Mendip Local Plan Part II: Sites & Policies – Pre-Submission Consultation

Consultation Response Form Please use this form to respond or make representations on Local Plan Part II and associated consultation documents. For information or advice, please contact the Planning Policy Team by email at [email protected] or phone (0300) 303 8588.

Contact Details If you have appointed somebody to act as your agent, please give their contact details. All correspondence will be sent to the agent Name: Mr Neil Chapillon (Estates Manager) Agent Name: Lee Wright

Organisation (if applicable): Millfield School Company Name: Wright Consult LLP Address: Bay Tree, Cooks Lane, West Cranmore, , Postcode: BA4 4RH Email: [email protected] Tel: 07778 747072 Date Completed: 02.02.2018

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Please return your response by 5pm Monday 12th February 2018. By post to: Planning Policy, Council, Cannards Grave Road, Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA4 5BT By email to: [email protected] By hand to: The Council offices in Shepton Mallet (address above).

Mendip Local Plan Part II: Sites & Policies - Issues and Options Consultation For office use

Details of Objection/ Comment./Representation

Name /Organisation: Lee Wright of Wright Consult LLP, on behalf of landowners Millfield School

Please indicate the document to which your representation relates (e.g. policy, paragraph STR003 Land at Somerton Road, Street number, HELAA site reference)

Do you consider the Local Plan is Legally Do you consider the Local Plan is Sound 1 ? 1 Compliant? Yes Ö No Yes No. Ö

Do you consider it necessary to participate at examination hearings? (eg present oral No evidence)

Please provide details below of why you consider the Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound. Please be as precise as possible. If you wish to support the legal compliance and soundness of the plan, please also use this box to set out your comments.

HELAA Site Number STR003 Land at Somerton Road, Street

Introduction & Summary This site (STR003) has been put forward in the current Pre-Submission Consultation tranche of the land allocation process, as a site that is suitable for up to 200 dwellings.

The comments herein are provided on behalf of Millfield School, a significant local stakeholder and employer in Street and the surrounding environs.

Millfield School is sympathetic of the national need to significantly increase housing; as well as the local need, where housing needs to be allocated in Street. Not at least, new housing has the potential to benefit the school in additional pupils and the provision of housing for staff and for parents of existing pupils. The school must however, first and foremost focus on child safety; and this forms the basis of this objection to housing in this location, lying adjacent to the school and having a direct impact on traffic movements on the highway network around the school.

The comments provided herein firstly look at the issues of highway safety impacts relating to housing in this location; secondly as agent, we have looked at the wider Local Plan Part II issues in respect of the proposed methodology, as to the allocation of sites in Street and the wider Mendip District; and thirdly, mitigating policy that is requested to be incorporated into proposed Local Plan Policy ‘ST1: Land West of Somerton Road’, if this site is ultimately allocated.

1. The Impacts On Millfield School & Child Safety Proposed Local Plan Policy ST1, looks to allocate land for housing immediately west of the Millfield School campus in Street, with access anticipated to be off Somerton Road.

Somerton Road (B3151) runs along the west boundary of the school and is one of three major tributaries into Street that feeds the south. The other two tributaries being the A39 feeding from the north () and the west ( and ).

1 See our Online Guidance note on what these terms mean 2

Mendip Local Plan Part II: Sites & Policies - Issues and Options Consultation

Somerton Road is already an extremely busy route, with traffic from local and regional conurbations to the south that include , using this route. It is also used as a short cut for traffic using the A303 to access Clarks Village and Glastonbury.

The proposed site lies immediately opposite the west end of Keen’s Elm Lane that in turn intersects the school grounds and provides vehicular access to the school sports fields and swimming pool. Keen’s Elm Lane is used for coach and bus access to these facilities, as well as providing a well used shortcut with Butleigh Road and with traffic regularly travelling in excess of the posted 40mph speed limit.

In broad terms, the main campus has three adjoining roads, these being Butleigh Road that serves the main entrance as well as Somerton Road and Keen’s Elm Lane that serves other key access points to the campus.

Children living in Street cross Somerton Road to access the school and many day children are dropped off and picked up in Somerton Road, as so to avoid the peak congestion of the main entrance in Butleigh Road.

Since 2007, records 13 accidents on Somerton Road and 6 accidents on Butleigh Road; with 2 of the Butleigh Road accidents and 4 of the Somerton Road accidents, being located at the respective junctions with Keen’s Elm Lane. Crashmap does not record the many near misses that take place on a regular basis.

Both Somerton Road and Keen’s Elm Lane do not benefit any traffic calming measures, traffic regularly exceeds the posted speed limit and the school has held recent meetings with the County Highway Authority regarding road safety and understand that speed testing has been undertaken, to further aid discussions regarding possible traffic calming measures.

As a result of the already congested nature of Somerton Road and the lack of traffic calming or other safety measures, Millfield School objects to further housing on Somerton Road that can only serve to increase traffic movements on the highway network immediately around the school and thus, having a direct and negative impact on child safety.

2. Local Plan Part II – Land Allocation Methodology Comments

MENDIP LOCAL PLAN PART II PRE-SUBMISSION CONSULTATION Housing and Employment Allocations Section 10. Mendip Towns 10.3 Street, states (italics):

‘10.3.7 Street is identified in Local Plan Part I as a principal settlement. Core Policy 8 (Street Parish Strategy) indicates 1,300 new homes are to be delivered over the plan period in the town. 742 homes were completed to March 2017 and total identified supply is 1,235 dwellings leaving a residual of 65 dwellings against the Plan requirement. This includes the strategic site allocated to the west of Brooks Road.

10.3.8 Since Plan adoption, there has been limited progress to develop a masterplan for the strategic site. With development on the Houndwood site nearing completion, further allocations are warranted to support supply over the plan period.’

The NPPF requires that each Local Planning Authority demonstrate that there is a five year supply of deliverable sites for housing development. It is therefore imperative the council only allocate


Mendip Local Plan Part II: Sites & Policies - Issues and Options Consultation sites that are ‘deliverable’ and ‘developable’, as this will provide the best chance of five year housing land supply targets being fulfilled.

It is confirmed by the council that the strategic site west of Brooks Road is a stalled site and it is neither imminently ‘deliverable’ or ‘developable’ and as a result, the council should be investigating the reasons as to why the site is not being moved forward and be putting pressure on the landowner and/ or developer to develop the site.

However, allocating yet further housing such as STR003 on large sites, distant from town facilities that are likely to be difficult to bring to development, will do little to fill any imminent shortfall in housing sites and particularly so with this site; that has wide ranging issues relating to landscape, ecology and flooding: as identified in proposed ‘Policy ST1 Land West of Somerton Road’.

Furthermore, the proposed site looks to develop some 11.6ha of land at a very low density of 17.2 dwellings per hectare, which presents a very uneconomic and underuse of land in a town location where a much higher density, anywhere upwards of double the density proposed, would normally be expected.

We contest that the council approach in allocating such a high proportion of required housing to the market towns and using larger sites, is flawed.

It is widely accepted across the industry that larger sites consistently underperform in terms of housing numbers and delivery times due to planning on large sites being more complex, taking longer and simply not being able to get as many houses on a given area of land today, when compared to the number you could fit on sites in the past. This is due to all the additional space constraints required for higher parking provision, stormwater attenuation and the like and therefore, the underperformance of large sites comes as no surprise and is somewhat predictable: And this can be evidenced locally.

Immediately to the south of Mendip District Council, lies District Council, who do not have a five year housing land supply and in fact admit to a chronic and consistent undersupply; and that the council track record, is one of ‘persistent under delivery’. South Somerset’ are very specific in stating the reason is down to them having allocated most of their housing numbers against large sites in market towns that have underperformed and continue to underperform in terms of delivery times and numbers of houses; and as a result, South Somerset’ are now considering increasing allocation in the villages on smaller sites, where evidence shows such sites to have consistently performed (reference South Somerset District Council Five-Year Housing Land Supply Paper - September 2017, attached).

Unlike other adjoining councils, where due to cities and/ or exceptionally large conurbations comparison cannot be made; South Somerset’ with its very similar geographic and demographic to Mendip, makes for an excellent comparison. We can only conclude that if Mendip take the same route with the Local Plan Part II in allocating the majority of housing on large sites, the same fate will occur; and as a result, Mendip are likely at some point to fail on their 5 Year Housing Land Supply; with evidence suggesting this could be sooner, rather than later.

It is intrinsic to the problem to understand why smaller sites consistently perform in terms of numbers and delivery times. It is because they usually present less problematic issues in respect of commencing the build and are purchased by individuals or smaller developers, who simply cannot afford to do anything other than extract maximum value and do so quickly due to limited and expensive funding. Moreover, the developer is usually local which means they employ local people, ensuring a larger percentage of financial benefit goes back into the local economy and are more likely to care about local impacts.


Mendip Local Plan Part II: Sites & Policies - Issues and Options Consultation Allocation of more smaller sites would limit the ability of larger developers to obtain consents and then deliberately stall sites in the knowledge that either more sites will be allocated to make up the deficit; or moreso the council will miss five year housing targets, thus resulting in a further moratorium allowing the very same developers to obtain consents on more sites. Moreover, the developer of large sites is usually from outside of the area, does not usually employ many local people meaning little financial benefit goes back into the local economy and is likely to care less about local impacts.

As a result, more smaller sites should be allocated, which are readily ‘deliverable’ and ‘developable’, in order to maintain a 5 year housing land supply and reduce reliance on larger sites and certainly, there is no shortage of smaller sites district wide!

3. Proposed Policy ST1: Land West of Somerton Road & Suggested Mitigation

If ultimately this land is allocated and without prejudice to arguments already raised, it is requested that consideration is given to mitigating traffic impacts with further policy.

a. That a transport assessment be undertaken to assess traffic impacts on the surrounding highway network, in particular Somerton Road and any required traffic calming measures incorporated; and b. That a travel plan be provided.

We respectfully ask the council to draw to the Planning Inspector presiding over the Local Plan Part II, the comments herein.



South Somerset District Council Five-Year Housing Land Supply Paper (September 2017)

1. Introduction

1.1. This report sets out the latest position on the five-year housing land supply for South Somerset District Council (SSDC), for the five-year period from 1st April 2017 to 31st March 2022. Information and evidence is accurate up to and including 30th June 2017.

1.2. The Council recognises that the information in this report can only represent a ‘snap- shot’ in time. The position regarding the five-year housing land supply is constantly subject to change, whilst every house built, each planning permission granted, and every major change to the delivery timetable for a housing site will affect the position.

2. Background and Context

National policy

2.1. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (2012) requires that local planning authorities (LPAs) should use their evidence base to ensure that their local plan meets the full, Objectively Assessed Need (OAN) for market and affordable housing in the housing market area.

2.2. The NPPF requires LPAs to identify and update annually a supply of specific deliverable sites sufficient to provide five years’ worth of housing against their housing requirements. To this figure an additional buffer of 5% (moved forward from later in the plan period) should be added, to ensure choice and competition in the market for land.

2.3. If, and where, there has been a record of “persistent under delivery” of housing, the NPPF requires LPAs to increase the buffer to 20% (moved forward from later in the plan period) to provide a realistic prospect of achieving the planned supply and to ensure choice and competition in the market for land.

2.4. The National Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) (March 2014) reiterates the importance of identifying a supply of deliverable sites to provide five years’ worth of housing against housing requirements.

2.5. The PPG also provides a starting point for formulating the five-year Housing Land Supply, clarifying that: “Housing requirement figures in up-to-date adopted Local Plans should be used as the starting point for calculating the five year supply. Considerable weight should be given to the housing requirement figures in adopted Local Plans, which have successfully passed through the examination process, unless significant new evidence comes to light”.


Local Policy

2.6. The Council adopted the South Somerset Local Plan (2006 – 2028) in March 2015; and this confirms the District Council’s housing requirement.

2.7. The Local Plan sets out a housing requirement of 15,950 dwellings to be delivered over the 22 year period. This equates to an annualised average of 725 dwellings per annum.

2.8. The Local Plan is presently undergoing an ‘Early Review’; and it is anticipated that an Issues and Options Document will be published in the Autumn of 2017.

3. Determining the Five-year Housing Requirement


3.1. Given the status of the Local Plan, the starting point for calculating the five-year housing land supply is the housing requirement set out in Policy SS5 of the Plan.

3.2. In order to reach a conclusion on whether or not the Council can currently demonstrate a five-year supply of housing land, the following component parts need to be examined:

 The basic annual housing requirement;  The five-year basic housing requirement;  The net housing completions since the start of the Local Plan period in 2006;  Whether there is any shortfall against the Local Plan target which needs to be addressed;  The Council’s track record of ‘persistent under delivery’;  The appropriate buffer which should be added to provide choice and competition in the market for land; and  The buffer to be applied to the basic five-year housing requirement figure and the shortfall in housing delivery.

The basic annual housing requirement

3.3. The NPPG is clear that adopted local plans should serve as the starting point for calculating the five-year housing land supply. The basic housing requirement figures set out in SSDC’s Local Plan are:

 an overall housing requirement between 2006 and 2028 of 15,950 dwellings; and  an annualised housing requirement of 725 dwellings pa (15,950 / 22 years).

The five-year basic housing requirement

3.4. Determining the five-year basic housing requirement is calculated by multiplying the annual requirement over a five-year period. This equates to 3,625 dwellings (725 x 5).


Housing completions since the start of the Local Plan

3.5. In order to ensure that the identified housing need is being met, and to understand whether the Local Plan is ‘on track’ to deliver the agreed scale of growth, it is necessary to analyse housing provision over the Local Plan period. The level of completions in South Somerset since 2006 is set out in Table 1 below.

Table 1: South Somerset District Council – Net Housing Completions (2006/2007 – 2016/2017)

2015 / 2007 / 2014 / 3 Total 2014/ 2006 2008 2007/ 2009 2008/ 2010 2009/ 2011 2010/ 2012 2011/ 2013 2012/ 201 2016 2015/ 2017 2016/

Local Plan 725 725 725 725 725 725 725 725 725 725 725 7975 Target Completions 620 724 547 482 984 480 528 511 770 606 616 6868 (net) Progress Against Target -105 -1 -178 -243 259 -245 -197 -214 45 -119 -109 Per Annum Cumulative -105 -106 -284 -527 -268 -513 -710 -924 -879 -998 -1107 -1107 Shortfall

The shortfall in housing delivery

3.6. Analysing the level of net housing completions against the intended housing delivery target shows that there has been a shortfall in terms of meeting the housing target since 2006. The current shortfall in terms of what the Local Plan should have delivered against what has been delivered is 1,107 dwellings.

The shortfall to be addressed

3.7. Neither the NPPF nor the PPG set out a clear methodology for how the shortfall should be addressed. However, the consensus of opinion and legal precedent indicates that LPAs should use what is known as the “Sedgefield” method for addressing the shortfall. This would mean that the shortfall is addressed in the next five years of the plan period. This is in contrast to the method of apportioning the shortfall over the remainder of the plan period (known as the “Liverpool” method).

3.8. Adopting the “Sedgefield” method would mean that the entirety of the current shortfall is added to the five-year basic housing requirement figure. As such, the revised requirements would be 4,732 dwellings (3,625 + 1,107).

3.9. According to best practice, a review of planning appeal decision letters, and legal precedent, the Council’s track record would represent ‘persistent under delivery’. Under-delivery is more a symptom of the performance of the development industry and other market factors than the direct responsibility of the LPA.


The appropriate buffer to be added

3.10. Given that the Council’s track record represents ‘persistent under delivery’, according to Paragraph 47 of the NPPF, the Council is required to increase the level of buffer that is applied to the five-year housing land supply position.

3.11. According to Paragraph 47 of the NPPF, rather than the normal 5% buffer that should be applied, the Council must apply a 20% buffer so as to “provide a realistic prospect of achieving the planned supply and to ensure choice and competition in the market for land”.

3.12. Neither the NPPF nor the PPG set out a clear methodology for how the buffer should be applied when an LPA is in a position where there is an identified shortfall.

3.13. Analysing relevant planning inspector decision letters and best practice set out by the Planning Advisory Service indicates that the buffer should be applied to both the basic five-year housing requirement and the shortfall. Should further clarity and best practice emerge, the Council may alter its approach and methodology.


3.14. Table 2 provides a summary of the current five-year housing requirement in South Somerset. The overall conclusion is that the Council will need to be able to demonstrate a land supply capable of delivering 5,678 dwellings in the next five years, or an annual completion rate of 1,136 dwellings. This is significantly higher than the development industry has managed to deliver in the District each year since 2006.

Table 2: Overview of Component Parts of Five-year Housing Requirement

Component of Five-year Housing Requirement Method Total

Basic Housing Requirement (annualised) (15,950 / 22) 725 Basic Housing Requirement over a five-year period (725 x 5) 3625 Completions Since 2006 6868 Current Identified Shortfall (7975 – 6868) 1107 Basic Requirement Plus Shortfall (“Sedgefield”) (3625 + 1107) 4732 Basic Requirement Plus Shortfall with 20% Buffer (4732 x 1.2) 5678 Added


4. Identifying the Five-year Housing Land Supply


4.1. Both the NPPF and PPG provide the context from which the supply of housing sites can be determined. The NPPF at Paragraph 47 states that LPAs should: “identify and update annually a supply of specific deliverable11 sites…” and “identify a supply of specific, developable12 sites or broad locations for growth, for years 6-10 and, where possible, for years 11-15”.

4.2. The footnote numbers 11 and 12, which accompany the text in Paragraph 47 of the NPPF state that:

“To be considered deliverable, sites should be available now, offer a suitable location for development now, and be achievable with a realistic prospect that housing will be delivered on the site within five years and in particular that development of the site is viable. Sites with planning permission should be considered deliverable until permission expires, unless there is clear evidence that schemes will not be implemented within five years, for example they will not be viable, there is no longer a demand for the type of units or sites have long term phasing plans”.


“To be considered developable, sites should be in a suitable location for housing development and there should be a reasonable prospect that the site is available and could be viably developed at the point envisaged”. (emphasis added).

4.3. The PPG clarifies that planning permission, or allocation in a development plan, is not a pre-requisite for a site being deliverable in terms of the five-year supply. It re-iterates that LPAs will need to provide robust, up to date evidence to support the deliverability of sites, ensuring that their judgements on deliverability are clearly and transparently set out. If there are no significant constraints to overcome (such as infrastructure requirements), sites not allocated within a development plan, or without planning permission, can be considered capable of being delivered within a five-year timeframe.

4.4. The following component parts of the supply of land for housing have been included and Appendix 1 sets out the Council’s supply of housing sites in detail.

Sites with planning permission

4.5. The Council has identified sites within the District which benefit from planning permission (outline, full, reserved matters, prior approval, or permitted development). The Council has made a robust objective assessment of sites with planning permission and has included only a limited number of new dwellings on sites that are expected to remain dormant in the short to medium term.

4.6. The Council has also documented schemes where a planning application is pending a decision. These are not generally included within the first five years’ housing land supply unless there are clear reasons and expectations that the site will be approved and come forward and be delivered within that timeframe.


4.7. In analysing current and future planning applications and planning permissions the changes in permitted development, in use class; and conversions (including barn conversions) generate additional housing supply. For the avoidance of doubt these types of development where it is shown that they generate new housing are included in the calculation of new housing delivery and future housing supply.

4.8. Furthermore, the Council has seen an increase in the number of care homes and extra care homes within the District; and their delivery is included in the calculation of new housing delivery and future housing supply.

Sites with a resolution to grant permission subject to a Section 106 Agreement

4.9. The Council has also identified those sites where it has resolved to grant permission subject to the signing of a Section 106 Agreement. The Council considers that these sites have the same status of those sites which are in receipt of planning permission and has included them within the first five years of the trajectory of site delivery.

Sites within the Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment

4.10. Sites within the Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) have been identified in conjunction with the development industry and sites have been deemed as ‘suitable’, ‘available’ and ‘achievable’. The majority of the included HELAA sites are identified as ‘developable’ and therefore included within the later part of the housing trajectory (i.e. Years 6 – 10 and Years 11 – 15). However, some sites have been included within the first five-years of the housing supply, where planning permission has been granted.

Windfall Sites

4.11. The Council has consistently advocated that a proportion of its housing delivery occurs through windfall sites. The geographical extent and rural nature of the District, along with the range of settlement types and size, lends itself to small scale sites coming forward with no prior warning. This is particularly true in the smallest settlements in the District where minor infill plots and single home applications are commonplace. Similarly, Government’s relaxation of permitted development rights and change of use has resulted in additional windfalls.

4.12. The Council has adopted a conservative approach to avoid over-reliance on windfalls contributing to supply. The expectation is that the number of dwellings forthcoming will be greater, but the allowance included in the overall supply is 20 dwellings pa for 2017/2018 (Year 1) and 2018/2019 (Year 2) in order to prevent any double-counting of sites which are already in the system. The allowance is then increased to 50 dwellings pa for 2019/2020 (Year 3), 2020/2021 (Year 4), and 2021/2022 (Year 5), accounting for the greater take up of permitted development opportunities and the continued scale of permission granted to opportunity sites that emerge without prior knowledge.

4.13. The consequence is that 190 dwellings have been added to the supply; this represents 4% of the Council’s overall supply. The Council believes this is an extremely conservative approach to windfall given the nature of development proposals in South Somerset.


5. Conclusion

5.1. The Council’s five-year housing land supply requirement is currently 5678 dwellings.

5.2. Based upon the current assessment of future housing land supply for the period 2016/2017 to 2020/2021, the Council’s deliverable five-year housing land supply is 4,746 dwellings.

5.3. As such, the Council cannot currently demonstrate a five-year supply of housing sites and can only demonstrate a supply equivalent to about 4.2 years.

5.4. This means that the target figure for the next five-year period will grow again and makes achieving that target figure increasingly difficult; the required target is growing due to continued under-delivery, whereas the amount of forecast supply remains approximately the same.

5.5. A major factor in this shortfall is that the level of forecast completions in the District’s largest settlements are still not meeting expectations. Separately – and in combination – Yeovil, Chard and are not delivering the necessary numbers of dwellings to keep the overall District figures on track.

5.6. The overall conclusion has significant implications for the Council’s decision-making on planning applications.

5.7. Para 14 of the NFFP states that:

“At the heart of the National Planning Policy Framework is a presumption in favour of sustainable development, which should be seen as a golden thread running through both plan-making and decision-taking.”


“For decision-taking this means…..

where the development plan is absent, silent or relevant policies are out‑of‑date, granting permission unless:  any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits, when assessed against the policies in this Framework taken as a whole; or  specific policies in this Framework indicate development should be restricted”

5.8. Para 49 of the NFFP states:

“Housing applications should be considered in the context of the presumption in favour of sustainable development. Relevant policies for the supply of housing should not be considered up-to-date if the local planning authority cannot demonstrate a 5-year supply of deliverable housing sites.”

5.9. There have been lengthy legal discussions and deliberations for several years over what constitute ‘relevant policies for the supply of housing’ in Local Plans, but there has recently been a ruling made by Supreme Court of Appeal. This now provides


clarity on the relationship between the Council’s Development Plan, its position in respect of its five-year housing land supply, and the approach to decision-making. The details of the relevant case are set out below.

5.10. A development in Cheshire and another in Suffolk were at the centre of the case; one was approved and the other refused. Neither council were at the time able to demonstrate a five-year supply of housing land as required by the NPPF.

5.11. On appeal, the Cheshire Inspector decided that the Council’s Countryside and Green Gap policies were policies for the supply of housing and therefore “out of date”, while the Suffolk Inspector considered the Settlement Boundary and Countryside policies to not be policies for the supply of housing and therefore found them to be “up to date”.

5.12. Both decisions were challenged in the Court of Appeal on the basis the decision-taker had misunderstood the scope of the term “policies for the supply of housing”.

5.13. The legal case brought the two together: Hopkins Homes v Suffolk Coastal District Council and Richborough Estates v Cheshire East Borough Council.

5.14. The Court’s judgment broadened the definition of the “relevant policies for the supply of housing” in paragraph 49 of the NPPF, with the effect that it would refer to all policies that create or constrain land for housing development, such as green belt designation.

5.15. At that time, therefore, where a local authority could not demonstrate an up-to-date five-year land supply, these relevant polices were to be considered as not up to date.

5.16. The two councils were granted permission to challenge the Court of Appeal’s decision in the Supreme Court; the first time Supreme Court has considered the NPPF.

5.17. It found that the Court of Appeal’s interpretation of what “relevant policies for the supply of housing” means was wrong. It said that the “straightforward interpretation is that these words refer to the policies by which acceptable housing sites are to be identified and the five-years supply target is to be achieved. That is the narrow view”.

5.18. “In neither case is there any reason to treat the shortfall in the particular policies as rendering out of date other parts of the plan which serve a different purpose.”

5.19. According to the Supreme Court, the important question is not how to define individual policies, but whether the result is a five-year supply in accordance with the objectives set by paragraph 47.

5.20. “If there is a failure in that respect, it matters not whether the failure is because of the inadequacies of the policies specifically concerned with housing provision, or because of the over-restrictive nature of other non-housing policies. The shortfall is enough to trigger the operation of the second part of paragraph 14.”

5.21. The Supreme Court said it is paragraph 14, not paragraph 49, that provides the “substantive advice by reference to which the development plan policies and other material considerations relevant to the application are expected to be assessed”.


5.22. This means permission should be granted unless adverse impacts would significantly and demonstrable outweigh the benefits when assessed against the NPPF’s policies taken as a whole. This would also apply where specific policies in the NPPF indicate development should be restricted.

5.23. In simple terms, therefore, the implication of not being able to demonstrate a five-year housing land supply is not whether any particular policies within the Council’s Local Plan are deemed to be ‘out-of-date’, but that the weight accorded to the Local Plan is diminished in favour of the NPPF in the determination of planning applications.


6. Next Steps

6.1. Together with Mendip, and Taunton Deane Councils, the Council commissioned a Joint Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) to understand the nature of the housing market, and establish how much housing is required in South Somerset on an annual basis. This was published in October 2016.

6.2. This key piece of evidence will now inform choices and decisions about the amount of housing that is needed in South Somerset, whilst the recently completed HELAA has assisted in identifying potential sites for allocation within the Review of the Local Plan.

6.3. The conclusion of the SMHA is that, if ‘concealed’ households and Class C2 Uses (Care Homes) are included, the annualised assessment of Overall Housing Need (OAN) would be a maximum of 660 dwellings, as set out in Table 3 below.

Table 3: Objectively Assessed Housing Need 2014-2039

Projection Dwellings per annum Oxford Economics jobs–led projection + 2014-based Sub National 540 Household Projections headship rates 10-year based migration trend projection + adjustment for un- 589 attributable population change + 2014-based Sub National Household Projections headship rates 10-year based migration trend projection + 2014-based Sub 597 National Household Projections headship rates Annual allowance for concealed households 10 Annual allowance for C2 bedspaces 51 bed spaces Total 658 (or 660)

6.4. It should be noted that this is a lower requirement than the current figure of 725pa, although it is still higher than the number of annual completions secured in the majority of years since 2006. When the Council adopts a Revised Local Plan (2014- 2034) and a lower annual target is potentially adopted, any accumulated shortfall would be counted from the start of the Plan period in 2014 and may be more manageable with the current significant deficit reduced accordingly.


Appendix One – List of Housing Supply Sites


Total Planning 17- 18- 19- 20- 21- 22- 27- Housing SHLAA Ref Application Description / Rationale 18 19 20 21 22 27 31 Delivery Number (Net) Site Name YEOVIL 05/00753/OUT 300 232 Extant planning permission for 830 (REM for 298, 532 Left) S/YEWI/1501/ 16/00978/REM 782 Application Approved 15/03/12 (05/00931/OUT) S/YEWI/1512/ 100 50 50 50 0 Revisions to REM through 13/03501/S73 and 13/04826/S73A Brimsmore, Key Site, Thorne Lane 168 plots complete. Reserved Matters emerging for 150. REM Application Approved 15/03/12 (05/00931/OUT) 10/01875/REM Revisions to REM through 13/03501/S73 and 13/04826/S73A S/BRYM/1502/ 100 85 85 85 88 85 528 (696) 168 plots complete. Sales manager confirmed completion of all Land at Lufton - Key Site w ithin 5/6 years. 10/02973/REM 22 22 06/01050/OUT - Extant planning permission. Approved 03/03/11. (103) Commenced

12/00268/REM 50 50 32 44 176 Lyde Road Key Site (210) Extant planning permission. Approved 23/07/12. Commenced 103-107 Highfield Road, Yeovil S/YEOV/0202/ 09/03111/FUL 6 7 13 Extant planning permission. Approved 17/10/11. Commenced Extant planning permission. Approved 20/07/15. S/YEOV/1532/ 15/02606/FUL 1 1 27 Westfield Grove, Yeovil (12/00034/FUL) Extant planning permission. Approved 10/12/12 (13/04607/S73 S/EACO/1509/ 12/03031/FUL 2 2 Land at Key Farm, Dorchester Road, Yeovil changes to layout). Commenced 73-77 Hendford Hill 12/00236/FUL 13 13 Extant planning permission. Approved 30/06/12. Commenced Land adjacent Old Cinema Bed Centre, Court S/YEOV/1539/ 12/03120/FUL 6 6 Ash, Yeovil Extant planning permission. Approved 04/09/12. Commenced Extant planning permission. Approved 12/12/12. Commenced. S/YEOV/1531/ 12/03941/FUL 1 1 21 The Park, Yeovil Demolition completed 31/03/14 Land rear of 62 Fielding Road, Yeovil 13/01929/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 09/07/13. Commenced Garage Block, Central Acre, Yeovil 13/02335/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 12/02/14. Commenced. 72-74 Middle Street, Yeovil 14/01699/P3JPA 11 11 Prior Approval . Allow ed on appeal 26/02/15 82 Middle Street, Yeovil 14/04644/PAIA 1 1 Prior Approval. Approved 23/12/14 Stone Farm, Stone Lane, Yeovil 14/05095/FUL 2 3 5 Extant planning permission. Approved 05/02/15 Richmond Villa, 27 Higher Kingston, Yeovil 15/00065/FUL 2 3 5 Extant planning permission. Approved 23/02/15. Commenced 72 Grove Avenue, Yeovil 15/00401/FUL 2 2 2 1 7 Extant planning permission. Approved 26/03/15. Commenced Extant planning permission. Approved 13/09/02. Commenced (1 02/01821/FUL 3 3 15 Lyde Road & 1 Cromwell Road, Yeovil Complete, 3 Not Started) 166 Hendford Hill, Yeovil, Somerset, BA20 08/03324/FUL 12 12 24 2RD Extant planning permission. Approved 07/11/08. Commenced 46 & 46A Mount Pleasant, Yeovil, BA21 4JL 16/00029/FUL 7 7 Extant planning permission. Approved 09/06/16 Land Rear Of Old Barn Way, Yeovil, BA20 2PH 09/02073/FUL 12 12 Extant planning permission. Approved 14/09/09. Commenced


Land Betw een Victoria Road, Cromwell Road 09/02146/REM 8 8 8 24 & Lyde Road, Extant planning permission. Approved 16/10/09. Commenced Black Horse Inn, The Avenue, Yeovil, 13/04068/FUL 1 1 BA214BJ Extant planning permission. Approved 19/09/13. Commenced 2 Woodland Terrace, Mill Lane, Yeovil, BA20 14/00244/FUL 1 1 1NY Extant planning permission. Approved 23/01/14. Commenced 22 Woodland Terrace, Yeovil, BA20 1NY 15/01241/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 29/05/15. Commenced Land Rear Of 25 And 27 Glenthorne Avenue, 15/01952/OUT 1 1 Yeovil Extant planning permission. Approved 17/06/15 Bunford Heights, Road 13/01869/OUT 40 40 80 Extant planning permission. Approved 09/11/15 First Floor 77-83, Princes Street, Yeovil, 15/03154/FUL 1 1 BA20 1EE Extant planning permission. Approved 20/10/15. Commenced Land Adjoining 18 Camborne Place, Yeovil 15/02993/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 23/12/15. Commenced Allotment Gardens, Pen Mill Station 15/03190/FUL 3 3 Approach, Yeovil Extant planning permission. Approved 03/12/15 Land Adj 71 Chelstone Avenue, Yeovil 15/02063/OUT 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 01/07/15 72 South Street, Yeovil 15/05321/R3D 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 19/01/16. Commenced Land adj 5 Park gardens, Yeovil 15/03558/FUL 3 3 Extant planning permission. Approved 08/01/16 Land adj 40 Sunningdale Road, Yeovil 15/04918/OUT 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 01/06/16 142 Milford Road, Yeovil 16/00605/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 26/05/16 16/01351/REM Extant planning permission. Approved 23/05/16. Commenced 2 2 22 Ashford Grove, Yeovil (15/05553/OUT) 1 Goldcroft, Yeovil, BA21 4DX 16/01964/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 23/06/16 105 Preston Road, Yeovil, BA20 2DZ 16/05289/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 29/01/17 142 Preston Road, Yeovil, BA20 2EE 16/01226/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 19/05/16. Commenced 15 Wyndham Street, Yeovil, BA20 1JH 17/00485/PAI 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 08/03/17 1st & 2nd Floors, 19-20 High Street, Yeovil, 16/03309/FUL 3 3 BA20 1RF Extant planning permission. Approved 19/01/17. Commenced 2 Matthews Road, Yeovil, BA21 4JG 17/00565/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 28/03/17 (13/05059/FUL) 24 Sandhurst Road, Yeovil, BA20 2LE 16/04599/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 16/12/16. Commenced 4 Church Street, Yeovil, BA20 1HE 16/04494/COU 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 30/11/16 40-42 Hendford, Yeovil, BA20 1UW 16/04826/FUL 5 5 Extant planning permission. Approved 11/01/17. Commenced 44 Hendford, Yeovil, BA20 1UW 16/04462/P3J 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 24/11/16. Commenced 64 Beer Street, Yeovil, BA20 2AF 16/03934/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 08/11/16 74 Freedom Avenue, Yeovil, BA21 3JN 16/03028/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 19/08/16 79 Sherborne Road, Yeovil, BA21 4HE 16/00389/FUL 4 4 Extant planning permission. Approved 07/07/16 8-10 Church Street, Yeovil, 17/00594/P3J 4 4 8 Extant planning permission. Approved 28/03/17


94 - 98 Sherborne Road, Yeovil, BA21 4HN 16/00642/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 11/07/16. Commenced Central House, Church Street, Yeovil, BA20 16/04844/P3J 5 5 4 14 Extant planning permission. Approved 16/11/16 - 1HE 17/00979/P3JPA / 17/00973/P3JPA / 17/00981/P3JPA Land Adj 3 West Coker Road, Yeovil, BA20 17/00456/FUL 1 1 2LU Extant planning permission. Approved 09/03/17 Extant planning permission. Approved 12/12/16. Commenced Land Adj Orchard Gate, Little Tarrat Lane, 16/04389/REM 2 2 Yeovil, BA20 2RL (15/02479/OUT) Land Adjoining 20, Camborne Grove, Yeovil 16/01772/FUL 3 2 5 Extant planning permission. Approved 31/03/17 Land Adjoining 3, Everton Road, Yeovil, 16/01190/FUL 3 3 BA20 1UF Extant planning permission. Approved 08/06/16 Land Rear Of 155 West Coker Road, Yeovil, 16/03258/FUL 1 1 BA20 2HE Extant planning permission. Approved 09/09/16 Preston Park House, Preston Road, Yeovil, 16/01620/FUL 3 2 5 BA20 2EF Extant planning permission. Approved 21/06/16 Warehouse And Premises, 3 Newton Road, 16/04661/FUL 45 40 85 Yeovil Extant planning permission. Approved 31/03/17 Extant planning permission. Approved 29/06/17. Land Adj Hurn, Lufton Lane, , 17/01988/FUL 1 1 Yeovil, BA22 8SU (16/02888/OUT) 189 Sherborne Road, Yeovil 15/05056/COU 3 3 Extant planning permission. Approved 08/02/16. Land Off, Stone Lane, Yeovil 15/00763/FUL 15 14 29 Extant planning permission. Approved 28/03/17. 88 Southville, Yeovil 17/01316/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 15/06/17. E/MUDF/0002 & 14/02554/OUT 50 372 343 765 Outline Planning application pending consideration. Within SUE Upper , Primrose Lane, Yeovil 0003 DOG Outline Planning application pending consideration. Within SUE S/EACO/0024 15/01000/OUT 440 360 800 Land At Keyford, Dorchester Road, Yeovil DOG Land adj Old Cinema Bed Centre, Court Ash 17/00221/OUT 0 Planning permission pending consideration (10) Goldcroft Allotments, Milford Road, Yeovil 13/00541/OUT 0 Planning permission pending consideration (29) Land at Tithe Court, Yeovil 11/02930/FUL 0 Planning permission pending consideration (1) 108/110 West Coker Road, Yeovil 17/01756/FUL 0 Planning permission pending consideration (8) Planning permission pending consideration. Site is available and Land Adj Yeovil Town Football Club S/BRYM/0501/ 15/03513/OUT 10 10 Boundary Road, BA22 8YF developable. Land North of Oak Farm, Thorne Lane, S/BRYM/0001/C 120 120 Yeovil, Somerset Site is available and developable. Land at Dairy House Farm, Yeovil, Somerset S/BRYM/0002/ 38 38 Site is available and developable. Developer interest. Off Sandhurst Road & Plackett Lane, Gunville S/EACO/0003/ 445 445 Lane, Yeovil, Somerset Site is available and developable. Site is available and developable. Pre-application discussions Windsor House, Yeovil Road, Yeovil, S/EACO/0007/ 6 6 Somerset taking place. Greggs Riding School, Plackett Lane, East S/EACO/0020/ 150 150 Coker Site is available and developable. Key Farm, Dorchester Road, Yeovil S/EACO/0022 460 460 Site is available and developable. 14

Land at Bunford Hollow, West Coker, Yeovil, S/WECO/0011/ 80 80 Somerset Site is available and developable. Yeovil Cattle Market Site, Market Street, BA20 S/YEOV/1302/ 50 50 1HS Site is available and developable but aw are of abnormal costs. Land adj Brimsmore House, Brimsmore, S/YEWI/0001/ 100 100 Yeovil Site is available and developable. Brimsmore Tree Farm, Road, S/YEWI/0003/ 100 100 Yeovil Site is available and developable. Land at 269 Mudford Road, Yeovil S/YEWI/0500 10 10 Site is available and developable. S/YEWI/0006 & Land at Marshes Hill Farm and at the junction 50 50 of Combe Street Lane and A37 0007 Site is available and developable. S/YEWI/0004& 60 60 Land north of Mudford Road E/MUDF/0004 Site is available and developable. Land at White Post / Yeovil Court S/EACO/0004 130 130 Site is available and developable. Land at Camp Road (rear of White Post S/WECO/0009 75 75 garage) Site is available and developable. Pre-application consultation has taken place. Site is available 49 49 Nautilus Walk / Goldcroft, Yeovil and developable. YEOVIL SUB-TOTAL 323 304 250 268 233 1576 2473 5427

Total Planning 17- 18- 19- 20- 21- 22- 27- Housing SHLAA Ref Application Description / Rationale 18 19 20 21 22 27 31 Delivery Number (Net) Site Name CHARD Land rear of 34 Upper Combe Street, W/CHAR/1525/ 10/04617/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 18/01/11. Commenced Crimchard, Chard Site of former 75 Furnham Road (Mount W/CHAR/1530/ 12/02691/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 11/10/12. Commenced Hindrance), Chard Extant planning permission. Approved 29/06/16. Developer W/CHAR/0012/ 15/02165/REM 30 25 23 78 advises start next year with completion w ithin 5 years. Land off Oaklands Avenue (12/04319/OUT) Store Hornsley rear of Crimchard, Chard 13/02652/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 23/08/13. Commenced Land at Touches Lane, Chard W/CHAR/0010/ 14/00554/REM 4 4 Extant planning permission. Approved 15/07/15. Commenced The Former Tyre Depot, Silver Street, Chard 07/02577/FUL 11 11 22 Extant planning permission. Approved 10/10/08. Commenced Land Rear Of 46, Fore Street, Chard 15/00984/FUL 2 2 4 Extant planning permission. Approved 21/05/15 36A Holyrood Street, Chard 15/04473/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 24/11/15. Commenced Higher Middlepaine Farm, Hornsbury Hill, 15/05277/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 31/05/16. Commenced Chard The Firs, Touchstone Lane, Chard 15/05399/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 01/06/16. Commenced 16/00418/FUL Workshop Opposite High View Mews, 4 4 Extant planning permission. Approved 26/05/16 Victoria Avenue, Chard


12 Thorndun Park Drive, Chard, TA20 1BS 16/01069/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 08/03/17 12/13 East Street, Chard TA20 1EP 17/00096/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 30/03/17 Albert Goodman, 57 Fore Street, Chard TA20 17/00010/FUL 4 4 1QA Extant planning permission. Approved 01/03/17 Chataw ay House, Leach Road, Chard 16/02490/FUL 5 5 Business Park,TA20 1FR Extant planning permission. Approved 27/07/16 Extant planning permission. Approved 10/11/16. Chataw ay House, Leach Road, Chard 16/04088/P3J 16 16 Business Park, TA20 1FR (15/04283/P3JPA) Holbear House, Forton Road, Chard, TA20 16/03940/OUT 1 1 2HS Extant planning permission. Approved 16/11/16. Extant planning permission. Approved 31/03/17. W/CHAR/0007/ 16/03486/FUL 15 15 Land Off, Touchstone Lane, Chard (13/01942/FUL) Extant planning permission. Approved 15/09/16. 16/03134/FUL 1 1 Land Rear Of 19, Crewkerne Road, Chard (13/01942/FUL) Land Rear Of The Phoenix Hotel And Car 17/00074/OUT 2 2 Park, Fore Street, Chard Extant planning permission. Approved 16/03/17. Land Rear Of 23 Crimchard, Chard, TA20 1JS 17/00320/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 29/03/17. Slades Garage, Touchstone Lane, Chard, 16/04216/FUL 6 6 TA20 1RB Extant planning permission. Approved 23/11/16. The Church Hall, East Street, Chard, TA20 16/00306/FUL 5 5 10 1ER Extant planning permission. Approved 22/07/16. Commenced Planning Permission pending consideration. Site is available and Land North of Dolling Close, Chard, TA20 14/05511/FUL 9 9 1EB developable. Within CEDA. W/CHAR/0050 15/04772/OUT Planning application approved subject to S. 106. Site w ithin Land North of Road and Adjacent to 50 150 200 Forton Road, Chard CEDA. Land adj Holbear, Forton Road, Chard 16/02874/FUL 323 323 Planning permission pending consideration Land Adjoining Paintmoor House, Avishayes W/CHAR/0002/ 100 50 150 Site w ithin CEDA. Site is available and developable. Road (Part of Keysite) Land Adjoining Paintmoor House, Avishayes W/CHAR/0005/ 30 30 Site w ithin CEDA. Site is available and developable. Road Chard Key Site W/CHAR/0011/ 25 25 Site w ithin CEDA. Site is available and developable. Land Off Henderson Drive W/CHAR/0013/ 50 100 150 Site w ithin CEDA. Site is available and developable. Land to the Rear of Nursery Gardens, Chard W/CHAR/0015 10 10 Site w ithin CEDA. Site is available and developable. (Chard Key Site) Land north of Bondfield Way, Combe St W/CONI/0001/ 10 10 Site is available and developable. Nicholas Land South of A30 (TT Investments), 50 50 Site w ithin CEDA Phase 2 Crewkerne Road, Chard Land South West of Little Chippings, 300 300 Site w ithin CEDA Phase 4. Developer discussions taken place. Crewkerne Road, Chard CHARD SUB-TOTAL 14 96 37 34 61 688 510 1440


Total Planning 17- 18- 19- 20- 21- 22- 27- Housing SHLAA Ref Application Description / Rationale 18 19 20 21 22 27 31 Delivery Number (Net) Site Name CREWKERNE Extant planning permission. Approved 04/02/13 for 525 05/00661/OUT 50 162 212 dw ellings. (10 year permission)

Extant planning permission approved 20/09/13 to deliver 203 dw ellings of original 525 dw ellings. W/CREW/1523/ Remaining 322 dw ellings will be reduced by re-scoping of site in A 13/02201/REM 50 153 203 conjunction w ith 14/02141/OUT application. W/CREW/1523/ Overall Crew kerne Key Site now set to deliver a maximum of B 635 dw ellings Site is deliverable. Crewkerne Key Site 1 between A30 and A356

Extant planning permission. Approved 31/03/17 (110 houses, 60 Southern Phase Of Crewkerne Key Site, Land 14/02141/OUT 15 15 140 170 Off Station Road, Crewkerne bed carehome) 9 Church Street, Crewkerne W/CREW/1512/ 10/00601/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 03/06/10. Commenced Builders yard, Dairy Court, Crewkerne W/CREW/1513/ 10/03379/FUL 5 5 Extant planning permission. Approved 26/10/10. Commenced Kings Garage, Lyme Road, Crewkerne W/CREW/1517/ 11/00142/FUL 4 4 Extant planning permission. Approved 06/06/11. Commenced 18 Abbey Street, Crewkerne 13/00240/COU 4 4 Extant planning permission. Approved 30/07/13. Commenced Viney Bridge Mills, South Street Crewkerne 13/03278/FUL 29 23 6 58 Extant planning permission. Approved 24/12/14. Commenced TA18 8AE Liberal Hall, Court Barton, Crewkerne 14/02827/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 08/09/14.Commenced Rear Of 9, Market Square, Crewkerne 14/03271/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 22/09/14. Commenced 18 Abbey Street, Crewkerne, TA18 7HY 13/04115/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 05/02/14. Commenced 15 Langmead Square, Crewkerne, TA18 8EA 15/02040/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 04/08/15. 14 Bushfield Road, Crewkerne, TA18 8HN 15/04967/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 25/05/16. Commenced

2 Southmead Crescent, Crewkerne, TA18 16/03726/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 13/10/16. 8DH

5 Shute Lake Lane, Crewkerne, TA18 8AH 16/01543/FUL 4 4 Extant planning permission. Approved 29/06/16. Kings Arms, Market Square, Crewkerne, 16/03186/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 31/03/17. TA18 7LE

Plot 54, Alder Grove, Crewkerne, TA18 7DJ 16/02743/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 18/08/16. Extant planning permission. Approved 23/09/16. 16/01441/S73 6 6 The Shirt Factory, Abbey Street, Crewkerne (10/03806/FUL)

73A Southmead Cresent, Crewkerne 17/00138/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 08/05/17.

5 Hermitage Street, Crewkerne 17/01726/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 23/06/17.


Church Of St Peter, South Street, Crewkerne 16/03114/OUT 4 3 7 Extant planning permission. Approved 16/06/17. Land West of Lang Road, Crewkerne W/CREW/0003/ 10 10 20 Panel advise 6-11 years. Site is available and developable. Land south of Curriott Hill, Crewkerne W/CREW/0006/ 50 28 78 Panel advise years 0-5. Site is available and developable. Land rear of Penlain, East Street, Crewkerne W/CREW/0012 62 62 Panel advise 6-11 years. Site is available and developable. North of Ashlands Road, Middle Drive, W/CREW/0015/ 10 10 Panel advise years 0-5. Site is available and developable. Crewkerne North of Oak Lane, W/MERR/0012 7 7 Site is available and developable. Land east of Chestnut Avenue, Middle Hill W/MERR/0011/ 25 25 Site is available and developable. lane CREWKERNE SUB-TOTAL 4 48 34 29 118 619 38 890

Total Planning 17- 18- 19- 20- 21- 22- 27- Housing SHLAA Ref Application Description / Rationale 18 19 20 21 22 27 31 Delivery Number (Net) Site Name Bakers Yard, Shudrick Lane, Ilminster 13/04623/FUL 1 2 3 Extant planning permission. Approved 23/03/14. Commenced Former Powrmatic Site, Winterhay Lane, W/ILMI/0016/ 13/04935/OUT 22 50 72 Extant planning permission. Approved 15/01/15. Ilminster Extant planning permission. Approved15/10/15. Commenced W/ILMI/1517/ 15/04031/FUL 2 2 Spring Haven, Liscombe Close, Ilminster (13/05128/FUL) 9 West Street, Ilminster W/ILMI/1508/ 14/00323/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 26/03/14. Commenced Gooch & Housego Ltd, Cornhill Market Place, 14/01680/FUL 14 14 Extant planning permission. Approved 23/04/15 East Street, Ilminster, TA19 0AH Extant planning permission. Approved 26/05/15 Building Plot At Oakridge Townsend, 15/01479/FUL 1 1 Ilminster (11/054145/FUL) Rose Mill Farm, Station Road, Ilminster, TA19 16/02137/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 20/07/16 (15/01209/FUL) 9PS 54 East Street, Ilminster, TA19 0AW 15/02134/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 09/12/15 39 The Cross, Ilminster, TA19 0EH 15/02944/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 28/08/15 20 Silver Street, Ilminster, TA19 0DN 16/01167/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 10/10/16. Commenced 80 Blackdown View, Ilminster, TA19 0BD 15/04306/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 14/04/16. Barn Rear Of The Royal Oak, The Cross, 16/00102/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 26/07/16. Ilminster Ilminster Police Station, Police Station, Butts, 17/00336/FUL 7 7 Extant planning permission. Approved 30/03/17. Ilminster, TA19 0AY Land To The East Of Units At Broadoak, 16/00121/FUL 8 8 Extant planning permission. Approved 31/03/17. Canal Way, Ilminster TA19 0RN


Factory Site Dow listh Ford Mills, Greenway, 16/04060/FUL 0 Planning permission pending consideration (8) Dow lish Ford Planning permission pending consideration - Site is identified as the Direction of Grow th for Ilminster and w ithin Policy PMT3. W/ILMI/0011/B 16/05500/OUT 50 50 200 100 400 Land at Coldharbour Farm, Park Lane, Persimmon Homes are developer w ith strong track record in Ilminster Ilminster. Deliverable scheme. ILMINSTER SUB-TOTAL 4 23 14 50 75 250 100 516

Total Planning 17- 18- 19- 20- 21- 22- 27- Housing SHLAA Ref Application Description / Rationale 18 19 20 21 22 27 31 Delivery Number (Net) Site Name Extant planning permission. Approved 08/12/11. Commenced . E/WINC/0002 11/00639/FUL 13 13 26 New Barns Farm, Wincanton Overall scheme is for 212 dw ellings. Extant planning permission 21/06/10. Commenced 10/00014/REM 7 7 (05/00960/OUT) Land Adjacent to Linden Cottages, Old Hill, 13/01087/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 13/02/14 . Commenced Wincanton Land South of Bayford Hill, Wincanton E/WINC/0016/ 13/03318/OUT 14 30 44 Extant planning permission. Approved 27/01/15 5 Market Place, Wincanton 14/04620/COU 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 24/12/14. Commenced Brains Farm, Moor Lane, Wincanton 14/05207/PAMB 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 17/02/15. Commenced Former Works, Southgate Road, Wincanton, 06/01150/FUL 6 6 7 19 Extant planning permission. Approved 30/01/07. Commenced BA9 9EB Land Adjacent To Bellfields, Station Road, 08/01592/FUL 5 6 11 Extant planning permission. Approved 30/08/08. Commenced Wincanton Land to North of Dancing Lane, Wincanton E/WINC/0014/ 14/01704/OUT 12 13 25 Appeal allow ed 02/07/15 Applegarth Mall, 8 High Street, Wincanton 15/00368/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 07/04/15 2 Silver Street, Wincanton, BA9 9AW 14/05604/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 17/04/15. Commenced Extant planning permission. Approved 19/10/15 Land adjoining Verrington Hospital, Dancing 14/00838/OUT 10 15 30 55 Lane (12/00660/OUT) Breech Tree House, Churchfield, Wincanton 15/05427/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 21/01/16 10 Church Street, Wincanton, 15/05609/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 28/01/16. Commenced 24 High Street, Wincanton 16/01349/FUL 9 9 Extant planning permission. Approved 24/05/16 Vedelers Hey, Balsam Park, Wincanton, BA9 E/WINC/0803 15/00288/OUT 14 14 Extant planning permission. Approved 08/08/16 9 HB 6 High Street, Wincanton, BA9 9JP 16/04347/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 31/01/17. 8b Church Street, Wincanton 16/05245/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 30/01/17. Land South Of Cemetery, Cemetery Lane, 16/01659/OUT 30 30 60 Extant planning permission. Approved 01/11/16. Wincanton Wyvern, Church Street, Wincanton, BA9 9AE 16/02647/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 08/08/16.


Land Os 3969 Part Devenish Lane, Bayford 14/00479/FUL 3 3 Extant planning permission. Approved 17/10/14. Land rear 7 and 9 South Street, Wincanton 17/00757/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 08/06/17. 15 High Street, Wincanton 17/00641/FUL 3 3 Extant planning permission. Approved 25/04/17. Adjoining St Anne, Devenish Lane, Bayford, E/STTR/0001/10 30 30 Site is developable. Wincanton Sites are w ithin Direction of Grow th, which is identified for employment. Developer interest for residential remains. Long E/WINC/0003/ 142 142 Land South of New Barns Farm, Lawrence term proposition only and dependent upon Early Review of Local Hill, Wincanton Plan policies for Wincanton. Sites are w ithin Direction of Grow th, which is identified for employment. Developer interest for residential remains. Long E/WINC/0004/ 228 228 Land west of New Barns Farm, Lawrence Hill, term proposition only and dependent upon Early Review of Local Wincanton Plan policies for Wincanton. The Tything, Southgate Road, Wincanton E/WINC/0007/ 46 46 Brow nfield site, viability discussion required. Site is developable. SHLAA Panel has previously advised site is deliverable in Years Land at Junction of Verrington Lane and Old E/WINC/0008/ 16 16 6-10. Pushed back due to status of Local Plan. Site is Hill, Wincanton developable. Land surrounding New Barns Farm, West E/WINC/0009/ 42 42 Panel advise 6-11 years. Site is available and developable. Hill, Wincanton WINCANTON SUB-TOTAL 16 35 43 97 100 42 462 795

Total Planning 17- 18- 19- 20- 21- 22- 27- Housing SHLAA Ref Application Description / Rationale 18 19 20 21 22 27 31 Delivery Number (Net) Site Name SOMERTON Extant planning permission. Approved 11/08/15. Commenced Road Garage, Langport Road, N/SOME/1513/ 15/02172/FUL 1 1 Somerton (12/00383/FUL) Land at Northfield Farm, Northfield, 10/03704/FUL 35 35 35 105 Extant planning permission. Approved 17/05/13. Commenced Somerton 1-3 West Street, Somerton 13/03663/FUL 7 7 14 Extant planning permission. Approved 23/09/14 Extant planning permission. Approved 30/09/15. (12/01501/OUT 15/01004/REM 11 11 Home Farm, West End, Somerton / 14/04354/REM) Sunnycroft, Northfields, Somerton, TA11 6SL 06/02862/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 07/11/06.Commenced Extant planning permission. Approved 29/03/07. Commenced Land Rear Of Montecleffe House, Kirkham 07/00667/FUL 3 3 Street, Somerton (10/00330/S73) Land OS 0046 Part Catsgore Road, 13/03017/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 01/11/13 Somerton, TA11 7HX Kirkham Farm, Kirkham Street, Somerton, 14/05321/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 13/04/15. Commenced TA11 7NN Land Adjoining The Thatch, Behind Berry, 15/01687/OUT 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 02/06/15 Somerton


Extant planning permission. Approved 19/06/17. Land South Of Langport Road, Langport 17/00568/REM 20 20 20 90 150 Road (13/03272/OUT) Low er Barn, Sunhouse Farm, Pesters Lane 15/03043/COU 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 29/04/16. N/SOME/0004/ 15/03585/OUT 25 34 59 Land off Cartway Lane, Somerton & N/SOME/0005 Extant planning permission. Approved 23/03/17 Former Highways Depot, Etsome Terrace, 15/03232/FUL 5 5 10 Somerton, Extant planning permission. Approved 01/12/16. Former Somerton Service Garage Ltd, West 16/05155/FUL 6 6 Street, Somerton, TA11 6NB Extant planning permission. Approved 26/01/17. Pax,Bancombe Road, Somerton, TA11 6SD 16/03837/OUT 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 24/01/17. 5 West Street, Somerton 16/05508/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 18/04/17. Planning permission pending consideration Sutton Road Farm, St Cleers Road, Somerton 17/00598/FUL 4 4 8 Northfield Road, Bancombe Road, Somerton, N/SOME/0001/1 96 96 Site is available and developable. TA11 6RS 0 SOMERTON SUB-TOTAL 44 69 65 50 58 90 96 472

Total Planning 17- 18- 19- 20- 21- 22- 27- Housing SHLAA Ref Application Description / Rationale 18 19 20 21 22 27 31 Delivery Number (Net) Site Name Extant planning permission. Approved 13/02/03. Commenced . 02/02107/FUL 12 12 24 Hillcrest School, Castle Cary Demolition complete BMI Site 30 50 80 Pre Application Stage. Application expected later 2017. Extant planning permission. Approved 07/08/02. Commenced 07/05328/REM 12 12 24 Land at Nurseries, Castle Cary (03/00100/OUT) The Red House, 4 Cumnock Road, 15/04029/FUL 3 3 Extant planning permission. Approved 10/02/16. (11/02566/FUL) Workshop, Torbay Road, Castle Cary 14/00232/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 19/05/14 Extant planning permission. Approved 15/01/16. Land To The Rear Of Alma Field, South 15/04460/FUL 3 3 (14/01639/OUT) 17/01659/FUL Planning permission pending Street, Castle Cary consideration. Extant planning permission. Approved 22/12/15. Commenced Newstead, Station Road, Ansford, Castle 15/04490/FUL 1 1 Cary (15/00280/FUL) Hillcrest School, Ansford, Castle Cary 01/00562/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 23/04/01. Commenced Extant planning permission approved on appeal 24/07/15. Land Adj to Dunster House, Woodcock 14/05104/FUL 3 3 Street, Castle Cary Commenced Francis House, Fore Street, Castle Cary 15/03235/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 08/09/15. Commenced Blackberry Acres, Station Road, Castle Cary 17/01901/REM 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 12/06/17 (15/03330/OUT) High Lea, Cockhill Elm Lane, Castle Cary 15/04047/OUT 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 27/05/16


E/CACA/0005 Land at Part of Torbay Road, Castle Cary, 15/02347/OUT 30 30 30 75 165 Extant planning permission. Approved 21/06/16 BA7 7DT E/CACA/0008 Land East Of Station Road, Castle Cary E/ANSF/0001/ 15/00519/OUT 75 75 Extant planning permission. Approved 12/01/17 Wayside Farm, Station Road, Ansford, Castle 14/05623/OUT 125 125 Extant planning permission. Approved 12/01/17 Cary, BA7 7PA Ansford House, Cumnock Road, Ansford, 16/02843/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 04/08/16. Castle Cary, BA7 7HZ Constitutional Club, Station Road, Castle 16/00435/OUT 8 8 Extant planning permission. Approved 20/06/16. Cary, BA7 7BY Extant planning permission. Approved 01/11/16. Land Adjoining Well Farm, Lower Ansford, E/ANSF/0005/ 16/02187/REM 10 27 37 Ansford (13/03593/OUT) Land At Millbrook House, Station Road, 16/01464/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 07/09/16. Commenced Castle Cary Extant planning permission. Approved 21/10/16. (15/02388/OUT 16/01912/REM 25 25 25 75 Land At Station Road, Castle Cary, BA7 7PA & 14/02906/OUT) The Priory, Priory Gate Court, Castle Cary 16/04434/FUL 7 6 13 Extant planning permission. Approved 25/04/17. ANSFORD / CASTLE CARY SUB-TOTAL 20 58 74 94 74 325 0 645

Total Planning 17- 18- 19- 20- 21- 22- 27- Housing SHLAA Ref Application Description / Rationale 18 19 20 21 22 27 31 Delivery Number (Net) Site Name LANGPORT Extant planning permission. Approved 08/01/15. Commenced 14/03653/FUL 1 1 Shires Garage, Somerton Road, Langport (12/02670/FUL) Extant planning permission. Approved 10/04/17. N/HUEP/0005/ 16/04174/REM 16 20 36 Land west of Newtown Road, Langport (13/00314/OUT) Land North of Whatley, Langport 13/01766/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 27/06/13 Extant planning permission. Approved 08/10/15. Commenced Land at Station Close, Station Road, N/LANG/0800/ 15/03709/REM 3 2 5 Langport (13/01879/OUT) Great Orchard Stores, 19 Brookland Road, 05/02485/FUL 8 8 Extant planning permission. Commenced . Approved 28/07/06 , Langport, TA10 9TE Lou Lous, North Street, Langport, Somerset, 14/05362/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 17/09/15 TA10 9RQ Annandale, The Hill, Langport 16/00687/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 27/05/16 Extant planning permission. Approved 15/10/15. 17/02697/FUL 13/03483/OUT 20 30 30 80 The Trial Ground, Somerton Road, Langport Submitted for 94 pending White Lion Hotel, North Street, Langport 15/05563/COU 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 23/03/16 Extant planning permission. Approved 13/09/16. Commenced. Land OS 2643 Rear Of Orchard Bungalow, 16/03060/REM 2 4 3 9 Newtown Road, Langport (15/03313/OUT) Lavender Cottage, Newtown Road, Langport, 15/05502/OUT 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 18/04/16. TA10 9SE


St Gildas Convent And Land The Hill, 17/00135/FUL 5 5 Extant planning permission. Approved 08/03/17. Langport, TA10 9QF Extant planning permission. Approved 23/12/16. 16/04139/REM 1 1 The Oaks, Sandpits Hill, Langport, TA10 0NG (15/05492/OUT) Welcombe, Field Road, Huish Episcopi, 15/02113/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 18/06/15 Langport, Somerset, TA10 9SR Limit of max yield 24 due to abattoir, screening and highw ay Land South of Hanging Chapel Lane, Huish N/HUEP/0002/ 16 16 comments, in preferred direction of growth. Owner declared Episcopi available w ithin 5 years Flat, needs low density to match existing. Frontage only to match N/HUEP/0006/ 5 10 15 Ducks Hill Field, Huish Episcopi other side of road as not really contiguous. Application pending LANGPORT / HUISH EPISCOPI SUB-TOTAL 5 37 37 46 28 21 10 184

Total Planning 17- 18- 19- 20- 21- 22- 27- Housing SHLAA Ref Application Description / Rationale 18 19 20 21 22 27 31 Delivery Number (Net) Site Name Extant planning permission. Approved 23/01/15 16/00110/S73 to 14/00925/FUL 6 6 Hainbury Farm, Ilchester reduce from 7 to 6 dw ellings E/ILCH/0003/ E/ILCH/0005 15/00024/OUT 150 150 Extant planning permission. Approved 11/12/15 Land North Of Dragonfly Chase, Ilchester (Part) Land Betw een Hainbury Farm And B3151, 16/02507/FUL 5 5 Extant planning permission. Approved 11/08/16. Northover, Ilchester, BA22 8LA Land Rear Of 12 Free Street, Ilchester, BA22 16/03027/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 02/11/16. 8LY ILCHESTER SUB-TOTAL 0 6 6 0 0 150 0 162

Total Planning 17- 18- 19- 20- 21- 22- 27- Housing SHLAA Ref Application Description / Rationale 18 19 20 21 22 27 31 Delivery Number (Net) Site Name Old Bull Inn 5, Patw ell Street, Bruton 14/01673/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 02/06/14. Commenced Tolbury Farm, Tolbury Lane, Bruton 15/03527/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 28/01/16. Commenced Barns at Godminster Lane, Bruton 15/05201/PAMB 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 07/01/16 Land Off, Cuckoo Hill, Bruton,BA10 0HS 15/03274/FUL 20 20 28 68 Extant planning permission. Approved 28/03/17. Windw histle, 45 Coombe Street, Bruton,BA10 16/01956/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 29/06/16. Commenced 0ER


Wisteria House, 97 High Street, Bruton, BA10 16/03364/FUL 2 2 4 Extant planning permission. Approved 04/10/16. 0AR Land adj Burrowfield House, Road, 17/01171/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 02/06/17 Bruton Land and Buildings at Tolbury Lane, Bruton 17/01837/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 06/06/17 Land at Cole Road, Bruton E/BRUT/0005 14 14 Site is available and developable. Brew ham Road (Option Site) 70 70 Site is available and developable. Purchase negotiations betw een County Council and developer E/BRUT/0006/ 5 5 Land at Frome Road on- going. Site is available and developable. BRUTON SUB-TOTAL 2 2 23 23 28 84 5 167

Total Planning 17- 18- 19- 20- 21- 22- 27- Housing SHLAA Ref Application Description / Rationale 18 19 20 21 22 27 31 Delivery Number (Net) Site Name The Warehouse, Water Street, Martock N/MART/1514/ 10/02762/FUL 3 3 Extant planning permission. Approved 15/09/10. Commenced N/MART/1513/ Extant planning permission. Approved 21/05/14. Commenced . Showroom and Garages / Adj Martock 12/04897/OUT 19 19 Recreation Ground, Water Street, Martock N/MART/0015/ 15/01303/S73, 15/01624/S73A, 15/04814/S73A 56A Bow er Hinton, Martock 14/01792/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 06/06/14 Manor Barn, Manor Road, Martock, TA12 6JJ 06/01720/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 15/08/06. Commenced 15/01837/PAMB 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 04/06/15 Fosseway Farm, Stoke Road, Martock, TA12 6AQ 16/04453/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 24/02/17. 49 North Street, Martock 16/00860/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 27/03/16 Manor House, Church Street 16/01498/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 01/06/16. Commenced 18 East Street, Martock, TA12 6NG 16/01012/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 04/07/16. Land Adjoining, Steppes Meadow, Martock, 16/03757/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 08/03/17. TA12 6EN Taepper Court Farm, Foldhill Lane, Martock, 16/01710/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 27/09/16. TA12 6PQ N/MART/0002/1 19 19 Potential for development. Site is available and developable. Field Adj Hollies Close, Bower Hinton 0 Land to rear of Rose & Crown PH, Hurst N/MART/0005/ 5 5 could be done in conjunction 0009B Land South of East Street Drove, East Street, N/MART/0007 9 9 Road infrastructure improvements likely to be required. Martock MARTOCK / BOWER HINTON SUB-TOTAL 20 8 0 3 1 24 9 65


Total Planning 17- 18- 19- 20- 21- 22- 27- Housing SHLAA Ref Application Description / Rationale 18 19 20 21 22 27 31 Delivery Number (Net) Site Name 13 Newtown, Milborne Port E/MIPO/1505/ 11/00555/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 16/08/11 . Commenced Springfield, Station Road, Milborne Port E/MIPO/1508/ 14/03590/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 10/10/14. Commenced Extant planning permission. Approved 09/06/14. 17/01636/OUT The Old Mill House, Lower Kingsbury, 14/01514/OUT 1 1 Milborne Port Planning permission pending consideration. The Estate Yard, East Street, Milborne Port 09/01096/FUL 9 9 Extant planning permission. Approved 11/05/09. Commenced Extant planning permission. Approved 23/02/16 15/04820/OUT 1 1 (15/02372/OUT) 16/00351/OUT 3 3 Extant planning permission . Approved 04/04/16 16/03065/REM 1 1 Land At Nursery House, Wheathill Lane, Extant planning permission . Approved 09/07/16 Milborne Port 16/04015/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission . Approved 17/11/16 Eastlands Furlong, Furlong Lane, Milborne 16/02425/REM 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 01/08/16. Commenced Port,DT9 5HH Extant planning permission. Approved 20/07/16. Land At Junction Of Station Road, 16/01968/REM 2 2 Springfield Road, Milborne Port, DT9 5EH (15/04380/OUT) Land At Thatched Cottage, Newtown, 16/04233/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 05/01/17. Milborne Port, DT9 5BH Queens Head, High Street, Milborne Port, 16/01685/FUL 3 3 Extant planning permission. Approved 11/07/16. DT9 5DQ Swatchford Cottage, Lower Kingsbury, 17/01517/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 30/05/17. Milborne Port Land at Wheathill Lane, Milborne Port 56 56 Panel advise 11-15. Site is available and developable. MILBORNE PORT SUB-TOTAL 2 9 6 9 0 0 56 82

Total Planning 17- 18- 19- 20- 21- 22- 27- Housing SHLAA Ref Application Description / Rationale 18 19 20 21 22 27 31 Delivery Number (Net) Site Name Land adjoining 85 Stoodham, South N/SOPE/1507/ 15/01136/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 05/05/15 (12/04081/FUL) Petherton Extant planning permission. Approved 07/01/13. Commenced The Wheatsheaf Inn, Silver Street, South N/SOPE/1511/ 12/04508/FUL 1 1 Petherton 1 left to complete 34 Compton Road, South Petherton 13/01262/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 26/07/13. Commenced H R Hodge, 38 James Street, South Petherton 13/04694/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 07/02/14. Commenced


14/03258/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 08/10/14 - 11/03651/OUT

Land Rear Of 25, Hayes End, South Petherton 16/05463/FUL 4 4 Extant planning permission. Approved 03/03/17. 25 Hayes End, South Petherton, TA13 5AG 16/01986/OUT 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 15/06/16. Land at Sheria Cottage, Whitfield Lane, South 12/03954/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 31/08/14. Commenced Petherton The Flat, 29 St James Street, South Petherton 15/01216/P3JPA 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 22/04/15 26 Pitw ay, Silver Street, South Petherton, 16/00715/OUT 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 12/04/16. TA13 5AW 50 St James Street, South Petherton, TA13 15/05407/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 15/04/16. Commenced 5BN Land At Coles Farm, Coles Lane, South 16/02739/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 22/02/17. Petherton North Hayes, North Street, South 16/04114/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 03/01/17. PethertonTA13 5DA Parkway Farm,West Street, South 16/00646/FUL 2 2 4 Extant planning permission. Approved 19/09/16. Petherton,TA13 5DJ The Carriage House, Palmer Street, South 16/03979/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 09/01/17. Petherton, TA13 5DB Bradstones, North Street, South Petherton, 17/00265/OUT 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 05/05/17. TA13 5DA Extant planning permission. Approved 30/01/97. 1 left to 96/02922/FUL 1 1 Land at Lampreys Lane, South Petherton complete. Extant planning permission. Approved 05/09/90 3 left to 90/02361/FUL 3 3 Winmoor Farm, Moor Lane, South Petherton complete. N/SOPE/0001/1 Land to Rear of Littlehays, Bridgeway, South 4 4 Site is available and developable. Petherton 0 Land at Hayes End, South Petherton N/SOPE/0004/ 6 6 Will follow allocated site. Site is available and developable. Possible future strategic site. Flood risk issues w ill need to be Land Adjacent to Little Brook, Hele Lane, N/SOPE/0010/ 210 210 South Petherton examined. SOUTH PETHERTON SUB-TOTAL 3 14 7 2 4 6 214 250

Total Planning 17- 18- 19- 20- 21- 22- 27- Housing SHLAA Ref Application Description / Rationale 18 19 20 21 22 27 31 Delivery Number (Net) Site Name STOKE SUB HAMDON

Land adjacent to Stanchester School, East N/STHA/0003/ 13/03622/FUL 4 4 5 5 18 Extant planning permission. Approved 11/08/14 Stoke, Stoke Sub Hamdon Southcombe Bros Ltd, Land Adjacent To 16/03872/FUL 7 7 14 Extant planning permission. Approved 23/12/16. Great Field Lane, Stoke-Sub-Hamdon N/STHA/0001/1 Land Adjoining, Woodside, Road, 16/04061/FUL 7 7 14 Extant planning permission. Approved 24/02/17. Commenced East Stoke, TA14 6UQ 0


Southcombe Bros Ltd, Land Adjacent To Great Field Lane, Stoke-Sub-Hamdon, TA14 17/00186/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 08/03/17. 6QD Land Adjacent to 75 West Street, Stoke Sub N/STHA/0002/ 10 10 Frontage only. Site is available and developable. Hamdon Land os 8000 South of West Street, Stoke 17/01096/OUT 10 10 7 27 Planning permission pending consideration Sub Hamdon STOKE SUB HAMDON SUB-TOTAL 7 20 21 15 12 0 10 85

Total Planning 17- 18- 19- 20- 21- 22- 27- Housing SHLAA Ref Application Description / Rationale 18 19 20 21 22 27 31 Delivery Number (Net) Site Name REST OF DISTRICT Extant planning permission. Approved 13/12/11. Commenced E/ABTE/1506/ 09/03037/FUL 13 13 Rear of 18-24 Westcombe, (11/02147/S73) Extant planning permission. Approved 13/04/17. E/ABTE/0008/ 16/04551/REM 20 20 25 10 75 Land at Slades Hill, Slades Hill (12/03277/OUT) Land behind Lower Bank Cottage, Behind 13/00761/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 22/04/13. Commenced Hayes, South Cheriton, Templecombe Land Adjacent to the Gardens, 2 Slades Hill, E/ABTE/1509/ 14/02635/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 11/08/14 Templecombe 22 Woodhayes, , Templecombe 14/02759/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 28/08/14 3 Bow den Road, Templecombe 14/04806/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 08/01/15 Home Farm, Whitechurch Lane, Yenson, 15/00348/PAMB 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 18/03/15. Commenced Templecombe Extant planning permission. Approved 17/07/15 Commenced Land Adjacent to Greenhill, Lily Lane, E/ABTE/0006/ 15/01876/FUL 1 1 Templecombe (14/00920/OUT) Land Betw een Bankside And The Piggery , 15/02933/OUT 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 23/10/15 Lily Lane, Templecombe The Empire Farm, Throop Road, 15/04660/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 01/12/15 Templecombe Land Adjacent To Greenhill, Lily Lane, Extant planning permission. Approved 12/12/16. Commenced 16/04706/FUL 1 1 Templecombe, BA8 0HN (16/00595/OUT) Extant planning permission. Approved 07/03/17. Land At Roselands, Lily Lane, Templecombe, 17/00286/FUL 1 1 BA8 0HN (14/02523/OUT) 1 Vine Street, Templecombe, BA8 0JY 17/00335/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 30/03/17. 11 Throop Road, Templecombe, Somerset 17/01020/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 10/05/17. 1 Vine Street, Templecombe, BA8 0JY 17/00251/OUT 5 5 Extant planning permission. Approved 16/06/17. Rachel's Stables, Temple Lane. E/ABTE/0001/10 51 51 Panel advise 6-10 years. Site is available and developable. Templecombe


Parsonage Farm, Cary Road, Alford, Castle 15/01999/FUL 3 3 Barn A and C. Extant planning permissions. Approved 22/06/16 Cary, BA7 7PN Parsonage Farm, Cary Road, Alford, Castle 15/02324/FUL 1 1 Barn B. Extant planning permission. Approved 22/06/16 Cary, BA7 7PN Alford House, Alford, Castle Cary, BA7 7PN 16/03381/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 12/09/16. The Old Rectory, Church Lane, Alford 17/00120/COU 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 03/03/17. Commenced Clanville Manor Farm, Cary Road, Alford, 17/00845/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 15/05/17. Castle Cary Extant planning permission. Approved 16/02/16. Commenced 15/05639/FUL 1 1 Manor Farm Barn, Church Street, (06/01970/FUL) Uphill Farm, Foddington, Babcary, TA11 7EL 17/00746/PAM 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 31/03/17. Site is available and developable. But w ould have to follow E/BADA/0003/ 41 41 Laurels Farm, Mill Road, E/BADA/0004 Land opp. Wilfs Cottage, Main Street, Barton E/BADA/0004/ 54 54 Panel advise 6-10 years. Site is available and developable. St David Land At Southbrook Cottages, Bayford, 16/04308/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 11/01/17. Wincanton Manor Farm, Manor Farm Road, Blackford, 16/02443/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 30/09/16. BA22 7EE Land North Of Fair View, Tile Hill, 14/03786/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 21/10/14. Commenced Springfield Farm, Hardway, Brewham, 16/03125/REM 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 01/09/16. Bruton, BA10 0LN The Garage, James Hill, Brewham, Bruton, 16/04370/OUT 3 3 Extant planning permission. Approved 01/12/16. BA10 0JL Bratton Lodge To Cary Hill, Bratton 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 08/07/2015 Commenced Seymour 15/00522/FUL (13/03917/FUL) Land OS 5485 Whitehouse Farm, Hardway, 08/01221/REM 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 23/06/08. Commenced Bruton Land opp Park Farm, Dimmer Lane, Dimmer 12/04558/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 11/04/13. Commenced Land Off Hook Drove, Ashington Lane, E/LIMI/1504/ 16/02416/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 31/08/16 Barns At Draycott Farm, Ashington Lane, 14/03784/PAMB 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 06/10/14 Chilton Cantelo Pleasant Spot Barns, Broadacres, Charlton 13/04998/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 05/02/14. Commenced Adam Footsteps Stables, High Street, Charlton 15/04940/OUT 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 18/04/16 Adam, TA11 7AR Former Stables At Cedar Lodge, High Street, 14/02726/OUT 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 22/09/14 Charlton Adam Land Opposite Fox And Hounds, Broadway 16/02353/OUT 4 4 8 Extant planning permission. Approved 31/03/17. Road, Charlton Adam, TA11 7AU Eden Nursery To Leigh, 15/01008/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 27/04/15 Common, Charlton Musgrove


Land North Of Verrington Lane, Charlton 16/00041/FUL 4 5 9 Extant planning permission. Approved 16/09/16. Musgrove, Wincanton Land Adjacent Heatherwood, Charlton 16/00421/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 28/03/17. Musgrove, BA9 8HG Somerlea Farm, Charlton Musgrove, 16/04569/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 04/01/17. Wincanton, BA9 8HG Land Rear Of Wessex Barn, Ilchester Road, E/CHMA/1502/ 16/04175/OUT 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 29/11/16 Land Adj. Sandpits Lane, Sandpits Lane, 14/01115/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 18/07/14 Commenced Charlton Mackrell Land North East of Ilchester Road, Charlton 16/03353/OUT 3 3 Planning permission pending consideration (3) Mackrell Off Peddles Lane, Charlton Mackrell E/CHMA/0001/ 5 5 Panel advise 6-10 years. Site is available and developable. Land at Broadw ay Road E/CHMA/0003/ 30 30 Panel advise 6-10 years. Site is available and developable. The Bothy, Waterloo Farm, Waterloo 15/00985/COU 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 24/04/15 Crescent, , DT9 4NG Land OS 2000, Between The Dairy House And 17/00201/REM 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 16/03/17. Grangers, Stowell Road, Stowell Goat Hill Farm, South Cheriton, BA8 0BA 16/04341/PAM 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 10/11/16. Hayes Farm, Hayes Road, , 15/02220/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 22/07/16 TA11 6PF Land OS 6540, Seven Wells Down Farm, 15/02951/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 03/06/16 Land Adjacent To Wheat Sheaf Hill, Corton 16/04994/PAM 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 03/01/17. Denham Buildings At Compton Castle, Old Road, 16/01618/FUL 1 1 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 29/09/16. Manor Farm Barn, Manor Farm Road, 16/04954/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 18/04/17. Blackford Plaishbridge Farm, Long Lane, , 16/01451/PAM 1 1 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 24/05/16. BA9 9QL Brook Farm, Lears Lane, Cucklington 16/02180/PAM 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 29/06/16. Wincanton, BA9 9PW Land Adjacent To Thornvale, Babw ell Road, 16/04908/OUT 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 10/01/17. Cucklington, BA9 9PU Land adjoining Thornvale, Babwell Road E/CUCK/0001/ 6 6 Panel advise 6-10 years. Site is available and developable. Harvester Works, Mayfield Close, E/NOCA/1503/ 10/04671/FUL 4 5 5 14 Extant planning permission. Approved 09/10/13 Commenced Galhampton Yard Office, Long Street, Galhampton E/NOCA/0800/ 14/00741/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 12/02/14. Commenced Extant planning permission. Approved 19/01/16 Commenced 15/04687/REM 1 1 Land Adj Hearn Lane Galhampton, Yeovil (14/00825/OUT) Land Adjoining Church, Hambridge, TA10 16/03780/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 22/03/17. 0BQ Deneside, Shaftesbury Road, Henstridge 15/04220/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 08/12/15. Commenced


Land Os 6900 Part, Plott Lane, Henstridge, 16/01085/PAM 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 03/05/16. Commenced BA8 0SN Land Adjoining Keyham Cottage, Vale Street, 16/01259/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 20/07/16. Henstridge E/HENS/0001/1 16/02380/REM 16 16 Extant planning permission. Approved 17/08/16. Land At Furge Lane, Henstridge, BA8 0RS 0 Extant planning permission. Approved 17/05/17. Land At Park House, Whitechurch Lane, 17/01302/REM 1 1 Henstridge, BA8 0PA (16/02976/OUT) Land OS 0069, Whitechurch Lane, Henstridge 16/03158/OUT 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 08/12/16. Court Farm, Whitechurch Lane, Henstridge, 16/03208/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 30/09/16. Commenced BA8 0PA Tow nsend Farm, Stalbridge Road, Henstridge E/HENS/0001/ 10 10 22 42 Panel advise 1-5 years. Site is available and developable. Land south west of Townsend, Stalbridge E/HENS/0002/ 10 13 23 Panel advise1-5 years. Site is available and developable. Road, Henstridge Adj Enochs, Stalbridge Road, Henstridge E/HENS/0003/ 15 15 Panel advise 11-15 years. Site is available and developable. The Rectory, Holton Street, Holton 13/03344/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 15/11/13. Commenced Seraglio, Castle Street, , 13/04858/OUT 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 26/06/14 Somerton, Land North of the Light House, Barton Road, 14/02896/OUT 6 6 Extant planning permission. Approved 22/04/15 Keinton Mandeville Cyperda, Barton Road, Keinton Mandeville 14/04871/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 17/12/14. Commenced Extant planning permission. Approved 04/12/15. Commenced Land to the Rear of Claremont, High Street, 15/04771/REM 1 1 Keinton Mandeville (14/02723/OUT) Westfield Farm, Coombe Hill, Keinton 15/04974/PAM 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 28/09/16. Mandeville, TA11 6DQ Extant planning permission. Approved 12/01/17. Land At Lake View Quarry, Chistles Lane, 16/01832/REM 20 22 42 Keinton Mandeville (14/01333/OUT) Land East Of Manor Park, Keinton 16/03148/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 08/09/16. Mandeville, TA11 6EP Land Read of Cottons House, Cottons Lane, 17/00833/OUT 0 Planning permission pending consideration (8) Keinton Mandeville Land OS 9987 Queen Street E/KEMA/0007/ 7 7 Site is available and developable. Land adj Homestead, Queen Street, Keinton E/KEMA/0008/ 10 33 43 Panel advise 1-5 years. Site is available and developable. Mandeville Kingsdon Manor School Kingsdon 12/03098/FUL 4 4 5 13 Extant planning permission. Approved 25/04/14 Commenced Land at The Old Coach House, Kingsdon 17/01320/OUT 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 09/06/17. Land At Monarchs Way, Ashington Lane, 14/05525/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 19/04/16. The Old Forge, Limington Road, Limington 15/04446/OUT 5 5 Extant planning permission. Approved 23/02/17. BA22 8EH Hill View, Low Ham Road, Low Ham, 16/01183/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 24/05/16. Commenced Langport, TA10 9DY Land adj Heatger House, Lovington 15/00349/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 24/06/15 Land Adj The Pilgrims Rest Inn, Lovington, 16/00972/OUT 5 5 Extant planning permission. Approved 22/07/16. BA7 7PT


The Haven, Lovington Road, Lovington, BA7 16/02459/OUT 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 01/08/16. 7PX The Old Bakery, Lovington Road, Lovington, 16/03069/OUT 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 01/11/16. BA7 7PX Adjoining Lovington Primary School, Brue E/LOVI/0001/ 14 14 Panel advise 6-10 how ever not a sustainable settlement View Elliscombe Farm, Gibbet Road, 05/01729/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 15/07/07 Commenced Maperton Stud, Maperton, Wincanton, BA9 15/03868/FUL 2 2 4 Extant planning permission. Approved 15/04/16. 8EH Rookery Cottage, Blackford Road, Maperton 17/01073/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 07/06/17. Silverthorne Farm, Oborne Road, Milborne 12/00093/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 23/09/13 Commenced Wick Land Os 1700, Lovington Road, North 16/03264/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 09/09/16. Commenced Barrow , BA7 7NT Land OS 6586 At Thorneymarsh Farm, 16/03490/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 30/09/16. Commenced Thornymarsh Lane, , BA7 7NT North Barrow Farm, North Barrow, BA22 7LZ 16/03498/FUL 1 1 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 25/11/16. Tree Tops House, North Brewham, Bruton, 16/01319/PAM 1 1 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 11/05/16. BA10 0JS Land at Woolston Manor Farm, Woolston E/YARL/1500/ 11/02932/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 10/02/12 Commenced Road, Land south of Down Ash Farm, off A359, 13/05190/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 26/02/14. Commenced North Cadbury Green Hedges, Brookhampton, North Extant planning permission. Approved 26/11/14 14/04173/OUT 1 1 Cadbury (11/02198/OUT) Fir Tree Farm, High Road, North Cadbury 16/00640/PAMB 3 3 Extant planning permission. Approved 17/03/16 Land At The Barn House, Woolston Road, 16/00666/OUT 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 15/07/16. North Cadbury, BA22 7BL North Town Farm, Higher North Town Lane, 16/02410/FUL 1 1 1 3 Extant planning permission. Approved 06/09/16. North Cadbury, BA22 7BX Wessex Water Plc, Coombe Street, Pen 15/05122/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 12/04/16. Selwood, BA9 8NF Land Os 3832, Blackacre Hill, , Extant planning permission. Approved 12/01/17. 16/05324/PAMB 1 1 BA8 0AS (14/01333/OUT) Colestile Farm, Colestile Farm Lane, 16/00267/PAMB 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 03/03/16 Banksia, High Street, , BA22 16/01233/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 24/05/16. 7NH Fosters Farm, Fosters Lane, 14/04881/FUL 3 3 Extant planning permission. Approved 06/01/15 Land at Fosters Farm, North Barrow 17/01111/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 04/05/17. Land at Barns House , Chapel Road, South 14/04950/OUT 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 24/12/14 Cadbury Land adj 2 Rush Close, Folly Lane, South 15/03853/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 11/03/16 Cadbury


Extant planning permission. Approved 24/06/16. 16/05518/FUL 16/00748/REM 2 3 5 Land At Chapel Road, planning permission pending consideration (6) 1 Dairy Houses, Compton Road, South 16/03558/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 11/10/16. Commenced Cadbury, BA22 7EZ 1 Rush Close, Folly Lane, South Cadbury, 16/05306/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 03/02/17. BA22 7ES Land at Castle Lane, South Cadbury 13/02256/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 21/03/14.Commenced Dairy Farm, Compton Road, South Cadbury 12/01906/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 10/08/12. Commenced Land adjoining The Roundhouse, High E/SPAR/1502/ 12/01836/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 06/08/12. Commenced Street, Longhazel Farm, High Street, Sparkford, 14/01958/FUL 14 14 28 Extant planning permission. Approved 17/03/16 Yeovil, BA22 7JH Land adjoining Longhazel, High Street, 14/05009/REM 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 23/01/15. Commenced Sparkford Land Os 3432 Rear of the Burrows, High 14/05052/FUL 5 6 11 Application approved on appeal 23/11/15 Street, Sparkford Extant planning permission. Approved 13/07/15. Commenced Land Rear Of Annhurst, Wolfester Terrace, 15/02468/REM 1 1 Sparkford (14/04228/OUT) Barns to the Rear of Sparkford Hall, 15/03227/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 19/02/16 Sparkford Road, Sparkford Haynes Publishing, High Street, Sparkford, 16/00725/OUT 20 27 47 Extant planning permission. Approved 29/03/17. BA22 7JJ Home Farmhouse, High Street, Sparkford, 16/00726/COU 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 18/04/16. BA22 7JJ Land Os 4859 Off A303, Sparkford, BA22 7LD 16/01436/OUT 2 2 1 5 Extant planning permission. Approved 22/03/17. Land OS 9032 Part, Old London Road, 16/02227/OUT 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 12/07/16. Sparkford Land Adjacent To 2 New Cottages, High 16/02524/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 03/08/16. Commenced Street, Sparkford, BA22 7JG Land opposite Brooklands Barn, Brains 17/00408/OUT 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 27/04/17. Lane, Sparkford Land adj Barlely Cottage, High Street, 17/02213/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 21/06/17. Sparkford Barn On Land OS 5953, Beech Lane, Stoke 15/02961/PAMB 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 05/08/15. Commenced Trister, Wincanton, Somerset Land Os 0078 Part, Shaftesbury Lane, Stoke 16/00334/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 08/09/16. Trister, BA9 9PL Home Far (Building 2), Sutton Montis 14/02415/PAMB 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 28/07/14. Commenced Land At, South Street, , Yeovil, 15/00600/OUT 4 4 8 Extant planning permission. Approved 22/12/15 Somerset Steart Hill Farm, Steart Hill, West Camel 15/01400/FUL 6 6 Extant planning permission. Approved 12/06/15 Land At, South Street, West Camel 17/00176/REM 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 07/03/17.


Panel advise 6 dw ellings in years 0-6 Only those adjacent to E/QUCA/0001/B 5 5 7 17 road. Site split into A (south road) and B (fronting north or road), Rectory Farm, West Camel Road rest is landlocked. Panel advise 6 dw ellings in years 0-6. Only those adjacent to E/QUCA/0001/A 5 10 15 road. Site split into A (south road) and B (fronting north or road), Rectory Farm, West Camel Road rest is landlocked. Panel advise 6 dw ellings in years 0-6. Only those adjacent to E/QUCA/0001/C 5 5 road. Site split into A (south road) and B (fronting north or road), Rectory Farm, West Camel Road rest is landlocked. Searts Barns, Welham, Castle Cary 14/01886/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 18/06/14 Barn 1 Shatw ell Lane, 15/05709/PAMB 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 01/02/16. Commenced Shatw ell Farm, Shatwell Lane, Yarlington, 16/04044/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 16/11/16. Commenced BA9 8DL Barn At Oath Hill Farm, Wickmoor, Oath 17/00229/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 15/03/17. Commenced Land Opposite Turnpike House, Aller Road, 16/01949/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 18/07/16. Aller Beer Farm, Beer Road, Aller, TA10 0QX 16/02664/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 01/09/16. Commenced Land At Church View Close, Aller 16/04605/OUT 1 1 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 31/01/17. 47 Main Street, Ash 14/01420/OUT 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 19/05/14 41 Back Street, Ash N/ASHO/1500/ 14/05632/OUT 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 09/02/15 (11/05016/OUT) Ash House Country Hotel, 41 Main Street, 15/00743/COU 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 16/04/15 Ash 30 Highfields, Main Street, Barrington, TA19 15/04884/FUL 1 1 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 27/05/16. 0JJ Priory Farm, Main Street, Barrington, TA19 16/01340/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 25/05/16. 0JE Conservation Officer no objection in principle, but part of the site N/BARR/0003/ 38 38 Land OS 6624, Opp Village Hall, Barrington may need to be excluded to respect the setting of Grade II* LB Land OS 2200, Chilthorne Hill, Chilthorne 13/03084/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 22/10/13. Commenced Domer Orchid Stud, Ilchester Road, Chilthorne 16/01397/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 13/06/16. Domer,BA22 8RF Manor Farm, Littleton Road, Compton 06/01456/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 10/07/06. Commenced Dundon 07/04651/FUL 4 3 7 Extant planning permission. Approved 13/07/09. Commenced Transport Depot, Street Road, Compton Dundon 16/03045/FUL 3 5 6 14 Extant planning permission. Approved 31/03/17. Commenced Corner Farm, Compton Street, Compton 12/01214/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 23/05/12. Commenced Dundon, Somerton, Somerset Manor Farm Barns, Compton Durville 14/03743/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 06/10/14. Commenced Extant planning permission. Approved 04/11/14. Commenced . Corner Farm, Compton Street, Compton N/CODU/1505/ 14/03914/FUL 1 1 Dundon (13/03980/FUL) Land At Law s Farm, Middle Way, Compton 14/04153/REM 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 16/01/15. Commenced Dundon


Extant planning permission. Approved 09/12/15 Compton Randle Castlebrook, Compton 15/04642/REM 1 1 Dundon (14/04863/OUT) Extant planning permission. Approved 01/07/16.17/02014/REM Clarendon House, Street Road, Compton 16/00678/OUT 1 1 Dundon, TA11 6PY planning permission pending consideration Land Rear Of Maismore, Compton Street, 16/01569/OUT 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 19/07/16. Compton Dundon,TA11 6PS South Barn, Middle Farm, Peak Lane, 16/01880/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 10/11/16. Compton Dundon, TA11 6PE The Barn At Middle Farm, Peak Lane, 16/01882/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 10/11/16. Compton Dundon,TA11 6PE North Barn, Middle Farm, Peak Lane, 16/01887/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 10/11/16. Compton Dundon, TA11 6PE Low er Hurst Farm, Hurst Drove, Compton 16/04073/PAMB 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 11/11/16. Dundon Land at the Old Farmyard, Behind Town, 16/04307/OUT 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 23/12/16. Compton Dundon Land East Of 9 Ham Lane, Compton Dundon, 16/04312/OUT 1 1 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 25/11/16. Land At Junction Of Behind Town, Touch 16/04723/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 23/03/17. Lane, Compton Dundon, TA11 6PT Land Adjoining Woodland View, Ham Lane, 17/00423/OUT 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 31/03/17. Compton Dundon, TA11 6PQ Upper Hayes Farm, Hayes Lane, Compton 17/01148/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 09/05/17. Dundon Land adj to Breach Cottage, Currywoods 13/02721/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 04/09/13. Commenced Way, Land At Water Street, Curry Rivel 14/01048/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 30/06/14. Commenced Land North of Stanchester Way, Curry Rivel 14/03154/FUL 5 15 10 30 Application approved on appeal 01/10/15. Commenced Barn At Midleney Place, Langport Road, 15/00409/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 23/07/15 Curry Rivel, Langport, The Bungalow, Church Street, Curry Rivel 15/03009/FUL 3 3 Extant planning permission. Approved 27/05/16. Commenced Bell Hotel, High Street, Curry Rivel, TA10 0ET 15/03343/FUL 3 3 6 Extant planning permission. Approved 12/07/16. The Limes, High Street, Curry Rivel, TA10 15/04736/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 05/07/16. 0EY Osmond Bros, Water Street, Curry Rivel 04/01536/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 07/07/04. Commenced Red Hill Farm, Red Hill, Curry Rivel 17/01044/OUT 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 09/05/17. Panel advise Years to start 0-5. Site is available and N/CURI/0003/ 10 40 50 Land South of Dyers Road, Curry Rivel developable. Land Adjacent To Brick House, East Street, 15/01761/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 29/07/15 Drayton Fairview Farm, Law Lane, Drayton 15/02934/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 27/05/16. Commenced Land West Of Drayton Lane, Drayton 16/01869/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 23/09/16.


Land Adjacent To Langdons, East Street, 16/02244/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 07/09/16. Commenced Drayton, TA10 0LA John Alford Hambridge LTD, Builders Yard, 10/04094/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 03/05/11. Commenced Westmoor Lane, Hambridge Extant planning permission. Approved 10/04/17. 17/00600/REM 1 1 Iltonia, Westport, Langport, TA10 0BJ (16/03239/OUT) The Gospel Hall, Westport, Langport 17/01811/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 19/06/17. The Old Vicarage Nursing Home, TA10 0BG 16/02889/FUL 23 23 Extant planning permission. Approved 23/09/16. (Care Home) Land Adj Hillside Farm, West Henley Road, 15/01151/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 06/10/15. Commenced , Langport, Long Street Farm, Long Street, High Ham, 15/05750/FUL 1 1 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 27/05/16. TA10 9DN Fountain Farm, The Fountain, High 16/00922/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 15/07/16 Ham,Langport TA10 9DB Old Cary Cottage, Henley Road, High Ham, 16/02404/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 28/07/16. Commenced TA10 9BG Ark Farm, New Manor House Road, High 16/03242/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 13/09/16. Ham, TA10 9DP The Cottage, Picts Hill, Langport 17/00021/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 17/05/17. Land OS 6155 Part Picts Hill, Langport 17/01629/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 16/06/17. Land Adj to Fouracres, Picts Hill, High Ham 16/03673/OUT 4 4 Extant planning permission. Approved 30/06/17. Barns at Merricks Farm, Park Lane, Huish 16/00058/PAMB 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 24/08/16. Episcopi Land OS 4306 at Merriotts Farm, Wearne, 17/01301/FUL 1 1 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 15/05/17. Langport Green Acre, Rod Lane, N/ILTO/1501/ 12/02230/FUL 5 6 11 Extant planning permission. Approved 26/10/12. Commenced 1 Pennys Meade, Ilton, 14/03990/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 06/03/15. Commenced Land adjacent Clevehurst, N/ISBR/1503/ 12/00635/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission Approved 06/06/12. Commenced North Bradon Farm, North Bradon Lane, Isle 15/04611/FUL 2 2 1 5 Extant planning permission. Approved 12/07/16. Commenced Brew ers, TA3 6RY Land Adjacent Woodview, Thorney Road, 04/02037/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 31/08/04. Commenced Millborne, Westend, Kingsbury Episcopi 13/00238/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 19/03/13. Commenced Barn at Higher Burrow Farm, Burrow Hill, 13/01614/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 14/06/13. Commenced Kingbury Episcopi Extant planning permission. Approved 08/10/14. Commenced 14/03597/FUL 1 1 West View, Folly Road, Kingsbury Episcopi (13/01092/FUL) Land rear of Island House, Stembridge 15/04774/FUL 1 1 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 16/03/16 Four Winds Cider Farm, Ow l Street, East 16/00183/PAMB 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 11/03/16. Commenced Lambrook Coxs Farm, Silver Street, Kingsbury Episcopi, TA12 6AX 16/01606/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 01/06/16.


Crate Cottage, Folly Road, Kingsbury 16/02269/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 17/07/16. Episcopi, TA12 6AT Robin Cottage, Folly Road, Kingsbury 16/05176/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 22/03/17. Episcopi, TA12 6AT Adjoining Willowleaze, West End Lane, 91/01376/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 01/05/91. Commenced Kingsbury Episcopi Hawthorne Hill Deer Park, Haw thorne Hill, 17/01029/FUL 1 1 Planning permission pending consideration Land Adjoining Hamdown Lodge, Picts Hill, 16/03954/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 02/11/16. Commenced Langport, TA10 9EX Hill Crest, Sandpits Hill, Langport, TA10 0NG 17/00325/OUT 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 21/03/17. Christ Church, 14/03955/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 19/01/15. Commenced Sunnyside Farm, Lane, Lopen 14/04990/PAMB 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 22/12/14 Broomhill Farm, Lopen Lane, Lopen 16/01997/FUL 1 1 Planning permission pending consideration Greystones Shute Lane, Long Sutton 13/03062/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 23/09/13. Commenced 1 Westview, Shute Lane, Long Sutton 13/04297/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 28/02/14. Commenced Land At Vedal Drove, Vedal Drove, Long 14/03683/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 19/01/15 Sutton 2 Tavenders Cottages, Langport Road, Long 14/05314/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 06/02/15 Sutton Land South Of Greystones Off, Crouds Lane, 15/00986/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 15/01/16. Commenced Long Sutton Land Os 0097 Part, Longmarsh Lane, Upton, 16/00431/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 03/06/16. Long Sutton, TA10 9NW Long Sutton Farm Cottage, Martock Road, 16/04516/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 07/12/16. Long Sutton, TA10 9HU Barn At The Coach House, West Street, 16/02758/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 26/08/16. Stapleton Land Adjoining Sylvania, Stembridge, 16/05075/FUL 1 1 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 27/01/17. Martock,TA12 6BW Buildings At St Michaels Nursery, Mason 16/02706/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 23/09/16. Lane, Montacute Land At Woodhouse Hill, Woodhouse Lane, 16/04528/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 16/12/16. Montacute, BA22 8TN Rocklands Coach House, Little Street, Norton 14/03980/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 07/05/15 Sub Hamdon Land Part Of Former Garden Centre Site, New 14/04642/FUL 5 5 5 5 20 Extant planning permission. Approved 02/08/16. Road, Norton Sub Hamdon Land Adjacent To Quinta, Little Norton, 16/00976/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 27/05/16. Commenced Norton Sub Hamdon, TA14 6TE Greenham, Great Street, Norton Sub 16/05321/COU 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 26/01/17.Commenced Hamdon, TA14 6SQ Land opposite Autumn Leaves, Pibsbury Extant planning permission. Approved 08/05/15. Commenced N/HUEP/1509/ 15/00514/FUL 1 1 (12/03862/FUL)


Extant planning permission Approved 01/07/15. Commenced 15/00931/FUL 1 1 Highfield Farm, Windmill Lane, Pibsbury (13/05051/OUT) Vacant Workshop At Former Atkins Garage, 15/03365/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 27/05/16 Level View, Pibsbury, Old Nursery Farm, Windmill Lane, Pibsbury 17/00019/REM 4 4 Extant planning permission. Approved 14/03/17. Plot 1, Land Opposite Autumn Leaves, 17/00167/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 22/03/17 Pibsbury, TA10 9EJ Roman Farm, Park Lane, , Langport, 1 1 Somerset 15/00862/FUL Extant planning permission. Approved 13/07/15. Commenced Land Adjacent Chapel Farm, Upper Pitney 16/00549/FUL 2 2 4 Road, Pitney, TA10 9AF Extant planning permission. Approved 02/08/16. Pynes Farmhouse, Lower Pitney Road, 17/01399/OUT 1 1 Pitney Extant planning permission. Approved 18/05/17. Butterwell Farm, Lower Pitney Road, Pitney 17/01176/FUL 3 3 6 Planning permission pending consideration Lift West LTD, New Road, Seavington 14/01461/FUL 5 5 3 13 Extant planning permission. Approved 16/03/15 Land north of , Abbot N/SEMA/0003/ 20 20 Buffer needed to A303 Close Crofters, Lambrook Road, Shepton N/SHBE/1502/ 12/03438/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 19/10/12. Commenced Beauchamp Land rear of Duke of York, North Street, 13/03653/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 02/12/13. Commenced Extant planning permission. Approved 13/10/14. 17/01323/FUL Land North Of Hill Farm House, Lambrook 14/03029/OUT 1 1 Road, Shepton Beauchamp Planning permission pending consideration. Land OS 2733, Shells Lane, Shepton 16/01250/REM 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 06/06/16. Commenced . Beauchamp, TA19 0LX Land Off Shells Lane, Shells Lane, Shepton 16/02523/OUT 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 27/07/16. Beauchamp, TA19 0LX St Francis, Silver Street, Shepton 16/03411/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 23/09/16. Beauchamp, TA19 0JZ Land Rear Of Highfield, Lambrook Road, 16/04013/OUT 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 24/11/16. Shepton Beauchamp Extant planning permission. Approved 29/06/11. Commenced Land Rear Of Highfield, Lambrook Road, 11/01887/REM 1 1 Shepton Beauchamp (08/03783/OUT) Land Rear of Brimfield, Lambrook Road, 16/04716/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 21/12/16. Shepton Beauchamp Land To The North Of Fair View, Lambrook 16/04981/OUT 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 10/01/17. Road, Shepton Beauchamp, TA19 0LZ Little Dronfield Farm, Somertonfield 16/02821/PAMB 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 12/08/16. Road,Somerton, TA11 6HZ Workshop, Lower Stratton 13/04873/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 28/03/14. Commenced Colony House, , South 14/01062/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 31/07/14. Commenced Petherton Extant planning permission. Approved 12/05/17. 17/01305/FUL 1 1 Land adj Otranto South Harp, Over Stratton (15/05002/OUT)


Low er Farm, Lambrook Road, West 15/05688/FUL 2 2 4 Extant planning permission. Approved 05/07/16. Lambrook, South Petherton, TA13 5HA Dairy House And Barns, Yeabridge Farm, 16/00332/FUL 2 2 2 2 8 Extant planning permission. Approved 11/05/16. Yeabridge TA13 5LW Greenway Farm, West Lane, West Lambrook, 16/02802/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 15/08/16. TA13 5HA Anvil Cottage, New Cross, South Petherton, 16/03233/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 13/10/16. TA13 5HD Buildings, The Firs, South Harp, Over 16/05484/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 07/02/17. Commenced Stratton, TA13 5LF Orchardleigh, Stembridge, Martock 14/05468/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 05/02/15 (13/04609/FUL) Land At Trapnoles, Townsend, Tintinhull 14/02621/OUT 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 05/11/14 Perrins Hill Farm 3 3 Extant planning permission. Approved 23/02/16 Perrins Hill, Tintinhull 15/03386/FUL Barn At Northleaze Farm, Bearley Lane, 16/01473/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 25/05/16. Commenced . Tintinhull, BA22 8PE Land at Head Street, Tintinhull N/TINT/0004/ 10 20 30 Panel advise years 0-5 start. Site is available and developable. Farm Building At Whatley Farm, Whatley, 16/02061/FUL 2 1 3 Extant planning permission. Approved 02/08/16. Extant planning permission. Approved 20/08/15. Commenced 15/02841/FUL 2 2 Perham Farm, Wick, Langport (10/01337/FUL) Land Adjacent The Old Coach House, 16/04346/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 15/12/16. Commenced Westover, Langport, TA10 0DZ 9 Whitcross, Barwick 16/05374/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 06/02/17. Craigw ell, Prowles Cross, 14/05131/OUT 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 07/01/15. Extant planning permission. Approved 31/07/87. Commenced - 87/1041/FUL 6 6 Manor Farm, Closworth 1 plot complete 7 left. Land Betw een No.4 And Sunnycroft, Long 14/03277/OUT 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 08/09/14 Furlong Lane, Extant planning permission. Approved 29/07/16. Commenced - S/EACO/0008/ 15/02974/FUL 3 2 5 Tow nsend Farm, Main Street, East Coker, 3 complete Land Adjacent, Broadacres, East Coker, 15/05325/OUT 5 5 4 14 Extant planning permission. Approved 21/03/17. BA22 9LW Land Adjoining Moor House, Moor Lane, East 16/01628/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 14/06/16. Coker Land Off Moor Lane, Main Street, East Coker 16/05414/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 09/02/17. Land adj to Long Furlong Lane, East Coker S/EACO/0025/ 10 10 Panel advise years 0-5 but no planning permission or history Lime Kiln Farm, Broad Hill, Hardington S/HAMA/1500/ 12/02396/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 22/08/12. Commenced Mandeville (Plot 1) Lime Kiln Farm, Broad Hill, Hardington 14/02566/REM 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 19/01/15. Commenced Mandeville (Plot 2) Moor End Nursery, Moor Lane, Hardington 15/05598/FUL 5 4 9 Extant planning permission. Approved 08/07/16. Moor 16/00719/OUT Land Adjacent Finials, Rectory Lane, S/HAMA/0001/ 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 06/06/16


Land At Manor Farm, Lynch Lane, 16/04047/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 16/11/16. Commenced Hardington Mandeville, BA22 9PQ Land Rear Of Springfield, Hardington Moor, 17/00115/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 17/03/17. Commenced BA22 9NP Meadow View, Dray Road, Higher 14/00863/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 17/04/14. Commenced The Old Blacksmith workshop, Old Road, 15/04090/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 04/03/16 Higher Odcombe Land north of Midway, Adj Lakeside / Chapel S/ODCO/0004/ 46 46 Site is available and developable. Hill Coker Hill Farm, West Coker Hill, West Coker 15/02784/PAMB 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 30/03/16 The Castle Inn, High Street, West Coker,BA22 16/03683/FUL 3 3 Extant planning permission. Approved 25/11/16. 9AT Ow ner advised current discussions with SSDC regarding most Land adjacent to the Twine Works, East S/WECO/0004/ 44 44 Street, West Coker suitable form of housing. Land could be available in 12 months Whitehouse Farm, Rapps Road, Ashill, TA19 17/00269/PAM 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 28/03/17. 9LH Paddock Adj Square and Compass Public 16/05090/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 03/07/17. House, Windmill Hill Stew ley Cross Filling Station, Ashill 16/00899/REM 2 2 Planning permission pending consideration Land OS 3727, Windmill Hill Lane, Ashill W/ASHI/0001 10 30 40 Site is available and developable. Extant planning permission. Approved 08/01/10. Access Barn Rear of Glebe House, Main Street, 09/03072/FUL 1 1 Barrington commenced. Land at Hare Farm, Hare Lane, Broadway W/BROA/1502/ 11/01020/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 28/04/11. Commenced Hermitage Farm, Langs Lane, Broadway, 14/05671/PAMB 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 30/07/15 Ilminster Land At Vardens Farm, Broadway Street, W/BROA/0005/ 15/01053/OUT 3 3 3 9 Extant planning permission. Approved 26/09/16. Broadw ay Barn at Barrington Hill, Broadw ay 17/00404/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 18/04/17. Land East Of Tw o Oaks, Broadway Road, 15/04773/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 23/11/16. Broadw ay Extant planning permission. Approved 30/06/17. Abbotsford, Suggs Lane,Broadway, TA19 17/01960/REM 2 2 9JR (16/01106/OUT) Land West Of 1 The Lane, Broadway Road, 16/02836/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 14/09/16. Broadw ay Extant planning permission. Approved 02/11/16. Commenced W/BROA/0002 16/03261/REM 16 16 Land At Tanyard, Broadway (14/03636/OUT) Visually prominent, agent advises could come forw ard in 12 Land adj Westfields, The Pound, Broadway W/BROA/0004/ 12 12 Road months subject to planning permission Oak View Farm, Hare Lane, Buckland St 09/04319/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 18/02/10. Commenced Mary, Chard Tanlake Farm, Madgeon Lane, Buckland St 13/02897/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 02/10/13. Commenced Mary Crossways Farm, Hornsey Lane, Buckland St 13/04120/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 16/12/13. Commenced Mary


Land At Wreath Farm, Wreath Lane, Chard 16/04083/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 15/11/16. Orchards, Forton, Chard, TA20 2LZ 17/00078/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 30/03/17 Waggoners Cottage 12 North Street, 14/04663/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 27/11/14. Commenced 3 Taylors Orchard, Chiselborough, TA14 6TS 16/01218/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 17/05/16. Sticklepath Farm, Sticklepath, Combe St. 00/01306/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 29/08/01. Commenced Nicholas, Chard, Land Rear of Smithycroft, W/CONI/1501/ 10/01257/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 26/04/11 . Commenced Holemoor House, Holemoor Farm Road, 14/01973/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 25/06/14 Combe St Nicholas, Chard Land OS 1657 And Barn, Clayhanger 15/00320/FUL 2 2 4 Extant planning permission. Approved 10/01/15 Common, Combe St Nicholas Nimmer Mill, Nimmer, Combe St Nicholas 15/00761/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 23/04/15 Extant planning permission. Approved 08/06/17. Poltimore Farm, Poltimore Lane, Combe St 16/05530/FUL 2 2 Nicholas (15/02055/PAMB) Building 1 Clayhanger Cross, Combe St 15/05692/PAMB 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 15/02/16 Nicholas Building 3 Clayhanger Cross, Combe St 15/05693/PAMB 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 15/02/16 Nicholas Racehorse Re-Homing Centre, Pole Rue 16/01310/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 07/07/16. Commenced Lane, Combe St Nicholas, TA20 3LZ Land Os 7100 Part, Catch Gate Lane, Combe 16/04443/REM 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 09/11/16. St Nicholas, TA20 3PS 1 Combewood Cottages, Combe Wood Road, 16/05478/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 27/02/17. Combe St Nicholas, TA20 3NN Barn At Meadowbrook Farm , Mill Lane, 15/04986/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 11/05/16. Commenced Cudw orth,TA19 0PS Old Vicarage, Cudworth Street, Cudworth, 16/04469/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 29/11/16. TA19 0PR Sea Mills Farm, Greenway, Dowlish Ford, 16/04872/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 31/01/17. TA19 0SF Low er Sea Farm, Ilminster W/DONY/1503/ 12/01066/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 02/07/12. Commenced Peasmarsh Dairy Farm, Peasmarsh, Ilminster 14/05260/FUL 2 2 4 Extant planning permission. Approved 21/01/15. Commenced Crock Street Farm, Crock Street, 15/03691/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 06/10/15. Commenced Donyatt Garage, Donyatt, TA19 0RG 15/03963/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 28/02/17. Extant planning permission. Approved 01/12/16. 17/01683/REM 15/04316/OUT 2 3 5 Low er Sea Farm, Sea, Ilminster, TA19 0SB Planning permission pending consideration. Land at Horsey Farm, Crock Street, Donyatt 89/00696/REM 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 28/03/90. Commenced Extant planning permission. Approved 30/01/75. Commenced 2 750181/FUL 2 2 Kingsdon Cross plots complete 6 not started Extant planning permission. Approved 18/04/17. 17/01209/REM 1 1 Land OS 1210, West Ways, (16/03006/OUT)


Orchard Farm, Weston Street, East Chinnock, 16/03177/FUL 2 3 5 Extant planning permission. Approved 12/01/17. Commenced BA22 9EQ Old Court Farm, High Street, East Chinnock, Conversion of house into 2. Extant planning permission. 16/05461/FUL 1 1 BA22 9DP Approved 24/02/17 Old Court Farm, High Street, East Chinnock, Conversion of garden flat into 2. Extant planning permission. 16/05474/FUL 1 1 BA22 9DP Approved 15/02/17 Land at Forge Lane, East Chinnock 16/02193/FUL 1 1 Planning permission pending consideration Windy Ridge, Butchers Hill, 15/01486/FUL 1 1 Appeal Approved 25/04/16 Stow ey Barn, Stowey Lane, Fivehead, TA3 15/04839/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 09/05/16. 6PR Stow ey Farm, Stowey Road 16/05065/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 20/01/17. Turbury Woods, Forton, Chard 16/00331/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 19/05/16. Claycastle Farm, Claycastle, Haselbury 13/04874/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 11/04/14 . Commenced Plucknett Land off Merriott Road, W/HIGE/0002/ 10 10 Panel advise 6-10 years. Site is available and developable. Kimberley, Forest Mill Lane, Horton 14/04159/OUT 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 21/10/14 Thornleigh, Hanning Road, Horton, TA19 9QH 15/05637/OUT 4 4 8 Extant planning permission. Approved 31/05/16. Land Adjacent Thatchcroft, Pound Road, 16/04424/OUT 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 24/11/16. Horton, TA19 9QZ The Granary Adjacent To Horton House, 16/04999/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 05/01/17. Puddlebridge, Horton, TA19 9RL Stoneleigh, Pound Road, Horton, TA19 9QT 16/05162/OUT 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 25/01/17. Horton Cross Nursing Home, Horton Cross 16/02242/FUL 16 16 Extant planning permission. Approved 04/07/16. (care home) Thornleigh Caravan Park, Hanning Road, W/HORT/0001 9 9 Panel advise 6-10 years. Site is available and developable. Horton Land At Court Farm, Ilton 14/04158/OUT 20 20 7 47 Extant planning permission. Approved 23/01/17 Ilford Farm, Ilford Lane, Ilton 15/00139/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 23/04/15. Commenced Hill Farm, Cad Road, Ilton 15/02837/PAMB 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 17/08/15 Extant planning permission. Approved 25/05/16. 17/01662/FUL 15/04037/FUL 4 4 Wyndham Arms, Ilton, Ilminster, TA19 9EY Planning permission pending consideration Hill Farm, Cad Road, Ilton, TA19 9HF 16/04618/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 03/03/17. Barns At Lower Dairy, Wood Close Lane, 16/00568/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 07/04/16. Commenced Allow enshay,TA17 8TP Extant planning permission. Approved 22/05/17. Barns At Lower Dairy, Wood Close Lane, 17/00800/FUL 3 3 Allow enshay,TA17 8TP (16/04471/PAMB) Bere Mills Cottage Farm, Bere Mills Lane, Sea W/KNGI/1500/ 11/04525/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 22/12/11. Commenced Extant planning permission. Approved 27/06/14. Commenced W/KNGI/1501/ 14/00121/FUL 1 1 The Mill, Manor Farm, (13/02710/FUL) Barn At Widgery Farm, Wooley Lane, Knowle 16/03298/PAMB 3 3 Extant planning permission. Approved 07/09/16. St Giles


Know le Green Farm, Knowle Lane, Knowle St 17/01652/FUL 4 4 Planning permission pending consideration Giles 59 Lower Street, Merriott W/MERR/1502/ 10/03226/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 10/10/10. Commenced Moorlands Farm, Moorlands Road, Merriott 12/02126/FUL 9 9 18 Extant planning permission. Approved 04/04/13. Commenced Land at Easthams, Hill Farm, Yeovil Road, W/MERR/1504/ 12/02198/REM 5 5 Extant planning permission. Approved 20/09/13 . Commenced Crewkerne Holcombe House, Beadon Lane, Merriott 14/02863/OUT 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 28/08/14 Tail Mill, Tail Mill Lane, Merriott 14/04200/FUL 16 22 38 Extant planning permission. Approved 07/05/15 Commenced Boundary House, Beadon Lane, Merriott 15/05125/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 11/03/16. Commenced 73 And 77 Low er Street, Merriott, TA16 5NP 16/00574/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 28/06/16. Land Off Shiremoor Hill, Merriott, TA16 5PB 16/00865/OUT 10 10 10 30 Extant planning permission. Approved 28/03/17. Land Adjoining Number 5 Tail Mill Lane, 16/04321/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 23/11/16. Merriott Moorings, Shiremoor Hill, Merriott, TA16 5PH 17/00148/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 22/03/17. Land East Of Allenscroft, Church Street, 17/00382/OUT 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 21/03/17. Merriott, TA16 5QP Extant planning permission. Approved 20/06/88. Commenced 5 Warehouse & Outbuilding, Moorlands Road, 872872F 1 1 Merriott flats converted bungalow outstanding. Land South Of Crewkerne Station, Station 14/02913/REM 8 8 16 Extant planning permission. Approved 03/02/17 Road, Misterton Land At Wellspring Farm, South Perrott 16/00911/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 02/08/17. Road, Misterton, TA18 8NS Land Adjacent The Poppies, Silver Street, W/MIST/1504/ 16/00921/OUT 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 02/06/16. Misterton, TA18 8NG Land Off Orchard Way, Misterton, TA18 8NN 16/01093/OUT 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 01/12/16. Eastfield House, East Street, , 16/02692/OUT 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 05/09/16. TA18 7SW Land at Langdons Way, Tatworth 13/03067/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 11/02/14. Commenced Land At Loveridge Lane And Forton Lane, 14/01060/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 08/05/14. Commenced Tatworth Land South Of 6 Watermead, South Chard 14/01118/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 19/05/14 Land Os 7517 Part, School Lane, South 14/04519/REM 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 19/11/14. Commenced Chard Land Adj Rose Cottage, Tatworth 15/01711/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 03/06/15 (12/01151/FUL) Land OS 4680 Part, Parrocks Lane, Tatworth 15/01934/FUL 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 16/06/15 Land And Premises Barley Farm, Houses 15/02733/OUT 3 4 7 Extant planning permission. Approved 20/01/17. Lane, Tatworth Land Adjoining Stone Buildings, Parrocks 16/01470/OUT 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 07/06/16. Lane,Tatworth Parrocks Cottage, Parrocks Lane, Tatworth, 16/03716/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 09/11/16. TA20 2PB


Wreath Green/School Lane, Tatworth 17/00620/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 29/03/17. Commenced Manor Farm, Forton 16/03704/FUL 1 1 Planning permission pending consideration The Cricket School, Land OS 5051, 14/05190/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 12/05/15 Road, Wambrook Waggon House And Piggeries, Cotley Farm, 16/03631/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 29/11/16. Green Lane, Wambrook Land Betw een Lynchets And Applegarth, 16/00771/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 23/09/16. Commenced . Smiths Hill, 10/02792/FUL W/WECR/1503/ 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 09/09/10. Commenced (plot 1) 11/02466/FUL W/WECR/1504 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 04/08/11. Commenced Manor Farm, Hewish Lane, West Crewkerne (plot 2) Barn at Junction Stalkers Cross Lane to 15/04159/PAMB 2 2 Extant planning permission. Approved 02/11/15 Higher Farm Lane, West Crewkerne 24 Church Street, Winsham 13/00677/FUL 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 13/05/13. Commenced Land At Western Way, Winsham, TA20 4JH 15/00830/FUL 4 4 4 12 Extant planning permission. Approved 01/12/16. Land Os 7216 Part, Church Street, Winsham, 16/02521/OUT 1 1 Extant planning permission. Approved 20/10/16. TA20 4JY Victory Garage, Church Street, Winsham, 17/00033/FUL 2 2 4 Extant planning permission. Approved 29/03/17. TA20 4JD ROD Total 196 370 277 219 216 469 102 1849