of the movie disappears, there. d were; installation of 204 feet F’.nglewood. Tenaflv. Teaneck. 'With air conditioning on John Payor - Rhonda Hrrning 'v j Ci.iJnrr Stow n t Oungei becom es i n t a pitiful object, of 21 inch and 52 feet of 12 inch Dumont. I odi. C,len Rc«- Oa’- riri'injw ripe 4 C o lo r every side.'' they said. who I m itr - s r >. Partner buffeted bv a life she cannot pipe on Lake avenue Midland lan d F ran fin f^ k e ,. Wv.-k if tin . ve th< ( inpm nvnm r fi- Technicolor had magnificent dinners evciy Drive in theatre coin avenue. Fair Ijr.in Re report hided gradin Ava (.ardnn Stewart (irangrr Private Music night and then went to the thea At ROUTE I7-RUIH6RFORO placed 900 feet of wood ion .n llll. i\\ AM ter or a movie house It was a this The irtni- M On *'i ■ t>oMh Huy ward vytBSTER H-HOJ3 rail with concrete guard rail and AIR ( ONDITIONED Lessons ju st ■ k t m J I i \ ( ; t i o \- In "DEM ETRII’S AND dream vacation and we wonder wire cable on Bergen Turnpike why we h a v e n ’t done it b efore a ls o TIIE GLADIATORS” Tech. pool at Willow Lake. l ittle Fci r\ In Jurty G.tll>nrt Boige* GATTI Thursday and Friday Jeff ('handler l oraine Day in Accordion A Piano Studio RID E TD ROCK AW A V stalled 218 feet of 8 m b i i: e in “TIIE W IZARD OF OZ" fo. I In Cinemascope V esented at 8 t?:25 ffrntal on Acrordion First 4 One of the musts for tourists ll> .o h M j r l n w i .• N a n r. y G a t f > on Ramapo Valley road. Mah TU I I II .I H" Tri ll. I 10 Week Free Trial low is the 30-cent ride to Hock W O R L D W IT H O U T P N O'* w ah Also in Mahwah on same SA 7 URDAY Alio HATINFES DAII Y AT 1 30 jmr* St‘ .v.ii t Arthur Kennedy A Iso*, new Accordions for Sale away Beach The Eighth Avenue road between Wilmoth drive and Wed Eve. thru Erl A i i r I .t are fun ■The come ON" The MAN FROM LARAM IE" Name brands 1 year guarantee G rove street installed 1 <* 1 feed ubway under the Port of New In Cinemascope & Technicolor ry (.incm js'fot and Techn.c» d a y of 36 im h p p c . 4.361 feet of r> Now thru Sat. July 2H-27-2R 4u*ic Novelty N «t "Kinq" Col« W F - W I 0-4155 tele\ i i' Van Johnson Vera Miles in Euclid Hveniie. Brooklyn. Ihere inch pipe and 50 feet of corru­ p 11^ Cmfm tscop'- e%aturett« 417 W F.ART AVENUE I^tke id. In Cinemascope s:\ P\< I s To Hunters ot ihf Sea" A C a r to o n t shuttle train takes you right to ' Chambe ihfn t MUi huo’ - Marilyn Monroe gated oval pipe, t cat h b c ui • Yf IN PRODU* 1iON' I.YN DHl RST N. J. m vtn OF NO RETURN the beach It is h wondei lui and 4 m anholes Installed 272 H \K I It S T I il.l l" SUNDAY thru TUESDAY Ac o«s from th* High School sum m ei Alao CAM OF IHO'I 'ANi” 2 C me.natcfipE Hits in Coiorl ught and a wonderful beach feet of 18 inch pipe one basin a n d ■UNION STATION Van Johnson Vera M.te* and one manhole on Westwood T«*ny Curtis Coleen M iller In P A ( V S T O Mr Cbnstopliei BHOWANI in 23 Mr. and Mrs Henry Bieder P rendei W ill., Sun Mon Tue» avenue, at Washington avenue. C o l o r RAKER STREET" nann, of Post avenue, are back celebiai A'l Color Program Old Tap} an. JUNCTION s Mason Janet Leigh YOUR LIBRARY i :vith ihe k \\\ mm; vi \ ks • 1 W ignei Deb. a Paflot i om their vacation of three Tony Curti* C.ol»en M'lifr Twq jobs were completed in Valiev BrooV Ave fcpine St. anm i i Tliesda1 THE RAWHIDE YEARS' AVA SHMAR1 PRINCE. VALIAN T’ weeks spent at Barnegat Pines Telephone WEbster 9-6548 fam ily A lso River Vale On Rivervale road. THE TOY TIGER 200 feet of 8 inch pipe were in­ bANUHtN ■ bKANbtK- Blli IRAVIRS Mrs. William Geary, of Pace stalled and on the same road. IVl-G M COLOR CINEMASCOPE Every Wednesday Matinee The Best ivenue, had as her guests for SPEC IA L KIDDIE SHOW 9 phone a ls o Investment You 'he past week her grand hil 2— RIG FE A TI’RES 2 Iren, Matthew. Patricia. Justin o ratos aro UKOKF.N STAR * Loads of Cartoons Howard l>uff f.lta Baron I m ill' ll i.i i c l!c-.-t \ at ions j- Ever Made ind Julie Ann Me Carthv. of Free lee Cream to All! Iselin Their mother, Mrs Jus o TRY EDS SPECIAL for hotels, ami ticketing in Me Carthhy. spent the week LOW Sun Mon. Tues. July 29-30-31 fo r it Ivce, Mass.. with her husband o Cinemascope and Color - Adult Dept. O Hartford...... The Love Story of a Princess Mi and Mrs Gustave Linde A LONG AND SHORT 9 N»rf»lk ...... l lll S\\ \N ‘* Is Open: berg, of Second avenue, spent Grace Kelly - Alee Guinness Mopday. Wednesdav. Friday the weekend at Atlantic City O IT SURE HITS THE SPOT a ls o v J p m . ■ fl p.m Tuesday, Thursday -in \\ MIDI VM ItS " 9 a m - 12 Noon Follow The LEADER XRSJUIPSJI' Double Barrel’s Tavern Tony ( urtls— in Teehnlcoolr Wed to Sat. July 25 211 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Jane Russell - Richard Egan AVEL lor. IM 1RROW OI.SKI, Prop: Wed thru Sat Au*. 11 HI \ ii., foi. ..I ii n K" • ■•o Daily 1 pm. - 5 p.m. . . . \ 44? LewAndowski Street, Lyndhurst, N. J. Hoht Tavlor Richard Todd Anne Francis-W alter Pidgeon | Huiltling ronhlriieiton.contracloi mi.i. i..| hi I vea { Tuesday, Thursday Dana W vnter -FOKBIDDKN PI \M I 9«m -.- 12 Noon | \nting. Mt-on Vl'ork. I.arpentiv aixl Sl• I Kind ) Wc Serve Businesmens Lunches 12-3 al«. Story Hour will be held n n m.i h • SATCRDAY M ATINEE Every Tuesday Morning | (.on^trurtion on 50* x 55* Cement III..rk HuiMnig ^ in Technicolor \k»l»«>tI A' L.oelelln Mi-c| at 10 o’clock Jeff Chmdler Laraine Day Dr. Jekyl K Mr. Ilv.le * Mon , Wed . Fri. | SPECIFICATIONS OBTAINABLE AT also Sre II;i. tcMlav to gef tite 3 to 5 p.m ., 7 to 9 p .m . SPECIAL KIDDIE MAT. *‘F«*rl»i»l«len Planet" most fun nut of your trip. North Arlington Bowl-O-Drome W ednesdav. Au*. 1 ARCO TOOL & MFG. CO. ( .a r to o tio Bor ■ Restaurant Sl KM A KINK COMMAND' Gr«*> hound igrrwy { <»7 RIVER ROAD NORIII \KI IM.IOV, \ ,1 j TO Y TIGER*' SHOP l\ YO I'R S COLOR ( ARTOONS Sun to Wed. July 2 1 . A u g I Gibbs Travel 200 SCHUYLER AVENUE John Wayne - Vera Miles OWN HOW FOR KE. 2-8059 •t h f . sFARi n i K s Bureau NORTH ARLINGTON • 1*0 ONE RIDGE ROAD SLIPCOVERS Eve Arden Gale (Gordon I 1 I VNDH1 RST. N J a n d Air Conditioned For Your Comfort • nl K MISS H R onks' W I hster 9 21M i C r S T O M Finest Alleys in N.J. DRAPERIES SPECIAL OFFER! Call u« or write and our rep Park Rest Bar & G rill HEAVY ALCOA fXT«L‘OfO ALUMINUM resenUtive w i l l rail at y o u r h o m e w i t h a full line of RESTAURANT 8 Combination Windows •ample fabrics. Choose your Italian & American Cooking TRIPLE TR ACK NOT A THREE WAV' fabrics In your o w n h o m e NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC J u r n h o S l w Waabahle and S u n f a s t m a $127.60 Pixxa Pies Sert'ing Dr/icioui GIARANTEFD l« YEARS \I\ s t D E F E C T S (To Take O iiO fo r TT,O EXTRA CHARGE OUB OVERHEAH IS lOW VO. SAVE FOR THIS SERVICE HI!I \KK\ST I.l N(.HKO\ n i N w u t h f M n o ■ » v * * * s r c o r n Shrimp • Sea Food NO DOWN PAYM ENT M IDNIGHT SNA! KS riB'-.T PA v ME NT STA O ts NOVI MHf.Ci' nyi H a r r y B. I i*it Our !\FAf “.Hr ( ondtlionrtf ’ I'lnc Ro**m D o m R o s a A L U M IN I M ’ *^Ackerson Joan and Sam Glatiulnt” Doors $34.95 up - Awnings OPEN BOWLING Plumbing & Hodting VIVY o u n ,!iMnwnooM 410 Harkrnaark St 201 PARK AYFM F, I VMHIl KST. \ EVERY DAY & NIGHT Alteration* • Repair* Carlntidt, N. J. GEneva 8-9675 WF.. 9 7 II.> North American Aluminum Co. tf o n e WEb«trr 9-2114 KE. 3-6976 t u LOITSE COI’RT R'uyvf»»«l Av««ui Lvn4r> LYNDHI RST. N J WEbster DIM GEneva « #7«J THURSDAY. JULY 26, 1956 COMMERCIAL l-EADFR A SOUTH RFRC.F.N RFVIFV

rnmnnnnnmnnnnnmmmni— mi 11 if* in mmrTnirrTTTrnrmTTf?ttY9VVM9M!VVIIQI||l|S| Mr and Mrs Richard Bayliss . Hospital. Passaic The baby and children. Glenne. John j w e ig h e d n i n e p o u n d s a n d s i x Lynne and April of Livingston .ounces. He join* two sister* avenue, are back from a vacs Barbara and Judith tion stay at Seaside Park Lyndhurst Personals I Mr and Mrs Robert Hoglund rind daughters. Ann and B a ib DOLLAR Mr. and Mrs Ben Miglin. of fhe weekend at West l/ong M iss R osem ary B ello. 519 Sec ! ara of Forest avenue. have con- , ond avenue, is baa< k from a v acation spent at i 1 Ma; Lod e. Washingtonville. G et Low, Low Prices N Y j Mi #i nd M is F.i m t K m ht P l u s S&H Green Stam ps I and sons Rt»»*eit and Allan >f Kansas City. M-*. « ts I t tliPir parents Mi and Mrs i ne t Knight of Fourth street, nd M: and Mis n un...... IDEAL S w eat ev. of T o n Eyck avenue 1.0 0 ORANGE Mrs Wilfted Nash and son. 4 — S 1 iank, and daughter Miss Lil j I J u ic e lan Nash, of Roosevelt a enuP, ue spend ng the week with an IDEAL thei son and dam.htei iri la v. I 1 .0 0 li and Mrs Wilfred Nash. Ji . • With PORK tid icitnilv. at Olean, N Y 1 0 S 1 ------B e a n s M and Mrs. William Kbrv i • I Tenth street, have had as b* i- guests for the pa>t \> *'«*k j IDEAL Condensed I 0 0 Mi' John Albert anti hei , TOMATO lai'ghtei and son-in M> I • nd M i s . John Cai ifa. o . ( V I ui S o u p >m . Ohio Mr*. KI a o' md Mr \lbert are cou ins and had n d j Ideal Plum, Peach. Grape, Pineapple. Crushed Cherry I’ n t *

(M.u k. of I m- oln ave .0 0 sppnding tbe summer ith ai uni le nt Sea11Ip , W ash >■ t«n Preserves 4 - $1 Burry's Cookies "•**;.*„•.* 2 9 ' Sunshine Sugar Honey Graham Crackers 35* Seeing is Relieving 1

you nO M tl A **.? O Lancaster Brand "U. S. Choice This leaperofthe GERMANS (1689-1945) FOOLISHLV r e f u s e p TO WEAR GLASSES IN PUBLIC, BUT OFTEN HELP fH EM V/HILfc a n p STEAKS MAKING A SPEECH PROKE THEM WHEN HE CLENCHEP HIS FIST. Hn fynrt »t«wl. *1 ■«» p r l i r ' N o r * l f » i H * l | r for I hi* It *I»«U * !*•••< l*lr Rib Sirloin Porterhouse S£T£ /VAM£ tM V& fTfP vour nv»nr) »><** k g t i a r Ib n e f ? e ant** Ib. 69cM 79c r ”83 H e a d a c h e s a re often CHICKEN LEGS » 69' CHICKEN BREASTS » 79‘ RELATEP TO EXACTING, VISUAL WORK, ANP ARE MOST COMMON AMONG Leq or COLLEGE STUPENTS.THEy CAN FREQUENTLY BE CUREP Rump Ib BY EXE-CARE. V e a l R o a st 5 5 TT S a m p le s of all g o lp- UlHMlH n-.H.I t M «h.4.e ll\ tNM f \|l% — FRESH FROSTED FISH — FILLEP MATERIALS ARE TESTEP TO PE TERMING THEIR GOLD CONTENT FILLET WHITING * 2U BEFORE BEING USED IN Rib Roast Ib 63c SPECTACLE MOUNTINGS, J 3c HADDOCK FILLET SAYS THE BETTER VISION LANCASTER BRAND BACON SSc PAN-READY PORGIES INSTITUTE. LIVER WURST S9c OLMSTEAD SMELTS L i g h t e y e s a r e SLICED BOILED HAM m o r e SENSITIVE TO GLARE THAN CMRK STORE SLICED BOLOGNA 2tc ONES. ANP TIRE PRESSED HAM ' JSc MORE EASILY fVJT TROUBLE CAN SPICED LUNCHEON MEATS 29c ATTACK EYES HONEYotws OF ANY COLOR. KOSHER FRANKS 46c -■ - . * . . . . 3 9 . I I H I . m a I K K I I I K II K I t III! S SPECIAL ~ Tues. & Wed. Only! Coffee Cake 29‘ B,!^EBfRR(£s Closed Monday \ l Ki .is l \ l» ; sl’li iai ! i.AHi.t. >l'/» * r'«i 29 “ PERMANENT Apple Pie 39‘ I i m r i *|>|><'« n«tM in flak* 4rinlaM* I**** «-«J?*APes I M M m \T K MK OKKri > 5 2 , , j O u r ^ » nt \«1 - go in to WAVES 4 0 j -nor Bar Cake 39‘ T O k A a md iiihinrM home* in l/ll KI I S WHlil (>M WIIOI K »lir ST j£ ^ *V | f Q £ ^ I wtrihurM. North Arling­ $ 8 . 0 0 B utter Bread — 19' ton. F.ist Rutherford ami 29 ** ^«jprj' m m m tm arl-ta r.iu m ok mi f k 11 o n f| IfifUl •*#'» A U Just phone its before 1 1 a.nv on ^ edne*dav linrsF. OF HKAI'TY G E 8 8 7 0 0 1 American Cheese - 49c Broccoli •a GEneva 8-2T48 2 r%« 39c or U rite to: § KKUT « HM KIK IUHKH, 70 I’SRK AVIM 1. HITIIHIHiKH > I r m is I • ;of*T I’ubliralHitu, 251 Hoad. I %iidhitr« f Sharp Cheese »4«a m Beans 2 r%* 39*

A ugu.t F.nitly Circla M agaxin* ^u,t ®u t* 3 THURSDAY. JI I.Y 26. 1956 PA G E s l \ < oMMERl.lAt. LEADER & SOI IH BEKUE.N REVIEW

the Am erican Judicative Society m a d e possible by the cooperation and a director oi the National oi the m unicipal clerks through News From Lodge 1505 Bank o f Edgewater out the county who have been Admitted to practice before asked to remain on duty each night—erf- "H Week" to receive the U. S. Supreme Court. Mr. Christie’s Column Weh nine l ack to Lvndhurst, years. W e of Lyndhurst pledge registrations. Many of the may­ Lasher’s office is at 14 Wash­ successful year ors of the communities within Exalted Ruler Adam Czarnecki our support tor a ington place, Hac kensack. He re­ and other .iff cer: who attended Anyone w i s h . n g to a t t e n d M r the county have arranged to This on' Thot Mr and Mr- C'amillo De Bonis and children. Eleanor and sides at 1 5 0 6 River road, Ed0e- designate the week by public Camillo, of Riverside avehu**. have returned from a weekend tnu the Elks. .National Convention in Tobin’s installation at the Elks vt a ter 1 Outfielder Bill Tuttl® of the Chicago. Home in Bedford, Va., please proclamation. Detroit Tiger* is superstitions— to Savannah, (ia.. while Mr C'amillo was godfather on Sundav “Because of the Kenny Insp­ at the christenmi' ef Ins nice-. Carmella Ann l)e Bonis, daughter o.ir new Grand Exalted Ruler contact Brother Joe Bader. This but not like »ome folks. Bill likes is a real enjoyable event, w ilh ,l,' e 'n Jersev C i t . Medical County Committee members, ut Second Lieu! 1 *i i » De Bonis and Mrs l)e Bonis, of Atlanta. ected to oft that session the usually distasteful number 11 11 1 a chance to see lhe heart of Elk- I Center and becausle of the Ire- Walden said, will be rimed for Fred L. BoI John o*f Zane. ville, ••IS”. Tuttle recently asked tho ■ loin . l«ht there in Bedford. ! quent vls.ts paid t o . It by the the week-long drive at a giant j Tifcr management to let hint Mary Eli/aheth Br*•; 1.«• i . daughter of Mr. and Mrs Valentine all Elks will go , . , , . . late sister Kenny, the State of workers rally *.o be held Sep- ish im; Mr. Bohn a Our blood bank is being s t a r t I wear uniform No. 13 in the hopes Bremer, 44:> ,laun.-.-v ..venue celebrated her sixth birthda\ mi New Jersey has deep interest in tember 8th. at a plac e t > he an- it might snap him out of a bai­ Friday evening lim -t: at iuii.il> party were lief gi an.lmoth. i . hil year. •d again with a p la n to h a v e the Kenny Foundation," Mr I. >- non need later. ’ he rally will be ndhurst Lod.-e have enoufcht blood on hand should ting slump. Seems he wore No. IS Mrs. Frank Bu m. i and Mi Lillian Duncanson, of Arbir-toi. sher said. “We know quite well addressed \ tj Republican Na- ^ iveil the honor of ..ne of us need this h e l p . I while playing semi-pro ball til Mis James Miinn and >.tt James, and ('hailes aild Jack Bremei what the Kenny treatment can tional. State, and I x k u I lea de,s. Illinois and had good iuck . . . >wn Brothei J.-e Ba would like to see every E l k in ot Lvndhui ! do and has done for polio crip­ Progress of the drive to regis- t BIU l.lllard of Chicago set a new ed to the lln n d Lyndhurst pledge and give a t ples. ter voters w.U he posted at local money earning mark In the l»M . V dlt l ol IlltU e least one pint o f blood p e r y e a r . “Today lmd the Foundation joints thi ou,. hoc t lhe county %H4 bowling tournament when ba Mi - Walter J.inowskJ Mrs. Ben Miflin, Mrs Joseph B...!. «. filth sti aif,ht yeai Brotlier Di Lamberto h a s c o n ­ during the week. 'l“io:ie eli, l le rained *2.1*0 75. In 1955. Fred Mrs hdwaid Zamo\:ki «in<1 Mi Stephen FlorVewicz of l.-nd ,)..e ha*> Oc-en khos.-n sented to help us with this w o r k . extending the Kenny treatment to othei crippling* disab lities. for re -.istt ation ’. ill be ur^ed to ! Bujaek of Detroit won S2.Mt.SS hurst, with Mr- J M McFarlaml, ot Totowa, and Mis Janie' New imvortant post: to When the c ill comes out for you enroll with their • municipal Ron Church, 21. recently bolt, ot c'hfto nt a dtfy L rK as guests of Mrs. Adam >; one year is quite to do youi pait. we h o p e we . a n which wa. Sister Kenny's dream t lerks, through .>ersunal vis ta­ ■pea red a 4S4S pound bla«'k sea C / a i neck i, tm ot Ten E\ time, at her new home in depend upon you. ■ for many years before her death i'er.t. hut this is his tion by teams r iade up of mem­ bass near Kan Diego. C sl.. thought falooiniieui ■ a:< all a proud as i in 1952 'lhe Kenny treatment is A picture ot our Urand E x ­ bers of the County Committee be a rerord of tbe species far !jt to have sui h an i still tree. To continue N>ts pro Mai v Am: . e. daughter uf Mr and Mrs. Frank On fi. . alted Ruler will appear i n a n gram of treatment and rehabili- »« the various cumniunities. » skin diver . . . The New York KIk ainmig us All Giants and the Baltimore Colls, of Mai m .i . ei a 12 years old on Sunday. Richaid Ti.-//a. other part ol this newspaper. ! tation, the Foundation defends Another event of importance Ve asked ine to wi.sh TRIPLE-W IN N ER ... AMtraHa'i who do not meet In regular Na­ next do.,I . u.i- 1J on the same day 'lhe two ( elehi.it. .1 l’ii a-,,- attend next meeting, entirely upon public contribu­ on the County Committee calen­ PrM r Thomson. 2«, won British tional Football l.eague season l.'ood Elk- make Lettei Amer 1 dar will be "Candidates Ni-ht with a ion.! i • I. N.itui dj\ evening. 1 hell' gue.! were | . V tions for its suppoi t. am con­ Open Golf championship al Hoy- fident that Bergen Countv wil! to be held in the YM1.A on Es- play, have agreed to a pre-season inond Im , • . i ‘ 11 \ . Judith In-one of Nuthy. I’hylli le lake. England, far third coaaeeu- e,|,iblllon football game at Boston respond generously as has in sex street in Hackensack, on O. in i o« h / : !• , Andiiol.i, Jud\ Facio. Patrick Del Vec. I..•» Mve year. Hla SM scare lopped j Uaivanit) Held August 2# for tha i the past yes. even mor so." tober 2nd. balvalm <• I i * . i I*-.- liiardella. ol Lvndhuis! Ibr-n wa- hu S3* entrants from 2® nations, and ^Bettt of tbe H arry Agganls Foua- thei . eI* I i .il, Mai \ Ann when liei mother took her to :• At this celebration candidate-, earned him $MM. I d»tton . . . John F. Warner, an* show and .tn.. New Yolk. iday Lasher Heads _ - _ _ . National. State and County will | distant track coach al the (Jnlver* be present. Ea h will be j-ennit I slty of Ranaaa. has been appointed .. !-, it 1... ei I'l :-id\ . .blight. IS lit Mi a iul Mi I . ted to speak fm five minutes on bead track coach nl Colgate. J Biadx Kenny Fund ®|',ves campaign subje t. The remain­ grcndpai P.,dr. Captain Edwaid Keating and Mi der of tlie even ng v\ ill he th Mrs. William Foster ot Km is­ ut J * se • . at Bi imai liladv celebrated her seventh Milt. i T Lasher. Bergen voted to social interests 1 For Members land avenue has just returned W ilh a pai t \ imi. on Sal ui das . (iull mint, munsel tonner assemb­ PS Output Drops U Kt'L lyman and foi iner mayor of I’lans of the* Bergen County Mr and Mrs Ralph Stainton. j Output of electricity by Pub from un extended tour of Miss E M.11 tin, daughtei ol Mr. and Mr- E S Mai t.u. E Igeu ate; vv ill serve as Bergen Re; ublnan Committee, or the 226 Forest avenue, announce the I h<- Service Electric and Gas Mexico. Count;, Chau man for the 1956 campaign whuh ends with the birth of a daughter. Susan on 641 Filth avi nue I,...I as then gue-ts on a two day trip lo AIIoiiIk .Company for the week ended c 11 \ Phursday and Frida). the Misses Susan Alexander, ot Ml Si. tei Elizabeth Kenny Founds November 6th General Election, July hth at St Barnabas Hos tion fund ap' c aj, to be held dur­ have just been announced by the pital, Newark. She joins a bro i July 19, 1956. was 179.182,900 Vt i non. 1!; i'a:ol Sandei , ot Ottawa, Ul., Beth Hoapland oi kilowatt-hours compared with ing September in New Jersey. Chairman. Alfred S Walden. thei, Richard Blidgepoit. i ..nn and I'u i o l y n Woods, of Johnson Citv Tenn ’I he 165,478,206 kilow att hours in the Annouiit ement was made today Thc plan:., which become re­ returned l..i> m, Frida) ami then went to Eagle’s Nest harm, .it corresponding week a year aHO. o.v St.it. Chau man. William h cently operative were prepared Miss Agnes Kane, daughter of Delaware. .. J \% h.-re all five are counsellors a decrease of 6,295,300 or 3.39 nel-. that weie Kelly, .11 v. ho l.s president of by a sub-committee headed by Mr and Mrs Eugene Kane, of p e r c e n t . D L Q ood O L Mi and Mr- William L. Kelly, of Second avenue, have a stol es ai oiiiid the New Jei sey Civil Service Hem M Stumpf They include , 'Hiird avenue, spent the eek- iht 11 g i . t tm two week-, their daughter, Mrs. Frank Bello and ipv to -av that Commission. the celel rat pn of “R Week end at Washington, 1). C uest ctuldr \\ dn.un Michael, Frank and Patricia, ol I'oluinl.u „ <) Coal of the fund raising cam­ a special drive to register v«*t of Miss Stanlee Ann Miller, Sum m ertim e - Mr- Bello I:.. I 111. K I hut 1'ettv Otlicer Frank Bello, I- - pel id in t ■ inti paign m Bergen County is $50. classmate at Smith College, the two w.\ tt\ . on an a .'ignineiit ol the Navy at Floyd B.-ni'utt 000 tow aid. the State figure of Mailing of workers kits to the Northampton, Mass. Field, N Y u j | $200,000 and the eastern area seven hundred odd members of New Furniture? can itill be a profitable uly Br II,,., ligure ol $421,000 the Committee will be the open­ ing gun in the campaign. These Mr and Mi S.Kat/, o| Fifth street, had a weekend i •d tune .th Mi 1 a hei is past pres dent of NO- Keupholhtered. time. Put lazy dollars U> guests then dan, 1,1. r and son in law, Mi and Mi- II td M eat Yoiu hei). eed tin- Bei en ('ounty Bar Associa kits ill contain a letter of in Chiropractor B uj stem and - on, Mark, ot Waltham, Ma Othei Sundav cm I d W. ,int ttiaVnc tele' sum tion ,i member of the American stmctions from Walden outlin­ work earning a 2 l v % c u r ­ included Mi and Mi Hobei t Kat/. and daughter, Nad. m ut «t m grill room Bar As ociat on, member and ing the campaign, another from Dr. W . J. C u n n in g h a m C a ll: North Ai Inn ton. and Mr and Mrs Russell E Patter on and son , Bi ot I Toi in ol Kuth. 111. of Un­ th. Renubli.an campaign m an­ rent annual di\.den«i at ford New Jersey Bar (over 2,'» year* *ui-c-e«»ful practice! Russell E.. ol Lvndhui st. en . llll a.s tile As ion. neniber of the ager, Martin J. Ferber; and ana Di t: i t I >eput \ tii Kxaltr-.f Ai in Bar Asso. latioii, mem- lysis of past Voting records and Houm- .all' l>) appointment Mary Lempert Mi and Mi Edw aid A Liwson o f Paik avenue had a- gu< f ir d, fri. f. and Oif i, e Ot the New Jer- the all important "street lists" INTERIORS 56:» H rlprave Drive during th. weekend Mi and Mrs James Thompson and childien., nlmg Elk many sej Bar Asso. latnn, member of the names of registered voters Patricia. .Ian . Charles and Barbara, from Iowa. Mrs Thompson listed by the street, in eat h com­ K earny, !N. J. KE. 2-0111 is then nu..- the form, r Miss Violett Scott, of Lvndhur-t Othe^ munity. which will form the ba­ sis for the registration drive who got tog.Die; \ 11>i the Thompsons weie Mr and Mi Janie ill they s. Paul Theiler and M r s . Phone KEarny 2-0136 11 R IIX iF ROAD y iS. 21 \in.«*i KiMh*rfora Nielsei, and lamiU of Chatham, Mr. and Mrs MacDow.ll and Clough le of Ev ndhurst, are e members of the g r o u p . This drive or "R Week", N O R T H ARLINGTON, N. J. family, and N,. , Ni.-I en. of Rutherford, Mr and Mr- Joseph which will continue from Sept Pavlak and >*n. lii.nn Mi James Brown and Mi Marylyn Mi. and Mrs. A 11 liars I'u.vt avenue entertained at j ember lllth to the 14th, has been Lawson oi I. t. dinner oir'Sunday in honor of their sistei in |.iw. Mrs. A n n a H a r . im of Newark, who leav< on h'udav lot (Icinianv Other guests Mr Ea Haw!. \ o| Second avenue is chairman of the .an w*»re Mi and Mrs. Ed (iritlith of Mayood, Mr and Mrs. Alvin cer ili« . 1 ip of Rutherford Chapter, Order of the Eastern Riown m Pompton Plain-, and their families. Mr, and Mis Les Star lb. !.• . an outdoor luncheon meeting last week at the de Y<>p. i.n, and famiK, of West- Paterson, and Mr. and Mrs. Buy Now Payments Start In October h u iiu ■

h o c io a t c o o e s otlon windows ond doorsl

Pow ored up w ith tho hlghost I o m i t r m Styled to load today and tom orrow I sufm iok -J" sum o * tx m u o i o ALUMINUM COMBINATION TOPI* ISACI . P rloed to fit your budflat now I WINDOWS IVITH STAINUSS STHl TIACKS MINOS fOU ju*l think of lli«* pure fun of owning car. W han ihat 230 h.p.* Kot kel Eugins A U T H I S ! AOVANTAOfti -gujiii, Ju&j an Oht« lliio »uinin.-r I King* il* powerful song, sou'll ong s soil lofcrUattoa right along Milh il ! At cruising »pred« • RUST r tO O f Hui thiil's only hull the Moi^ of this Ko. kel luel e< onoaiy is outstanding, • m o sopor rlgteity OH AU.4 SUMS ^ heauiiful. htutgH |irir««f Rorket he. an'e only a fra. lion of potential v o u n Fngine "KK''. Itight now >ou*ll he get- power is heing u*ed. Hut I? j h u i m- • Im IHo m porfsMaaaco I NO V INI TUT liiiK liipli trade-in for tour old ear. Add l- .m e r in r«M>n« i* ready tor you to IN V E ST M E N T HOI DO tin- to Ohl»niohile'» liinh r.-»ale worth tall on to meet any »afeiv situation . . . hor«*’» your »mnrtrr H uinIi OVER TO OLDtt I driving ahood . . . if yoo hoy m om l an "tlft'’ i» r/ie Itu * iu J u ly ' a« low as I lir v*ill gi»e you more plea«ure ‘ 1,11 ‘>11. in .' i«*ll» K iyk t u 'td S u fttr i l than you e»er thought |>ooihle lit a O L D S MOBI L E WHITE SALES, |nc. A OUALirr PRODUCT brought «• yaw by AN OlDSMOIILf QUA1ITT M A1UI ------

c * * — \ POLITICM. H tn n i Whwuicowu—iti—i» 257 Kearny Avenue 73 Park Avenue R E ID Oldsmobile, Inc. Kearny Rutherford 49 Meadow Rd., Rutherford. N. J. KEarny 3-3463 GEneva 8-9449 ■ E CAREFUL. . . . CRlVl 9AF8LY1 WEbster 9-8934 -HILAR-VENT Al l MINI M \» NINOS


vv irden, George Peronti. “M-oon with their daughter, C*rol.. a n d • • • *’ > " Pnlito, Paul Prim er*no W e m n , A lb e rt of Lake avenue re- For maximum savings Grand Union knew why Armamt T o r o n a n d turned on Thursday from a s t a y Doc Blur >enthal were not pres- of three days at Wildwood. : ent, but the rest better have good Net Rises exwuses, the boy's are thinking Lloyd Naeion. of Kingsland "f punishing by withholding the avenu^. i> spending two weeks hast Paters-..n. N. .1 Re nrd liquid birthday cake fro.* any v. ,,h friends Winfield, Kansas n e t earnings of $1,103,241 after «*»«•■ that was not at the last a l l taxes and depreciation f >r nieetmg. this means that if you The Grand Union Company dur- missed 2 meetings you w i l l pra. rs Anthony l)e Frino and in g the first quartei of thc fis al ti-.-aliy die of thirst the next time daughters Elaine and Jacqueline, year which ended June 2. 1956. >ol‘ do attend. And besides it PR Eighth street, aie back from were reported toda> Lan ing ' yet a quarter a missed a vacation spent with Mrs. J L. P . Shield, Pres.dent meeting. Adamo at Ffc*eky Point, Long This figure, equal to 55 cents Sammy Palumbo, cot in just Island, N. V. per share on the 1.902.549 shares in tmie to f>et fus birthdav don- of common stock outstanding, ,tlon mto good operation Mr and Mrs John F Hickey, represents an increase of 53 8 1 hanks Sammy. of Second avenue, have returned per cent uxor not earnin'’- dur- »» t from Millinorket. Maine, where a t 7__ t . „ ,,, , , ^ UUf H«k- Manning alvays manage inc the comparable penfKi a >«« • • • to save 15 rent-,, he in just t',ev Vs,'U'd Mrs *«■«'• lohn Gubtil ago. First quart.: t.unn late enough.v. to .....pay a , a dime____ fine M is. 3or 1955 w ere $703,376. of 39 cent- and not i,et char ed the quarter Tech Sgt Barry Halm, of the per share on the 1.652.113 share . hw being al sent An National Guard, son of Mi of common stot .. then ..utsund Bears aie Supposed to have ing and Mis. liairv Halm, -f Fifth the notation ol teing good fish Earnings for the fu t quartei avenue, is sfjending a tew weeks GRAND UNION catcher, but it turns out 4he of th e 195fi fis, al >ea:. highest [joj^s are better, especially the in training at Cape Cod. Mass j in the 84-.-ear histo: ui tne 3.-ii . l.dierman of tiie Lyndhurst Mrs Jo store Eastern fomi vhain wen I.i'-ns Club who were fishing on i Lopinto. Mrs. FRESH DRESSED — Regular Top Quality — A C R O N IZ E D * F rank Mrs Louise Car- —c* based on record >..U t"t..i,nr Moiid,, What-a-day the boys bone. of Lv $8H.735.089 lo r the U -u e iv were very tired when they re- d hurst and Mrs period ended Ju n e 2. 1966 Th B ai t S< iano. ot P as a en t to ' turned from pulling i n 1 5 tunas see "Fanny" al th. was an increase oi 35 - per > •.•n1 and 1 Bon:ta. and that young aje sti • ! for O utdoor E ffin g Theatei m New York over sales of $64,205,073 dumi. .Magistrate, Horace R. Bogie Jr , Satui the comj.arablc j-er.od m 1.».->.> d a. .’md e ery reason to be lenient at A oem itl >••*!•» h court ri Tuesday, if he was’, he Id i Ba • i n K o r . w ho has 1 * 4 '»U>« • I'M* pulled m a killy-s zed Tuna that m m ■ .: the s ales at over 45 lbs f the home of her Ib.riv 11 dm. of An xit>re>| i wdhbut swallowed sinkers). has letarned to n \* t+ * --4 «l r i told you Joe, you can't make Bv ( O M 1A I) KIKGKK ti her daughtei. th« ki'tfi w K U l*«T it. w ith Rose aw ay, b e c a u s e 1 nnoll. at Wash 0>« h* tfci# lion President ilp ■ hen you feel your oats and and F R Y E R S •tout ^ ilM It theu noted at the i .st • oar bunions at the same time I'ltMMU !• the fem inine t• ■ vi ; •Th* and the bunions bother most, M rs V y• Kire getting old, young fellow, Kendall, of Liv mtwiiil Iklf of Hawaii" >>, j , -Flo i n : s i o n an d Mi and ol 1 tu stav young you should certainly looked t ; M : s T Sheridan and lar lun heons thi Lyn,ih irst wash your hands and face t vei > ^ Avg. Wt. (hllkfti* o' lk« »#•» dau g h tei Oct ivia place. morning—and neck at ni;ht Ready p«ok #* toiH •"< Lions Cluii Her re iitation as spent Tl rd Bel mar serving the b<’d me;ih; ir not w ork. hc.w To all (he absentees if vouYe vicinity of Nev. .Ie: - . l- s; 2' i to 3 lbs. »i>* f*i <—• m*t* bagging the (lub down by not Mrs William Fielding, of j ing. over the rivei tin tm <•'"11.(1 do until ie ent ly of F<»i To Cook lb. attend.ng meetings regularlv it Howell of »the B< H. • ! emu*, 3 7 k«* vou i*re not j>ai tin ; atm ’ in elu! \ ndh u a pH who meet the same ia ui Me ll Cr Jersev , h u r s t h e a rd a .-ouf K-sw ­ at1i\ities; if you are behind in ings and got lost goinn t his oui d u b dues and if you hav« Grand Union — Selected Quality — Brisket own meeting and wound uj with never made a visitation to | Rose will be back. 12 15 tv nr at §ur THf FaRTS YOU HKf IFSt Hawaiian Palms on Stuyvesant GRAND UNION away on vacation there ain't Chicken Wings * 37* Ground Beef that much money around. Sam ♦venue. Come out and enjov Assl d loaves ,t, 25* Bologna — • 49* Amatrudi, George F'angnvan. yourself. Chicken Drumslicks » J t . i *•>» Phil Graf. Ray Hazep. Jimmie Chicken Thighs " 83* Boiled Ham 69* Comed Kei r, Alv in Jacobs, Dorn J.uuin ADDRESS IS . 83* f ••»♦'!» Ch«ic# Cw*» _ . . _ aeci, Frank Matus. Norm Pen Chicken Rre*sl “ t .07 » 2 9 ' 3 >k'8 5 ' Notes Cul ftom )*»<(« y* nq •»»**• tH *n p * « l Swordfish Steaks 65* , F^h Sticks 2*"69* Mr. and Mis. Robert Luber |ro \ ^ their guest for a monlli Mi New Jersey ir 'in' se: s mother. Mi - John S Gmnryei of Ft Petersburg Fla T< r CUCUMBERS 1 13 M' and Mrs B«rnard Blohn- ESCAR0LE I T*nd«t I •*«•! I ). J»!«d V*>>* ,6 * f a So CITRUS FRUIT SALAD Tk • P # . i i d D« : 59c orand Ot(t* TOMATO 10 o/ cans G»nd Uni." LIBBY JUICE 2 27c

Cookirs c**<-r 33* CAMPBELL'S PORK and BEANS 223* Umonj.1t 2*.-. 29. 4: . 2 5 ' Marcal Napkins 2 'If. 21 • HI C ORANGE DRINK Be»“raqps ‘ 2” '.’ IB' LIPTONTEA 75‘ TEABAGS rV57‘ 2^< r Un< V ,r :.V : 31 • ROYAL PUDDINGS ...... 3"''2S' R ire e - ' . ’.'.V . 23< PRIDE OF FARM CATSUP 2 I. .. *.... 2 J C H i AUCO«*ICK KLEENEX 2 r“ *— c FOR RIRUCT U A S O N IN G i 47

a tl* ck Pepper 33' SEABROOK STRAWBERRIES FROZEN 2 '• - 39c j Garlic Salt iv | fiarllc powd«i ' 33' | Toilet Tissue "■■■" 3 *•32* Maiola Oil Z* 37* 67* Season ill I I larbecue Spke ' W' Spaghetti i 2 ' 25* Baby Food 10 * 99* I Dog Food *«—» 2 . 29‘ dir f r n h ' i t r w".'.’ 19- Fig Cakes • • >>) 35* S o a p 3 rr. 26. r :r . ?s. Ripe Olives ' 35* Ivory Soap 2 ,V. 2^ Cookies ‘,:r 29* l*ory So ip 3 7.125* ( W . : ■ mtum I

“ Tidat i»* — Ovd * 'potih ‘ScUud f b c r f o TIDE O r a 2*1 59*4,72* n 9 * a d e Rindless Swiss P a s t r y * ‘ 5 - 3 5 ‘ O ad * A CHEER. 69* Gre*nPeos vj D o n u ts 25‘ H I • » A ^ 31* X 74* x t i C h e w


• . . m-t vw* •* — *-*“•»« *• ***• '*** - r;~ z jr. tr . r «r rr . • m * ■<■»**» »*« •• *•<* ** * -* ** **’’ 4 ThfS your ’/p&rrJr I THURSDAY. JULY 26. 1456 *»AGE EIGHT COMMERCIAL LEADER * SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW


Wedding und Birthday Cakes Expert Hair Shaping und Tinting Our Specialty P erm a n en t IT at e Specialist Orders Taken For 304 Stuyvesant Avenue Lyndhurst, N. J. All Occasions u ~ - w - / J GEneva 8-6817 242 Stuyvesant Avenue GEneva 8-4684 Hey, Kids, The BARGAIN STORE KLEVER KLAD DRESS SHOP 231 Stuyvesant Avenue Library's Open! JEAN VIVIAN, PROP. lit. 8-9023 B louses - H andbags - H oisery Costume Jewelery - Coats and Suits FAMOUS BRAND MERCHANDISE 306 Stuyvesant Avenue AT GEneva B-3508 CUT RATE PRICES The world of exploration, travel and adventure is open to all of you COMBINATION ALUMINUM S. POLLINA. JEWELER this summer*—merely by visiting our CHINAWAWE, DIAMONDS, SILVER WINDOWS and DOORS A FIFTH AVENUE STORE WITH Compare Our Prices beautiful local library. Books by the GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS 3 N U 9 XaO QilS VENETIAN BLINDS, ALUMINUM AWNINGS thousands, containing stories of PAYMENT WROUGHT IRON RAILINGS PLAN great men and great deeds are all Expert Repairs Done North American Aluminum Co. On Premises 232 STUYVESANT AVENUE LYNDHURST yours for the asking. For a real ad­ 2.38 Stuyvesant Avenue GE. 8-9421 Lyndhurst WEbster 9-3880 after 6 p.m. (ih 8-0743 venture this weekend borrow a TOWN MARKET KARL'S MEAT MARKET book at the library and spend a few 229 Stuyvesant Ave. hours reading it. Reirember, the li­ FREE DELIVERY FINE MEATS Phone WE. 9-6759 AND GROCERIES brary is yours. Us? it! M eats • G roceries Fresh Vegetables A REE DELIVERY Frozen Foods 207 Stuvvesant Avenue “The Little Man With WEbster 9 0929 The Big Heart


BEFORE 9:30— READY 4:30 P.M. i I\( I I DING S U I HDAN * CAMERA HOUSE I ’ Stuwesunt Avenue, I vndliur-t, IN. J. 213 Stuyvesant Ave. R E M E M B E R -Don’t Go By Stuyvesant Ave. WE DO OUR OW N CLEANING tt Ebster 9-4260 BUY All Your NEEDS On Stuyvesant Avenue SAN CARLO RESTAURANT FACILITIES FOB BOUQUETS CIVE TO YOUR ANI) PARTIES DON S BARBERS HARRY'S HARDWARE POLIO AND Featuring Sizzling Steaks WENTAL SERVICE D O N • A t . - J O H N f7 o o r Pidisher, Sander, Edger HEART FUND The Ultra Motlern Shop 300 Copeland Ave. (cor. of Stuyvesant) WE. 9-9083 Lawn Hollar, Staple Gun, Wall/M/Mr Expert Hair Styling for Men, Women and Children Sprayer, Smoother, Belt Sander 237 Stuyvesant Avenue Open Sunday*— 9 A.M. 19 12 Noon SPINA'S FLORIST Lyndhurst, IS. J. CARROLL'S WINES & LIQUORS 2 3 0 Stuyvesant Avenue W Ebster 9-0251 Fresh Cut Flowers Wines • Liquors - Beer Potted Plants Funeral Design Our Specialty EDNA MAE SHOPPE LEDERMANS f ree D elivery LADIES’ AND CHILDREN'S WEAR Cold Beer - Wines • Liquors 221 Stuyvesant Avenue GEnevt 8 -1 2 3 4 214 Stuvvesant Avenue WEbster 9-8121 Visit Our New Modern Store m l »* L u x ite B arhizon \ t l S u n n k — — BEST IN COLD CUTS 4 HOME MADE SALADS For tu n a STUYVESANT PHARMACY FWEE DELIVERY 95 STUYVESANT AVENUE Official Girl Scouts Headquarters A. CHASAR & SON ■■h WilJiam Richter, B.S.-Ph.G., Prop. 299 Stuyvesant Avenue 236 Stuyvesant Avenue GEneva 8 7714 WEbster 9-5975 “YOUR HEALTH - FRIENDS" ELECTRICIANS • Full Line Ot Modern Drugs • Free, Prompt Delivery Service Air Conditioning • Zenith Heartaf Aids »r, x , • Batteries For AI1 Hearing Aids Hume and Commercial Wiring FELDMAN CLEANERS Lyndhurst Recreation Confer OPEN SUNDAYS—9 A M. to 1 P.M. ft 4 P.M. to 6 P M. Fails and Appliances SAME DAY SEWN ICE 12 AIR-CONDITIONED 237 Sluyverfant Avenue GEueva 8-4505 ALLEYS STUYVESANT LAUNDRY 1 i si/ Our Mtdern f'l'int l.r*0 Seaung Capacity far Public a DRIVE IN AND 222 Stuyvesant Avrour PRESCRIPTIONS 200 Stuyvrsint Avenue W E lister 9.-1113 I. Eneva 8-9780 SAVE 20% L E V Y 1 S CASH «* CARRY PHARMACY Hour Service on Request 163 Stuyvesant Ave. GE. 8-0879 (vJuAt fjut/tm acy u a.p/iofeisoon/ Footsteps G E n e v a 8-8903 WE OUTFIT TEAMS { jtfjb FINE SHOES not a sideline. CHILDREN LYNDHURST SPORTS CINTER VERA'S SPECIALTY SHOP COMPUTE UNI Of SICKROOM iUPPlltJ TEEN-AGERS I WE CARRY A CONFUTE UNB OF 212 Stuyvesant Avenue | - H U DCUVUtt- BOYS Large Selection o / tw m nrvrsAN T a v e n u e _ _ Designed to Keep ARCHERY • GOLF - TENNIS • BASEBALL EQUIPT. I1^ - ' GEneva «- loss Little Feet Normal SA* FRESH AND SALT WATER TACKLE LADIES’ HATS - HANDBAGS *04 Valley Brook Men ft Women WE. 9-S300 SKIN DIVING EQUIPT., OUTBOARD MOTORS HOISERY LINGERIE ACCESSORIES ' Don't Pats Stuyvesant Avenue By Ave.. Bofle Bldf N. PALAZZO N.U Kruear )ll IIIHWMW AVENUE BUY Your Bood* On Stuyvesant Avenue Doctor's Prescriptions Filled jack Eruea, IDMOIR N. I. G E n e v a 8-0007 Stuyvesant Avenue Merchants Association <*■ IFRUITS & VEGETABLES ARE IN SEASON . . . PICK THEM FRESH AT YOUR A*P AND

S E E Y O U R Customers’ C ornrr £ • * > D o e s I t !

If e a e r e h o p p i n g •* t o u t aim during the«e torrid timr«, vou'll ahop A&P! For at A&P, department* and food* ar* to \ find . . . ih^K ri n^atlv *tmkrd . . . item* piaiolv j r v priced . . and aervire *wift and efficient. W l’. lour price* add to tour life of f*»f.

If vou have an? further augge*tion* for putting pleasure in tour punha»ing. tour A&I* ni4itager would like lo hear about thrui

CUSTOMER RF.I ATIONS DFP \RTM F NT A&P Food Store* 420 I exington A»c., N ^ 17, N V C o m a m « . . . you'll save at AfirP! ______GROW GROW! ELIERTA-SOUTHERN Dapaadobly Flat FROZEN FOODS I

l*By Ceacoetrttod FREESTONE PEACHES Orange Juice 3 1: 49c SWEET - RED, RIPE-LARGE SIZE (M l ...... b | M Lemonade Mix . 3 ~ 35c W ATERM ELON =•»< 23 Lemonade 3 40* Orange Juice C •*< •« * a »ad 3 ‘. . 1 58* CANTALOUPE « Strawberries •»— 25* Potatoes •-* -*»••«* *•♦* 2 £ 31* BROCCOLI -29« BLUEBERRIES Veal Cutlets ” 59* RED PLUMS -17« LEMONS Chicken Fryers * 1.10 Quality + Fre»hn#s*» Cr** Cali'Praia Vti**ri* 5».59c A & P ’s DAIRY FOODS I ORANGES SEEDLESS LIMES Shrimp in Shell r" • • , l t" 79*

IH F T I SPREAD 'Super-Right" and Other Top-Crade Brands ■Ma m ntk« M laeetl Teitwf teaerft BeaMy* Velveeta Cheese 25c Shirk Po>tion j Iwtt fulm | M Cm CRESTMONT ICE CREAM Sliced Swiss Cheese dc,m*,+lc lb 59‘ 2-~ 49< ~85c Muenster Cheese ,b 53* HAMS*'"’ > 25< 35< -49< fcaat ^#| l.n IM m M m O Imported Ib. 75 Danish Blue Cheese ‘ Ready-to-Eat Hams •rile* * dhVC f*n.. • 4##C OaN M Ul 1 ) J ( Gorgonzola Cheese lb75‘ A A P's Famous “ Super-Right" Quality Mild Cheddar Cheese Wi~Mi" lb53* BLUEBERRY PIE Cottage Cheese Plain or Country ityle ci ~29< <»«• A Q . RIBS « BEEF 49< ;59« I « i im ^ T * Grated Cheese P a r m e s a n Provolone Cheese Imported Ib. 99* Oven-Ready Ribs of Beef .MSSE* • 59c T >65< Othar Jana Parker lakad daadt Swiss Knight Gruyere •"*-** £ 37* "luMf-Rlfllt" l t d S(M>< Angel Food Ring .... t.'.r 45* STEAKS u'm * 79* * 85c GROUND BEEF • 29t 3 *• 85c NUT AND CANDY TREATS! Breakfast Rolls c— 27* Cashews *^” 35' RIB STEAKS *— 69c VEAL ROAST — 49c Coffee Cake A,fc-- ~ * k t iM tllll Slice* S«M' l'|M Spice Drops w-*— 29* TOP ROUND ■msi. stim *79c BACON *,‘27c ^49c DELICIOUS . . . HOT OM ICtO CmtaitiM Chops H i Sti«M| Rcfuix Gum Drops Wo ,hwo * '^p k g . '29* A*P's t r COFFEES 1 0 c O ld fashioned of Switzer's Licorice p k g . SHOULDERS IAMB ■ 39< FRESH CRABMIAT V 59. KICHT O'CLOCK ------JiBSc I I o t . la k ill) tirry I t m Pick — WRITE ((USE tleide Jujy Fruits . p k g 10 RED CIRCLE ------U fS c BOKAR i f f * PROVES EVAPORATED M ILK 6 - 72 REFRESHING BEVERAGES ! NICTAR frapm y Smooth * 1 S m c h I l e O t t e r ! •I Yukon Clubf Z Z I Z z V ' Salad Dressing ~ 27c T 45c T E A B A G S 6 4 s 4 9 SumyliiM !>»•< Of l* |l M l (rtytl'w l 2 ZZ 35 •at P’rfi Hoffman’s L'" l!T’ * Mayonnaise 33c T 49c Corn Flakes 2.1.” 43c 2-.*.' 33c Blended Juice ••• 2 53c Canada Dry 2 ”.1 4 5 * J Vlrttl •> Veri-Thin Pretzels ;;;29* Old Gold Cigarettes 1 5 4 White Rock 45* Baked Beans 2 21c Chocolate Chip 27* Hi-Ho Crackers Swwatnne 6 437 2 37 Pure ftr iwtrtrty X" 33* Coca-Cola — -.r * '*T * Tuna Fish W hite mea*— Ch»ck*« of *ha Sea Preserves I’ 37c * 69c 37* Corned Beef Hash 28* No-Cal Beverages N <*-' 2 X 2t l"arfcl« 8 Fruit Flavors Zarex Syrup 30* Converted Rice u~* •** ‘,r, 23* 45* Krueger’s Root BeerK- — 6 J.Z, 43* Gelatin Desserts 4 **• 23c Swaneectt," Tissue . 4 45* Instant Feis Naptha V«if f Ww * 3V I »»!« •> Orel Stylt Flit Wifh Aromm pi#»t 33* « “• " 55* French Dressing 'J 17c BleachetteBlue ..... 2 15* uper ^arketv I naahv •» C e*«y Sma*th Woodbury Soap 3 r 26* 2 X 25' Marcal t:: Tissue 4 - 37* PfM*« •H*«t<*« Hiio ffc Peanut Butter 35c Dazzle Bleach . . >’ 31* ’ " 49* Parson’s Ammonia *■*»• ^ 23* ut Mekiii tad Libby's China Beauty Armour's Mazela Oil Krafts Laddie Bey taby Food Chow Moia Dinner LiaH Lauadry Stare! Milk Amplifier Chopped Nam F*» m *4< « -1 i*4 *►•* *f Miraele Whip Ghiekea 0*( Food Cfc*«ka« — ♦*•*!# p a 't 10 - 99* 59* 7* — til vis* i it* -J*' Boa Ami Cleaaeer Rinse Blue Him Lux Toilet Soap Lei Toilet Soap Litehaoy Soap Litehaoy Seep 'Air Baterteet Fa* k»*tKa« a«^ F » * *fc* ♦ • • • S va*fc LlgaM Boterfoat » » * I . -M B I 12 & X«* ^74* if 1 i l~«* • “~I5# * * *

A ir C o n d itio n e d Shop In CoolCoMfort At Your A&P Super Market OnSHTVMDAY A THI H M ur l M il ( |> M t HU* \ ¥ TO in f H * Free Parking At Your A&P. 47S Ridge Rood, North Arlington THURSDAY. JULY 26. 1^56 TAGF TF.N COMMERCIAL LEADER & SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW American Little Leaguers Beat Rutherford Nationals 3 to 2 In Tourney

<.nd stra ig h t d o uble D osana for tfie th Higgins, rf 3 0 0 B: udka, Iii Rutherford drew even in the inning forcing i Melilio with Melillo, 3b, p 2 1 2 s m ith , *f ss Dosana, r> last inning when Dosana crack- the w i n n i n g run B reslin, c 2 0 1 Dempster, 3b Last Inning Walk To Burkhalter Forces In Run ed out his second double and Both teams received five hits Cerrefice, If 1 0 0 1 0 0 Roelbtch. If ford Nationals team. The victory opposed by Johnny Dosano Both ( when Bobby Gareffa opened scored on Roelbu h’s W illougby If The Ameiu an League All 2 0 0 M itchell, gave the Amen ah Leaguers a j learns tailed to store in the first double and after advan« Joe Melillo came to Borkowski’s each for the winners while Do- Bello, ct Star team joined its brother 0 1 0 .* 'pellman, rf : second round shot against Nut three innings as each pit-her ai mg on a passed ball s c o r e d , on rfclief in the last inning u p rising sana had two of the Rutherford- Borkowski, p, 3b Nats in the second rouiicl oi tn e 1 0 u Dressel, ss ! ley Nationals who defeated East lowed but one base hit In the Joe Breslins bitlgle. Mehllo opened the last of the ian’s hits, P ie n o If District V Little league 'lourna 0 0 0 sixth with a single, his second T h e B o x S core Sangi, If ment Play in; at the Caristadt , hutherford on Monday night |(Jp 0f the fourth Dos an a doubled Lyndhurst took a 2 to 1 lea f P< cf The game will be played tonight anj put Rutherford ahead 1 to in tiie fifth wtien Borkowski hit of the game After Breslin Lyndhurst ( 3 ) AB. R. H Fiejd. on Tutsda, evemn the T otals 19 3 I at b p m’ at the Nutley Park. |o as he tallied when the i :ght drew a base on balls took se, was retired Billy Bello walked Casazza, 2b 2 0 U locals broke a last inning 2 2 AB K. It T otals 24 5 and after the second out Frank Burkhalter. 2 b U 0 Rutherford (2) deadlock w hen a !:>-•- on balls Managei Bill Bello and Coach j fielder miscued on Ray Roe I ond on a sacrifice by Johnnv 1 R u th erfo rd 000 101 5 0 Sangi walked to load the bases. Quirein, ss 1 0 U S laeh le. c 2 0 1 torced in the a inning run for a W alt O rlow sky sen t Bdl B or- b u ll’s fl> L yndhm ! evened t.'n Ouirem and crossed the plate *0 L y n d h u rst 000 111 5 2 Johnny Burkhalter then worked Gareffa, lb 3 1 2 mtzgerald, 2>b 2 0 3 to 2 verdi. t ovu the Ruther­ kowski to the mound and he was tally m thi*-. half of tlje nunnt* ■ ;ien Gaieffa unloaded his sec

Lccal National Little Leaguers Beat North Arlington 12toO In Tourney Batteries Mariana and d sixth increased the lead b ed game:; in League an- sixth strikeout. Then came the the stoe^on^striheouts jn the t fourth, fifth and sixth innings, elve runs. Kent walked ami nals. R i c h i e who plays defensive vem of the game ' '* ' “ ...... * cheduled to go against Wood Richie Kent Pitches A Neat One Hitter a a forc ed by Tirone. Sroka in during the regular season with N orth Arlington’s C hletos p o p > reased the lead to twelve runs the Wilson Builders was nothing ped to first in foul territory but Ridge in a second round pan.* the wa- dropped .by the second base where he scored on a passed ball Rain caused* ; Kent walked and was forced by short of sensational. He fanned Sroka playing in close had no last night al the River Road S B. Penick Co 307 46- 20 V L ittle \ a n an putting runnei s on first and to give Lyndhurst an ft to retired Jimmy Single mark*'!' in the f 11h re .i\ed one ol the nicest pitch Ca. Istadt w hile at t!,. lo al Kelly delivered a single to lett In Ids. Nutlev Aioei i< an defeat sending across Sroka and Math ed tlie debndin 1 Ne tional lescn I oi a !a:t 3 to 0 lead “ Dual Pipes” To Hold champions CaiMadt nine 3 to 1 With one out m the sei ond olid Belleville .Mi.eiu.ill eih.’ed Pauli*.- R estaino singled to Terry Cagnacci Pitches One-Hitter, utley Central :> to 4 (ithei to- light. Tirone dumped a bunt tits saw Wood Ridge nix Ruth down the third base line beating Auto Show This Sunday tiloid Amen an 2 to band Nut it out tor a hit an d w hen tht The "Dual Pipes,’ a newlv oi e It:, hor e base i:, NAS 1* N ats w h ij pin ' Ka-1 R uthei third baseman threw to an un ganized group of automobdi en Bel m ett leld, Brooklyn, fold 7 to 3 The l.vndhui :t oct u pled Inst base Restaino thusiasts, will hold an auto I* •. eis and 72 en American Leagueis pla d R uth ame into scoie Sroka dropped Brother Pete Top Batter In Softball this Sunday afternoon fiom I to operate P4Y (i ford Nationals at Cai -tad t o r another sacrifice bunt and wa? a at Marion Oval. This event will to u engine patrol 'I uesday night. aie again this time the catchei Lyndhurst Park 135 003 M onday’s si heduled contest passes, vhile fanning. 6 Vets Lyndhurst Plastics 001 100 0 2 Ix tlie first of its k in d held in rring. Math.esen sacrificed bunt Bilka's Bar 020 303 Bergen County. Admission will i a u k Air Station is North Arlington Nat- between Lyndhurst Plastics and 'Pony Franchine was touched for V K W firmly entrenched in brought Tirone across for a 5 t. H hits, walking 3 and striking out be free. >: the nrnost Na\al iristalla match for the charged locals Joe A t An^es wa- postponed due the league cellar could field AM R.H. A v e . With "The Road Baiuns ot usidc the continental liin- who are managed by Kloyd Van to ram and wet grounds Hawaiian- Bobby Gallagher, H. A v e . only 8 men Wednesday, dropping ABK. Cliffside Paik and the "Drivm' U rn* d . t ites on the Noitwick and coached by Joe In the third, Kelly and John Tuesday's struggle pittm. the for lhe llawaiians, paced the a 22 to 8 decision to Joe & Ange's P Cagnacci 30 14 13 43 Duties" of Caristadt, the Dual st ll is the home ,ase Ko/uil. Losing the toss of tiu nv Schlitt singled and both rnov Amvet a auist Royal Hawaiian hitters with a pair ot soli 1 Tavern in what proved to be the 1 Lampmann 20 10 9 423 Pipes are mainly mteie.-ted in for of the Nav. • long C(.in Lyndhurst played the pait ■d up a base on a miscue by the Palms wound up in an extra in singles. poorest exhibition of soft ball L. C aputo 22 4 9 .409 the safe usage of spoi t cars i ange aft ‘q. adioii- ot a visiting team Mike Tnom third baseman Jobst sque/zed ning il to draw as Cmmie Bdlv played to be staged in towrj J Rizzo 20 7 8 4 j U A ts Po It'll 020 ou The show will feature an ex Chief Capone i .mi loved i opened the first with a singh •ni.jss a run and Restaino walk Mai kow sky called a h.dl to ,.io j this season Why the Mar R K err 20 7 8 .400 Royal P a in 003 000 0J In' .Uuu ot finis ted and unfimsh . i\ 11iaii h ie H athbu . vV Bn and raced all the way to thud I'd R estaino m oved to th ird on ce-edmgs at 8 15 p m in spite i owsky umpiring combo insisted R. l)o n ia n io j 25 5 9 300 ed autos. The purpose of the ex ;’o 37h W<*st Bicadwaj N Y a as Mike Sroka bunt Tu one's third straight hit fro of violent protests from both no on going the limit whe it w as K. Dodd 2a 14 9 30U Lyndhurst Pasties proved nt hibition is to show the public i leading chef. He h. been .lub in which most ol the spe< kei at th* end of 5 1 innings J. Cassiliano 37 14 13 .3a i match foi the champion Rem exactly what the clubs are do ueinoei «1 the Naval Resei v t tatois ion uned. 40 10 14 3a0 a ue i Oilers Wednesday with then a a., T uesday w hen th .s J Czarnecki ■ ii.ee 1*137 Billy Bieiinan wa generous ii called a h alt to a F Visco 2t> 5 y. 34 (i ing. They are currently work n lerry Cagnacci firing a one hit am* project o btain drag with everything but hits, hand ter to win easily by a 9 to 2. truggle that was all tied up is 1 Nicol 2y 5 15 .345 trip somewher. Be r Mr and Mrs. Ant!i..ny Ippo­ mg the Amvets then I t run in mar ;in. Terry Cagnacci was in anybody’,-, guess County, where th lito and son, Edward of River­ ( HAWK’S CORNER the 3rd on 4 Iree ticket- to the command all the way as Joey Jules Gibson lor V F W. as i ompetfc u n d e r ct law side avenue, have ret-uned from initial sac k Bobby G allaghei Ri/./o5s Texas Leagues to right he handed oct a total of 17 (By W alter “ Hawk” Kowe) How They Stand lorcement and er su^*. vi a l.itio m ile vacation m otor trip opened foi the Hawanans in the' in the 4th robbed him of a no walks m spite of the fact that SHORT PARAGRAPHING THE SPO KTSFIEI.il MUNICH*AL ‘‘OFIUM.I, ion. They hope to ..bcdi h street to TV Witt, N. V , where they bottom half with a base knock. hitler. Terry allowed onlv 2 e n ­ most of Joe & Ange's hitters After wat. hint- that thriller between Danny Giovanelli and advanced .... rn i >« W L. T. P t s . racing in the county visited Mr and Mrs Harold Me emy stickers to reach first on were swinging when the ball tiaon. lormerly of Rutherford, Gene Poireir at old St. Nick’s on Monday night what is more ap Hillv Brennan drov • him Reinauer 11 1 0 22 The Dual Pipes aie without a passes, while setting down 10 of was somewhere near in range, then *)ii a pilglimaje to St. Jos­ propriate than to announce that the-annual amateur boxing show with a Ion ch M atty Joe H e A nge's 9 3 0 1

Rutherford Men Growing . M r * e * t « VV

Mabel gets her first glimpse of a B-D fever thermometer as Foreman l.aHusso describes the various temperature Deards For Anniversary Standing before the m achine—-designed, incidentally, by scales, serial number* and other job details she m'tM Henry M olinari— Mabel observes how operator Ruth Me A h n >ut« master within a reasnoable training period. She is told lllw rath accomplishes the quota representative of an ex in Rut her she will operate a thermometer engraving machine. perirneed operator. 1 Goatees, l> mutton (i-n* kers Nn a: r . , in n \m a 1 r - tion oi iv. ,i i Diam otul .lulu!.-* -|lj.»the; • I ■ hl|ed rtiid It VI . ^ Kll>t it !ieii' . authenti.- - Idtun- P h . that the hi-tni k s ! - i. . a j i h i le e « u n > f -r s m i,. be kubjeet i«. tl n t a K«r»uai«»> t ">irt fines th*-' re hit .th finance the Nei t- Il Um J u b i l e e And sll .ottt-si mim •■emble I'irtiii ■ H o u s e id \ r « s .d t'hnne r.itps are I n t h a t . *».• 11»-• t .- .u Itably reported that • Before she reports for work. C arole takes M abel's m o s t f a m e d ■ -f t • . ’ ■ i ; tifieation badge photo Ht the Em ploym ent Office and wel J i m y K r h i M i i .. CHEAPER } W hile M ahcl is testing her coordination and finger d« x terity on thi- m arliine, .Mike explains that as she operates tomes her as a H I) employee. Ih e new employee also ia ning to fielit H t. .1 a fte r 6PM’ ft the stvliis. the I! waxed thermometers being simultane given literature and told about the company paid bos t.nied he.vt ouslv prm rvsrd are engraved hy regular phonograph pitalisation plan, medical sufgnal coverage, and other "We d*mt . 'ii. >> . hi ml finr iiuetatw e ^ b e n e f it s . w h l ' k * i - '.•••> '• I needles. Convinced the job's lor her, she accepts it. I > V I 1 0 1 afe, aid |1 e |. promotion eV ■ > > i I ’ M »I ough's 7Mh iim .iu i-,.., >>, I. *« ra tio . >i M t io n You cai . < t '

The first day an instructor, Betty Roenisch, is avsigned to teach Mabel the job operation. She wil! learn how to With her trial period successfully finished. Mabel Is read an order sheet, how to engrave numbers upside shown doing her job without further assistance She baa down from left to right, and to reverse thermometers joined the ranks as a full Hedged employee and now U right side up for the engraving <>| names and serials. a qualified engraver of B li thermometers.

Pay by Check

O p e n a RUTHERFORD TRUST CHECKING ACCOUNT’ I unison Save time. Heps and money. ISO loWiil Ann' I ion^or ! Keep your cash in your pen nor your pnrkrt r , 0 . * 0 U « BANK FROM YOUR CAR Pay your bills by mail with a Rutherford Trust che< k T U f r S im.* ,MU i. h i s « . . . A .w l qi ust our an ■ u* • ’•ooa 41 i>«w N^hen vou pay by check, you knms where the m^nev f»y* I U s .r *V.- , • kmnou lUNW* h o w . s ^ u e f c . i . d 7 4 b A M 10 2 P « Checks five you accurate record* and Irjcal receipts V ’**ai tk*»i 1W,» i tm tm+t rm»* <*4l Im r« | 5 P.M. to 7 P.M. Come in and open ymir < he< km* account irxlay A u .I U. a w » A.i,li. U. l !*• - ».M •• »'> »$*«*< ih» j* ,* ■■ ■- ■ |»*jf ■!.. i* «■. ■ l . J ru»s I-'■*•»»«■ •»*: li li* clae (« . I ft' *1* Mil ( *

A im ! ti»*l *V- t v . vt Ik*'

j. - t^«r«ti «»•■«. I K,..» • «m i « t ^tdkeytfcrd /»'•!*. f , , a < . htfi r U> «»-• K t » ... • M r > «jl i- » • r j m w n t liar Imj f-v th e n i I mt Jo Vi % t s . .11 * ! * . » , } • »• t*» n p u a l i - ««.»

Mi Mil i Q> TUt DtPBSIT mSI!»NCf CO**1 iHI|(ln . V|MgjR Of !Hf ((DIM: H V lii M i, u De MASSI MOTOR CAR CO.. loc Pork and Riverside Avenues Lyndhurst, New Jersey * » . < « t. PAGE TWELVE COMMERCIAL LEADER & SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW THURSDAY, JULY 26. 1956

| N o w he beg in s to h av e periods of memory of days during Na- from a war surplus telescope, I a week’s vacation spent at Cape I poleon’s reign. His work at the office is neglected and he spends was added. For terrestrial use, , M a y . hours studying Napoleonic history. But even the history books the prism assembly is moved and Books and Authors | are not accurate when compared wjth what he remembers as the the conventional ocular is used Mr and Mrs. James N. Gib former General Baron Tailliard. He even visits a great historian, The first step in making the I bons. of Court avenue, are Reviewed by M rs. Edith W ilcox Menetrier, and astounds the latter with his knowledge. Eventually mounting was to turn the chair spending their vacation with . he remembers treasure brought from Russia and hidden in Bel- upside-down and remove the ex­ relatives at Providence, R I * ; gium . isting casters. Then a flange was DOUBLE EXPOSURE by Fleisehman screwed to the underside of the Mr. and Mrs William Crowley Mr Fleisehman is a well known student of the Napoleonic, chair seat. The rest of the job and daughtei, Joanne, of Kings era, and his knowledge of that period of history is put to good consists of a simple plumbing in­ land avenue, are spending tne I Cettfresa done anv thing y e t *lth health Insurance? ; use in his latest novel that has been translated from the French Swivel Chair Observatory Puts stallation. While Mr. Feller used week at Atlantic City ▲—Nothing to speak of. The Adm inistration bill which would p r o v id e a by Elizabeth Abbott. a h a l f - p i n c h pipe, for rigidity's Government fund for reinsuring private insurance companies a g a in s t Lest the reference to Napoleon might score off any person who Amateur Astronomer in Print I sake, it would have been better Police Lieutenant Frank Sch­ lo s t , intended to encourage extended health coverage, is still pend­ I reads for pure pleasure, let me hasten to say that this is one of to use three-quarter inch or even neider, of Second avenue, spent Peter Feller of 11 Union place, a member of the Ruth* in g Th* Health. Education and Welfare Department recently s e n t | the most delightful novels that has come to my attention. It is J one-inch pipe. the past week at Ladleton, N. Y a b ill to congress which wouid permit sm aller health in s u r a n c e j based upon the premise of reincarnation. For it centers about a erford Astronomical Society, broke into print in the August To prevent the occupant in the c o m p a n ie s and non-profit associations such as Blue Shield a n d B lu * 1 meek little man named Florentin Passavont who works in one , swivel chair from leaning back Miss Agnete Schmidt and hei _ Cross to pool their resources in an attempt U> develop improved c o v ­ issue of Mechanix Illustrated, with an article on a “Swivel ; of the French Ministries in Paris, His life has been a vague, too far, a second flange, pipe mother. Mrs. Siguard Schmidt e r a g e . but no action has been taken This pooling of resources w o u ld Chair Observatory." Mr. Feller is a pneumatic tool repair­ , unsatisfying repetition of monotony for years. As a motherless j and caster can be installed- if de­ of Post avenue, are back fr >m have to by-pass the anti trust laws child, he was neglected by his father. Then his marriage to Ur- man at Wrijeht’s plant in Wood-Ridge. His article in the 9 vacation at Ocean Beach Q — I t • veteran dies without selecting any option of payment, bow will sired at the rear of the teat. I bonie became a horror, dominated by her nagging and slatternly O l Insurance be paid to the beneficiary? magazine follows: , ~ ways. At the office he is bullied by several of his co-workers. A—It will be paid in 36 equal monthly installm ents However the b e n e * an old swivel chair at a store But one day he turned upon one of these bullies, and then Peter Feller, an amateur as­ ficiary has a right to choose some other method, so long as it is n o t tronomer of North Arlington, specializing in second-hand office 0 costs so little in embarrassment at his audacity Florentin flees the office and furniture. The camera pan head, • l u m p sum p a y m e n t N. J , who built this telescope NOTES ! spends several hours walking about the city until he regains his 0 to phono Q—('an you tell me how many volunteers are engaged In tbe «kywatch mounting is not a lazy fellow. the cradle and the telescope were Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Meyer, for tbe Ground Observer Corps0 control. It is during this walk that his eye rests upon a portrait mounted as shown in the draw- of Cedar street, had as their I in an antique shop. As he looks at the portrait of the young man, ! He designed it so that a person \ A —At present there are approxim ately 400.000 There are about 1.000,000 can use the telescope in comfort. | i n 8 s and photos. With this a r guests for the weekend Mrs lie experiences a sharp pain in his right thigh and a voice says , • a n y w h ere m ore trained for duty if needed rangement, the observer can Meyer's brother and sister-in- ; fhe name Valm o r i n . t n the next few days he revisits the shop Because he wants all the mem­ Q—Bow many government employees are affected by the new CivU turn the instrument and h i m s e l f Jaw, Mr. a n d Mr#. G eorge Seka- % Cleveland Service pay raise*. to gaze at the picture, and realizes that he must purchase if lor ' bers of his family to enjoy the e a r view, of the heavens, Mr. Feller in a complete circle. Vertical vec, of Queen’s Village, long A —A b o u t SO 000. plus new recruitments o f about 4.700 Increase will his own possession. But how? His earnings are slight, and Urbanie 1 movement of the telescope is Island Their father, Louis Seka- A Richmond 7 0 * mean about $12 million a year in salary increases These increases j t-kes out a meager household whilst saving for their old age. Fi- decided to utilize an old office made by adjusting the camera vec, is a patient at Bergen Pines horn IMh.HfOS apply only to engineers, physical scientists and other types of spe­ | nally he becomes so obsessed by the portrait that he steals from swivel chair so that the invalid pan head. In order to avoid a H ospital. cialists. such as chemists, meterologists, m etallurgists, actuaries, his wife. He makes the purchase and rents a cheap garret room i !ri the family would not be ex- cramped positon when t^e tele­ and some patent specialists. It is a move to stem the raiding t i g o v ­ ; where he can enjoy the- picture and the feeling that he knows this I < luded scope is pointed near the zenith Mr. and Mrs C E Hough, of ernm ent peisonnei in tins field b j private ' m an 1 he first step to obtain a prismatic eye piece, salvaged Watson avenue are back from 1


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• COM PLETE LAUNDRY SERVICES • SHIRTS PERFECTLY LAUNDERED IF NOT, CONTACT • RUGS - BLANKETS WASHABLE SPREADS UPECO. inc. We Specialize In Printing Equipment STUYVESANT LAUNDRY Inc. 163 Stuyvesant Avenue, Lyndhurst, N. J. We Buy and Sell Entire Printing Plants S T O P , L O O K W *• I{11\ . Sell. I rade Dismantle. Move "And !• red Printing Presses I MVf KSAI I'KfYIIV, IOI IPMhM CO.. INC. 420 VALLEY BROO K AVEN l’E, LYN DIlt RST, N . , J . G E neva b-3744 And LISTEN! When You Are Going On & C o . , Fine Furniture - • Reupholstery a Picnic, be Sure the Lake Slipcovers DISTRIBUTORS OF 575 Ridge Road KE. 2-6185-6 North Arlington PLENTY OF CONVENIENT FREE PARKING MAGNESIUM has Life Guard Protection OPEN UNTIL J P.M. MON., THURS. tk K K I STEEL ALUMINUM Stock Available for Immediate Shipment And Also Be Sure You Put ELLER Let Us Solve Page Ave. and Orient Way, Lyndhurst Your Heating W EliM.r V.8I00 Out All Fires You Start. Problem FUEL OIL J. W. MORTELL CO. When You Go On Your LYN DIlt RST, NEW JERSEY OIL BURNERS

FOK SlKVtV CALL Manufacturer s o i Vacation Watch That Sun WEbster 9 0060 TEOHNICAL COATINGS NO OBLIGATION Burn, and Old Man Ocean Page Ave. GEneva 8-8117 CORRECT LAUNDRY OFFERS THE BEST IN SERVICE • Family Laundry — 20'i O ff Cash . C a rry • Dry Cleaning • Hup- A Blanket. B*D 5 landatd of ib« M eJnsl Prm/wivm tbmtt M T

B i c t o n . D i c k i n s o n a n o C o m p a n y

MUfM fftfOffD. NIW JtR SIY 22-40 CRYSTAL ST.. NORTH ARLINGTON, N. J It Costs Less Than You Think! CRYSTAL Peter A. FRASSE and Co., be. BE CORRECT CALL CORRECT K E 2-168V COOPER LUMBER CO. Monument Co-

Headquarters for Lumber, Building and Mechanical Steels And AHminw S. B. PENICK E*t. Over 25 Year* Mason Materials Immediate Delivery M o n u m e n ts & Mausoleums & t h r e e i.oc.moys ro serve yov Designed and Built BARS. ROUS, SHEETS. PLATO*. STRIP, W IU . Chase Avenue at L). L. & W. H ll., Lyndhurot COMPANY Tl HIM;. PIPE, VALVES ANO FITTING# Botanical Drug, and Einr Chrmirali ’ Riverside Ave., Foot of Donaldson Ave., Rutherford N E W Y O R K h GRANT AVES. GEntva 8 203 Railroad Avenue, East Rutherford 17-29 Crystal St. KE. 2-2489 North Arlington Lyndhurst, N. J. W E b.t.r 9-8550 LYNDHURST, NEW JERSEY W Ebater 91432 THURSDAY. JULY 26. 1956 COMMERC.l VI I K VDKK X SOI I II HI Ki.PN KKYtlVl l-ti.I I IIIKTH N

enlisted to dram atize tht drive. Mm Ami r» K>a wf (.luyW k^nt Hunch and Co-operation Of Paper And Kenneth S. Carberrv, of thc daughter and «**n ; rvturn«d fr»>m * Where Thief Smashed Way Through Office Vault ainl Mr* J» oe» Shu a? Virtl'i# Newark Chamber said his group Citizens Help Soive Market Break In had been interested tn the river t s ohi the tic w p o in l o: mdu. liuncli of IVtci ii\t* Norman Turner of the North Ar­ hut might make a new appraisal lington |> lice p.ml oil this week. Last week w4ieti someone ul the river's postibihties front * tole u quantity of protlurr from the rear of tht* Kegal ' ttier points c* v t w Enjoy Higher Earnings... acsej h A W ard of th e Cit> of Supermarket at . I Kidge mail, Detective Turner told th •ewaiK oue.'tioned the leader editor that lit* had a hunch that someone fining sun’s authority ;yut en.C * : m lo w i rk * ;ii \ iu t lit* morning mi^lit ha\t* seen someone powers and sr»d it n ml • be ne > a 1 \ t< ot tan . . . — V ilrive i'Wjy from iht* |{egal. ami'asked that I in* Leader issu re a fuM St nU- iean.ip V .1 apjie.il. l.ir c .1 p« ration Irom the public iu lo.-atimr th« M .eh at 1 Della 'I ck: e, chair­ thief. m a n of th«. PaletMMi H aid o Publu- Wi rks. sai.i that hi> city's a peaiv-d tn last merchandise and setting it at :i mam probl* n. b«*lno« n Ki.-t s r Arl.n too tarmer's market l.a!.r he was jvenue and l’.:t -■ >:i h .• nut • 1. . ii un Kndj>. “ leased in custody of his at tl.at \ should be ec! l eit.ni w ,t 1 lq a and torney for appearance beion a it-dt vetopiiU lit j.si 1 >f;i am now in f * Magistrate Joseph Lafrano mi tin plan,Oh* st ,g.- A u g u s t Lt'yi mg 2 Mi Hn-hdne of tht M I i I lu the meant.me KaLa h:i- t'iiaint. 1 asked \v l» . thei di ive A . ti made restitution to the Regal isdu tion ol th« A: P A U .- l i t e Marnet tor the wholesale cost mi, tit not e \tt*iid up ta t I'l V « t h e •> .it the produce, $12.JU The 1 H e w a .i m f/'f :i i-J tl;Mt And Near Home too! • : 1 .* were L.eadei has also learned td.it •1. veii.cle Kaoa has been treated li.i a nt aiul i.m- .,! them mental disoi del at the Bm ’i n led ! , Wi, I v - l*mes Hospital at KEARNY FEDERAL SAVINGS tiit name ot tin* uwnei In ttus particular cjm u.»t Mu** h Ih > «<>•! t > . f m ^ mrn irr •' k e ! v !; 1 the I Hl and mu. h was involved and it is iU«« i Ih - t l I . i« Ihfli *v< r 1 it I . h.ott doubtful that anyttimt’ «x t t a I *>*' luiul' *od * i it.indl* Heart!* i Pat re on.meudation tnat Ra'. ;i ie 1 rtlri i J • • v> » % , . i , ,, . , i r„ tii« n«\i .< i> ...... ■> i/.ii in., reive more treatment .till t.c IllK \\ I. . ,|..n , \ H . . t , . || *«». . • t 1 . . 1 . .. i*«-tt> meted out by the magistratt but While Joseph Itrvan | re*»ia*nt ai i s* l.rta i VvMM'Ution 1 m o i i in 1 II I I M I t t I ti l N \ l • ( It \ t - t S 1 I • • *» \ \ it is a shining example n: how North -\rlin*ton. peer?* thicugh .« n< h tn. K- n n t n s t .1 u 1 1 f iln'lm .u 11 tt K a l a n k Ir v ! . 'i.i- . i, . .1 n d P a t i t u e it h t ab be of ^reat help t. l>eteelive \orin*i« ’tu rn e r lot k i*%ei tti* m*i m.. > H it ui odd |H.|n «■ l *•• Mi . * n |. t% ts b k r l i hhr.u ! I .v.. 1. d **.« nt to then neighbors and to the j/o and $224 in danMKe \*;e* dene tt* hi' < tt-i. • -i I irm ly.* in Ihe t»re.*k o n i i l l r d h r l w r n t i l«*s ■ 11 .n’ ui.. and -roke lue by taking down li rn i inx tinn- l hur-d.it night and T e'< lot k I m t.n il'num iVtlridMi.m \ M 11 tin not pi* ttiretl . w i l * le a \ . 11.’ a nies numbers and le'orttng su-pi. 1 jImi worked t»n the ease .is did Ah \ md- 1 I upt t i l l e r r p r l i l l r \ |*r r t «>( 1 ( H I I I . I ' . d l t f I It |*.« I I :t th. . vs(,nld Iw.e Kaba ou.s situations to the poll « •N t i l l H m ent w ht* thinks to- sot >«*\rrat rorthwhile prints tnti ime t* .ts oiunl « « K li> k •* i m i Hiinltiu a t t :.« .N. . 11.1 Ailmgtob Persons who volunteer such All desk drawers vtrrr broken i'pen N hole t> as punt h»*d into thr 1.* 11 4>* htdrauln )ai K > N % % I N *i* h i - inform ation will be fuih p n > and (ilint: cabinets fanvuKt*d I lost th <1 w r t r I t x t h }>• 1 r hn krit ..| ay n oinmg In* >hi>wt-d tei ted by the police ami th* ..I;.*: .1 .u, 1 1 mleii.iga press as ta; at th* 1. id« nt . jilinil !• i • teal .ng the coiuerned t o y River Cleanup Sludged By C^.v 14*4/ i 1 Kearny > c „ Contents Of An Oil Barge Federal’*r • i 14 — * ► Nnith Arlirti’ton and Lynd- drydock to survey the dama ;e f 1.i.t have i (edg'd then aid to Both tug utid barge art* owned t l.e Passaic Valley Sewerage L\ Reinauer Transportation 1 0.1 w m u le tav trigs ( on,nn- inn in tht campaign to pany. and | il m now ut- t Iran up the Passaic River. Mav- At last week’s meeting Chair juri-dictiion id thi \ i ..1 Pete/ K. Tonner o f North Ar­ man Herman Blank of the sew eer.s. with addition.d *« :. t.«. ap C N A I t li t D » * 4 \u*l-»»-.ll *» •* 'It **U\ lington has .0 iiiloimed the com­ erage commission in opening re propi lation.s, tin > .m- best . ."ed mission. and Michael Festa, m arks explained tliat he believed for the job health officer ot Lyndhurst at­ that the cleanim g up of the rivei In Ninth Ailu-.'on t.ui auti tended a'meeting in New ark last banks i> one of the most im port lunk vartl art tlie pnnnpal of week, in which lit- p.oi.ged what ant undei takings that has been ftnder-, and 011c i>f t h e s e o p e r a t ever aid could be given program proposed in recent years. Ht tie U'-g on leased gi ound w ill he re by the .Township officials. clared that in recent months located within two yeai'.' The The Comnns ion at its m eeting there has been a vast improve othei mav ltd low slut soon attei I:.'? week discussed tu n n y p h a s e s m e n t tn the river water he.ause w a r d s ot the plan to ( lean up the r i v e r , ti had been necessary to bypass but at the same time received a sewage into the stream onlv a Tit its r Know * Oil 11 port on th** oil spill into t h e few hours each month, and that Of STAiKitiS S T ifL S h e can l’.i> an Ifivtr wt.vh coated the within a relatively short turn /5 AtTAACT rg i:.'eibank: t in . pe.nt at h i g h tl;ere w ill be no bypassing at ail *ABU#A*t AhO J. tide 1(. a point about two fe e t bc- He proposed a 'loose-knit fed s. S. y y ' 1« .v hi^n tide, from Rutherford) eration” of the m unicipalities t< t.o the Newark Bay f.Ian the cleanup and siig.-»esn d h elp you The oil ‘fnli or, ir red at II 50 that there might be st/b xm'' t ; :n on Jt iv !'' . mi a tanker tees ol m uni ipal counsel, loalth I i.i» 11.Weil bv *!:• t 1 gboat Cel bodies and planning boards. II* 11, hit ■■■ mrthm,.', while gnmK till Hided that the Chandx r ef 11 make your cl r the 1 .1 k:rv inn 1 bridge in o.erce could do valuable spire I. vmlhti' - t Tne buri'e t • it up at work to help local governments tie An.'ii.an Oil Company stoi >n t h i s r e g a r d h e h a s t h e a - 11 phone seri'ia a e depot at Madison avenue, a nee ot Charlie Z»ku- of the Auf **t Stoo tsr uie huthei 1 ord T h i1'- Ti tdy liolvit Keainy Area Chamber, that it Of STAt#l(5S STtlL worth nion the I .a 1 g 1 ■ ti t ai.ci Capta n J will do ail in its power to > x is r o * a u t o rm ttm I), n p-v 1 I th Celtic noticed pedite the cleanup v o i o / m c ,j . o t ' i i f i > ’ .at oil «vit- nnuiing from one ot Photographs of river bank t *n w htu eok/ti ere v tin .'iU.OUO ; all >n compartments. ditions were shown by mean., ot A- sotm a.s the boat was t ie d a .slide projector They indicated up they pumped from the dam the trouble spots as well as * he .. t rompai t;neht first, but s o o n areas for future park develop ti mid that the river was running ments and places where im prove into the compartment faster t h a n ments had been made Chief I'n I I.1 \ 11.11 ul pump 1! out Anothei gmeer Seymour A Lubetken de • :ipt\ taokei wut tied up along scribed lhe pictjres as they wen F r t d L Bohn, Zanetville, o • j de. -o t he \ diopp.-d a hose and s h o w n buline»sm»n, who clttteo O 'and C nailed Rwitt of 1 h t bt -1 1 ki tt th* oil out of the com Edwin J Mat Ewan of the nevolei't and Prcttct>ve 0*dfr of (.offnent cibov e thc wate; J me G »eater f’aterson Cha/nlit / >ug E l k * at (hr o ' d e i t annual ten- lhe . on.parfment filled with gested that the yachtman- vent on m C” cayo J u ' y V • ater and was lat»*r towed to a group'j and civic organizations be



£&«• « K iin p ir t t * 1 f; YOU CAN SAVE UP TO 4 0 % ph* > tW > * '! '* It *• Kepfi-twt.f a* is .

i n ilk*- III trinjil;*nw

ON THE LACKAWANNA iV r)ta |M . if * a m 1st PRIZE EACH W EEK 2nd - 10th PRIZES EACH W EEK t'.oattorn 'rt b at t - ' V'‘n !* •$ u tin Ink* i'i- j dp die liiat wil! imrraiw f!*r • MERCURY MONTCLAIR 9 MERCURY MONTEREY ra n ta y "f nny I.a■ tau /»*»•' »« //«’ ya 1*. A a • * / •>•*« '•< th f ailtiifif'ti -tf an *'*'* PHAETON PHAETONS 1 if n pin.tie *i!h an illniM.Mat* 1 low Mai urn * i u t « »*• W it #1 Wi r t i All > II* A I ft'.. - plua ail-expenaa paid trip to Sew York for . . . plua 2 5 G . E . portable TV arta, hghf, lif.s » i1 ' t\r ■ * ». •» H 1 * *»*• N Pan f*, . »i r k »« S•• .kar*« f • .1 tw o via Am erican AirUnea a m ite at W aldorf- y 1 rtoiv ’A' tiiij«nitig a m a y to carry . . . :iOU Elgin Am erican Sigr.ft round tri|»«. Murd»t K * sn d*e* 1 Astoria • guaat of Ed Sullivan at hia ahow. autom atic cigaratte lighter* r * * k THu 1 fcd*) i»st«fd. II '.;*»» !. > rn r g iv e . * j r s* * for unnft uj. tw I 1 . W *• Mai 1 knir n o n *l» fw*J f.»r ;io .!•)* 3 n '*•"» m«rt *ljl<* tr-. H!• (.* ti, tvip . . ■ .r.* : SPECIAL BONUS AWARDS O 1 n» » mi » m u r a*»t v» Uar*th»’ It; hm-4 ■ ». l* < s p i- »*•* f t ■ ■ SlO .O O O C A SH to ntw M arcury •2 000 cash tousedcirbuyo'i Z fair Ma**■•!»>! »• i *-U * art b.ijr rotiod kfip • • ><*a i « trip far* * if rip tan* b buyers Awarded ia i l r a d o f n » * Award»-d in ( u i d i/irm tt. l‘tia**t/a. if t*rll*t» in ■* .f Pij! (».»-. **» 120 <*.|#« } t'haeton if you buy a n e w M e r c u r y ytm buy a ua*d ear during a'td for frip* 120 fr i** at a during oonuwi and b t j u r t tiring adviard I wring atlvuMo) of w inning <«««■ of %■**'.rtf 14 i|i}iru(liltit*i) il. 1. / t r of w inning -»oe u i tha 10 u»p w#»kly pm aa. tha 10 tof» Weekly prtiM . Puhman a < - ' «.* <• tmj ■’ * > ’ tra K'vea gi«aU*r r* : . li-.< « ' - ■•m / .1 14 l l w 0 * fc c » l !■ *» lio n * <•/ «>!» l» fer rkihjrrti «fti S ter It i. fWn

VOU CAN ENTER EVERY WEEK . . . h m r m 'm all you dot t G o l o y o u r M errury daaJar today. 3 CumpU-o- »**t hne of Mem*r> Pha*i«n rhym- 2 Ptak up OffioaJ Kutaa and Entry Blank 4 M ail Official EntryBlank to Maccury ' bckaw anna R ailroad GO TO YOUR MERCURY DEALER TODAY I L s \ THURSDAY. JULY 26. 1956 PA n r FOUiTTFN COMMERCIAL LEADER & SOUTH BERGEN REMEW

an associate of arts degree and and served for one year under New York University, a bach the Pacific Amphibious Com­ B E C O M E A Follow The Leader vaVM i! » '// \A »‘ If/, h / / ContrcS Officer elor of s ien'e degree He did mand aboard the LM T 1 0 9 0 . HIGHWAY TECHNICIAN graduate work at the* University In civilian life Ullman is cm Career opportunities for of Southern California and the ployed as a gear engineer with At Navgl Depot recent high school grad­ American University at Wash the Wright Aernautical Divi­ uates. 13-year accelerat­ lH* mgton, D. C. sion Oi Cuitiss-Wright Corp. He is m'arried to the former Doris ed highway construction MOVING Elaine Fagerlund. program • on • the • job training - vacation and Earl Ullman Full Lt. JAMES W. BAUSCH ley Beach. sick leave. In U.S. Naval Reserve NVncy Ma.sterson, daughter of W rite : D irector o f Personnel, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Marterson. Department A. N ew Jersey Moving and Storage State lligbnay Department O Conner Offerings Earl A. Ullman of 4 Allan of Kearny stiect, and her grand­ Local and Long Scalera Construction mother. Mrs. Annie Venables, Trenton, N ew Jersey. drive. North Arlington, has been Distanco C O M P A N Y promoted t<> the rank of full also of Kearny street, spent yes­ terday at Asbury Park. BCILDER OF HOMES lieutenant in the U.S. Naval Re­ Err,1 F:-tiin.iif- serve exective July 1. 1956 Lt. ALTERATIONS Ullman. a graduate of North Ar­ NOTICE ^ Ink.- ...... Hi it .t|.|.||. n h . , » Call TErhune 5-4949 361 Fern Ave.. l.yndhurst lington H:gh School, class, of '4*> und Columbia College, Class of GEneva 8-0352 ///; Office: Pnmpton Lakes 50. is presently associated with Branch: Lyndhurst NRSI) 3 37 (L) at the U.S. Na ! al Reserve Training Center, at I N *1 ' I1!, n .i s"‘h.-i ' iI l'»!V- Gibbs Offerings frenton and Clifton He first en trilmtlon l.!• • nw N«.. I» ii fi. r. t< for** S t I t h listed m the Naval Reserve in \V ii.-- \ i k !■>!■ iti- promixea September 1946 receiving his I .> i illiur-i. S' " I ' ii st commission on June 2, 1950 Get our price Rug Cleaning On active duty from Septen i ■■ I. J> ,1. A . il l|, * I ' ' I'M .1 )«i 1950 through July 1953. before you Shampooed In Our Own Planl vhich included the Korean Wai, 'I'.U tlliil.i;S I.Mil i MSS, INC M.orli. w M'-n.w.-/, »'• -sirl.-nl A F o r | I'Uman saw duty with the sixth KM.. Il,.i ..vi it/. ' Tr* a» buy your Special Service leet aboard the Airerait Car ler USS Oriskanv. underwent i . • : I'.iii u i .- i, \ Fvery Rug li.’ht training at Pensanda. Flit Repairing, Packing, Stora**


SS KIP AVE. WE. 9-5111 Cleaning Rugs for 28 Year* But Can It Be Found OLDS Insured from Pickup to Delivery GIBB S AGENCY Refrigerator J . Y N U l Hi H S I In The Bible?” REID O'CONNOR AGENCY OF RUTHERFORO Service 600 RIDGE ROAD NORTH ARLINGTON, N. J *7,,' o i.n sM o B H i:. inc. People often indignantly demand world. And St. Paul reminds us 49 MEADOW ROAD ON A l l . MAKES KEarny 2-7000 A, Rutherford, N. J. that Catholics prove their teaching that Christianity consists of "one Open F.vrnintis I’ntil 9 I’ M. and Sunday Aftenoons 2 to 5 I'M i r o m the Bible. I.ord, one Faith, one Baptism” W Ebster 9 *934 The Bible is their “rule of faith” (Eph. 4:5). "Cod is a God of Jim Reid, Pre»ldent T.J.NAULTY .. and they argue that every man peace, not of disorder,” St. Paul has the right and ability to dis­ said further ( 1 Cor. 14:33) 2MI Park Avenue KNOW YOUR NEW JERSEY! cover for himself, by his interpre­ Yet today we have nearly 300 Rutherford, IS. J. Make Your Home A Safer Place tation of thc Bible, what he must different religious denominations, believe and do in order to be saved. T h e b r .t i s h c a p t u r e d t h e b r i l l i a n t all calling themselves Christian Phone: WF.hster Q-6Q21 Among An.eii. a's 17,000.000 children under six. according l<» GEN. CHARLES LEE IN 1776 - BECAUSE VC'c. do not question the sin­ .. all professing thc Bible as their liation.il stiit Mi .. ac cidents cause more deaths than diseasr. Fumi Ht LIN GEREP TOO LONG AT WIDOW cerity of rhese people and we rule of*, faith .and all differing cut of five of these accidents occur in the home. And the pity of WHITE'S TAVERN AT applaud all who strive earnestly to some extent or another in their Trucks It is that most of these accidents — - - - - BASKiNG RIDGE ! to understand and observe the could tw pi e\ ci ed hv a iiti le m ore understanding of what the Bible caie and foretl night on the part Scriptures But are they right in means ( oulu (-hrist have left a of p a r e n t - calling the Bible, privately inter­ "rule of faith" that would permit W Ebster 9 7790 One of the minor causes of acci­ preted. the sole source of Christiaq such confusion.' Would He have dents among children is curiosity teaching? left thc interpretation of His Word FRANK'S GARAGE •»--thp d e - 1: t* to explore abandoned Hold the teachings rhat you to the fallible and changing judg­ furniture it; i ref rig* m'.ois in cel­ GENERAL MOTOhS TRUCE* LOOK SMOOTH! Nnw Ton la r • g . i :.i • a m ! lo c a l dumps. have learned,’ wrote St Paul, ments of men w hen our very souls SALES ANP SERVICE C a b in e t ■i-*ors s w o lle n w it h a g e ' whether by word or hy letter o f depend on a correct understanding tan Have I’NW ANTED anri dampin' - often stick and ours ( 2 Thess 2:15). He refers and observance of the things Christ HAIR REMOVED 267 Ridge Road doi>rs on .ii’.in Inned refrigerators, to Christian teachings, some oral, has taught us? • net untly - Safely - P^rm iM n tl» Lvndhurst. N. J too h to pu-b outward, can some written . and demands that Because it certainly does matter hy the eeneationel sufToea'" ynuiiu'-tcrs shut behind K adlom atle Eleetr«ly«l» them. You can help prevent such I ¥ h / 0 0 r s m B I T E * ill br received. what a man believes, we insure you R '• ident* bv icnio.m g the hinges THE RuTGFRb COLLEGE Christianity did not begin with to examine the rule of faith of the SLIPCOVERS anie them or MAKING A fjERiO uS ng of ( hrist. The l.ord instructed maintained by tlie Catholic Church. to- them out Agata Boauty Salon ■ »TUPV O*- T H IS F O R fis Apostles to "go forth . teach To add more charm to your homB During the p r t ten years alone, Because the Bible is (icxl s Word, BETTER FISHING.' K f t e r n y I nver 1!" cluhiien ;ire known to ■ 11 nations" and to insure that and because He gave it to us for a try us for Slipcovers, Drapes, and Voting explorer* need protection. IS? Midland .‘ ye. ArUngtof*. H.J have die ! becau*e of mechanical i I ts truths would always be main­ purpose, we invite you to see what Bed Spreads. Custom made Slip- M»n.,e..t!..n I . be! 11 solve this broken glass, china and r a / o tained, Christ established His this purpose is. An interesting ( ler I ct I IP blades, wrap t h e m f ir s t , th e n . 15). c a n 't g e t at them . W hen vou • i i■- Bible, will be sent to you tree, in I problems see us, The RIDGE c a rd old utensils, see that then 'I>ie last part of the Bible . . . a plain wrapper And nobody will a r c no J ig g e I edges to cut or hai ri vritten bv St. John . . was not call on you. Ask for Pamphlet Day ! FABRIC CENTER. 507 Ridge t h e child who picks them up i* ompleted until 60 years after the No. K( 1 v Road. For Home Service Call Fed eral subsidy to a n .j u s e as playthings Teach \ >u >i:cifixi«>n of Christ. There was Night helicopter company per K E a r n y 3 0 1 6 9 . t t children the pioper use <>t < om no Bible in anything resembling m u n to o ls and e q u ip m e n t . pm Cross. And the widespread dis­ 63% CF NEW JERSEY'S WOULD HAVE AMOUNTED TO m s . home w ill be not onlv s ■ I< ' t 3 BILLION G92 V -L'ON DOLLAWS.' tribution of the Bible as we know i the children, but easier on ^ , 22 68b FARMER* HAVE SERVICE P S. - IT DIDN'T 6ET A M ICKLE. it tixiay was impossible until the | SUPREME COUNCIL i nerves as well. TV 5 E T S -' | KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Best Equipped Servtco JOHNS invention of printing, some 1400 | RELIGIOUS INFORMATION BUREAU Laboratory in thia Area years after the Savior s death. I 4422 lindfll Blvd St Louis 8, Missouri M : ., ! PI«o»# »«nd m» vour h m » PompM*t : « n Radio - TV Service nd iIh Bv what rule of faith did the I titlvd ' 6ul Coo It Found In IS# Bibl»7 millions of Christians live during KC 13 KEarny 2-3060 C E 8 -0 1 2 0 those 1 SIX) years? I name or W Ebiter 9-4769 John Ronanno md Mi.'hai !, all of Thc answer is, of course, that I 309 Chase Ave., I yndhurtft (laII H r T o Multiple Lint l i r i i ADOUfSS — ----- irveU a • etiuc. have leturned th e teaching of t h c Church was N o w ! Your Home i their \ a atiuii spent at (li t the rule of faith for the Christian • city stati - For Quick, Reliable Don't Miss That Late. Lato 3.1 Office*, With Over 100 SCR AT CH - M E NOT SUPREME COUNCIL Show Call Ca—We Weleoaa* Service On All Make* Salesmen, W ill Effect W ITH ITCH ME NOT! Night Calls .ply ITCH ME NOT In Jim t tt K I I I G H T S o f C O L U m B U S A Quick Sale • trv if you have to scratch youi ARLINGTON VEI.TRE T V REPAIRS y o u r 40c h a c k a t •i-’ y d ru g sto re RELIGIOUS INFORMATION BUREAU iintant di ying ITCH ME NOT Tubes Tested Free oi p ig tit et been occupied. M itny J. I ouis Lempert extra features such as over 9,» electric outlets, Diamond 2-5341 NUtley 2-8080 has just about every thing for gracious living. 15 West (»overneur Avenue, Hutherford, N. J. First floor h is center hall, living room <12 x 24». baseboard beating. Two beautiful tiled baths dining room, large kitchen and television room. with vanity sinks. Ask to see it today. ' CFncva 8-r»082 Industrial Waste Removal Second floor has three bedrooms, one of them 21 feet long, lu ll attic, lull basement. 2-ear Ilow about a lovely six room home. Three bed garage. ,steam oil. screens and storm sash. In rooms, oil he.it, extra large garage 2f» ft long, a beautiful and convenient neighborhood. Ask w all to w all carpeting, com bination screens and about it today. storm windows in a lovely section ol Lynd­ Better Driveways B U Y N O W hurst. |( is vacant. All Makes New A fsed W e have a beautiful new all brick, five room Asphalt Blacktop I .csv P t\m ent Sales bungalow with built io g.irage All immense How about a six room, 2 fam ily, 3 3? W ith a A n d SAVE! rooms, situated in a fove(\ section of I.vnd, large shop in rear. Shop has electric, new KK.VI KD JtldWlh’Kl > Parking Lot», Curbs and Cement Work wooden floor, bath facilities. Just the thing for hurst, only three blocks from shopping, trans ide i':. SATISFACTION Proper Planning. Correct Foundation and A ll M aterial* Premium Quality Coal sm all business. Let rent irom 2 fam ily pay your portation. public and parochial schools W liv t;V \ h .\n rF.F.n Plus Efltrtent and Trained Men. Result In a Perfect Drive. not lok at It right now! We re available any shop expenses. Ask about it today. WI. TRY TO M AKE THEM BETTER THAN THE Gueranteed Satisfaction tim e. BEST AND DIFFERENT FROM THE REST 1 \ W N CEMENT M IXERS FOR HIRE VWI I NOT C.I.INKER - 'E R Y ( I.EAN MOWERS NUtley 2-8977-8842 We need your listing l et us multipli 1 i-t vour home. Our multiple fitting SIICRPEMU Nut or Stove ’21.00 1'“Buck Wheat '16.00 r~ RY PRECISION MACHINE VIOLA CONTRACTING CO. •ystem has been h ig h ly iurrmful. A <|tiirk suit- nf vour lumir i» an-urid. Anv make band or power Pea Coal ' 18.00 T"’ Stoker Rice ’ 15.00 r " mower serviced r**»vUrrd or ib:»rwned b> experts. • Prompt Service NONE RETTER \T ANY PRICE • f ' P ic Ku b nod Delivery • A ii W<•. v Gvieianteed Louis Viola Co. > j i m i SAVINO ACENCY • Low Pr 'r#s t il \M M \t lIlNK i * W AslUM, i n\ \M \| | SI 1 I | \ \ , C O M P A N V ?‘I2 t b tse \\e . I \ ndhurst Hard and Soft Coal Cinders MORRIS DEMEL 251 Ridge Rd. GE 8-3121 Lyndhurst, N. J. I .l in i a P.-221 I 6ir. ESSEX STREET III . 3-21.13 11 MCRISON t f NUriey-TWIO-l PACT FIFTHS’ THURSDAY. It LV 2b. I*>56 COMMtKUAL LLADFR A SOI 1 11 BFRGEN RFV IK»

(KPINilNCIO ■ um «'<: - Auto Glass Laundry l . t t »i *\ »•» . .. \\ i * . i i C-D Paper Drill Finds 4,500 LOCAL ■ W’.n id lik e 1.. .* fur . in>d » ( ' * o i 1 1 n ( m i'lh f ii> ■ Boroughites Killed By Blasts WBbatar IJ14I WE PICK UP A DELIVfc* Vi k last I l t*lav TUESDAYS & THIRSDAYS »rl Ottl I** as-av ills* fllll affrtl thr i lllfrjtrHi v live lii< fl AllHJ « * ''TV Ot ASS INSTALLCD M U iK V !.:•.!■ » h Mil h».» « til.K K EOHNIT URE TOHS Nowhere else do you qet the concentrated j d o «-»l - I ■ ■ a h t o m li. irt * . .. alon homh iii Jt-r-sA • its aiitl thr mi* megaton ** Ola** Eor Kvrrv Purpuie 11«»litlay lloiur l.auodry |U RI varalda Av* I yndhuni N J advertising of 7/ie L e a d e r Classifieds. Your Io d\* T >uli.llifl i*. atlOU and » hom h »lr«*|»|Mtl in N f-w aik tior utjt llo h | w o m * * l 4 f < * »»t ^ 148 Ridge Kd. No. Arllnf Mr advertisement is caried into 7,000 homes i l i t T h s i» l- ; *‘t »|m tjlnm M« rl I hr hmtili. lit* I.»11£• »t t«. tall m i!»« * Beverages KKarny t 1944 t HKl HI l Nl IO I • i i ' a > »n lii<-lriHililMii mi'ii ihirillft llo nation* i«h t 11 |r-i l*iir*i al every week in Lyndhurst, North Arlington, • llrlli. ii" *...1 . > • t.m*s * >11 • M r irnuild level al Itahlvsin ami M"III \ sll* J«r Lt*! us supplv ilu* Rutherford, East Rutherford and Carlstadt HI M NESS St HOOL C*lt\ f.»r voiir summer p »rii. uni Masons by Tha T H A lN U< a *>'->d tM .fitio a a s a s. uie* 1^1. pit nif or jn-1 p'.iin tlrink- lac K t s i in i’. l>. III. ^ I. * • i I. »| |>. I lit*# i «X|>lsHtrU tfammeici&l t*dc* »ti r u t m «>Ki * si:* hk i aki a L. Marinaccio HlX'i 3 lUi.S'Mt IMa.a. Kill he In tai. BEER I J*MJ»1|W • C O I K A iu l m E a g l e S t r « H •IM P W \ N It l» M AI.9' North Arlington, N. J. TlvitA £tae(c* C l> I K .. WINES Ni MS KDYt AANlIU -all I (O il 'IKK K W ORK til.A SS IlLtH 'KB • :> If LIQUORS PI ASTEKlN li - CONCKKTK teuCex 0?% cc-‘Pic4± SM ALL REPAIRS H I A l I S ' A T | t k A lf S M A N f..r ri»a 1.1. I | |.l . t • . t rd Ir I T lot f C a l l I ' * I ' > i ,» • in*. *1 A 111 * I I I t " |». 11 - ' 1 . Ben's Delicatessen For Three Lines of Action-Packed Advertising |> I I V I " 1 W 'lie * ..Mill, 1*1.1 I KFarny 3-9587 A*rt. . >. •*' I < 111k r H4 N I Mi A i I * 509 STUYVKSANT A \I SI E 75 Cents First Insertion loti K ► . IK.. Mi H .loe Jot «i. l.YN D III KST, V J. $1.25 Twb Insertions huUl If.i. ANO Si I Carpenters Mimeographing $1.50 Three Insertions Boy Scouts Participate In Funeral For Rutherford Letter Shop ______AOMiRAl t b a i o t h y L R e t e l e , P r o p Camp Tamarack's Aquatic Director AUTOM OTIVE ii . . . • • A. TURICLLO & SON MIMEOGRAPHING, ADDRESSING Vi" ''’ > 1 '• '• Tvt-lNG. MAILING, BUSINESS CARPENTERS & P.I H.pFKS SERVICE W l Repairs and Alteration* ' h r \ THIS SPACE Adjacent tu New Mi.nmpjl !*•«* F t ’r d P a n e l F ru .-h Dormers and Oarages Parking Lot N1»'inrv Station V Custom Hu ill 11 nine* R u th e r fo r d ftiII> *-«iiil|*l»*-*l. auto RESERVED FOR On Your Property 8 760*1 Of' IN AL I SUMMER I'f.ti I ot tl L ARGE TENT . ‘•■ii K oi d i'o n » » r i i b l » 411 l ..r. i U ••.I n i i < 11 i nr -1 ■« .1 TH’S Agency {PLANTS. • ■ 11 > » ' ■ t.Knrva K urd S t . ‘,M!i I- •»r ■ I l*an* l Music Teacher •*..3 frurd !l - .Ii ,.i.» Driveways VICTOR I*. KRANCII'ANK '"II' Kijuipl** METTlCOATS I . DEE OF KEARNY I.M il’ ll I I ltlt<>1111 ItS Piano, Vocal. Accordion I 1111»I »> m « - n l - \ | t r l i r \ I f i^htn Street I yr'.thurat, N. J T e a c h e r , HO v Al 1 V RE W R ’ I I II ( \ I 1» II C I N u t n tv i 8 4*0J Hndi real happmesa In producing la Aabhalt l»rlv«rWHv« I «^r KuIlH talented ir titti w'm ar* nuw par 1 ■“a. k I'.g Ijot* . . Ul. wa forming on RADIO and I l L l i'tirvroU-t pu l. It GAS RANGE I K<|Ul|tffl'il M*-'i»«l VISION SHOlAIS Fiiil Station HU P MANTt.ll t»;MA|.l ltvi.al-1 i 11^ EBASCO OFFERS rUtLV INSURFD Sum* of hia iMii.ll* have performed ; iii . \\ 111 > Stalloi ALL WOMK GUAHANIieO • it It A'nughn Monro*. 'Iiarlle Sj.ivak. VS .'inly ItrriiiAA. Vllw'dnl Alao « r halan-e front wheels Atilu T ' x * ;r “ 1-opra. ittiin h hoai of others and bod) woik I'oii.plete nioior )ol>» Cai* iriadr rwadv tor inspection • ' ’ l*« ' «* Electricians SIGNORE BROS GARAGE EIGHT WlNDUWS MHI*-r. AI Ohulwkl, Norm® ?4 Hour Towing S*r»‘c* 1l ..I *tiuir tlx MmtOKllo Mxnlvn Schiller l»o Jo.n Our Tuwing Club W P*f Vaar i-J.-.l I. tlr'iii.ll'l loi*-» Turali k F'll*nieiia l>(*rlano. I N I* I s I ST ABII 11 Y VAL C. COLOMBO John and Jnxn Kraiiglpane; *11 II,,..1 t riil* ■ In H*r*«n, Faiiklc aud Iflaaat ELM AUTO SALES Lllll* IIONK HIM H VH * It .i, j >t K U C T K I C U N 25 ELM ST KKARNY, N J IL I. *1 a lx l l l V a * * 11 • |*l * mo* .1 Jl«aldential - Industrial W lrlui Phone Vl'l'liHtfr 9-0644 KKarnv 3 2391 I • f ..lilt. I -I . l.lll a 11 o i .1 . » |.» n 128 Arlington HIvd v h f O R D d u iiit- li u- k . '*•-»»■ * lu ll .1 I I.I «l I * 1 I • ill e *1 | . I • North Ailinj:ti>n, N J. or Wl hhter ‘>-22:,6 I .-olidllli n An t.i aki - (f ./o.l lli..- 1*1 IIO> I llr , . I l l I. , .M K K arny 2 5579 IlM I • I • li4H PLYMOUTH I ml.,i l »

A. Chasar & Son Oil Burners v\ I Electricians h i i i \ i i; Call GE 8-4505 IM ionr K K u rn v 2-.r»(»27 ■U,C1H f st 1 .y odl.ul I alii I i p I" I \ 11 I > I 1 (1 V I Serving Merchants and I I I I I l( I I V I Home Owner* Welti Fuel Oil H llr HAM III E O K S A L E I O R R E N T l t» N « I! I 1 1 I wn p k r«i ion a ppt i' a MAHT 'R IB J Tl.. l^aAri I'ulih' all. n, .» r i i* I \ t . • iiii Adequate Wirino mi. iii iiNKRS - Fi’Fi. on HI.AV PKN kl. »lt.pi> a>< ept II.Ip VV ante Mave Ihe new 100 Amp.. !'!# Volt III i ’HAIH Mutual < IIM B Ay a.da • *464 ieiiia«iirfii.ia Irvii. Hi ml « .!»•»• Complete Automatic Oil will a»lt t«> families dir#*'t from fa< - I . .1. i » Mra>. .o d il. «i i. Elertrir Service Installed Mj Heating ln*tallatlon« • ,i y at wln-l^sMle pfl. es « nt»a ful' "Tlie Lakeside ' In. unrr te « I ilia*. !•«. I a % | • » |N I I B > II *% ■» Oil Kurner Efficient* i rid psri'is ailius(al>le springs Iw* - .» r4i I ki i —i-1» \v .0 ■ I ufMlai A Ihwisala* l.ei.ai., I * I Id North Jersey drop sld-s t'rlh prlrea, |J! IW. •?'<’ "• ROOM I NO MOUSE V*iTM Our SoecUlty ,«t..l I ie I u i $3Z «w no hlgtivr »rl« aa b« appoint ISl Ml Electrical Contractors |M;. y Pena 17 ai 111 Ki, HI « half* AND TELEVISION f OH fiU llll • all Htfb. I «!•« 221 Prospect Ave., No. Arlington $» **f> l>allv ilii'Mliiir Hal * a m lo Rentalt IS > Wees. Montn i>| k Och>m b.«rs I'm l-I-., I G En eva 8 8 142 I ilne. nons and liiforinail*,n, call O«or*m» M ix Prop f». »rd ; I - mra Paullaon *'•> . • ‘Iraham Um- ?04 Fifth Annul Beltnsr, N J by ■ .o i m I Mii-dl » **• «' -1 l**i» a i i'A< #ihIii| it.» a - h> ue-n. *» tfre L stim a le* I* R .»»» >i> 11.9 I ROOFING AUTOMOBILE INIUHANCI Insiall tt ill.,...I t t .ll.ll, me ti I payrtieiit ran now Ue arian«fd GHOSSO El FCTRIC all kinds of aul< mobile Insuian. e LACKAWANNA MO U tl III Mi-lar Ko*d l.»-.4 N J . Mil. bill » !*••» I ...I.. S..Ill I*. .lul l. TITE BUTT ROOFING i M>ii i anve wllhwoi roverafe i'ai SERVICE »,I lii'ONNOK AiiKNrt, •«* Wa Reaer*e a * me keiailmn u O i f tM AM A l.Midi. K ll^iR HtiAH. K K t - 1 m » Fu'«i*lie< donna far .1 . . „. d di“i< • F » ev‘. and SIDING CO. lui.seiMsen and vi*itm| rtueita Itnniiv with fast rpseir-f 1 lertrim l < wn*r**H»»r ! r i p e INSURANCI Oh lurssll..re st WIRlNti Rl P.\IRIN(i le ss Utah »«»u think don i t.e •lilt AU lli4 n ii Impr >r** S|M-i'ialiiiriri|Z in out I* In most I to « family SoiiTi I■nlii*li * Air • t • ■ ■ « MAINTINANt K v t i v I i i • iv \ i i t k atF:* EBASCO A■ Iii>irttin ur I.Viidlmr«t lM,m«a a |4 Prompt. Reliable Service Aluminum Silling I .on tM.IP y coat «4il> 17 Ihmi’i put 'tfaai location f i all tr-a«apo. tat.ui f t ptioi.e lor I* fowiiallon wiHsoo' I i.as« » H«1141■ | Reasonable Rates Tel. V\ I h*ter <1-4204 .•l.llgallon im 'o'.N oH AOKN« T ••* iimaaui In r nt»»i Ml I a 2 K KliAD. K K 2 ?«•»* 111 Ridge Road a f n on wOM8 n Mailiea k lta e l GFneva 8-724 I Lyndhurst. N. J. H-.tl It* v er s.l.le Lanny OeiOroaa,, mvitpa you •• IACKFTH *J *!•*!. <-«U f •>* «l«it mm at the must UeswtTut • n<* 24 ll»ur Answering Servlr* Hot * OaPardine rnodain bar i** town ? aste •»* ■il'ITM 11 »k *n« I..a ioi.s #iit» apei.ali**a V 255 RIIK.P IIOAD t r y Irf.nf Wi *> \ • KKHS BHok: IW " I l.Y N D III R ST . N J John Calabrese !.,)« I Nmble Knee 'lrv tl Al WANT ED il\iiA H F M Hot Roof* • Shingle Roof* kiv ^ l>»»ti»»r I .Ark \NNA * OO MOM I * e | •‘AN’M J S Bauer Electric l.eat|er« - <.utters d*i>- Ml’ITH HAH A CHI! I W i »>|| * ' | d »r.s 1 Sress I I M S Ridge Ruad and I rerman HI * *-•- * 11’ * ’ A IR I O N Iil'l lO M 'RS Re|iuim - Renewal* d 'lis < * idilie i a i■k F~rv Lyndhurst. N i — Outlet* Installed — I M ■ ne |>etiini Rl HlNr.NH o rP o M T I M i l t * (General ^lie^'t Metal VI ork ■ci.Ar'KM Tel l.Eneva » *71S 351 Kearny Avenue j Vl«n> |»e’,ini MAMOWA8I l u l l l t t • • VIOLA BROTHERS. INC Call I A* K t V T * K F 2 IWJ5 K st 1921 VI * n« O reu I'HoKS KE 2 0 3 7 6 VI. ne I »r*as K " KI ■ " ’-* i|'^ A-k - a I , I d.r. M»«»i i>ln* ! f UHMIIHlO ROOM I Hai W A* III Si .TON A V I M I M I M S J M l.III OR DAY , I'A N T H la n ■ • • IMAVlk *• «VlE * Floor Covering f'AJMV * h.,rt«aed Am**' *•«* s.- Fhona NUIIef 1 K)D0 O per. E * •« y N .p n t • M M

WARING i C O M E lAVf AT T n # a to n * O' ROOM tiFnrva 8-0244 PR It E HI S T E K H ''' 3T>I ^ . art Avenue •01 R i«tt SO Ca# J»»s«i y am Follow The Leader CARPET NeitH Ai'Sftwn kte Aaesay f liMI'l I I I I IM " I l.v n illiu rM . N J- ni >asiHH in iH w. LINOLEUM c u ito m mat r a m m a x im Ro o FIM; • S ID IN G Manufacturer* and Iitatr\bi*li^a ef W AU. COVMtimi F tn * B**ddt.i« BUILDING MATERIALS (.1 H F R S - I.F A D F H S Maple r-rnlta»a H-ddl..« Ba^^a'w* sA%> TiNMil M t I >1 M *T M ANTED Tn Kl t tiny RetaP at Wkiila-M Pri aa I AIN MomfRS Hies C m r r a l |{r|iair aiul •I rrAAkbn N*isa» klOMKiM iiuki Intulatioa WOOL ond BOARD NtM.ef I WIU rrwBMO HiMIBtad aa 4 I.YNHIII l1* R epilte* TRIVll ll«*lf« 1144 : SHEET ROCK - - - ROCK LATH c o v i h i m ; Ur DFI. sklliMoHF • rs • m in i M l IM iSl V I’ VYMFNT b*.>tei 'e*sie*aiT«*'S atu. V B**a L»s#ai ♦ r ir, •iillaie. > ptaa anHat-- WANTED t«» Itt^T M « e a • R n 3 \FARS TO PAY CIBBI INAVlL BW8IAU L irslkerd COu.fl 8 s».d -td - Mid «i Insurance w ik tte * rv—* K i e l I A ll \l ..rk I..iirinlrr.l C*«iaaia*t 8*'»>a« im Baae t tn>l»l l» It8y( AwikmiM *#•-*# afc- »*•** P*» '•* I 08 4 lO u a t IR FF F.STIMATES ! cm • FBntcok* Avpholt Roo# SWnqlei GEO. ZIMMERMANN [ K A irk i » « m C a ll C R L A J f' Mdwr*»- k l ' f i e »»« t oa t «oom« * K a a i M i a a o I\h| t: \ \t v f-ir*ri--^ 38 i S Z h Ha-»- t-*t» Ite* - ** * C a*ke e i a« Agriculture LiwiB-Drivewoy 5ton# srw* a a k s.arrti V . M l B t o In all tl* ith **** • oe. om aU t m *\eie»si WE. 9-5523 i u * fy a m> Akw a * ** . O i s i i a i i at *MOB o* | al ■ aaMBteiw b»-4 **•*- < •* •« * P *** in t ATKl^l WAHTMI m b i t A l i Rf M I'IV II f r a < a »we r e r m w f«* Imitation Tile Baord Sir.*# t>nw***u* o****. n o c a » ihi# M |U |f R o» M-.!«•♦** I ‘st »• ! «•!.». « aite a ft» r % p m * « *■ *•»* «'X gaaaitae. 8»*- M«** a* M a. aw- . BasaaaeBlaa |U«*s»mBI»B . » o l v i l x * M *.nrB frtaHfc, • Uuwm «*• » i t t i b • Follow Tke Leader OW e- |% * » a ijw* wm. vmi1i« at b*U*A R at — L .. Meat: o>. m w « u * m-*«» w «


Miss Doris Kleen. of Travers Mr and Mrs George Me Gav- place, has returned from a in. of New York avenue, had as week's vacation at Point Plea- i their guests on Sunday. Mr. and Commercial leader LAST LAP sarlt. Mrs. Frank Ruber to, of Hoboken. AND THF. SOrTH BERGEN REVIEW Established 1021 Are There Secrets in Official Newspaper of The Township of l.yndhurst Medicine? Published everv Thursday bv Tbe Commercial Leader Printing Company at 251 Ridge Road. Lyndhurst. N. J. Telephone (CEneva 8-8700-8701 There are no Editor John Savino secret* In Business Mgr, E r n e s t J. D a b i n e t t Advertising Mpr. S a m u e l C. P i e r s o n m e d ic in e . Entered as second class matter April 7, 1938 at the Post Office of Rutherford, N. J., Despite cmi( under thr Act of Mareh 3. 1879 ru m o r* o f Subscription $2.50 Per Year Seven Cents Per Copy *ome rem ark- ’ 1 vndhiirst. V. July 26. 1956 a b l e a n d “MCret" discovery for the treatm ent of New Jersey law enforcement agents that Paterson Plank Road disease. Its existence is very doubtful. Even) lias been a long time needed. One of the most important highways in I he initial report of the committee, of medical discovery of merit is mode known South Bergen is the Paterson Plank Road. which Forbes, a Republican, and Donal Fox to all physicians os rapidly as possible. It is strategically located ami becomcs more of Essex are co-chairmen, will be of wide important with each passing day. The time interest. Vou can look to your physician with will come when Teterhoro Airport will achieve maturitv This will make the Plank It should hr noted that Forbes is a busi­ confidence and be assured that he will Road more important than ever. nessman and that Fox is a lawyer. Their employ the latest scientific development* views approached from different angle** The street now is in terrible disrepair. while treating your illness. Consult your give the committee a wide focus. If they East Rutherford and (.arlstalt coiincilmen physician and bring your prescription to have urged the county to step in and make feel the investigation should be widened and given more financing, by all means the repairs. They have been joined by Wood- us for compounding. committee's wishes ought to be quickly Kidge. Certainly the county should art. heeded bv the legislature. Improvement of the Plank Road will be ~a£Pa"oI2 6 ’l a boon for the entire county- The highway . . * PHARMACY, INC. forms the perimeter of two of the most Are We Civilized? free delivery I valuable meadowland tracts in South Ber­ llu mosquito situation this summer is a gen. The highway in terser Is meadowland memory ran recall. v/hich will ifi the not distant future be re­ It ccrtainly gives rise to the que t io n : habilitated ami converted into taxpaying bad a» memory can recall property. I). ) civilized people live under such con­ .-ill* I t.) th e fa< t th at regardless of need by police in It would be wise for the county to an­ ditions.'' (.an we call ourselves advanced a» patiol work. When v. ill we wake ticipate this development by making plans “ fro i as f.i i , Up? long a- hV permit ourselves to he assaulted Y ef de IN this he grant S incerely now to purchase enough land on earh side ed the St itb< by hordes of mosquitoes and flies.'' Patsy C arm el lo of the highway to widen it and make if "limited" permit I lo* mosquito pest can be contained. It ;it the Soclet \ . ready for the extra burdens it i> going to merely requires vision and gumption. Flic Dear Editor: i ep ra te d failu re. lake in the future. mosquito must be fought as we would fight I have been on vacation sirve hold quiet ; md Why is this an important roiintv prob­ i July first and did not see jour I io n s . NOTES any invading army- His means of birth and j paper until f returned yesterrtav. lem? The reason is obvious. Out of every growth must be cut off. We have the weap­ I ee on the front pase of the O u r t a x e depi e iate i Outboard tax dollar collerted bv a municipality the ons to do it. ( nfortunately, the Bergen J u l y 3rd i s s u e , three pfrtme-. <>\ Mr and Mrs. Angelo Checki. county gets a bigger and bigger share. Each (so-called eyesores along the I’a carnival like ceW .i that is of Valley Brook avenue. Ijave County Mosquito Commission, like the saic River. I ayree one hundred held in the fifth t And. had as their guests for several Motors new dollar of taxes that are attracted to commissions throughout the state, doesn't pereent, they are eyesores out what is bad f< the f»th affects days Mrs Checkis sister and the county ease the burden on the existing d<* thr job which i- necessary. I let us call them for what thev the entire towi brother-in-law, Mr and Mrs. taxpayers. It is to the benefit of the entire are. The first two, the top i "\> . Should the e hvpoci ific-il nui John R Scardino and children, Boat Trailors I here are many reasons. sfnee he perm Joseph. John, Jr.. Rosemary, 1 are correct but the lower pi Sales & Rentals county to see that Paterson Plank Road and I'or one thing man's irritation is short­ turc; which you call, An "Id I ' m afraid horn c i - are go A n t h o n y and Maik, of Ashtab­ its adjacent land be made as attractive as Breakwater is not This < >i I mg to find it difficult to ula Ohio. lived. When®the county budget is made up. obtain moi t Cadillic Boats possible. Breakwater' happens fo he /me the mosquito board's appropriation is al­ of a proud fleet of fighting shi| - pan s oi foi bir cl • llme ; Mi s Hose Kelly and her mo­ s The Paterson Plank Roar! now is in atro­ ways the last to get strong consideration. of the U. S N avy, » v eteran of home m Lynd! ther. Mrs Ignatius Kelly, of 12‘ to 16' on Display At thi- tune, li Fifth street, have returned from cious conditon. Repairs are badly needed. Budgets are made up in the winter, when World War I known a. S C. I2!f They are needed now. a submarine chaser which wa newspaper. the C Mr a week's vacation spent w ith an there are no mosquitoes. The whole sub­ I «ornmandrd hv Lieut (.1 (I ) .f a m e s f? t-,im a n . oth er other daughter and son-in-law. WATER SKIS ject attracts no attention until the hot M a a year tion si>ent at St Petersburg. Fla. 1956 New Jersey Boat. Operators that the law makes it valid for a prosecu­ The various alerts which are staged on ed over the old Navy number inspection has be rted to While there they called on a when we got the use' of the craft once a year Th* mean j number of former Lyndhurst tor to order wiretapping. a local and nationwide basis are “success­ and the officers of the troop got this inspe< tion hi > s'tick. I residents. aiul Fishing Licenses Issued This is a sweeping statement. ful” in that the people cooperate to the as much information as was pos- If the Morss view was sound, then Mew best of their limited ability. But just clear­ I sible regarding the ship I have a hook with the information and Jersey's law is far more open than that of ing the streets isn't solving the problems of I pictures of the "craft when in Mew York where wiretapping under some atomic warfare. j commission. SWIM FINS & MASKS regulation is permissible. In New York a Perhaps the C-D as we now know it has | I,et us give a gallant veteran the respect due in her last har LIFE JACKETS law officer may apply to the courts for outlived its usefulness. Perhaps it has been bor. permission to tap a wire. He is supposed made obsolete by atomic warfare. Perhaps When the Sea Scouts were For Children to outline the reason and to tell what be itv greatest good can not be made by hon- I disbanded and responsibility for i the eare of other 129 went to exects to find. The court then grants thr e>llv evaluating itself. j others,, the hull a s wa bed up request, but demands a report on tbe results Is the C-D able to do the kind of job on a sand bai at the ti I river in flood water and turned over of the wiretapping. necessary or is it giving us a false sense i where she has rested ever since Under the Morss interpretation, a prose­ of security? Y mi* truly, cutor in New Jersey could tap any wire lie Is the C-D promoting the idea that de­ Edmund T)eFi incis CAMPING saw fit, giving no explanation and no re­ fense against atomic bombing is every­ Pear Edit' port. body's defense, man, woman and child, I know I have a li. ii bv the SUPPLIES Of course the ( nion County prosecutor rather than that of only the voluntary few tail and with able a> i fanee I is completely wrong. Ihe law in New Jer­ believe that lion can be made Stores - Lights • Tents in C-D? to see the futility o lighting sey obviously bars wiretapping hy anybody Is the C-D promoting the false assump­ against odds -Again I ; efernng j for any reason. tion that there is a defense against atomic to the feasts. But the investigation so far has proved B e f o r e pointing out m y m o r e bombing when, in fact, there is none? reasons why L y ndhurst s h o u l d its own need. What is not quite understood Can the money spent on C-D be spent ban all feasts from th*1 t o w n s h i p , is that the committee has a mere $10,000 more effectively on an educational program I w o u l d like to point out o n e I 3 GOOD REASONS BIG SALE ON with which to work. That sum is peanuts very important fact especially which will prepare EVERYBODY for au to those who may have I e e i t - i n ­ compared to the job that must be done. all-out atomic war? timidated with reprisals 'f r o m TO SAVE AT EQUITY ALL The investigating committee has sub- Is tli** C-D activity promoting ill feeling the saints if they failed to s u p ­ poened the records of private detectives. It port these affairs, these f e a s t s around the world against us? are not sponsored by the c h u r c h . ★ Availability Baseball Equipment • has got the records of companies which These are important questions that Did you know, that despite a Withdrawals Paid On Request manufacture and sell equipment that can -hould be answered. Those of us in South warning from one of om com nnssioners at the last meeting, be used for wiretapping. Bergen communities, which border the No. that the townsho was not to ★ Drive-in Facilities The work of the committee is important. I attack area of the country. New York, bear any expense in cleaning up Also Free Parking It will develop a pattern of conduct for eagerly await the answers. some of the filth the morning after the last day of the feast after a week's visit with his son | Mr and Mrs Charles Hoelzel, of Mt Carmel, equipment and I in-law and daughter, Mr. and of Ix»di, are the parents of a manpower was used to t lean up ★ Your Insured O O / NOTES Mrs. Earl Greenleaf, of W illow daughter, Cheryl Eleanor, born a couple of lawns because the 1 avenue, and other relatives and Thursday at Passaic General society's committee failed to Savings Earn / 0 B etty Alice Brown, daughter M ends In the community. Hospital. M rs Hoelzel is re cord -^ e b o a r d o f of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L Brown ing secretary of the Lyndhurst f,,"1 * rw,uesf’ Emblem Club. Who *ave orders to use th is w eek and next at the Bap­ Douglas Christensen, son of i this equipment and manpower a t tist Center confeience at Leb- Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Christen­ the added expense to the tax­ EQUITY sen. of Third avenue, had as Dennis Riley, son of Mr. and PAUL'S p a y e r s ? guests at a seventh birthday M rs. N. C. Riley, of Tontine ave­ The M t. Carm el Society claim Mr. and Mra. Alfred c Gil party on Saturday, Fred M ilici, nue, returned on Sunday from more, o f Poat avenue, h a d a s Billy De Pasquale, Billy Hanna­ week-i v.cation a^nt with*1 th*rr WMnt to be anv rock SAYINCS relative* at H ayw ood r o t t m u s i c when M r s M u r r a y fuaats on Sunday their s o n a n d gan and Gleen Christensen r e i a t i v e a at Maywood asked the question a, „ug ^ Hobby and Sport Shop AND LOAN ASSOCIATION dlHfht«r-in-la«, Mr. and M r s , Commissioners meeting, af July James Gilmore and daughter E l - Mrs. Saul Ring, daughter of Mrs. Edw ard S u m m e r «nd i8, i956 Well, t h e y w e n t ahead 306 UNION AVENUE, RUTHERFORD. N. J. ten, o f CoUingtwood. Mr. and M rs. Jack Sterm an, 331 sons, Richard and Robert, ol,nd pj»nned and * held it in the Red Circle GE. 04192 | with her hus-band. Pvt. Saul day on Friday ot Mr. and Mra Club. | Ring, of Ft. Gordon, Augusta, Bilot ta at Guilford Park, Toma As (or the noise that emlnated KEarny 2-0101 Open 9 A.M. to 7 P.M. — Fridays 9 A.M. to 8 P.M. G a . River. frem Copeland section, Mr. - ......