Action Plan for the Conservation of the Danube
Action Plan for the Conservation of the European Ground Squirrel Spermophilus citellus in the European Union EUROPEAN COMMISSION, 2013 1. Compilers: Milan Janák (Daphne/N2K Group, Slovakia), Pavel Marhoul (Daphne/N2K Group, Czech Republic) & Jan Matějů (Czech Republic). 2. List of contributors Michal Adamec, State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic, Slovakia Michal Ambros, State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic, Slovakia Alexandru Iftime, Natural History Museum „Grigore Antipa”, Romania Barbara Herzig, Säugetiersammlung, Naturhistorisches Museum Vienna, Austria Ilse Hoffmann, University of Vienna, Austria Andrzej Kepel, Polish Society for Nature Conservation ”Salamandra”, Poland Yordan Koshev, Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Science, Bulgaria Denisa Lőbbová, Poznaj a chráň, Slovakia Mirna Mazija, Oikon d.o.o.Institut za primijenjenu ekologiju, Croatia Olivér Váczi, Ministry of Rural Development, Department of Nature Conservation, Hungary Jitka Větrovcová, Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic, Czech Republic Dionisios Youlatos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece 3. Lifespan of plan/Reviews 2013 - 2023 4. Recommended citation including ISBN Janák M., Marhoul P., Matějů J. 2013. Action Plan for the Conservation of the European Ground Squirrel Spermophilus citellus in the European Union. European Commission. ©2013 European Communities Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged Cover photo: Michal Ambros Acknowledgements for help and support: Ervín
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