5Th of March Closing
rwaiM; At a MMtoa of SMtS Clinton Independent •ft tor tlMttlHIl)the »iy of Cliatou liuMti at tkt QMae,I la L_ village of ft Job tit. on Tuaw <laf, tka »tb day of January , la the year oaa (omciAi. r*m of m oowrr.) •aaaaad right buadnd and Nvtaijokltt Proa- aaL Jaal K Craaaoa, Judge of Probate la the *"ry ■utter of the aetata or NATHAN AttH, Da Oa liny and filing tl>« nrttllkon, dole Verified, of Oltifd Aab, prarln# that • u iuslrutuebl det Pwiy A«a of CUbim Cvoaty I *d HapUmbor Zfith IS77, u er ba proved aad adnlt- 1 ttd In probtU at lb* last * 111 aad taeteuiaDt of said «l*c*a**d OORBIT & ESTES, Thereupon U u ordered. tbal Thursday. lb* fist day of February, ls7f, at I o’clock in tb« rorenom, The Clinton Independent. bo uoifbud tor ib« hearing of aaid petition, ana iNat th« boin at law aad legato** TERMS. I sad all otbor persons luiorvoud in Mid will, aro re- iMiudtag uooUgf, $1 SV la advsaoo. tor papoco I U sppoat at a Motion of aaid Cotirt, then to Mat oat oc tao county, aad |1M) fur timer In Use bo boiden ai tb# Probate Office, in tb* villi#* of Hl tip. Jobna, and obow cauM, If any tboro bo, wby tb* All wot lore tor pufcllcathM Beat be la head will should not bo approved morula# to lueura pubUcattoa tb« YOL. XII—NO. 17. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1878. WHOLE NO. 589. And it la further ordered, that notice bo glvrn to ““ persons Intonated in Mid ootito, of tb* pt-uden- cyo r the bearing th*r*of.
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